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Örebro Market hall : A second chance at a new lifeRobertsson Quinn, Hillevi January 2017 (has links)
How does one restore the original life and program to a building that has been repurposed several times over the preceding decades? In the 1950s, Örebro had a fine market hall with great light and spaces. In the 1970s a supermarket took over the space, and the old roof with its skylights was demolished, but the original construction with its beams and pillars remains today. Reusing the old structure while adding new elements as an addition, I am giving new life to the old market hall and bringing back open spaces and natural light. My project is a proposal to re-open the old market hall in its old facilities by giving it a new roof to bring back the qualities that was lost in the 70’s. My guidelines during the project have been construction, light transmission and material and I have been focusing on finding a balance between construction and ornament while designing my addition. / Hur kan man ge tillbaka en byggnads ursprungliga liv och program som under decennier omprogrammerats flera gånger? På 50-talet hade Örebro and fin saluhall med fantastiskt ljus och rymliga lokaler. Under 70-talet tog en mataffär över lokalerna och rev då också det vackra sågtandade tak som byggnaden hade, dock står den ursprungliga bärande konstruktionen kvar med sina pelare och balkar. I mitt projekt återanvänder jag den ursprungliga konstruktionen och väcker på så sätt nytt liv i byggnaden. Jag föreslår ett nytt tak för byggnaden för att återinföra det naturliga ljus som försvann under 70-talet samtidigt som jag skapar nya öppna rumsligheter. Under projektets gång har konstruktion, ljusföring och material varit viktiga element som jag arbetat med. I mitt tillägg har jag fokuserat på att skapa en balans mellan konstruktionen som bär och de ornament som för in ljuset i byggnaden.
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Utvärdering Partneringprojekt hos Skanska sverige ABHagström, Linus, Pettersson, Per-Axel January 2020 (has links)
Partnering is an increasingly common form of project in the construction industry. From its inception in the late 80's in the USA until today, the habit and knowledge are increasing about how to carry out an effective partnering project and what to look out for. Previous reports have been focused on what partnering is and thoroughly how it is works. This report is written together with Skanska Sverige ABs Orebro Office. The purpose is to investigate the major practical pros and cons, when you manage a partnering project instead of a regular one with a fixed price. The selected areas of interest are Finance, Stress, Accidents & Incidents, the problem-solving process and what kind of project is best applicable. Facts are mainly taken from interviewed employees at Skanska and relevant clients they have been in contact with.Finance is the most influential factor in which choice of contractor that gets the deal, in terms of fixed price projects. The sum for which the customer buys a contractor is including risk calculations and fee margins leading to the percentage margin can be quite high. It is up to the contractor to perform the work with the money which they have been bought. If the construction costs run high, the contractor still does not get paid more. If it costs less, the contractor saves more money than planned.In a partnering project, the contract sum is stated between the two parties and a reasonable percentage are generated as a fee for the contractor. The contractor earns this amount regardless of production cost. This can differentiate the total percentage of earnings, if it will be greater or less than expected. The incentive is to create as good a product as possible and at the same time reduce production costs. The arrangement is positive for both parties as a stable income comes to the contractor and the client is able to influence the project more. The benefits are greatest in larger, longer and more complex projects where the risk is greater.Stress generally decreases in partnering projects as it is based on creating one community and to helping each other. No conflicting discussions about whose fault it was but the focus is on how to solve the problem. This leads to an improved problem-solving process and an estimated reduction of Accidents & Incidents in the majority of individuals who are deeply familiar and accustomed to this type of partnering project.The financial incentive promotes a company that wants to increase the percentage of its earnings for its shareholders instead of those that focus on current sales and the money flow. It creates more satisfied customers who realize that the company is not wasteful of their money. This means that companies that are listed on the stock exchange market can possibly get better results from partnering.The conclusion is that the optimal projects for this type of cooperation are those with sales of more than 100 million SEK that last for a long time and have greater complexity. This is because smaller projects cannot use the systems which partnering has to offer because the project is already rounded off when the partnering is at its best. Partnering is a good, stable and secure form of cooperation for both client and contractor as it is a stable income for the contractor and that the client has a better opportunity to influence the project. This as well as the final cost for the client should be as low as possible.
