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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att dö före sin tid : En litteraturstudie om palliativ vård / Dying before your time : A literature review about palliative care

Bergman, Lisa, Dimovska, Kristina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård är en internationellt erkänd vårdform, ett kompetensområde och ett förhållningssätt där en människa behandlas fysiskt, psykiskt, socialt och existentiellt. I Sverige är medellivslängden 84 år för kvinnor och 81 år för män och de flesta som tar emot palliativ vård tillhör gruppen äldre. Att leva med allvarlig sjukdom i åldrarna 18-65 år skiljer sig från att stå i samma situation som äldre eller som barn och det behövs mer kunskap om hur det är att leva med palliativ vård vid 18-65 års ålder. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien är att undersöka patienters erfarenheter av palliativ vård vid 18-65 års ålder. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats har gjorts baserad på tolv empiriska studier om patienters erfarenheter av palliativ vård vid 18-65 års ålder. Resultat: Två teman identifierades baserade på återkommande drag mellan studierna: vikten av socialt stöd och nya existentiella behov. Vikten av socialt stöd bestod av fyra subteman: prioritering av relationer med familj och vänner, betydelsen av familjeinkluderad vård, att känna gemenskap med andra i samma situation och att känna sig ensam i sin sjukdom. Nya existentiella behov bestod av tre subteman: att vara för ung för att dö, att finna mening och andliga behov växer. Slutsats: Psykosociala, emotionella och existentiella aspekter av att leva med palliativ vård i åldrarna 18-65 år tenderade att väga tyngre än aspekter som rör den fysiska hälsan. Sociala relationer, gemenskap med andra i samma situation, finna mening och tillgodoseende av andliga behov blev för många viktiga stöd och en källa till hopp och lycka. Resultatet bekräftade vikten av att palliativ vård bör behandla en människa psykiskt, socialt och existentiellt och inte enbart fysiskt. / Background: Palliative care is an internationally recognized form of care and an area of competence where a person is treated physically, psychologically, socially and existentially. In Sweden, the average life expectancy is 84 years for women and 81 years for men. Most people who receive palliative care are aged and more knowledge is needed to illuminate what it is like to receive palliative care at the age of 18-65. Aim: The aim of the literature study was to investigate patients' experiences of palliative care at age 18-65. Method: A literature review with a qualitative approach has been conducted based on twelve empirical studies on patients' experiences of palliative care at the age of 18-65. Results: Two themes were identified based on recurring features between the studies: The importance of social support and New existential needs. The importance of social support consisted of four subthemes: Prioritising relationships with family and friends, The importance of family-inclusive care, Feeling community with others in the same situation and Feeling alone in your illness. New existential needs consisted of three subthemes: Being too young to die, Finding meaning and Growing spiritual needs. Conclusion: Psychosocial, emotional and existential aspects of living with palliative care in the ages 18-65 tend to weigh more heavily than aspects related to physical health. Social relationships, connection with others in the same situation and finding meaning and tending and spiritual needs become important sources of support, hope and happiness. This corroborates the importance that palliative care treats a person psychologically, socially and existentially and not only physically.

Upskilling of Digital Skills During Digital Transformation : A Qualitative Study about Mindset & Challenges of Middle-aged group Employees in Supply and Finance Units.

