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Mediální výchova ve výuce českého jazyka na středních školách / Media educaton in Czech lessons on high schoolsJanů, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis, which is entitled "Media education in Czech lessons in secondary schools", is to map out the current state of integration of a cross-sectional theme named Media Education into the Czech lessons of all kinds of high schools in the Czech Republic. The educational process is seen from the perspectives of all its participants. The thesis should bring the list of excerpted scientific texts and research dealing with the object of our interest. And it also aims to describe the interfaces of both educational subjects which emerge from the requirements for the students. The research part is aimed at providing the informations about the particular signs of media education in the obligatory school subject of Czech lessons as well as the success of this effort to increase media literacy by the high school students. This information should be collected by a content analyses of school curricular documents, interviews and questionnaires of both sides of the educational process.The work also brings an analyses of teaching materials represented by Czech lesson textbooks, which are evaluated according to the integration of our cross-sectional theme and its possibilities. The output of this thesis is the suggestion of our own didactic instrument, the didactic test.
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"Att göra miljön glad” : Elevreflektioner om läromedel med fokus på hållbar utveckling / ”Creating a happy environment” : Students´ reflections on teaching materials about sustainable developmentVentlinger, Annie January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie utgår från två utvalda läromedel för undervisning inom hållbar utveckling.En uppgift från varje läromedel genomförs i en elevgrupp i årskurs 3. Syftet är att se vad som är viktigt för elevernas lärande samt vad som tilltalar och engagerar eleverna och om eleverna uppmärksammar uppgifternas syfte. En läromedelsanalys föregår genomförandet av uppgifterna. Denna omfattar aspekter kring språk, syfte, upplägg, undervisningsform, koppling till styrdokumenten, bildernas funktion samt vad som framkommer i en ekokritisk läsning av läromedlen. Elevernas reflektioner visar att de engageras av variation. Det framkommer även att repetition är en viktig del i elevernas lärande, samt att nivån på uppgifterna i förhållande till elevernas förförståelse är en väsentlig del att ta hänsyn till. Elevernas reflektioner och resultatet av läromedelsanalysen ställs mot forskning om hållbar utveckling i undervisning, undervisning utifrån olika texttyper och forskning om inkludering i läromedel. Resultatet diskuteras även utifrån det sociokulturella perspektivet. I studien framkommer det att valet av läromedel är viktigt för att eleverna ska ges möjlighet att utveckla kunskaper men även utveckla en kritisk analytisk förmåga. Studien visar att båda läromedlen är relevanta att använda i skolan men att de behöver kompletteras med andra typer av uppgifter för att ge eleverna bästa möjliga förutsättningar för att utveckla kunskaper inom hållbar utveckling.
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Materiais de ensino e os saberes elementares matemáticos, Sergipe (1911-1931)Santos, Jéssica Cravo 30 March 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Through research we sought to answer: What teaching materials were prescribed and what its
uses, possible, the primary course of elementary mathematical knowledge in Sergipeans school
groups during the period 1911-1931? To answer this question were used for analysis, official
documents such as laws, regulations, decrees and education programs in order to make
considerations about the materials, with respect to knowledge and methods. Later, for an
understanding of end uses (s) of materials, pedagogical proposals were analyzed contained in
the materials themselves and teaching works presenting evidence to your (s) use (s). As
bibliographic references, authors were adopted as Valente (2007, 2013), Bloch (2001) and Le
Goff (2003) for understanding about the treatment to the sources and the historian craft; Julia
(2001) and Chervel (1990) for information about the culture school supplies and the history of
school subjects; Azevedo (2009), Nascimento (2012) and Souza (2006), for school groups; and
Calkins (1950) and Valdemarin (2004, 2006) to understand the intuitive method or lessons of
things. Based on the research carried out, it was possible to identify materials such as
mechanical counters, Parker Letters, system standards of weights and measures, ruler and
square in Sergipe legislation. But an understanding of its uses were only likely to occur from
nominations put into journals that circulated the time and teaching manuals aimed at some of
Sergipe sources. It was found proposals that fit the principles of intuitive method, and this
allows us to understand prescriptions in Sergipe legislation regarding the materials. / Por meio da pesquisa buscou-se responder: Que materiais de ensino foram prescritos e quais
seus usos, possíveis, no curso primário dos saberes elementares matemáticos nos grupos
escolares sergipanos, durante o período de 1911 a 1931? Para responder a essa indagação foram
utilizadas para análise, documentos oficiais como: regulamentos, leis, decretos e programas de
ensino, a fim de tecer considerações sobre os materiais, no que tange aos saberes e métodos.
