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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Augmenting Collective Expert Networks to Improve Service Level Compliance

Moharreri, Kayhan January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


徐核朋, hsu,Hopeng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著IC卡的使用,它正深深地影響著我們的未來生活方式,其應用發展趨勢也是值得我們重視的課題。本研究主要從「IC智慧卡成為主流的資訊載具」、「我國內政部、衛生署、交通部及財政部等中央各部,對IC卡之應用發展各擁管轄範圍且各自發展」、「民間業者各自引進或發行電子現金儲值卡」等三方面,說明其可能造成的結果及相關重要課題,以作為本研究之動機。 本研究從我國IC卡應用發展相關文獻中,搜集和本研究主題較相關者,提出IC卡票證整合、IC卡安全整合機制及IC卡規模經濟等值得研究課題,以作為進行IC卡應用發展趨勢研究之參考。 對於IC卡目前應用發展現況,本研究主要說明政府推動國民卡的沿革、政府推動自然人憑證的沿革、政府推動健保IC卡沿革及交通IC票卡目前應用發展,以利了解我國IC卡目前應用發展現況。 針對交通IC票卡,本研究說明北、中、南各地區電子票證IC智慧卡應用發展,包括悠遊卡、台中e卡通、Taiwan Money Card等,後續說明IC票卡規格發展及交通IC票卡系統架構發展,以更深入了解交通IC票卡目前應用發展現況。 本研究針對IC卡應用發展問題,進行更深入的分析,主要論述面向,包括技術面(IC卡規格、IC卡系統架構) 、法令面(IC卡法令規定)、經營管理面(含IC卡管理組織、發行、經營模式)等方面,以發掘問題,分析問題及提出解決策略。 本研究針對所提出之解決策略,予以聚焦,以提出更關鍵的解決策略,包括:(一)技術面:1.建立IC卡共同憑證。2.建立IC卡安全認證。3.建立IC卡整合架構。(二)法律面:1.修改銀行法及交通運輸相關法規中不合IC卡現有運作之規定。2.增訂電子票證法規。(三)經營管理面:1.建立規模經濟發卡量。2.建立IC卡發卡機構經營模式。 3.建立憑證認證機構公信力。4.建立IC卡資訊交換中心。 本研究針對三個構面,提出核心解決策略為「一卡通用」及其整體解決架構及實施步驟,且對整體解決策略之構想方案,提出IC卡卡片規格整合矩陣架構圖,以找出更為適當的IC卡規格方案,該矩陣架構圖,以「共同憑證一卡整合」及「多憑證一卡整合」二構面為縱軸,及「IC卡規格中不存放各類別資料」和「IC卡規格中存放各類別資料」二構面為橫軸,提出四種IC卡片規格整合架構,並列出其優缺點,經研析後,本研究建議初期以具有共同憑證及各類別憑證但不存放各類別資料之架構,作為一卡通用整合規格初期架構,稱為「IC卡共同多憑證不存放各類別資料一卡整合」,最後本研究提出長期一卡通用願景,以「IC卡共同憑證不存放各類別資料一卡整合」為目標。 本研究之結論為:1.我國各類別IC卡規格各行其道,未有整合前瞻性。2.各產業IC卡系統運作架構未整合,導致我們卡滿為患。3.IC卡應用發展於法律面應積極訂定「交通運輸業電子票證法」。4.「非銀行不得發行現金儲值卡」已超越母法規定應修法。5.IC票卡發行機構透過銀行發卡可享有發卡權利金等商機。6.建立IC票卡資訊中心作為全台IC票卡整合運作中心。7.IC票卡業者透過整合可增加發卡量,共創雙贏。8.IC卡於技術面應發展整合技術,以達成一卡通用目標。9.IC卡一卡通用宜建立IC卡資訊交換中心及憑證整合認證中心。10.IC卡一卡通用宜建立整體解決架構之實施步驟。11.IC卡一卡通用卡片規格整合可建立矩陣架構圖,以利分析。12.IC卡一卡通用共同憑證之運作於技術上為可行方案。 最後建議未來可持續探討之課題:1.IC卡一卡通用宜建立認證API(Application Programming Interface)程式介面及標準作業程序。2.IC卡一卡通用宜建立憑證整合認證中心及資訊中心之經營模式。3.IC卡一卡通用宜評估對IC卡產業及憑證認證產業之衝擊。 / A study of trends in the applications and developments of IC cards The IC card is being used widely and it will deeply affect our future living mode. Therefore, trends in its applications and developments have become important subjects of study. This research explores the possible outcome and related important subjects for the utilization of IC card, based on the following three propositions. 1. The IC card is one of the modern world’s primary information media. 2. Government units such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Ministry of Finance ROC, the Department of Health and the Executive Yuan ROC all have jurisdiction over the development and control of development and potential applications of the IC card. 3. Private enterprises have introduced or developed electronic cash-stored cards. The information related to the research subject was collected from the relevant literatures in regard to the applications and developments of IC card in Taiwan, presenting the current safety and integration mechanism of IC ticket cards and the economical magnitude of IC card use, which are both topics that should be taken into consideration in the study of the applications and developments of IC cards. Based on the current situation of the applications and developments for IC cards, the main purpose of this research is to show the evolution of IC cards promoted by the our government, including National Card, Citizen Digital Certificate IC Card, National Health Insurance IC Card, as well as current applications and developments of the Transportation IC Card, in order to help understand the current situation for the applications and developments for existing IC cards in Taiwan. In the Transportation sector, this research shows the applications and developments of various IC smart cards in north, central and south Taiwan, i.e. Easy Card, Taichung e-Cartoon Ticket Card and Taiwan Money Card. It also shows the development of the specification for IC Ticket Cards as well as the development of Transportation IC Cards’ systematic infrastructure, in order to help understand the present situation for the applications and developments of a Transportation IC Card. This research is an analysis of IC card’s applications and developments, covering technical issues (specification and systematic framework of IC card), legislation issues (laws and regulations for IC Card), management issues (operation and administration, release and business