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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wahrheit, Systemtheorie und Subjektivität

Ernst, Oliver 12 August 2015 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung ist es, zu versuchen, die Systemtheorie um die Möglichkeit der Einbeziehung von Bewusstseinsinhalten und den damit verbundenen teilweise für den Träger sehr irritierenden Emotionen zu komplementarisieren und wenn es möglich ist, zu erweitern. Die Vorteile der Systemtheorie für die Praxis sollen beibehalten und es soll geprüft werden, ob es möglich ist, die Systemtheorie auf ein erweitertes, erkenntnistheoretisches Fundament zu stellen. / Aim of this investigation is to try to alloy system theory to the possibility of including the content of the consciousness and the related partly very irritating emotions and if it is possible to expand the boundaries of system theory. The advantages of the system theory for the practice should be maintained and it should be examined whether it is possible to put the system theory on an advanced epistemological foundation.

Direito penal: uma análise crítica sob a ótica da sociologia

Castro, Luiz Augusto Sartori de 23 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Aparecida de Souza Cardozo (mcardozo@pucsp.br) on 2018-06-12T12:51:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Augusto Sartori de Castro.pdf: 1991160 bytes, checksum: c46203534cfaf5ae66d7aac8e39813d6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-12T12:51:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Augusto Sartori de Castro.pdf: 1991160 bytes, checksum: c46203534cfaf5ae66d7aac8e39813d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-23 / The main focus brought in the present project is to empirically demonstrate the inefficiency of Criminal Law as an instrument against the advance of crimes, especially in view of the fact that, despite of more than 142 criminal laws have been produced between the democratization of Brazil and December 31, 2017 - 88% more severe -, criminal records keeps increasing, as the massive imprisonment, which percentage between 1990/2017 reached 707%. Therefore, the present study intents to discuss that both the expansion of legal assets, as well as the increase in the penalties already provided for in the Legal Order are not able instruments to achieve the proposed purpose, namely, reduction of crime in Brazil, much less demand the punitive movement of the last decades – based on the culture of fear – under the allegation that the existing mechanisms of defenses against the crime are not enough. Finally, a proposal for a new Criminal Law will be suggested, based on Niklas Luhmann's system theory, which, in addition to ensuring the ultima ratio of the latter, allows for a responsive treatment of deviant action / A raiz do problema trazido no bojo do presente estudo é demonstrar empiricamente a ineficiência da austeridade do Direito Penal como meio de combater o avanço da criminalidade, notadamente diante do fato de que, malgrado terem sido produzidas mais de 142 leis penais entre a redemocratização do Brasil e 31 de dezembro de 2017 – 88% mais severas –, os índices de prática delitiva não apresentam redução. Ao revés, continuam a crescer desenfreadamente, tal como o encarceramento, cujo aumento percentual entre 1990/2017 alcançou 707%. Assim, busca-se com o presente trabalho debater que tanto a expansão de bens jurídicos a serem tutelados pelo Direito Penal, quanto o recrudescimento das penas dos delitos já previstos no Ordenamento Jurídico não são instrumentos hábeis a alcançar o fim proposto, a saber, a redução da criminalidade no Brasil, muito menos a demandar o movimento punitivista das últimas décadas – fundado na cultura do medo –, sob a bandeira de que os mecanismos atuais de defesas contra o crime não são suficientes. Sugerir-se-á, então, uma proposta de um novo Direito Penal, a partir da teoria dos sistemas de Niklas Luhmann, a qual, para além de assegurar a característica de ultima ratio daquele, permite um tratamento responsivo do agir desviado

