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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fria skolval och lärarfacken : En jämförelse mellan svensk och fransk skoldebatt

Westberg, Erik January 2007 (has links)
This essay compares the public debate in Sweden 1992 caused by the reforms introduced by the then government giving parents a free choice of schools for their children with the current debate in France about proposals for a similar law there. The study concentrates on the positions taken by the teachers trade unions, in Sweden Lärarförbundet and Lärarnas Riksförbund (LR) and in France SGEN-CFDT. To do so it is necessary also to study the arguments given for and against the proposals by the political parties. Some of the differences between the debates can be attributed to different circumstances. The Swedish reform was related to the opening up of possibilities to run private schools, which previously had been rare in Sweden. The French debate has no such connections. The private schools, mostly Catholic, have a very stable share of the students and no side is openly arguing for a change of any sort. Other differences depend on the French adversity to liberalism, almost always conflated with neo-liberalism which makes market-oriented arguments much less common in French public debate. Among the trade unions the big difference is between the two Swedish organisations, LR was overall positive to the proposals while Lärarförbundet opposed them. In France SGEN-CFDT takes a position strikingly similar to Lärarförbundets in Sweden 1992 seeing free choice as undermining the idea of a school system for all. In Sweden that idea is seen as a part of the welfare state, closely connected to the Social Democratic party. In France it is seen as a republican idea, connected to an idea of citizenship. The trade unions of the teachers in both France and Sweden are also in similar positions as their role has become merely reactive. There seems to be little room left for them to formulate policy and push the educational systems in their prefered directions.

El uso de la música como estrategia didáctica en la enseñanza del pretérito perfecto compuesto en la sala escolar de ELE en Suecia / The use of music in the teaching of the past perfect tense in the classroom of Spanish as a foreign language in Sweden

Lepp, Susanne January 2013 (has links)
Este estudio investiga la enseñanza del pretérito perfecto compuesto en el aula de españolcomo lengua extranjera a nivel escolar en Suecia. El objetivo de esta monografía es ver sipuede ser beneficioso enseñar el pretérito perfecto compuesto mediante canciones en español,que incluyen el pretérito perfecto compuesto en sus versos, como recurso didáctico. Losparticipantes son treinta y cuatro alumnos, divididos en dos grupos, de ELE en el octavo yocho profesores de español. Este estudio se realiza mediante observaciones en clase, dospruebas para los alumnos y una encuesta entre los profesores.Los resultados del estudio muestran que los profesores que participan en el estudio consideranque la mayoría de sus alumnos tienen problemas para aprender el pretérito perfectocompuesto. Los resultados de las pruebas indican que los alumnos que hacen parte del primergrupo de estudio, que tuvieron una enseñanza inductiva con canciones en español,aumentaron su destreza para utilizar el pretérito perfecto compuesto tanto con los verbosregulares como con los irregulares. Los alumnos que hicieron parte del segundo grupo,quienes recibieron una enseñanza deductiva, aumentaron su destreza en usar/aplicar elpretérito perfecto compuesto menos que el primer grupo cuando trata de los verbosirregulares. Sin embargo, estos alumnos aprendieron utilizar el pretérito perfecto compuestocon los verbos regulares mejor que los del primer grupo.Además, nos indigamos si se presentaba una posible diferencia en relación con el interés y lamotivación para aprender entre chicos y chicas dado el tema romántico de las canciones. Losresultados muestran una ligera mayoría en los resultados de las alumnas. / This study investigates the teaching of the past perfect tense in the Swedish classroom ofSpanish as a foreign language. The purpose of this essay is to see if it is profitable to teach thepast perfect tense with songs in Spanish, which include the past perfect tense in the lyrics, asan educational resource. The participants are thirtyfour students, divided into two groups, inthe eight grade who study Spanish as a foreign language, and eight Spanish teachers. Thestudy was made through observations in class, two tests by the students and a survey with theteachers.The results of the study show that the teachers who participated in the study consider that themajority of their students have problems learning the past perfect tense. Furthermore, theresults show that the students who were part of the first group, who received an inductiveeducation including Spanish music, increased their abilities of using the past perfect tenseboth with regular and irregular verbs. The students who were part of the second group andwho learnt/were taught by means of the deductive approach increased their abilities to use thepast perfect tense less than the first group when it came to the irregular verbs. However, theylearnt to use the past perfect tense with regular verbs better than the first group.Furthermore, we also investigated if there were any differences according to the interest andthe motivation to learn between the boys and the girls. The results were slightly higher amongthe girls.