model for IC cards), so as to discover and analyze the possible problems as well as propose solutions. Focusing on strategies for finding solutions, presenting more critical strategies for IC Cards, consisting of: 1. Technical: (1) To establish a common certificate (2) To establish safety authentication (3) To establish integration infrastructure 2. Legislation: (1) To revise the Banking Law as well as the laws and regulations relating to public transportation, which are not suitable for the existing operations (2) To revise and augment the laws and regulations for electronic tickets 3. Management: (1) To establish an economic circulation of scale (2) To establish the management pattern for card-issuing organization (3) To establish public credibility for a certificate authentication organization (4) To establish information interchange center To consolidate the above-mentioned three areas, this research proposes a core strategic solution – the concept of “one card for common use (All-in-One Card)” along with integrated solution scheme and operation steps. In addition, for an overall solution strategic plan, in this research it also presents a matrix composition for the integration of specifications to discover a more applicable specification scheme for the IC card. The matrix composition is proposed in four types of framework of specification integration with a file of advantages/disadvantages, based on the concept of X, Y coordinate system – X axis being “One Card integrated with Common Certificate” and “One Card integrated with Multi-Certificates”, Y axis being “No data deposited in the IC card specification” and “All sorts of data deposited in the IC the card specification”. Through detailed research and analysis, it is suggested that at the primary stage, to create the “One card for common use” with an integration of “Common Certificate and Multi-Certificates but no data depositing in the IC card specification”, which is called “One card with common and multi-certificates but no any data deposited in the specification.” The long-term goal will be to achieve “One card with common certificate only and no data deposited in the card specification” for long-term use. Conclusions: 1. In this country, various IC cards have their own specifications and there is still no prospect for integration. 2. The IC card system being used by different industries is still not being integrated, so the market is full of different IC cards. 3. The enactment of the “law on electronic tickets” should be pursued more vigorously for the IC card applications and developments. 4. The stipulation of “A non-bank may not issue a stored value card” might have overtaken the stipulation of “Banking Act”. It should be amended. 5. So long as the IC Ticket Card agency issues IC cards through a bank, the agency will possess the business opportunity of charging the bank a card-issuing fee. 6. To establish an IC Ticket Card information center to integrate the operation of the many IC ticket cards using in Taiwan area. 7. It will be a win-win situation, if IC ticket card operations can be integrated, and this will increase card-issuing quantity as well. 8. On the technical front, integration technology for IC cards should be developed in order to achieve the goal of an “All-in-One Card”. 9. An “IC Card Information Interchange Center” and an “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” for the “All-in-One Card” should be established. 10. A standardized operational procedure should be established for an overall solution to the “All-in-One IC Card”. 11. The integration of the specifications of the “All-in-One IC Card” can be done through a matrix composition to assist analysis. 12. Technically, an “All-in-One IC Card” with “Common Certificate” is a feasible plan. In the end, this research also offers suggestion on valuable topics that can be the subject of continued discussion in the future: 1. “All-in-One IC Cards” should have an authentication with API (Application Programming Interface) program as well as a standard operational procedure. 2. A business model for “IC Card Information Center” and “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” should be established. 3. An evaluation of the impact on the IC card industry and the certificate authentication industry should be made.

