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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alternative Excitation Methods in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Kersell, Heath R. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Charakterisierung des Relaxationsverhaltens von Si 1-x Ge x /Si(001) Schichten mittels Röntgentopographie

Pfeiffer, Jens-Uwe 14 December 2001 (has links)
Die Herstellung von verspannten Schichten mittels Heteroepitaxie gewinnt in der aktuellen Festkörperphysik zunehmend an Bedeutung, insbesondere wenn es gelingt, Schichten mit unterschiedlichen Gitterparametern in hoher kristalliner Perfektion, wie sie für die Herstellung elektronischer Bauelemente notwendig ist, aufeinander abzuscheiden. Der Einsatz verspannter Schichtsysteme erlaubt es, bestimmte Materialeigenschaften, wie die Ladungsträgerbeweglichkeiten und den Bandabstand, gezielt zu beeinflussen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die frühe Phase der Relaxation von dünnen verspannten metastabilen Silizium-Germanium-Mischkristallschichten auf (001)-Siliziumsubstrat untersucht. Derartige metastabile Schichten bilden bei Temperaturbehandlung sogenannte Fehlanpassungsversetzungen aus. Die Ausbildung dieser Versetzungen in makroskopischer Ausdehnung in nahezu perfekt kristallinen Materialien setzt einen Nukleationsvorgang und die Ausbreitung durch Gleiten bzw. Klettern voraus. Diese Vorgänge wurden am o.g. Materialsystem systematisch untersucht. Die Untersuchung außerordentlich geringer Versetzungsdichten erfolgte mittels in-situ und ex-situ Röntgentopographie sowie ergänzender Messungen mittels hochauflösender Röntgendiffraktometrie. Die Plane-view-Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie sowie Atomkraftmikroskopie ergänzten die Experimente auf der damit möglichen Längenskala insbesondere für die Beurteilung des Verhaltens von sich kreuzenden Versetzungen. Es wurden Versetzungsgleitgeschwindigkeiten in Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Fremdstoffkonzentrationen und Epitaxieverfahren gemessen. Ein signifikante Einfluß dieser Verfahren auf die Gleitgeschwindigkeit konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden, jedoch veringert der Sauerstoffgehalt einiger Proben die Versetzungsgleitgeschwindigkeit. Eine Kohlenstoffdotierung von 0,1% führt bei Einbau auf Gitterplätzen zu keinem messbaren Einfluß auf die Ausbreitungsgeschwindigkeit von Fehlanpassungsversetzungen. Der Prozess der Nukleation von Versetzungen wurde durch die heterogene Nukleation an Einzeldefekten, deren Vorhandensein stark vom Epitaxieverfahren abhängt, dominiert. Dies wurde an einer Vielzahl von Proben verifiziert. Die Aktivität der einzelnen Nukleationszentren ist sehr unterschiedlich und lässt sich nur durch ein "Spektrum" von Nukleationszentren unterschiedlicher "Stärke" erklären. Starke Nukleationszentren können bis ca 100 Versetzungen, die zusammen Versetzungsbündel bilden, induzieren. Die Nukleationszentren werden sequentiell aktiviert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass Laserbeschuss schwache Zentren "aktiviert" und eine damit eine sehr gleichmäßige Relaxation von Schichten möglich wird. Durch in-situ-Beobachtungen konnte erstmals röntgentopografisch der Prozess des Versetzungsblockierens und des Quergleitens an sich kreuzenden Versetzungsbündeln über einen großen Skalenbereich verfolgt werden.Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Zweikristall-Röntgentopografie ein geeignetes Verfahren zur Untersuchung großer teilrelaxierter Proben mit extrem geringem Relaxationsgrad darstellt. / The deposition of metastable layers by means of heteroepitaxy is gaining more and more in importance in current solid state physics, especially if it is possible to deposit layers with rather different lattice parameters in perfect quality, necessary for the fabrication of electronic devices and semiconductor technology. The use of such layer systems enables to controlling specific material properties, for example the mobility of charge carriers and the energy gap. Within the framework of this work the early stages of the relaxation of very thin strained silicon-germanium layers deposited onto (001)silicon substrates were investigated. Such metastable layers create so-called misfit dislocations at annealing. The formation of dislocations in nearly perfect materials as silicon in macroscopic extension presumes a nucleation process and the propagation by means of gliding and/or climbing of the threading segments. These processes were investigated systematically at silicon-germanium-films on silicon substrates as a modelsystem. Very low densities of dislocations were investigated by in-situ and ex-situ X-ray topography as well as high resolution X-ray diffractometry. Plane-view transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy complemented the experiments in order to study the behavior at the dislocation crossings at smaller length scale. Dislocation glide rates were measured at different concentrations of impurities (e.g. carbon) in the sample and for different growth techniques. There was no significant influence of the epitaxial method on the glide velocities but a very low amount of oxygen decreases the the velocity effectively. A low density of carbon (0,1%) wich occcupy silicon or germanium lattice sites had no significant influence on the propagation of dislocations. The process of nucleation is dominated by heterogeneous nucleation as was verified at a large number of samples and varies in detail for different epitaxial depostion methods. The activity of single nucleation centers is rather different and can interpreted with a "spectrum" of centers of different strength. A strong center can induce as many as 100 dislocations. These dislocations form bunches of dislocations as was observed with X-ray topography. The centers are sequentially activated. This was demonstrated at samples where a pretreatment with an excimer laser "activated" weak centers thereby inducing a comparatively homogeneous distribution of dislocations. By means of in-situ synchrotron radiation experiments the prozesses of propagation, blocking and crossslip could be observed for the first time in large areas of samples. The double crystal X-ray topography is a suitable method to observe these processes in comparatively large samples with a very low degree of relaxation.

