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The effect of calcium silicate-based cements on viability and differentiation of human stem cells from the dental apical papilla. : Future aspects in endodontic regeneration.Abdalla, Lahood, Soltani, Bagir January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Pulp necrosis in immature permanent teeth stops root development and may lead to higher risk of cervical fractures and a challenging treatment. Regenerative endodontic treatment (RET) aims to continue tooth development and implies the use of calcium silicate-based cements, such as Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Biodentine to seal the root canal. However, its effect on stem cells has been poorly explored. Aims: Examine the effect of two different calcium silicate-based cements on the viability and the odonto-/osteogenic potential of Stem Cells from Apical Papilla (SCAP). Material and method: Isolated SCAPs from three healthy donors (donor I, II and III) were used and exposed for different concentration extracts of ProRoot® MTA and BiodentineTM for 21 days. Cell viability was studied using the neutral red cytotoxicity test. Osteogenic differentiation was analyzed by the alkaline phosphatase test (ALP). Results: No difference in SCAPs viability was detected by the type of cements used, Biodentine or ProRoot MTA. However, material concentration could be associated with cells cytotoxicity. Osteogenic differentiation was not based on the type of cement used but the environment conditions (aerobic/anaerobic) and the genetical background. Conclusions: The type of cement used in RET, Biodentine or MTA, showed similar effect on SCAPs viability and differentiation potential in vitro. Further studies should be performed to analyze their effect -in -vivo.
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Kariessituationen hos äldreTakacs, Margareta, Svalin, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Eftersom medellivslängden ökar och de egna tänderna behålls högre upp i åldrarna finns det en ökad kariesrisk hos de äldre. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att redogöra för riskfaktorer som påverkar kariessituationen hos äldre personer. Ytterligare ett syfte var att ta reda på vilka tänder och tandytor som främst drabbas av karies. Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie. Databaserna PubMed och Cinahl användes. Artiklar publicerade år 2000-2010 inkluderades. Total ingick 15 artiklar i resultatet. Resultatet visade att kost, mediciner, saliv, bakterier, gingivala retraktioner, egenvård, rökning, avtagbara proteser, protetiska kronor och antalet kvarvarande tänder var riskfaktorer som kunde orsaka både kron- och rotytekaries hos äldre. Rotytan, ocklusalytan och lingualytan samt de ytor som var belägna i direkt relation med lagningar var de ytor som främst drabbades av karies. De mest utsatta tänderna för kariesangrepp var molarerna, premolarerna samt caninerna. Många olika faktorer bidrar till en ökad kariesrisk hos äldre. Flertalet studier redovisade ett samband mellan gingivala retraktioner och rotytekaries. Majoriteten av det granskade materialet visade att rotytan var känslig för kariesangrepp. Framförallt var molarerna utsatta för kariesrisk hos äldre. / As life expectancy increases and our teeth are retained to a higher age, there is an increased risk of caries in the elderly. The purpose was to describe risk factors that affect the caries situation in the elderly. Another purpose was to find out which teeth and tooth surfaces are mainly affected. This study was carried out as a general literature review; PubMed and Cinahl were used. Articles published 2000-2010 were used. A total of 15 articles were included. The results show that diet, medications, saliva, bacteria, gingival recession, self-care, smoking, removable prostheses, prosthetic crowns and the number of remaining teeth are various risk factors that can cause both crown and root surface caries in the elderly. Those surfaces that were mainly affected by caries were root surface, the occlusal surface and the lingual surface, as well as the surfaces that are directly related to fillings. The teeth most vulnerable to caries were the molars, premolars and canines. Several studies showed a relationship between gingival recession and root surfaces caries. The majority of the reviewed articles showed that the root surfaces were susceptible to caries. It was primarily molars that were exposed to caries in the elderly.
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Vuxnas tandhälsa i Sverige : Tandhälsa och tandvård i fem svenska regioner mellan åren 2013–2022Gullberg, Elin, Ahlström, Martina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tandhälsa är en källa till ojämlikhet i befolkningens olika grupper, vilket leder till en ojämlik hälsa och folksjukdomar. Detta kan knytas till Agenda 2030 och dess mål så som mål 3, delmål 3.8 – tillgänglig sjukvård för alla individer. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen var att beskriva tandhälsa i form av antal intakta tänder, hälsofrämjande insatser och reparativa åtgärder mellan år 2013 och 2022 med nedslag i tiden för år 2019 i hela Sverige och med fokus på fem regioner. Metod: Metod för studien var registerstudie i tvärsnittsform med deduktiv ansats. Data inhämtades från Socialstyrelsens respektive Statistiska centralbyråns register. Studiepopulationen omfattar individer 24 år och äldre, avseende tandvård inom det statliga tandvårdsstödet. Utvalda regioner för studien var Stockholm, Skåne, Västra Götaland, Gotland och Norrbotten. Dataanalysen gjordes med datorprogrammet IBM SPSS statistics, version 29.0. Data analyserades med hjälp av Spearmans korrelationsanalys och One Sample ttest för att undersöka skillnader mellan utvalda regioner. Resultat: Skillnader i tandhälsa fanns mellan storstadsregioner och geografiskt unika regioner exempelvis avseende medianantal intakta tänder mellan region Gotland (12,6 i medianantal intakta tänder) och region Stockholm (18 i medianantal intakta tänder), med ett p-värde på 0,004. En signifikant negativ korrelation mellan hälsofrämjande insatser och reparativa åtgärder sågs vid analysen av data från hela Sverige för dessa variabler, med ρ värdet -0,602 och ett p-värde på 0,008. Slutsatser: En signifikant korrelation visade sig med Spearmans rangkorrelation mellan variabler som hälsofrämjande insatser och reparativa åtgärder visar att en individs tandhälsa inom rimlig sannolikhet stärks av hälsofrämjande insatser. Det finns också en signifikant skillnad i antal intakta tänder mellan de regioner som har lägre andel med eftergymnasial utbildning så som region Gotland mot en region med högre andel som region Stockholm. Även en geografisk utsatthet i form av sådant som längre avstånd till tandvård skulle kunna ses som förklaring till dessa skillnader. / <p>Betyg i Ladok 240111.</p>
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Analysis of Accuracy for Engine and Gearbox SensorsDogantimur, Erkan, Johnsson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This thesis provides a standardized method to measure accuracy for engine and gearbox sensors. Accuracy is defined by ISO 5725, which states that trueness and precision need to be known to provide a metric for accuracy. However, obtaining and processing the data required for this is not straight forward. In this thesis, a method is presented that consists of two main parts: data acquisition and data analysis. The data acquisition part shows how to connect all of the equipment used and how to sample and store all the raw data from the sensors. The data analysis part shows how to process that raw data into statistical data, such as trueness, repeatability and reproducibility for the sensors. Once repeatability and reproducibility are known, the total precision can be determined. Accuracy can then be obtained by using information from trueness and precision. Besides, this thesis shows that measurement error can be separated into error caused by the sensors and error caused by the measurand. This is useful information, because it can be used to assess which type of error is the greatest, whether or not it can be compensated for, and if it is economically viable to compensate for such error. The results are then shown, where it is possible to gain information about the sensors’ performance from various graphs. Between Hall and inductive sensors, there were no superior winner, since they both have their strengths and weaknesses. The thesis ends by making recommendations on how to compensate for some of the errors, and how to improve upon the method to make it more automatic in the future.
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