Posteriormente, para uma compreensão de finalidades de uso(s) dos materiais, foram analisadas
propostas pedagógicas contidas nos próprios materiais e em obras de ensino que apresentavam
indícios para seu(s) uso(s). Como referencial bibliográfico, foram adotados autores como:
Valente (2007, 2013), Bloch (2001) e Le Goff (2003) para entendimentos sobre o tratamento
às fontes e o ofício de historiador; Julia (2001) e Chervel (1990), para informações sobre a
cultura material escolar e a história das disciplinas escolares; Azevedo (2009), Nascimento
(2012) e Souza (2006), sobre os grupos escolares; e Calkins (1950) e Valdemarin (2004, 2006),
para entendimento do método intuitivo ou lições de coisas. Com base na investigação realizada,
foi possível identificar materiais como contadores mecânicos, Cartas de Parker, padrões do
sistema de pesos e medidas, régua e esquadro na legislação sergipana. Mas, uma compreensão
sobre seus usos só foram passíveis de ocorrer, a partir de indicações postas em periódicos que
circularam a época e em manuais de ensino apontados em algumas das fontes sergipanas.
Constatou-se propostas que se adequavam aos princípios do método intuitivo, e isso permitiu
compreender prescrições na legislação sergipana em relação aos materiais.
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Taipuuko suomalainen oppikirja ruotsinsuomalaiseen äidinkielenopetukseen? : Sisällönanalyysi oppikirjasta ruotsalaisen peruskoulun äidinkielen kurssisuunnitelmaa vasten tarkasteltuna / Does a Finnish textbook suit the Swedish curriculum and course plan for the mother tongue instruction in Finnish?Halonen, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää voiko Suomessa julkaistua oppikirjaa perustellusti käyttää ruotsalaisessa suomi äidinkielenä -opetuksessa, ruotsalaisen peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman äidinkielen kurssisuunnitelman keskeisiä sisältöjä vasten tarkasteltuna, kun kirja on tarkoitettu alun perin käytettäväksi Suomessa ruotsinkielisten koulujen suomi toisena kotimaisena kielenä -oppiaineessa, äidinkielenomaisen suomen oppimäärässä. Tutkimuksen taustalla on Ruotsissa julkaistun suomen kielen oppimateriaalin, joka olisi suunnattu ruotsalaisen kurssisuunitelman ”suomi ensimmäisenä kielenä” oppiaineeseen, vähäisyys. Äidinkielenopettajat Ruotsissa käyttävät ruotsalaisen materiaalin vähäisyyden vuoksi Suomessa julkaistua opetusmateriaalia. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen kehys perustuu sosiokulttuurisen oppimiskäsityksen teorialle, ja sitä kehittävälle systeemis-funktionaaliselle kieliteorialle, tai genrepedagogiikalle. Opetuksen, ja sen myötä myös oppimateriaalin tehtävien ja käsiteltävien tekstien on oltava näiden näkemysten mukaan sellaisia, että ne ovat oppijan lähikehityksen vyöhykkeellä. Tutkielman menetelmänä oli oppikirjatutkimuksen alalla yleinen sisällöntutkimus, ja tässä tutkielmassa sisällöntutkimuksen kohteena oli nimenomaan oppikirja pedagogisena, ei ideologisena artefaktina. Oppikirjassa ei ole mukana ruotsinsuomalaista näkökulmaa, eikä se mainitse ruotsissa puhuttua suomea, joten tutkimuksessa on rajattu nämä kurssisuunnitelman kohdat tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle. Tutkimuksen perusteella on todettavissa, että suomessa julkaistua suomen kielen opetusmateriaalia voidaan käyttää äidinkielenopetuksessa, mutta tietyin varauksin. Maiden välisten opetussuunnitelmien painotuserojen vuoksi käsitellyssä oppikirjassa oli vain vähän kaunokirjallisuuteen liittyviä sisältöjä