Spelling suggestions: "subject:"then sociocultural perspective"" "subject:"then sociocultural perspective""
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Hur integreras värdegrunden i svenskämnet? : En kvalitativ studie om hur värdegrunden genomsyrar svenskämnet ur ett lärarperspektiv.Gulunay, Maria-Diana January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to find out how Swedish teachers in grade 6 integrate the school’s value base into the Swedish subject. Following question have driven the study: How is value-based work integrated into Swedish subject in grade 6? What methods/teaching strategies do Swedish teachers in grade 6 use to integrate the value base into Swedish subjects? How does Swedish teacher experience value-based work in Swedish subjects in grade 6? The methods that’ve been used are qualitative methods in form of participatory observations and teacher interviews. The study is based on teacher’s perspective. The theories that’ve been used in the study are the socio-cultural perspective, the hidden curriculum, the prevention work and the social interaction. The value base is a term that can interpreted on several different levels. A value-based work need to be done all the time. It should be an active work that will permeate all Swedish education. The foundation of values for the students is to feel safe and to be able to express themselves through their education. Through the value base, students should feel involved in the teaching as well as school’s activities. The results were a co-operative learning, inclusive education, value-based exercises, four corner-activities, every-other questioning method, health- and safety groups, student advice, property-oriented methodology, cognitive development methology, role-playing methology and value-clarification method.
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Skönlitteratur i undervisningen : En studie gjord på lärares användning och elevers tankar kring skönlitteratur i undervisningenWallberg, Ulrika, Andersson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Vi har valt att undersöka hur skönlitteratur används i undervisningen då vi anser att skönlitteratur kan utveckla lärandet och användas i många olika aspekter i undervisningen. Vårt gemensamma intresse av skönlitteratur skapade tanken att se hur det används i klassrummet. Målet var att få en insikt i hur skönlitteraturen används i undervisningen och få lärarnas samt elevernas tankar kring ämnet och hur de överensstämmer. För att få informationen om detta gjordes kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta lärare, en skolbibliotekarie och hundra elever. Resultaten visar hur lärarna arbetar kring skönlitteratur och även deras syn på hur den skulle kunna användas. Även elevernas tankar kring skönlitteratur i både undervisning och hemmamiljö sammanställdes. Analysen av resultaten visar att skönlitteratur används i ämnet svenska och att det då är störst fokus på högläsning. Eleverna ser till största del positivt på skönlitteratur och vill ha mer av det i undervisningen. Lärarna menar att de skulle vilja använda skönlitteratur mycket mer men att det framförallt är tidsbrist som hindrar dem. / We chose to examine how fictional literature is used in education because we believe that fictional literature can aid learning and be used in many different aspects of education. We share a mutual interest in fictional literature and wanted to see how it is being used in the classrooms. The goal was to gain insight into how teachers, as well as students, are using fictional literature, their thoughts about the subject, and if the teacher´s and student´s views correspond. To gain this information we chose to conduct qualitative interviews with eight teachers, one librarian, and one hundred students. The results show how the teachers implement fictional literature in their education, as well as their view on how it could be used further. We also compiled information from the students in regard to both using fictional literature in the classroom as well as how they use it at home. The analysis show that fictional literature is used when learning Swedish and that the focus is on reading aloud. The students mostly view fictional literature positively and would like to see more of it in their learning. The teachers reported that they would like to use it more as well, but that lack of time prevents them from doing so.
