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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Operant Conditioning of the Tongue Flicker Response of Snakes

Ward, Rocky 05 1900 (has links)
Sixteen Nerodia rhombifera were used in each of two experiments investigating operant conditioning of the tongue flicker response. A yoked pair design was utilized throughout phases of baseline, continuous reinforcement, partial reinforcement, and extinction. During partial reinforcement, one-half of the experimental animals were reinforced FR-4 and the other half were reinforced continuously. Control subjects were treated as were their experimental partners, with the exception of noncontingent reinforcement. Statistical comparisons between means for groups during the CRF phase, partial reinforcement phase, and extinction phase were nonsignificant. However, because some snakes in the experimental groups appeared to show increases in response rate during CRF and FR conditions, the possibility exists that modification of task parameters will produce positive results in future research.

Acute and Chronic Effects of Artificial Rearing on Rat Genioglossus Muscle

Moore, Wayne Allen, Jr. 01 January 2005 (has links)
In most mammals, nutritive suckling is critical during the early neonatal period. The genioglossus (GG) muscle in rat plays an important role in protruding the tongue for efficient suckling. The purpose of this study was to examine the contractile properties and myosin heavy chain (MHC) phenotype of the GG following an early period of artificial rearing, which reduced nutritive suckling. Beginning at three days of age Sprague-Dawley rats were fed via implanted gastric cannula until postnatal day 14 (P14). At P14, artificially reared (AR) rat pups were either placed with a lactating dam until the end of the weaning period and allowed to mature until postnatal day 42 (P42), or anesthetized and prepared for physiological experimentation. GG contractile properties at P14 and P42 in AR and dam reared (DR) rats were obtained with a force transducer and digital recording system through stimulation of the medial branch of the hypoglossal nerve. Following physiological experimentation, muscle samples were removed and stored for MHC analysis. Comparisons were made between AR and DR groups at P14 and P42. At P14 maximum tetanic tension and fatigue index were lower in the AR group than the DR group and no differences were found in MHC distribution. By day 42, AR rats had a higher fatigue index that DR rats and DR rats had a higher percentage of MHCIIa than AR rats. The artificial rearing technique employed in this study was adequate to produce chronic changes in fatigue resistance and MHC distribution in GG muscle. GG muscle of premature human infants requiring early artificial feedings may develop similar changes in their contractile characteristics and MHC phenotype.

"Utan sitt modersmål blir man fattig i sig själv" : En kvalitativ studie om att stödja flerspråkiga barn i förskolan

Björkqvist, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study is to find out how preschool teachers interpret their role in supporting speech development for children with Swedish as their second language. The curriculum indicates that the preschool should support children who speaks other languages than Swedish to develop both Swedish and their mother tongue. This can become difficult since it means that a teacher often is commissioned to support a language that he or she does not speak. The objective of this study is to find out how preschool teachers interpret and describe their role when they don ́t speak the languages that is represented in the class. The purpose is to find out how the environment can be meaningful without verbal understanding between the child and teacher, as well as between the children. The data is collected with qualitative interviews that has been analysed with a social- constructionist perspective and theories of multilingual development for young children. The results show that the preschool teachers prioritize the support of the Swedish language to achieve multilingualism. They want the children to develop their mother tongue as well, but for this they often rely on parents. The teachers describe that a meaningful environment can be created by letting the children show what subjects is the most interesting, and plan for the basis of playfulness. The mother tongue is considered as meaningful to the child ́s identity and it is important that the child is permitted to be proud of his or hers language.