Modeling of magnetic optic for the short pulse mode operation of Energy Recovery Linac based light sources

Atkinson, Terry 25 September 2015 (has links)
Das Forschungsfeld der Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen hat sich in den letzen Jahren entscheidend weiterentwickelt. Alle Zukunftsideen, unabhängig von ihrer Komplexität, haben dennoch eines gemeinsam: die Erzeugung kurzer Pulse. Die Naturwissenschaften haben die Spitzenbrillanz, die mit Hilfe kürzester Pulse produziert werden kann, als neues Schlüsselwerkzeug entdeckt. Die Nutzergemeinschaft verlangt nicht mehr nur ein statisches Bild, sondern vielmehr eine Reihe von bewegten Aufnahmen atomarer Substrukturen und den dazugehöringen Prozessen. Existierende dritte Generation Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen werden an die neuen Herausforderungen angepasst: Verbesserungen an der Magnet-Optik sowie der Einbau modernster Beschleunigertechnologie ermöglichen die Erzeugung kürzester Pulse mit höchster Brillanz für zeitaufgelöste Experimente. Ein möglicher Kandidat für die Lichtquelle der nächsten Generation ist ein Linear-Beschleuniger mit Energierückgewinnung. Durch die Verwendung langer Beschleunigungsstrukturen kann es, selbst bei hohen Energien, nicht zur Ausbildung des Emittanzgleichgewichts wie in Speicherringen kommen. Durch die Verwendung Impulsabhängiger-Umlaufbahnen und der Rückgewinnung der Strahlenergie ist es mit `Energy Recovery Linac'' (ERL)-basierten Quellen energieeffizient möglich, hochenergetische Elektronen-Pulse im Femtosekundenbereich zu erzeugen. Die longitudinale Elekronstrahldynamik solcher ERLs ist eines der Hauptthemen dieser Arbeit. Umfangreiche Simulationen über die gesamte Maschine wurden im Rahmen der `Femto-Science Factory'' Lichtquellen Studie durchgeführt. Die Begrenzungen des Kurzpulsmodus Betriebes wurden untersucht und mit den Erwartungen verglichen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit lag dabei auf den 6D Elektronenstrahleigenschaften, insbesondere auf der Vermeidung von Strahlaufweitungen, die mit der Erzeugung von Ultra-Kurzpulsen einhergehen können. / Synchrotron light sources are entering a new era. No matter how elaborate, all the next generation proposals share a common necessity; the production of ultra-short electron bunches. There is an evolution in the field of science under investigation using the high peak brilliance generated from such bunches. The user community is demanding not just pictures but videos of atomic substructures and the processes that define them. Existing 3rd generation facilities are modifying their magnetic lattices and upgrading the acceleration schemes in order to keep up with this trend of generating short pulses with ultimate brilliance for time resolved experiments. A possible candidate for the next generation light source is one based on ERL technology. Using long linacs to accelerate to high energies overcomes the present limitation of emittance equilibrium in storage rings. By implementing independent arcs for acceleration and deceleration while recuperating the beams energy, ERL based sources are theoretically capable of efficiently producing high energy femtosecond long bunch lengths. The study of the longitudinal motion of the beam through single pass magnetic optic in combination with linacs is the main topic of this thesis. Dedicated start-to-end simulations in the framework of the Femto-Science Factory large scale light source are undertaken. The expectations and restrictions on the short pulse mode (SPM) operation are comprehensively examined in this work. Particular attention is given to the 6D electron beam properties and with it the beam degradation caused by the production of ultra-short bunches.