套票型式與消費者規範導向對轉換與續購行為之影響 / The Effects of Bundled Ticket Forms and Consumer Regulatory Focus on Switching and Repurchase Behavior

邱亞康, Chiu ,Ya-Kang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究經由兩個系列的實驗設計以探討套票的使用行為與續購行為。其中,實驗一是以虛擬情境檢視套票型式影響消費者的使用意圖,並以受測者的規範導向做為調節變數;實驗二則更進一步地以較接近真實生活的情境來進行操弄,更明確地檢測了消費者對套票的實際使用情形以及續購行為,除仍以受測者的生理規範導向做為調節變數,另探討了套票持有的前期與後期對使用行為的調節效果。 實驗一的結果顯示透過不同套票類型所引發持有者沉入成本上的差異,可能導致受測者在套票的使用意願不同。具體來說,愈是能讓受測者感受到不使用便等同於虧損的套票,受測者的使用意願便會更高。此外,不同規範導向的受測者所重視的目標不同。積極導向動機較強的受測者,行為較易受到努力得到想要結果的動機驅策,所以比較在意結果是否能獲得之前欠缺的東西;反過來說,保守導向動機較強的受測者,行為較易受到努力保持現有結果的動機引導,所以比較在意結果是否會失去之前擁有的東西。以不同動機系統為主的不同類型受測者的行為會有很大的差異。積極導向者比較容易追尋更完美的結果,所以當競爭者推出可能是較佳的替代品時,轉換意願較高;至於保守導向者則較在意持有現有可接受的結果,所以發現可能是較佳的替代品時,則寧願使用手中持有的套票。 至於實驗二的結果則顯示受測者在套票持有的前期較易於使用套票,換言之,隨著套票持有的時間愈久,對未使用完畢套票的沉入成本感受會隨著時間降低,使用套票的可能性也就因此愈低。此外,不同的套票型式對保守導向者的影響比較大,對保守導向動機較強的受測者而言,若所持有的套票型式是較容易感受到當未使用套票時,就意謂著沉入成本無法回收時,使用套票的意願會較高。而當持有的型式是較不容易感受到套票成本的型式時,使用此套票的可能性就相對降低了。但是積極導向動機系統為主的受測者來說,套票的實體型式對使用行為的差異就不太明顯了。不同型式的套票,並不會對積極導向者產生太大使用行為上的差異。 若保守導向者持有的是較容易感受到此套票成本的型式時,在套票持有的前期與後期間的使用差距不太會有明顯的改變,也就是說,他們比較不會因為套票持有的時間較久就明顯地降低使用行為,但若持有的是比較不容易感受到成本的套票時,在套票持有的後期會比前期容易不去使用套票。至於對積極導向者來說,這項因為套票型式上的差別造成在持有套票的前期與後期使用套票上的變化就不太明顯,事實上,積極導向者無論持有何種型式的套票,在後期都會明顯的降低使用套票的行為。 當套票使用完畢後,原持有的是較不容易感受到成本的套票型式受測者,續購意願比較高。而原持有的是較容易感受到套票成本的型式時,相對上的續購意願會較低。這項影響僅對保守導向者有影響,至於對積極導向者來說,就沒有什麼明顯的差異。 研究的結果大致與研究假說一致,因此,對於理論與實務上亦據本研究的結論提一些的建議。 關鍵詞: 沉入成本效果、規範導向論、動機系統、價格組合、套票、認知評估論 / This study utilized two experimental designs in testing consumer behavior in the usage and repurchase of bundled tickets (price bundling). In the first experiment, a traditional context was employed by using respondent regulatory focus as the moderator to test the impact of bundled ticket types on consumer usage intention. In the second experiment, a more realistic context was employed to examine consumers’ real usage and repurchase behavior with the bundle. Here in addition to using respondents’ regulatory focus as pure-moderator, study two also included bundling quasi-moderator—possession phases. The results of the first study showed that the difference in sunk cost effects caused by the two types of bundling would result in different bundling utilization intentions. Moreover, respondents within different motivation systems