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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influència del suport audiovisual sobre les expectatives preoperatòries del malalt candidat a una artroplàstia total de genoll

Leal i Blanquet, Joan 25 February 2010 (has links)
La prevalencia de las enfermedades del aparato locomotor,y, en concreto, la artrosis ha ido en aumento con el paso de los años. Esta situación condiciona una problemática socio-económica creciente.En el tratamiento de de esta enfermedad se hace necesario obtener la máxima satisfacción por parte del paciente. Esta satisfacció irá ligada a la calidad de la información que se proporciona al enfermo y, en este sentido, el enfermo puede modificar sus expectativas y por lo tanto incrementar su satisfacción final.Según se observa en la literatura el hecho de adaptar las expectativas del paciente al resultado estándar final condiciona la máxima satisfacción por parte del enfermo.En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se plante un estudio prospectivo, randomizado y comparativo con un nivel de evidencia I segun los criterios descritos en el Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery en el año 2005.Se describen una serie de factores de inclusión y exclusión obteniendo un grupo estudio con 42 pacientes y un grupo control con 50 pacientes. El diseño del estudio se plantea iniciandose en el momento de la indicación quirúrgica, pasando por la administración de un soportye audiovisual en el grupo estudio añadido a la información verbal clásica. Se utilizan diversos intrumentos de medida, siendo el elemento clave el test de expectativas que se administra a ambos grupos antes y después de la administración del soporte audiovisual.A nivel global no se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los dos grupos.Encontramos un perfil de paciente con cierta tendencia a mejorar sus expectativas con la visualización del soporte audiovisual, sin encontrar diferencias estadísticamente significativas.Finalment se observa que en determinados aspectos del test de expectativas existen diferencias esytadísticamente significativas entre los dos grupos. Estos aspectos hacen referencia básicamente a los ítems de función de la articulación que contempla dicho test.La conclusión de este trabajo es que a nivel global el soporte audiovisual en las expectativas del paciente no provoca ninguna modificación significativa. No obstante se observa que existe un cierto perfil de paciente y ciertos aspectos de la información que se da al enfermo en los que el soporte audiovisual actua de forma que las expectativas se ven modificadas para adaptarse al resultado estándar final. / Objective: Disparities in expectations about surgical outcomes may be responsible for low good results rates relative to total knee replacement (TKR) surgery in patients deemed suitable for it. The primary goal of this study was to test, in a randomized prospective clinical trial, the efficacy of an educational videodisc and how it influenced patient's expectations. Another objective of the study was to determine the approximate profile of the most apt videodisc pre-surgery viewing patient.Design: Randomized prospective comparative trial. Evidence: Level I, therapeutic study.Methods: Ninety-two patients from 50 to 90 years of age with moderate to severe knee osteoarthritis (OA) were recruited. Forty-two patients (study group) viewed a videodisc on the total knee arthroplasty (TKA) implantation process and fifty patients didn't view it (control group). Both groups were comparable with regard to all the studied variables. The videodisc included the first visit to the orthopaedic surgeon, all aspects of the hospital stay, the surgical intervention and the post-operative clinical situation at two, six and twelve months. Patients completed baseline and post-videodisc session questionnaires with regard to their expectations (Hospital for Special Surgery Knee Replacement Expectation Survey questionnaire). The same surgical technique and controlled rehabilitation were carried out on both groups. Results: After the videodisc session, all patients in both groups improved their overall expectations. There were significant differences relative to three aspects of the HSS questionnaire in patients who visualised the videodisc. Expectations in terms of climbing and lowering stairs and the range of motion were the items that had a significant modification in the study group. After analysing all the variables, the ideal profile was encountered in a male less than seventy-five years of age without signs of depression, less radiological observed deformity, cited pain in WOMAC scale and a punctuation under 50 points in the mental domain of SF-36 scale. Discusion: The information that we give to the patient before surgery is very important in order to reach a better satisfaction at the end of the surgical process. When the expectations before surgery are similar to the final result, the satisfaction is high. As better is the congruence between both aspects, higher is satisfaction. If the information we give to the patient can modify the expectations before surgery, in order to adapt them to the final result, the satisfaction can be modified in the way to improve it. The results of our study show that the application of an educational videodisk support, for the pre-operative information, can be a good tool in order to increase the patient satisfaction. Conclusion: TKR expectations may be enhanced with the combined educational videodisc and the classical information interview.

