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The Possibilities of Sort OfRobinson, Jesse 01 January 2008 (has links)
Simultaneity and conflict are incessant qualities one is confronted with when looking at things. Shifting from familiar to foreign, from present to implied. There seems to be a tendency, if not necessity to embrace this multiplicity. Using the film theory construct of extra-diegetic and relative qualifier 'sort of' to investigate Pulp Fiction, Bose Wave CD player, Sunset Boulevard, American Apparel, and The Uncanny.
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Sex in public : public performances of gay sexLow, Stephen Andrew 13 July 2011 (has links)
Sex in public: public performances of gay sex examines how (re)presentations of gay sex in the theater challenge, complicate, and interrogate the concepts of public and private in contemporary culture. Specifically, Sex In public argues that (re)presentations of gay sex in the public forum of the theater forces audiences to confront how the concepts of public and private circumscribe, influence, and control the lives and bodies and queer white men. Employing the queer theoretical works of Michael Warner (Publics and counterpublics and The trouble with normal), Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (Epistemology of the closet) and Michel Foucault (The history of sexuality volume I) Sex In public specifically considers how (re)presentations of white gay male sexuality and sexual activity are particularly effective sites of analysis when confronting hetero-normative hegemonic divisions of public and private. Through in-depth performance and textual analyses of Tim Miller's seminal queer solo performance piece My queer body and Peter Carpenter's dance theater piece Bareback into the sunset, Sex in public illustrates how sex and sexuality performed in public, which provoke both the participants and a witnessing audience to feel shame, can construct community and build coalitions across social identity categories. In Sex in public, I claim that gay male performance in the forum of the public space of the theater is a "space of circulation in which it is hoped that the poesis of scene making will be transformative, not replicative" (122) and which carries with it "the original hope of transforming not just policy but the space of public life itself" (124). / text
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Exploring Los Angeles as a Character in FilmWilson, Maddie G. 01 January 2018 (has links)
In film, the construction of Los Angeles as a character has been defined through a series of specific theories that have seemingly misrepresented the unique and diverse nature of the city. Broken into two discussions, my paper will attempt to address 1) the way in which urbanization has influenced the landscape of the city of Los Angeles and how the creation of a heavy materialist culture in Amy Heckerling’s Clueless, the illusionary nature of Hollywood in Billy Wilder’s Sunset Boulevard, and corruption and abuse of power within the LAPD in Curtis Hansen’s L.A. Confidential manifest themselves as products of the this process and 2) the dominant narratives and themes that have been used to construct Los Angeles as a character in film.
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Verbal handling : En dramaturgisk analys av Before Sunsets dialogKruse, David January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur filmen Before Sunset (2004) skapar dramaturgi med dialog. Genom att analysera filmens dialog utifrån dramaturgiska begrepp i den klassiska berättarstrukturen ska studien se om begreppen kan likställas i verbal handling. Episk/lyrisk dramaturgi kontrasterar analysen för fördjupad förståelse och belyser andra förhållningssätt till berättarstruktur. Undersökningen finner att det går att likställa den klassiska berättarstrukturens dramaturgiska begrepp i filmens dialog. Den episk/lyriska dramaturgin går att identifiera i filmens berättande genom temat – tid och minnen som filmens dialog är strukturerad av. Analysen framför att klassisk berättarstruktur saknar verbal handling som ett definierat dramaturgiskt begrepp som går att dramatisera utifrån.
