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Lašské tance Leoše Janáčka a jejich využití v hudební výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ / Leoš Janáček's Lachian Dances and their use in music education at primary schoolMervartová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
DIPLOMA THESIS Leoš Janáček's Lachian Dances and their use in music education at primary school Eliška Mervartová ABSTRACT The diploma thesis deals with Leoš Janáček's Lachian Dances and their didactic application in music education. The theoretical part examines the Lachian Dances through the didactic analysis and describes the speech of composer and its connection with folk art. The practical part of the diploma thesis is focused on the didactic interpretation of the Lachian Dances. The pupils in the age of middle childhood, specifically 3rd and 4th graders at the Vrchlického primary school in Liberec, were selected as a sample. The results of the thesis are teaching materials that serves as a source of inspiration for students of primary education and current teachers of music education. KEYWORDS Leos Janacek, The Lachian Dances, speech melody theory, the didactic interpretation, the age of middle childhood, teaching materials, music education
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How Can English Teaching Benefit from Students’ Extramural English in Secondary School 7-9? / Hur kan engelskundervisningen dra nytta av elevernas extramurala engelska i grundskolan 7-9?Ali, Heba January 2021 (has links)
Abstract This empirical study investigates how students in secondary school 7-9 learn the English language outside of school, in an informal setting, and how they can benefit from it in a formal setting in school. The usage of digital technology is more common nowadays amongst youngsters than it used to be before. Digital technology has become a part of young people’s daily lives, whether it is for social media, schoolwork, gaming or blogging. Most students in Swedish secondary schools have their own computers, mobile phones, and have the opportunity to borrow an iPad from school, if needed. For this reason, it is relevant and interesting to investigate how students use their informal knowledge of English in a school setting, and how teachers take advantage of that knowledge. The research focused primarily on how the incorporation of extramural English can be used as a motivating factor for students to develop their English language in a formal setting. The results showed that students who are given the opportunity to use their previous knowledge in the classroom, appeared to be more encouraged to engage in classroom activities. They were also more motivated to work with the assignments handed to them. Teachers who involved students’ interests and previous knowledge in the classroom were experienced in the use of different media in the classroom and had good knowledge about students’ daily lives and experiences, something that helped them establish a positive teacher-student relationship. Keywords: extramural English, out-of-school English, teaching materials, motivation, informal- and formal settings, students’ perceptions.
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An English for Specific Purposes Curriculum to Prepare English Learners to Become Nursing AssistantsRomo, Abel Javier 11 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This project details the designing and implementation of an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Curriculum to prepare English learners to become Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA) at Utah Valley Regional Medical Center (UVRMC) in Provo, Utah. UVRMC, which is owned by Intermountain Health Care (IHC), employs a group of about 40 non-native speakers of English. They work as housekeepers and have interest in learning English and consequently acquiring new skills they could use in better jobs to improve the quality of their lives. UVRMC would like these employees to obtain additional education in order to provide them with better employment opportunities. UVRMC allowed two graduate students at the Department of Linguistics and English Language at Brigham University to design and implement an ESP course to help UVRMC housekeepers improve their language skills in preparation to apply and participate in a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) course offered through IHC University. This report covers the linguistic needs analysis of the participants, situational analysis of UVRMC in terms of the support given to the curriculum, the designing of goals and objectives, the syllabus, the teaching of the syllabus, some material development, and the assessment of language learning. It also describes the instruments used to obtain information during each step of the designing of the curriculum and its implementation, analyzes that information, presents results, assesses the curriculum's efficacy, and explains the implications for other ESP curricula in the field of nursing and other scientific fields.
