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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att möta vampyren : Hur kan Twilight behandlas i skolan?

Strömbergsson, Katarina January 2014 (has links)
This essay discusses how popular literature in general and Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight-series in particular can be useful in the classroom, despite, or rather, thanks to, its inherent problems concerning gender roles, relationships and the power systems within them. The essay takes a reader and teacher centered approach in describing both the problems of Twilight and the ways these problems can be worked with in the context of the school subject Swedish in upper secondary school. It makes an inventory of Twilight’s problematic aspects, and attempts to use them in conjunction with the governing documents of the Swedish school system

The different sides of religions : En intervjuundersökning fokuserad på kristna elevers upplevelse av kristendomens representation i religionsundervisningen

Khider, Diyar January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish school system is one of the few school systems that offers non-confessional religious education. This type of education is particularly important in a society characterized by high diversity. The benefits are that it allows students to understand similarities and differences between them, which further increases the chance of understanding respect and tolerance. Despite most schools working towards inclusion, it is visible that segregation in schools is increasing. (Skolverket, 2021). The purpose of this study is to examine how Christian students experience how their religious tradition is being represented in the subject of religious studies. This study also investigates how students see deficiencies in current teaching, and how they would like their religious tradition to be represented in education. The students' experiences and opinions will be examined through semi-structured interviews. The goal of the study is to highlight the students' experiences of religious education, and furthermore to present the challenges that the subject of religious studies may face. The results showed that each and everyone of the respondents experienced that Christianity had a central role in teaching and was presented neutrally, just like all other religions. Finally, the respondents pointed out that teaching was fact-based and focused mostly on historical events and important dates for the religions, rather than on how the religions are understood and impact people and society.

Gymnasieelevers tankar inför framtiden : En kvalitativ studie om gymnasieelevers förväntningar på livet efter studenten och vad som styr deras val

Berglund, Filippa, Häger, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
Secondary school is not mandatory in Sweden, although the majority of adolescents choose to attend this level of education. The secondary school in Sweden offers programs that prepare students for either work or university. The university programmes are designed to make the students prepared for higher education after their graduation. This study focuses on the students who have chosen to attend a university preparation programme. The purpose of our study is to examine how these students view their future and what is affecting their choices after their graduation. The duality between structure and agency is a theme throughout our study. The study is based on a qualitative research method. We used semi structured interviews and we interviewed six high school students. Our result showed that a majority of students were longing to graduate and viewed their future in a positive way. The interviewees did not view their graduation as a transition to becoming an adult, and meant that experiences in life makes someone mature. The students were longing to work and make money to be able to consume. Our result suggests that all students had plans of what they would do after they graduate. Parents and family had a big impact on the students’ future plans. Many of the students choose to take similar paths as their family. Although the environment such as school and friends have an impact on the students, it is not as big as the impact their family has. For future studies, perspectives regarding class, ethnicity and gender could be broadened. This would give more answers of how students view their future depending on different factors. Finally, you could also do a longitudinal study to follow up the interviewees in a few years to see if they followed through with their plans and if their views of life after graduation / Gymnasiet är inte obligatorisk i Sverige, trots det väljer majoriteten den vägen. Dagens gymnasieskolor erbjuder både yrkesförberedande och högskoleförberedande linjer. De högskoleförberedande linjerna är utformade för att eleverna ska vara förberedda på att läsa vidare när de har tagit studenten. Denna studie fokuserar på högskoleförberedande elever för att se vilka val de gör i livet när de har möjlighet att plugga vidare. Det finns många faktorer som påverkar våra framtida val och begränsar valmöjligheterna. Dualiteten mellan struktur och aktörskap är ett genomgående tema i vår studie. I denna studie används en kvalitativ metod. Vi har använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer och intervjuade sex gymnasieelever. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur högskoleförberedande gymnasieelever ser på framtiden och vad som påverkar deras val efter studenten. Resultatet visade på att majoriteten av eleverna längtade till att ta studenten och såg positivt på framtiden. Intervjupersonerna såg inte studenten som en övergång till vuxenlivet, utan menade istället att erfarenheter i livet gör att vi mognar som personer. Eleverna längtar efter att få jobba och tjäna pengar för att kunna konsumera. Resultatet visade att samtliga elever hade planer på vad de skulle göra efter studenten. Föräldrar och familj har en stor påverkan på gymnasieelevernas framtida planer. Många av eleverna tar efter sina föräldrar och går i deras fotspår. Även omgivningen i form av skola och vänner har en påverkan, men inte lika stor som familjen. En möjlighet för framtida forskning, är att bredda perspektivet genom att inrikta sig på genus, etnicitet eller klass. Detta skulle kunna ge svar på hur gymnasieelever tänker kring sin framtid beroende på olika faktorer. Slutligen går det förslagsvis att göra en longitudinell studie för att följa upp intervjupersonerna efter några år och se ifall deras framtidsplaner blivit genomförda och hur de ser på livet efter studenten då.