Transverse Resonance Island Buckets at BESSY II / A new Bunch Separation Scheme

Armborst, Felix 03 February 2022 (has links)
Die steigende Nachfrage nach Synchrotronstrahlungsanlagen hat zu einem stetig wachsenden Angebot auf der ganzen Welt geführt. Die wissenschaftliche Nutzergemeinde der Speicherring-basierten Lichtquellen benötigt immer höhere Brightness und viele sind auch an speziellen Zeitstrukturen der Strahlung, wie kurzen Pulslängen und bestimmten Wiederholungsraten, interessiert. Dies hat zu einer kontinuierlichen Verbesserung bestehender und zum Bau vieler neuer Anlagen geführt. Das Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB) betreibt den Berlin Electron Storage Ring Society for SYnchrotron Radiation (BESSY) II, eine Lichtquelle dritter Generation. Der Betrieb der Speicherring basierten Lichtquelle BESSY II nahe der transversalen, optischen Resonanz dritter Ordnung mit Transverse Resonance Island Buckets (TRIBs) Optik ermöglicht die Speicherung von Strom auf einer zweiten, stabilen Umlaufbahn. Der zweite Orbit windet sich im transversalen x-x′-Phasenraum über drei Umläufe um den Kernorbit und hat somit etwa den dreifachen Arbeitspunkt des Kernstrahls. Der stabile Inselorbit bietet die Möglichkeit, die Elektronen für jeden der 400, von der 500 MHz BESSY II Radio Frequency (RF) Kavität definierten, Buckets, fast beliebig zwischen dem Kern und den drei zugehörigen TRIBs zu verteilen. Dies eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten der Bunchtrennung. Durch Bevölkerung eines Orbits mit wenigen Elektronenpaketen, kann dieser dediziert für zeitaufgelöste Experimente genutzt werden. Es erhalten alle Strahlrohre mit hinreichender Akzeptanz die Möglichkeit, zeitaufgelöste Experimente durchzuführen. Die Bunchtrennung wird durch Ausrichtung der Strahlrohre auf den gewünschten Orbit erreicht. Somit stellt dieser Betriebsmodus eine Möglichkeit dar, die Timing-Fähigkeiten der BESSY II-Anlage und Speicherringbasierter Lichtquellen im Allgemeinen weiter auszubauen. / The increasing demand for synchrotron radiation facilities has led to a continuously increasing offer around the world. The scientific user community of storage-ring-based light sources requires ever-higher brightness and many are also interested in special time structures of the radiation such as short pulse lengths and certain repetition rates. This has led to continuous upgrades of existing and the construction of many new machines around the world. The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB) operates the third generation light source Berlin Electron Storage Ring Society for SYnchrotron Radiation (BESSY) II. Operation of the storage-ring-based light source BESSY II in proximity of the third-order, transverse, optical tune resonance with Transverse Resonance Island Buckets (TRIBs) optics enables storage of current on a second stable orbit winding around the core orbit in the transverse x-x′ -phase space. This second orbit closes after three revolutions, resulting in a tune approximately three times that of the core tune. The stable island orbit provides the possibility to populate each of the 400 Radio Frequency (RF) buckets, defined by the 500 MHz cavities at BESSY II not only on the core but also additionally or exclusively on one or all three of the corresponding transverse island buckets of the threefold island orbit. This provides unique bunch separation possibilities with the appropriate population of each orbit. The population of one orbit with single bunches enables dedicated utilisation of this orbit for timing experiments and gives all beamlines with sufficient acceptance access to time-resolved experiments. The bunch separation is realised by aligning each beamline with the desired orbit. Thus, this operation mode represents a possibility to enhance the timing capabilities at BESSY II and storage ring based light sources in general.