Betygens Funktion För Rättvis Bedömning / The Function Of Grades In Fair Assessment

Bukur Landquist, Brian, Schmitz, Alice January 2021 (has links)
Kunskapsöversikten syftar till att belysa betygens funktion och rättvis bedömning i en svensk utbildningskontext. Översikten baseras på forskning som sammanställts från en systematisk informationssökningsprocess huvudsakligen förankrad i forskningsdatabasen Swepub.Tilläggsmaterial har sökts genom sekundärsökningar. Resultatdelen redovisar förhållandet mellan betygens funktion och rättvis bedömning i fyra delar. Ett inledande kapitel som ger ett historisktperspektiv på hur utbildningsverksamheten i Sverige förändrats i relation till betygsättning och bedömning. Därefter i de två följande kapitlen fördjupas kunskapen kring betygens funktion och villkor för rättvis bedömning. I de sista två kapitlen vidgas problematiken kring betygens funktion och rättvis bedömning genom att närmare undersöka forskning kring validitet och reliabilitet. Den främsta slutsatsen kunskapsöversikten når är att betygens funktion och rättvis bedömning styrs av de förutsättningar det målrelaterade systemet skapar. Särskilt utmanas rättviseaspekten i bedömningsprocessen för att de föreskrivna riktlinjerna är inte alltid det som mäts vid bedömningstillfället. Andra faktorer som personliga drag hos elever, leder till att betyget inte är ett tillförlitligt mått på elevens kunskap. Kan inte betygens funktion säkerställas, då att betyget är ett korrekt mått på elevens kunskap, får betyget en negativ inverkan på bedömningens trovärdighet. Avslutande diskussionen kretsar kring att belysa ämnesrelevansen av kunskapsöversiktens inriktning. Ämnesrelevansen vilar på grunder av att lärare alltid i sitt yrkesutövande måste betygsätta och bedöma. Då är frågan om betygens funktion och rättvis bedömning en brännande punkt för en jämlik skolgång.

”Kanske mår tjuvarna inte bra” : Ett skönlitterärt verks didaktiska potential för arbete med skolans värdegrund i årskurs 1 / “Maybe the thieves are not well” : A novel’s didactic potential for values education in 1st grade

Edström, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka den didaktiska potentialen för värdegrundsarbete i Stora Boken om Sandvargen (2006) skriven av Åsa Lind. Syftet är även att, med elever i årskurs 1, undersöka hur förståelse för skolans värdegrund kan skapas med hjälp av boksamtal kring Stora Boken om Sandvargen. För att undersöka detta analyseras verket utifrån fenomenologisk och socialkonstruktivistisk teori. Analysen görs även i förhållande till två utvalda delar ur Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011 (2019) (”Skolans värdegrund och uppdrag”). Resultatet av analysen konstaterar att Stora Boken om Sandvargen har stor didaktisk potential för arbete med skolans värdegrund. Verket används sedan i boksamtal utformade efter Aidan Chambers modell, för att undersöka om och i så fall hur eleverna visar förståelse för skolans värdegrund. Boksamtalen analyseras i förhållande till de två utvalda delarna ur styrdokumenten och slutsatsen blir att eleverna på ett flertal sätt visar förståelse för skolans värdegrund. Resultatet visar hur eleverna skiftar perspektiv mellan sitt eget, karaktärer i berättelsen samt andra människor i elevernas liv och att kunna skifta och bredda sina perspektiv anses i studien vara grundläggande för skolans värdegrundsarbete.

Den svenska skolan möter hederskultur : En undersökning av den svenska skolans bemötande av hedersproblematiken

Ali, Shadan January 2020 (has links)
The essay is a qualitative study based on interviews with school curators and a student coach who in various ways in their work come into contact with girls who live in an honor culture. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish school treats girls who in one way or another live in an honor culture and how the schools work with honor issues. The research question that has formed the basis of the study was the following: How does the Swedish school respond to honor culture? The results are analyzed based on the previously presented research, Al-Baldawi's theory of the individual-centered and group-centered way of thinking, and Hylland-Eriksen's theory of the creation of a “we” and “they”. The results show that honor culture occurs within the Swedish school and is given more attention, partly because professionals have more knowledge and experience on the subject but also because the interest has increased from different quarters to investigate the phenomenon. However, all respondents agree that more and different kinds of efforts are still needed to give the girls support and help, but above all to work for prevention.

