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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Altruistiskt surrogatmödraskap : en undersökning inför en eventuell svensk reglering

Ekström, Isolde January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Kritiska perspektiv i adoptionsdebatten : En textanalytisk granskning av den politiska diskussionen om internationell adoption utifrån debatten om surrogatmödraskap

Nyström, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att granska den svenska politiska diskussionen om internationell adoption. Utifrån fyra kritiska perspektiv som är centrala i surrogatmödraskapsdebatten argumenteras för att dessa även går att applicera på diskussionen om adoption. Dessa perspektiv är uppdelade i det ekonomiska perspektivet, det kritiskt postkoloniala perspektivet, det feministiska perspektivet och korruptionsperspektivet. För att undersöka hur de fyra kritiska perspektiven används, om det finns en frånvaro av de kritiska perspektiven, vilka lösningar som presenteras i de fall de används samt om det förekommer andra kritiska perspektiv, analyseras den politiska diskussionen om adoption med hjälp av den textanalytiska metoden “problem-orsak-lösning”. Materialet som granskas innefattar 19 protokoll från kammardebatten om adoption mellan år 2000 och år 2018 samt en statlig offentlig utredning om adoption från 2003. Undersökningen visar att det finns en frånvaro av ett feministiskt perspektiv och ett korruptionsperspektiv i den politiska diskussionen om adoption. Det postkoloniala perspektivet förekommer i låg utsträckning i SOU-rapporten och inte alls i kammarprotokollen. Det ekonomiska perspektivet förekommer både i SOU-rapporten och i kammarprotokollen men även detta som en marginell del av diskussionen. Utöver dessa perspektiv förekommer också ett kritiskt psykologiskt perspektiv. Inget av perspektiven används dock för att ifrågasätta adoption som en i grunden positiv praktik till skillnad från i debatten om surrogatmödraskap. Lösningarna som presenteras i förhållande till de kritiska perspektiv som används kretsar kring bättre forskningsunderlag och förändringar i den ekonomiska lagstiftningen om adoption. / The purpose of this study is to critically analyse the Swedish political discussion on international adoption. Using four critical perspectives that are commonly used in the debate on surrogacy, the study argues that these perspectives are applicable to the discussion on adoption. These perspectives are named the economic perspective, the critical postcolonial perspective, the feminist perspective and the corruption perspective. To research how these four perspectives are being used, if there is an absence of the perspectives, what solutions are proposed in the case where they are being used as well as if there are other critical perspectives being used, the political discussion on adoption is analysed using a form of discourse analysis called “Problem-cause-solution”. The material in the study consists of 19 parliament debates on adoption from the period of 2000 to 2018 and a public enquiry on adoption from 2003.   The study shows that there is an absence of a feminist perspective and a corruption perspective in the political discussion on adoption. The postcolonial perspective appears to a low extent in the public inquiry and doesn’t occur at all in the parliament debates. The economic perspective occurs in the public enquiry as well as in the parliament debates but as a marginal part of the discussion. In addition to these perspectives, a critical psychological perspective occurs. Though none of the perspectives are used to question adoption as a fundamentally positive practice as opposed to in the debate on surrogacy. The solutions that are proposed, in connection to the critical perspectives that occur, revolve around more extensive research on adoption and changes to the economic legislation on adoption.

Den heliga och obefintliga modern : en kvalitativ textanalys av den svenska mediala debatten kring surrogatmödraskap / The virtuous non-existent mother : a qualitative textual analysis of the Swedish media debate on surrogacy

