Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then child’s best"" "subject:"them child’s best""
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Adoption : En komparativrättslig studie om lagstiftning, myndigheternas arbete i adoptionsprocesser samt säkerställandet av barnets rättigheter i Sverige och Norge / The adoption legislation and the government efforts to ensure the rights of the child in the adoption process : a juridical study in the principle of good administration towards the individual person with the responsibility that comes with international commitments in Sweden and NorwayHedman, Wendela January 2011 (has links)
This essay discusses in a comparative way the Swedish and Norwegian legal system, mainly laws that contain adoption regulations. It also compares the administrative work that the government in both countries practices in relation to the individual person. In this essay, focus lies on the legal rights of the child in the adoption process and how well the government and its service meet the requirements from abroad.This essay has shown that the government has many rules and regulations that regulate their work and that all the sub processes are designed to ensure the child’s best in the adoption in both Sweden and Norway. Despite some differences in the investigation process, the work is very much alike. The differences in the investigation that leads to an approval has shown that the government in Norway is not as controlling in comparison to the Swedish government. This could lead to the child’s rights being neglected to a certain extent.
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Företeelsen Barnahus : En intervjustudie om ett svenskt exempel på en organisation för barnets bästaJakobsson, Ida, Kortenius, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Studien syftar till att studera samverkan på Barnahus och om det någon gång kan krocka mellan de olika professionerna. Om så är fallet, vill vi författare se ifall det kan uppstå några konsekvenser för barnet. Empirin har samlats in genom fem kvalitativa intervjuer med professionella på det utvalda Barnahuset. Av informanterna var tre socialsekreterare, en polis och en åklagare. Materialet har transkriberats för att sedan analyseras utifrån en tematisk analys. Detta resulterade i fyra teman: Barnets bästa i fokus, Samverkan på Barnahus, Svårigheter på Barnahus och Påfrestningar för barnet. Resultatet har sedan tolkats, analyserats och diskuterats utifrån den valda teoretiska utgångspunkten nyinstitutionell teori. Studien visar att de professionella upplever samverkan som väl fungerande men att de ibland kan krocka i arbetet då de har olika arbetsuppgifter. Vissa av dessa krockar kan leda till påfrestningar för barnet, en av dessa påfrestningar är att barnet skuldbeläggs. / This bachelor thesis in social work aims to study the interaction between the different professionals and organisations in the swedish version of Childrens Advocacy Centers, Barnahus, and if it ever can clash between the different professions. If so, we authors would like to see if there could be any consequenses for the child. The empirical data were collected through five qualitative interviews with different professionals at the chosen Children Advocacy Center. Three of our informants were social workers, one worked as a police officer and the fifth informant worked as a prosecutor. We transcribed the material we recieved to analyze it based on a thematic analysis. We created four different themes based on the result we got: Focus on the childs best, interaction on Childrens Advocacy Center, Difficulties on Childrens Advocacy Center and Strain of the child. The result was later on interpreted and analyzed and discussed from a chosen theoretical point of view; institutional theory. This study shows that the professionals experience interaction as well functioning, but sometimes they collide at work when they have different tasks. Some of these crashes can cause problems for the child, one of these strains is that the child is blamed.
