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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O chamado do luar : As idas e voltas de três donas-de-casa nos contos de Clarice Lispector / The calling of the moon : The departures and arrivals of three housewives in Clarice Lispectors short-stories

Bülow, Monica January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar como são feitas as idas e voltas aos cotidianos das três donas-de-casa que são as protagonistas dos contos Devaneio e Embriaguez duma rapariga, Amor e A fuga, de Clarice Lispector e, sobretudo analisar o eventual valor simbólico que a presença dos fatores naturais e da lua exercem sobre estes contos. Com apoio nos trabalhos de Ana Carolina de Araújo Abiahy (2006a, 2006b, 2008), Berta Waldman (1993) e Yudith Rosenbaum (2002) e dos conceitos-teóricos de gênero apresentados por Chatarina Edfeldt e Anabela Galhardo Couto (2008) em Mulheres que escrevem Mulheres que lêem procuram-se respostas à questões de como, por que e através de que as protagonistas fazem suas escapadas de seus cotidianos e como podem ser extraídos valores simbólicos denunciadores das causas das angústias das personagens. Dentre as conclusões estão, que as protagonistas sentem um incômodo em suas vidas e são por isto, chamadas para fazerem suas “idas” pelo que a lua e a natureza simbolizam: um chamado para uma outra vida, livre de suas situações aprisionantes. Conclui-se também que após as suas idas as personagens voltam ao seu cotidiano normal por causa dos valores patriarcais internalizados, dentre os quais estão incluídas a culpa, amor à família e a impossibilidade destas mulheres de cuidarem autonomamente de sí mesmas. No entanto, percebem-se que após os questionamentos feitos em suas idas elas voltam conscientizadas, despertadas para uma nova maneira de olharem para si mesmas, suas situações e o papel de gênero que elas fazem. / This work has the purpose to analyze how the departures and arrivals to the daily life are made by the three housewives who composes the main characters in the short-stories Devaneio e Embriaguez duma rapariga, Amor and A fuga, by Clarice Lispector and, above all analyze the eventual symbolic value that the presence of the natures elements and the moon exerts over these short-stories. With the support of Ana Carolina de Araújo Abiahy (2006a, 2006b, 2008), Berta Waldman (1993) and Yudith Rosenbaums (2002) works and of the theoretic concepts of gender presented by Chatarina Edfeldt and Anabela Galhardo Couto (2008) in Mulheres que escrevem Mulheres que lêem, answers are sought to the questions of how, why and through what, the main characters make escapes from their everyday lives and, how it is possible to extract symbolic values that denunciates the causes of the main characters anxieties. Within the conclusions are that the main characters feel a discomfort with their lives and are because of that, called to make their “departures” through what the moon and the nature symbolizes: a calling to another life, free from their imprisoning situations. Another conclusion is that they come back because of the internalized patriarchal values, among which are included the guilt, the love to the family and the impossibility of these women to take care of themselves. However, it is noticeable that after the questionings made in their departures and arrivals they return with awareness, awakened to a new way to look at themselves, their situations and the gender roles that they play. / Detta arbete har som syfte att analysera hur turerna och returerna till vardagen görs av de tre hemmafruar som utgör huvudpersonerna i berättelserna Devaneio e Embriaguez duma rapariga, Amor och A fuga, av Clarice Lispector och, framförallt analysera det eventuella symboliska värdet som närvaron av naturens faktorer och månen utövar över dessa berättelser. Med stöd av Ana Carolina de Araújo Abiahy (2006a, 2006b, 2008), Berta Waldman (1993) och Yudith Rosenbaums (2002) arbeten samt av genus-teoretiska begrepp som pressenteras av Chatarina Edfeldt och Anabela Galhardo Couto (2008) i Mulheres que escrevem Mulheres que lêem, sökes svar till frågeställningarna hur, varför och genom vad, huvudpersonerna flyr från sina vardagsliv och, hur det är möjligt att utvinna symboliska värden som anger anledningarna till huvudpersonernas ångest. Bland slutsatserna finnes att huvudpersonerna känner ett obehag med sina liv och blir därför, kallade till att göra sina ”turer” genom det som månen och naturen symboliserar: en kallelse till ett annat liv, fritt från sina fängslande situationer. Ytterligare en slutsatts är att de färdas tillbaka på grund av de internaliserade patriarkaliska värderingar, som inkluderar skulden, kärleken till familjen samt omöjligheten för dessa kvinnor att klara sig själva. Emellertid, märks det att efter de diskussioner som de gjort i sina turer kommer de tillbaka medvetandegjorda, uppväckta till ett nytt sätt att se på sig själva, sina situationer och de genusroller som de spelar.

