Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tels"" "subject:"tel""
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Filhos autistas e seus pais: um estudo compreensivo / Autistic children and their parents: a comprehensive studyMaria Izilda Soares Martão 16 December 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho consistiu na investigação das possíveis implicações entre a dinâmica do casal e a relação com o filho autista e as dificuldades que os pais apresentam para estabelecer parceria com o terapeuta, colaborando assim com o processo terapêutico e com o desenvolvimento do filho. Realizamos Diagnósticos Compreensivos (Trinca, 1983), visando a um conhecimento dos aspectos psicodinâmicos dos casais e da relação destes com o filho autista. A base teórica que fundamenta o estudo é a psicanálise e as teorias psicodinâmicas juntamente com nossa experiência clínica. Utilizamos dois instrumentos: entrevista semidirigida e o procedimento de Desenhos de Família com Estórias (Trinca, 1978). A pesquisa foi realizada nas dependências de uma Instituição Pública, especializada no atendimento de crianças autistas, situada na grande São Paulo. Contamos ainda para a realização deste, com a participação voluntária, de cinco casais de pais de filhos autistas, os quais prestaram enorme contribuição ao nosso estudo. Os resultados obtidos após levantamentos dos dados foram: - os pais vivenciaram conflitos emocionais, instabilidades ambientais, humilhações afetivas em suas famílias de origem. - os conflitos emocionais originaram relações de objetos deficitárias, frágeis e conturbadas. - as dificuldades emocionais vivenciadas serviram como percalços ao desenvolvimento emocional destes pais e impediram qualquer possibilidade de interação com o filho autista. - algumas reações das crianças autistas, utilizadas como forma de contato com os pais estão relacionadas ao foco do conflito da dinâmica dos pais. - as dificuldades emocionais dos pais influenciam o desenvolvimento do filho autista, uma vez que aqueles encontram-se impossibilitados para um contato vivo e humano. Concluímos que os pais por nós estudados apresentam intenso sofrimento por manifestarem importantes dificuldades emocionais, necessitando serem cuidados, tanto quanto seus filhos autistas. / This work was the investigation of possible implications between a couple dynamics and the relationship with their autistic child and the difficulties the parents have to establish a partnership with the therapist, thus helping the therapeutic process and the development of their child. Comprehensive Diagnosis were done (Trinca, 1983), with the aim of getting to know the psycodynamic aspects of the couples and their relationship with their autistic child. The theoretical base of the study is the psychoanalysis and the psycodynamic theories together with the clinical experience. Two methods were used: semi-directed interview and the procedure of Family Drawing with Stories (Trinca, 1978). The research was done in a Public Institution, specialized in treating autistic children, located in the city of São Paulo. There was also the voluntary participation of five couples, parents of autistic children, which meant na enormous contribution to the study. The results obtained after the data gathering were: - the parents lived emotional conflicts, environmental instabilities, and affective humiliation in their families of origin. - the emotional conflicts originated handicapped object relations, they were fragile and disturbed. - the emocional difficulties lived were obstacles to the emotional development of these parents and made impossible any kind of interaction with the autistic child. - some reactions of the autistic children, used as a way of trying to establish contact with their parents are related to the focus of the conflict of the parents dynamics. - the parentsemotional difficulties reflect in the development of the autistic child, due to the fact that the parents do not provide a live and human contact. We concluded that the parents we have studies present intense suffering demonstrating important emotional difficulties, needing to be treated as their autistic children do.