Dark Matter Indirect Detection with charged cosmic rays / Parcellisation de la surface corticale basée sur la connectivité : vers une exploration multimodale

Giesen, Gaelle 25 September 2015 (has links)
Les preuves pour l'existence de la matière noire (MN), sous forme d'une particule inconnue qui rempli les halos galactiques, sont issues d'observations astrophysiques et cosmologiques: son effet gravitationnel est visible dans les rotations des galaxies, des amas de galaxies et dans la formation des grandes structures de l'univers. Une manifestation non-gravitationnelle de sa présence n'a pas encore été découverte. L'une des techniques les plus prometteuse est la détection indirecte de la MN, consistant à identifier des excès dans les flux de rayons cosmiques pouvant provenir de l'annihilation ou la désintégration de la MN dans le halo de la Voie Lactée. Les efforts expérimentaux actuels se focalisent principalement sur une gamme d'énergie de l'ordre du GeV au TeV, où un signal de WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) est attendu. L'analyse des mesures récentes et inédites des rayons cosmiques chargés (antiprotons, électrons et positrons) et leurs émissions secondaires et les améliorations des modèles astrophysiques sont présentées.Les données de PAMELA sur les antiprotons contraignent l'annihilation et la désintégration de la MN de manière similaire (et même légèrement meilleurs) que les contraintes les plus fortes venant des rayons gamma, même dans le cas où les énergies cinétiques inférieures à 10 GeV sont écartées. En choisissant des paramètres astrophysiques différents (modèles de propagation et profils de MN), les contraintes peuvent changer d'un à deux ordres de grandeur. Pour exploiter la totalité de la capacité des antiprotons à contraindre la MN, des effets précédemment négligés sont incorporés et se révèlent être importants dans l'analyse des données inédites de AMS-02 : ajouter les pertes d'énergie, la diffusion dans l'espace des moments et la modulation solaire peut modifier les contraintes, même à de hautes masses. Une mauvaise interprétation des données peut survenir si ces effets ne sont pas pris en compte. Avec les flux de protons et d'hélium exposé par AMS-02, le fond astrophysique et ces incertitudes du ratio antiprotons sur protons sont réévalués et comparés aux données inédites de AMS-02. Aucune indication pour un excès n'est trouvé. Une préférence pour un halo confinant plus large et une dépendance en énergie du coefficient de diffusion plus plate apparaissent. De nouvelles contraintes sur l'annihilation et la désintégration de la MN sont ainsi dérivés.Les émissions secondaires des électrons et des positrons peuvent aussi contraindre l'annihilation et la désintégration de la MN dans le halo galactique : le signal radio dû à la radiation synchrotron des électrons et positrons dans le champs magnétique galactique, les rayons gamma des processus de bremsstrahlung avec le gas galactique et de Compton Inverse avec le champs radiatif interstellaire sont considérés. Différentes configurations de champs magnétique galactique et de modèles de propagation et des cartes de gas et de champs radiatif interstellaire améliorés sont utilisées pour obtenir des outils permettant le calculs des émissions synchrotrons et bremsstrahlung venant de MN de type WIMP. Tous les résultats numériques sont incorporés dans la dernière version du Poor Particle Physicist Coookbook for DM Indirect Detection (PPPC4DMID).Une interprétation d'un possible excès dans les données de rayons gamma de Fermi-LAT au centre galactique comme étant dû à l'annihilation de MN en canaux hadronique et leptonique est analysée. Dans une approche de messagers multiples, le calcul des émissions secondaires est amélioré et se révèle être important pour la détermination du spectre pour le canal leptonique. Ensuite, les limites provenant des antiprotons sur l'annihilation en canal hadronique contraignent sévèrement l'interprétation de cet excès comme étant dû à la MN, dans le cas de paramètres de propagation et de modulation solaire standards. Avec un choix plus conservatif de ces paramètres elles s'assouplissent considérablement. / Overwhelming evidence for the existence of Dark Matter (DM), in the form of an unknownparticle filling the galactic halos, originates from many observations in astrophysics and cosmology: its gravitational effects are apparent on galactic rotations, in galaxy clusters and in shaping the large scale structure of the Universe. On the other hand, a non-gravitational manifestation of its presence is yet to be unveiled. One of the most promising techniques is the one of indirect detection, aimed at identifying excesses in cosmic ray fluxes which could possibly be produced by DM annihilations or decays in the Milky Way halo. The current experimental efforts mainly focus in the GeV to TeV energy range, which is also where signals from WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) are expected. Focussing on charged cosmic rays, in particular antiprotons, electrons and positrons, as well as their secondary emissions, an analysis of current and forseen cosmic ray measurements and improvements on astrophysical models are presented. Antiproton data from PAMELA imposes contraints on annihilating and decaying DM which are similar to (or even slightly stronger than) the most stringent bounds from gamma ray experiments, even when kinetic energies below 10 GeV are discarded. However, choosing different sets of astrophysical parameters, in the form of propagation models and halo profiles, allows the contraints to span over one or two orders of magnitude. In order to exploit fully the power of antiprotons to constrain or discover DM, effects which were previously perceived as subleading turn out to be relevant especially for the analysis of the newly released AMS-02 data. In fact, including energy losses, diffusive reaccelleration and solar modulation can somewhat modify the current bounds, even at large DM masses. A wrong interpretation of the data may arise if they are not taken into account. Finally, using the updated proton and helium fluxes just released by the AMS-02 experiment, the astrophysical antiproton to proton ratio and its uncertainties are reevaluated and compared to the preliminarly reported AMS-02 measurements. No unambiguous evidence for a significant excess with respect to expectations is found. Yet, some preference for thicker halos and a flatter energy dependence of the diffusion coefficient starts to emerge. New stringed constraints on DM annihilation and decay are derived. Secondary emissions from electrons and positrons can also be used to constrain DM annihilation or decay in the galactic halo. The radio signal due to synchrotron radiation of electrons and positrons on the galactic magnetic field, gamma rays from bremsstrahlung processes on the galactic gas densities and from Inverse Compton scattering processes on the interstellar radiation field are considered. With several magnetic field configurations, propagation scenarios and improved gas density maps and interstellar radiation field, state-of-art tools allowing the computaion of synchrotron and bremssttrahlung radiation for any WIMP DM model are provided. All numerical results for DM are incorporated in the release of the Poor Particle Physicist Coookbook for DM Indirect Detection (PPPC4DMID). Finally, the possible GeV gamma-ray excess identified in the Fermi-LAT data from the Galactic Center in terms of DM annihilation, either in hadronic or leptonic channels is studied. In order to test this tantalizing interprestation, a multi-messenger approach is used: first, the computation of secondary emisison from DM with respect to previous works confirms it to be relevant for determining the DM spectrum in leptonic channels. Second, limits from antiprotons severely constrain the DM interpretation of the excess in the hadronic channel, for standard assumptions on the Galactic propagation parameters and solar modulation. However, they considerably relax if more conservative choices are adopted.