"Digitalisering för digitaliseringens skull" : Lärares attityder till svenska skolans digitalisering

Lindvik, Martin, Wallner, Lukas January 2023 (has links)
Samhället i allmänhet och skolan i synnerhet har under ett antal år genomgått en paradigmskiftande digitaliseringsprocess. Sveriges regering har gett Skolverket i uppdrag att överse skolans digitalisering, men det slutgiltiga ansvaret landar på de enskilda användarna, d.v.s. lärarna. Syftet med vår studie var att utröna enskilda lärares attityder till skolans digitalisering. Detta har vi åstadkommit genom intervjuer med ett varierat urval grundskole- och gymnasielärare, vilka sedan analyserats med hjälp av hermeneutisk fenomenologi. Resultaten visar att lärarna överlag ser positivt på digitaliseringens möjligheter, men anser att det digitala ska komplettera det analoga och inte ersätta det. Vidare upplever de ofta digitaliseringen som ett självändamål hos chefer och politiker, och uttrycker en brist på resurser för att hjälpa eleverna att möta de utmaningar som digitalisering medför. / Society at large, and the school environment in particular, has for a number of years undergone a paradigm shift with the process of digitalization. The Swedish government has given responsibility of the digitalization of the Swedish school to Skolverket, but the final responsibility falls on the users, in this case the teachers. The purpose of this study is to examine individual teachers' attitudes to the digitalization of the Swedish school. We have accomplished this by conducting interviews with a varied selection of elementary and high school teachers. The interviews were then analyzed using hermeneutic phenomenology.  The results show that teachers mostly view the possibilities of digitalization positively, but they also hold that digital tools should complement, not replace, analog teaching methods. Furthermore, the teachers often view digitalization as an end in itself for leaders and politicians, and express a lack of resources to be able to help their students face the challenges that come with digitalization.

Det splittrade svenskämnet : En jämförelse av läroplanerna i svenska och svenska som andraspråk / The divided Swedish subject : A comparison of the curriculums in Swedish and Swedish as a second language

Hellman, Sara January 2017 (has links)
The divided Swedish subject – a comparison of the curriculums in Swedish and Swedish as a second language The aim of this essay is to examine and appose the curriculums of the school subjects Swedish and Swedish as a second language in upper secondary school in relation to prevalent second language development research and didactics. My theoretical framework consists of discourse theory and the socio-cultural perspective on teaching and learning. The overall purpose of this essay is biramous and the study aims towards answering the following questions: 1. What didactic considerations are made in the two curriculums? And 2. In what ways is the curriculum in Swedish as a second language based on prevalent second language development research, and in what ways is it not? To answer these questions I have chosen discursive analysis as my main method to examine and compare the curriculums in order to delineate what implications its language use and goal formulations has for the perception of both student groups and in turn the possible quality of their language education. Through my analysis I have found that the curriculum for Swedish as a second language have some bearing in second language research, but that the differences between the two subjects’ curriculums as a whole lack feasible reasoning. The differences in language use and goal formulations between the two curriculums comes across as a result of both fleeting reasoning as well as fleeting judgement in relation to didactics and second language education. My proposition is to have a united Swedish subject for the currently existing student groups with the possibility of a new version of Swedish as a second language intended solely as a temporary educational form for newly immigrated students to assist their early Swedish acquisition.

Wartime paths to and experiences of Swedish education : A study of Ukrainian refugees with school-aged children in Sweden

Pidgorna, Helen January 2023 (has links)
Transnational population migration is a multifaceted phenomenon that has been shaping human history and continues to shape the world today. War and conflict are among the major drivers of forced migration. The full-scale war waged by Russia on Ukraine on 24 February 2022 caused an unprecedented mass migration of the Ukrainian population with millions of refugees scattered across Europe. This study explores migration decisions, education strategies, and experiences of Ukrainian wartime refugees with school-aged children in Sweden. Taking a qualitative approach and following the sociological tradition of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, the study examines what considerations determined the families’ decisions to leave Ukraine and seek refuge in Sweden; how the families navigate the Swedish school system and perceive the changes in their children’s education trajectories caused by the war and migration; and how various forms of the families’ capital shape the children’s migration and education trajectories in wartime. Data collection involved 20 qualitative in-depth semi-structured interviews with parents of school-aged children who left Ukraine after 24 February 2022 and at the time of data collection, were living in Sweden. The findings reveal the following: (1) migration decisions of the families were driven by the perceived immediate threat to life and physical integrity for some, and by the increasing uncertainty caused by the war for others; (2) their routes to Sweden were to a great extent determined by the earlier accumulated social capital in the form of personal contacts, but also by work-related arrangements, and by random volunteers encountered in other European countries; (3) at the time of heading to Sweden, the country was widely perceived by the families as a child-friendly destination; (4) the families’ practices of navigating the Swedish school system appear to depend on the volume and composition of their capital and can be categorised as the Proactive, the Reliant, and the Oblivious; (5) the families’ perceptions of the changes in their children’s education trajectories caused by the war and migration are characterised by ambivalence leading to some of the children’s “double schooling” in Sweden and in Ukraine as the families struggle to establish and/or maintain their social standing in both countries. The study is among the first to explore the migration decisions and experiences of Ukrainian refugees in the context of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, and, to the best of our knowledge, the first to explore the experiences of Ukrainian refugee families of Swedish schools. It adds to the existing body of literature on the forced migration and education of refugee children by shedding light on the lived experiences of transitioning from one education system to the other at a time of war and uncertainty.

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