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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“You can choose your friends, but not your neighbours” : A field study of the informal practice of restorative justice and its ties to community resilience in rural communities in Nakuru County, Kenya

Berggrund, Ebba January 2017 (has links)
The justice system in the east-African country Kenya has long been subject to severe corruption and lengthy bureaucracy.  Both historical and current injustices have been left unattended and unaddressed, obstructing community resilience. This has lead to the development of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms that often build on traditional practices. In this study the ADR of restorative justice is examined. The study seeks to explore the relationship between the informal practice of restorative justice and the social dimensions of community resilience in the rural communities of Nakuru County in western Kenya. By merging questions on the practice of restorative justice with indicators of community resilience the study has found that the informal practice of restorative justice indeed has links to the shaping of community resilience. The practice has enabled dialogue between different ethnic groups. This has facilitated reconciliation and healing of trauma partly because new narratives have formed and partly because the culture of silence has been broken allowing people to share testimonies of violence and conflict. The study has also informed the community resilience field on the importance for collectivistic communities to have historical and ancestral events honoured, shared and addressed in order to fully enable conditions under which community resilience can form. However the practice shows ambiguous tendencies when it comes to inclusion of all members of society as community elders’ possesses a lot of power over the process, partially restricting community resilience to form.

Female Perceptions of Sexual Assault on Campus: Exposing a Culture of Silence

DeArias, Aimee January 2017 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Celeste Wells / This study analyzes female students’ perceptions of sexual assault at Boston College. These perceptions are interpreted and understood using the theory of framework and organizational communication. The goal of this study is to effectively illustrate how female students form perceptions of sexual assault, and to understand why they are often hesitant to engage in conversations about it. Through the use of framing devices, this study explains how the administration and campus culture influence the way students view the issue of sexual assault. 135 female students at Boston College participated in an online survey, and their responses indicate that a culture of silence emerges from the perceptions of sexual assault on campus. While the culture of silence influences most female students to refrain from talking about sexual assault, a new framing device emerged from the data, which I refer to as the frame of defiance. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2017. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: Communication.

Tala eller Tiga : En kvalitativ studie om tystnaden som uppstår vid sexuella trakasserier på en arbetsplats / Speak or remain Silent : A qualitative study of the silence that occurs during sexualharassment in a workplace

Dey, Debaleena, Mohamed, Kaltum January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur organisationer kan upphäva den tystnadskultur som förekommer vid sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatsen. Därefter undersöka vilka risker som följer ett avslöjande. Teori: I den teoretiska referensramen presenteras centrala begrepp och tidigare forskning. De introducerade teorierna behandlar tystnadskulturen och sexuella trakasserier utifrån ett organisatorisk perspektiv.    Metod: Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ metodansats genom utförandet av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med personer som blivit utsatt för sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatsen. Slutsats: Undersökningen konstaterar att det är i intresse för organisationen, arbetstagaren och samhället att avslöja missförhållanden för att att bekämpa det genom att motverka tystnadskulturen. Det finns åtgärder att vidta för att minska tystnadskultur med hjälp av arbetsmiljöenkäter, konstruerat skydd för visselblåsare och uppbyggnaden av förtroende. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how organizations can abolish theculture of silence that occurs in sexual harassment in the workplace. Then examine the risksthat follow a potential disclosure. Theory: The theoretical frame of reference presents key concepts and previous research. Theintroduced theories deal with the culture of silence and sexual harassment from anorganizational perspective. Method: The study applies a qualitative method through the execution of semi-structuredinterviews with people who have been experienced to sexual harassment in the workplace. Conclusion: The survey finds that it is in the interest of the organization, the employee andsociety to expose malpractice in order to combat it, by counteracting the culture of silence.There are measures to be taken to reduce the culture of silence, with the help ofwork-environment surveys, make a strong protection for whistleblowers and build trust.