Värdekonflikter vid mottagandet av nyanlända : En fallstudie av mottagningssystemet kring nyanlända elever i Uppsala kommun

Röllgårdh, Ellen January 2016 (has links)
The thesis seeks to examine how newly arrived students are welcomed and introduced to the Swedish school system in Uppsala municipality. When organizing the structure of integrating immigrant children, municipalities in Sweden use different models. Depending on the model, different values are favored such as integration/segregation and collectivism/individualism.  Through interviews and textual analysis the model used in Uppsala is studied as an example of how municipalities choose to organize the structure around newly arrived students. The results show that the ambition in the organization in Uppsala is to actively use integration promoting arrangement in their every day work as well as they’re aiming to find individual solutions for each and everyone. The reality, however, reflects a lack of awareness about to what extent individual arrangements are in fact carried out and the special needs an immigrant child might have in comparison to other children. The mere existence of the school unit LYSA, which is responsible for children who have not yet received a placement in one of the permanent schools in the city, is also a drawback in achieving the ambition of the municipality, as LYSA is a separate unit that makes integration harder.

Att skola en Stormakt : Svensk skolpolitik och statsbildning under 1600-talets första hälft (1611-1649) / To Educate an Empire : Educational politics and state formation in the Swedish Empire 1611-1649

Folkesson, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, the educational politics in Sweden during the years 1611-1649 are examined to identify the power relationship between the church and the state. Although education was traditionally considered an activity of the church, the state laid claim to the founding of schools. However, the development of the Swedish school system during this period has been largely ignored by previous research. Through an analysis of correspondence between local administrators and the crown and different curriculums, this thesis seeks to answer the question: ‘who was actually involved in this reform and how did they conduct the process?’. The argument of this thesis is based on two theories which explain the early modern Swedish state formation; the historian Jan Glete's bottom-up process of state formation and the sociologist Philip Gorski's top-down process. This study shows that the reformation of the Swedish school system was initiated by the state. The church, represented by the local bishops, was however the other leading agent of crucial importance. It was not just offering legitimization of the power and taxation of the state, but also ideological access to educational institutions. This strengthened the political position of the clergy. By bargaining the Crown accomplished that schools were integrated and adopted to the infrastructure of the state.

Att skola en Stormakt : Svensk skolpolitik och statsbildning under 1600-talets första hälft (1611-1649) / To Educate an Empire: : Educational politics and state formation in the Swedish Empire 1611-1649

Folkesson, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, the educational politics in Sweden during the years 1611-1649 are examined to identify the power relationship between the church and the state. Although education was traditionally considered an activity of the church, the state laid claim to the founding of schools. However, the development of the Swedish school system during this period has been largely ignored by previous research. Through an analysis of correspondence between local administrators and the crown and different curriculums, this thesis seeks to answer the question: ‘who was actually involved in this reform and how did they conduct the process?’. The argument of this thesis is based on two theories which explain the early modern Swedish state formation; the historian Jan Glete's bottom-up process of state formation and the sociologist Philip Gorski's top-down process. This study shows that the reformation of the Swedish school system was initiated by the state. The church, represented by the local bishops, was however the other leading agent of crucial importance. It was not just offering legitimization of the power and taxation of the state, but also ideological access to educational institutions. This strengthened the political position of the clergy. By bargaining the Crown accomplished that schools were integrated and adopted to the infrastructure of the state.

Relationships between models used for teaching chemistry and those expressed by students

Adbo, Karina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused upon chemistry as a school subject and students' interpretations and use of formally introduced teaching models. To explore students' developing repertoire of chemical models, a longitudinal interview study was undertaken spanning the first year of upper secondary school chemistry. Matter in its different states was selected as the target framework for this study. The results presented are derived from both generalisations of groups of students as well as a case study describing an individual learner's interpretation of formal content. The results obtained demonstrated that the formal teaching models provided to the students included in this study were not sufficient to afford them a coherent framework of matter in its different states or for chemical bonding. Instead, students' expressed models of matter and phase change were to a high degree dependent on electron movement (Paper I), anthropomorphism (Paper II) and, for one student, a mechanistic approach based on small particles and gravitation (Paper III). The results from this study place focus on the importance of learners' prior learning (previous experiences) and the need to develop a coherent framework of formal teaching models for the nature of matter and phase change.