Nordenmark, Saneh January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att utifrån en granskning av mediedebatten undersöka framställningen av fenomenet surrogatmödraskap för att utforska dess komplexitet utifrån ett intersektionellt perspektiv och med ett fokus på surrogatmoderns position.  I studien granskas 34 tryckta källor från de sex största dags- och kvällstidningarna i Sverige, begränsat till tidsperioden 2018-04-25 till 2021-04-25. Materialet undersöktes utifrån en kvalitativ textanalytisk metod och resulterade i fyra teman: självbestämmandets logik, en normbrytande och gränsöverskridande praktik, subjektets utsatthet och villkorad frihet, objektifiering av kropp och mening. Resultatet av studien visar på att genom att särskilja det kommersiella surrogatmödraskapet från det altruistiska, och lyfta fram de altrusiska icke-vinstsökande motivet, kamoufleras de potentiellt exploaterande aspekterna av surrogatmödraskap, samtidigt som en bild av kvinnan som självuppoffrande och omhändertagande framträder som ideal. Enligt motståndarna i debatten, går det inte att särskilja surrogatmodern från den strukturella underordning som är utsatthets villkor. Dessa exploateringseffekter verkar både utifrån perspektivet att kvinnan och barnet förtingligas och blir till varor i en marknad som styrs av utbud och efterfrågan, men också att denna syn på kroppen som reproduktionsmaskin reducerar födande, graviditet och havandeskap till icke-meningsbärande erfarenheter. Studien visar också på att surrogatmödrar både i Indien och USA som medverkar i kommersiella surrogatarrangemang nedtonar den ekonomiska betydelsen i arrangemanget och lyfter fram och kopplar sina motiv och handlingar till altruism, genom att inte se surrogatmödraskap som ett arbete, utan snarare som något som bär ett högre syfte. Dessa narrativ menar jag visar på att surrogatmödrar ger uttryck för det ofrånkomliga kravet i att bedömas som ett handlingskraftigt subjekt, oavsett om denna subjektsposition är villkorad av social utsatthet eller inte. / By examining the current Swedish debate on surrogacy, this thesis explores how the phenomenon of surrogacy can be understood in its complexity, through the use of an intersectional analysis, and a focus on the position of the surrogate mother. By using a qualitative textual analysis as a method, an analysis of 34 articles in six of Sweden’s largest newspapers under the time period of 2018-04-25 to 2021-04-25 was conducted. The material resulted in four themes: The logic of the freedom of self-determination, Surpassing and breaking norms, The subordination of the subject, Commodification of body and meaning. This study shows that by separating the altruistic surrogacy from the commercial surrogacy, and by favoring the reasons for choosing to be a surrogate mother as primarily altruistic, the potential risks of surrogacy as exploitation are disguised. While at the same time the image of the woman as a self-sacrificing and nurturing subject is manifested as an ideal. Those who oppose surrogacy, present it as a phenomenon in which the surrogate mother cannot be separated from exploration. The commodification of the body reduces the woman and the child to objects in a system of exchange controlled by the powers of market. In this process the values contributed to the process of giving birth and the emotional labors attributed to it, are in this view, regarded as lost. The study also shows, based on analysis of other studies, that surrogate mothers from India and USA, who partake in commercial surrogacy, do not primarily regard surrogacy as a labor but as something linked to a higher form of experience. It is the conclusion of this essay that these narratives are strategies by which the surrogate mother demands to be seen as a subject in her own right despite the exploitative logic of the global market and the commodification of the body.

Merit Making, Money and Motherhood : Women's Experiences of Commercial Surrogacy in Thailand

Nilsson, Elina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores transnational commercial surrogacy in the context of Thailand, with the specific purpose to examine Thai women’s motives and experiences of being a surrogate mother. The study is based on two months of fieldwork in Bangkok between June and August 2014 during which interviews were conducted with eleven former, current or future surrogate mothers. The analysis take a postcolonial feminist approach, and draw upon theory of motherhood, intimate labor and stratified reproduction. The study shows how the women’s account of why they want to become a surrogate mother is influenced by contemporary cultural and moral values regarding motherhood and womanhood. By being a surrogate mother they live up to the ideal role of the nurturing mother and the dutiful daughter. Furthermore, the women’s experiences of the pregnancy and their position in the arrangement is characterized by worry, uncertainty, and mistrust. This is partly due to how their rights and opinions are deemed less significant than those of the intended parents. The women are also severely limited in their say over various aspects of the pregnancy. Even though the surrogate mothers have made conscious decisions without being persuaded by family or friends, the study shows that they are still in an exposed position within an arrangement that is characterized by uneven power relations. This is further shown by locating the surrogate mothers’ stories and experiences in relation to other stakeholders and within the larger context of commercial surrogacy in Thailand, as well as on a global level.

