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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Liability for entrepreneurial risk decisions during the COVID-19 crisis

Kubiciel, Michael 18 May 2020 (has links)
The article deals with the liability of board members for decisions to minimize business risks resulting from the pandemic. Based on an important decision by the highest German criminal court on a case of the 2008 financial crisis, the article outlines the limits of a safe haven within which managers can make decisions without fear of legal consequences.

Idrottsföreningar och hälsofrämjande : En kvalitativ studie om hälsofrämjande inom den svenska barn- och ungdomsidrotten / Sports clubs and health promotion : A qualitative study about health promotion in Swedish sports clubs for the children and youth

Blomberg Zanders, Nina January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idrottsföreningar är en folkrörelse i Sverige som engagerar många. I Sverige finns både idrottspolitiska mål och ett civilsamhälle som verkar för att barn och ungdomar ska vara fysiskt aktiva inom idrott. Det finns en hög representation av olika idrottsföreningar men utbudet och tillgången varierar beroende på regionala skillnader inom landet samt idrottsföreningarnas resurser. Coronapandemin och dess restriktioner har påverkat det svenska samhället under åren 2020–2021 och tillika landets idrottsföreningar att bedriva idrottsverksamhet för barn och ungdomar. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att genom kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka hur idrottsföreningar i Sverige arbetar med hälsofrämjande frågor i sina verksamheter för barn och unga och hur Coronapandemin har påverkat detta arbete. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ metod och en induktiv ansats. Under våren 2021 valdes sex idrottsföreningar ut genom ett strategiskt urval. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer som spelades in och transkriberades och därefter genomfördes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen av datamaterialet resulterade i följande fem kategorier: ”Förutsättningar för träning”, ”Jämställdhet”, ”Det hälsofrämjande arbetet”, ”Engagemangets betydelse” och ”Konsekvenser av Coronapandemin”. Slutsats: Studien visar att idrottsföreningar är en viktig arena för det hälsofrämjande arbetet i det svenska samhället. Resultatet belyser att olika föreningar har skilda förutsättningar att arbeta hälsofrämjande. De faktorer som framkommer som betydelsefulla är vad föreningarna har för resurser samt tillgång till ledare och frivilliga som vill engagera sig. En försvårande faktor anses vara att för få vuxna är engagerade i föreningarna. Coronapandemin har belyst att idrottsföreningarna är betydelsefulla för barn och ungdomar både när det kommer till träningen men framför allt det sociala perspektivet. De föreningar som har haft möjlighet att anpassa sin verksamhet har haft lättare att hantera pandemin till skillnad från de verksamheter som inte haft möjlighet att ställa om utifrån träningsform samt tillgång till träningsanläggningar. Utifrån pandemin uppger föreningar en stor osäkerhet gällande föreningsverksamheters framtid samt hur det kommer att påverka barn och ungdomars hälsa långsiktigt. / Background: In Sweden, sports clubs are part of a social movement that engages many people. Children and youth are being encouraged to be physically active in sports, both through public policy targets, and by the civil society. Although a diversity of sports clubs are represented within the country, their availability varies depending on club size and geographical location. The Coronavirus pandemic and its restrictions have affected Swedish society, including the sports clubs during the years 2020–2021. Aim: The purpose of the study is by means of qualitative interviews to investigate how sports clubs in Sweden work with health promotion in their activities for youth, and how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected this work. Method: This study has been conducted using a qualitative method and an inductive approach. In the spring of 2021, six sports associations were selected through a strategic selection. Data collection was performed with semi-structured interviews that were recorded and transcribed. After the data was collected a qualitative content analysis was conducted. Results: The analysis of the data material revealed the following five categories: "Requirement for training", "Gender equality", "Health promoting", "The importance of commitment" and "Consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic". Conclusion: The study shows that sports associations constitute an important arena for health promotion in the Swedish society. The results highlight that different sports clubs have different prerequisites for working with health promotion. The determining factors that emerge are the resources of the associations, as well as their access to coaches, leaders, and volunteers wanting to get involved. An important factor is getting adults involved in the sports clubs. The Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted that sports clubs are important for children and young people both when it comes to training but also considering their social development. The sports clubs that have had the opportunity to change and adapt their activities have found it easier to handle the pandemic. This is a contrast to the sports clubs that have not had the opportunity to change based on the form of training and access to training facilities. Following the pandemic, the sport clubs concluded a great deal of uncertainty regarding the future of their association activities and how this will affect the health of children and young people in the long term.