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Uma perspectiva sociocultural para a introdução de conceitos de física quântica no ensino médio : análise das interações discursivas em uma unidade didática centrada no uso do interferômetro virtual de Mach-ZehnderTelichevesky, Lucas January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho relata a produção, implementação e avaliação de um curso sobre física quântica destinado a alunos do Ensino Médio. A unidade didática foi inspirada nas propostas de Ostermann et al. (2009) e Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). Ela introduz a física quântica considerando a óptica ondulatória como um contexto para introduzir algumas analogias conceituais básicas para conceitos fundamentais da física quântica. O conceito central desta abordagem é a dualidade onda-partícula e o Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder (IVMZ) é utilizado como sua ferramenta didática principal ou, em termos vygotskyanos, ferramenta de mediação. A proposta foi aplicada no formato de uma oficina extracurricular em uma escola privada de Porto Alegre no Brasil. Um dos professores de Física da escola se engajou e colaborou com este projeto. As aulas ocorreram entre os meses de Outubro e Novembro de 2013, em encontros semanais de uma hora. A perspectiva sociocultural de Vygotsky foi utilizada para embasar as aulas do curso. A translinguística de Bakhtin e os conceitos vygotskyanos foram utilizados para a análise das falas dos estudantes durante as atividades do curso. Nesta perspectiva analítica buscamos compreender como os estudantes elaboram estratégias discursivas para entender o conceito de dualidade onda-partícula, analisando a importância das interações com parceiros mais capazes (como professores), textos, simulações e outras ferramentas didáticas. Os resultados indicam que os estudantes desenvolveram algum domínio das ferramentas mediacionais necessárias para compreender a dualidade onda-partícula em um nível satisfatório. O Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder, os roteiros exploratórios e os professores mostraram-se importantes para tornar mais efetivas as experiências de aprendizagem dos estudantes. / This dissertation reports the development, implementation and evaluation of a quantum physics course directed to high school students. The course was conceived inspired in proposals of Ostermann et al. (2009) and Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). It introduces quantum physics considering wave optics as a context to introduce some basic conceptual analogies to quantum fundamental concepts. The core concept of this approach is the wave-particle duality and the Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (VMZI) is used as its main didactical tool or, in vygotskyan terms, a mediational tool. The course was applied as an extracurricular workshop in a private school from Porto Alegre, Brazil. One of the school´s Physics teacher collaborated and engaged in this project. The classes took place between October and November 2013, in a set of one-hour weekly meetings. Vygotsky´s sociocultural perspective is adopted to ground the practices of the course. Both Bakhtin´s translinguistics and Vygotsky’s concepts were used to perform the analysis of students’ utterances along didactical activities at the classes. In this analytical framework, we try to understand how students elaborate discursive strategies to understand the concept of wave-particle duality, analyzing the importance of interaction with more experienced peers (like teachers), texts, simulation and other teaching tools. The results indicate that the students developed some mastery of mediational means needed to understand the wave-particle duality at a satisfactory level. The Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, the exploratory guides and the teachers were important to enhance the students’ learning experiences.
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IKT som stöd i grundsärskolan : Några pedagogers uppfattningar om IKT som stöd i elevers läs- och skrivundervisningen i grundsärskolan / ICT as support in compulsory schools for pupils with learning disabilities : A few educators´ perceptions of ICT as support for students reading and writing education in compulsory schools for pupils with learning disabilitiesCarlberg, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om några pedagogers erfarenheter av IKT som stöd i läs- och skrivundervisning i grundsärskolan. De forskningsfrågor som ställts är hur pedagoger inom grundsärskolan beskriver att de använder IKT som stöd för elever i läs- och skrivundervisning, vad pedagogerna uttrycker för inställning till IKT och vilka för- och nackdelar som de kan se kring användandet av IKT som stöd i läs- och skrivundervisningen. Metodvalet för studien är semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som arbetar inom grundsärskolans åk 1–9 och använder sig av någon form av IKT i sin undervisning. Respondenterna skulle också arbeta med ämnet svenska. Intervjuguiden skickades ut i förväg för att förberedda respondenten på själva intervjutillfället. Intervjuerna har spelats in och transkriberas för analysarbetet. I analysarbetet har ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande används. Resultatet med studien visade på att respondenterna anser att IKT kan vara ett stort stöd för elever i grundsärskolan inom läs- och skrivundervisningen. De stora fördelarna var att elever kan ta till sig kunskap genom att få texter upplästa via talsyntes, kunna skriva texter även om de har motoriska svårigheter med till exempel penngrepp. Nackdelar kunde vara den tekniska biten och att eleverna förlorade den finmotoriska träningen som skrivande med penna ger dem. / The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge of some educators' experiences of ICT as support for reading and writing education in compulsory schools for pupils with learning disabilities The research questions are how educators in compulsory schools for pupils with learning disabilities describe that they use ICT as support for students in reading and writing education, which attitudes educators express about ICT and which pros and cons they can see in the use of ICT as support in reading and writing education. The method selection for the study is semi structured interviews with respondents who work within the grades 1-9 in compulsory schools for pupils with learning disabilities and use some form of ICT in their education. The respondents also work with teaching the subject Swedish. The interview guide was sent out in advance to prepare the respondents for the interviews. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for the analysis work. In the analysis work, a socio-cultural perspective on learning has been used. The results of the study showed that respondents believe that ICT can be a great support for students in compulsory schools for pupil with learning disabilities regarding reading and writing education. The major advantages were that students can gain knowledge by getting texts read out loud with speech synthesis and writing texts even if they have physical difficulties with their fine motor skills, such as holding a pencil. Disadvantages could be the technical bit and that the students lose their motor skills practice that pencil writing can give them.