Aturada cardíaca: Optimització de l'administració d'oxigen i resposta fisiològica dels reanimadors a dos minuts ininterromputs de compressions toràciques

Quintana Riera, Salvador 28 March 2007 (has links)
1) HIPÒTESIS I OBJECTIUS. Aquesta tesi està basada en dos articles (Quintana S, Martinez Perez J, Alvarez M, Vila JS, Jara F, Nava JM. "Maximum FIO(2) in minimum time depending on the kind of resuscitation bag and oxygen flow". Intensive Care Med. 2004;30(1):155-8. i Quintana S, Sánchez B, Trenado J, Fernández MM, Mestre JV. "The physiological effect on rescuers of doing two minutes of uninterrupted chest compressions". Resuscitation. 2007 Jul;74(1):108-12) que tenen en comú que contemplen aspectes del tractament de l'aturada cardíaca en el Suport Vital Bàsic i Avançat: buscant optimitzar l'aportació d'oxigen durant l'aturada cardiorespiratòria, el primer, avaluant la resposta fisiològica a dos minuts sense interrupcions de compressions toràciques, el segon.1R. ESTUDI:"Màxima FiO2 en el mínim temps en funció del tipus de bossa de ressuscitació i el flux d'O2".Estudi de laboratori per analitzar les FiO2 assolides depenent del tipus de bossa de ressuscitació i els diferents i creixents fluxos d'O2, així com per conèixer el temps que tarda a estabilitzar-se la FiO2.HIPÒTESI:En condicions de laboratori, la FiO2 que podem assolir amb una bossa de ressuscitació depèn de molts factors. Quan deixem fixos la freqüència respiratòria i el volum corrent, podem preveure la FiO2 en funció del tipus de bossa de ressuscitació i del flux d'O2 subministrat.OBJECTIUS:Objectiu primari: Analitzar els valors de FiO2 assolits en funció del tipus de bossa de ressuscitació i del flux d'O2 administrat, amb freqüència respiratòria i volum corrent fixos.Objectiu secundari: Estudiar quant temps transcorre fins que s'estabilitza la FiO2.2N ESTUDI:"Resposta fisiològica del reanimador d'una aturada cardiorespiratòria a dos minuts de compressions toràciques sense interrupcions."Estudi de laboratori en el qual, partint de la base que tenim una víctima en aturada cardiorespiratòria ja intubada i amb la via aèria segellada, s'apliquen dos minuts ininterromputs de compressions toràciques.HIPÒTESI:La resposta fisiològica del reanimador d'una aturada cardíaca a dos minuts de compressions toràciques sense interrupcions queden dintre d'uns límits perfectament tolerables, tant des del punt de vista objectiu com del subjectiu.OBJECTIUS:Objectiu primari: Avaluar la resposta fisiològica del reanimador d'una ACR a dos minuts de compressions toràciques a 100 min-1 sense interrupcions mitjançant l'ànàlisi de la freqüència cardíaca i la SatO2.Objectius secundaris: Estudiar temps de recuperació després de dos minuts de compressions toràciques ininterrompudes i la resposta subjectiva mitjançant una escala visual analògica.CONCLUSIONS:1- Hi ha diferències significatives entre la FiO2 administrada amb els diferents fluxos d'O2 en funció del tipus de bossa de ressuscitació, motiu pel qual s'aconsella:a) Utilitzar sempre que sigui possible la bossa de ressuscitació del tipus C.b) El model B, que és el C sense reservori, es comporta administrant la pitjor FiO2. Intentarem evitar-lo, bé muntant el reservori correctament, bé utilitzant el model A.c) El model A, intermedi continua tenint un paper, ja que és pitjor que el C però millor que aquest quan no està correctament muntat.2- El flux d'O2 adequat per aconseguir la màxima FiO2 és de 12 litres min-1 per al model C i com a mínim de 20 litres min-1per als altres dos sistemes.3- El temps que tarda el sistema C per administrar una FiO2 estable és el més curt, inferior al minut, sensiblement inferior al temps que tarda el model B i significativament més curt que el que tarda el model A.4- El grau de fatiga del reanimador d'una Aturada Cardiorespiratòria com a resultat de dos minuts de compressions toràciques sense interrupcions és perfectament tolerable des del moment que:a) No hi ha una gran taquicàrdia ni durant els dos minuts de compressions toràciques ni al final i, en tot cas, sempre per sota dels límits d'una prova d'esforç convencional.b) No es presenta desaturació ni durant ni després de les compressions toràciques.c) La recuperació després dels dos minuts de compressions toràciques és ràpida i, en tot cas, requereix un interval inferior als dos minuts.d) La