A questão da justiça de Kelsen a Luhmann: do abandono à recuperação

Santos Neto, Arnaldo Bastos 06 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-03-23T18:42:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Arnaldo Bastos Santos Neto.pdf: 2045082 bytes, checksum: df5bb0c83365c86e1e276044ad385a97 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-23T18:42:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arnaldo Bastos Santos Neto.pdf: 2045082 bytes, checksum: df5bb0c83365c86e1e276044ad385a97 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-06 / Nenhuma / A presente tese, eminentemente bibliográfica, se propõe investigar a questão da justiça nas obras de dois grandes pensadores do direito no século XX, o jurista austríaco Hans Kelsen e o sociólogo alemão Niklas Luhmann. O estudo se justifica pela atualidade que a questão da justiça possui como um dos temas centrais da teoria jurídica, da antiguidade aos dias atuais. A escolha dos dois autores vincula-se às posições teóricas de ambos no que diz respeito à autonomia do direito em relação à moral, o que os coloca num mesmo campo dentro do pensamento jurídico. Por um lado, Kelsen colocou em xeque, ainda com sua Teoria Pura do Direito ainda prisioneira do paradigma da teoria da ação, os aportes tradicionais das teorias jusnaturalistas, esvaziando os significados da justiça a ponto de denunciá-la como um ideal irracional a serviço de motivações ideológicas, produzindo um abandono de qualquer tentativa de fundamentar racionalmente a ideia de justiça. Por outro, Luhmann recupera a discussão da justiça dentro de um outro paradigma, o da teoria dos sistemas, que muda o foco de observação das teorias precedentes, centradas na ação individual ou no individualismo metodológico, para a observação das comunicações que operam internamente e entre si os diversos subsistemas sociais. As conclusões de Luhmann sobre a justiça como fórmula de contingência do subsistema jurídico, bem como as contribuições surgidas do diálogo entre a obra deste com pensadores como Gunther Teubner, Jacques Derrida e Michael Walzer, indicam a possibilidade de uma fundamentação para a justiça compreendida dentro de uma racionalidade sistêmica, adequada para a compreensão dos fenômenos que envolvem a sociedade fragmentada e global de nossa época. / This doctoral thesis, eminently bibliographical, proposes to investigate Law in the works of two great twentieth century philosophers of law: Austrian jurist Hans Kelsen and German sociologist Niklas Luhmann. The research justifies itself by the up- to-dateness that the question of justice has as one of the central subjects of jurisprudence, from ancient times to nowadays. The choice of the two authors is due to the theoretical positions of both of them related to the autonomy of law towards moral which situates them in a same field inside legal thinking. On one hand, Kelsen disputed, with his Pure Theory of Law - still captive of the paradigm of action theory -, the traditional contributions of Natural Law theories, empting the meanings of justice to the point of denuncing it as an irracional ideal serving ideological motivations, producing an abandonement of any attempt to rationaly fundament the idea of justice. On the other hand, Luhmann brings back the discussion of justice in a different paradigm, that of Systems Theory, which moves the observation focus from the precedent theories, concentrated on individual action or methodological individualism, towards the observation of communication that operates internaly and between themselves the diverse social subsystems. The conclusions of Luhmann about justice as a contingency formula of the legal subsystem, as the contributions that appeared in the dialogue between his work and thinkers as Gunther Teubner, Jacques Derrida and Michael Walzer, indicate the possibility of a fundamentation of justice understood within a systemical rationality, adequate to the understanding of the phenomena that surround the fragmented and global society of our time.

An integrated language for the specification, simulation, formal analysis and enactment of discrete event systems / Un langage intégré pour la spécification, simulation, analyse formelle et en-action des systèmes à événements discrets