Gemenskap och utvecking i arbetslaget, en konflikt / The fellowship an d cultivation of a team, a conflict

Ek, Kristian January 2013 (has links)
Kan ambitionen att hålla en god gemenskap i arbetslaget vara en riskfaktor för gruppens kunskapsutveckling. Om det är så vilka faktorer kan tänkas sätta krokben för att ny kunskap ska kunna etablera sig mellan kollegor? Att arbeta med människor kräver förmågan att kunna lyssna in, ett sökande efter att förstå den andre. När ett arbetslag ska finna metoder för sitt samarbete uppstår det maktstrukturer som påverkar hur språk och tankar färgar av sig på olika kunskapsområden. Vilken Kunskap som anses vara den ”sanna”. Att komma med andra infallsvinklar att se dessa ”sanningar” som är de dominerade kan utmana gruppens sociala trygghet och gemenskap. Nya positioner ska tas och nya tankar och ord ska implementeras. Där i skärpunkterna slängs allt kunnande och vår trygghet i gruppen upp i luften. Ingenting känns säkert längre och det är lätt att retirera mot säker mark igen. Helt enkelt att avfärda den andres ord som nonsens. I förskolan har genusdiskursen varit ett sådant område. Som pedagog i förskolan har vi ett uppdrag som säger att vi ska arbeta med att bryta könsstereotypiska roller. Vår kunskap att arbeta med detta område har setts som en självklarhet från föräldrar, chefer och samhället i övrigt. Men misslyckandet att skapa en kultur där detta ämne är väl förankrat och diskuterat hos pedagogerna är ett faktum. Lika förgrenad och komplext som forskningen är inom jämställdhetsarbete är uppfattningarna om hur en bra jämställdhetspedagogik ska genomföras. Två tunga inriktningar är könsneutralitet och kompensatorisk pedagogik. Men hur har de förståtts och fungerat i verksamheterna? Finns det svar i ett historiskt perspektiv, hur förskollärarens roll har växt fram och vilka förväntningar som finns på yrkesrollen samt hur denne närmar sig ny kunskap? / Can the ambition of keeping a good working climate among colleagues be a threat to a deeper knowledge? If so which factors can play part in knowledge not being implemented between colleagues. To work with people demands the ability to hear what the other person is saying all in the good will of understanding. When a team will start to work with each other there are structures of power being made. Those structures will make mark on which knowledge that will be considered the ”true” knowledge. Factors like power, tradition of thinking and linguistics will play a part in the process of making this true knowledge. If the knowledge that is considered by the team to be true is challenged it can make the group feel threatened. Things such as fellowship is no longer a certain as all thing are up in the air and new positions of power are being made. There when things feel uncertain its easy to retreat to old ways where thing are much more secure. And new thoughts to the group is running the risk of being dismissed as nonsense. In the swedish education system (from the ages 1-5 years) the pedagogy aiming to counter gender bias is such an area. As teachers in our schooling system we are expected to work with methods that prevent the children of  being raised in traditional views of gender. We are thought of as experts by parent, our superiors and society in general. But the failure in building a teaching culture where this area is well incorporated is clear. As complexed and massive as the ideas and theories are about working with this matter as multifaceted are the thoughts that say wich way is best to put it in practice. As it is now there are two specializations that are dominating. A gender neutral and the compensating pedagogy. But how has it worked in practice? Can answers be found in a historical perspective in the question how teachers have become to look upon themselfs and how to address new knowledge such as gender bias?

On the entry barriers in the independent school market

Pistol, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
This paper examines and evaluates one of the entry barriers in the Swedish upper secondary school market,the governmental imposed restriction which states that the establishment of an independent school can notresult in substantial negative eects for municipal schools. Identication of what variables are consideredwhen ruling the establishment of an independent school inappropriate due to the risk of causing substantialnegative eects is carried out through quantitative analysis by gathering data from a stratied sample ofapplications sent in to the Swedish School Inspectorate 2011 and 2012 to start or expand independentschools. The probability of getting an application to start or expand independent school is regressed on thepredicted number of remaining students at municipal schools, on the predicted student population changeand on the municipality recommendation. The models developed show that the predicted number ofstudents left in municipal schools has a big impact on the probability of getting an application approvedwith distinct kinks in the explanatory power. The result also show that the predicted student populationschange is taken into account but that the municipal recommendation is not.


Olsson, Caroline, Rottbers, Linda January 2013 (has links)
This quantitative study aims to contribute to the understanding of how increasing educational costs on the Swedish market for upper secondary schools can be explained. With insights from previous research, a multiple regression analysis is performed to answer if competition implicates economic efficiency, why are upper secondary school costs for municipalities increasing along with increasing competition on the Swedish school market? Data on municipality-level was collected for the period of 2000-2011 and the results show that increasing educational costs are explained by increasing competition. In addition, increasing pupils’ change of school and/or program, and increasing overcapacity are statistically significant predictors of increasing educational costs. Furthermore, this study contributes to previous research as it takes an extended view of competition and demonstrates that is well founded when evaluating the effect of competition on educational costs. In addition, the results indicates that there are additional aspects to address namely, that competition affects costs indirectly by creating more complex competitive conditions with regards to education providers’ possibility to plan and set dimensions of their operations.

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