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Closing of 3G Sites : Model for Decision MakingChaudron, Emmanuel January 2018 (has links)
Radio access technologies evolving fast, mobile operators have to handle an increasing amount of base stations and frequency bands for their network to continue to function. This is a costly venture for mobile network operators that continuously have to keep up to date with never-ending advancements in technologies, as base stations are costly to build and to maintain. It is therefore necessary for these companies to investigate when to close down base stations that are not necessary anymore. With the upcoming release of 5G, it is expected that 3G is going to be less and less used—as of 2018, it is already less used than 4G in developed countries.This thesis analyses the corporate data of a mobile operator, Telenor Sweden, in order to make clear which metrics are important to take into account as regards to deciding whether or not to close down a base station. It provides methods and models to help a mobile operator to take such a decision. It focuses on UMTS (3G) base stations, even though the results can be generalized for other technologies as well.It evaluates the economic feasibility of closing a base station, with regards to how many users are still connecting to it. More importantly, it explains for what reasons users’ devices switch to 3G, and investigates what can be done to avoid switching from 4G to 3G, so as to make it easier to close down a 3G site. It provides eventually a model to help to know when closing a site, given the traffic data of the operator. / Radioåtkomstteknologier utvecklas snabbt, mobiloperatörer måste hantera en ökande mängd basstationer och frekvensband för att deras nätverk fortsätter att fungera. Detta är ett dyrt satsning för mobilnätoperatörer som kontinuerligt måste hålla sig uppdaterade med oändliga tekniska framsteg, eftersom basstationerna är kostsamma att bygga och underhålla. Det är därför nödvändigt för dessa företag att undersöka när man ska stänga basstationer som inte längre är nödvändiga. Med den kommande utgåvan av 5G förväntas 3G att bli mindre och mindre används. Från och med 2018 används den redan mindre än 4G i industriländer. Denna avhandling analyserar företagsdata från en mobiloperatör, Telenor, för att klargöra vilka mätvärden som är viktiga att ta hänsyn till när det gäller att avgöra om en basstation ska stängas eller inte. Det ger metoder och modeller för att hjälpa en mobiloperatör att fatta ett sådant beslut. Den fokuserar på UMTS (3G) basstationer, även om resultaten kan generaliseras för annan teknik också. Det utvärderar den ekonomiska möjligheten att stänga en basstation, med tanke på hur många användare som fortfarande ansluter till den. Viktigare är det att det förklaras av vilka anledningar användarens enheter växlar till 3G och undersöker vad som kan göras för att undvika att växla från 4G till 3G, så att det blir lättare att stänga en 3G-basstation. Det ger så småningom en modell som hjälper till att veta när man stänger en webbplats, med tanke på operatörens trafikdata.
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Manejo do horário da colheita do capim-marandu sob corte ou pastejo / Harvesting schedule management of Marandu grass under grazing or cuttingOliveira, Fábio Cortez Leite de 10 December 2014 (has links)
O ritmo circadiano das plantas e de ruminantes crepusculares parece ter co-evoluído no mesmo sentido: \"colher energia do sol\" durante o dia, estocar o excedente e utilizá-lo durante a noite. Diante disso, o manejo do horário da colheita de forragem emerge como possibilidade de incrementar a eficiência dos sistemas de produção animal em pastagens a um custo zero. Assim, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar em qual horário do dia é vantajoso concentrar a colheita do capim-marandu, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, sob corte ou pastejo. Durante a primavera e verão de 2012/2013, realizou-se experimentos para determinar o horário que ocorre máxima concentração de açúcares e amido (carboidratos não estruturais) na lâmina foliar e pseudocolmo de perfilhos de capim-marandu, e verificar os padrões de variação ao longo do dia e entre estratos verticais do relvado. Os acúmulos de carboidratos não estruturais na lâmina foliar e pseudocolmo, do nascer do sol até o início da noite, seguem tendência quadrática e as concentrações máximas ocorreram após às 15 h. Dessa forma, as concentrações de carboidratos não estruturais foram superiores no topo do relvado às 15 h, principalmente na primavera. Já as concentrações de N, fibra e digestibilidade in vitro variaram menos