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Encontro com pais de filhos com traços autistas: compreendendo a experiência emocional / An encounter with parents of children with autistic characteristics: understanding the emocional experienceMaria Izilda Soares Martão 23 April 2009 (has links)
Esse estudo tem por propósito conhecer aspectos do psiquismo dos pais de filhos com traços autistas, decorrente da experiência clínica da autora no tratamento de crianças e pais com essas características. Todos esses temas são discutidos na introdução do estudo, bem como são apresentadas as bases teóricas sobre as quais o trabalho foi desenvolvido. Seguindo uma metodologia clínica, foram realizados 10 estudos de caso, de ambos os pais, casados, cujos filhos apresentassem traços autistas. Os mesmos foram convidados a participar e foram submetidos aos procedimentos: entrevistas clínicas e o Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias, em cada um dos pais em separado e uma Observação Familiar. Também foram obtidos dados a partir da consulta ao prontuário da criança ou jovem na Instituição. Os resultados obtidos, na maioria dos casos, revelaram dificuldades emocionais anteriores ao casamento e ao nascimento dos filhos, as quais retrataram: aprisionamento, intolerância à frustração, desvitalização, sentimentos de menos-valia, autoinvalidação, desligamento, evasão das emoções, agitação, depressão e outros aspectos emocionais que os conduzem à paralisação e a insatisfações em suas vidas. Esses parecem ser decorrentes de dificuldades individuais e conjugais, e às quais se somaram as desencadeadas pela condição do filho. Por outro lado foram também denotados no material de nove casos, desejos de mudança e movimentos de esperança. Como conclusão pode-se dizer da necessidade que os pais, participantes desse estudo, têm em receber tratamento psicológico que possa atender às peculiaridades de cada um. Uma compreensão mais ampla dos aspectos psíquicos dos pais pode, ainda, embasar programas preventivos e interventivos, de forma a lhes fortalecer a autoestima, a esperança e os desejos de mudança. Sugere-se também o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas sobre o tema. / The purpose of this study is to know better the psychological aspects of parents of children with autistic characteristics; it is the result of the clinical experience of the author in treating children and parents with these characteristics. These themes are discussed in the introduction of the study as well as the theoretical basis for the development of the study. Following a clinical methodology, 10 case studies were carried out, of both parents who were married and whose children had autistic characteristics. The subjects were invited to participate and underwent the procedures: clinical interviews, Story-Drawing - for each parent individually and Family Observation. Data was also retrieved from the child or teenager\'s file at his or her treating institution. The results, in most of the cases, show emotional difficulties prior to the marriage and birth of the child, which portrayed: imprisonment, intolerance to frustration, la ck of vitalization, feeling of under value, auto-invalidation, detachment, emotion evasion, agitation, depression and other emotional aspects which lead them to a holt and dissatisfaction in their lives. These seem to spring from individual difficulties, marital difficulties to which the difficulties generated by the child condition were added. On the other hand, in nine cases, desires for change and hope movements were found. As a conclusion, it is clear the need of the parents who participated in this study to have psychological treatment according to their individual characteristics. A broader understanding of the psychological aspects of the parents can serve as a basis for preventive and interventional programs, thus strengthening their self-esteem, their hope and the desire for change. New research on the theme is also suggested.
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Compreendendo a fobia em odontopediatria por meio de intervenções com o Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias / Comprehending the phobia in pediatric dentistry by means of interventions with Drawing-and-Story ProcedureFatima Cristina Monteiro de Oliveira 12 September 2008 (has links)