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Uma perspectiva sociocultural para a introdução de conceitos de física quântica no ensino médio : análise das interações discursivas em uma unidade didática centrada no uso do interferômetro virtual de Mach-ZehnderTelichevesky, Lucas January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho relata a produção, implementação e avaliação de um curso sobre física quântica destinado a alunos do Ensino Médio. A unidade didática foi inspirada nas propostas de Ostermann et al. (2009) e Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). Ela introduz a física quântica considerando a óptica ondulatória como um contexto para introduzir algumas analogias conceituais básicas para conceitos fundamentais da física quântica. O conceito central desta abordagem é a dualidade onda-partícula e o Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder (IVMZ) é utilizado como sua ferramenta didática principal ou, em termos vygotskyanos, ferramenta de mediação. A proposta foi aplicada no formato de uma oficina extracurricular em uma escola privada de Porto Alegre no Brasil. Um dos professores de Física da escola se engajou e colaborou com este projeto. As aulas ocorreram entre os meses de Outubro e Novembro de 2013, em encontros semanais de uma hora. A perspectiva sociocultural de Vygotsky foi utilizada para embasar as aulas do curso. A translinguística de Bakhtin e os conceitos vygotskyanos foram utilizados para a análise das falas dos estudantes durante as atividades do curso. Nesta perspectiva analítica buscamos compreender como os estudantes elaboram estratégias discursivas para entender o conceito de dualidade onda-partícula, analisando a importância das interações com parceiros mais capazes (como professores), textos, simulações e outras ferramentas didáticas. Os resultados indicam que os estudantes desenvolveram algum domínio das ferramentas mediacionais necessárias para compreender a dualidade onda-partícula em um nível satisfatório. O Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder, os roteiros exploratórios e os professores mostraram-se importantes para tornar mais efetivas as experiências de aprendizagem dos estudantes. / This dissertation reports the development, implementation and evaluation of a quantum physics course directed to high school students. The course was conceived inspired in proposals of Ostermann et al. (2009) and Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). It introduces quantum physics considering wave optics as a context to introduce some basic conceptual analogies to quantum fundamental concepts. The core concept of this approach is the wave-particle duality and the Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (VMZI) is used as its main didactical tool or, in vygotskyan terms, a mediational tool. The course was applied as an extracurricular workshop in a private school from Porto Alegre, Brazil. One of the school´s Physics teacher collaborated and engaged in this project. The classes took place between October and November 2013, in a set of one-hour weekly meetings. Vygotsky´s sociocultural perspective is adopted to ground the practices of the course. Both Bakhtin´s translinguistics and Vygotsky’s concepts were used to perform the analysis of students’ utterances along didactical activities at the classes. In this analytical framework, we try to understand how students elaborate discursive strategies to understand the concept of wave-particle duality, analyzing the importance of interaction with more experienced peers (like teachers), texts, simulation and other teaching tools. The results indicate that the students developed some mastery of mediational means needed to understand the wave-particle duality at a satisfactory level. The Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, the exploratory guides and the teachers were important to enhance the students’ learning experiences.