Maïga, Oumar 22 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une méthodologie qui intègre les méthodes formelles dans la spécification, la conception, la vérification et la validation des systèmes complexes concurrents et distribués avec une perspective à événements discrets. La méthodologie est basée sur le langage graphique HILLS (High Level Language for System Specification) que nous avons défini. HiLLS intègre des concepts de génie logiciel et de théorie des systèmes pour une spécification des systèmes. Précisément, HiLLS intègre des concepts et notations de DEVS (Discrete Event System Specification), UML (Unified Modeling Language) et Object-Z. Les objectifs de HILLS incluent la définition d’une syntaxe concrète graphique qui facilite la communicabilité des modèles et plusieurs domaines sémantiques pour la simulation, le prototypage, l’enaction et l’accessibilité à l’analyse formelle. L’Enaction se définit par le processus de création d’une instance du système qui s’exécute en temps réel (par opposition au temps virtuel utilisé en simulation). HiLLS permet la construction hiérarchique et modulaire des systèmes à événements discrets grâce à une description simple et rigoureuse des aspects statiques, dynamiques et fonctionnels des modèles. La sémantique pour simulation de HiLLS est définie en établissant un morphisme sémantique entre HiLLS et DEVS; de cette façon chaque modèle HiLLS peut être simulé en utilisant un simulateur DEVS. Cette approche permet aux utilisateurs DEVS d’utiliser HiLLS comme un langage de spécification dans la phase de modélisation et d’utiliser leurs propres implémentations locales ou distribuées de DEVS en phase de simulation. L’enactment des modèles HiLLS est basé sur une adaptation du patron de conception Observateur pour leur implémentation. La vérification formelle est faite en établissant un morphisme entre chaque niveau d’abstraction de HiLLS et une méthode formelle adaptée pour la vérification formelle des propriétés à ce niveau. Les modèles formels sur lesquels sont faites les vérifications formelles sont obtenus à partir des spécifications HiLLS en utilisant des morphismes. Les trois niveaux d’abstraction de HiLLS sont : le niveau composite, le niveau unitaire et le niveau des traces. Ces niveaux correspondent respectivement aux trois niveaux suivants de la hiérarchie de spécification des systèmes proposée par Zeigler : CN (Coupled Network), IOS (Input Output System) et IORO (Input Output Relation Observation). Nous avons établi des morphismes entre le niveau Composite et CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes), entre le niveau unitaire et Z, et nous utilisons les logiques temporelles telles que LTL, CTL et TCTL pour exprimer les propriétés sur les traces. HiLLS permet à la fois la spécification des modèles à structures statiques et les modèles à structures variables. Dans le cas des systèmes à structures variables, le niveau composite intègre à la fois des propriétés basées sur les états et les processus. Pour prendre en compte ces deux aspects, un morphisme est défini entre le niveau Composite de HiLLS et CSPZ (une combinaison de CSP et Z). Le processus de vérification et de validation combine la simulation, la vérification exhaustive de modèle (model checking) et la preuve de théorèmes (theorem proving) dans un Framework commun. La vérification exhaustive et la preuve de théorèmes sur les modèles HiLLS sont basées sur les outils associés aux méthodes formelles sélectionnées dans les morphismes. Nous appliquons la méthodologie de modélisation de HiLLS à la modélisation du Alternating Bit Protocol (ABP) et à celle d’un guichet automatique de dépôt de billet (Automated Teller Machine) (ATM). / This thesis proposes a methodology which integrates formal methods in the specification, design, verification and validation processes of complex, concurrent and distributed systems with discrete events perspectives. The methodology is based on the graphical language HILLS (High Level Language for System Specification) that we defined. HiLLS integrates software engineering and system theoretic views for the specification of systems. Precisely, HiLLS integrates concepts and notations from DEVS (Discrete Event System Specification), UML (Unified Modeling Language) and Object-Z. The objectives of HILLS include the definition of a highly communicable graphical concrete syntax and multiple semantic domains for simulation, prototyping, enactment and accessibility to formal analysis. Enactment refers to the process of creating an instance of system executing in real-clock time. HILLS allows hierarchical and modular construction of discrete event systems models while facilitating the modeling process due to the simple and rigorous description of the static, dynamic, structural and functional aspects of the models. Simulation semantics is defined for HiLLS by establishing a semantic mapping between HiLLS and DEVS; in this way each HiLLS model can be simulated by a DEVS simulator. This approach allow DEVS users to use HiLLS as a modeling language in the modeling phase and use their own stand alone or distributed DEVS implementation package to simulate the models. An enactment of HiLLS models is defined by adapting the observer design-pattern to their implementation. The formal verification of HiLLS models is made by establishing morphisms between each level of abstraction of HILLS and a formal method adapted for the formal verification of the properties at this level. The formal models on which are made the formal verification are obtained from HILLS specifications by using the mapping functions. The three levels of abstraction of HILLS are: the Composite level, the Unitary level and the Traces level. These levels correspond respectively to the following levels of the system specification hierarchy proposed by Zeigler: CN (Coupled Network), IOS (Input Output System) and IORO (Input Output Relation Observation). We have established morphisms between the Composite level and CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes), between Unitary level and Z and we expect to use temporal logics like LTL, CTL and TCTL to express traces level properties. HiLLS allows the specification of both static and dynamic structure systems. In case of dynamic structure systems, the composite level integrates both sate-based and process-based properties. To handle at the same time state-based and process-based properties, morphism is established between the dynamic composite level and CSPZ (a combination of CSP and Z); The verification and validation process combine simulation, model checking and theorem proving techniques in a common framework. The model checking and theorem proving of HILLS models are based on an integrated tooling framework composed of tools supporting the notations of the selected formal methods in the established morphisms. We apply our methodology to modeling of the Alternating Bit Protocol (ABP) and the Automated Teller Machine (ATM).