ja tehtäviä, kaunokirjallisuuden ollessa kuitenkin yksi keskeinen osa ruotsalaista kurssisuunnitelmaa. / Målet med denna studie var att undersöka om det går att använda en finsk lärobok i modersmålsundervisning i finska i Sverige i enlighet med den svenska kursplanen. Boken är publicerad i Finland och riktad mot undervisning i finlandssvenska skolor i ämnet finska som det andra inhemska språket, den modersmålsinriktade lärokursen (mofi). Det saknas lämpliga läroböcker och -material som är utformade för modersmålsundervisning i Sverige med de elever som studerar finska enligt kursplanen ”finska som modersmål”. På grund av bristen har modersmålslärare i Sverige använt sig av läromedel från Finland i undervisningen. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten i studien är den sociokulturella teorin om lärande, som utvecklas vidare i systemisk-funktionell grammatik, eller genrepedagogik. Enligt denna syn på lärande ska läroböcker, -medel och uppgifter vara anpassade så att eleven befinner sig i sin proximala utvecklingszon. Undersökningen grundar sig vidare på innehållsanalysens metoder och betraktar boken som pedagogisk artefakt, inte ideologisk. Boken har inte det sverigefinska perspektivet och nämner inte finskan man talar i Sverige, och därför har jag valt att lämna ut kursplanens delar som berör sverigefinsk kultur. Med den gällande svenska kursplan i modersmål - finska och dess centralt innehåll, visar studien att man kan använda boken i modersmålsundervisningen även i Sverige, men på vissa villkor: På grund av de tyngdpunkter som den finska läroplanen i Finland har, uppvisar läroboken vissa brister, till exempel beträffande genrer: skönlitteratur saknas i stort sett helt i boken. / The goal of this study was to analyse whether it is arguable to use a textbook in Finnish mother tongue instruction in Sweden when the book itself is originally published in Finland and aimed to be used by Swedish speakers in language instruction within a subject called “Finnish as a second national language” in Finland. There is a lack of suitable textbooks and material that are designed for the Sweden Finnish mother tongue instruction with learners that are studying Finnish in Sweden following the course plan of “Finnish as a first language”. Due to the lack of suitable Swedish-made material, mother tongue teachers in Sweden have used material published in Finland. The theoretical basis of this study is found in the sociocultural perspective of learning and the systemic-functional language theory or genre-based pedagogy. According to these theories, the used material, textbooks and exercises should be on the learners’ zone of proximal development. The analysis in this study follows the methods of content analysis, and the study focuses on the book as a pedagogical rather than ideological artefact. The textbook analysed in this study does not contain the Sweden Finnish perspective, and does not mention the Finnish spoken in Sweden, and therefore the parts of the Swedish course plan that are related to the perspective are left out of this study. With the current Swedish course plan for Finnish, and its core contents, the textbook in question may be used in mother tongue instruction, with some reservations. The book lacks few genres that are present in the Swedish course plan’s core contents, such as fictional literary genres other than short stories. The lack of specific genres is due to the different emphasises that the curricula of the two countries’ school systems have.