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Alla barn är lika men olika, alla vill lära sig! : Hur lärare och skolan förhåller sig till läs- och skrivsvårigheter, vilka metoder de använder samt hur de kommer fram till sina val av metoder. / All children are equal but different, everyone wants to learn! : How teachers and school relate to reading and writing difficulties, what methods they use and how they come to their choice of methods.Ninic, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this survey is to get more understanding of what reading and writing difficulties really mean, as well as the methods that can be used to support students with reading and writing difficulties. In order to arrive at a result, I have used two research methods, qualitative interview and observation of three teachers. The results of the survey show that most teachers work on a specific method, the Bornholm method, in their teaching and that support can develop the student's learning, but they did not have much knowledge or experience about other methods in the field. All teachers who participated in the survey con- sidered that I pad/computer is a good complement in teaching for those students with reading and writing difficulties. The result can be linked to the socio-cultural theory that says that through the support of some or some tools, all children have the opportunity to develop their thinking. Through the support that the students get, it is the language and support structure that develops the learning. / Syftet med denna undersökning är att få mer förståelse för vad läs- och skrivsvårigheter egentligen innebär för lärare och skola, samt vilka metoder man kan arbeta med för att stötta elever som har läs- och skrivsvårigheter samt på vilken grundval lärare gör sitt metodval för att arbeta språkutvecklande. För att komma fram till ett resultat har jag använt mig av två olika forskningsmetoder, kvalitativ intervju och observation av tre lärare. Resultatet i undersökningen visar på att de flesta lärare arbetar med en specifik metod, Bornholmsmetoden, i sin undervisning samt att stöttning kan utveckla elevens lärande, men att lärarna inte hade någon större kunskap eller erfarenhet om andra metoder inom området. Samtliga lärare som deltog i undersökningen ansåg att Ipad/ dator är ett bra komplement i undervisningen för de elever som har läs- och skrivsvårigheter. Resultatet kan kopplas till den sociokulturella teorin som säger att via stöd av någon eller något redskap, har alla barn möjligheten att utveckla sitt tänkande. Genom stöttningen som eleverna får, är det språket och stödstrukturen som utvecklar lärandet.
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Digitalisering i svenskundervisning i gymnasieskolan : En studie om lärares användande av digitala redskap i svenskundervisningen / Digitization in Swedish education in upper secondary school : A study of teachers' use of digital tools in Swedish educationBoije, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur svensklärare i gymnasieskolan arbetar med digitalisering i sin undervisning och vilka verktyg och metoder som används. Därtill redovisas vilka möjligheter respektive nackdelar som de ser med att använda digitala verktyg i undervisningen. Vidare utgår uppsatsen från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. För att uppfylla sitt syfte utgår studien från hur svensklärare använder digitala verktyg i sin undervisning samt om attityder och erfarenhet påverkar användningen av digitala verktyg i undervisningen. Som metod för datainsamlingen har semistruktruerade kvalitativa intervjuer använts. Fyra stycken svensklärare intervjuades i åldrarna 30 – 60 vilka är aktiva inom samma gymnasieskola. Resultaten visar att digitalmedvetenhet bland informanterna varierar där de yngre generationen i regel är mer medvetna än den äldre generationen. Den äldre informanten säger sig själv vara relativt digitalt omedveten och upplever att detta beror på generationsskillnad, kunskap och intresse. Detta får till följd att digitalisering inte är en faktor läraren planerar sina lektioner utefter. De yngre informanterna i sin tur, särskilt de med mer yrkeserfarenhet, har en hög grad av digital medvetenhet. Detta visar sig genom att de kontinuerligt skaffar sig digital kunskap på egen hand, provar nya metoder och försöker hela tiden att utvecklas och bli bättre. Intressant är dock att den yngsta informanten med minst yrkeserfarenhet har god digitalmedvetenhet men saknar intresse, kunskap och tid för att integrera digitalisering i sin undervisning. Gemensamt för de intervjuade lärarna är att de upplever digitalisering är svårt och utmanande och att ingen av dem har haft mycket, om någon, utbildning inom digitalkunskap när de studerade vid lärarprogrammet. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how teacher in Sweden work with digitization in their teaching and what tools and methods are used. In addition, the opportunities and challenges the teachers perceive to use digital tools in the teaching are reported. The study parts from a sociocultural theory. To fulfill its purpose the study is based on how teachers in the Swedish subject work to achieve a digital education and how attitudes affect to integrate digital tools. For the data collecting process semistructured qualitative interviews have been used as method. Four Swedish teachers were interviewed in the ages between 30 and 60 who are active in the upper secondary school. The results show that digital awareness among the teachers varies. The younger generation is usually more aware than the older generation. The older teacher declares herself as being quite digitally unconscious and finds that it depends on generational difference, knowledge and interest. As a result her teaching is not based on digital awareness. The younger teachers, in particular those with more professional experience, have a high degree of digital awareness. This shows in continually acquiring digital knowledge on their own, trying new methods and constantly trying to develop the digital education. The youngest teacher with least professional experience has good digital awareness but not the interest, knowledge and time to integrate digitalization into her teaching. All the interviewed teachers have in common that they find the work towards a digital teaching challenging and that none of them had much, if any, education in digital studies in their university studies.