Literature circles : Latina/o students' daily experiences as part of the classroom curriculum

Martínez, Manuel, active 2013 22 April 2014 (has links)
After the Mexican-American war, the educational experience of Mexican and Mexican -American students was one of segregation, discrimination, and inequalities. Latina/o histories and funds of knowledge have not been historically part of the classroom curriculum. Although scholars, educators, and social movements have challenged such inequalities, they still persist. Students became objects of the educational process. New theories and educational practices, such as critical pedagogy, have helped empowered students to become aware of their situation and encouraged students to become social agents of change. Literature circles, an educational practice of critical pedagogy, enable educators to provide students with an educational experience where they become the Subjects of their own learning; thus, transforming their educational experiences. / text

Maktstrukturer och tystnadskultur kring sexuella trakasserier inom svensk politik : En tillämpning av Maud Eduards och Carole Patemans teorier på branschuppropet #imaktenskorridorer / Power Structures and the Culture of Silence Regarding Sexual Harassments within Swedish Politics : An implementation of Maud Eduards’ and Carole Pateman’s theories on the metoo-manifesto

Sjöbohm, Veronica, Hagström, Karolina January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to, by implementing the theories of Maud Eduards and Carole Pateman on some of the testimonies found under the hashtag #imaktenskorridorer, explain why sexual harassments exist within Swedish politics. Our main focus will be power structures and the culture of silence concerning sexual harassments. By examining the testimonies, we find that the majority of the supposed perpetrators are elderly men in positions of power and that these positions often are used to take advantage of and further subordinate women. We also find that the supposed perpetrators rarely had to answer for the acts of sexual harassment even though the existence of the assaults most of the times came to light. Our conclusion is, based on the two theories we use, that the existence of sexual harassments within Swedish politics can be explained by various factors. Although the main one is wellestablished power structures based on the division of men and women. These power structures impregnate our whole society and we mean that they are even stronger within politics, in the corridors of power.

Idrottskulturens påverkan på självkänslan – ur ett genusperspektiv : ”Ingenting är någonsin perfekt, även fast det är väldigt bra”

Åkerqvist, Hanna, Kåresjö Nelson, Stina January 2023 (has links)
I Sverige finns en allmän uppfattning om att idrotten är god och har en positiv inverkan på såväl individ som samhälle. Däremot är idrottens roll komplex och forskningen på huruvida det finns en korrelation mellan idrottsdeltagande och upplevd självkänsla är mer delad. Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att undersöka hur idrottare upplever att deras självkänsla har påverkats av den kultur och de normer som dominerar den idrottsliga miljön samt hur denna upplevelse eventuellt skiljer sig mellan kvinnor och män. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk utgår från socialpsykologiska teorier om självkänsla och hur sociala miljöer påverkar individen. Teorierna behandlar generell självkänsla, prestationsbaserad självkänsla, fysisk självkänsla, självkoncept och social identitet. Uppsatsen tillämpar en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt sex respondenter. Givet uppsatsens genusperspektiv har intervjuerna fördelats på tre kvinnor och tre män. Resultatet visar inget tydligt mönster mellan idrottsdeltagande och generell självkänsla. Samtliga respondenter upplever att prestation och jämförelse är det som påverkat självkänslan i störst utsträckning. Den största skillnaden mellan de kvinnliga och manliga respondenterna gäller den fysiska självkänslan där kvinnorna påverkats mer av kroppsideal inom idrotten. Det mest utmärkande i uppsatsens resultat är den delvis normaliserade tystnadskulturen som finns inom idrotten. / In Sweden there is a general perception that sport is good and has a positive impact on both individuals and society. In contrast, the role of sport is complex and the research on whether there is a correlation between sport participation and perceived self-esteem is more divided. This bachelor thesis aims to examine how athletes experience that their self-esteem has been affected by the culture and norms that dominate the sporting environment. In addition, investigate how this experience possibly differs between women and men. The thesis theoretical framework is based on social psychological theories about self-esteem and how social environments affect the individual. The theories explain general self-esteem, performance-based self-esteem, physical self-esteem, self-concept and social identity. The thesis applies a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with a total of six respondents. Given the gender perspective, the interviews have been divided between three women and three men. The results show no clear pattern between sports participation and general self-esteem. All respondents experience that performance and comparison are the factors that affect self-esteem the most. The biggest difference between the female and male respondents concerns physical self-esteem, which shows that women are more influenced by body ideals in sports. The most distinctive founding in the result is the, partially normalized, culture of silence that exists within sports.