Essa foi uma pesquisa qualitativa que aplicou, avaliou os resultados e comprovou a utilidade da aplicação do Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias na apreensão dos conteúdos emocionais de crianças e adolescentes com receio do tratamento odontopediátrico. O objetivo do estudo foi pesquisar os pontos nodais das angústias, conflitos, fantasias e mecanismos de defesa que emergem nessa situação de crise. A metodologia consistiu na utilização de entrevistas clínicas com as mães e crianças, na observação clínica da criança e na aplicação do procedimento. Foram estudadas 15 crianças entre 8 e 14 anos, utilizando-se de 3 a 12 sessões. O referencial de abordagem e interpretação foi o psicanalítico. Como modificação em relação à proposta original do instrumento, foram utilizadas intervenções auxiliares de associações livres e propiciadoras de aprofundamento no material emergente e compreensão dos conteúdos emocionais. Observou-se que: a. A necessidade de atendimento odontopediátrico exacerba com intensidade fantasias, conflitos e mecanismos de defesa primitivos. b. O instrumento facilita o contato e aprofundamento com focos nodais de conflitos e angústias inconscientes. c. O processo auxilia no conhecimento dos conflitos, mobilizando uma tendência para a integração dos mesmos. Verificou-se que as intervenções com o Procedimento de Desenhos- Estórias foram plenamente adequadas à apreensão dos conteúdos emocionais profundos de crianças e adolescentes nessa condição de crise. Concluiu-se que, a situação de crise que antecede o atendimento odontopediátrico dos pacientes estudados, foi ampla de mobilização de angústias primitivas e intensas fantasias que necessitam ser comunicadas e elaboradas em um processo psicoterapêutico. / This is a qualitative research, viewing to apply, evaluate results and demonstrate the need of employing the Drawing-and-Story Procedure. while understanding and elaborating emotional contents of children and adolescents who fear pediatric-dentistry treatment. This study also aims to examine the nodal points of anguish, conflicts, fantasies and the mechanisms of defense that emerge from the crisis situation. The methodology consisted in the use of clinical interviews with mothers and children, in the clinical observation on the child and in undertaking of procedure. A research, devided in 3-12 sections, was made with fifteen children, aged 8-14 in private clinic. Psychoanalysis was used as a system of approach and interpretation. As a modification, related to the original consideration, a free-associated auxiliary therapeutic verbalization has been used, as well as a deepening in the emerging material and understanding of the emotional contents.The results were as follows: a. The need of pediatric dentistry attendance will intensively exacerbate fantasies, conflicts and selfdefense primitive mechanisms. b. The instrument facilitates the contact and deepening of nodal points in conflicts and unconcious anguish. c. The process assists in knowing all conflicts by mobilizing a trend for integrating them. The results has led to conclude that the Drawing-and-Story Procedure used in this clinical situation, has shown as being highly suitable to the whole aprehension of emotional contents in children and adolescents in this crisis situation.This study has taken the initial hypothesis which a crisis situation that precedes the pediatric dentristy attendance in case study patients has a wide range of distresses and intense fantasies that should be notified and elaborated within a psychotherapeutical process.
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"Don’t Forget about Us, Because We Can’t Forget You": A Narrative Approach to the Concept of ‘Community’ in American Soldier BlogsUsbeck, Frank January 2012 (has links)
The following contribution interweaves culturalanthropological and media studies approaches to analyze the concept of 'community' in a phenomenon of the new media, the socalled 'milblogs.' These communities use the blogosphere to create and distribute a master arrative about the relationship of American civil society with its military and, thus, about how segments of American society attempt to come to terms with the War on Terror. The contribution emphasizes the interaction of bloggers with their audience in the narrative process of imagining, proclaiming, and nurturing such communities.
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Participating Audiences, Imagined Public Spheres: The Cultural Work of Contemporary American(ized) Narratives - IntroductionHerrmann, Sebastian M., Kanzler, Katja, Usbeck, Frank January 2012 (has links)
This is a book about contemporary American(ized) narratives and the audiences they call into being. It brings together eight very diverse case studies covering and investigating a wide range of media, genres, and modes to ask how contemporary 'texts' encourage 'imagined communities' of readers/viewers that operate as 'public spheres' of social and political deliberation, self-fashioning, and debate. In asking this question, the contributions collected in this volume shift perspectives in a number of ways: They question the boundary between the audiences of (often popular and broadly circulating) narratives on the one side and national public spheres on the other; they thus encourage rereading the transnational mobility of American(ized) narratives not simply as a phenomenon of popular culture but as an indicator of emerging transnational public spheres; and they invite us to look closely at the narrative dynamics with which these texts operate their audiences as public spheres.