ao longo do dia, e mais devido aos diferentes estratos ou estações do ano. No mesmo período, foi conduzido um experimento de pastejo, para verificar se o horário de mudança de piquetes altera o comportamento ingestivo e o desempenho de novilhas de corte. Seis lotes foram manejados sob o método de pastejo rotativo, onde diariamente três lotes mudavam de piquetes às 6 h e outros três lotes mudavam às 15 h. O valor nutritivo da forragem foi avaliado no relvado pré-pastejo ou sob-pastejo, pela manhã e tarde, e o comportamento ingestivo dos lotes foi avaliado pelo monitoramento do uso do tempo e taxas de bocado dos animais. Após a mudança de piquete, os animais mantém altas taxas de bocado às 6 h ou 15 h, mas somente a mudança de piquetes às 15 h estimula a concentração das refeições no período da tarde, onde o valor nutritivo da forragem foi superior em relação ao amanhecer. No entanto, a mudança de piquete ao amanhecer, provocou aumento do tempo total de pastejo, distribuídos igualmente entre o período da manhã e da tarde. Concluindo, essa pesquisa traz informações novas a respeito da colheita do capim-marandu, como a possibilidade de obter forragem com incrementos significativos de carboidratos não estruturais, realizando um esquema de colheita após às 15 h, acima de 13 cm de altura na primavera e acima de 20 cm no verão. Já em relação ao horário de mudança de piquetes, apesar da mudança às 15 h alterar o esquema das refeições, compensações entre os padrões de pastejo e as variações do valor nutritivo da forragem ao longo do dia, resultaram em consumo de forragem e desempenho semelhantes entre os tratamentos. Por outro lado, pode-se considerar que a mudança de piquetes pela tarde, proporcionou mais conforto aos animais em relação à mudança pela manhã, uma vez que necessitaram pastejar por menos tempo, restando mais oportunidade para realizarem outras atividades. / The circadian rhythms of plants and twilight ruminants seem to have co-evolved in the same direction: \"to harvest solar energy\" during day, to store the exceeding and to use it during night. Indeed, the hourly management of forage harvesting emerges as a possibility to increment forage based production systems efficiency at zero cost. The objective of the trial was to determine in what day time it\'s advantageous to focus the harvest of Brachiaria brizantha cv. either under clipping or grazing. During spring and summer of 2012/13, there were experiments to determine what is day time when the maximum concentration of sugars and starch (non-structural carbohydrates) occurs in leaf blades and pseudostems of Marandugrass, and to verify the variability patterns along the day and among the vertical sward strata. The non-structural carbohydrates accumulation of leaf blades and pseudostems, from sunrise to the beginning of the night, have quadratic patterns and its maximum concentration occurs after 15 h. Thus, the non-structural carbohydrates concentration were greater at the top sward stratum, at 15 h, mainly on spring. On the other hand, concentrations of N, fiber and dry matter digestibility varied lesser along the day and more due to different strata and year seasons. At the same period, a grazing experiment was carried to verify whether the time of moving to another paddock affected intake behavior and performance of beef heifers. Six groups were managed under rotational stocking, being three moved at 6 h and three moved at 15 h. Forage nutritive value was evaluated at pre and during grazing conditions, by the sunrise and the afternoon, and the intake behavior of the groups was evaluated by both time use and bite rate monitoring. Moving the herd at 15 h shifted the feeding behavior and concentrated grazing activity at afternoon, when forage nutritive value is higher, compared to the sunrise. However, moving animals at sunrise increased the total daily grazing time, evenly distributed among morning and afternoon. Concluding, this research brings new information regarding the harvest of Marandugrass, like the possibility of harvesting forages with significant increments of non-structural carbohydrates through harvesting after 15 h and above 13 cm on spring and above 20 cm on summer. Regarding animals moving time, even though moving at 15 h shifted grazing behavior, there was compensation between grazing patterns and forage nutritive value variations along the day, what resulted in similar forage intake and animal performance between treatments. On the other hand, it\'s possible that moving animals at afternoon brought more comfort to the animals when compared with moving at sunrise, as they had to graze for a shorter period and had more time to do other activities.