showed significantly different behavior patterns—promotion focus respondents were more likely to seek better gains, thus when competitors provided better alternatives, these respondents were more likely to make the switch. Prevention focus respondents, on the other hand, cared more about losses, making them more likely to remain with the original service provider. The result of the second study showed that compared with the later phase, bundling usage propensity was higher in the earlier holding phase. Moreover, different forms of bundled tickets had different extent influences on prevention focus respondents. Prevention focus respondents held that separate types caused them to have higher intentions in using bundling, but they would be relatively less likely to use bundling when they were in possession of an integrated one. However, the effect of different types of bundling on the usage behavior of promotion focus respondents was not significant. Among prevention focus respondents who were more sensitive to bundled ticket costs, there is no significant difference in their utilization of bundling from earlier to later phases. However, if the bundled tickets in possession were the integrated type, they were less likely to use the tickets in the later phase than in the earlier one. Regarding promotion focus respondents, the effect of bundled ticket form in the usage of said tickets in the two phases was not significant. In fact, no matter what form the bundling took, promotion focus respondents displayed significantly less use for the bundling in the later phase. Bundling possession forms had the direct impact on repurchasing behavior. In this regard, respondents holding integrated bundling types displayed a higher incidence of repurchase behavior. This was, however, only effective when it came to prevention focus respondents; no significant difference was found regarding promotion focus respondents. The results of this study yielded suggestions for both theoretical and practical areas. Key Words: Sunk Cost Effect, Regulatory Focus Theory, Motivation Systems, Price Bundling, Bundled Ticket, Cognitive Evaluation Theory

User characteristics and the effectiveness of inclusive design for older users of public access systems