An exploration of strategies used by Malaysian secondary school teachers to promote positive behaviour : professionals' and pupils' perspectives

Awang, Mohd January 2012 (has links)
This research explores the concept of positive and negative behaviour in a Malaysian context and strategies used by secondary school teachers to promote positive behaviour. It also examines strategies that are perceived to be effective and possible factors that have influenced professionals’ attitudes towards positive behaviour. Mixed-method research design was used to complete three different stages. Stage 1 analysed 91 government circulars using content analysis; Stage 2 involved administering a survey to a total of 319 professionals including principals, counsellors and teachers and 494 pupils aged 16 years from 15 selected national secondary schools; Stage 3 focused on two case studies in two selected schools where classroom observations, individual interviews with professionals, and focus groups with pupils were the focal point. Statistical analysis included descriptive and inferential analysis (a chi squared test), while narrative data was analysed by using a thematic approach. Observational data was analysed manually by focusing on the frequency of target behaviour. This study proposes a Socio-ecological Model suggesting that interaction within and between ecological layers constructs the concept of positive and negative behaviour. This study also suggests that bonding and bridging social capital would improve pupil behaviour and develop school community. Findings also suggest that socio-cultural factors and professional experience have influenced professionals’ attitudes towards positive behaviour enhancement strategies. Implications for policy making, practitioners, and future research are also discussed. The research also offers recommendations which could inform policy formulation and further longitudinal research activity.

Zvládání onemocnění dítěte rodinným systémem / Dealing with a chil'ds illness through family system

Bunzáková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
THESIS TITLE Dealing with a child's illness through family system ABSTRACT The aim of the Master's thesis Dealing with a child's illness through family system is to create a work focusing on the subjective perception of the difficulties of managing a child's illness in a family. The thesis is of theoretical and empirical nature. The theoretical part describes theoretical solutions, opinions of individuals and research conducted regarding the matter of ill children, the psychology of illness, family and the family system. The empirical part consists of qualitative research focused on the family's subjective experience of the situation. The data was collected using the methodology of in-depth semi-structured interviews decoded utilizing open code. The data was analyzed using principles of multiple casestudies and inspired by phenomenological research design.The research output is casuistry describing concrete ways and possibilities of how the family can cope with the difficult situation. The goal of a casuistry is to shed some light onto the issue of having a ill child in the family in order to better understand the situation and empathy needed from the family network and professionals involved. One of the main findings of the thesis is that a mother plays a key role in the process of managing an illness. She...

Using Auditory Modalities to Develop Rhythmic Competency in Children's Fundamental Movement Skills

Severy, Sally Suzanne 01 January 2016 (has links)
Physical education classrooms often have low levels of moderate to vigorous physical activity levels. This is a problem since many young elementary students are not building a foundation of fundamental movement skills necessary to be lifelong participants in physical activities. This study investigated how elementary physical education teachers used auditory modalities in their classrooms. The research question explored the emergence of rhythmic competency in fundamental movement skills to increase overall moderate to vigorous activity levels. This concurrent, mixed-methods, multiple case study used a constructivist paradigm using the schema and dynamic system theories as the underlying motor system theoretical framework. Two research sites were selected: a suburban Maryland public school system and a private liberal arts college located in the same county. The participants included 21 elementary physical education teachers and 6 physical education or exercise science majors from nationally recognized programs. Data were collected from a focus group, interviews, classroom observations, and a 10-item response Likert style survey designed for elementary physical education teachers to recognize current trends in the field of auditory modalities and rhythmic competency. The data were analyzed to identify auditory modality instructional methods for the emergence of rhythmic competencies. The results consisted of a list of best practices for use such as musical rhythms, verbal cues, and sound cues by physical education teachers and specialists. This research promotes positive social change by providing information for successfully planning interventions in the discipline of motor skill and rhythmic development that can lead to overall increased more-vigorous physical activity.

