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Desenvolvimento de videira `Niagara Rosada´ podada em diferentes épocas / Development of the \'Niagara Rosada\' vine pruned at different seasonsLourival Carmo Monaco Neto 30 August 2012 (has links)
A cultura da videira \'Niagara Rosada\' apresenta grande importância em diferentes regiões produtoras, principalmente no estado de São Paulo. Para a produção dessa uva é fundamental a utilização da técnica cultural da poda, que pode ocorrer em diferentes épocas. Dessa forma o presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar o desenvolvimento da videira \'Niagara Rosada\' podada em diferentes épocas mediante a análise de características como o comprimento dos ramos, velocidade média de crescimento de ramos, duração em dias de cada período do ciclo produtivo e soma térmica em graus-dia (GD). As épocas de poda adotadas foram de inverno, com realização em 04/08/2010 e de verão, com realização em 28/01/2011. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso com 7 e 8 unidades experimentais cada, totalizando 30 unidades. Cada bloco foi uma planta e a unidade experimental foi um ramo. Para a análise de médias foi empregado o teste de Tukey para comparar os tratamentos de poda de inverno e poda de verão. As variáveis foram comparadas em relação aos períodos do ciclo produtivos: poda à colheita, brotação à colheita, poda à brotação, brotação ao florescimento, florescimento ao início da maturação dos frutos e início da maturação dos frutos à colheita. Houve resultado significativo em todas as comparações entre os tratamentos, de forma que se confirmou que em relação ao tamanho dos ramos, a poda de inverno apresentou ramos mais compridos do que a poda de verão. Em relação à velocidade média de crescimento dos ramos, esta foi superior na poda de inverno do que o observado na poda de verão. Já na duração do ciclo produtivo, houve maior duração no início do ciclo na poda de inverno e maior duração no final do ciclo na poda de verão, de forma que no ciclo como um todo a duração foi praticamente a mesma. Finalmente para a soma térmica, a poda de inverno apresentou valores superiores em todo o ciclo, excetuando-se o período do florescimento ao início da maturação dos frutos, em que a poda de verão apresentou valores superiores. / The importance of the \'Niagara Rosada\" crop is major in several regions, especially in the state of São Paulo. In the production of this vine tree the use of pruning is essential, which can occur in several seasons. With that in mind, this study has as objective to compare \'Niagara Rosada\' vine tree\'s development under different pruning seasons by analyzing characteristics as the length of the branch, average branch growth velocity, duration in days of the production cycle and degreedays (DD). The adopted pruning seasons were the winter pruning, being done in 08/04/2010, and the summer pruning, being done 01/28/2011. As experimental plot were use 4 plants, with 7 or 8 branches each, with the total of 30 branches. To analyze the results was used the Tukey test, comparing the treatments in the different periods of the production cycle (Pruning to Harvest, Sprout to Harvest, Pruning to Sprout, Sprout to Flowering, Flowering to Early Ripening and Early Ripening to Harvest. There was a significant difference between the treatments in all the comparisons. For the length of the branches, the winter pruning showed bigger branches in all the periods than the length of the summer pruning. As for the average branch velocity, it was superior in all the periods in the winter pruning. When considering the duration in days of the periods of the production cycle there was, in the beginning, a longer duration in the winter pruning an a longer duration in the end of the cycle for the summer pruning. When considering the total duration both treatments presented almost the same number. Finally, for the degree-days, the winter pruning showed a bigger rate in all the cycle, except in the Flowering to Early Ripening period, in which the summer pruning showed a bigger rate.