Sengpiel, Michael 29 May 2015 (has links)
Computer haben fast jeden Lebensbereich durchdrungen, was viele Vorteile - aber auch Herausforderungen - für ihre Nutzer mit sich bringt. Dies wird vor allem bei der Benutzung von Fahrkartenautomaten (FKA) oder anderer Technik im öffentlichen Raum deutlich, denn diese sollten spontan benutzbar sein, stellen gerade ältere Benutzer aber oft vor Probleme. Sind sie zu alt, um Technik zu benutzen? Diese Dissertation verfolgt zwei Ziele: Zum einen soll die Gebrauchstauglichkeit eines Fahrkartenautomaten (FKA) verbessert werden, indem zwei einander ergänzende Ansätze angewandt werden und die daraus entstehenden drei FKA-Varianten (Original, Video, Wizard) hinsichtlich der Kriterien der Gebrauchstauglichkeit Effektivität, Effizienz und Zufriedenstellung verglichen werden. Zum anderen wird der Einfluß des Alters und alterskorrelierter Benutzermerkmale auf die erfolgreiche Benutzung dieser funktional equivalenten FKA-Gestaltungsvarianten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Merkmals Computerwissen geschätzt. In einem zweifaktoriellen quasi-experimentellen Versuchsplan mit zwei (Alter: jung, alt) mal drei (experimentelle Bedingung: Kontrolle, Video, Wizard) Faktorstufen lösten 62 ältere (M=68 Jahre) und 62 jüngere (M=25 Jahre) Versuchsteilnehmer die selben elf Aufgaben: Die Kontrollgruppe nutzte einen simulierten FKA der BVG (Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe), die Videogruppe sah ein kurzes Instruktionsvideo bevor sie den selben FKA nutzte und die Wizardgruppe nutzte statt dessen eine umgestaltete graphische Benutzungsschnittstelle. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, daß Technik im öffentlichen Raum durch die Integration einer minimalen Videoinstruktion oder eines aufgabenorientierten Wizards mit angemessenem Aufwand universell nutzbar gestaltet werden kann und daß nicht das chronologische Alter die erfolgreiche Nutzung des FKA beeinflußt, sondern altersbezogene Nutzermerkmale, welche gemessen werden können und sollten, um eine nutzungsgerechte Gestaltung zu ermöglichen. / Computer technology has permeated almost every sphere of daily living, bringing about many advantages - and challenges - for its users. This becomes particularly apparent for older people’s use of public access systems like ticket vending machines (TVM), which should be „walk-up and use systems“ but often pose challenging problems for them. Are they too old to use IT? This thesis aims to (a) improve the usability of a ticket vending machine (TVM) following two different approaches (teach or design) and to compare the resulting three TVM designs (original, video, wizard) regarding the usability criteria effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction, and to (b) estimate the impact of age and age-correlated user characteristics on the successful use of these functionally equivalent TVM designs with a special focus on computer literacy. In a two (young, old) by three (control, video, wizard) factorial quasi experimental research design, 62 older (M=68 years) and 62 younger (M=25 years) participants solved the same eleven tasks: The control group used a simulated TVM of the BVG (public transportation in Berlin, Germany), the video group watched a brief instructional video integrated into the same TVM before using it and the wizard group used a redesigned wizard interface instead. MANOVA indicates that video and wizard substantially improved TVM usability, increasing effectiveness for the older groups from 52% to 80% and 88% respectively. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that user characteristics had a strong effect on effectiveness of BVG-TVM use, but a weaker effect in the video (36%) and wizard (5%) conditions (universal usability). Results suggest that integration of minimal video instruction or a task oriented wizard design can make public access systems truly universally usable with reasonable effort and that not chronological age itself predicts successful TVM use, but age related user characteristics, which can - and should - be measured and designed for.

美國選民分裂投票行為之研究──以一九九二年選舉為例 / The Research of Split-Ticket Voting in 1992 American Elections

許增如, Hsu, Tseng-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的研究目的在探討美國選民的分裂投票行為, 以一九九二年的選舉為研究對象. 資料來源是1992年NES的資料. 本文所指的--分裂投票, 是指選民在該年的總統與眾議員選舉中, 分別投給不同政黨的候選人. 茲分成以下章節一一探討. 第一章包含研究動機, 文獻檢閱, 與研究方法. 在本章中, 我們將美國有關分 裂投票的研究, 做了全面性的探討, 並配合一九九二年特殊的選舉環境, 建構屬於本文的假設. 第二章是在探討分裂投票選民的特質. 第三章則是探討政黨認同對選民分裂投票行為的影響. 當選民的政黨認同越弱時, 選民越傾向分裂投票,合乎我們的假設. 在政黨認同的方向上, 在一九九二年民主黨的認同者比較傾向一致 投票. 第四章在探討候選人因素對分裂投票的影響. 在1980年代的文獻中,相當強調候選人因素的影響, 特別是國會的現任者, 常常是造成選民分裂投票的誘因. 但是在1992年的選舉中, 無論是總統或眾議員候選人都不強. 因此我們認為1992年選民分裂投票的誘因, 應該是議題因素. 在第五章中,我們藉由經濟性投票模式及政策中和模式, 來解釋1992年選民的分裂投票行為.