Surrogatmödraskap: Arbete, gudagåva eller exploatering? : En analys av den svenska debatten kring surrogatmödraskap

Nilsson, Elina January 2013 (has links)
Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries, delivers, and then relinquishes a baby to commissioning parents. The arrangement challenges traditional norms and definitions of reproduction, pregnancy and motherhood, and at the same time raises difficult ethical, philosophical and social questions. There is currently an ongoing debate in Sweden, where all forms of surrogacy is illegal. The debate is polemical and harsh, with advocates arguing that surrogacy is defensible on the basis of individual rights and women's right to choose over their own bodies, and those in opposition are convinced on an intersectional basis that women are being used and exposed on the market of surrogacy.The purpose of this study is to investigate the debate on surrogacy in the Swedish context. Using qualitative text analysis, the study aims to increase understanding about the debate over surrogacy by analyzing texts published in Swedish press during 2010-2013. I have analyzed the advocating arguments as well as the oppositional arguments constructing the ongoing debate of surrogacy with a focus on the transnational relations and the discrepancy between the views on altruistic and commercial forms of surrogacy.The findings indicate that surrogacy is in general seen as either a win-win situation or exploitation and confirms earlier intersectional postcolonial research that centers on surrogacy, which highlights a general tendency to not acknowledge the dimensions and intersections of gender, class, race, and ethnicity. This is crucial especially concerning surrogacy is such a transnational phenomenon, where for example (white) Swedes longing for babies go to India and through an Indian surrogate mother become parents. The study shows that the debate is somewhat a minefield, and while being polemical the debate is also very complex.

Surrogatmödraskap - en frihet eller ett förtryck? : En kombinerad kvalitativ & kvantitativ studie över debatten kring surrogatmödraskapsförbudet i Indien under hösten 2016 på sju av Indiens största nyhetssajter.

Malm, Angelica January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Den osynliga modern - En kritisk diskursanalys av föräldrars språkbruk kring surrogatmödrar och surrogatmödraskap i media och dess effekter

Zethraeus, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study discourse in media by parents of children thatwere born through transnational commercial surrogacy arrangements, andintended parents who plan on going through this process in the future. I haveanalyzed media where this parental narrative is portrayed, using criticaldiscourse analysis combined with Carole Bacchis policy analysis WPRapproach.With the help of these I have identified primary issues that are beingportrayed in the media. I have further analyzed how these issues contribute inconsolidating existing norms surrounding the third world woman andcontribute to the justification of the commodification of the surrogate mother.This is done within a postcolonial feminist framework. The findings of thisstudy shows the glaring invisibility of the surrogate in media discourse,meaning her voice is never heard directly. Instead, interviewers and parentsalike offer a retelling of her narrative.

Kanske, eventuellt, får jag vara förälder till mitt eget barn

Henrikson, Malin, Sarelid, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how same-sex couples experience the second-parent adoption process. To assist us, we have used our questions: how do the couples describe their experiences of the adoption process? Which are the couples’ stories about the experience of contact with the involved professionals? What are the opportunities and barriers for same-sex couples to start a family? How do the couples describe their experience of reactions from the community and society, and how do they think the future will look like for same-sex couples? This study has been achieved through a qualitative approach. The empirical data is based on seven semi-structured interviews with same-sex couples or pair members that want to or have had a second-parent adoption. The theory we have used for analyzing the results is phenomenology with focus on queer theory, heteronormativity, and power. We conclude that the couples’ experiences of the second-parent adoption process is that it is a long, time-consuming, and emotionally consuming process. They question why they have to go through with an adoption process. The couples think of it only as a legal security to their child. They have experienced varying treatment in the contact with professionals. The course of action has been different for all our seven couples: home insemination in Sweden, insemination at clinic in Denmark, and surrogacy in India. One clear result is that it is more difficult for gay men to start a family than for lesbians. The couples have mostly received positive responses and a lot of support from their surroundings. Despite that, they are worried about the negative view of homosexuality that is increasing in the world.