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”Vad som är bäst för barnet ska vara avgörande” : En kvalitativ studie om hur barnets bästa konstrueras i LVU-domar 1985-2015 / ”What´s best for the child shall be decisive”Skoogh, Andreas January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur barnets bästa konstrueras i LVU-domar 2 § i Sverigeunder tidsperioden 1985-2015. Studien utgår från en socialkonstruktionistisk grund där endiskursanalys har genomförts på det insamlade materialet. I analysen har Laclau och Mouffesmaktbegrepp och diskursteori nyttjats i syfte att förstå hur barnets bästa konstrueras. Resultatenvisar att det förekommer varierande konstruktioner av barnets bästa under den studeradeperioden, där det i de tidiga årtiondena fokuseras på en skyddsaspekt och utvecklas i de senareårtiondena till att inkludera barnets behov i en bredare aspekt. Resultatet visar även attkonstruktionen av barnets bästa i relation till föräldrar skiftat under den studerade perioden, dåföräldrarnas intresse minskar till förmån för barnens ju närmare nutid studien sträcker sig.Avslutningsvis framkommer det att barnets bästa går från att vara implicit i de tidigare domarna,till att vara explicit i de senare domarna. Studien bedöms vara relevant för professionerinvolverade i LVU-processen, utifrån att förstå hur förändringarna av barnets bästa påverkas avdess aktuella kontext. Att belysa varierande konstruktioner av barnets bästa kan även belysabehovet av en mer enhetlig syn gällande innebörden av begreppet – framförallt utifrån etträttssäkerhetsperspektiv. / The objective of this study is to examine how the best interest of children is constructed in LVUrulings 2 § in Sweden during the period 1985-2015. The study builds from a foundation ofsocial constructionism, where a discourse analysis was implemented on the collected materials.In the analysis, Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory and idea of power have been used tounderstand the construction of the best interest of the child. The results show that there aredifferent constructions of the child´s best interest during the examined period; in the earlydecades there were focus on the protection of the child, while in the latter years the constructionincluded more areas of the child´s best interest. The study also shows that the construction ofthe child in relation to their caregivers developed in the latter years. In the early years thecaregivers were constructed as a big part of the child´s best interest, a construction thatdecreased in the latter years. It also emerges that the best interest of the child goes from assumedto defined, as we proceed through the period. The study is estimated to be relevant toprofessionals involved in the LVU-process, to aid their understanding of how the narrative isinfluenced by the current societal context. The identification of the varied constructions in therulings, demonstrate the need of a more standardized view of the concept.
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Röster som inte hörs : En juridisk studie om hur barnperspektivet redovisas i LVU-domarGürsoy, Nadja, Ensani, Armita January 2010 (has links)
The child perspective is a complex area primarily because of its many ways of interpretation but also because children are considered to be less competent than adults. Our hypothesis was that adults in court-proceedings make decisions in the child’s place. The aim of this study was to investigate the judicial meaning of the child perspective in “Socialtjänstlagen” (SoL) and “lag om särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga” (LVU). The purpose was also to explore how the child perspective was presented in rulings from the Public Court according to LVU 3§, in the prerequisite “annat socialt nedbrytande beteende”. The choice of method was based on our main purpose and therefore the legal dogmatic and the qualitative methods were applied. The child perspective in Swedish legislation emphasizes the child’s best interest and the child’s right to be heard. There have been problems recognizing children’s legitimate interests which are one of the reasons why adults are considered to protect those interests by speaking for the child although they may have different interests. The result was that the child’s voice was inadequately asserted in legal processes which indicated that the child perspective wasn’t used as intended according to the law and government bill.
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Blir det till barnets bästa? : En kvalitativ och komparativ studie om diskussionen kring barnets bästa i Gävle tingsrätts domar i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängestvisterÅberg, Linda, Knudsen Wahlbom, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Barnets bästa beskrivs av forskare som ett svårdefinierat begrepp. Trots detta är begreppet lagstadgat och ska vara avgörande för alla beslut kring vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka Gävle tingsrätts diskussion av barnets bästa i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesdomar under åren 1992, 2002 och 2012 samt om det skett någon förändring över tid. En form av textanalys användes för att analysera empirin som sedan studerades med socialkonstruktionistisk och rättssociologisk teori. Det mest framträdande resultatet var att tingsrättens diskussion kring barnets bästa oftast skett indirekt, där ingen direkt motivering har gjorts huruvida en viss situation är till barnets bästa eller inte. Emellertid har direkta referenser till begreppet barnets bästa ökat, främst i domarna från år 2012. Resultatet kan antas härröra ur de reformer som gjorts i föräldrabalken år 2006. En annan viktig slutsats vi kommit fram till rör hur barnets bästa alltid verkar vara situationsbundet. / The child's best interest is described by researchers as elusive. Despite this, the concept is statutory and should be essential to decisions regarding custody, residence and contact. The purpose of this study was to inquire Gävle district court's discussion of the child's best interest in custody, residence and contact judgments in 1992, 2002 and 2012, and to study whether the arguing changed over time. Text analysis was applied to analyze data which then was studied by perspectives of socialconstructionism and sociology of law. A prominent result was that the district court's discussion of the child’s best interest is usually made indirectly. However, direct references to the concept of the child’s best interest increased, mainly in the judgments from 2012. This result might derive from the reforms made in the Swedish Parental Code in 2006. Another important conclusion we have come to concern is that the child’s best interest seem to be inconstant.