Med överlevnad som bonus : fria teatergruppers marknadsföringsstrategier / Survival as a Bonus : the Marketing Strategies of Independent Theater Groups

Jäger, Jessica, Lindström, Freja January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background: The theater market has matured – supply now exceeds demand. Government funds are on a decrease, replaced by other means of financing. The city of Stockholm will be introducing a bonus system that will benefit independent theater groups that succeed to increase their revenue and attendance. Hence, the audience will play an even greater role, a tendency some free theater groups come to terms with by interacting with the audience to create value.</p><p>Thesis statement: What factors lead to the long-term survival of the independent theater groups, allowing them to benefit from the imminent bonus system?</p><p>Purpose: To analyze and evaluate the marketing strategies of the independent theater groups, in reference to their capability of long-term survival through value creation along with the audience, thereby increasing attendance and ticket revenue.</p><p>Methodology: The study combines quantitative and qualitative approaches and methods. Interviews were conducted with the producers at three independent theater groups in the city of Stockholm. The questionnaire was answered by 90 members of the independent theater group audience.</p><p>Areas of theory: Value creation, marketing communication and customer characteristics.</p><p>Results: There is a lack of coherence between the marketing strategies of the independent theater groups and the characteristics of the audience. Hence, the independent theater groups are currently facing poor conditions for long-term survival through growth in audience and revenue. However, if the strategies are adjusted to the audience’s inclination to participate in the value creation, the conditions may improve.</p><p>Conclusions: The important factors leading to long-term survival of the independent theater groups, thereby increasing audience participation and ticket revenue, are: ”Co-production of values”, ”Enabling” and ”Word of mouth”. Co-production of value must however not apply to the artistry, since the audience seems to guard artistic freedom.</p> / <p>Bakgrund: Teatermarknaden har mognat – utbud övergår efterfrågan. Bidragen minskar till förmån för en breddad finansiering. Ett bonussystem ska införas i Stockholms stad, vilket kommer att gynna fria teatergrupper som ökar sina intäkter och sitt publikantal. Publiken spelar således en allt viktigare roll och vissa fria teatergrupper försöker hantera detta genom att värdeskapa i interaktion med publiken.</p><p>Problemformulering: Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att fria teatergrupper ska överleva långsiktigt och sedermera gynnas av det förestående bonussystemet?</p><p>Syfte: Att analysera och utvärdera fria teatergruppers marknadsföringsstrategier med avseende på deras förutsättningar att överleva långsiktigt genom att värdeskapa med publiken och på så sätt öka sitt publikantal och sina biljettintäkter.</p><p>Metod: Studien kombinerar kvantitativa och kvalitativa ansatser och metoder. Intervjuer har genomförts med producenterna för tre fria teatergrupper i Stockholms stad och enkätundersökningar har genomförts med totalt 90 personer i de fria teatergruppernas publik.</p><p>Teoriområden: Värdeskapande, marknadskommunikation och kundegenskaper.</p><p>Resultat: Studien visar att de fria teatergruppernas publik är villig att skapa värde tillsammans med teatergrupperna. Såtillvida har de fria teatergrupperna goda förutsättningar att överleva långsiktigt genom att värdeskapa med sin publik. Det råder dock brist på överensstämmelse mellan de fria teatergruppernas strategier och publikens egenskaper. För att uppnå långsiktig överlevnad genom att öka sitt publikantal och sina biljettintäkter måste de fria teatergrupperna anpassa sina strategier till publikens vilja att deltaga i värdeskapandet.</p><p>Slutsats: De faktorer som är viktiga för att de fria teatergrupperna ska överleva långsiktigt och sedermera gynnas av det förestående bonussystemet är ”samproduktion av värde”, ”möjliggörande” och ”word-of-mouth”. Samproduktionen av värde bör dock inte gälla den konstnärliga verksamheten, då publiken tycks värna den konstnärliga friheten.</p>