fatiga mesurada amb escala subjectiva és perfectament tolerada per part de la mostra escollida. / "CARDIAC ARREST: OPTIMIZATION OF OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION AND THE PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF EMERGENCY CARE PROVIDERS TO APPLYING TWO MINUTES OF UNINTERRUPTED THORACIC COMPRESSION"TEXT:Hypothesis and Objectives:This thesis is based on two articles (Quintana S, Martinez Perez J, Alvarez M, Vila JS, Jara F, Nava JM. "Maximum FIO2 in minimum time depending on the kind of resuscitation bag and oxygen flow". Intensive Care Med. 2004;30(1):155-8. and Quintana S, Sánchez B, Trenado J, Fernández MM, Mestre JV. "The physiological effect on rescuers of doing two minutes of uninterrupted chest compressions". Resuscitation. 2007 Jul;74(1):108-12), which address aspects of treatment responses to cardiac arrest in Basic and Advanced Vital Support. The first article addresses optimizing oxygen supply during cardiorespiratory arrest. The second evaluates the physiological response of the caregiver to two minutes of uninterrupted thoracic compressions.Study 1:Maximum FiO2 in the minimum time, as a function of the type of resuscitation bag used and oxygen flow.A laboratory study to analyze FiO2 achieved depending on the type of resuscitation bag used and different and increasing oxygen flows, as well as the amount of time needed to stabilize FiO2.HYPOTHESIS:The FiO2 achieved in a laboratory setting depends on several factors. When respiratory frequency and tidal volume remain fixed, we can predict FiO2 based on the type of resuscitation bag used and oxygen flow administered.OBJECTIVES:Primary objective: Analyze FiO2 values achieved as a function of the type of resuscitation bags used and oxygen flows administered, with fixed respiratory frequency and tidal volume.Secondary objective: Study the amount of time needed to stabilize FiO2.Study 2:The physiological response of a caregiver treating cardiac arrest with two minutes of uninterrupted thoracic compressions.A laboratory study based on the scenario of an intubated patient in cardiorespiratory arrest with a sealed airway, two minutes of uninterrupted thoracic compressions are applied.HYPOTHESIS:The physiological response of the caregiver to providing two minutes of uninterrupted thoracic compressions to a patient in cardiac arrest will be within tolerable limits, both objectively and subjectively.OBJECTIVES:Primary objective: Evaluate the physiological response of a caregiver to two minutes of uninterrupted thoracic compressions at 100 compressions / minute by analyzing pulse rate and SatO2.Secondary objective: Study recovery time after the two uninterrupted minutes of thoracic compressions and the caregiver's subjective responses on a visual analogue scale.CONCLUSIONS1. There are significant differences between FiO2 administrated with different O2 flows, in function of the type of resuscitation bag used, therefore:a) The model C bag should be used whenever possible.b) The model B bag, which is the model C without a reservoir, shows the worst FiO2 results. It should be avoided, either by adding a reservoir correctly, or using the model A bag. c) The model A, an intermediate type, continues to have a role, since it is generally worse than the model C, but better than the C when incorrectly assembled.2. Adequate O2 flow for achieving maximum FiO2 is 12 liters/minute for the model C and at least 20 liters/minute for the other two systems. 3. The time it takes to achieve a stable FiO2 with the model C is the shortest, less than a minute, significantly less than the time needed using the model B and less than the time needed with the model A. 4. The grade of fatigue reached by a rescue worker during a cardio-respiratory resuscitation attempt after two minutes of uninterrupted thoracic compressions is perfectly tolerable (and less than that of a conventional stress test). The following observations apply:a) There is no important tachycardia during the two minutes of thoracic compressions or afterward.b) There are no desaturation events during or after the thoracic compressions.c) Recovery after the two minutes of thoracic compressions is rapid and requires less than two minutes.d) Rescuer fatigue shown on a subjective scale was perfectly tolerated by test subjects.

