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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'enseignement du berbère : analyse comparée Algérie/Maroc / Berber teaching : comparative analysis Algeria/Morocco

Abrous, Nacira 27 June 2017 (has links)
Notre recherche propose une analyse sociolinguistique comparée des contextes, des modalités de l’intégration du berbère dans l’enseignement en Algérie (de 1995 à 2015) et au Maroc (de 2003 à 2015) consécutives de modifications des politiques linguistiques institutionnelles. Ces transformations sont intervenues sur une période de temps assez courte (une décennie), pour réguler et/ou anticiper la pression revendicative. L’examen de chacun des champs considérés comporte chacun un volet descriptif et un volet analytique. En partant du constat empirique immédiat de l’existence de points de convergence et de divergence entre les deux pays dans cette « nouvelle politique scolaire berbère », nous proposons une description de la structuration des écoles, des choix de la langue à enseigner : sa standardisation-normativisation, sa codification graphique et les choix d'élaboration didactique retenus. La description confirme les continuités et les discontinuités entre les deux États. Notre objectif est de rechercher une signification sociolinguistique à cette offre éducative différenciée. Les sources et les matériaux diversifiés issus d’une investigation sur les deux terrains sont analysés dans une tentative comparative et évaluative transdisciplinaire, à la lumière de l’apport conceptuel : du champ des études berbères, de la sociolinguistique « périphérique », de l’aménagement linguistique et de la socio didactique. L’examen des données synchroniques et diachroniques et de matériaux institutionnels et extra institutionnels conduisent à identifier les niveaux de convergences et les divergence entre les deux États et d’affirmer le caractère institutionnalisé de la minoration du berbère. / Our work consists of a comparative sociolinguistic analysis of the contexts, methods of integration and implementation of Berber language teaching in Algeria (from 1995 to 2015) and Morocco (from 2003 to 2015) following changes to institutional linguistic policies.These changes were brought in, over quite a short period of time (a decade), to regulate and/or anticipate social pressure in favour of the introduction of Berber in state schools. The examination of each of the three contexts consists of : a descriptive and an analytical angles. Departing from the empirical observation of the existence of points of convergence and divergence between the two countries in this “new Berber education policy”, we describe the structuration of teaching, the choices in relation to which language to teach, its standardisation, its graphic codification, as well as the objectives and didactic techniques implemented. This description confirms and discerns the continuities and discontinuities between the two states’ experiences and language policies. Our objective has been to seek out a sociolinguistic signification to this differentiated education. Diverse sources and materials resulting from fieldwork in the two countries are analysed with the aim of creating a transdisciplinary evaluation in light of conceptual work developed in the field of Berber studies, namely “peripheral” sociolinguistics, « language planning » and institutional tools. The interrogation of synchronic and diachronic data allows us to identify the essential points of convergence and divergence between the two States and to affirm the institutionalised nature of the minoration of the Berber language. / Anadi-ya, d tazrawt d wesleḍ di tmettsnilest** tasmenyifant ɣef tegnatin d iberdan tuɣ Lezzayer d Lmerruk deg usekcem n uselmed n tmaziɣt ɣer iɣerbazen. Tagnit-a yewwi-tt ubeddel d-imlen tasertit d-iglan s tsertiyin tisnilsanin timaynutin.Tineḍra-ya myezwarent-d s wazal n 10 iseggasen. Usant-d ad semsawint annar n tutlayin neɣ ahat ad sifessent ddeṛk isers fell-asent umennuɣ d usuter isertanen n Imussuyen idlesanen imaziɣen. Ihi ad nessenqed 3 inurar di tezrawt-a. Yal annar ila sin iswiren : Aswir uglim* : seg wayen d yufraren deg wennar n unadi, iban-aɣ d kra n ukanzi d umgirredger snat agi n tmura, deg wayen umi neqqar « Tasertit tasegmant i tmaziɣt»**. Ad d-nessifer : asbeddi n uselmed, abraz n tutlayt, afran ugemmay d wamek ttwafernen isufar d iswiyen n uselmed. Aglam n yal annar isseflali-d ifṛez-d kra seg tmuɣliwin-nneɣ ɣef wayen issemlalen turmilin n uselmed di tmura-ya. Aswir usliḍ : Iswi ameqqran d-yufraren, d asegzi n inumak d lǧeṛṛa n wayen akk uqment tmura-a deg wennar n uselmed n tmaziɣt, ulamma mgarradent di kra n tsetwilin*. Nnnuda anamek imettilesi ila uselmed n tmaziɣt di yal tamurt, acimi d wamek d-myezgant tmura-ya. Isufar d isenfaṛen nesseqdec di tezrawt-nneɣ d ayen d-nhawec, d-nessukkes achal d aseggas aya. Nesbedd tazrawt-agi ɣef tezrawin tismazaɣin d wayen akk d nessmed si tmettsnilest tunnaḍt** akked tafernutlayt**. Nuna daɣen ayen akk d-iwwi umezruy, tasnamta*, tasertit d tantrupulujit akken ad aɣ-d-iban wadeg n tmaziɣt d wayen tt-issawden akka tella deg uselmed.Nessaweḍ, nessafer-d kra n yigmaḍ : tamaziɣt mazal d-teffiɣ seg waddad*-ines, mazal d tarbibt n iduba n tmura-ya. Anekcum is deg wennar uselmed ur yelli d asnerni i as d-yewwi, d asḍerref i tt-isḍerrif. S waya timura nessbent addag adday n tmaziɣt

