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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crisis masculina en dos cuentos de Alfredo Bryce Echenique

Villarreal, Lucía 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
La cuentística de Alfredo Bryce Echenique (Perú, 1939) tiene una temática variada que se centra principalmente en personajes masculinos que presentan una visión realista de las múltiples facetas de un ser humano. En esta tesis analizo los cuentos “Baby Schiaffino” de la colección La felicidad, ja, ja (1974) y “Anorexia y tijerita” de la colección Magdalena peruana y otros cuentos (1986). Demuestro cómo el autor cuestiona la masculinidad latinoamericana a través de los protagonistas masculinos y sus relaciones con el concepto de crisis masculina, enfoque principal de este estudio. Asimismo analizo cómo el autor usa la memoria, la temática social y ciertos espacios masculinos, al igual que desarrollo paralelamente los personajes femeninos fuertes. Argumento que en esta tesis, el autor presenta una noción acertada de las dificultades que enfrenta el hombre en Latinoamérica. Presento cómo Bryce Echenique comunica su cosmovisión a través de los modelos referenciales masculinos problemáticos que aparecen en los cuentos y concluyo que estos resultan inadecuados debido al entorno socio-económico que caracteriza a la masculinidad peruana tradicional.

Acquisition of L2 Phonology: An Acoustic Analysis of the Centralization of L2 Spanish /a/ in Adult L1 English-Speaking Learners

Aldrich, Alexander Charles 01 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Although many studies have been carried out regarding the acquisition of Spanish as a second language, very few have focused on the acquisition of Spanish vowels. Studies that have compared the L2 production of Spanish vowels in learners who have spent an extensive time living abroad versus at home learners are scarce at best. The present study hopes to add to the literature by comparing the L2 pronunciation of the Spanish /a/ in these two groups using an acoustic analysis with the aid of speech-signal processing software and the inclusion of a native group for comparison. In addition, it hopes to provide insight into how these groups vary in their pronunciation of the Spanish /a/ in different tasks. Three tasks were administered—an oral interview, the reading of a short story, and the reading of a word list—whose range varied by less formal to more formal, respectively. The tokens were analyzed using Praat to find the F1 and F2 value at the midpoint of each. The results indicate that those who lived in a Spanish-speaking country for an extensive period of time (RM) demonstrated a significant difference (p<0.05) between their production of the Spanish stressed /á/ and the unstressed /a/ in the oral interview and short story tasks, but did not show a significant difference in the more formal word list task. The at-home (AH) group, who had spent no more than three weeks in a Spanish-speaking country, displayed a significant difference (p<0.05) between the two tokens in all three tasks. It was found that the RM group displayed a significant difference (p<0.05) in F2 values between it and the native speaker (NS) group in one of the tasks, indicating that language transfer was present in both its stressed and unstressed tokens of the Spanish /a/. Interestingly, the native Spanish-speaking group also displayed a significant difference (p<0.05) between its production of the stressed /á/ and the unstressed /a/ in the short story task.


CLAUDIO HENRIQUE SALES DE SOUZA 25 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma coleção de atividades voltadas para o desenvolvimento da escrita e da oralidade nas aulas de Matemática para os anos finais do Ensino Fundamental e para o Ensino Médio da escola básica. A fundamentação teórica apresentada promove reflexão acerca da interação entre a Língua Portuguesa e a Matemática, o uso de atividades que estimulem essa interação e objetiva oportunizar o aprimoramento das linguagens escrita e oral no chão da escola. A reflexão teve por base os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, a Base Nacional Comum Curricular e artigos científicos de autores que tratam deste tema. Os conceitos e resultados matemáticos utilizados nas atividades estão definidos ou demonstrados no trabalho e servem como suporte teórico ao que é proposto. A análise dos documentos citados e do conteúdo do referencial teórico aponta que a interação aqui proposta é possível, importante e favorece o desenvolvimento não só das linguagens oral e escrita como também contribui para a apropriação dos conceitos matemáticos trabalhados e para o exercício da autonomia e da criticidade. / [en] This work aims to present a collection of activities aimed at developing writing and speaking skills in Mathematics classes for the final years of elementary school and for high school. The theoretical foundation presented promotes reflection on the interaction between Portuguese Language and Mathematics, the use of activities that encourage this interaction and aims to provide opportunities for the improvement of written and oral languages on the school floor. The reflection was based on the National Curriculum Parameters, the Common National Curriculum Base and scientific articles by authors who deal with this topic. The concepts and mathematical results used in the activities are defined or demonstrated in the work and serve as theoretical support for what is proposed. The analysis of the cited documents and the content of the theoretical framework points out that the interaction proposed here is possible, important and favors the development not only of oral and written languages, but also contributes to the appropriation of the mathematical concepts worked on and to the exercise of autonomy and criticality.