Estudi d'un bucle de bioreactors pel desenvolupament d'un sistema de suport de vida biològic

Creus i Baró, Núria 06 October 2003 (has links)
El projecte MELISSA (Micro Ecological Life Support System Alternative) estudia el desenvolupament d'un sistema de suport de vida biològic per les missions espacials de llarga durada. Per assolir aquest fi aquest projecte proposa, com a primer model, la utilització de quatre compartiments microbiològics i un compartiment de plantes superiors.Una de les vessants més importants d'aquest projecte és l'estudi de la connexió dels seus compartiments. L'objectiu d'aquest sistema és treballar de forma contínua en períodes llargs d'operació. Cal doncs estudiar l'evolució d'aquesta connexió tant en condicions òptimes de funcionament com davant de possibles pertorbacions.En aquest treball s'ha estudiat inicialment la connexió amb un medi sintètic dels compartiments II, III i IVa del bucle MELISSA a escala de laboratori. Aquesta connexió s'ha dut a terme satisfactòriament sense que s'evidenciïn efectes tòxics o nocius en cap dels compartiments al treballar en diferents condicions d'operació. S'ha procedit també a la connexió dels compartiments III i IVa a escala pilot, comprovant el seu bon funcionament i corroborant el sistema de control del compartiment IVa quan aquest treballa en connexió.També s'han estudiat dues de les pertorbacions possibles del sistema: l'entrada d'àcid acètic en el tercer compartiment i l'entrada de nitrits en el quart compartiment. Cap de les dues pertorbacions ha tingut efectes negatius en el funcionament dels compartiments on s'han dut a terme. Finalment s'ha procedit a la connexió completa en fase líquida i a escala de laboratori dels quatre compartiments microbiològics del bucle global del sistema MELISSA. Aquests estudis s'han dut a terme amb els diferents bioreactors dels quals es disposa a la planta pilot del projecte MELISSA de la UAB, lloc on s'efectua la integració i demostració dels diferents elements del bucle i del seu conjunt.Per altra banda s'ha fet un estudi del dimensionat dels diferents compartiments del projecte MELISSA i del grau de tancament assolit en el sistema, en diferents escenaris d'operació. Aquests inclouen tant la seva operació en el laboratori, utilitzant animals d'experimentació, com la seva aplicació al manteniment de la vida humana. / The MELISSA project (Microbiological Ecological Life Support System Alternative) of the European Space Agency (ESA) is a tool for the development of a biological life support system to be used during Manned Space Missions. In order to achieve this purpose the project proposes the connection between five compartments, four of which contain microbial organisms and one higher plants. To assure the satisfactory operation of the system, it is important to study the connection between these bioreactors not only at optimal conditions but also taking into account possible deviations in the behaviour of any of them.The connection between compartments II, III and IVa at laboratory scale and using an artificial medium has been studied at different operational conditions in this work. Using these different test conditions, the connection showed an excellent functioning during more than 5 residence times. Non relevant toxic effects have been observed.The connection between compartments III and IVa at pilot plant scale, as well as the feasibility of the control system of compartment IVa while it is working in connection to compartment III, have been also successfully tested. Two different deviations from the optimal operational conditions in the connection of compartments II, III and IVa have been studied: the income of volatile fatty acids in compartment III and the income of nitrite in compartment IVa. None of these two deviations produced any significant modification on the performance of these bioreactors. Finally, the connection of the whole MELISSA microbial loop at liquid stage has been performed at laboratory scale without presenting any major problem. In parallel, the compartments size and the achieved closure degree have been evaluated for different operational scenarios of the MELISSA loop. These scenarios include its use as a laboratory tool using experimental animals and its use as a life support system for a human crew.

The service industry with the Educational Cooperative Suport System on employee¡¦s organizational commitment and trend of turnove