Medidas da velocidade da luz usando observações e simulações astronômicas das luas de Júpiter

Valido Filho, Manoel Messias Pereira 25 July 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In this work we propose an interdisciplinary modular teaching sequence on the measurement of the speed of light which is compatible with the traditional basic education’s sillabus. Based on the Römer method to measure the time difference between the occultation of Jupiter's moons in different orbital configurations with respect to the Earth, we developed educational activities that include: (a) observations of Jupiter's moons occultations through amateur telescopes; (b) data analysis using professional Astronomy softwares; (c) simulations using the software Stellarium and (d) the use of spreadsheets for the calculations involved to explore the physics contents. The modules can be applied independently and they are associated to educational products like didactic sequences, tutorials, video tutorials and info-animation in PowerPoint to support the lectures. We add three extra classes to the usual curriculum, which however can be easily adapted to the usual lecture. For these classes we prepared two info-animations employing the Peer Instruction and Just-in-time teaching methods besides practical activities centered on the students, following the Meaningful Learning approaches. With these resources we explore kinematics concepts (linear and circular movements), systems of reference, vectors and scientific epistemology. By mean of a pre and post-tests using questions from the High School National Exams (ENEM) involving the topics of Physics and Astronomy proposed in this work, we verified a considerable progress in the pattern of responses before and after our intervention to more than 90% of the addressed questions. Based on publicly available data by the National Institute for Studies and Educational Research (INEP) we identify a significantly higher yield of right answers of our students when compared with the average responses of all students from Sergipe who participated of the National Exams. Methodological corrections to this work based on the problems identified during the application of our products are proposed. / Neste trabalho propomos uma sequência didática modular, de caráter interdisciplinar e compatível com o currículo do ensino básico, sobre a medida da velocidade da luz. Inspirados no método de Römer para medir a diferença de tempo entre as ocultações das luas de Júpiter em configurações orbitais distintas com relação à Terra, elaboramos atividades que contemplam: (a) observações das ocultações das luas de Júpiter por meio de telescópios amadores; (b) análise de dados por meio de softwares profissionais da Astronomia; (c) simulações das observações utilizando o software Stellarium e (d) o uso de planilhas tanto para os cálculos quanto para explorar a física envolvida. Os módulos podem ser aplicados de forma independente e têm como produtos, além da sequência didática, tutoriais, vídeo-tutoriais e info-animações em PowerPoint para apoio às aulas teóricas. Utilizando três aulas complementares à grade tradicional, mas que podem ser facilmente adaptadas à grade de aulas normais, elaboramos duas info-animações em que, empregando a técnica de Instrução pelos Colegas – IpC, Ensino sob Medida - EsM e atividades práticas centradas no aluno, com base nas abordagens da Aprendizagem Significativa, exploramos os conceitos de cinemática (retilínea e circular), sistemas de referência, vetores e epistemologia científica. Por meio das asserções de um pré-teste e um pós-teste, utilizando questões do ENEM envolvendo os tópicos de Física e Astronomia, pudemos constatar uma evolução considerável no padrão de respostas antes e depois de nossa intervenção para mais de 90% das questões abordadas, com um rendimento significativamente superior à média das respostas apresentadas por todos os alunos de Sergipe participantes do ENEM, com base nos dados publicamente disponíveis pelo INEP. Correções metodológicas com base nos acerto e erros aferidos também são exploradas.

Home Share jako alternativa institucionální péče / Home Share as an Alternative of Institucional Care

Vosická, Petra January 2020 (has links)
This work deals with the model of care Home Share in the world, especially in Ireland, and introduces its beginning activity in the Czech Republic for people with autism spectrum disorder. For many years, this target group has not found in the Czech system of social services affordable and suitable services, especially of the residential type, which it would need. Parents of these children are thus exposed to the burden of long-term care without the possibility of relieving them. Home Sharing is a way to complement this social system. The practical part focuses on mixed research, which aims to describe and critically reflect the current situation of Home Share in the Czech Republic. Through interviews, I investigated the beginning, course and possible future of organizations that are currently introducing Home Share for families with a person with autism spectrum disorder. Furthermore, I used interviews and a questionnaire to find out the opinions of experts who are in the field of support for families with autistic people.