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Aplicação de água carbonatada em abobrinha cultivada em solo com e sem cobertura plástica. / Application of carbonated water in summer squash cultivated in soil with and without plastic mulch.Wellington Farias Araújo 11 March 2002 (has links)
A técnica de aplicação de dióxido de carbono na água de irrigação é recente no Brasil, apresentando-se como alternativa promissora para o aumento da produtividade e para a otimização dos equipamentos de irrigação já instalados. Aliado a isso, o uso da cobertura plástica sobre o solo aumenta a temperatura deste e o mantém com umidade elevada por mais tempo, o que pode contribuir para a melhoria na produtividade e na qualidade dos frutos. A cultura da abobrinha de moita (Cucurbita pepo L.) constitui uma opção de pla ntio para os produtores de olerícolas, por possuir boa aceitação no mercado e poder ser cultivada o ano todo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito de quatro doses de dióxido de carbono, dissolvido na água de irrigação, e do uso, ou não, da cobertura plástica do solo, sobre o desempenho da cultura da abobrinha. Dois experimentos de campo foram instalados durante o ano de 2000, um com cultivo de maio a julho e outro, de setembro a dezembro na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz/ USP em Piracicaba, Brasil. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental de blocos completos ao acaso, em parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. Os tratamentos basearam-se na combinação de quatro doses de água carbonatada (parcelas), com e sem cobertura plástica de polietileno preto sobre o solo (subparcelas). Para o primeiro experimento, foram utilizadas as seguintes doses: 0, 59, 148, 274 kg ha 1 de CO2, enquanto, para o segundo, foram utilizados: 0, 71, 199, 365 kg ha 1 de CO2, aplicados via água de irrigação. No primeiro experimento, com temperaturas médias doar mais amenas, a área foliar, a massa de material seco da parte aérea e das raízes foram influenciadas tanto pelas doses de CO2, quanto pela cobertura plástica do solo. Isso proporcionou incrementos no número de frutos e na produção de abobrinha, sendo ajustados ao fenômeno modelos quadráticos. O maior rendimento foi de 15.435 kg ha -1 , com o uso de 58,4 kg ha -1 de CO2 , associado à cobertura plástica do solo, sendo 65% superior ao do tratamento-testemunha, que foi de 9.328 kg ha -1 . No segundo experimento, com temperaturas médias do ar mais elevadas, o rendimento e o número de frutos também foram influenciados tanto pela cobertura plástica, quanto pelas doses de CO2 adicionada à água de irrigação. O maior rendimento foi de 47.098 kg ha -1 , com uma dosagem de 100 kg ha -1 de CO2 para o solo nu. O conteúdo de nutrientes no fruto apresentou variação de acordo com a idade, sendo que as primeiras colheitas apresentaram teores mais elevados, o que, contudo, não tem relação com a água carbonatada e/ou com a cobertura plástica do solo. Os nutrientes presentes nos frutos em quantidades decrescentes, independente dos tratamentos, foram: K>N>P>Ca> Mg>Fe>Zn>Mn>B. Analisado aos 76 dias após o transplantio, o conteúdo de nutrientes em toda a planta foi influenciado pela água carbonatada e pela cobertura do solo. / The technique of carbonated water is recent in Brazil. It is coming as a promising alternative to optimization irrigation equipments already installed. The use of plastic mulch increases soil temperature and soil moisture levels. Both techniques can contribute to improve fruit yield and its quality. Summer squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) is a good option for horticulturists because of its good market acceptance and it can be cultivated all year. Two experiments were conducted under field conditions to determine the effects of fo ur carbon dioxide levels, dissolved in irrigation water, and plastic mulch on summer squash performance. The experiments were installed during the year of 2000, one with cultivation from May to August and other, from September to December in the experimental area at Agricultural Engineering Department of Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz/ USP, in Piracicaba, Brazil. All plots were arranged in a randomized complete blocks in a split plot design with three replications. The treatments were based on the combination of four levels of CO2 in the irrigation water with and without plastic mulch. In the first experiment, the levels of carbonated water used were: 0, 59, 148, 274 kg ha -1 of CO2. For the second experiment, it was used: 0, 71, 199, 365 kg ha -1 of CO2. In the first experiment, the leaf area, the dry matter above ground and roots were influenced by levels of CO2 applied in the water and plasticmulch. They influenced the summer squash fruits number and fruit yield. Quadratic models were fitted to the phenomenon. The highest yield was 15,435 kg ha -1 applying 58 kg ha -1 of CO2 associated with plastic mulch. In this case, the yield was 65% greater than control treatment. In the second experiment, the fruits number and the fruit yield were both influenced by levels of carbonated water and plastic mulch. However, the highest fruit yield was 47,098 kg ha -1 , and it was obtained applying 100 kg ha -1 of CO2 in a bare soil. The nutrients concentration in the fruits varied according to the age, without any relationship with the treatments. The nutrients order in the fruits was the following: K>N>P>Ca>Mg>Fe>Zn>Mn>B. At 76 days after transplant, the nutrients content in the plant was influenced by carbonated water and plastic mulch.