Haj Osman, Dima, Singh, Yogesh January 2022 (has links)
Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Finance Technology are influencing firms to adopt the DigitalTransformation strategy to achieve their long terms goals and remain competitive. Thistransformation is driving an evolution in the way of working in Supply and Finance units andcreating an emerging demand to implicate digital skills and consider them as core competenciesneeded for the workforces in those units. Management takes a vital role in supporting theemployees to upgrade their digital skills and providing them with a culture that facilitates theirefforts throughout this shifting journey. Middle-aged groups of the workforce make a majorcontribution to the labour market, and they are likely to have a higher digital skills gap thanyounger groups. This requires firms to put more focus on upskilling and enhancing the digitalskills of this group to enable successful adoption of the increased interaction with technology.During the upskilling of digital skills processes, the experience of the workforce may includechallenges. It is important for the leaders and human resources to understand the mindsets ofthose employees and their challenges to consider when revising the digital skills learninginitiatives. Thus, this master thesis examines the mindset and challenges of supply and finance employeesfrom the middle-age group of the workforce during digital skills upskilling programs driven byDT. Additionally, based on the finding to develop a framework that can help firms wheninitiating digital skills upskilling programs. For this, an interpretive qualitative study wasconducted. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and Lichtman 3 Csthematic analysis was used and generated five concepts. Those concepts represent the findingsof the master’s thesis research and are interpreted and discussed with the help of the theoreticalframework of the double-loop learning method of Organizational learning Theory for Argyrisand Schön (1997). The research findings show the scoped group embraces digital transformation and has anopen mindset to change and the ability to contribute, but they also face challenges that are:Incentive and Recognition, Organizational Communication, Working and Learning inparallel, Customized learning programs. Based on the identified challenges, a framework wasdeveloped to support human resources and supply and finance leaders to consider duringupskilling of digital skills programs, to provide a better experience for the digital onboardingof the workforces during DT. This study contributes to the existing knowledge of theinformatics research field. The practical contribution is to help organizations, and humanresources, in improving the digital skills upskilling programs and frameworks, additionally toorganizational learning.

Portraits: Discovering Art as a Transformative Learning Process at Mid-Life

Wallace, William Scott 17 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Sauver l’enfant selon les récits de miracles au XIIIe siècles

Miller, Carolane 07 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse à la prévention des accidents liés à la petite enfance au Moyen-Âge. Par l’étude de trois compilations de miracula, nous analyserons la thématique de l’enfant qu’ils présentent. Ces compilations sont les Miracles de la Sainte-Vierge par Gautier de Coincy, les Miracles de Nostre-Dame de Chartres par Jean le Marchant et le Rosarius. Dans cette étude, nous nous pencherons sur la diversité des discours normatifs entourant cette thématique. Ces analyses nous permettent de dresser un bilan des précautions entourant l’enfant au Moyen-Âge. Nous concluons que les Miracles de Nostre-Dame de Chartres ne sont pas représentatifs du corpus de miracula général, puisque les miracula qu’il contient présentent un caractère préventif davantage axé sur les dangers physiques courus par l’enfant. / Abstract This thesis focuses on the prevention of early childhood accidents in the Middle Ages. Through the study of three compilations of miracula, we will analyze the thematic of the child that they present. These compilations are the Miracles of the Blessed Virgin by Gautier de Coincy, the Miracles of Nostre-Dame de Chartres by Jean le Marchant and the Rosarius. In this study, we will look at the diversity of normative discourses surrounding this theme. These analyze allow us to take stock of the precautions surrounding children in the Middle Ages. We conclude that the Miracles of Nostre-Dame de Chartres are not representative of the general miracula corpus, cause the miracula it contains present a preventive character more focused on the physical dangers faced by the child.