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Manejo do horário da colheita do capim-marandu sob corte ou pastejo / Harvesting schedule management of Marandu grass under grazing or cuttingFábio Cortez Leite de Oliveira 10 December 2014 (has links)
O ritmo circadiano das plantas e de ruminantes crepusculares parece ter co-evoluído no mesmo sentido: \"colher energia do sol\" durante o dia, estocar o excedente e utilizá-lo durante a noite. Diante disso, o manejo do horário da colheita de forragem emerge como possibilidade de incrementar a eficiência dos sistemas de produção animal em pastagens a um custo zero. Assim, essa pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar em qual horário do dia é vantajoso concentrar a colheita do capim-marandu, Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, sob corte ou pastejo. Durante a primavera e verão de 2012/2013, realizou-se experimentos para determinar o horário que ocorre máxima concentração de açúcares e amido (carboidratos não estruturais) na lâmina foliar e pseudocolmo de perfilhos de capim-marandu, e verificar os padrões de variação ao longo do dia e entre estratos verticais do relvado. Os acúmulos de carboidratos não estruturais na lâmina foliar e pseudocolmo, do nascer do sol até o início da noite, seguem tendência quadrática e as concentrações máximas ocorreram após às 15 h. Dessa forma, as concentrações de carboidratos não estruturais foram superiores no topo do relvado às 15 h, principalmente na primavera. Já as concentrações de N, fibra e digestibilidade in vitro variaram menos ao longo do dia, e mais devido aos diferentes estratos ou estações do ano. No mesmo período, foi conduzido um experimento de pastejo, para verificar se o horário de mudança de piquetes altera o comportamento ingestivo e o desempenho de novilhas de corte. Seis lotes foram manejados sob o método de pastejo rotativo, onde diariamente três lotes mudavam de piquetes às 6 h e outros três lotes mudavam às 15 h. O valor nutritivo da forragem foi avaliado no relvado pré-pastejo ou sob-pastejo, pela manhã e tarde, e o comportamento ingestivo dos lotes foi avaliado pelo monitoramento do uso do tempo e taxas de bocado dos animais. Após a mudança de piquete, os animais mantém altas taxas de bocado às 6 h ou 15 h, mas somente a mudança de piquetes às 15 h estimula a concentração das refeições no período da tarde, onde o valor nutritivo da forragem foi superior em relação ao amanhecer. No entanto, a mudança de piquete ao amanhecer, provocou aumento do tempo total de pastejo, distribuídos igualmente entre o período da manhã e da tarde. Concluindo, essa pesquisa traz informações novas a respeito da colheita do capim-marandu, como a possibilidade de obter forragem com incrementos significativos de carboidratos não estruturais, realizando um esquema de colheita após às 15 h, acima de 13 cm de altura na primavera e acima de 20 cm no verão. Já em relação ao horário de mudança de piquetes, apesar da mudança às 15 h alterar o esquema das refeições, compensações entre os padrões de pastejo e as variações do valor nutritivo da forragem ao longo do dia, resultaram em consumo de forragem e desempenho semelhantes entre os tratamentos. Por outro lado, pode-se considerar que a mudança de piquetes pela tarde, proporcionou mais conforto aos animais em relação à mudança pela manhã, uma vez que necessitaram pastejar por menos tempo, restando mais oportunidade para realizarem outras atividades. / The circadian rhythms of plants and twilight ruminants seem to have co-evolved in the same direction: \"to harvest solar energy\" during day, to store the exceeding and to use it during night. Indeed, the hourly management of forage harvesting emerges as a possibility to increment forage based production systems efficiency at zero cost. The objective of the trial was to determine in what day time it\'s advantageous to focus the harvest of Brachiaria brizantha cv. either under clipping or grazing. During spring and summer of 2012/13, there were experiments to determine what is day time when the maximum concentration of sugars and starch (non-structural carbohydrates) occurs in leaf blades and pseudostems of Marandugrass, and to verify the variability patterns along the day and among the vertical sward strata. The non-structural carbohydrates accumulation of leaf blades and pseudostems, from sunrise to the beginning of the night, have quadratic patterns and its maximum concentration occurs after 15 h. Thus, the non-structural carbohydrates concentration were greater at the top sward stratum, at 15 h, mainly on spring. On the other hand, concentrations of N, fiber and dry matter