Exploaterad surrogatmamma eller altruistisk värdmamma? En diskursanalys av den svenska debatten om surrogatmödraskap

Lindström, Linn January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka den svenska debatten omsurrogatmödraskap där metod och teori utgörs av diskursanalys. Det textmaterialjag valt att undersöka består av tre artiklar med medföljande kommentarer från desvenska tidsskrifterna Bang och Ottar. Debatten om surrogatmödraskap i Sverigeär polariserad, antingen är man för eller så är man mot. Mitt syfte med dennauppsats är att redogöra för och analysera de argument och föreställningar somkommer till uttryck inom dessa två motsatta positioner. Min teoretiskautgångspunkt är Laclau & Mouffes diskursteori. Denna teori utgörs av begreppsåsom nodalpunkter och ekvivalenskedjor. I mitt material har jag kunnat urskiljatre centrala nodalpunkter. Dessa är kvinnans kropp, barn och mänsklig rättighet.Beroende på position har jag kunnat urskilja olika former av ekvivalenskedjorknutna till dessa tre nodalpunkter. I positionen mot surrogatmödraskap har jagkunnat urskilja ekvivalenskedjor vilka består av begrepp såsom exploaterande,biologism, handelsvara och moderskap. Medan jag i positionen som är för harkunnat urskilja begrepp såsom frivillighet, självbestämmande, efterlängtade ochsocialt föräldraskap. I mitt avslutande kapitel problematiserar jag dessa tvåpositioners föreställningar av surrogatmödraskap utifrån ettsocialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv. Här menar jag på att motsidan i allt för höggrad ser människan som endast en biologisk varelse och bortser ifrån attmänniskan även konstrueras i en kulturell kontext. Försidan kan i sin tur kritiserasför att utgå ifrån att alla människor oavsett kön och etnicitet har lika möjligheter.Avslutningsvis finner jag det intressant, utifrån ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv, attförsidan vill använda ordet värdmamma istället för surrogatmamma. / The present study is a discourse analysis of the surrogate motherhood debate inSweden analyzing three articles with supplied comments from Internet of theSwedish magazines Bang and Ottar. The debate of surrogate motherhood inSweden is characterized by polarization, with strong pro- and con-positions. Theoverall objective is to analyze the arguments and conceptions that are constructedin these two opposing positions. The combined theory and method applied isErnesto Laclau & Chantal Mouffe's discourse theory. In this theory, concepts likenodal points and chains of equivalence are dominant. Three nodal points areidentified in the analysis: women´s body, children's and human right. Dependingon the position, I have found different kinds of chains of eqvivalence that areconstructed in relation to these nodal points. In the position against surrogatemotherhood I found chains of equivalence that was constructed in relation toconcepts like exploitation, commodification, biologism and motherhood. In theother position I discerned chains of equivalence which consisted of concepts likevoluntary, self-determination, longed-for and social parenting. The discourseanalysis applied is in turn, based on a social constructionist view and in the finalchapter I examine how these constructions, that I have discern in the empiricialmaterial, can be problematized. I argue that the con-position can be critizised fordescribing women as biological beeings and disregard that humans also arecultural beeings. The pro-positions in turn can be critizised for assuming that allpeople regardless of gender and ethnicity, have equal opportunities. From adiscourse analysis perspective, it is interesting to note that the pro-position forsurrogate motherhood suggests the word “host motherhood” instead of surrogatemotherhood.

Kroppspolitik i tre reproduktiva aspeketer : En idéanalytisk studie om kvinnans rätt eller orätt att ta beslut om hennes kropp

Axén, Elin January 2017 (has links)
This study examines the issue regarding three reproductive aspects in relation to women’s right to make own decisions regarding her life, body and reproductive health. The aspects include abortion, assisted fertilisation and surrogacy. In addition, this study investigates if the perception of liberty, in relation to laws and regulation of the female body and the right and freedom of reproductive health, is rooted in explicit versus implicit liberal feminism or conservative feminism. By using idea analysis, this investigation aims to distinguish the ideas behind the regulation of the three aspects. The results of the study shows that explicit and implicit liberal and conservative ideas from a feminist perspective occurs in the distinct aspects. The study concludes that women have been given liberty and the right to make own decisions regarding her body and reproductive health when it comes to abortion, and also in great extent when it comes to assisted fertilisation. However, in the aspect of surrogacy, women has continuously been denied these decision-making rights regarding her own body.

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