An evaluation of Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign at centers in Tshwane

Chinyamakobvu, Frank 18 January 2012 (has links)
This paper reports on the findings of the research in which an evaluation of the Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign was conducted at five different learning centers in Tshwane. The campaign was initiated as a result of the observation that“… South Africa’s system of Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) is not reducing the number of illiterates in spite of the constitutional right of all South Africans to basic education in their own language” (Ministerial Committee on Literacy, 2007: 5). Furthermore, studies have shown that illiteracy especially among black South Africans is not going down. This is thus preventing affected people from contributing effectively and meaningfully to the social economic and political life of the new democratic SouthAfrica. The evaluation was to inter alia assess how the problem of illiteracy was being addressed in light of the campaign’s focus of using mother tongue as a way of enhancing the learning process. Data collection instruments included questionnaires that were completed by coordinators, supervisors, and volunteer educators involved in the campaign. Class observations were carried out on the learning process in order to establish the degree to which mother tongue instruction made it easier for the learners to among others participate effectively and meaningfully during the learning process and assess how different volunteer educators’ different teaching methodologies impacted on the performance of the learners. Preliminary results indicate that mother tongue teaching greatly enhances learner participation and understanding. It is therefore recommended that efforts to conscientize people about the benefits of using mother tongue when teaching be done so that all people can be able to reap its benefits.

D'une langue à l'autre validation de l'ELAL d'Avicenne, outil transculturel d'évaluation langagière des langues maternelles / Validation of the Avicenne ELAL, a transcultural evaluation tool for first languages

Rezzoug, Dalila 18 December 2015 (has links)
Il existe une grande diversité de bilinguismes chez les enfants de migrants. De nombreux facteurs interviennentdans la mise en place de cette double compétence en situation migratoire. Les langues maternelles sont souventdes langues minoritaires et les processus de transmission peuvent varier d’une famille à l’autre et d’un enfant àl’autre au sein d’une même fratrie. De ce fait, l’évaluation du langage chez les enfants de migrants est complexeet doit tenir compte des particularités du développement bilingue et du contexte culturel.En France, nous ne disposons pas d’outils permettant d’évaluer les connaissances linguistiques transmises ausein de la famille lorsque la langue maternelle n’est pas le français et cette absence d’outil peut être à la sourced’erreurs diagnostiques chez les enfants bilingues.Cette thèse a pour objectif la validation de l’ELAL d’Avicenne, un outil transculturel d’évaluation des languesmaternelles destiné à des enfants âgés de trois et demi à six ans et demi. La population de validation en Franceest constituée de 145 enfants parlant l’arabe du Maghreb, le tamoul du Sri Lanka, ou le soninké d’Afrique deL’Ouest. Un groupe de 99 enfants a été recruté dans des pays où les langues premières sont majoritaires(Mauritanie, Algérie, Sri Lanka et Maroc). Dans ce groupe les enfants parlent l’une des trois langues de l’étude.Pour la population bilingue rencontrée en France le protocole comprend une évaluation bilingue et un entretienavec les parents autour des pratiques et des représentations concernant la transmission. Dans l’autre groupe, onpropose une évaluation de la langue maternelle avec l’ELAL d’Avicenne.Les résultats montrent que l’ELAL d’Avicenne a des qualités psychométriques et cliniques adéquates. L’analysedes protocoles dans les différents contextes culturels et linguistiques montre une bonne validité transculturelle.L’utilisation de l’outil dans le cadre d’une évaluation bilingue permet la construction d’un profil bilingue. Nousdistinguons quatre profils : harmonie des langues, dysharmonie des langues au profit de la langue maternelle oude la langue seconde, et vulnérabilité langagière. Nous discutons les différents profils et les interventionspréventives, thérapeutiques, et pédagogiques qui en découlent. / There is a wide variety of bilingualism among the children of migrants. Numerous factors contribute to theestablishment of this dual skill in migratory settings. The native or first languages are often minority languages,and transmission processes can vary from one family to another, and among siblings in a given family. As aresult, assessing language acquisitions among the children of migrants is complex, and needs to take account ofthe specific features of bilingual development as well as the cultural background.In France we do not have any tool enabling the assessment of linguistic abilities handed down in families wherethe native (or first) language is not French, and this lack of an appropriate tool can lead to diagnostic errorsamong bilingual children.This thesis set out to validate the Avicenne ELAL, a transcultural evaluation tool for first languages intended forchildren aged between three and a half and six and a half. The validation population in France was made up of145 children speaking Arabic (Maghreb), Tamil (Sri-Lanka) and Soninke (West Africa). A group of 99 childrenwere recruited in countries where these languages of interest are used by the majority (Mauritania, Algeria, Sri-Lanka and Morocco). In this group the children spoke one of the three study languages. For the bilingualpopulation recruited in France, the protocol comprised a bilingual evaluation and an interview with the parentson the subject of practices and representations concerning the transmission of language. In the other group thefirst language was assessed using the Avicenne ELAL.The results showed that this instrument had satisfactory psychometric and clinical properties. The analysis of theprotocols as applied in the different cultural and linguistic settings shows that is has good transcultural validity.The use of the tool for the assessment of bilingualism enables a bilingual profile to be derived. We distinguishedfour profiles: harmonious coexistence of the two languages, lack of harmonious coexistence in favour of the firstlanguage or in favour of the second language, and linguistic vulnerability. We discuss these different profiles andthe preventive, therapeutic and pedagogical interventions that they suggest.