Med överlevnad som bonus : fria teatergruppers marknadsföringsstrategier / Survival as a Bonus : the Marketing Strategies of Independent Theater Groups

Jäger, Jessica, Lindström, Freja January 2008 (has links)
Background: The theater market has matured – supply now exceeds demand. Government funds are on a decrease, replaced by other means of financing. The city of Stockholm will be introducing a bonus system that will benefit independent theater groups that succeed to increase their revenue and attendance. Hence, the audience will play an even greater role, a tendency some free theater groups come to terms with by interacting with the audience to create value. Thesis statement: What factors lead to the long-term survival of the independent theater groups, allowing them to benefit from the imminent bonus system? Purpose: To analyze and evaluate the marketing strategies of the independent theater groups, in reference to their capability of long-term survival through value creation along with the audience, thereby increasing attendance and ticket revenue. Methodology: The study combines quantitative and qualitative approaches and methods. Interviews were conducted with the producers at three independent theater groups in the city of Stockholm. The questionnaire was answered by 90 members of the independent theater group audience. Areas of theory: Value creation, marketing communication and customer characteristics. Results: There is a lack of coherence between the marketing strategies of the independent theater groups and the characteristics of the audience. Hence, the independent theater groups are currently facing poor conditions for long-term survival through growth in audience and revenue. However, if the strategies are adjusted to the audience’s inclination to participate in the value creation, the conditions may improve. Conclusions: The important factors leading to long-term survival of the independent theater groups, thereby increasing audience participation and ticket revenue, are: ”Co-production of values”, ”Enabling” and ”Word of mouth”. Co-production of value must however not apply to the artistry, since the audience seems to guard artistic freedom. / Bakgrund: Teatermarknaden har mognat – utbud övergår efterfrågan. Bidragen minskar till förmån för en breddad finansiering. Ett bonussystem ska införas i Stockholms stad, vilket kommer att gynna fria teatergrupper som ökar sina intäkter och sitt publikantal. Publiken spelar således en allt viktigare roll och vissa fria teatergrupper försöker hantera detta genom att värdeskapa i interaktion med publiken. Problemformulering: Vilka faktorer är viktiga för att fria teatergrupper ska överleva långsiktigt och sedermera gynnas av det förestående bonussystemet? Syfte: Att analysera och utvärdera fria teatergruppers marknadsföringsstrategier med avseende på deras förutsättningar att överleva långsiktigt genom att värdeskapa med publiken och på så sätt öka sitt publikantal och sina biljettintäkter. Metod: Studien kombinerar kvantitativa och kvalitativa ansatser och metoder. Intervjuer har genomförts med producenterna för tre fria teatergrupper i Stockholms stad och enkätundersökningar har genomförts med totalt 90 personer i de fria teatergruppernas publik. Teoriområden: Värdeskapande, marknadskommunikation och kundegenskaper. Resultat: Studien visar att de fria teatergruppernas publik är villig att skapa värde tillsammans med teatergrupperna. Såtillvida har de fria teatergrupperna goda förutsättningar att överleva långsiktigt genom att värdeskapa med sin publik. Det råder dock brist på överensstämmelse mellan de fria teatergruppernas strategier och publikens egenskaper. För att uppnå långsiktig överlevnad genom att öka sitt publikantal och sina biljettintäkter måste de fria teatergrupperna anpassa sina strategier till publikens vilja att deltaga i värdeskapandet. Slutsats: De faktorer som är viktiga för att de fria teatergrupperna ska överleva långsiktigt och sedermera gynnas av det förestående bonussystemet är ”samproduktion av värde”, ”möjliggörande” och ”word-of-mouth”. Samproduktionen av värde bör dock inte gälla den konstnärliga verksamheten, då publiken tycks värna den konstnärliga friheten.