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Eleven hänger med på det som görs och så får vi se vad det blir av det… : Grundskollärares upplevelser och erfarenheter av att undervisa integrerade grundsärskoleelever i grundskolan.Bäckström, Carina, Ziethén Granlund, Isa January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera grundskollärares upplevelser och erfarenheter av hur grundskollärare lyckas inkludera elever som läser efter grundsärskolans läroplan i en grundskoleklass utifrån följande forskningsfrågor. Vilka utmaningar upplever grundskolläraren det finns med att undervisa utifrån två läroplaner? Hur genomför och planerar grundskolläraren undervisning för den integrerade grundsärskoleeleven på individ, grupp och skolnivå? Vilka möjligheter och hinder upplever grundskolläraren att det finns med integrerade grundsärskoleelever i grundskolan? För att nå syftet i denna studie är tolv kvalitativa intervjuer genomförda med grundskollärare som undervisar en grundsärskoleintegrerad elev inom årskurserna 1-6. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Nilholm och Göranssons (2013) tre definitioner på inkludering: den gemenskapsorienterade definitionen, den individorienterade definitionen samt den placeringsorienterade definitionen. Examensförordningen tydliggör att specialläraren bland annat ska ha kunskaper och färdigheter för att handleda och stötta kollegor i deras arbete kring grundsärskoleintegrerade elever. Studiens resultat visar att arbetet varierar hur grundskollärare arbetar med grundsärskoleintegrerade elever i grundskolan. Den största oron hos studiens forskningspersoner är ängslan och frustration över att tiden inte räcker till att planera undervisningen för den grundsärskoleintegrerade eleven. Det framkommer av studiens resultat att de integrerade grundsärskoleelever oftast är lokalintegrerad utanför klassrummet. Studien beskriver även forskningspersonernas upplevelser av möjligheter respektive hinder med att undervisa grundsärskoleintegrerade elever i grundskolan. / The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze elementary school teachers' experiences including students studying the special needs curriculum in their own class, based on the following research questions. What challenges do elementary school teacher have integrating the two curriculums in one class? How does the elementary school teacher implement and plan lessons for the integrated special need pupils on an individual, group and school level? What opportunities and obstacles do elementary school teacher experience with a special needs pupil in an integrated class? To achieve the purpose of our study, we have conducted qualitative interviews with elementary school teachers who teach at a basic school for grades 1-6. As a theoretical point of departure, we have chosen to use Nilholm and Göranssons (2013) three definitions of inclusion; the community-oriented definition, the individual-oriented definition and the investment-oriented definition. The degree regulation clarifies special needs teachers with a focus on developmental disorder. The specialist teacher must, among other things, have the skills to guide and support colleagues in their work around special needs pupils that have been included in the classroom. The study's results show that work varies over how elementary school teachers work with students following the rules of the basic school law. The biggest concern of the study's research is the teachers’ anxiety and frustration that time is not enough to plan lessons for the special needs pupil. It is apparent from the study result that special needs pupils are still locally included outside the classroom. The study also describes the researchers' experiences of opportunities and obstacles to teach special need pupils in elementary school.