Metoo - en samhällsförändrande kraft eller ett nyhetens behag? : En kvalitativ studie av hur Metoo har påverkat teaterbranschen i Sverige

Kindvall, Linnea, Snijder, Laila January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats söker förståelse för hur Metoo har påverkat den svenska teaterbranschen. Detta med bakgrund i händelserna under senhösten 2017 då Metoo startade, först bland skådespelare och senare även i andra branscher. Studien söker kunskap hur Metoo har påverkat personer verksamma i teatervärlden. Den teoretiska referensramen börjar med Michel Foucaults diskussioner om makt och sexualitet för att fortsätta till en överblick av det relationella ledarskapet. Vidare fortsätter teorierna med att beskriva hur sexualitet och organisationer påverkar varandra samt vad som kan leda till sexuella trakasserier i organisationer. Avslutningsvis fördjupas i hur och varför sexuella trakasserier förekommer i teatervärlden. Studien har använt sig av en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med semistrukturerade intervjuer som huvudstrategi för att samla in data, men det har även genomförts telefonintervjuer och skickats ut ett frågeformulär. Utifrån empiri och analys visade det sig att informanterna på olika sätt har blivit påverkade av Metoo. De bekräftade att sexuella trakasserier är vanligt förekommande i teatervärlden även om de var förvånade över omfattningen. Några faktorer som informanterna belyste som en anledning till varför sexuella trakasserier sker är att jämställdhetsarbete inte prioriteras då konsten går före arbetsmiljöfrågor samt att en tystnadskultur har bidragit till att få har anmält. Informanterna menade att Metoo har givit teatervärlden ett språk som kan göra det lättare för dem att prata om och hantera sexuella trakasserier i framtiden. Även om teaterbranschen redan är styrda av lagar och riktlinjer menade informanterna att det behöver bli tydligare hur dessa kan implementeras i det vardagliga arbetet. Överlag vara informanterna positiva till hur Metoo påverkat teatervärlden men några var dock mer skeptiska och menade att strukturer är svåra att förändra. / This essay is an attempt to make an understanding of how Metoo has effected the Swedish theater business. With background in what happened in Sweden and mostly in the theater business in the late fall of 2017, the aim of the study is to know how Metoo have affected people working in this business. The theories start with Michel Foucaults discussion about power and sexuality and continues with a relational perspective on power and leadership. The theories moves on to a discussion about sexuality and sexual harassments in organizations and the cultural industry. The method to collect data was semi-structured interviews and questionnaires with actors and other people working in the theater business. The respondents stories and answers confirmed that sexual harassments is common when working in theaters but most respondents were surprised about the extent. It turned out to be many specific reasons why sexual harassment is a problem in the theatre world, for instance art has the highest value therefore work environment problems is put aside. There is also a culture of silence which prevents sexual harassment from being reported. But many respondents believe that Metoo has given the theatre business a way to speak about problems with sexual harassments. The theatre business are already operating through laws and regulations which prohibits sexual harassments but it needs to work differently for them to be maintained. All the respondents believe that Metoo have influenced them and some of them think that the business will change. But a few respondents have a more critical view on the future impact of #Metoo because they believe that structures are hard to change.

“I det här yrket behöver man vara tolerant” : En triangulering om sjuksköterskors erfarenheter avsexuella trakasserier och organisatoriskt arbete.