FRANCISCO EMANOEL LIMA SANTOS 16 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa se propõe a investigar a espiritualidade inter-religiosa de Nicolau de Cusa e suas contribuições para os cristãos na atualidade na busca pela boa convivência entre as diferentes religiões ou expressões religiosas no mundo. No geral, a pesquisa busca responder às seguintes indagações: quem foi Nicolau de Cusa, considerando seu contexto histórico, cultural, social e religioso? Qual é a importância do diálogo inter-religioso na atualidade e de que forma a espiritualidade inter-religiosa cusana pode contribuir nesse debate? Para tanto, a pesquisa parte do período da Baixa Idade Média, em especial o século XV, período em que viveu Nicolau de Cusa, até aos dias atuais. Inicialmente, faz-se uma descrição da vida, obra e ministério de Nicolau de Cusa com o objetivo de apresentar o cusano. Depois, faz-se uma análise da espiritualidade medieval, considerando as mudanças e transformações ocorridas nessa época, que, de alguma forma, contribuíram para uma espiritualidade mais aberta, inovadora, questionadora e inclusiva. O propósito é discorrer sobre movimentos que surgiram tanto no âmbito religioso, quanto no âmbito da sociedade da época e que a espiritualidade cusana, de certa maneira, recebeu influências dessas transformações. Em seguida, examinam-se algumas obras de Nicolau de Cusa, como, por exemplo, De pace fidei e Cribratio Alchorani, cuja intenção é demonstrar a espiritualidade inter-religiosa cusana, a partir de suas próprias obras. E, por último, discorre-se sobre a importância do diálogo inter-religioso e as contribuições cusanas, como, por exemplo, as propostas da compreensão, teológica e humanista. No tocante aos fundamentos metodológicos, a pesquisa se apoia em uma análise crítico-reflexiva das fontes cusanas, na bibliografia pertinente e em textos sobre o tema. / [en] This research proposes to investigate the inter-religious spirituality of Nicholas of Cusa and his contributions to Christians today in the search for good coexistence between different religions or religious expressions in the world. In general, the research seeks to answer the following questions: who was Nicholas of Cusa, considering his historical, cultural, social and religious context? What is the importance of inter-religious dialogue today and how can Cusa s interreligious spirituality contribute to this debate? Therefore, the research starts from the period of the Late Middle Ages, especially the 15th century, the period in which Nicholas of Cusa lived, until the present day. Initially, a description of the life, work and ministry of Nicholas of Cusa is made in order to introduce him. Afterwards, an analysis of medieval spirituality is made, considering the changes and transformations that occurred at that time, which, somehow, contributed to a more open, innovative, questioning and inclusive spirituality. The purpose is to discuss movements that emerged both in the religious sphere and in the sphere of society at the time and that Cusan spirituality, in a certain way, was influenced by these transformations. Next, some works by Nicholas of Cusa are examined, such as, for example, De pace fidei and Cribratio Alchorani, whose intention is to demonstrate the interreligious spirituality of Cusa, based on his own works. And, finally, the importance of interreligious dialogue and his contributions to the same are discussed, for example, the proposals of theological and humanistic understanding. With regard to the methodological foundations, the research is based on a critical-reflexive analysis of the Cusan sources, the relevant bibliography and texts on the subject.

Partnerperspektivet : En integrerad litteraturstudie om hur det är att leva med en person som har hörselnedsättning / The Partner Perspective : An Integrative Review about how it is to live with a person with hearing impairment

Hatula, Caisa, Johansson, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: När en person har hörselnedsättning påverkas indirekt dess omgivning. Konsekvenser som kan upplevas av en partner kan benämnas med begreppet Third-Party Disability (TPD) och innefattar ett flertal aspekter som exempelvis kommunikation och livskvalité. Med ålder blir hörselnedsättningar allt vanligare vilket leder till att allt fler par i övre medelåldern lever i en relation där ena partnern har hörselnedsättning. Syfte: Att undersöka hur partnern påverkas av en respektives hörselnedsättning och vad det har för eventuella konsekvenser på livskvalitén, sett till personer i övre medelåldern. Metod: En integrerad litteraturstudie utfördes för att besvara studiens syfte. Litteratursökning i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl och Web of Science resulterade i inklusion av åtta vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Resultaten påvisar att partnern påverkas av sin respektives hörselnedsättning. Det är främst kommunikationsmöjligheterna som försämras men även relationsförändringar kan uppstå. Vidare kan det leda till att livskvaliteten för den normalhörande personen försämras till följd av begränsningar i partnerskapet. Slutsatser: Kommunikationsmöjligheterna försämras till följd av hörselnedsättning och påverkar deltagandet i sociala aktiviteter och sammanhang. Indirekt påverkar detta partnerns förmåga för deltagande och kan leda till försämrad livskvalitet. / Background: When a person has hearing loss, their significant others become indirectly affected. The consequences from a partner perspective can be described with the term Third-Party Disability (TPD), which includes several aspects such as communication and quality of life. With age, hearing loss become increasingly more common, therefore it is likely that at least one partner in couples of upper middle age will have hearing loss. Aim: To investigate how the partner is affected by their spouse´s hearing loss and what consequences it has on the quality of life, for people in upper middle age. Methods: An integrated literature study was carried out to answer the purpose of the present study. The literature search conducted in the databases PubMed, Cinahl and Web of Science resulted in eight scientific articles for inclusion. Results: The results demonstrate that the partner is affected by their spouses hearing loss. Mainly it´s the communication opportunities that deteriorate, but relationship changes can also occur. This can further lead to a deterioration in the quality of life of the normal-hearing spouse as a result of limitations in the partnership. Conclusions: Communication possibilities deteriorate as a result of hearing loss and affect participation in social activities and contexts. Indirectly, this affects the partner's capacity for participation and can lead to a reduced quality of life.