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Åskvädret 2 : Förstärka det befintliga för framtida gemensamma rumMoe, Johanna January 2022 (has links)
2018 startade några boende i Björkhagen söder om Stockholm föreningen ”Björkhagens Hjärta”. De saknade gemensamma lokaler och ville arbeta för ett kulturhus i den nedlagda och rivningshotade panncentralen, fastigheten ”Åskvädret 2” på Halmstadsvägen/ Hässleholmvägen. I en slagning på panncentraler i Stockholm visade det sig att det finns många panncentraler i området som befinner sig i en liknande situation. I och med byte till fjärrvärme uttjänade byggnaderna på 1960- och 70-talen sitt syfte, och blev stående tomma eller uthyrda till verksamheter på korta och tillfälliga kontrakt. Då marken där dessa panncentraler ligger blivit dyrare och kommunen behöver mark till bostäder, finns ofta ett rivningshot kopplat till dessa byggnader. I mitt masterarbete undersöker jag specifikt panncentralen Åskvädret 2 som möjlig gemensam plats för de boende i området Björkhagen men spekulerar även vidare om strategier jag testar skulle kunna användas för att utveckla och skapa gemensamma rum i andra panncentraler. Med rummens storskaliga och industriella karaktär, ofta placerade centralt i ett bostadsområde finns en potential som jag blev nyfiken på att undersöka. Vad händer om man utgår från det befintliga och anpassar verksamheter och arkitektoniska tillägg utifrån det? Genom att med små medel förändra och förvalta det material som redan finns och har funnits på platsen, vill projektet inkludera både social och ekologisk hållbarhet med mål att återaktivera stadens rum för demokrati. Idag ser vi en stadsplanering som mest fokuserar på att maximera antal kvadratmeter boyta. Vi behöver fler bostäder, men var finns platserna för umgänge, dans, lek och debatt? / In 2018, residents in Björkhagen, south of Stockholm, started the association “Björkhagens Hjärta”. The lack of a communal space spurred their desire to develop a community center in a disused abandoned and demolition-threatened local heating plant, the property “Åskvädret 2”. In a Google-search for local heating plants in Stockholm, it became apparent that many others in the area are in a similar situation. These buildings served their purpose in the 1960s and 70s, after the transition to district heating, however, they were left empty or rented out to businesses on short and temporary contracts. As the land where these plants are located has become more valuable and municipalities need land for housing, there is often a threat of demolition linked to these buildings. In my master's thesis I investigate specifically the heating plant Åskvädret 2 as a possible community centre for residents in the Björkhagen area, additionally I speculate further whether the strategies I test could be used to develop and create similar spaces in other disused heating plats. The large scale and industrial character of these spaces, often located centrally in residential areas, was recognized as a potential that I became curious to explore. What happens if we start off with something that already exsist and adapt activities and architectural additions based on that? By using minimal funds to change and manage the material that already exists and has existed on the site, the project wants to include both social and ecological sustainability with the goal of reactivating the city's space for democracy. Today we see an urban planning that focuses mostly on maximizing the number of square meters of living space. We need more housing, but where are the places for socializing, dance, play and debate?
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Customer Relationship Managements fallgropar : En studie för att uppmärksamma kritiska delar och misstag vid införandet och det kontinuerliga arbetet med Customer Relationship ManagementLundgren, Andreas, Lindström, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Customer Relationship Management blir ett allt vanligare verktyg för att hantera kundvård för företag, det används främst för att hantera kundrelationer och lagra kundinformation. Customer Relationship Management, eller CRM, bygger på en affärsfilosofi som bör genomsyra hela organisationen. Denna filosofi blir en strategi för att hjälpa företag hantera sina nuvarande och kommande kunder. CRM uppkom först på 90-talet då förståelsen för kundvård startade i kombination med automatisering av försäljningsprocesser och analysering av kunddata. Idag är CRM också ett informationssystem som stödjer organisationens kundvårdsstrategi och som möjliggör dagens arbete med CRM. Det blir en knutpunkt i många organisationer och får en central roll för det dagliga arbetet. Men, precis som med alla informationssystem så kan även CRM bli felande. Studien kommer därför att presenter vilka delar av införandeprocessen som är kritiska och även presentera vilka misstag som bör undvikas vid införandet och det kontinuerliga arbetet med CRM. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och bygger på intervjuer från företag som arbetar med CRM, studien är fallstudie inspirerad. / Customer Relationship Management is an increasingly common tool to manage customer care for companies, it is mainly used to manage customer relationships and store customer information. Customer Relationship Management or CRM is based on a business philosophy that should permeate the entire organization. This philosophy is a strategy to help companies manage their current and future customers. CRM came in the 90s, when the understanding of the customer- care started in combination with the automation of sales processes and analyzing customer data. Today, CRM is also an information system that supports the organization's customer care strategy which enables them to work with CRM. It becomes a hub for many organizations and has a central role in the daily work. But, just like any information system it may also fail. The study will therefore present which parts of the implementation that is critical. The study will also present which mistakes to avoid during the implementation and the continuous work with CRM. This study is qualitative in nature and based on interviews of companies that work with CRM, the study is case study inspired.
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Vår kvartersbiograf Tellus : Ett interiört projekt som förstärker och förvaltar rummets identitet genom bevarandet av olika tidslager för samhörighet, framtid och social hållbarhet.Kotar, Linda January 2023 (has links)
Tellus cinema and café is situated in the heart of Midsommarkransen. It’s been an independent establishment since the 1920’s and is one of very few local cinemas in Stockholm that hasn’t been shut down or taken over by a larger cinema chain. One of Tellus’ many strengths, in comparison to more commercial establishments, is that they can offer a more dynamic and broader repertoire which gives its visitors a sense of experiencing something unique. In this project I would like to redefine the spaces within Tellus, whilst curating the very essence that these rooms possess. I wish to highlight the importance of this cultural establishment and its continued existence as a natural place for people to gather, regardless of their background. I will be studying the cinemas spatial attributes in it’s historical context to see how I can contribute with functional and aesthetical qualities, that diligently enhances the already existing identity of this cinema.
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