Análise perceptivo-auditiva da fala e avaliação videofluoroscópica da posição da língua em fissurados de palato\". / Perceptual speech analysis and videofluoroscopic assessment of tongue position in cleft palate individuals

Gonçalves, Cristina Guedes de Azevedo Bento 06 June 2002 (has links)
Objetivo: descrever e comparar, por meio das análises perceptivo-auditiva e videofluoroscópica, as emissões das sílabas /pa/ e /sa/ e suas respectivas posições de língua em indivíduos fissurados de palato e não fissurados. Material e Método: foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo em 100 indivíduos com fissura labiopalatina operada com disfunção velofaríngea, sendo 52 do sexo masculino e 48 do sexo feminino (X=15,6 anos DP=±10 anos), e 21 não fissurados, sendo 18 do sexo feminino e 3 do sexo masculino (X=20 anos DP=±6,3 anos). Foram analisadas as emissões dos fonemas /p/ e /s/ isolados, em sílabas, em vocábulos e em frases, por meio da avaliação perceptivo-auditiva. Foi utilizada a videofluoroscopia na visão lateral durante o repouso e a emissão de /papapa/ e /sasasa/. A partir de uma linha vertical imaginária (Z), que separava o espaço entre a língua e a parede posterior da faringe, foram estabelecidas cinco diferentes posições de língua. A presença de fístula no palato e a relação entre os arcos dentários também foram analisadas. Resultados e Conclusões: os fissurados apresentaram maior deslocamento posterior da língua do que os não fissurados durante a emissão da sílaba /pa/ (P<0,0001). Na sílaba /sa/, somente os fissurados apresentaram deslocamento da língua. As emissões de golpe de glote e emissão de ar nasal/fraca pressão/mímica facial nas sílaba /pa/ e /sa/ apresentaram deslocamento posterior da língua. A comparação entre a avaliação perceptivo-auditiva e a posição da língua na videofluoroscopia, mostrou que profissionais experientes podem apresentar dificuldade em identificar determinados tipos de distúrbios articulatórios compensatórios. As presenças de fístula no palato e de alteração na oclusão dentária nos fissurados, não provocaram deslocamento posterior da língua nas sílabas /pa/ e /sa/. / Purpose: to describe and to compare, by means of perceptual speech analysis and videofluoroscopic assessment of tongue positions during the emissions of syllables /pa/ and /sa/ in subjects with and without cleft palate. Material and Method: A retrospective study of 100 subjects presenting with cleft lip and palate operated with velopharyngeal dysfunction was carried out, 52 males and 48 females (X=15,6 years SD=±10 years of age), and 21 noncleft individuals, being 18 females and 3 males (X=20 years SD=±6,3 years of age). Phonetic description of the emission of phonemes /p/ and /s/ isolated, in syllables, in words and phrases was utilized by means of perceptive-auditive evaluation, and videofluoroscopy in the lateral view during rest and emission of /papapa/ and /sasasa/. From a vertical imaginary line (Z), which separated the space between the tongue and the posterior pharyngeal wall, five different tongue positions were established. The presence of palatal fistula and the relation between the dental arches were analysed as well. Results and Conclusions: The cleft individuals presented greater posterior tongue displacement than their counterparts in the syllable /pa/ (P<0,0001). In the /sa/ syllable, only the cleft individuals presented tongue displacement. The glottal stop emissions and nasal air emission/weak pressure/facial grimacing in the /pa/ and /sa/ syllables presented posterior tongue displacement. The comparison between the perceptive-auditive evaluation and tongue position on the videofluoroscopy showed that experienced professionals may present difficulty in identifying certain types of compensatory articulation errors. The presence of palatal fistula and dental oclusion alterations in cleft individuals, did not cause posterior tongue displacement in the /pa/ and /sa/ syllables.