Den ofrivilliga ensamheten i Sverige : En kvantitativ studie under coronapandemin / Involuntary loneliness in Sweden : A quantitative study during the corona pandemic

Gonzalez Mariezcurrena, Oscar, Öster, Erica January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka ofrivillig ensamhet i den svenska befolkningen utifrån faktorer som tidigare har visat sig associerade med oönskad ensamhet, nämligen ålder, inkomst, civilstånd, kön, antal hushållsmedlemmar och även storleken på orten där personen bor. Upplevelsen av ensamhet före och under coronapandemin har också studerats. Totalt har 196 personer svarat på ett frågeformulär som mäter de tidigare nämnda faktorerna och ensamhet enligt UCLA-ensamhetsindex. Resultaten visar att ensamheten är störst bland den yngre populationen och bland dem med lägst inkomst. Resultaten påvisade även att storstadsbor upplever sig mindre ensamma än de som bor i mindre orter. Studien kunde inte visa att coronapandemin haft någon inverkan på ensamhetsupplevelsen. Det fanns ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad i ensamhet utifrån kön, civilstånd eller antal medlemmar i hushållet. Slutsatsen som kan dras från studien är att inkomst, ålder och storleken på orten där individen bor har betydelse för ofrivillig ensamhet. / The purpose of the present study was to examine the involuntary loneliness in the Swedish population considering factors that previously have been shown to be associated, i.e. age, income, civil status, gender, number of household members and size of the locality where the individual lives. Even the experienced level of loneliness before and during the coronavirus pandemics has been studied. A total of 196 individuals have responded to a questionnaire aimed to measure the previously named factors as well as the loneliness index according to the UCLA Loneliness Scale. The results show that involuntary loneliness is more widespread among younger individuals and among those with lowest incomes. The results also show that people living in Sweden's largest localities feel less lonely than those living in smaller localities. The current study could not conclude that the coronavirus pandemic has had any effect on loneliness. No statistically significant differences in loneliness have been found when it comes to gender, civil status or number of members in the household. Overall, it can be concluded that income, age and the size of the locality where the individual lives are significant in the experience of involuntary loneliness.

Riskhantering inom strategisk marknadsföring : En kvalitativ studie om hur e-handelsföretag uppfattar och hanterar risker / Risk management in strategic marketing : A qualitative study of how e-commerce companies perceive and manage risks

Holmensköld, Malou, Palmberg, Adrian January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Riskhantering handlar om att förebygga att risker uppstår inom ett företag. På grund av den föränderliga miljö som företag befinner sig i krävs en effektiv och integrerad riskhantering, varpå detta blivit särskilt avgörande vid hantering av kriser. Coronapandemin betraktas som en kris som inneburit ett förändrat konsumentbeteende, inte minst inom klädbranschen. På grund av det förändrade konsumentbeteendet har pandemin blivit en av de mest betydande förändringarna i modern marknadsföringshistoria där tidigare långsiktiga strategier blivit begränsade. Hur marknadsföringen fungerade tidigare, innan pandemin, har förändrats för att möta den nya verkligheten. I den alltmer föränderliga miljön som företagen befinner sig i kommer vikten av riskhantering öka i betydelse och det kommer bli mer betydelsefullt att kunna agera snabbt vid förändringar.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur e-handelsföretag inom klädbranschen skapar en riskuppfattning inom strategisk marknadsföring. Vidare undersöks hur e-handelsföretag integrerar riskhantering i deras marknadsföringsstrategier för att underlätta vid eventuella kriser. Det genom att studera hur e-handelsföretag har uppfattat och hanterat coronapandemin. Metod: För att uppfylla vårt informationsbehov bestod studiens empiri av kvalitativ data i som samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt 16 informanter. Urvalet bestod av personer som hade en beslutsfattande roll på företagets marknadsföringsavdelning. Intervjuerna baserades på en intervjuguide som grundades på studiens teoretiska referensram. Resultat: Informanterna beskrev att det råder en pågående diskussion angående interna och externa dimensioner samt tidsdimensionen för att identifiera eventuella risker. Samtidigt identifierar vi att företagen mer eller mindre arbetar med de fem olika stegen i riskhanteringsprocessen. Slutsatser: Vi kan dra slutsatsen att företagen använder sig av de tre subdimensionerna för att rama in företaget situation och bilda sig en riskuppfattning. Riskhanteringsprocessen används i stor utsträckning av företagen. Dock på ett mer ostrukturerat sätt än det linjära sättet som teorin förespråkar. Det är däremot få företag som genomför en kvalitativ riskanalys vidutvärdering av riskers sannolikhet och konsekvens. / Background: Risk management is about preventing risks from arising within a company. Due to the ever changing environment in which companies find themselves, efficient and integrated risk management has become particularly crucial. The coronavirus pandemic is seen as a crisis that has led to a change in consumer behavior, which affects the clothing industry. The changing consumer behavior has made the pandemic into one of the most significant changes in modern marketing history, where previous long-term marketing strategies have been limited and marketing has changed to meet the new reality. The importance of risk management will increase following the changing environment and acting more quickly in the event of changes will become more important.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to contribute to knowledge about how e-commercecompanies in the clothing industry create a risk perception in strategic marketing.Furthermore, how a risk management process is integrated into companies' marketingstrategies to facilitate possible crises is also examined. This after studying how companieshave perceived and handled the corona pandemic. Methodology: To fulfill the purpose of the study, our empirical data consisted of qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews with a total of 16 informants. The sample consisted of people who had a decision-making role in the company's marketing team. The interviews were based on an interview guide which originated from the theoretical frame of reference.   Findings: All the informants described that discussions about the company's internal, external and temporal subdimensions were used to identify possible risks. All companies were using the five steps of the risk management process to a different extent. Conclusion: We can conclude that companies use the three sub-dimensions to frame the company's situation and form a risk perception. The risk management process is widely used by companies. However, it is used in a more unstructured way than the linear process that the theory advocates. It is a few companies that evaluate the probability and consequence of the risk using a qualitative risk analysis