Structural and magnetic properties of ultrathin Fe3O4 films: cation- and lattice-site-selective studies by synchrotron radiation-based techniques

Pohlmann, Tobias 19 August 2021 (has links)
This work investigates the growth dynamic of the reactive molecular beam epitaxy of Fe3O4 films, and its impact on the cation distribution as well as on the magnetic and structural properties at the surface and the interfaces. In order to study the structure and composition of Fe3O4 films during growth, time-resolved high-energy x-ray diffraction (tr-HEXRD) and time-resolved hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (tr-HAXPES) measurements are used to monitor the deposition process of Fe3O4 ultrathin films on SrTiO3(001), MgO(001) and NiO/MgO(001). For Fe3O4\SrTiO3(001) is found that the film first grows in a disordered island structure, between thicknesses of 1.5nm to 3nm in FeO islands and finally in the inverse spinel structure of Fe3O4, displaying (111) nanofacets on the surface. The films on MgO(001) and NiO/MgO(001) show a similar result, with the exception that the films are not disordered in the early growth stage, but form islands which immediately exhibit a crystalline FeO phase up to a thickness of 1nm. After that, the films grown in the inverse spinel structure on both MgO(001) and NiO/MgO(001). Additionally, the tr-HAXPES measurements of Fe3O4/SrTiO3(001) demonstrate that the FeO phase is only stable during the deposition process, but turns into a Fe3O4 phase when the deposition is interrupted. This suggests that this FeO layer is a strictly dynamic property of the growth process, and might not be retained in the as-grown films. In order to characterize the as-grown films, a technique is introduced to extract the cation depth distribution of Fe3O4 films from magnetooptical depth profiles obtained by fitting x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity (XRMR) curves. To this end, x-ray absorption (XAS) and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) spectra are recorded as well as XRMR curves to obtain magnetooptical depth profiles. To attribute these magnetooptical depth profiles to the depth distribution of the cations, multiplet calculations are fitted to the XMCD data. From these calculations, the cation contributions at the three resonant energies of the XMCD spectrum can be evaluated. Recording XRMR curves at those energies allows to resolve the magnetooptical depth profiles of the three iron cation species in Fe3O4. This technique is used to resolve the cation stoichiometry at the surface of Fe3O4/MgO(001) films and at the interfaces of Fe3O4/MgO(001) and Fe3O4/NiO. The first unit cell of the Fe3O4(001) surface shows an excess of Fe3+ cations, likely related to a subsurface cation-vacancy reconstruction of the Fe3O4(001) surface, but the magnetic order of the different cation species appears to be not disturbed in this reconstructed layer. Beyond this layer, the magnetic order of all three iron cation species in Fe3O4/MgO(001) is stable for the entire film with no interlayer or magnetic dead layer at the interface. For Fe3O4/NiO films, we unexpectedly observe a magnetooptical absorption at the Ni L3 edge in the NiO film corresponding to a ferromagnetic order throughout the entire NiO film, which is antiferromagnetic in the bulk. Additionally, the magnetooptical profiles indicate a single intermixed layer containing both Fe2+ and Ni2+ cations.