Su, Hui-Ling 27 January 2002 (has links)
This research report is focused to study of what influences of the service industry with the Educational Cooperative Suport System on employee¡¦s organizational commitment and trend of turnover. 1. What are influences of those interfering variances of characteristics (including external control character and internal control character) as well as individual variance (e.g. gender and age) on employee¡¦s organizational commitment and trend of turnover? 2. What are influences of situational interaction on employee¡¦s organizational commitment and trend of turnover? This research report is investigated within the scope of schools with 511 Model Educational Cooperative (including National Taipei Institute of business Technology, Jin Wen Institute of Technology, Van Nung Institute of Technology and Fortune Institute of Technology) and their students. Based on the expediency sampling theory, 538 (equiv. To 59.8%) out of 900 copies of the Questionnaire sent to the above-mentioned four schools, were received. Deducted from those blank and/or incomplete ones, 226 copies are effective (42% to total replies and 25.1% to total issuance). It is found out that: 1.Main influence on those service industries with the Educational Cooperative Suport System: The more pay supporting and career plan, the more organizational commitment (including recognition and centripetal force). The more pay supporting and technical training, the less trend of turnover. 2.Influence of those interfering variances of characteristics and individual variance: Based on analysis of regression, it is verified that to those employees with low external control character, the more pay supporting and career plan, the more organizational commitment (including recognition and centripetal force). To those senior employees, the more pay supporting, the less trend of turnover. 3.Influences of situational interaction: 1.1 Recognition to the organization 1.1.1 With interaction of the ¡§Educational Cooperative Suport System¡¨ and ¡§external control character¡¨, it is appeared that negative impact on ¡§pay supporting¡¨ and ¡§external control character ¡¨ (b=¡Ð0.04, p<0.05). 1.1.2 With interaction of the ¡§Educational Cooperative Suport System¡¨ and ¡§internal control character¡¨, positive impact upon ¡§career plan¡¨ and ¡§internals control character¡¨ (b=0.03, p<0.1) were found out. 1.1.3 With interaction of the ¡§Educational Cooperative Suport System ¡¨ and ¡§internal control character¡¨, there was positive impact on ¡§pay supporting¡¨ and ¡§internal control character¡¨ (b=0.06, p<0.1). 1.2 Centripetal force to the organization: With interaction of the ¡§Educational Cooperative Suport System¡¨ and ¡§internal control character¡¨, it is appeared that negative impact upon ¡§technical training¡¨ and ¡§internal control character¡¨ (b=-0.04, p<0.1). 1.3 Trend of resignation: With interaction of the ¡§Educational Cooperative Suport System¡¨ and ¡§external control character¡¨, a negative impact on ¡§career plan¡¨ and ¡§internal control character¡¨ (b=-0.04, p<0.1) was found out.

Malestar psicológico en estudiantes universitarios víctimas de abuso sexual infantil y otros estresores