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Untersuchungen zum schriftlichen Erzählen eines Erlebnisses im jüngeren SchulalterSonnenburg, Peter 25 November 2003 (has links)
Die Dissertation leistet anhand von 144 schriftlich vorliegenden Erlebniserzählungen jüngerer Schulkinder einen Beitrag zur Erzähl- und Schreibforschung im Kontext des DDR-Schulsystems. Im Vergleich zu zwei bereits vorhandenen ontogenetisch orientierten Untersuchungen von thematisch gleichlautenden Erzähltexten älterer Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Jugendlicher wird methodenkritisch untersucht, ob und inwieweit diese Arbeiten für die gegenwärtige Situation und in der gegenwärtigen Forschung noch relevant sein können und ob das bereits erprobte Untersuchungsinstrumentarium auch auf Texte jüngerer Schulkinder anwendbar ist. Durch Methodentriangulation und die Zusammenschau von Textanalysen, Beobachtungen und Befragungen erweiterte der Verfasser das Untersuchungsinstrumentarium und konnte so spezifische Erkenntnisse zur Erzähl-, aber auch zur Schreibforschung erbringen. Der Verfasser wies nach, dass die Methoden der Vergleichsuntersuchungen in ausgewählten Teilen auch für Texte von jüngeren Schulkindern Geltung haben können, dabei jedoch einer Adaptation und auch der Erweiterung durch spezielle, das Alter und den Entwicklungsstand der Kinder berücksichtigende Methoden bedürfen. Dies ist ein Beleg dafür, dass es sich bei den von der Linguistik und von der Deutschdidaktik in der DDR formulierten textstrukturellen, inhaltlichen und sprachlichen Charakterisierungen narrativer Texte um generelle und damit auch gegenwärtig noch gültige Merkmale handelt, die bereits in Texten jüngerer Schulkinder nachweisbar sind. Allerdings müssen sie wiederum altersspezifisch gefasst werden, sollen sie nicht zu defizittheoretischen Konsequenzen führen. Untersuchungsbezogen schließt die Arbeit mit einem Ausblick für weitere Forschungen und die Schulpraxis. / Based on the analysis of 144 written narrations of primary schoolchildren, this thesis is contributing new findings in the area of narrative and writing research within the context of the GDR school system. In comparison with two previously published ontogenetically oriented studies of narrations by secondary schoolchildren and teenage groups, research focuses on the issue whether or not, and also how, this former work is still relevant in present time and for current research. It also discusses how the in this context of older children s narrations tested research instruments can be applied to primary schoolchildren s narrations. By triangulations of methods and combining text analyses, observations, and interviews, the author has expanded existing research instruments, and has thereby reached specific perceptions regarding narrative and writing research. The author proofed that some practices used in comparative research could also be used in primary schoolchildren s narrations. They require, however, an adaptation and an extension of methods, taking the children s age and development into account. This provides evidence that the characterisations of text structure, contents, and language criteria, which had been formulated by GDR language and didactic scholars, can be seen as generally valid and still up to date. This is emphasised by existence of certain features, found in the analysed narrations. Nevertheless, these findings have to be analysed in relation to age structure to avoid deficit theoretical consequences. The thesis concludes with an outlook on future research, and implications on school practice.
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Um estudo de validade e precisão com o procedimento de desenhos-estórias no diagnóstico de transtorno depressivo maior / A study of validity and reliability of the Draw and Tell a Story Procedure in the diagnosis of Major Depressive DisorderConti, Fabio Donini 15 December 2009 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo verificar se o Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias se constitui como instrumento válido e preciso para diagnosticar Transtorno Depressivo Maior. A amostra foi composta por 60 sujeitos adultos, divididos igualmente em dois subgrupos, ou seja, 30 pacientes com diagnóstico de Transtorno Depressivo Maior Moderado e 30 sujeitos sem a patologia e com ausência de histórico de Depressão. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias, o Inventário de Depressão Beck (BDI) e a entrevista clínica estruturada para o DSM-IV-TR, também conhecida como SCID-NP, com a finalidade de evitar diagnósticos de falsos negativos e falsos positivos nos resultados do Inventário (BDI), facilitando o diagnóstico diferencial de Transtorno Depressivo Maior sem comorbidades. Depois de definidos os participantes da amostra e aplicados os três instrumentos nos mesmos, convidaram dois juízes, para avaliar os dados dos Desenhos- Estórias. As análises foram feitas em três etapas: na primeira, os avaliadores deveriam separar os protocolos às cegas pautando-se somente nos desenhos do procedimento. Na segunda, deveriam separar os protocolos, pautando-se somente nas histórias e, na terceira, deveriam, utilizando pautas de análise, separar os 60 protocolos, levando-se em conta tanto os desenhos quanto as histórias. Para tanto, utilizou-se um total de 94 itens extraídos da literatura que possibilitam observar a patologia em técnicas projetivas. Posteriormente a essa análise, procedeu-se ao estudo de precisão, e um terceiro juiz também foi convidado para avaliar os protocolos. Nessas análises, os juízes deveriam avaliar os protocolos, atribuindo zero, se os 94 itens estivessem ausentes e um, se estivessem presentes. A partir disso, foram comparadas as análises dos mesmos da seguinte maneira: no estudo de validade, foram correlacionadas, por meio do Coeficiente Produto-Momento de Pearson, as avaliações dos juízes entre si e dos juízes com o critério externo. Também foram utilizados o Qui-Quadrado, o Teste Exato de Fischer e o Teste t para verificar se os itens utilizados na pesquisa permitiam discriminar os sujeitos dos dois subgrupos. No estudo de precisão, foram comparadas as avaliações dos juízes entre si por meio do Coeficiente Produto-Momento de Pearson, e levantou-se, em alguns casos, a Porcentagem de Acordo entre as avaliações. Os resultados indicaram que os juízes conseguiram separar os protocolos, quando se basearam nas histórias e utilizaram os critérios definidos pela literatura. Além disso, foi possível observar que os itens, em sua maioria, são claros o suficiente para permitir realizar avaliações precisas. Por outro lado, os itens que permitem discriminar as populações não são muitos, o que indica ser necessária a realização de outros estudos com o instrumento, para ser possível caracterizar melhor quais são os critérios que permitem evidenciar a amostra depressiva. Contudo, considerou-se o Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias um instrumento capaz de ser utilizado em casos em que a hipótese de Transtorno Depressivo esteja presente. / The present research have for objective to verify whether the procedure Story-Drawing is as valid and reliable to diagnose Major Depressive Disorder. The sample consisted of 60 adults, equally divided into two subgroups, this is, 30 patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder Moderate and 30 subjects without pathology and with no history of depression. The instruments used were the Procedure of Drawing-Stories, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR, also known as SCID-NP, in order to avoid false-negative diagnoses and false positives the results of the Inventory (BDI) and to facilitate the differential diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder without co-morbidities. After drafting the participants in the sample and applied the three instruments in them, asked two judges to evaluate the data of Story-Drawing. The tests were done in three stages: first the evaluators should separate protocols blindly while observing only the drawings of the procedure. The second would separate protocols while observing only the stories and the third should now using patterns of analysis, 60 separate protocols taking into account both the drawings and stories. To this end, we used a total of 94 items taken from the literature that allow you to observe the condition in projective techniques. Following this analysis, it proceeded to the study of accuracy and a third judge was also asked to evaluate the protocols. These analyzes judges should evaluate the protocols by assigning zero if the 94 items were missing and one if they were present. From this we compared the analysis of the same as follows: the validity study were correlated by the coefficient product-moment Pearson evaluations of judges between themselves and the judges with the external criterion. We also used the Chi-square, Fischer exact test and T test to verify that the items used in the study allowed the subjects to discriminate the two subgroups. In the accuracy study, were compared the ratings of judges among themselves through the Product-Moment Coefficient of Pearson and rose in some cases the percentage of agreement between evaluations. The results indicated that judges were able to separate when the protocols were based on the stories and used the criteria defined by the literature. Furthermore, it observed that the items are mostly clear enough to allow accurate assessments. On the other hand, items that allows to determine the populations are not many, which indicates the need for further studies with the instrument to be able to better characterize what are the criteria for demonstrating the depressed sample. However, it was considered the Procedure of Story-Drawing an instrument able to be used in cases where the hypothesis of Depressive Disorder is present.