digestibility varied lesser along the day and more due to different strata and year seasons. At the same period, a grazing experiment was carried to verify whether the time of moving to another paddock affected intake behavior and performance of beef heifers. Six groups were managed under rotational stocking, being three moved at 6 h and three moved at 15 h. Forage nutritive value was evaluated at pre and during grazing conditions, by the sunrise and the afternoon, and the intake behavior of the groups was evaluated by both time use and bite rate monitoring. Moving the herd at 15 h shifted the feeding behavior and concentrated grazing activity at afternoon, when forage nutritive value is higher, compared to the sunrise. However, moving animals at sunrise increased the total daily grazing time, evenly distributed among morning and afternoon. Concluding, this research brings new information regarding the harvest of Marandugrass, like the possibility of harvesting forages with significant increments of non-structural carbohydrates through harvesting after 15 h and above 13 cm on spring and above 20 cm on summer. Regarding animals moving time, even though moving at 15 h shifted grazing behavior, there was compensation between grazing patterns and forage nutritive value variations along the day, what resulted in similar forage intake and animal performance between treatments. On the other hand, it\'s possible that moving animals at afternoon brought more comfort to the animals when compared with moving at sunrise, as they had to graze for a shorter period and had more time to do other activities.
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Sunset Clauses in International Law and Their Consequences for EU LawZHANG, LINJING January 2022 (has links)
Nowadays, with the development of international economy, international investment has become one of the most important ways to prompt global economic development. The number of the bilateral treaties (BITs) and multilateral treaties are increasing as well. These treaties are an important basis for resolving disputes between investors in international arbitration. Many treaties contain a sunset clause. In the field of international law, the use and utility of sunset clauses has remained largely unnoticed despite the fact that they have been employed in major international treaties and agreements. Nowadays, such clauses have become a core feature in international investment agreements, playing an underappreciated role with the ability to enhance legal certainly in regards to the tension between stability and flexibility. Moreover, sunset clauses complement the protection to investors with the entrenchment effect. But meanwhile, as one of the important economic entities in the global economic development, the European Union (EU) is trying to terminate all intra-EU BITs, as well as the sunset clauses which contained in the BITs. This thesis analyse the impact of the sunset clause on intra-EU arbitration after the EU members terminated their intra-EU BITs. Trying to clarify the nature and the utility of the sunset clause in EU law, and try to disengage from the entrenchment effect of the sunset clause at EU and international level.
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Americana Suite: A Composition for Full Orchestra, Big Band, and Jazz Chamber Ensembles Inspired by American Master PaintingsRoutenberg, Scott Kevin 20 April 2008 (has links)
Americana Suite is a seven movement musical composition inspired by nineteenth and early twentieth century American master paintings. Representative artists from each of the major schools of American painting include Frederic Church, Winslow Homer, Mary Cassatt, Childe Hassam, George Bellows, Edward Hopper and Georgia O'Keeffe. Essentially pluralist in style, the suite is written for ensembles of varying size and genre, spanning from full orchestra and contemporary big band to intimate jazz chamber ensembles and electro-acoustic hybrids. Four of the seven movements are written for jazz ensembles and incorporate improvisation, while the other three orchestral movements explore romantic, impressionist and cinematic idioms. Historical summaries of each school, artist and painting are followed by detailed aesthetic and theoretical analyses of the respective movements. Harmonica virtuoso Howard Levy performs as a special guest artist.
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Hippie Films, Hippiesploitation, and the Emerging Counterculture, 1955-1970Rhuart, Britton Stiles 06 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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