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Sexualkunskapsnorm(h)en : En läromedelsstudie ur queerfeministiskt perspektiv / Normal sex education? : A queer feminist analysis of teaching materialsRamevik, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Till hösten 2022 börjar nya läroplaner gälla i den svenska skolan. För gymnasieskolan gäller en av ändringarna hur kunskapsområdet som nu benämns sexualitet, samlevnad och relationer, förkortat SeSaR, ska behandlas. SeSaR kommer även fortsättningsvis vara ett ämnesövergripande kunskapsområde men då biologiämnet, i synnerhet gymnasiekursen biologi 2, kan anses inneha en av nyckelrollerna i området står just det i fokus här. Denna uppsats avser att besvara frågeställningen: ”Hur förhåller sig de formuleringar och ordval som återfinns i texter om kunskapsområdet SeSaR i läromedel tillhörande gymnasiekursen biologi 2 till hur området uttrycks i styrdokumenten?”. Fyra kapitel i olika läromedel har lästs och analyserats mot styrdokumenten samt med en queerteoretisk bas. Slutsatsen är att de analyserade läromedlen i sin helhet ej kan anses samstämmiga med hur SeSaR ska behandlas. / By the autumn of 2022, new curricula will come into force in the Swedish school system. Regarding the upper secondary school, one part of the revision concerns how the area that will be called sexuality, coexistence, and relationships, or SeSaR (from the Swedish term sexualitet, samlevnad och relationer) for short, is to be treated. SeSaR will continue to be an interdisciplinary area of knowledge, but since the biology subject, in particular the upper secondary course called biology 2, can be considered to hold one of the key roles in the area, this is what is in focus here. This essay intends to answer the question: "How does the phrasings and word choices found in texts about SeSaR in teaching materials belonging to the upper secondary course biology 2 relate to how the area is expressed in the governing policies?". Four chapters in different teaching materials have been read and analysed with respect to the governing policies and with a basis in queer theory. The conclusion is that the analysed teaching materials in their entirety cannot be considered consistent with how SeSaR is to be treated.
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Exploring the use of a spoken Xhosa corpus for developing Xhosa additional language teaching matetrialsNomdebevana, Nozibele 2013 November 1900 (has links)
South African indigenous language teaching and learning materials do not provide sufficient information to help additional language learners learn the target languages effectively. While there are institutions that are tasked with developing and sharpening the skills of students in speaking South African indigenous languages, such students hardly, if at all master the art of speaking them eloquently. Students who study these languages in order to converse proficiently with their mother-tongue speakers experience insurmountable difficulties, in spite of various efforts made by the teachers who train them to read books on their own. Passing their examinations does not mean that the students’ ability to communicate with mother-tongue speakers will improve to the extent of eliminating the prevailing misunderstanding between the two groups. The persistence of this problem reveals a discrepancy between the studies of indigenous languages in South Africa and the way of speaking them, whereby important linguistic elements that make communication more authentic are excluded in language materials. This study analyses the use and significance of CIFWs in daily interactions by investigating the two Xhosa CIFWs words wethu and bethu. The overall aim of this study is to explore the use of a corpus in the examination of CIFWs in general, and wethu and bethu in particular. Both a quantitative approach based on the Gothenburg-Unisa spoken corpus and a qualitative approach based on Allwoods’ ACA theoretical framework were used in the analysis and description of the functions and significances of wethu and bethu as communicative and interactive function words. / Linguistics / MA ((Applied Linguistics)
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Metody RWCT na počátku školní docházky / RWCT methods at the start of the school attendanceHálová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study RWCT methods used at the beginning of a school attendance and to study appropriate conditions for applying RWCT methods. The thesis deals with searching for the best method of the very initial pupils reading and also appropriate teaching materials with regard to RWCT. There is described a three-phase model of E-U-R education and selected method of critical thinking. The practical part of the thesis contains preparation for lessons processed using RWCT methods and summarizes results of pedagogical action research. The outcomes of the thesis confirm that if pupils have suitable conditions at the beginning of a school attendance, they are able to use RWCT methods in practise.
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Multimediální podpora výuky matematiky / Multimedia support of mathematics teachingSOCHOROVÁ, Iva January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis Multimedia support of teaching mathematics aims at supporting teachers in introducing innovations in teaching and support in their own teaching materials. It is dedicated to supporting the pupil in self-education. It also serves as an overview of selected resources to support the use of technology and software in teaching. This master's thesis includes examples of the use of mathematical programs in mathematics classes, and a proposal to engage pupils in teaching, by implementing the "Teach Your Fellow" project, which aims to create learning videos for pupils.