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Uma perspectiva sociocultural para a introdução de conceitos de física quântica no ensino médio : análise das interações discursivas em uma unidade didática centrada no uso do interferômetro virtual de Mach-ZehnderTelichevesky, Lucas January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho relata a produção, implementação e avaliação de um curso sobre física quântica destinado a alunos do Ensino Médio. A unidade didática foi inspirada nas propostas de Ostermann et al. (2009) e Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). Ela introduz a física quântica considerando a óptica ondulatória como um contexto para introduzir algumas analogias conceituais básicas para conceitos fundamentais da física quântica. O conceito central desta abordagem é a dualidade onda-partícula e o Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder (IVMZ) é utilizado como sua ferramenta didática principal ou, em termos vygotskyanos, ferramenta de mediação. A proposta foi aplicada no formato de uma oficina extracurricular em uma escola privada de Porto Alegre no Brasil. Um dos professores de Física da escola se engajou e colaborou com este projeto. As aulas ocorreram entre os meses de Outubro e Novembro de 2013, em encontros semanais de uma hora. A perspectiva sociocultural de Vygotsky foi utilizada para embasar as aulas do curso. A translinguística de Bakhtin e os conceitos vygotskyanos foram utilizados para a análise das falas dos estudantes durante as atividades do curso. Nesta perspectiva analítica buscamos compreender como os estudantes elaboram estratégias discursivas para entender o conceito de dualidade onda-partícula, analisando a importância das interações com parceiros mais capazes (como professores), textos, simulações e outras ferramentas didáticas. Os resultados indicam que os estudantes desenvolveram algum domínio das ferramentas mediacionais necessárias para compreender a dualidade onda-partícula em um nível satisfatório. O Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder, os roteiros exploratórios e os professores mostraram-se importantes para tornar mais efetivas as experiências de aprendizagem dos estudantes. / This dissertation reports the development, implementation and evaluation of a quantum physics course directed to high school students. The course was conceived inspired in proposals of Ostermann et al. (2009) and Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). It introduces quantum physics considering wave optics as a context to introduce some basic conceptual analogies to quantum fundamental concepts. The core concept of this approach is the wave-particle duality and the Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (VMZI) is used as its main didactical tool or, in vygotskyan terms, a mediational tool. The course was applied as an extracurricular workshop in a private school from Porto Alegre, Brazil. One of the school´s Physics teacher collaborated and engaged in this project. The classes took place between October and November 2013, in a set of one-hour weekly meetings. Vygotsky´s sociocultural perspective is adopted to ground the practices of the course. Both Bakhtin´s translinguistics and Vygotsky’s concepts were used to perform the analysis of students’ utterances along didactical activities at the classes. In this analytical framework, we try to understand how students elaborate discursive strategies to understand the concept of wave-particle duality, analyzing the importance of interaction with more experienced peers (like teachers), texts, simulation and other teaching tools. The results indicate that the students developed some mastery of mediational means needed to understand the wave-particle duality at a satisfactory level. The Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, the exploratory guides and the teachers were important to enhance the students’ learning experiences.
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Bildskapande i förskolan : En studie om pedagogers upplevelser av deras påverkan på barns bildskapande / Image forming in preschool : A study about pedagogues experiences of their influence on children´s image formingFogel, Josefine January 2018 (has links)
My study is about image forming in preschool. The aim of my study is to find out how pedagogues perceive that they relate to image forming activities in preschool. As a method I have used a qualitative interview method where I have written interviews with five pedagogues. My study is based on Vygotskij and his socio-cultural perspective on learning. The results showed that the pedagogues who participated in my study resembled a picture of how they work with image forming in preschool and emphasize the importance of a variety of material and techniques. The results also showed that the pedagogues believe that their own attitude is important for the influence of the children in their creation. Furthermore the pedagogues explain that they believe that the image forming process is an important part of the children´s learning through the children trying to explore at their own pace, as well as the joy of being together in the process. / Mitt examensarbete handlar om bildskapande i förskolan. Syftet med min studie är att bidra med kunskap om pedagogers beskrivningar på hur de tänker kring bildskapandeaktiviteter i förskolan. Som metod har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ intervjumetod där jag har genomfört skriftliga intervjuer med fem pedagoger. I min studie har jag utgått från Vygotskij och hans sociokulturella perspektiv på lärande. Resultatet visade att pedagogerna som deltog i min undersökning har liknade bild av hur de arbetar med bildskapande i förskolan där de framhåller vikten av en variation av material och tekniker. Resultatet visade även att pedagogerna anser att deras egen inställning har betydelse för hur barnen påverkas i sitt skapande. Vidare förklarar pedagogerna att de anser att bildskapandeprocessen är en viktig del i barnens lärande genom att barnen får prova på att utforska i sin egen takt, samt glädjen i att vara tillsammans i processen.
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