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Propuesta de identidad visual y diseño de material didáctico para el programa de educación alimentaria Cocinas Bondadosas / Visual identity and educational material design proposal for the food literacy program Cocinas BondadosasMarreros Flores, Elisabet 10 August 2021 (has links)
El proyecto consiste en una propuesta de identidad visual y diseño de material didáctico para el programa de educación alimentaria y nutricional Cocinas Bondadosas, el cual brinda capacitación en optimización de alimentos y capacitación nutricional para mujeres líderes de comedores populares del distrito de Lurín en Lima, Perú. Se parte del supuesto de que, a través de estrategias de comunicación, el diseño gráfico puede fortalecer la transmisión de educación alimentaria del programa y mejorar la experiencia de las usuarias. El proyecto se desarrolla a partir de un enfoque de diseño centrado en el usuario a través del que se ha profundizado en un entendimiento del contexto, las necesidades y las motivaciones de las beneficiarias del programa. Por ello, se han articulado metodologías de investigación documental e investigación etnográfica con estrategias y procesos de diseño de identidad visual y diseño de información. La propuesta gráfica se conforma de elementos de la identidad visual de Cocinas Bondadosas –logotipo, paleta de colores, paleta tipográfica, iconografía y elementos gráficos de soporte– aplicados en el diseño de páginas tipo del recetario del programa, tanto en versión impresa como digital. Las validaciones realizadas con las organizaciones que impulsan el programa y con las usuarias indican que la propuesta responde a sus necesidades a través de un diseño de recetario atractivo, memorable y orientado a la acción que potencia la transmisión de educación alimentaria de Cocinas Bondadosas y es relevante en un momento de transición al medio digital. / The project consists of a proposal of visual identity and information design of educational material for the food literacy and nutrition program Cocinas Bondadosas, which provides training in food literacy and nutrition education for women leaders of community kitchens in the district of Lurín in Lima, Peru. It is assumed that, through communication strategies, graphic design can strengthen the education in food literacy and improve the user experience. The project was developed through a user-centered design approach, which focuses on a profound understanding of the context, needs and motivations of the beneficiaries of the program. To build this foundation and develop a consistent solution, the project combines primary and secondary research methodologies with graphic design methodologies and processes of visual identity design and information design. The proposal consists of elements for the visual identity system of Cocinas Bondadosas –logotype, color palette, typographic palette, iconography and imagery– applied in the design of the program's recipe book, both in print and digital versions. The validation phase carried out with both the organizations and the users indicates that the proposal responds to their needs through an attractive, memorable and actionable recipe book design that strengthens Cocinas Bondadosas’ transmission of food literacy and is relevant at a crucial time of transition to digital platforms. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional
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Projekt WikiSkripta a jeho využívání / Project WikiSkripta and its utilizationEisnerová, Stanislava January 2013 (has links)
The primary aim of this thesis is to analyse and rate the project WikiSkripta from the point of view of it's use. The creation, evolution up to now, organization and results of the project are being presented. The core of this thesis is the questionnaire survey to the students of certain faculties of medicine in Czech Republic, based on the analysis of the WikiSkripta system. The introductory part gives a brief summary of professional medicine education in the internet area. The following chapter gives more close characteristic of the creation and evolution of the parental project of WikiSkripta - the MEFANET. The next part gives the analysis of the project WikiSkripta. The other part, the survey of the use of WikiSkripta, gives a comparison of the partial results of the survey. The given data from the survey are evaluated in the conclusion of this work. The thesis is processed on the base of my own analysis of the webpage WikiSkripta - both the content and the support part - and the result of the questionnaire survey.
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Výuka českého jazyka a reálií v Czech and Slovak School & Community Manchester / Teaching Czech Language and Cultural Background Studies at Czech and Slovak School & Community ManchesterPechová, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the Czech language and the Czech cultural background studies teaching in the 5th grade of the Czech division of the Czech and Slovak School & Community Manchester (CSM). Initially, based on the available data, this thesis provides a characterization of the Czech community in the United Kingdom. What follows is a description of the Czech and Slovak School & Community Manchester (CSM) organization, which focuses predominantly on its aims and the form that the Czech language and the Czech cultural background studies teaching of children and adults takes. Subsequently, this thesis provides an analysis of the content of the CSM's School Education Programme and, furthermore, it evaluates the possibility of realizing this programme to the fullest extent within the bounds of the school year. The following parts concentrate on the description of a fifth-grader from the point of view of developmental psychology and the specifics of the CSM students and the teaching of them. The concluding part contains teaching materials created and applied in the 5th grade of CSM by the author of this thesis. The materials take into consideration the uniqueness of the teaching of the CSM students. Concerning the teaching materials, this thesis elaborates on the purposes of their creation,...