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Mobilidade turística nos Jogos Olímpicos de Verão Rio 2016 / Tourist mobility in the Rio 2016 Summer Olympic GamesAmanda Cabral da Silva 22 November 2017 (has links)
Os Jogos Olímpicos de Verão Rio 2016, fizeram com que a infraestrutura da cidade fosse modificada permitindo uma transformação no sistema de transportes. Esta pesquisa analisou a mobilidade turística durante a realização dos Jogos. Buscou-se compreender a disposição dos atrativos turísticos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e a localização das regiões Olímpicas (Barra da Tijuca, Copacabana, Deodoro e Maracanã) no sentido da mobilidade. Verificou-se a existência da integração dos meios de transporte com as regiões Olímpicas e também com os atrativos turísticos. Analisou-se os aperfeiçoamentos nos meios de transportes de modo a permitir o acesso aos atrativos turísticos para um futuro legado. A metodologia utilizada foi exploratória, de caráter qualitativo, na qual foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e de campo, pelo método de aplicação de questionários a turistas e por meio da observação participante. As entrevistas estruturadas contaram com uma amostra aleatória de 100 turistas, a partir das quatro regiões Olímpicas. Na observação participante, foram selecionados cinco atrativos turísticos, dentre os dez divulgados pelo governo para o turista e o morador local vivenciar a cidade durante a realização dos Jogos. Como resultado, identificou-se que houve uma mobilidade turística dado a nova disposição dos meios de transporte, em média avaliada como regular. Questões como informações turísticas, segurança e sinalização também ficaram em média avaliativa regular. Notou-se que os meios de transporte, assim como a mobilidade da cidade foram aperfeiçoados para os jogos Olímpicos, deixando de contemplar os atrativos turísticos presentes / The Rio 2016 Summer Olympics Games has caused a modification in the city infrastructure allowing a transformation in the transport system. This research analysed the tourist mobility during the Games. It was sought to understand the disposition of tourist attractions in the city of Rio de Janeiro and the location of the Olympic Zones (Barra da Tijuca, Copacabana, Deodoro and Maracanã) in the sense of mobility. The integration existence of the means of transport for the Olympic Zones and also for the tourist attractions has been verified and the improvements in Rio de Janeiros means of transports were analysed in order to allow access to tourist attractions for a future legacy. The methodology used was exploratory, of qualitative character, in which a bibliographical, documentary and field research was carried out, through the method of applying questionnaires to tourists and through participant observation. The structured interviews had a random sample of 100 tourists, from the four Olympic Zones. For the participant observation, five tourist attractions were selected, among the ten reported by the government for the tourist and the local resident to experience the city during the Games. As a result, it was identified that there was a tourist mobility given the new arrangement of means of transport, on average evaluated as regular. Issues such as tourist information, security and signaling were also averaged on a regular basis. It was noted that the means of transport, as well as the mobility of the city were improved for the Olympic Games, but failing to contemplate the present tourist attractions
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O presente e o passado no processo urbano da cidade de Petrópolis. Uma história territorial / The Present and the Past in the Urban Process of Petrópolis City (A Territorial History)Julio Cesar Gabrich Ambrozio 20 June 2008 (has links)
Debruçado sobre o presente espacial da cidade de Petrópolis, localizada ao norte da metrópole do Rio de Janeiro, entre as coordenadas de 43º 00 43º15W e 22º 15 22º 30S, este trabalho também investiga o passado espacial petropolitano. Desse complexo de formas do presente e do passado decorre a realidade sócio-espacial de Petrópolis. Esta tese se constitui como uma história territorial, pois, à sombra dessas formas, melhor dizendo, desse método, o espaço não pode ser compreendido sem uma investigação de sua origem e desenvolvimento, e nem o território deve ser avistado despregado do histórico relacionamento entre a sociedade e esse mesmo espaço. A urbanização de Petrópolis ocorre hoje nucleada pelo turismo; fez-se necessário, então, uma investigação sobre a urbanização passada determinada pela vilegiatura, sem esquecer a atividade industrial. A vilegiatura, aqui, foi conceituada como gênero diverso do turismo. Por conseguinte, Petrópolis foi planeada e construída como capital suburbana do Segundo Império, sendo, adiante, absorvida pela República. Petrópolis foi demarcada como certa espécie de campo de poder um espaço urbano constituído como território, i.