Ghetto of woestyntog? : 'n ondersoek na die geloofsbeeld in die kategesemateriaal van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Gerber, J. J. (Jacobus Johannes) 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Geloof wat in die kategese as deel van 'n to tale geloofsvormingsproses op die tafel kom, moet holisties-ekosistemies verstaan word met die 'hic et nunc'- relevansie daarvan as 'n kwalifiserende maatstaf. Geloof so gesien, behoort in die kategesemateriaal van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk na vore te kom. Die grootste deel van die studie is gewy aan die bree teoretisering in holisties-ekosistemiese perspektief. Vanuit 'n wetenskapsteoretiese vertrekpunt is 'n eie prakties-teologiese teorie oor geloof ontwerp wat geloof enersyds sien as die dinamiese interaksie van gawe, inhoud en respons, en andersyds as 'n aantal perspektiewe daarop. Hierdie teorie het as vertrekpunt gedien om sekere van die kontekste waarbinne geloof funksioneer, te beskryf, naamlik die koninkryk van God, die samelewing, die gemeente, die kategese, die adolessent, die jeugsubkultuur en die skool. In hierdie beskrywing is 'n omvattende teorie oor die kategese daargestel wat dit holisties-ekosistemies sien. Deur middel van inhoudsanalise is fasette van die teoriee getoets aan die lesse in die handboeke van die kategete wat met die adolessente in standerd 5 tot 8 werk. Daar is bevind dat die geloofsbeeld wat na vore kom steriel kognitief-vertikaal is. Oor 'n tydperk van meer as twintig jaar is weinig samelewingsrelevante kwessies aangeraak. Die belangwekkende dokumente Ras, Volk en Nasie en Kerk en Samelewing het nie gefunksioneer nie. In terme van die teorie oor geloof fasiliteer die kategesemateriaal nie relevante geloof midde-in die wereld waarin die adolessente moet glo nie. Dit het ook geblyk dat die inhoudsanalise as werkwyse en die meetinstrument wat ontwerp is, bruikbaar was. Die studie formuleer vanuit die teoriee en die empiriese ondersoek 'n aantal perspektiewe van waaruit die kategese en die lesmateriaal daarvan die kritiese hantering van die verhouding kognitief-affektief-konatief en die gerigtheid individueel-vertikaal, horisontaal-ekklesiaal en horisontaal-sosiaal kan hanteer met die oog daarop dat die kerk sigself en die adolessente as deel daarvan, nie in 'n dogmatistiese ghetto in perk nie, maar vorm met die oog op 'n selfstandige en relevante geloofsfunksionering op die geloof stog in die woestyn van die wereld met die oog op die realisering van die Ryk van God. / Faith which is handled in catechesis as part of the total process of the formation of faith should be understood in a holistic-ecosystemic way with its 'hic et nunc' relevance as a qualifying criterion. It should also appear in this form in the material for catechesis in the Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk. The greater part of the study focuses on broad theorising from a holistic-ecosystemic perspective. An independent practical-theological theory on faith is developed from a scientific-theoretical basis. This theory sees faith as a dynamic interaction of gift, content and response on the one hand and a number of different perspectives on the other. It serves as the point of departure for describing some of the contexts in which faith functions, namely the kingdom of God, society, the community, catechesis, the adolescent, the youth subculture and the school. In the process a comprehensive theory about catechesis is developed which sees it holistically ecosystemically. Content analysis is used to test aspects of the theories against the lessons in the manuals for catechists working with adolescents in standards 5 to 8. The resultant image of faith is found to be cognitively-vertically sterile. Over a period of more than twenty years few socially relevant issues were touched on. The important documents Ras, Volk en Nasie and Kerk en Samelewing did not function. In terms of the theory of faith this material for catechesis does not facilitate relevant faith in the world in which the adolescent has to have faith. It is also apparent that content analysis as a method and the measuring instrument used were suitable. Using the theories and the empirical investigation the study formulates a number of perspectives from which catechesis and the lesson material can deal with the critical handling of the relationship cognitively-affectively-conatively and the directedness individually-vertically, horizontally-ecclesially and horizontally-socially so that the church does not imprison itself and its adolescent members in a dogmatistic ghetto, but shapes them so that their faith can function independently and relevantly on the way of faith through the desert of the world with a view to realise the kingdom of God. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th. D. (Praktiese Teologie)