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Tingsrätten brister i tvister : En studie om umgängesrätt för våldsutsatta barn / Shortcomings in disputes within the district court : A study about visitation rights for children subjected to violenceHolmberg, Meja, Lindblom, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
This qualitative document study aimed to examine how the district court has judged the visitation rights for children subjected to violence at home; in accordance with the Children and Parents Code chapter 6, section 2a and 2b. Therefore a qualitative content analysis was used to analyse cases of visitation in 14 district court sentences. The sociology of childhood constituted the study's theoretical perspective. The research identified weaknesses in how the district court interpreted and applied the principles of the child's best interest and participation. The need for close and quality contact seemed apparent to the district court, while the need of protection was assessed with more flexibility and contextuality. The result also found that the violence was occasionally disregarded and the consideration of children's opinions varied. Additionally, the child's participation was limited to consultation alone. These shortcomings could lead to children being forced to undergo visitations with a violent parent. / Den här kvalitativa dokumentstudien syftade till att undersöka hur tingsrätten, utifrån föräldrabalken 6 kap. 2a och 2b §§, bedömde umgängesrätten för barn som hade utsatts för våld i hemmet. För att besvara syftet genomfördes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av 14 tingsrättsdomar i mål om umgänge. Barndomssociologin utgjorde studiens teoretiska perspektiv. Resultatet identifierade brister i hur tingsrätten tolkat och tillämpat principerna om barnets bästa och barnets rätt till delaktighet. Det framstod som att tingsrätten betraktade behovet av en nära och god kontakt med båda föräldrarna som självklart, medan behovet av skydd bedömdes mer flexibelt och kontextuellt. Resultatet belyste också att tingsrätten ibland bortsåg från våldet och att barnets åsikter beaktades i varierande omfattning. Barnets delaktighet begränsades dessutom till enbart konsultation. En konsekvens av dessa brister var att barn riskerade att tvingas till umgänge med en våldsam förälder.
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Unga vuxnas erfarenhet av vårdnadstvist i barndomen : En kvalitativ studie kring separationens och vårdnadstvistens inverkan på samlevnadsfrågor / Young adults' experience of contested custody in childhood : A qualitative essay on separation and contested custody’s impact on coexistence issuesAbid, Ahmed, Mårtensson, Ida January 2012 (has links)
Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är att undersöka om, och i så fall hur, unga vuxnas erfarenheter av separation och vårdnadstvist mellan föräldrarna under barndomen inverkat när det gäller inställning till samlevnadsfrågor. Mer konkret är avsikten att söka svar på frågor som beaktar principen om barnets bästa, attityder gentemot relationer, separationer och giftermål liksom dagens relation till föräldrarna. Tolkningsramen som användes för att tolka och förstå uppsatsens empiriska material baseras på de inledande bestämmelserna enligt 6 kap. föräldrabalken, några risker med socialarbetarens förhållningssätt, barnets känsla av ansvar, lojalitet och hemlighållande, barnets överlevnadsstrategier och kognitiv dissonansteori. Dessa tolkningsredskap var effektiva för att belysa unga vuxnas erfarenheter från barndomen och deras attityder till samlevnadsfrågor. En kvalitativ metodansats tillämpades för att inhämta det empiriska materialet och fem kvinnliga respondenter intervjuades med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Uppsatsens slutsatser indikerar att principen om barnets bästa inte alltid beaktades för de unga vuxna under barndomen. Deras attityder gentemot relationer, separationer och giftermål präglas av en öppen inställning till olika familjekonstellationer med goda kvalitéer, positiva respektive negativa följder av föräldrarnas separation och uppfattningen om att vilja gifta sig i framtiden. Dagens relation till den ena föräldern har visat sig vara fortsatt god medan relationen till den andra föräldern varierar. / The purpose of the essay is to examine whether, and if so how, young adults' experiences of separation and contested custody between parents during childhood influenced their attitudes to coexistence issues. Further, the intention is to seek answers to questions regarding: the best interests of the child, attitudes towards relationships, separation and marriage, as well as the current relationship to the parents. The interpretative framework adopted to interpret and understand the empirical material is based on the initial provisions under chapter 6, some risks with the social workers' approach, the children's sense of responsibility, loyalty and concealment, the child’s survival strategies as well as cognitive dissonance theory. These are considered effective to highlight young adults' experiences in childhood and their attitudes to coexistence issues. A qualitative method was applied to obtain the empirical material. Five female respondents were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. The essay’s findings indicate that the principle of the child’s best interests is not always applicable for the young adults during childhood. Their attitude towards relationships, separation and marriage is characterized by an open attitude to different family constellations with good qualities, positive and negative consequences of their parents' separation and a desire to get married in the future. The relationship today remains good with one parent, while the relationship with the other parent differs.