Veerappan Prithivirajan (8464098) 17 April 2020 (has links)
Additive manufacturing (AM) introduces high variability in the microstructure and defect distributions, compared with conventional processing techniques, which introduces greater uncertainty in the resulting fatigue performance of manufactured parts. As a result, qualification of AM parts poses as a problem in continued adoption of these materials in safety-critical components for the aerospace industry. Hence, there is a need to develop precise and accurate, physics-based predictive models to quantify the fatigue performance, as a means to accelerate the qualification of AM parts. The fatigue performance is a critical requirement in the safe-life design philosophy used in the aerospace industry. Fatigue failure is governed by the loading conditions and the attributes of the material microstructure, namely, grain size distribution, texture, and defects. In this work, the crystal plasticity finite element (CPFE) method is employed to model the microstructure-based material response of an additively manufactured Ni-based superalloy, Inconel 718 (IN718). Using CPFE and associated experiments, methodologies were developed to assess multiple aspects of the fatigue behavior of IN718 using four studies. In the first study, a CPFE framework is developed to estimate the critical characteristics of porosity, namely the pore size and proximity that would cause a significant debit in the fatigue life. The second study is performed to evaluate multiple metrics based on plastic strain and local stress in their ability to predict both the modes of failure as seen in fractography experiments and estimate the scatter in fatigue life due to microstructural variability as obtained from fatigue testing. In the third study, a systematic analysis was performed to investigate the role of the simulation volume and the microstructural constraints on the fatigue life predictions to provide informed guidelines for simulation volume selection that is both computationally tractable and results in consistent scatter predictions. In the fourth study, validation of the CPFE results with the experiments were performed to build confidence in the model predictions. To this end, 3D realistic microstructures representative of the test specimen were created based on the multi-modal experimental data obtained from high-energy diffraction experiments and electron backscatter diffraction microscopy. Following this, the location of failure is predicted using the model, which resulted in an unambiguous one to one correlation with the experiment. In summary, the development of microstructure-sensitive predictive methods for fatigue assessment presents a tangible step towards the adoption of model-based approaches that can be used to compliment and reduce the overall number of physical tests necessary to qualify a material for use in application.