é, espaço determinado por relações de poder historicamente delimitadas: um espaço conquistado, distinguido e nomeado por grupamento da elite brasileira que buscou estremar a forma da regência do espaço urbano de Petrópolis. A história desse território parece demonstrar uma linha continuada de territorialidade focalizada em determinações exteriores. Se a vilegiatura e a indústria deram no passado o viés forâneo da ordem urbana de Petrópolis, hoje, com o turismo, o fator exterior continua através de uma reconquista territorial levada a cabo por uma coalizão local gerenciada pelo poder público. / Bent forward the spacial present of Petrópolis city, localized at the north of Rio de Janeiro metropolis, between the co-ordination of 43º 00 43º15W e 22º 15 22º 30S, this work also investigates the spatial past of Petrópolis people. From this compound with present and the past shapes, occur the social and spatial reality of Petrópolis. This proposition constitutes as a territorial history as by this way the space cannot be understood without an investigation of its origin and development, and neither the territory must be seen without a link of the historical relationship between the society and this same space. The urbanization of Petrópolis nowadays is based in the tourism; so it has been necessary an investigation about the past urbanization determinated by the summer resort without forgiven the industrial activity. Here the summer resort has been judjed as a class different from tourism. By the way, Petrópolis was planned and built as a suburban capital of the Second Monarchy, and before it was absorbed by the Republic. Petrópolis was demarcated as kind of power field an urban space built as a territory, a space determinated by power relations delimitated by history: a conquested space, distinguished and denominated by the brazilian elite group that tried to demarcarcate the way of the urban space regency of Petrópolis. The history of this territory seems demonstrate a continual line of territoriality focalized exterior determinations. If the summer resorts and the industry have given in the past the outside look of the urban order of Petrópolis, today, with tourism, the exterior fact remains through the reconquer of land done by the local coalition managed by the public power.
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Journeying to the Father: Researching Faith and Identity in a Contemporary Catholic Youth Movement in CanadaGareau, Paul January 2016 (has links)
The New Evangelization (NE) is a recent development in the Catholic Church. It seeks to preserve, restore, and re-invigorate Catholic religious identity in the face of what it perceives to be a dominance of secular values. This proselytization program instigates personal religiosity among adherents in the hopes of forming an evangelical Catholic identity. However, little is known of the processes and discourses of Catholic evangelization, especially among young people in Canada. This thesis responds to the main question: How are young people engaging and interpreting evangelical modes of religious and socio-political identity, and integrating or negotiating this worldview within a pluralist Canadian society? This research, therefore, focuses on an annual summer Catholic youth conference called Journey to the Father as a case study that sheds light on the dissemination of Catholic perspectives, the development of a personal and charismatic religious experience, and the instigation of an evangelical impetus in young Catholic participants. Using participant observation and semi-structured interviews with both the adult organizers (ages 18 and older) and young participants (ages 13–18) in Journey to the Father, this research examines the processes of identity formation through affective and experiential religiosity, and the formulation of a minority identity politics among young Catholics within a diverse Canada. It also takes into account the correlation between an evangelical Catholic worldview and young people, spelling out different reflections on religion and society, experience and agency. This research emphasizes how young people negotiate (i.e. appropriate or negate) evangelical Catholic values and charismatic religious experience when forming their social, political, and religious identities, in order to gain an understanding of their socio-political position within a diverse Canadian society.
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Optimalizační model využitelný při plánování dětských táborů / Optimizing the distribution of participants in summer campsHlavenka, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the mathematical model, which is capable to divide participants of large summer camps into groups, according to specific limitations. The first part describes the economics model and all valid conditions. The second part is devoted to theoretical description. There are mentioned the basics of mathematical programming and the basic of working with Excel and VBA. The thesis describes only actually used methods. The following third part shows the final form of the model. So the reader doesn´t have to go through the whole process, described in the fourth part. There is a model testing in the fourth part, especially with the help of the Excel Solver. The problems are sold immediately. That is the reason why the fifth part can be used for implementation of working environment, which allows the end user to run the model without any significant knowledge of the issue. The app uses the wide possibilities of VBA. The sixth part briefly describes other add-ins, that are able to solve mathematical problem. The conclusion summarizes all the previous parts and offeres solution, that would be used in real application of the thesis.