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‘’Att formulera en checklista att såhär ska vi göra eller såhär ska vi tänka är nästan omöjligt …’’ : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares tolkningar och arbete kring omvårdnadsbehovet, barnets bästa och insatser / " To formulate a checklist that this is how we should do or this is how we should think is almost impossible…" : A qualitative study of social workers' interpretations and work on the need for care, the child's best and help interventionsLarsson, Elin, Ivarsson, Josefin January 2021 (has links)
Previous research show that there is a knowledge cap in investigations on how social workers are supposed to interpret the nursing needs for children, in which the parent who has custody of the child is responsible for. The same knowledge cap is shown in how ”child's best” is supposed to be interpreted by social workers and be a red thread in the investigations. Which also leads to help interventions being given to children when the parent does not fulfill the nursing needs of the child, which is always not clear. Therefore the purpose of the study was to understand how social services interpret the nursing needs and shed light on how social workers interpret the ”child’s best” and how they work with children when the parents do not fulfill the nursing needs. Therefore in this study 8 interviews have been executed with social workers from different county’s around Sweden. The result shows that the interpretation of nursing needs for children is interpreted by the working model BBIC and that children should feel safe and not be at risk of getting hurt. The ”child’s best” means from the perspective of social workers shows that what is best for the child is to stay with the biological parents and that they are stable and emotionally available. The social workers work with children through family therapy, since focus is on helping the whole family. Help interventions are rarely only given to children alone, unless the child is over 15 years of age.
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Men problemet är att man aldrig har facit i handen : Några socialsekreterares uppfattningar om deras arbete med barn och ungdomarBlomberg, Astrid, Ünal, Özden January 2008 (has links)
<p>The opinion of social workers towards their work with children and young persons was</p><p>studied in this essay. Even their point of view with reference to the term the child’s best</p><p>interest has being considered and special focus was laid on the social workers attitudes</p><p>towards media coverage and its criticism towards their work. A qualitative approach was used</p><p>consisted of six interviews. The theoretical frameworks were based on the theory about</p><p>freedom of action and the theory of social representations. Our result showed that almost all</p><p>of the interviewees felt a relatively high freedom of action in their work within the framework</p><p>of the law and other policies and that despite the difficulties this can imply, they still enjoy</p><p>working with this target group. Concerning the term the child’s best interest, all of</p><p>interviewees said that it is very good that it exists but that it is also difficult to define since it</p><p>depends on whom one asks. Nearly all of the social workers thought that media coverage is</p><p>one-sided and very negative.</p>
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Men problemet är att man aldrig har facit i handen : Några socialsekreterares uppfattningar om deras arbete med barn och ungdomarBlomberg, Astrid, Ünal, Özden January 2008 (has links)
The opinion of social workers towards their work with children and young persons was studied in this essay. Even their point of view with reference to the term the child’s best interest has being considered and special focus was laid on the social workers attitudes towards media coverage and its criticism towards their work. A qualitative approach was used consisted of six interviews. The theoretical frameworks were based on the theory about freedom of action and the theory of social representations. Our result showed that almost all of the interviewees felt a relatively high freedom of action in their work within the framework of the law and other policies and that despite the difficulties this can imply, they still enjoy working with this target group. Concerning the term the child’s best interest, all of interviewees said that it is very good that it exists but that it is also difficult to define since it depends on whom one asks. Nearly all of the social workers thought that media coverage is one-sided and very negative.
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