Desenvolvimento de dispositivos microfluídicos para análise de sistemas líquidos complexos / Development of microfluidic devices for analysis of complex liquid systems

Daikuzono, Cristiane Margarete 23 May 2017 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta tese foi desenvolver dispositivos microfluídicos do tipo língua eletrônica baseada em espectroscopia de impedância para análise de líquidos complexos. Dois tipos de língua eletrônica foram desenvolvidos. O primeiro com unidades sensoriais fabricadas com eletrodos interdigitados de ouro sobre vidro, selados com microcanal de PDMS, e recobertos com filmes automontados de polímeros condutores, materiais orgânicos e semicondutores. Essa língua eletrônica foi usada para diferenciar os sabores básicos, representados por soluções aquosas de NaCl (salgado), sacarose (doce), cafeína (amargo), HCl (azedo) e glutamato monosódico (umami), distinguir diferentes tipos de cafés, e detectar a presença de gliadina em soluções e alimentos. A distinção foi possível processando-se os dados de magnitude da capacitância com técnicas de projeção multidimensional IDMAP (Interactive Document Map) e análise de componentes principais (PCA). O segundo tipo de língua foi produzido com eletrodos interdigitados de carbono impressos sobre papel com canal hidrofílico e barreiras hidrofóbicas também impresso, modificado com hidrogel funcionalizado com ácido fenil-borônico (PBA) ou polilíquido iônico (PIL). Com dados de capacitância tratados com PCA e IDMAP, a língua foi usada para distinguir soluções dos açúcares glicose, frutose e sacarose, em diferentes concentrações, e diferentes marcas de suco de maçã. Nesta última língua, empregou-se a capacidade de intumescimento de hidrogéis contendo PBA na presença de açúcares, principalmente frutose, que também foi explorada na confecção de sensores com eletrodos de papel que puderam detectar concentrações baixas de glicose, próximas às encontrados no suor humano. Com a tecnologia de sensores em papel e microfluídica, podem-se conceber aplicações futuras, de baixo custo, em sensores na forma de emplastro para monitorar o nível de glicose no suor humano de maneira não invasiva e língua eletrônica para verificar a presença de glúten em alimentos. / The main aim of this thesis was to develop microfluidic devices of electronic tongue (e-tongue) type based on impedance spectroscopy to analyze complex liquids. Two types of e-tongue were developed. The first had sensing units fabricated with gold interdigitated electrodes onto glass with a microchannel sealed with PDMS and coated with layer-by-layer films of conducting polymers, organic and semiconductors. This e-tongue was used to distinguish the basic tastes, represented by aqueous solutions of NaCl (salty), sucrose (sweet), caffeine (bitter), HCl (sour) and monosodium glutamate (umami), to distinguish different types of coffees, and detect the presence of gliadin in solutions and food. The distinction was made possible by processing the capacitance data with the multidimensional projection techniques IDMAP (Interactive Document Map) and principal component analysis (PCA). The second type of e-tongue was produced with carbon interdigitated electrodes printed on paper with a hydrophilic channel with hydrophobic barriers, also printed, modified with functionalized hydrogel with phenylboronic acid (PBA) or poly(ionic liquid) (PIL). With capacitance data treated with PCA and IDMAP, the e-tongue was used to distinguish solutions at various concentrations of glucose, fructose and sucrose, in addition to different brands of apple juice. In this latter e-tongue, use was made of the ability of the hydrogel containing PBA to swell in the presence of sugars, mainly fructose, which was exploited in producing sensors with paper electrodes that could detect low concentrations of glucose, close to the values found in human sweat. With the technology of paper-based sensors and microfluidics, one may envisage future low cost applications, including patch sensors to monitor glucose in human sweat in a non-invasive manner and e-tongues to determine the presence of gluten in food.