Pereda Beltran, Noemí 04 July 2006 (has links)
El abuso sexual infantil ha sido considerado uno de los problemas de salud pública más graves que tiene que afrontar la sociedad y, especialmente, los niños y jóvenes (MacMillan, 1998). Los estudios realizados confirman que el abuso sexual es un problema mucho más extendido de lo previamente estimado e incluso hasta las tasas de prevalencia más bajas incluyen a un gran número de víctimas. Es importante considerar que el impacto psicoemocional que el abuso sexual llegue a producir en la víctima va a estar mediado por diferentes variables, entre las que destacan el sentimiento de culpa y la percepción de apoyo social. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo conocer la prevalencia del abuso sexual en población universitaria y establecer la sintomatología psicológica presente en este tipo de víctimas, en contraste con la generada por otros estresores y en función del posible efecto de las variables mediadoras. La muestra se compone de 1.033 estudiantes universitarios (317 varones y 716 mujeres) de entre 18,0 y 30,6 años (M = 21,71; DT = 2,63), pertenecientes a distintas facultades y centros adscritos de la Universidad de Barcelona. Se aplicaron los cuestionarios a) "Brief Symptom Inventory" (Derogatis, 1993), que evalúa nueve dimensiones de síntomas psicopatológicos; b) "Cuestionario de Apoyo Social Percibido" (Gracia, Herrero, y Musitu, 2002), diseñado para evaluar la red de apoyo y el apoyo percibido; c) Traumatic Life Events Questionnaire (Kubany y Haynes, 2001), que evalúa la vivencia de 22 acontecimientos potencialmente traumáticos, entre los que destaca el abuso sexual infantil; d) "Distressing Event Questionnaire" (Kubany, 2001), que evalúa los síntomas característicos del trastorno por estrés postraumático; e) y "Trauma Related Guilt Inventory" (Kubany y Haynes, 2001), centrado en la evaluación del sentimiento de culpa. Un 92,3% de los estudiantes (93,4% de los varones y 91,8% de las mujeres) manifestaron haber experimentado al menos un acontecimiento estresante a lo largo de su vida, siendo los varones aquellos que presentaron un mayor número de acontecimientos estresantes. La experiencia de abuso sexual fue relatada por un 15,5% de los varones y un 19% de las mujeres, un 17,9% del total de la muestra estudiada, un 14,9% de ellos antes de los 13 años y un 3% entre los 13 y los 18 años. Las víctimas de abuso sexual infantil presentan mayores niveles de sintomatología que las víctimas de otros acontecimientos estresantes. Respecto a la sintomatología postraumática, los acontecimientos referidos a violencia interpersonal, destacando la experiencia de abuso sexual infantil, ofrecen los mayores porcentajes en todos los criterios del trastorno por estrés postraumático. En relación con la percepción de apoyo social, no se han observado diferencias significativas entre sexos ni entre distintos estresores. Las víctimas de abuso sexual infantil son las que presentan una mayor puntuación en todas las escalas de culpa, especialmente en el área cognitiva de este sentimiento. El modelo de relación entre acontecimientos estresantes, apoyo social percibido, sentimiento de culpa y consecuencias psicopatológicas muestra que la experiencia de abuso sexual en la infancia es distinta a la vivencia de otros acontecimientos traumáticos, presentando las víctimas de abuso sexual un significativo mayor nivel de malestar. Sin embargo, el contraste entre los modelos aplicados a víctimas de abuso sexual en la infancia y a víctimas de otros acontecimientos traumáticos indica que, a nivel cualitativo, las variables implicadas en la experiencia de abuso sexual infantil u otro acontecimiento traumático mantienen las mismas relaciones. En conclusión, el abuso sexual infantil es un fenómeno frecuente en nuestra sociedad, tal y como establecía López (1994), incluso en muestras que en un principio pueden considerarse resistentes, como son los estudiantes universitarios. El abuso sexual es uno de los acontecimientos estresantes causante de un mayor grado de malestar psicológico general, sintomatología postraumática y sentimiento de culpa. Un dato relevante es que las variables implicadas en el desarrollo de sintomatología en este tipo de víctimas mantienen las mismas relaciones que en los acontecimientos traumáticos muerte de un ser querido y violencia interpersonal. / The widespread prevalence of child sexual abuse highlights the social importance of understanding the nature and scope of this problem. Child sexual abuse is clearly a major public health problem associated with many psychological effects. The main objective of this study was to examine the prevalence and psychological sequelae of childhood sexual abuse in university students. Also, the effect of mediating variables was analyzed. A total of 1,033 undergraduate students (317 males, 30.7%; and 716 females, 69.3%), ranging in age from 18 to 30.6 years old (M = 22.1; SD = 31.46) were surveyed. Participants completed five paper-and-pencil measures: a) The Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis, 1993), b) Cuestionario de Apoyo Social Percibido (Gracia, Herrero, y Musitu, 2002), c) The Traumatic Life Events Questionnaire (Kubany y Haynes, 2001), d) The Distressing Event Questionnaire (Kubany, 2001), and the Trauma Related Guilt Inventory (Kubany y Haynes, 2001. Child contact sexual abuse was reported by 185 students (17.9%), 49 boys (15.5%) and 136 girls (19%). Contact sexual abuse before age 13 was reported by 154 students (14.9%), and contact sexual abuse after age 13 but before age 18 was reported by 31 students (3.0%). Child sexual abuse victims reported more psychological symptoms than victims of other stressors. Interpersonal violence events, especially child sexual abuse, showed the highest levels of posttraumatic symptoms. Comparisons between groups revealed no statistically significant differences on perception of social support. However, child sexual abuse victims demonstrated the highest levels of the trauma-related guilt cognitive aspects. The relationship model between traumatic events, perception of social support, guilt and psychological consequences showed that, child sexual abuse is quantitatively different from other traumatic events. However, the variables related to child sexual abuse and other traumatic events are qualitatively the same. In conclusion, child sexual abuse is a prevalent phenomenon in the Spanish society, as previously stated by López (1994). The results suggested that reports of sexual abuse were associated with high levels of psychological distress, posttraumatic stress disorder and trauma-related guilt. Nevertheless, variables related to the development of psychological symptoms on child sexual abuse victims maintain the same relationship than on other traumatic events.

Lexique-grammaire des constructions converses en a da/ a primi en roumain / Lexicon-grammar of converse constructions in a da/ a primi in Romanian