A systems science analysis of the context/s of child protection reform in Queensland, Australia

Joel Cullin Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Gränsöverskridande val och vägledning : En studie om studievägledning och breddad rekrytering inom högskola/universitet / Choices beyond the norms and student couselling

Rönn, Britt Marie January 2009 (has links)
<h2>Sammanfattning</h2><p><strong>S</strong>yftet med denna uppsats var att ge en bild av hur ett antal studie- och karriärvägledare inom universitet/högskola förhåller sig till begreppet breddad rekrytering.</p><p>Uppsatsen ville också visa vad en högskola och ett universitet har för strategier för att bredda sin rekrytering och om man medvetet använder sig av studie- och karriärvägledning för detta ändamål.</p><p>Metoden var kvalitativ och resultaten byggde på intervjuer av tio studievägledare fördelade på en högskola och ett universitet, samt två personer som arbetar övergripande med breddad rekrytering på dessa lärosäten. Det som framkom är att studievägledarna överlag anser att breddad rekrytering är en viktig uppgift som ingår i deras yrkesverksamhet, vidare att vägledningen är mer psykologiskt än socialt inriktad, på så sätt att vägledarna fokuserar mer på psykologiska aspekter som t ex studentens intressen, värderingar och förmågor snarare än den sociala kontext studenten befinner sig i t ex klasstillhörighet eller genus. Det finns inslag av processtänkande men fortfarande mycket av "trait and factor" tänkande.<strong> </strong>Högskolan/ universitetet anser att studievägledning är en viktig verksamhet och använder sig delvis av den för att bredda sin rekrytering, men kunskapen om vad vägledning är och kan användas till känns delvis outvecklad.</p><p>En framtidsvision är att vägledning har mer av samhällsförbättrande karaktär. Vägledaren skulle då vara en person som uppmuntrar till val utanför normen: Gränsöverskridande val.<strong> </strong></p> / <p> </p><h2>Abstract</h2><p>The purpose of this thesis was to give a picture of how a number of student counsellors at the university look on their commission in the perspective of widening recruitment.</p><p>The thesis also showed what strategies the universities have to widen their recruitment and of how to use counselling for this purpose.</p><p>The method was qualitative and the result was founded on interviews with ten student counsellors from two different universities and from two persons who work overall with widening recruitment and diversity. This study shows that student counsellors regard widening recruitment as an important task in their work. It emerged under the interviews that counselling is more psychological than social, which means that the counsellors focus more on factors like interests, values and competence rather than social context with factors like social class and gender. There are elements of trait and factor thinking as well as a great deal of<strong> </strong>process thinking. The university regards student counselling as an important activity and is using it for widening recruitment, but the knowledge of  it and its use is somewhat undeveloped.</p><p>A vision for the future is that the counsellor has more the task of a social reformer. The counsellor would then be the one who encourages the student for choices beyond the norms.</p>

Gloarchy : Polyarchy in the Age of Globalization

Öjehag Pettersson, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis tries to evaluate the very large question of how globalization can be said to have an effect on democracy by reducing both concepts to a more usable format. In doing so it tries to evaluate how a special theory of democracy put forward by Robert Dahl in 1971 – polyarchy – could be said to be affected by the workings of contemporary globalization. When assessing the variables of the investigation, globalization is being represented by two constructed ideal images that are later measured against a set of seven variables extracted from Dahl’s theory.</p><p>By the use of qualitative text analysis the constructed ideal types help provide a framework for how one can measure the effects of globalization on polyarchy. The analysis ends in a result where it is clear that if globalization is understood as a neo-liberal ideal image it is making the circumstances for the creation of polyarchies in the future more favorable. However, if globalization is understood as an ideal image of world-system theory explanations then the circumstances for future polyarchies are less favorable. In a concluding discussion important implications of the results are highlighted when the thesis concludes that regardless of ideological starting point globalization can be said to affect the theory of polyarchy in such a way that it is in dire need of reevaluation. At the same time the essay concludes that whenever the concept of globalization is being used with scientific ambitions by politicians, they need to be aware of, and reflect, the different results that it brings depending on how it is explained.</p>

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