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The purpose of this study was to provide a longitudinal profile of pitching performance in a cohort of pitchers over two collegiate seasons and a summer league. Thus, this study utilized a longitudinal design to evaluate the impact of summer league participation on subsequent collegiate regular season pitching performance. Specifically, the performance of a cohort of Division 1 collegiate baseball pitchers during the 2018 Spring collegiate season, 2018 Summer League season, and the 2019 Spring collegiate season was evaluated and stratified by pitcher designation, arm dominance, and academic status. Analyses of variance were used to identify main and interaction effects on pitching outcomes. The level of statistical significance was set at p < .05 for all analyses. Data were publicly accessed from thirty-seven Division I collegiate baseball pitchers who participated in a summer baseball league. Collectively, all pitchers significantly improved earned run average (p = .024), number of strikeouts (p = .011), and strikeout efficiency (p = .034) from 2018 to 2019 collegiate seasons. Whereas, starting pitchers (n = 15) yielded fewer earned runs (p = .039) and enhanced hit efficiency (p = .012) from 2018 to 2019 collegiate seasons. Relief pitchers (n = 16) produced significantly more strikeouts from 2018 to 2019 collegiate seasons (p = .012). Finally, there were no differences in pitching outcomes for closers (n = 6) over time (p > .05). Regarding arm dominance, right-handed pitchers (n = 23) improved win average (p = .001), strikeouts (p = .008) and strikeout efficiency (p = .031) from 2018 to 2019 collegiate seasons. Left-handed pitchers (n = 14) significantly improved earned run average (p = .015), earned runs (p = .048), and hit efficiency (p = .014). Regarding academic stratification, the freshman to sophomore cohort (n = 15) significantly improved number of pitches (p = .018), innings pitched (p = .019), hits (p = .029), and strikeouts (p = .003). Whereas, the sophomore to junior cohort (n = 21) significantly improved losses (p = .042) and hit efficiency (p =.028). The findings from this study indicate that participation in a summer baseball league may have improved several critical pitching metrics with implications to enhance team performance.
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Summer Research Assignments ReportGovett, A., Garris, Bill J, Moran, Renee Rice, Nivens, Ryan A., Barton, Alison L. 01 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Inclusion and Attitudes of Adolescents in a Camp SettingMusher, Deborah 01 January 2016 (has links)
Despite increased inclusion of individuals with special needs in educational and leisure settings, people with disabilities continue to experience social isolation. Research indicates that negative attitudes play an important role in contributing to this marginalization. This study examined the impact of an inclusion program at a residential summer camp on the attitudes of its typical participants. Participants in the treatment group (n = 30) experienced contact with peers with disabilities through structured, intentional programming while participants in the control group (n = 77) experienced less formal inclusive encounters. The Chedoke-McMaster Attitudes toward Children with Handicaps (CATCH) scale was administered to the treatment and control groups at the beginning and end of the summer session. Research questions were designed to examine the impact of consistent and formal contact through inclusion on the attitudes of participants in the treatment group and to explore whether or not there was a differential impact of different types of contact on attitudes of typically developing children. Results from 1-time repeated measures ANOVA indicated that attitudes of participants in the treatment group did not change significantly during the session but that attitudes among the treatment group did improve significantly more than did the attitudes among the control group, F(1, 105) = 11, p = .001. Influenced by these results, program directors in educational and leisure settings might prioritize creating formal opportunities for contact between people with and without special needs, thereby decreasing social marginalization, increasing genuine integration, and promoting positive social change.
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Marine Science Summer Enrichment Camp's Impact Ocean Literacy for Middle School StudentsYoung, Victoria Jewel 01 January 2017 (has links)
Although careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics have expanded in the United States, science literacy skills for K-12 students have declined from 2001 to 2011. Limited research has been conducted on the impact of science enrichment programs on the science literacy skills of K-12 students, particularly in marine science. The purpose of this study was to describe the impact of a marine science summer enrichment camp located in the eastern region of the United States on the ocean literacy skills of middle school students who participated in this camp. Weimar's learner centered teaching approach and the definition and principles of ocean literacy formed the conceptual framework. The central research question focused on how a marine science summer enrichment camp impacted the ocean literacy skills of middle grade students. A single case study research design was used with ten participants including 3 camp teachers, four students, and 3 parents of Grade 6-8 students who participated this camp in 2016. Data were collected from multiple sources including individual interviews of camp teachers, students, and parents, as well as camp documents and archival records. A constant comparative method was used to construct categories, determine emergent themes and discrepant data. Results indicated that the marine science camp positively impacted the ocean literacy skills of middle school students through an emphasis on a learner centered instructional approach. The findings of this study may provide a positive social impact by demonstrating active science literacy instructional strategies for teachers which can motivate students to continue studies in science and science related fields.
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