Ciocanea, Cristiana 12 July 2011 (has links)
Ce travail sur les constructions converses en a da/ a primi contribue à la construction du lexique-grammaire du roumain. Les tables DP1 et DP2 sont le résultat de l'analyse des phrases à V-n (noms prédicatifs associés à des verbes) ou Npa (noms prédicatifs autonomes) actualisés par le verbe support a da. Les particularités du roumain font que les propriétés syntaxiques décrites soient très intéressantes lorsque nous analysons d'une manière contrastive le français et le roumain. Les divergences entre la réalisation des verbes supports a da et donner, aussi bien que les divergences concernant leurs variantes et les déterminants des noms prédicatifs étudiés, constituent des difficultés dans les domaines de la traductologie et de l'enseignement du FLE / This work on a da/ a primi converse constructions contributes to the creation of the lexicon-grammar of Romanian. The tables DP1 and DP2 are the product of an analysis of sentences containing the support verb 'a da' and V-n (predicative nouns associated to verbs) or Npa (autonomous predicative nouns). The particularities of Romanian make the description of syntactic properties interesting especially when comparing this language to French. The dissimetries in collocations as well as those regarding determiners and variants of support verbs a da/ donner result in difficulties one encounters in the domains of traductology and teaching French as a foreign language

Suporte social, depressão e ansiedade em pacientes com infertilidade

Moura, Adriana Verolla de 28 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:22:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANA VEROLLA DE MOURA.pdf: 423562 bytes, checksum: 8041feec2eeae4f5fa4730ba13c0804d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-28 / O presente trabalho encontra-se dividido em dois artigos. O primeiro artigo, define infertilidade, suas causas e tratamentos atualmente disponíveis e analisa aspectos emocionais do paciente infértil em tratamento. As alterações psicológicas mais associadas nesses pacientes são a ansiedade e depressão e alguns aspectos tem sido identificados como influenciadores no surgimento desses transtornos. São abordados no artigo entre outros, o tempo de tratamento, expectativas dos pacientes em relação às probabilidades de sucesso, diferenças entre sexos na experiência da infertilidade, a existência ou não de uma rede de apoio provendo suporte social e diferenças culturais. Relações entre estes aspectos são realizadas e sugestões feitas para novas pesquisas na área. O segundo artigo apresentado relaciona o tratamento da infertilidade com duas alterações psicológicas, depressão e ansiedade, analisando a importância do suporte social para diminuição da severidade dos sintomas. Através da aplicação de três instrumentos, Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck (BAI) e Escala de Suporte Social, os níveis de depressão, ansiedade e suporte social foram acessados numa amostra de 148 sujeitos em tratamento para infertilidade. Correlacionando os dados dos três testes aplicados encontramos uma correlação significativa apenas entre os testes da Escala de Beck. Hipóteses para os achados são desenvolvidas no artigo empírico.

A pintura em jogo

Lopes, Eurico de Carvalho 19 April 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é o de organizar, a partir de pinturas realizadas e comentários que as acompanham, uma reflexão que procure compreender alguns aspectos da materialidade associada à cor. O memorial é dividido nas seguintes partes: Alumínio, onde procuro comentar trabalhos mais recentes que foram desenvolvidos com novos materiais e Suportes, Óleo, Têmperas e Encáustica, que se referem a questões buscadas nas pinturas. No texto busco relatar algumas das questões envolvidas com o processo de criação da minha pintura: é uma escrita de artista que enfatiza questões decorrentes da prática. Este projeto se insere na área de concentração Poéticas Visuais, que permite ao artista dentro da universidade tomar sua própria atividade prática como objeto da sua reflexão. / The objective of this work is to organize, from paintings and comments that accompany them, a reflection that seeks to understand some aspects of materiality associated with the color. This memorial is divided into the following parts: Aluminum, where I try to comment more recent works that have been developed with new materials? Suports, Oil, Tempera and Encaustic, which refer to matters sought in the paintings. In the text part, I try to report some of the questions involved in the creation process of my painting. It´s an artist´s writing that emphasize the questions resulting from the practice. This project is inserted in the \"Visual Poetics\" program, that allows the artist take his own practical activity as a reflection object inside the university.

A pintura em jogo

Eurico de Carvalho Lopes 19 April 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é o de organizar, a partir de pinturas realizadas e comentários que as acompanham, uma reflexão que procure compreender alguns aspectos da materialidade associada à cor. O memorial é dividido nas seguintes partes: Alumínio, onde procuro comentar trabalhos mais recentes que foram desenvolvidos com novos materiais e Suportes, Óleo, Têmperas e Encáustica, que se referem a questões buscadas nas pinturas. No texto busco relatar algumas das questões envolvidas com o processo de criação da minha pintura: é uma escrita de artista que enfatiza questões decorrentes da prática. Este projeto se insere na área de concentração Poéticas Visuais, que permite ao artista dentro da universidade tomar sua própria atividade prática como objeto da sua reflexão. / The objective of this work is to organize, from paintings and comments that accompany them, a reflection that seeks to understand some aspects of materiality associated with the color. This memorial is divided into the following parts: Aluminum, where I try to comment more recent works that have been developed with new materials? Suports, Oil, Tempera and Encaustic, which refer to matters sought in the paintings. In the text part, I try to report some of the questions involved in the creation process of my painting. It´s an artist´s writing that emphasize the questions resulting from the practice. This project is inserted in the \"Visual Poetics\" program, that allows the artist take his own practical activity as a reflection object inside the university.