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L’architecture en Syro-Mésopotamie et dans le Caucase de la fin du 7e à la fin du 5e millénaire av. J.-C. / Syro-Mesopotamian and Caucasian architecture between the end of the 7th and the end of the 5th millennium B.C.Baudouin, Emmanuel 09 January 2018 (has links)
À partir de la fin du 7e millénaire, l’architecture connaît en Syro-Mésopotamie et dans le Caucase un essor considérable mais selon des rythmes différents. Ce développement différencié est probablement lié aux relations qu’ont entretenues les communautés de ces régions. La teneur de ces relations est probablement multiple. Les échanges techniques sont l’élément primordial pour l’architecture : ils permettent de déterminer si les communautés du Caucase se sont installées de manière autonome au début du 6e millénaire ou si elles ont profité de l’expérience technique de celles de Syro-Mésopotamie, de comprendre l’évolution de l’architecture « complexe » au Samarra et à l’Obeid dès la fin du 7e millénaire et de mesurer l’impact social de l’expansion obeidienne dès la seconde moitié du 6e millénaire. Après une présentation de la méthodologie, où nous définissons les termes employés et la méthode d’analyse, les données archéologiques sont présentées sous la forme synthétique d’une étude typologique selon trois axes : les matériaux de construction, les techniques de mise en œuvre et la morphologie architecturale. Enfin, une analyse croisée des données permet de considérer l’architecture dans une perspective culturelle, géographique et chronologique. Le milieu du 6e millénaire marque un tournant dans les échanges techniques et les relations culturelles entre ces deux régions : auparavant, ces échanges apparaissent diffus dans les régions situées au nord de la Mésopotamie centrale. Ensuite, l’expansion obeidienne entraîne une homogénéisation progressive des techniques dans l’ensemble du bassin syro-mésopotamien, à laquelle se sont greffés emprunts techniques et adaptations régionales. / From the end of the 7th millennium, architecture in Syro-Mesopotamia and Caucasus achieves a major rise but under different rhythms. The content of these relationships is with no doubt numerous. Technical exchanges are the fundamental element when it comes to study architecture: they can help us determine if Caucasus communities settled independently at the beginning of the 6th millennium or if they benefited from the technical experience of the Syro-Mesopomatian communities, understand complex architecture’s evolution during Samarran and Ubaid from the end of the 7th millennium and estimate the social impact of the spread of Ubaid from the second half of the 6th millenium. After a presentation of the methodology used, where we define the terms employed and the analysis method, archeological data are introduced under a typological study developed through three approaches : material, architectural techniques and morphology. Then, a cross analysis of the data can help up consider architecture in a cultural, geographic and chronological perspective. The middle of the 6th millennium represents a turning point into technical exchanges and cultural relationships between these two regions: before that, these exchanges come out as diffuse in the northern regions of the Central Mesopotamia. Then Ubaid expansion leads to a progressive technical homogenisation in all the Syro-Mesopotamian basin, in which borrowed technics and regional adaptations where added.
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Telling the Open Secret: Toward a New Discourse with the U.S. Military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell PolicyReichert, Andrew D. 2010 August 1900 (has links)
This qualitative dissertation in Counseling Psychology considers the open secret,
an under-researched phrase describing an interesting phenomenon that is experienced by
some, but not all, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people when their sexual
orientation is known or suspected by family members, friends, and/or coworkers, but not
discussed. A review of the literature notes how the essence of the open secret appears to
be about knowledge that is not acknowledged, while it may also create a space of grace,
allowing people to coexist, where they might not otherwise be able to do so easily.
Participants (N = 11) were either current or past members of the U.S. military
who served before or during the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. Interviews were analyzed
using James Paul Gee’s linguistic approach to narrative, from which three major findings
emerged: (a) sexual and homophobic harassment, whereby historically homophobic
attitudes within the military drive the need for secrecy surrounding LGBT sexuality; (b)
acceptance and support, whereby the open secret seems to create a space of grace; and (c) empowerment and honesty, whereby LGBT people seem to have a new sense of
honesty that empowers them toward a new sense of agency. Discussion includes
examination of how the three findings may relate to the open versus secret parts of the
open secret, as well as how the open secret and the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy may
represent a gestalt attempt at balance that may now be moving toward a gestalt dynamic
of completion, suggesting the possibility of a new Discourse of openness and honesty for
LGBT people that appears to be on a proleptic edge of possibility.
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The politics of identity self, community and nation : autobiographies by three South Africans.Gqibitole, K. M. January 1998 (has links)
Abstract not available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1998.
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