A formação continuada e o professor de língua portuguesa: relações, tensões e sentidos / The ongoing education courses and the Portuguese teacher: relations, tensions and meanings

Rinaldini, Núbia 25 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho concentra-se em investigar como cursos de formação continuada, para professores de Língua Portuguesa do ensino fundamental II da rede pública municipal de São Paulo, formam ou transformam as concepções sobre o ensino de língua de professores atuantes e de que maneira esses profissionais lidam com os conhecimentos veiculados. Nosso objetivo foi discutir quais significados os cursos de formação trazem para o professor que participa desses eventos formativos. Para tanto, realizamos pesquisa documental e entrevistas com professoras da rede municipal que participaram de cursos de formação continuada cujos objetivos continham o estudo das Sequências Didáticas nos Cadernos de Apoio e Aprendizagem. Fizemos descrição do material, que foi motivo para as formações, bem como a análise de uma Sequência Didática nele contido e verificamos que veiculam novas representações de professor de Português. Para realizar um estudo dos temas abordados nas entrevistas, discutimos os conceitos de representação de Lefebvre (1983) e Moscovici (2012); utilizamos também a contribuição de Geraldi (2013) a respeito do ensino de Língua Portuguesa para refletir sobre o papel do professor, principalmente o de Português, no contexto atual; também valemo-nos das contribuições de Tardif (2005) a respeito dos saberes docentes. Pudemos constatar que os professores constroem significados somente com aquilo que conseguem relacionar em outros momentos e/ou lugares. / The present work focuses on investigating how ongoing education courses for teachers of Portuguese Language from secondary education of the public system from the city of São Paulo form or transform conceptions about the teaching of in service language teachers and how they deal with the knowledge conveyed. Our objective was to discuss which meanings the education training courses bring to the teacher who attended those education events. Therefore, we performed documental research and interviews with teachers from the city of SP who participated on ongoing education courses whose objectives contained the study of didactic sequences from the Support and Learning Books. We made a description of the material that was used for the education trainings, as well as the analysis of a didactic sequence within this material and we noticed that it conveys new representations of Portuguese teacher. To carry out a study of the themes discussed in the interviews, we discussed the concepts of representation of Lefebvre (1983) and Moscovici (2012). We also used the contribution of Geraldi (2013) about the teaching of Portuguese language to reflect on the role of the teacher, mainly in the Portuguese language teaching field in the current context. We also considered the contributions of Tardif (2005) about the teaching knowledges. We have seen that teachers only construct meanings with what they can relate in other moments and/or places.

Os lapsos de fala em português brasileiro sob a perspectiva da Morfologia Distribuída / The slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese under the perspective of the Distributed Morphology

