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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social Construction, Control, and News Work: A Study of Newsworkers as Agents of Civic Function and Resistance in the Changing Media World

Schulte, William J. 11 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

in och ut upp och ner / in and out up and down

Edström, Heidi January 2024 (has links)
Denna essä reflekterar kring existentiella teman så som ångest, kroppsliga förnimmelser, hälsa och samhälle. Den är skriven i en experimentell och poetisk form, som en vindlande tankeström, tätt sammanvävd med en av författarens egna dikter "något har fastnat" (från 2024). Genom att blanda samman en diskussion om språkets begränsningar och möjligheter, med en berättelse om ett personligt möte med sjukvården (i samband med en utredning för stressad urinblåsa), och ett utforskande av de komplexa begreppen rädsla och tro, bjuds läsaren in att fundera över existensens mysterier och den svårfångade jakten på mening. Texten är fullproppad med symbolik och märkliga dubbelmeningar; urinen som flödar in och ut, guldet som glittrar och solen som skiner, sjunker och stiger, omgiven av en mängd obegripliga punkter, eller är det ögon? Ständigt blickande, dömande och längtande, samtidigt som den dyker ner det intrikata trasselet av osäkerhet och kampen för att finna... en utgångspunkt eller kanske en mittpunkt, eller bara någon punkt överhuvudtaget mitt i livets kaos. Texten utforskar en värld där den rationaliserade ordningen och de effektiva systemen tycks hota det obskyra och abstrakta, men där kreativiteten och reflektionens kraft fortfarande har en ständigt växande dragningskraft och kämpar för att få andas. / This essay presents a reflective exploration of existential themes, such as anxiety, bodily experiences, health and society. It is written in an experimental stream-of-consciousness shaped narrative, woven together with one of the author’s own poems ”something is stuck” (from 2024). Mixing up a discussion about the limitations and possibilities of language with a story about a personal encountering with the healthcare system (regarding a stressed bladder), and the complex concepts of fear and faith, it invites readers to ponder the mysteries of existence and an elusive pursuit of meaning. The text is crammed with symbolism and curious double meanings; the urine flows, in and out, the gold that glitters and the sun is shining, sinking and rising, surrounded by a multitude of incomprehensible points, or is it the eyes? Constantly looking, judging and longing, as it delves into the intricate tangles of uncertainty and the struggle to find… a starting point or perhaps a center point, or just any point at all amidst the chaos of life. The text explores a world where the rationalized order and efficient systems seems to be threatening the obscure and abstract, but where creativity and the power of reflection still processes an ever growing attraction, fighting for space to breathe.

公職人員財產申報法制之研究 / A Study on the Financial Disclosure Legal System for the Public Officials

陳秀慧 Unknown Date (has links)
根據近幾年來瑞士洛桑國際管理發展學院發表之「全球競爭力」調查報告與國際透明組織公佈之「全球貪腐印象指數」的排名結果,發現國家競爭力越高者,清廉度亦相對較高,二者間存有強烈的正相關。而歷次調查結果,均顯示臺灣僅為中度廉潔的國家,因此在推動防貪的過程裡,仍存有許多改善的空間。 晚近公部門貪瀆案件、政商掛勾的弊端層出不窮;為遏止公職人員貪污腐化,政府提擬出一系列陽光法案,而公職人員財產申報法就在民國82年匆匆立法通過,成為第一道陽光法案。該法開宗明義即揭示,「爲端正政風、確立公職人員清廉作為,建立公職人員利害關係之規範,特訂定本法」,足徵防制貪瀆係該法所積極追求的目標。但迄今為止,申報不實之公職人員仍然眾多,亦未見任何觸法者因此去職或終結政治生命,可見財產申報法尚無法完全發揮遏制貪瀆弊端的力量,故有修法之迫切需要。 本研究係從文獻資料探析財產申報法的立法歷程與規範重點,並針對法務部95年版修正草案加以檢討,同時擷取美國、新加坡的財產申報制度的優點以供我國修法參考。另外,則藉由深度訪談的過程,了解我國財產申報制度在法規面與執行面的優缺點,進而提出改善建言,以期達成建構廉能政府的施政目標。 經綜合文獻分析與深度訪談的研究結果,發現整體申報制度之缺失有申報對象界定失衡、防堵脫產未克其功、公開透明猶有不足、裁處罰則難以懾人、執行審核確有困境等。依據前述研究發現,本文提出下列建議包括:建置整體陽光法案、法令體系的結合運作、其他配套措施、追查資金流向、建立弊端揭發人保護制度、鼓勵民眾監督公部門、強化公務人員倫理教育、簡化行政作業流程、研議高薪養廉政策等,以期完善整體申報法制。

陽光政策及其對日本與兩韓關係的影響 / Sunshine Policy and its Implications for Japan’s Relations with Two Koreans