Compliance Elliance Journal: Compliance in Unprecedented Times

DeStefano, Michele, Schneider, Hendrik 13 May 2020 (has links)
Therefore this edition of CEJ is dedicated to pressing criminal and compliance-related questions in connection with the coronavirus-pandemic. Furthermore we will focus on another branch of digitization: Namely cryptocurrencies and financial technology. The key issue of last CEJ-edition, Corporate Criminal Liability, will be deepened, as there have been notable (and given the current situation, questionable) developments in the German legislative process. Fittingly, the topic of whistleblower protection in Switzerland will be addressed and two books, dealing with the modern legal advice market, will be reviewed.

Dopady krize způsobené covid-19 na činnost stavebního podniku / Effects of the crisis caused by Covid-19 on the operation of construction company

Daniel, Martin January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis evaluates the impact of the crisis caused by covid-19 on construction companies, especially through a questionnaire survey and interviews with representatives of construction companies. The theoretical part of the work, which precedes the questionnaire survey and interviews, describes the construction company and also explains topics such as anti-epidemic restrictions, compensation programs or the state of emergency caused by the covid crisis.

Managing Novel Risks in Construction Projects : A Zimbabwean Construction Industry Case Study of Risk Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic / Hantering av nya risker i byggprojekt : En fallstudie av riskhantering under covid-19 pandemin i Zimbabwe

