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Seeing and Sinners : Spatial Stratification and the Medieval Hagioscopes of Gotland / Syn och syndare : Spatial stratifiering och de medeltida hagioskopen på GotlandPettersson, Karl January 2018 (has links)
The hagioscope—a small tunnel or opening usually set at eye-level in a church wall—is a complex and multifaceted device that appears in Europe during the late medieval period. Despite an increased interest in the history of the senses, the hagioscope has been overlooked until now. Drawing from Hans Georg Gadamer’s ideas about hermeneutics, Jacques Le Goff’s work on Purgatory, and the medieval intellectual Peter of Limoges’ thoughts on vision, this study aims to shed light on why the hagioscope appeared when it did and how it may have been used. This case study of the hagioscope concerns the known hagioscopes with connected cells on the island of Gotland. It is introduced with two themes that combined, create a conceptual understanding of the hagioscope: the first is the device as a physical boundary or spatial division in a church room resulting from changes in theology and liturgy and the second is the device in the context of a medieval discourse on visuality, derived from the widespread thirteenth century treatise, De oculi morali. With this understanding in mind, the last chapter presents and discusses previous theories on the Gotland hagioscopes. In contrast with previous research, this thesis proves that the cells of Gotland are clearly of two different kinds: earlier cells are small, lack windows and have trefoil-shaped hagioscopes and a deep niche that significantly distances the observer from the nave. Later cells are bigger, equipped with a single window, have a niche spatially closer to the nave, and have differently shaped hagioscopes.
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Constructing Legitimacy: Patrimony, Patronage, and Political Communication in the Coronation of Henry IVFavorito, Rebecca 20 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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“My skin has turned from ivory, to porcelain, to steel.” : En intermedial analys av sambandet mellan marknadens efterfrågan och förändringar i adaptioner.Laane, Cara January 2022 (has links)
The point of this essay was to conduct research on the market and the consumers influence over the cultural industry in regard to adaptations. The paper analyses some of the changes that can be done by the producers in order to please the consumer, and therefore increase the popularity among the viewers. The analyse has studied how the adapted works; The Walking Dead, A Game of Thrones/ A Song of Ice and Fire, Legend of the Seeker/ Sword of Truth, has implemented changes when it comes to three matters; motherhood, looks and character development. Furthermore, the paper analyses how these changes may affect the plot, and how the viewers have reacted to this. The thesis is based on Pascal Lefèvre’s adaptation research and John Fiske’s popular culture study. The consumer’s opinions regarding the TV-shows and what changes they wish to see in movies and TV-shows are expressed through comments on YouTube and Reddit. / <p>Slutgiltigt godkännandedatum: 2022-06-10</p>
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John R. Rice, <i>The Sword of the Lord</i>, and the Fundamentalist Conversation: Comparisons with J. Frank Norris's <i>The Fundamentalist</i> and Carl McIntire's <i>The Christian Beacon</i>Smith, Robin L. 16 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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La Furūsiyya des Mamlûks : Une élite sociale à cheval (1250-1517)Carayon, Agnès 26 June 2012 (has links)
Les Mamlûks sont réputés pour avoir porté les arts de la furūsiyya à leur plus haute expression. Cette thèse a pour objectif de cerner à la fois les enjeux de leur dextérité, et ses caractéristiques. La première partie porte sur la littérature de la furūsiyya. Après un bilan historiographique, plusieurs ouvrages de furūsiyya sont analysés et comparés, afin de mieux appréhender les héritages et les apports proprement mamlûks. Un traité anonyme de maniement de dabbūs et de lutte à cheval, contenant également une partie sur les feux de guerre, est édité et traduit. La deuxième partie de cette thèse porte sur la suprématie militaire des Mamlûks. Leur formation très poussée y est décrite, mais la lumière a aussi été mise sur leurs chevaux : leurs races ; leur dressage ; leur nombre ; leur entretien. Un large échantillon d'armes mamlûkes est présenté. Enfin, un chapitre est consacré au problème des procédés de combat, encore très mal connus, qui tend à nuancer la vision d'archers montés que l'on a généralement des Mamlûks. Enfin, la dernière partie relève de l'histoire sociale. Elle a pour ambition de démontrer que la maîtrise de la furūsiyya était perçue par les Mamlûks comme la détention d'un art complexe, un « attribut de distinction » qui les distinguait du vulgum pecus. Ce sont alors les diverses manifestations de cette appartenance sociale qui sont analysées : les « sports » équestres, les lieux de jeu et d'entraînement militaire et les palais-écuries, enfin les institutions et les spectacles.Les annexes contiennent un tableau détaillé des manuscrits de furūsiyya et un glossaire, en plus de quelques planches. / The Mamluks are renowned for bringing the arts of furūsiyya to their highest expression. This thesis aims to identify both the issues of their dexterity, and characteristics.The first part focuses on the literature of furūsiyya. After a historiographical balance, several treatises of furūsiyya are analyzed and compared in order to better understand the legacy and contributions properly Mamluk. An anonymous treatise of handling dabbūs and fight on horseback, also containing some of the fires of war, is edited and translated.The second part of this thesis is on their military supremacy.Their extensive training is described, but the light was also put on their horses : races, training, numbers and maintenance. A wide selection of Mamluk weapons is presented. Finally, a chapter is devoted to the problem of combat methods, very little known, which tends to moderate vision of mounted archers that is generally widespread.The last part focus on social history. It aims to demonstrate that furūsiyya mastery was seen by the Mamluks as the knowledge of a complex art, an "attribute of distinction", which distinguished them from the hoi polloi. Then, the various manifestations of belonging to this social class are analyzed: "sports" riding, gambling venues and military training, and palace-stables, and finally the institutions and the shows.The appendices contain a detailed table of manuscripts of furūsiyya, a glossary and a few plates.
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Pilgrimage in war : the influence of the Second World War and the theme of vocation in Evelyn Waugh's later novels / 戦火の歴拝 : イーヴリン・ウォーの後期小説における第二次世界大戦の影響と召命のテーマ / センカ ノ レキハイ : イーヴリン ウォー ノ コウキ ショウセツ ニオケル ダイニジ セカイ タイセン ノ エイキョウ ト ショウメイ ノ テーマ / 戦火の歴拝 : イーヴリンウォーの後期小説における第二次世界大戦の影響と召命のテーマ有為楠 香, Kaori Wicks 13 September 2018 (has links)
本論文はイギリス20世紀のカトリック作家イーヴリン・ウォー(Evelyn Waugh)(1903-66)の後期作品、主に1940-1960年代に書かれた小説について論じるものであり、とりわけ、彼の最後の作品である『名誉の剣』三部作(the Sword of Honour trilogy)を中心に考察する。本論の考察の目的は、作品が書かれた時代のイギリス社会とウォーの作品との関連性、そして彼が希求した、キリスト教徒としての召命のテーマを探ることである。 / This dissertation is on Evelyn Waugh's (1903-66) later novels, written from 1942, through the Second World War, to 1965, especially on his last ones, the Sword of Honour trilogy. With discussions focusing on the relationship of Waugh's works with British society of the same period, this thesis clarifies the theme of vocation, which is observed in most of his novels. / 博士(英文学) / Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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