Brilliant radiation sources by laser-plasma accelerators and optical undulators

Debus, Alexander 18 April 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich in Experiment und Theorie mit Laser-Plasma beschleunigten Elektronen und optischen Undulatoren zur Erzeugung von brillianter Synchrotronstrahlung. Zum ersten Mal wird experimentell nachgewießen, dass laserbeschleunigte Elektronenpulse kürzer als 30 fs sind. Ferner werden solche Elektronenpulse erstmalig in einem Demonstrationsexperiment durch einen magnetischen Undulator als Synchrotronstrahlenquelle genutzt. Aufbauend auf diesen experimentellen Erkenntnissen, sowie umfangreichen numerischen Simulationen zur Thomsonstreuung, werden die theoretischen Grundlagen einer neuartigen Interaktionsgeometrie für Laser-Materie Wechselwirkungen entwickelt. Diese neue, in der Anwendbarkeit sehr allgemeine Methode basiert auf raum-zeitlicher Laserpulsformung durch nichtlineare Winkeldispersion wie diese durch VLS- (varied-line spacing) Gitter erzeugt werden kann und hat den Vorteil nicht durch die Fokussierbarkeit des Lasers (Rayleighlänge) begrenzt zu sein. Zusammen mit laserbeschleunigten Elektronen ermöglicht dieser traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) benannte Ansatz neuartige, nur auf optischer Technologie basierende Synchrotronstrahlenquellen mit Zentimeter bis Meter langen optische Undulatoren. Die hierbei mit existierenden Lasern erzielbaren Brillianzen übersteigen diese bestehender Thomsonquellen-Designs um 2-3 Größenordnungen. Die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse weisen weit über die Grenzen der vorliegenden Arbeit hinaus. Die Möglichkeit Laser als Teilchenbeschleuniger und auch optischen Undulator zu verwenden führt zu bauartbedingt sehr kompakten und energieeffizienten Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen. Die hieraus resultierende monochromatische Strahlung hoher Brillianz in einem Wellenlängenbereich von extremen ultraviolett (EUV) zu harten Röntgenstrahlen ist für die Grundlagenforschung, medizinische Anwendungen, Material- und Lebenswissenschaften von fundamentaler Bedeutung und wird maßgeblich zu einer neuen Generation ultrakurzer Strahlungsquellen und freien Elektronenlasern (FELs) beitragen. / This thesis investigates the use of high-power lasers for synchrotron radiation sources with high brilliance, from the EUV to the hard X-ray spectral range. Hereby lasers accelerate electrons by laser-wakefield acceleration (LWFA), act as optical undulators, or both. Experimental evidence shows for the first time that LWFA electron bunches are shorter than the driving laser and have a length scale comparable to the plasma wavelength. Furthermore, a first proof of principle experiment demonstrates that LWFA electrons can be exploited to generate undulator radiation. Building upon these experimental findings, as well as extensive numerical simulations of Thomson scattering, the theoretical foundations of a novel interaction geometry for laser-matter interaction are developed. This new method is very general and when tailored towards relativistically moving targets not being limited by the focusability (Rayleigh length) of the laser, while it does not require a waveguide. In a theoretical investigation of Thomson scattering, the optical analogue of undulator radiation, the limits of Thomson sources in scaling towards higher peak brilliances are highlighted. This leads to a novel method for generating brilliant, highly tunable X-ray sources, which is highly energy efficient by circumventing the laser Rayleigh limit through a novel traveling-wave Thomson scattering (TWTS) geometry. This new method suggests increases in X-ray photon yields of 2-3 orders of magnitudes using existing lasers and a way towards efficient, optical undulators to drive a free-electron laser. The results presented here extend far beyond the scope of this work. The possibility to use lasers as particle accelerators, as well as optical undulators, leads to very compact and energy efficient synchrotron sources. The resulting monoenergetic radiation of high brilliance in a range from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to hard X-ray radiation is of fundamental importance for basic research, medical applications, material and life sciences and is going to significantly contribute to a new generation of radiation sources and free-electron lasers (FELs).


Xuedong Zhai (8102429) 10 December 2019 (has links)
<div>The mechanical behaviors of different kinds of biological tissues, including muscle tissues, cortical bones, cancellous bones and skulls, were studied under various loading conditions to investigate their strain-rate sensitivities and loading-direction dependencies. Specifically, the compressive mechanical behaviors of porcine muscle were studied at quasi-static (<1/s) and intermediate (1/s─10^2/s) strain rates. Both the compressive and tensile mechanical behaviors of human muscle were investigated at quasi-static and intermediate strain rates. The effect of strain-rate and loading-direction on the compressive mechanical behaviors of human frontal skulls, with its entire sandwich structure intact, were also studied at quasi-static, intermediate and high (10^2/s─10^3/s) strain rates. The fracture behaviors of porcine cortical bone and cancellous bone were investigated at both quasi-static (0.01mm/s) and dynamic (~6.1 m/s) loading rates, with the entire failure process visualized, in real-time, using the phase contrast imaging technique. Research effort was also focused on studying the dynamic fracture behaviors, in terms of fracture initiation toughness and crack-growth resistance curve (R-curve), of porcine cortical bone in three loading directions: in-plane transverse, out-of-plane transverse and in-plane longitudinal. A hydraulic material testing system (MTS) was used to load all the biological tissues at quasi-static and intermediate loading rates. Experiments at high loading rates were performed on regular or modified Kolsky bars. Tomography of bone specimens was also performed to help understand their microstructures and obtain the basic material properties before mechanical characterizations. Experimental results found that both porcine muscle and human muscle exhibited non-linear and strain-rate dependent mechanical behaviors in the range from quasi-static (10^(-2)/s─1/s) to intermediate (1/s─10^2/s) loading rates. The porcine muscle showed no significant difference in the stress-strain curve between the along-fiber and transverse-to-fiber orientation, while it was found the human muscle was stiffer and stronger along fiber direction in tension than transverse-to fiber direction in compression. The human frontal skulls exhibited a highly loading-direction dependent mechanical behavior: higher ultimate strength, with an increasing ratio of 2, and higher elastic modulus, with an increasing ratio of 3, were found in tangential loading direction when compared with those in the radial direction. A transition from quasi-ductile to brittle compressive mechanical behaviors of human frontal skulls was also observed as loading rate increased from quasi-static to dynamic, as the elastic modulus was increased by factors of 4 and 2.5 in the radial and tangential loading directions, respectively. Experimental results also suggested that the strength in the radial direction was mainly depended on the diploë porosity while the diploë layer ratio played the predominant role in the tangential direction. For the fracture behaviors of bones, straight-through crack paths were observed in both the in-plane longitudinal cortical bone specimens and cancellous bone specimens, while the cracks were highly tortuous in the in-plane transverse cortical bone specimens. Although the extent of toughening mechanisms at dynamic loading rate was comparatively diminished, crack deflections and twists at osteon cement lines were still observed in the transversely oriented cortical bone specimens at not only quasi-static loading rate but also dynamic loading rate. The locations of fracture initiations were found statistical independent on the bone type, while the propagation direction of incipient crack was significantly dependent on the loading direction in cortical bone and largely varied among different types of bones (cortical bone and cancellous bone). In addition, the crack propagation velocities were dependent on crack extension over the entire crack path for all the three loading directions while the initial velocity for in-plane direction was lower than the other two directions. Both the cortical bone and cancellous bone exhibited higher fracture initiation toughness and steeper R-curves at the quasi-static loading rate than the dynamic loading rate. For cortical bone at a dynamic loading rate (5.4 m/s), the R-curves were steepest, and the crack surfaces were most tortuous in the in-plane transverse direction while highly smooth crack paths and slowly growing R-curves were found in the in-plane longitudinal direction, suggesting an overall transition from brittle to ductile-like fracture behaviors as the osteon orientation varies from in-plane longitudinal to out-of-plane transverse, and to in-plane transverse eventually.</div>