洪瑩玲 Unknown Date (has links)
南韓金大中總統在1998年2月上台時,提出一套與北韓達成和平、和解與合作為基礎的對北韓新政策-陽光政策。陽光政策係以善意、真誠化解北韓的敵意與戒心,使北韓願意與南韓對話與交流,協助北韓走出經濟困境與國際孤立,降低朝鮮半島緊張情勢,進而開放門戶,進行經改。 因此,金大中政府的對日政策,作為陽光政策的一環,不但呼籲南韓與日本走出歷史仇恨,大力推動與日本合作援助北韓糧食物資,還積極幫助日本與北韓關係正常化。讓原本存於日本與北韓交涉障礙中的「南韓因素」轉為正面的推力。此外,金大中政府的對日政策,亦積極主動地改善南韓與日本兩國關係。為因應1997年的金融危機,金大中拋出與北韓和解的陽光政策,在朝鮮半島上製造和平穩定的投資環境,俾利南韓經濟復甦,並力圖引進日本的資金與經援,助南韓早日走出經濟困境。 雖然日本極為擔憂南北韓有可能隨著南韓政府北韓交往政策的持續推動下,在歷史問題、領土紛爭,以及日本軍事能力發展上,達成共同反日陣線。但是,在日本的朝鮮半島政策之中,被民族主義所蒙蔽的小泉政府無法看清局勢,未能好好把握南韓金大中政府,這個前所未見的親日政權,加深與南韓緊密合作的關係,消除或淡化兩國間的歷史議題。同時,在陽光政策下推行經改急需建設資金的北韓,小泉政府也未能把握金正日國防委員長在政治及安全議題上讓步的機會,解決兩國間的懸案,一舉達成兩國建交,再利用經濟合作的機會,降低北韓的反日情緒。小泉政府卻不斷的做出讓周邊國家反感的舉動,像是每年參拜象徵日本軍國主義的靖國神社,大力提升日本自衛隊軍事能力,試圖打破和平憲法的框架等,反而加深與鄰國之間的隔閡。

Využití univerálního modulu LabJack\hindex{TM} pro podporu výuky fyziky / Application versatile module LabJack\hindex{TM} in education of physics

PŘIBYL, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
Theme of this thesis is using of universal module LabJack U3-HVTM as support for physics lessons. This thesis describes the universal module LabJack U3-HVTM and evaluation method of measured value on the computer screen using software eSimLab. To all physical tasks is described path of signal with measured string from developed sensor until evaluation of signal in the computer. In the thesis is specifically described a function of developed sensors of physical quantities, there are subscribed diagrams including PCB and parts list. The thesis is including designed physical tasks for monitoring of atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind direction, sunshine duration and the role of measurement of the signal on the optical transmitter using the developed sensors and universal module LabJack U3-HVTM.

The effect of sports diplomacy on inter-Korean relations

Nymark, Marianne Kristine January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explain how sports events, in which North and South Korea have in some way worked or competed together, have affected the relationship between the two nations. This is carried out through the investigation of specific events; the 1988 Seoul Summer Olympics, the competing of the joint table tennis- and football teams in 1991, the cooperation happening during the “sunshine policy”, from 1998 until 2008, as well as the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. The studied material consists mostly of news reports and scientific works.   The result shows that while cooperation in sports is possible between the two Koreas, they have occurred only under favourable political circumstances. It is also concluded that the sports events have in return affected the inter-Korean relationship, and this cooperation has also generated further discussions between the two Koreas, a so called “spillover effect”. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att förklara hur sportevenemang, i vilka Nord- och Sydkorea har på något sätt samarbetat eller tävlat gemensamt, har påverkat relationen mellan de två länderna. Det här genomförs genom en undersökning av specifika evenemang; 1988 års sommar-OS i Seoul, tävlingarna 1991 där de förenade pingis- och fotbollslagen deltog, samarbetet under ”Solskenspolitiken”, från 1998 till 2008, såväl som 2018 års vinter-OS i Pyeongchang. Underlaget består mestadels utav nyhetsreportage och vetenskapliga rapporter.    Resultatet visar att även om samarbete i sport är möjligt mellan de två länderna på den koreanska halvön, har dessa bara inträffat under gynnsamma politiska omständigheter. Det kommer även fram att sportevenemang i sin tur har påverkat den interkoreanska relationen och även genererat fortsatta diskussioner mellan Nord- och Sydkorea, en så kallad ”spridningseffekt".

The Sun, The Wind, and the Kaesong Industrial Complex : The Contrasting Views of the Republic of Korea and the United States of America on Inter-Korean Cooperation

Daniel, Ryberg January 2012 (has links)
This paper examines the different attitudes of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) and the United States of America with regards to the Kaesong Industrial Complex, a joint inter-Korean economic project located in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). The paper uses the theoretical framework of Social Constructivism to analyze the different ideas available in the political discourse of both actors with regards to North Korean policy in general and policy towards Kaesong specifically. The paper relates these ideas to the positions both actors have taken with regards to the inclusion of Kaesong products in the S. Korean-U.S. FTA.

Vliv ročního období na tepelnou stabilitu vnitřního prostoru / The effect of the season on the thermal stability in the indoor environment

Němcová, Aneta January 2016 (has links)
This work deals with the issue of shading coefficient of external blindsand its dependence on environmental phenomena. The aim of the thesis is to find an optimal solution for forming of inner environment according to the shading coefficient of external blinds shading element. The computer software of Teruna for creating a mathematic simulation of rooms in the assigned detached family house. The conclusion contains the recommendation of building alterations for the detached family house which I designed in my bachelor´s thesis.

The Korean Peninsula: Where the Cold War Never Ended : The Foreign Policy of the Republic of Korea on a peaceful reunification with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Åström, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
This paper examines different foreign policies of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) with regards to a peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. The paper uses the theoretical framework of Social Constructivism to analyze what impact the different foreign policies of South Korea towards North Korea have had on their relations, thus providing an understanding of what impact those foreign policies have had on the peaceful reunification process of the Korean Peninsula. The paper will also look at the First Korean Nuclear Crisis, the Second Korean Nuclear Crisis, the ROKS Cheonan sinking and the shelling of Yeonpyeong, and with the help from the theoretical framework of Social Constructivism, analyze what impact those incidents have had on South Korea’s foreign policy and relations with North Korea, thus providing an understanding what impact those incidents have had on the peaceful reunification process of the Korean Peninsula.

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