Arping, Anna, Reimer, Klara January 2018 (has links)
Intresset för att genomföra studien väcktes under hösten 2017 när rörelsen #metoo spred sig på sociala medier och ett stort antal individer vittnade om deras utsatthet av sexuella trakasserier på sina arbetsplatser. Rörelsen intygar att trakasserier av sexuell karaktär förekommer i ett flertal branscher, där vårt intresse väcktes att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av sexuella trakasserier. Tidigare genomförda studier som utgör den forskningsfront som föreligger har ett fokus på individen och de individuella konsekvenser som sexuellt ofredande medför. Den kunskapslucka som identifierades var hur organisationer påverkas av förekomsten av sexuella trakasserier likväl hur de kan bedriva ett förebyggande och åtgärdande arbete kring frågan. Studiens syfte är därför att belysa förekomsten och de konsekvenser som sexuella trakasserier medför. Ett delsyfte är att redogöra för hur organisationen arbetar med frågor rörande sexuellt ofredande. Teorier som redogör för definitionen av begreppet sexuella trakasserier, hur ofredandet påverkar såväl individen som organisationen, makt, tystnadskultur, organisationskultur och arbetsgivaransvar föreligger för att besvara studiens syfte. Studiens datainsamling bygger på en triangulering där en kvantitativ webbaserad enkät använts liksom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer. En avgränsning har gjorts till kvinnliga sjuksköterskor anställda i en organisation i mellersta Sverige. I studiens resultat framkom det att sexuella trakasserier förekommer på arbetsplatsen samt att det råder en tystnadskultur kring ämnet där de tillfrågade medarbetarna saknar kunskap kring var de bör vända sig för att berätta om sina erfarenheter. De anställda visar även stor okunskap kring organisationens policy, handlingsplan samt vilket stöd de är berättigade att få. Resultaten från det insamlade datamaterialet har analyserats med hjälp av den teoretiska referensramen och koncentrerats till fyra huvudområden som även diskuteras. Dessa är problematiska gränsdragningar, tystnadskultur, organisationskultur och organisatoriskt arbete. / The interest in conducting the study was raised in the autumn of 2017 when the #metoo movement spread on social media and a large number of individuals witnessed their vulnerability to sexual harassment at their workplaces. The movement certifies sexual harassment in a number of industries, where our interest was raised to investigate the nurse's experiences of sexual harassment. Past studies that constitute the research front are focused on the individual and the individual consequences of sexual harassment. The knowledge gap that was identified was how organizations are affected by the occurrence of sexual harassment as well as how they can carry out preventive and remedial work on the issue. The purpose of the study is therefore to highlight the occurrence and the consequences of sexual harassment. One purpose is to explain how the organization works with issues related to sexual harassment. To answer the purpose of the study theories describing the definition of the concept of sexual harassment, individual- and organization effects, power, culture of silence, organizational culture and employer responsibility is all brought up. The data collection of the study is based on a triangulation using a quantitative web-based survey as well as qualitative semi-structured interviews. A demarcation has been made to female nurses employed in an organization in central Sweden. The results of the study shows that sexual harassment occurs at the workplace and that there is a culture of silence about the subject where the asked employees do not know where to turn to tell their experiences. Employees also show great unknowledge about the organization's policy, action plan and what support they are entitled to receive. The results of the collected data have been analyzed using the theoretical reference framework and concentrated on four main areas that are also discussed. The main areas are where to drawn boundaries, culture of silence, organizational culture and organizational work.

"En kåranda, visst finns det!" : En språksociologisk studie om tystnadskulturen i fängelse