Maria De Zayas: Lo Paradojico De Una Escritora Del Siglo De Oro Espanol

Vinces, Nancy 01 January 2012 (has links)
This is a study about María de Zayas y Sotomayor, a seventeenth century Spanish writer who has slowly but surely started to become one of the most read and researched female writers of her time among current scholars. Zayas’s work is that of a baroque writer and as such her critics are notorious for having divergent views about her work. The purpose of this study is to discern the reason behind the controversy that exists about her narrative. The present study is an attempt to elucidate the ambiguity around the feminist views Zayas has been adjudicated. Taking into consideration her context as a female writer amidst a patriarchal society and her social status as a member of the nobility, this study analyses some of the apparent contradictions that critics underscore to support their conclusions. It has been the purpose of this study to include a diverse group of critical views in order to come to a conclusion about her literary opus: her only known dramatic play La traición en la amistad followed by her two collections of short stories Novelas amorosas ejemplares and Desengaños amorosos. Additionally, this study considers other realms of study that would benefit from a more profound study by future researchers.

Experimental units for the beginning teacher of Spanish in the intermediate grades of Stanislaus County schools

Fowler, Betty Ann 01 January 1964 (has links) (PDF)
The increasing emphasis on foreign language learning in the elementary school is the reason for the study to develop experimental units for the beginning teacher of Spanish in the intermediate grades of Stanislaus County schools.

Un estudio evaluativo de la enseñanza del español en el Instituto Mexicano-Norteamericano de Relaciones Culturales en la Ciudad de Mexico

Korn, Maxine Anne 01 January 1967 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Análisis de formas interiores y exteriores de la novela El día señalado de Manuel Mejía Vallejo

Dávila.a, Elisa 01 January 1972 (has links) (PDF)
El proposito del presente ensayo sobre la novela El dia sefialado, es iniciar un estudio a fondo de la obra de Manuel Mejia Vallejo (n. 1924-), considerado hoy como uno de los mejores novelistas colombianos, y, sin lugar a dudas, como el mejor cuentista nacional. A pesar de que El dia sefialado es ganadora del Premia Nadal en 1963, parece ser que aun los criticos de la novela hispanoamericana no le han prestado a Mejia Vallejo la atcncion que si le han dedicado a otros autores contemporaneos del escritor. Lo anterior se deba, en parte, a que la novelistica colombiana csta apenas empezando a darse a conocer nuevamente a travas de la obra de ese otro gran escritor Gabriel Garcia Narquez, y que la trascendencia que este escritor le ha traido no solo a la narrativa nacional, sino a la latinoamericana, ha opacado, en cierta medida, a esa nueva genecracion de escritores que estan empezando a darle un vuelco a la literatura colombiana y que estan tratando de sacarla del sopor y del tradicionalismo deteriorado en que estaba sumergida. Este ensayo es pues, un punto de partida hacia el estudio de la obra de Mejia Vallejo, y hacia una revaloracion de la literatura colombiana actual.

Effects of Peer-Tutoring on Language Attitudes, Maintenance, and Motivation Among 31 Native and Heritage Spanish-Speaking Adolescents at a Utah Valley High School

Eaton, Rachel Marie 01 June 2019 (has links)
This 16-week long, observational study examined the effects of Spanish peer-tutoring on first language attitudes, maintenance, and motivation among native and heritage Spanish-speaking adolescents. In this study, 31 high school students from two ‘Spanish for Native and Heritage Speakers" classes peer-tutored second-year Spanish learners for an average of fifty minutes per week. The native/heritage Spanish-speaking students took a pre and post language attitudes, maintenance, and motivation survey and they completed two reflections during the course of the study. The native/heritage Spanish-speaking participants demonstrated a significant positive increase in language attitudes towards their native language, they also reported increased motivation to speak Spanish with friends and family after participating as peer tutors for their native language. There was no significant change in time spent in first language maintenance activities, namely: listening, reading, writing, and viewing in Spanish.