Criação, implementação e avaliação de um recurso didático multimídia como suporte para o ensino da neuroanatomia: realidade virtual e estereoscópica / Construction, implementation and evaluation of a multimedia tool as a teaching aid of Neuroanatomy: virtual reality and stereoscopic vision.

José Weber Vieira de Faria 30 September 2013 (has links)
Esta tese teve como objetivo apresentar o processo de construção, aplicação e avaliação de uma ferramenta para o ensino da neuroanatomia, acessível a partir de computadores pessoais, imersiva, interativa, foto-realística e que permita visão tridimensional e estereoscópica. Quarenta encéfalos frescos foram obtidos no Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos de São Paulo (SVO-SP) e submetidos às técnicas de fixação, conservação, injeção vascular, coloração de substância cinzenta, dissecação de fibras brancas, terebintina e clareamento ósseo, conforme sua finalidade, no laboratório de Técnica Cirúrgica e Cirurgia Experimental da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Imagens das áreas de interesse foram capturadas utilizando-se uma plataforma giratória manual construída para este fim. As imagens foram processadas com softwares comercialmente disponíveis (Photoshop CS5; Stereo Photo Maker;VRWorx2.6 para Windows) em formato não linear, interativo, tridimensional e estereoscópico, e armazenadas em um banco de 5.337 imagens finais. O recurso didático foi aplicado a 84 graduandos do curso de medicina, divididos em três grupos: convencional (grupo1), interativo não estereoscópico (grupo2) e interativo estereoscópico (grupo3), cujas médias na avaliação do conhecimento prévio não diferiram estatisticamente entre si (P > 0,05). A ferramenta foi avaliada através de uma prova teórica e prática. Verificou-se que os Grupos 2 e 3 apresentaram as maiores médias e diferiram estatisticamente do Grupo 1 (P < 0,05); o Grupo 2 não diferiu estatisticamente do Grupo 3 (p > 0,05), mostrando resultado do treinamento semelhante na prova teórica. Observando-se os Tamanhos do Efeito, verificou-se que esses foram de grande magnitude, indicando uma efetividade do treinamento dos alunos. Os resultados da ANOVA mostraram que existe diferença significativa (P < 0,05) entre as médias dos grupos, e por meio do teste de Tukey observou-se que existe diferença estatística entre o Grupo 1 e os demais (P < 0,05). Na prova prática pode-se observar, que de modo semelhante à prova teórica, não houve diferença estatística entre os Grupos 2 e 3. Os autores concluem que o método apresentado propiciou ganho de conhecimento e rendimento pedagógico significativamente superior quando comparado com o tradicional / This thesis aims to show the process of the construction, implementation and evaluation of a tool for teaching neuroanatomy. The tool presented is accessible from personal computers, immersive, interactive, and allows photorealistic three-dimensional and stereoscopic vision. Forty fresh brains were obtained from the São Paulo Department of Death Records (SP-DDR- Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos de São Paulo (SVO-SP)) and subjected to fixation, conservation, vascular injection, staining of gray matter, white fiber dissection, turpentine and bleaching bone techniques, as needed, at the Surgical Technique and Experimental Surgery Laboratory, University of São Paulo (Laboratório de Técnica Cirúrgica e Cirurgia Experimental da Universidade de São Paulo- USP). Images of areas of interest were captured using a manual turntable built for this purpose. The images were processed with commercially available software (Photoshop CS5; Stereo Photo Maker; VRWorx2.6 for Windows) non-linear format, interactive, three-dimensional stereoscopic and stored in a database of 5337 final images. The teaching resource was applied to 84 undergraduate medical students, divided into three groups: conventional (group 1), interactive non-stereoscopic (group 2) and interactive stereoscopic (group 3). Averages on the assessment of prior knowledge did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) among groups. The tool was evaluated through a written theory test and a lab practical. Groups 2 and 3 showed the highest averages and differed significantly from Group 1 (P < 0.05), Group 2 did not differ statistically from Group 3 (p > 0.05), revealing a result of similar training on the written theory test. Observing the Effect Sizes, it was found that those were of great magnitude, indicating student training effectiveness. ANOVA results showed significant difference (P < 0.05) between group means, and the Tukey test showed statistical difference between Group 1 and the others (P < 0.05). On the lab pratical, it may be noted that similarly to the written theory test, no statistical difference between Groups 2 and 3 were found. The authors conclude that the tool presented provided a gain of knowledge for students and yielded significantly higher leaning when compared with traditional teaching resources