Telecommunications Trouble Ticket Resolution Time Modelling with Machine Learning / Modellering av lösningstid för felanmälningar i telenät med maskininlärning

Björling, Axel January 2021 (has links)
This report explores whether machine learning methods such as regression and classification can be used with the goal of estimating the resolution time of trouble tickets in a telecommunications network. Historical trouble ticket data from Telenor were used to train different machine learning models. Three different machine learning classifiers were built: a support vector classifier, a logistic regression classifier and a deep neural network classifier. Three different machine learning regressors were also built: a support vector regressor, a gradient boosted trees regressor and a deep neural network regressor. The results from the different models were compared to determine what machine learning models were suitable for the problem. The most important features for estimating the trouble ticket resolution time were also investigated. Two different prediction scenarios were investigated in this report. The first scenario uses the information available at the time of ticket creation to make a prediction. The second scenario uses the information available after it has been decided whether a technician will be sent to the affected site or not. The conclusion of the work is that it is easier to make a better resolution time estimation in the second scenario compared to the first scenario. The differences in results between the different machine learning models were small. Future work can include more information and data about the underlying root cause of the trouble tickets, more weather data and power outage information in order to make better predictions. A standardised way of recording and logging ticket data is proposed to make a future trouble ticket time estimation easier and reduce the problem of missing data. / Den här rapporten undersöker om maskininlärningsmetoder som regression och klassificering kan användas för att uppskatta hur lång tid det tar att lösa en felanmälan i ett telenät. Data från tidigare felanmälningar användes för att träna olika maskininlärningsmodeller. Tre olika klassificerare byggdes: en support vector-klassificerare, en logistic regression-klassificerare och ett neuralt nätverk-klassificerare. Tre olika regressionsmodeller byggdes också: en support vector-regressor, en gradient boosted trees-regressor och ett neuralt nätverk-regressor. Resultaten från de olika modellerna jämfördes för att se vilken modell som är lämpligast för problemet. En undersökning om vilken information och vilka datavariabler som är viktigast för att uppskatta tiden det tar att lösa felanmälan utfördes också. Två olika scenarion för att uppskatta tiden har undersökts i rapporten. Det första scenariot använder informationen som är tillgänglig när en felanmälan skapas. Det andra scenariot använder informationen som finns tillgänglig efter det har bestämts om en tekniker ska skickas till den påverkade platsen. Slutsatsen av arbetet är att det är lättare att göra en bra tidsuppskattning i det andra scenariot jämfört med det första scenariot. Skillnaden i resultat mellan de olika maskininlärningsmodellerna var små. Framtida arbete inom ämnet kan använda information och data om de bakomliggande orsakerna till felanmälningarna, mer väderdata och information om elavbrott. En standardiserad metod för att samla in och logga data för varje felanmälan föreslås också för att göra framtida tidsuppskattningar bättre och undvika problemet med datapunkter som saknas.


Petrová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
Thesis suggests a recovery of Litenčice castle in the Zlín region. In the current state of the castle it's apparent that in the past fifty years it went through rough times during which it has been decaying or has been inappropriately and inconsiderably renovated. My concept of revitalization is based on a humble approach to the current state and the effort to restore the dignity of this sumptuous mansion. Great emphasis was also put on the eventual execution of the project which is why I changed some of the aspects in order to meet with the owner's vision. Due to high costs of repairs and insurance of continuity of revitalization I was seeking to make opportunities for economic returnability. My aim was to create a complex in which it is possible to spend the weekend with whole family. Renovating the stables makes for an attraction for children just as much as it gives the opportunity travel nearby surroundings by horses. Furthermore, it will be possible to participate in workshops as to reduce the costs of partial repairs notably. As the owner of the castle currently offers the sale of hunting tickets I decided to renovate the premises of the main castle to function as accommodation for these clients. In the event that the above-mentioned objectives were successful it is convenient to think about the consequences. Maintenance of a large object naturally caries the burden of high costs which can be partially eliminated by workshopping, which will be supported by an ecocentre which is placed nearby the stables.

Jahresbericht 2009 / Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz / Annual Report 2009 / University Library of Chemnitz

Malz, Angela 17 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Jahresbericht der Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz - Berichtsjahr 2009 / Annual report of the University Library of Chemnitz in 2009

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