Mupedza, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Risk management is quite a broad and essential part of project management in construction projects. Often, risk management focuses on perceived risks that can easily be predicted and managed. However, little attention is given to novel risks or risks that are not possible to predict and are unforeseen. Construction projects face these risks repeatedly, and decisions made when they occur are filled with so many discrepancies. The covid-19 virus is an example of a novel virus that no one perceived, which surprised the construction industry. This master thesis explores how organisations in the construction industry in Zimbabwe managed risk related to covid-19 in construction projects and what impact the pandemic had on current risk management practices. This study is an exploratory case study, and semi-structured interviews were utilised to collect data and answer the research questions. The study's findings highlight the major risks related to covid-19 that were faced in construction projects, the particular actions related to risk management that were taken to manage the risk and the impact of covid-19 on risk management frameworks for construction projects in Zimbabwe. Risks posed by the coronavirus to construction projects in Zimbabwe included operational risks, financial risks, productivity risks, supply chain risks, production delay risks and coronavirus infection risks. Mandatory guidelines and ISO procedures mainly influenced the actions taken to manage coronavirus related risks. Measures included introducing extra health safety measures on construction sites such as regular testing and screening and social distancing. Lastly, the impact on construction project risk management frameworks included changes to adapt to the new way of operating with covid-19. These changes include the increase in the budget allocation for novel risks and increased integration of technology in risk management. A small section of the study briefly discusses the Swedish context to capture insights into how the Swedish construction industry was affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Since Sweden did not go into lock down, it was interesting to reflect on how they were affected, and the actions taken to manage covid-19 related risks in that context. / Riskhantering är en ganska bred och väsentlig del av projektledning i byggprojekt. Ofta fokuserar riskhanteringen på upplevda risker som lätt kan förutsägas och hanteras. Men lite uppmärksamhet ägnas unika risker eller risker som inte är möjliga att förutse och är oförutsedda. Byggprojekt möter dessa risker upprepade gånger, och beslut som fattas när de inträffar är fyllda med så många avvikelser. Covid-19-viruset är ett exempel på ett unikt virus som ingen uppfattade, vilket överraskade byggindustrin. Denna masteruppsats undersöker hur organisationer inom byggindustrin i Zimbabwe hanterade risker relaterade till covid-19 i byggprojekt och vilken inverkan pandemin hade på nuvarande riskhanteringsmetoder. Denna studie är en utforskande fallstudie och semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att samla in data och svara på forskningsfrågorna. Studiens resultat belyser de stora riskerna relaterade till covid-19 som stod inför i byggprojekt, de särskilda åtgärderna relaterade till riskhantering som vidtogs för att hantera risken och effekten av covid-19 på riskhanteringsramverk för byggprojekt i Zimbabwe. Risker som coronaviruset utgör för byggprojekt i Zimbabwe inkluderar operationella risker, finansiella risker, produktivitetrisker, risker kopplade till försörjningskedjan, produktionsföreningrisker och risk för coronavirusinfektion. Obligatoriska riktlinjer och ISO-procedurer påverkade huvudsakligen de åtgärder som vidtogs för att hantera risker relaterade till coronaviruset. Åtgärder omfattade att införa extra hälsosäkerhetsåtgärder på byggarbetsplatser som regelbundna tester och screening och social distansering. Slutligen, effekten på ramverk för riskhantering av byggprojekt inkluderade förändringar för att anpassa sig till det nya sättet att arbeta med covid-19. Dessa förändringar inkluderar ökningen av budgetanslaget för unika risker och ökad integrering av teknik i riskhanteringen. En liten del av studien diskuterar kort den svenska kontexten för att fånga insikter om hur den svenska byggindustrin påverkades av covid-19-pandemin. Eftersom Sverige inte gick in i lockdown var det intressant att reflektera över hur de påverkades och vilka åtgärder som vidtagits för att hantera covid-19 relaterade risker i det sammanhanget.

Teleworks effect on job-related relocation decisions : A study of the Swedish workforce

Ramstedt, Ellinor January 2023 (has links)
With teleworking becoming an increasingly normalized work arrangement after the Covid-19 pandemic, it opens up possibilities for workers to be located elsewhere than their workplace. This indicates that work-related relocation may not be a necessity anymore for parts of the workforce, because they can choose to work remotely instead of relocating. The overall purpose of the thesis has been to investigate whether the normalization of telework as a part of the employee value proposition’s benefits will make people in the workforce less likely to relocate for work. The employee value proposition theory was used to understand the current role telework has as a part of the benefit component, and how telework may affect the employees' likelihood to relocate for work. Two research questions were used to answer the overall purpose:  Has telework resulted in the benefit component having a greater influence than other components for the workforce? Has telework offered as a benefit made people in the workforce less likely to relocate for work? The research purpose for the study was exploratory and the research approach was a deductive, qualitative study approach. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect the data and the sampling were selected by both the purposive and snowball sampling method. The sample for the interviews were employees who have a job where it is possible to do teleworking and were between 25-35 years old. After the interviews were conducted, the data was analyzed by using thematic analysis. The finding of the study indicates that the influence of the benefit component did not change compared to previous research and still had a mid-level of importance. It is not likely that telework has made the benefit component to have an overall greater influence compared to other components, but there were components such as affiliation that were very influential when making relocation decisions. It was also found that family members, especially partners and children, were a big influence on relocation decisions. The participants were more likely to consider teleworking instead of relocating when they had partners and children. Several of them could not see themselves only doing teleworking long-term though, because the connection with the colleagues and team at their workplace were also important. The findings of the study indicate that human connection and relationships have become increasingly important for the employees, and this affects both their teleworking and relocation decisions.

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