Sidetracks in remote digital teaching – Facilitating a sense of presence, closeness and immediacy in times of physical distancing

Thomas, Alison Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
With the aim of designing tools, processes and means to support secondary school teachers in maintaining a sense of presence, closeness and immediacy when interacting with their pupils remotely in rapidly appropriated digital learning environments due to Covid-19, this thesis examined the meaning, importance and possibilities of creating a sense of presence, closeness and immediacy in remote digital teaching.The process was based on research for design, encompassing literature study, field research and methods of interaction design to reach conclusions on meaningful tools, processes and means of supporting secondary-school teachers in remote digital teaching.Main findings unveiled a sense of presence as a prerequisite for closeness and immediacy and real-time video lessons as the main approach to remote digital teaching, potentially creating an illusion of presence, closeness and immediacy due to pupils’ choice of black screens and muted microphones.Potentially meaningful approaches to achieving a sense of presence, closeness and immediacy identified in this thesis include the use of digital representations, representational correspondence and the concept of testimony in designing for a sense of presence, closeness and immediacy in remote digital environments.

Hudební činnosti v mezinárodních mateřských školách v Praze / Musical Activities In The International Pre-Schools in Prague

Gajdová, Magdalena January 2021 (has links)
This work analyses music activities of English-speaking children of pre-school age, attending international schools in Prague, following the British Curricula. The goal of this work is to develop and to validate teaching materials of musical activities, supporting children with different native languages from the language of the teaching material, those in transition period, and those with communication barriers, and to offer concrete implementation strategies for teachers of music in both Czech and international schools. The theoretical part compares Czech and British music curricula for pre-school children. It defines terms such as transition period and describes its course in Czech and international environments. Furthermore, it addresses the role of music during this stage of development and explains the concepts of project-based learning and music integration project. As theoretical underpinning for the practical portion, the work offers detailed discussion of musical factors, syllabic structure both in English and Czech language, and the variations in interpretation of musical fairy tales. The practical part describes the goals, methods, and procedures of the action research focused on the implementation of the musical fairy tale in Czech and English, as well as reflection and evaluation of...

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