Attentional Bias to Body-Related Stimuli in Younger and Middle-Aged Females: The Role of Eating Disorders and Thin Ideal Priming

Markis, Teresa A. 27 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

An exploratory study of midlife transition in South Africa : in search of the midlife crisis

Palk, L. C. (Lawrence Carrington) 02 1900 (has links)
Strong opposing views exist with the popularly held notion that a midlife crisis is a normative phenomenon whilst a number of international researchers assert that the evidence shows the opposite to be true. It is nevertheless acknowledged that the psychology of midlife was one of the least researched areas internationally until the 1990s when certain aspects of midlife were investigated in the United States. Findings from these studies did not include the impact of a multiplicity of factors in combination at midlife. A new approach to the study of the life course using a combination model taking account of the influence of societal structures as well as the interplay between parts has been suggested. Such an approach to midlife transition and crisis research is not known to have taken place in South Africa or internationally. A conceptual model of midlife transition and crisis was constructed from known research and relevant literature and tested using a sample of 220 individuals aged between 30 and 65. The validity of the model was established and a methodologically sound measuring instrument was validated as a more accurate measurement of midlife crisis than a self-described experience. Two factors provisionally named stagnation and death and aging anxiety were found to exist. A true midlife crisis was experienced by a minority of individuals (IS percent) but an additional 31 percent had a troublesome but manageable experience. A neurotic disposition. the absence of good parental relationships, and the use of inappropriate coping skills such as wishful thinking were in combination related to high scores on the midlife crisis scales. A qualitative study revealed that over 90 percent of respondents were able to define a midlife crisis accurately although they tended to overstate the occurrence thereof. This replicates the research findings in the United States. Stagnation was experienced more acutely by individuals aged between 40 and 50 years whilst death and aging anxiety was the primary experience for those over 50 years. The validated conceptual model and measuring instruments can be used by therapists and coaches to facilitate the counselling or coaching process with clients experiencing midlife crisis. / Psychology / D. Comm. (Consulting Psychology)

An exploratory study of midlife transition in South Africa : in search of the midlife crisis

Palk, L. C. (Lawrence Carrington) 02 1900 (has links)
Strong opposing views exist with the popularly held notion that a midlife crisis is a normative phenomenon whilst a number of international researchers assert that the evidence shows the opposite to be true. It is nevertheless acknowledged that the psychology of midlife was one of the least researched areas internationally until the 1990s when certain aspects of midlife were investigated in the United States. Findings from these studies did not include the impact of a multiplicity of factors in combination at midlife. A new approach to the study of the life course using a combination model taking account of the influence of societal structures as well as the interplay between parts has been suggested. Such an approach to midlife transition and crisis research is not known to have taken place in South Africa or internationally. A conceptual model of midlife transition and crisis was constructed from known research and relevant literature and tested using a sample of 220 individuals aged between 30 and 65. The validity of the model was established and a methodologically sound measuring instrument was validated as a more accurate measurement of midlife crisis than a self-described experience. Two factors provisionally named stagnation and death and aging anxiety were found to exist. A true midlife crisis was experienced by a minority of individuals (IS percent) but an additional 31 percent had a troublesome but manageable experience. A neurotic disposition. the absence of good parental relationships, and the use of inappropriate coping skills such as wishful thinking were in combination related to high scores on the midlife crisis scales. A qualitative study revealed that over 90 percent of respondents were able to define a midlife crisis accurately although they tended to overstate the occurrence thereof. This replicates the research findings in the United States. Stagnation was experienced more acutely by individuals aged between 40 and 50 years whilst death and aging anxiety was the primary experience for those over 50 years. The validated conceptual model and measuring instruments can be used by therapists and coaches to facilitate the counselling or coaching process with clients experiencing midlife crisis. / Psychology / D. Comm. (Consulting Psychology)

Successful midlife aging in a changing work environment: A model of midlife adaptation

Carroll, Autumn Nichole 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to construct a model of midlife work adaptation that depicts a basic framework outlining coping processes by which midlife adults use to approach changes identified in the current midlife context that challenge them cognitively, physically, and emotionally.

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