Semi-quantitative röntgentomographische Untersuchungen zur Biodistribution von magnetischen Nanopartikeln in biologischem Gewebe

Rahn, Helene 13 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift „Semi-quantitative röntgentomographische Untersuchungen zur Biodistribution von magnetischen Nanopartikeln in biologischem Gewebe“ wurden tomographische Untersuchungen an biologischen Objekten durchgeführt. Bei diesen Objekten handelt es sich um Gewebeproben nach minimal-invasiven Krebstherapien wie zum Beispiel magnetischem Drug Targeting und magnetischer Wärmebehandlung. Der Erfolg dieser Therapien ist sowohl abhängig von der korrekten Verteilung der magnetischen Nanopartikel als auch von der Tatsache, dass diese in der Zielregion in einer ausreichenden Menge vorhanden sind. Das Vorliegen dieser beiden Voraussetzungen ist in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht worden. Dabei lag der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit auf der Quantifizierung von magnetischem Material in unterschiedlichen biologischen Gewebeproben mittels Röntgenmikrocomputertomographie (XµCT). Für diesen Zweck wurde ein Kalibrationssystem mit speziellen Phantomen entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe eine Nanopartikelkonzentration einem Grauwert voxelweise zugewiesen werden kann. Mit Hilfe der Kalibration kann der Nanopartikelgehalt sowohl in monochromatischen als auch in polychromatischen tomographischen Daten im Vergleich zu magnetorelaxometrischen Ergebnissen mit wenigen Prozent Abweichung ermittelt werden. Trotz Polychromasie und damit einhergehenden Artefakten können 3-dimensionale röntgentomographische Datensätze mit einer geringfügigen Konzentrationsabweichung im Vergleich zur quantitativen Messmethode Magnetorelaxometrie semi-quantitativ ausgewertet werden. / The success of the minimal invasive cancer therapies, called magnetic drug targeting and magnetic heating treatment, depends strongly on the correct distribution of the magnetic nanoparticles on one side. On the other side it depends on the fact that a sufficient amount of magnetic nanoparticles carrying drugs is accumulated in the target region. To study whether these two requirements are fulfilled motivates this PhD thesis „Semi-quantitative X-ray-tomography examinations of biodistribution of magnetic nanoparticles in biological tissues“. The analysis of the distribution of the magnetic nanoparticles in tumours and other tissue examples is realized by means of X-ray-micro computer tomography (XμCT). The work focuses on the quantification of the magnetic nanoparticles in different biological tissue samples by means of XµCT. A calibration of the tomographic devices with adequate phantoms, developed in the frame of this work, opens now the possibility to analyze tomographic data in a semi-quantitative manner. Thus, the nanoparticle concentration can be allocated voxel-wise to the grey values of the three-dimensional tomographic data. With the help of calibration of the tomography equipments used, polychromatic as well as monochromatic three-dimensional representations of objects can be analyzed with regard to the biodistribution of magnetic nanoparticles as well as with regard to their quantity. The semi-quantitative results have been compared with results obtained with a quantitative measurement method magnetorelaxometry (MRX). Thereby a good agreement of the semi-quantitative and quantitative data has been figured out.

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