Byström, Tony January 2017 (has links)
Very little or any of the research within social language about different cultures of silence has been devoted to the norms of silence which exists within the speaking community of prison and which is shared by both inmates and staff. The purpose with the essay has therefore been to, from earlier research, investigate what the norms of silence in prison are, how these affect inmates and staff in their attitude toward each other and the communication between them, and if there are similarities in the norms of silence between the two groups and how these are expressed, regulated and applied within the speaking community compared with other cultures of silence. The essay takes it point of departure within theory of social language and how one uses the sound of language, words and turns in a correct way according to the norms and attitudes that exist within a speaking community and focus foremost around the culture of silence and its norms for silence and secrecy that exist within the speaking community which is shared by both inmates and staff in prison. The empiric collection has been done through qualitative method in combination with introspection, participation observation and interviews plus questionnaires which later have been interpreted and compared with earlier research. Four respondents, all of them staffs who have been or are active within the Swedish correctional system and have possessed varying posts, were interviewed or had to answer questionnaires which aimed to make the respondents to think about and to confirm the existence of a culture of silence. The result of the essay showed that staff, like inmates, have norms for silence and that staff in meeting with inmates shows varying degrees of attitudes, dependent if there’s about a closed respective an open ward, so that the verbal communication is affected by an informal attitude towards the inmates which is more accepted in open than compared with closed wards within the group of staff because the level of security is higher. Through the investigation of which norms of silence there are within the group of staff, generally, and how these are expressed and regulated within the speaking community through highlighting experiences and attitudes to better understand and explain the meaning of silence in different circumstances, and to compare the results in the essay with earlier science in order to bring forward similarities and differences in silence among inmates and staff with other cultures of silence, the essay has showed that there’s a culture of silence with norms of silence not only within prison, i.e. among inmates and staff, but within all speaking communities, which affect the communication with other groups or cultures negative, and that the formation of attitudes, i.e. negative social representation of others, and appliance and maintenance of the culture of silence is dependent on informal leaders which has a high status within the group.

Är sexuella trakasserier någonting man får tåla på en mansdominerad arbetsplats? - En kvalitativ fallstudie om sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatsen / Is sexual harassment something you have to endure in a male-dominated workplace? - A qualitative case study on sexual harassment in the workplace

Malmberg, Emelie, Pankalla, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Sexual harassment is considered a societal problem today. It is indispensable that both societyand organizations start to acknowledge and work more preventively in order to reduce sexualharassment. Organizational culture significantly impacts the way sexual harassment isperceived in the workplace. The purpose of this qualitative study is to gain a deeperunderstanding of and describe how organizations can prevent sexual harassment.Furthermore, it aims to better understand why vulnerable employees do not report sexualharassment, and how organizations can counteract the culture of silence and therebyencourage reporting. This research is based on the case study of an anonymous maledominatedorganization and is limited to one of its departments. The data material has beencollected through semi-structured interviews with the department manager, the HRrepresentative, one supervisor and nine vulnerable employees. The study revealed severalfactors that are decisive for the organization's work against sexual harassment, such as ahealthy organizational culture, a zero tolerance that is complied with and permeates all levelsof the organizational hierarchy, preventive work with an open dialogue regarding thephenomenon and continuous training. / Idag betraktas sexuella trakasserier som ett samhällsproblem. Det är nödvändigt att bådesamhället och organisationen börjar resonera och arbeta mer förebyggande för att sexuellatrakasserier ska minska. På arbetsplatser har organisationskulturen en avgörande faktor omoch hur sexuella trakasserier uppfattas. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att få en djupareförståelse och beskriva hur organisationer kan förebygga sexuella trakasserier. Vidare önskasfå en ökad förståelse varför utsatta medarbetare inte anmäler sexuella trakasserier, hurorganisationer kan motverka tystnadskulturen och därmed främja anmälningar. Studienkommer att ske utifrån en fallstudie av en anonymiserad organisation som är mansdominerad.Studien är avgränsad till en lageravdelning inom organisationen. Datamaterialet har samlats ingenom semistrukturerade intervjuer med en avdelningschef, en HR-representant, enarbetsledare samt nio kvinnliga utsatta medarbetare. Enligt studiens utfall föreligger det ettflertal faktorer som är avgörande för organisationens arbete mot sexuella trakasserier; såsomen sund organisationskultur, en nolltolerans som dessutom efterlevs och genomsyrar allahierarkier inom organisationen, ett förebyggande arbete med en öppen dialog angåendefenomenet samt kontinuerlig utbildning.

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