Mentální a ontologická simulakra: ne-racionalita a ne-reálno v dílech Philipa K. Dicka / Mental and Ontological Simulacra: Non-Rationality and Non-Reality in Works by Philip K. Dick

Kudrna, David January 2020 (has links)
This thesis offers a model for the underlying architecture of the narrative reality in science-fiction works by Philip K. Dick, arguing that Dick's fictional worlds are grounded in the pervasive metamorphosis - the overarching perception of the shifting - of the narrative fabric operating under the conditions of non-rationality and non-reality. The hyphenated coinages conveniently stand for the paradigms of the reality and mental configurations in PKD subverting the seemingly natural dichotomizing oppositions and hierarchies of the real/unreal and the rational/irrational. Bringing in Gilles Deleuze's ontology of difference, this thesis explains the non-rationality and non-reality of Dick's worlds in Deleuzian terms as, firstly, inducing the perception of fictional reality as realizing the innate potential of being by the perpetual becoming of being in multiplicity and, secondly, engendering - in the vein of Deleuzian simulacra - the impossibility of apprehending and categorizing fictional reality unequivocally. The thesis considers and evaluates the underlying assumptions and claims common to various approaches to the subject of reality in PKD's fictions in order to provide the essential context for the following development of the theoretical basis for non-rationality and non-reality shifting....

“Primitive” Bodies, Virtuosic Bodies: Narrative, Affect, and Meaning in Rock Drumming

Smith, Mandy J. 07 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Fantastic Empires: Imaginary Travel in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Russia

Bruce, Stephen Andrew January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation examines Russian fantastical travel narratives from 1784 to 1855, an era of substantial imperial conquest, in which authors of various backgrounds, both Russian and non-Russian, wrestled with questions of cultural identity and the prospects for Russia’s development on the global scale, while in a profound but often contentious relationship with the countries of Western Europe. My chapters cover three different categories of fantastic travel. The first includes journeys to undiscovered space, including Antarctica and the Moon (in works by Shcherbatov, Lyovshin, Kiukhelbeker, and Senkovsky), which largely criticize Russian expansionism. The second is stories of travel to or in the distant future (Vilgelm Kiukhelbeker, Faddei Bulgarin, and Vladimir Odoevsky), which project a more positive view of Russian imperial destiny. The third category is metafictional travel, through maps and the written page (Veltman), which deconstructs the very notion of imperial reality. I argue that writers employed the genre of fantastic travel literature, as well as specific devices such as dreams and frame narratives, to critically interrogate and reshape the imperial and national ideologies of their time. These works anticipate modern science fiction by using a wide range of spatial and temporal settings to create new worlds that highlight the possibilities or faults of their own societies, for satirical or didactic purposes—and as such they benefit from the application of recent theories of science fiction. Given the diverse range of authors and time periods I investigate, my work also has a taxonomic purpose, delineating the thematic evolution of fantastic travel narratives in different categories and paving the way for more targeted analyses of these understudied works.

A Study of International Space Station Ground/Crew Communication Methods with Applications to Human Moon and Mars Missions

Esper, Jennifer Eileen 05 May 2007 (has links)
The International Space Station utilizes many different forms of written and verbal communication between the flight crews and ground control personnel. This study analyzes the historical use of three regular communication methods, Daily Planning Conferences, Weekly Planning Conferences and written Daily Summaries, as well as specific, science and internal maintenance events for characteristics and perceived effectiveness across eight expeditions (4 ? 11). The results are recommendations for the continued use of, or substitution for, these methods for future long-duration human space missions, specifically to the Moon and to Mars. General conclusions are that most of the conference content could have been relayed through written/electronic methods, and that the Daily Summaries are considered succinct and effective as a communication cornerstone. Conclusions formed from the study of individual events involved the importance of well-written crew procedures, the effective stowage and retrieval of necessary materials and the selection of well-defined science experiments.


Arnold, Amanda Suzanne 03 August 2007 (has links)
The following is a collection of original poetry. The manuscript consists of an introduction explaining influences and style, and four chapters of poems categorized by subject matter: object/nature, writing/creativity, relationships, and family/figures. INDEX WORDS: Poetry, Poem

Life after Harry / Eine Gattungsdiskussion zeitgenössischer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur in der Post-Potter-Ära / Life After Harry / Contemporary Children’s Literature and Young Adult Fiction in the Post-Potter Era – a Discussion of Genre Aspects

Fitz, Victoria 03 March 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Chaos / Chaos

Vogelová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The existing world is becoming more disrupted and is falling apart. For its resurrection and restoration, a new way of thinking is necessary. This new type of thinking is needed to be able to open up its mind and to think about the process of thinking itself; it must understand what is happening in other systems, where processes seem to be taking place by themselves without any other visible interference. First Chaos is the title for an intermedia installation which contains 90 black and white photographs, both digital and analogue, all of which were taken between the years 2008 and 2012. Together, the photographs create one coherent piece – a kind of sculpture. They can evoke a "still film" with a non-linear, cyclical storyline, whilst the images can simultaneously function individually, without any connection to other photographs.

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