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Uplatňování metod kritického myšlení ve výuce fotosyntézy / Implementation of methods of critical thinking in teaching photosynthesisBeránková, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
This study discuss two phenomenones. The first phenomenon is photosynthesis; this process played a key role in the emergence of life and is necessary to maintain a various life on our Earth. Photosynthesis enables plants to use a bottomless supply of solar energy to produce organic substance and release oxygen. The second phenomenon is critical thinking; the ability to sort and evaluate new information and form "your" own opinion indispensable ability for modern human. In a theoretical part of the study is dealt with term critical thinking, teaching methods of critical thinking and photosynthesis of biological and didactic point of view. In a practical part of the study is dealt with compilation and verification materials for thematic unit of photosynthesis, which would lead to the development of critical thinking of high school pupils (students). Furthermore in the practical part is a questionnaire survey, which is evaluated existing using of methods of critical thinking at biology teachers at high schools and is analyzed their teaching methods to the topic of photosynthesis. In the study is dealt with processing the topic of photosynthesis in selected high school textbooks.
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Genrepedagogikens användning i SVA undervisning : Cirkelmodellens tillämpning i läromedel och undervisning för Svenska som andraspråk / Use of genre pedagogy in Swedish as a second language teaching : The representation and application of the curriculum cycle in teaching materials and teaching for Swedish as a second language.Alsawadi, Assal January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the use and application of the curriculum cycle in Swedish as a second language teaching and how the relationship between theory and practice might look like. The questions that formed the basis of this study addresses how the curriculum cycle is used in teaching of Swedish as a second language and how the curriculum cycle is applied in teaching materials for students learning Swedish as a second language. The research methods chosen for this study are a qualitative semi-structured interview study and a qualitative teaching material analysis where I interviewed three teachers and analyzed two textbooks. The theory on which this study is based is Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of learning that clarifies the idea of that communication and interaction between people are crucial parts for how sociocultural resources are formed and passed on. After analyzing the interviews, it can be concluded that it is used frequently where each phase is essential in order to achieve the goal. The teachers also explained that the students develop cooperation and communication skills and a learning experience where they learn from each other when accomplishing the phases. The other method used in this study was a systematic conceptual analysis focusing on verbs in imperatives where I studied which forms of work and phases of the curriculum cycle that were presented in textbooks for Swedish as a second language. As a result, it can be concluded that the curriculum cycle is applied as a method and a tool with different strategies that help students to achieve a certain goal. The analyses also showed that both teaching materials contain elements where students work individually, in pairs and in groups.
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Vad händer utanför förskolans fyra väggar? : En kvalitativ studie om förskollärares syn på undervisning utomhus på förskolegårdenSandberg, Sara, Reinholdsson, Tove January 2022 (has links)
Utevistelse är en naturlig och central del i förskolans dagliga verksamhet, där förskolegården utgör den främsta platsen att vara på. Studien är kvalitativ och bygger på en metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomförts med fem olika förskollärare. Syftet med studien r att bidra med kunskap om hur förskollärare ser på undervisning utomhus på förskolegården. Forskningsfrågorna som ska svara upp mot syftet är: Hur uppfattar förskollärare undervisning på förskolegården?, “Hurbeskriver förskollärare att de använder förskolegården vid undervisning?” och “Vilka ramar beskriver förskollärare finns vid undervisning på förskolegården?”Resultaten analyseras med hjälp av proximala utvecklingszonen och didaktikens fyra nyckelbegrepp som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Resultaten tyder på att förskollärare använder förskolegården till både spontan och planerad undervisning där de integrerar olika undervisningsmaterial och lärandeinnehåll. Förskolegårdens utformning avspeglar möjligheterna att bedriva undervisning utomhus, där resultaten visar på att en välplanerad miljö är önskvärd. Det framkommer i studien att det finns en del ramar att ta hänsyn till vid planering och genomförande av undervisning på förskolegården. Slutsatsen är att det faller tillbaka på förskollärares enskilda motivation och inställning till att undervisa utomhus på förskolegården, snarare än att förskolegårdens utformning avgör i vilken utsträckning undervisning bedrivs.
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