Proposta metodològica per a l'anàlisi de la sostenibilitat, utilitzant indicadors i índexs, implementats i analitzats amb una eina de suport al raonament. Cas d'estudi: municipi de Terrassa

Sureda Carbonell, Bàrbara 06 July 2007 (has links)
Les ciutats d'avui en dia es caracteritzen per un progressiu creixement de la població dins un territori físic limitat. Aquest creixement comporta problemes diversos, com ara la falta d'autocontenció de la ciutat; la segregació espacial de segments de població heterogenis, ja sigui per raons econòmiques o bé per raons socials o culturals; el col·lapse de les infraestructures de transport, o la manca de zones verdes, entre molts altres que podríem destacar. La present tesi doctoral pretén facilitar l'anàlisi de la sostenibilitat d'un sistema, en concret d'un sistema urbà, proposant una metodologia d'anàlisi de la sostenibilitat de sistemes urbans, aplicable a municipis mitjans europeus. La metodologia que proposem es basa en un marc conceptual format per tres components. Un primer component és determinat per la definició de desenvolupament sostenible, la qual solament es pot aplicar si es té una visió sistèmica, transversal i multidisciplinària dels sistemes.Un segon component és determinat per la consideració del sistema com a sistema complex, format per múltiples interrelacions entre els elements que el constitueixen, i entre aquests elements i el seu entorn, cosa que determina una de les principals característiques dels sistemes que cal considerar, la complexitat, la qual planteja greus reptes del sistema a tots els nivells, que fins i tot poden arribar a provocar ne el col·lapse. Un tercer component que cal tenir en compte en parlar de sistemes complexos és la incertesa que els caracteritza. Amb el suport d'aquest marc conceptual i fruit de l'estudi i l'anàlisi de les eines de mesura i modelització de la sostenibilitat existents, la metodologia proposada conforma un procés a partir d'un conjunt d'eines (models, correlacions entre variables, indicadors, índexs i escenaris de futur) que possibiliten analitzar un sistema urbà, caracteritzat per una sèrie de problemàtiques concretes, amb la finalitat de poder definir estratègies o polítiques per aconseguir un desenvolupament sostenible del sistema objecte d'estudi. La metodologia desenvolupada s'ha aplicat en un cas d'estudi concret, el municipi de Terrassa.El desenvolupament de la proposta metodològica aplicada al cas d'estudi ha permès la identificació de les problemàtiques que poden produir impactes significatius en el desenvolupament sostenible de la ciutat, cosa que ens ha permès definir estratègies adequades per aconseguir-ne la contenció. / Modern cities are characterised by progressive population growth in limited physical spaces.This growth gives rise to many problems, including lack of self-containment of cities, spatial segregation of heterogeneous population sectors (whether for economic, social or cultural reasons), the collapse of transport infrastructures, and the lack of green areas.The aim of this doctoral thesis is to facilitate the analysis of a system's sustainability. It examines a particular urban system and puts forward a methodology for analysing the sustainability of urban systems that can be applied to medium-size European towns.The methodology proposed is based on a three part conceptual framework. Firstly, sustainable development can only be applied through a systematic, transversal and multidisciplinary approach. Secondly urban systems must be considered as being inherently complex, as they are made up of multiple interrelationships between their component parts, which in turn interact with their surroundings. This complexity means that the systems are faced with enormous challenges at all levels, and may even face collapse. Thirdly, one of the features that must be taken into account in dealing with complex systems is their high level of uncertainty.The proposed methodology is based on this conceptual framework and a review of existing tools for measuring and modelling sustainability. The result is a process based on a set of tools (models, correlations between variables, indicators, indices and future scenarios) that can be used to analyse urban systems characterised by specific problems and to define strategies and policies for achieving sustainable development in these systems.Through the application of the methodology to a specific case study, the municipality of Terrassa, it was possible to identify problems that may have a significant impact on the town's sustainable development and to define suitable strategies for achieving urban containment.

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