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Angličtina pro cestovní ruch / English for TourismJELÍNKOVÁ, Renata January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on ESP, English for Specific Purposes, namely English for tourism. Another specific feature is that it focuses on one particular student and the preparation of an individual course for him. In this thesis the student's needs are analyzed, the course syllabus is developed and teaching materials are prepared. After the study of the theoretical literature, the needs of the particular student are analyzed in terms of language needs, language skills and intercultural competence. The analysis is carried out through a guided interview and synthesized in a case study. A one-semester course syllabus design is the result of the analysis. In accordance with the syllabus, the lesson plans containing specific topic, aim, language skills, language sub-skills and teaching materials are created.
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Exploring the use of a spoken Xhosa corpus for developing Xhosa additional language teaching materialsNomdebevana, Nozibele 11 1900 (has links)
South African indigenous language teaching and learning materials do not provide sufficient information to help additional language learners learn the target languages effectively. While there are institutions that are tasked with developing and sharpening the skills of students in speaking South African indigenous languages, such students hardly, if at all master the art of speaking them eloquently. Students who study these languages in order to converse proficiently with their mother-tongue speakers experience insurmountable difficulties, in spite of various efforts made by the teachers who train them to read books on their own. Passing their examinations does not mean that the students’ ability to communicate with mother-tongue speakers will improve to the extent of eliminating the prevailing misunderstanding between the two groups. The persistence of this problem reveals a discrepancy between the studies of indigenous languages in South Africa and the way of speaking them, whereby important linguistic elements that make communication more authentic are excluded in language materials. This study analyses the use and significance of CIFWs in daily interactions by investigating the two Xhosa CIFWs words wethu and bethu. The overall aim of this study is to explore the use of a corpus in the examination of CIFWs in general, and wethu and bethu in particular. Both a quantitative approach based on the Gothenburg-Unisa spoken corpus and a qualitative approach based on Allwoods’ ACA theoretical framework were used in the analysis and description of the functions and significances of wethu and bethu as communicative and interactive function words. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Applied Linguistics)
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Flexibilität und Vielseitigkeit mit digitalen Lehr- und Lernmaterialien erhöhenRiedel, Jana, Berthold, Susan, Dubrau, Marlen, Möbius, Kathrin 13 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Broschüre ist Teil einer Publikationsserie, die einen Überblick über verschiedene Medienformate von digitalen Texten über elektronische Tests und Wikis bis hin zu digitalen Simulationen gibt. Dieses Heft widmet sich schwerpunktmäßig der Bereitstellung und Aufbereitung von Materialien, die den Studierenden für das individuelle und flexible Lernen zur Verfügung gestellt werden können.
Anhand von Ergebnissen einer Online-Befragung im Jahr 2016 und Interviews, die Beispiele aus der Lehre sächsischer Hochschullehrender vorstellen, wird aufgezeigt, welche Einsatzmöglichkeiten derzeit an den sächsischen Hochschulen genutzt werden. Sie bieten Inspiration für die Entwicklung eigener mediengestützter Lehrkonzepte.
Hinweise auf Werkzeuge zur Erstellung digitaler Lehrangebote und Antworten zu häufigen Fragen bei der Nutzung der einzelnen Medienformate bieten Anregungen und Informationen, wie der Einstieg in die digital gestützte Lehre möglichst ohne großen Initialaufwand gestaltet werden kann.
Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen, praktische Tipps und rechtliche Hinweise geben eine erste Orientierung und Sicherheit bei der Nutzung digitaler Medien. Dabei erfahren Sie auch, wie Sie die einzelnen medial gestützten Formate mit der klassischen Präsenzlehre verbinden und wie unterschiedliche Einsatzszenarien miteinander kombiniert werden können.
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