Brazil and Bashō: Negotiating Japanese-Brazilian Hybrid Identity Through Mujōkan in Adriana Lisboa’s Rakushisha

Shibuta, Suzanne Noelle 01 April 2019 (has links)
Hybrid identities occupy a unique space within the field of identity and culture. Due to the instability and transitory nature of hybrid identities, individuals who fall within the category of hybridity often struggle to recognize and accept their identities. Do such individuals identify with one culture, the other, neither, or both? Adriana Lisboa’s novel Rakushisha offers new insight into the realm of hybridity through the exploration of mujōkan, a uniquely Japanese awareness of impermanence that also helps to explain the cycle of suffering, continuity, and regeneration that Lisboa’s characters experience. Although hybrid identities by nature are unstable, constantly in motion and imbalanced, mujōkan presents a conceptual framework that allows for the possibility of accepting this instability and impermanence as a way of being, allowing Japanese-Brazilians to untangle the web of uncertainty surrounding their identity and embrace the transience of their culture and hybridity. Lisboa’s novel and the concept of mujōkan work together to show not only the possibility of Japanese-Brazilians to accept and understand the transitivity of their identity but also to expand this concept to contemporary Brazilians, regardless of whether they claim Japanese heritage or not.


[pt] Das últimas décadas para os dias atuais, o fluxo de refugiados vindo para o Brasil vem aumentando cada vez mais. Preocupados com a inserção dos refugiados dentro da cidade, o governo, as instituições e a sociedade civil trabalham para integrar esse grupo de pessoas. Apesar de existirem diversas formas de integração, a maneira mais visada desde então é a integração econômica, ou seja, a obtenção de um emprego no país de acolhida e consequente empoderamento econômico do(a) refugiado(a). Assim, outras formas de integração tão importantes quanto esta acabam por ficar esquecidas. Este trabalho, com o intuito de contribuir para o debate de políticas públicas voltadas para a integração dos imigrantes forçados, parte da premissa que a desatenção às políticas culturais ligadas à integração dos refugiados no Rio de Janeiro se relacionam às dificuldades de pertencimento e visibilidade dentro da cidade. Em primeiro lugar, é discutido a importância desse debate nos dias atuais, seguido de uma revisão bibliográfica que discute processos de integração e a importância da cultura nesse cenário. Em segundo lugar, o relatório traz, dentro do seu estudo de caso, um olhar mais aprofundado sobre o deslocamento dos congoleses diante desse quadro e como o ensino da língua portuguesa é peça-chave na integração cultural. Por fim, são feitas algumas recomendações, dando ênfase na preponderância da atuação dos atores governamentais, a fim de que o processo integratório seja feito de maneira mais humana. / [en] From the last decades to the present day, the flow of refugees to Brazil has been increasing. Concerned about the inclusion of refugees within the city, government, institutions and civil society are working to integrate this group of people. Although there are various forms of integration, the most targeted approach since then is economic integration, ie obtaining employment in the host country and consequent economic empowerment of the refugee. Thus, other forms of integration as important as this are eventually forgotten. This work, with the aim of contributing to the debate of public policies aimed at the integration of forced immigrants, starts from the premise that the lack of attention to the cultural policies related to the integration of refugees in Rio de Janeiro are connected to the difficulties of belonging and visibility within the city. Within this work, firstly, the importance of this debate in the present day is discussed, followed by a bibliographical review that discusses integration processes and the importance of culture in this scenario. Secondly, the report brings, in its case study, a more indepth look at the displacement of Congolese in this context and how the teaching of the Portuguese language is a key element in cultural integration. Finally, some recommendations are made, emphasizing the preponderance of the performance of governmental actors, so that the integration process is done in a more humaneway.

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