Espadaro, Mayara 04 July 2018 (has links)
Os lapsos de fala são enunciados que apresentam um desvio em relação ao que o falante pretendia dizer (cf. FROMKIN, 1973). Esse erro pode se manifestar em níveis linguísticos distintos, afetando segmentos fonológicos, morfemas, palavras ou sentenças. Muitos linguistas defendem que os lapsos de fala são uma importante evidência para a postulação de modelos de performance que levem em conta a realidade psicológica das unidades linguísticas e suas regras (cf. FROMKIN, 1973; PFAU, 2009; LEVELT, 1989). O objetivo do nosso trabalho é, portanto, investigar a estrutura dos lapsos de fala espontâneos do português brasileiro que afetam o nível morfológico e explicitar as propriedades que regem os lapsos na nossa língua. Para isso, adotamos como modelo teórico o sistema de Pfau (2009), que foi desenvolvido com base nas evidências fornecidas pelos lapsos de fala e tem como alicerces a arquitetura da gramática proposta no quadro teórico da Morfologia Distribuída (cf. HALLE; MARANTZ, 1993; MARANTZ, 1997) e o modelo de performance em níveis (cf. LEVELT, 1989). Nossa hipótese inicial é a de que o sistema proposto por Pfau (2009) consegue dar conta da análise dos lapsos de fala em português brasileiro. Os resultados da pesquisa incluem a construção de um corpus constituído por 140 dados, coletados pelo método naturalístico, isto é, os lapsos foram anotados em contexto natural e espontâneo de fala, sem indução por testes. Os dados apontam para a existência de diferentes estruturas subjacentes aos lapsos de fala morfológicos no português do Brasil, sendo possível classificá-los em seis tipos distintos de acordo com suas características. As classes são: (1) blends de palavra, (2) blends frasais, (3) substituições que envolvem aspectos semânticos, (4) substituições que envolvem aspectos fonológicos, (5) lapsos que envolvem morfemas, e (6) lapsos que atingem traços gramaticais. / The slips of the tongue are utterances that present a deviation as compared to the speaker\'s intention (cf. FROMKIN, 1973). This error can occur in different linguistic levels, affecting phonological segments, morphemes, words or sentences. Many linguists claim that the slips of the tongue constitute important evidence for proposing performance models that consider the psychological reality of the linguistic units and the rules that apply to them. Our aim is to investigate the properties of spontaneous slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese and to determine the structure of those which affect the morphological level. Hence, we have adopted as a theoretical model the system proposed in Pfau (2009), which has been developed based on evidence from the slips of the tongue. This system takes as a starting point the architecture of the grammar proposed by the Distributed Morphology model for language treatment (cf. HALLE; MARANTZ, 1993; MARANTZ, 1997) and by a model based on performance levels (cf. LEVELT, 1989). Our initial hypothesis is that Pfau\'s system can manage the analysis for slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese. The results of this research include a corpus formed by 140 data, collected according to a naturalistic method, noted under natural context and spontaneous speech, without any induction by test. The data point to the existence of different subjacent structures to the morphological slips of the tongue in Brazilian Portuguese, classified in six distinct categories according to their characteristics. These types can be described as: (1) word blends, (2) phrasal blends (3) substitutions based on semantic aspects, (4) substitutions based on phonological aspects, (5) slips involving morphemes and, (6) slips involving grammatical features.

Avaliação clínica em estudo cruzado e randomizado de diferentes métodos para a redução da halitose matinal / Effect of different treatment methods for reducing morning bad breath. A randomized crossover clinical trial.

Oliveira Neto, Jeronimo Manço de 01 October 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi de comparar a eficácia clínica de enxaguatórios bucais a higienizadores linguais e à escovação com dentifrício para higiene convencional, medidos por um monitor portátil de sulfetos BreathAlert&trade;. Vinte voluntários saudáveis, com idade entre 18 e 50 anos (média de 35,9 anos), de ambos os gêneros, foram aleatoriamente alocados em um ensaio cruzado de cinco períodos. Foram testados: um higienizador de língua convencional (Kolbe®), um higienizador integrado à escova dental (Johnson´s Professional Extreme®), dois enxaguatórios bucais: 0,05% de cloreto de cetilpiridínio (Oral-B®) e 0,12% de digluconato de clorexidina (Periotherapy®- Bitufo) e uma escova dental (Johnson´s Professional Extreme®) com dentifrício fluoretado (Contente®) como controle positivo. Todos os voluntários foram orientados a permanecer por 20 horas sem qualquer tipo de higiene bucal, para registro dos índices iniciais de halitose. Cada produto foi utilizado uma vez seguido por uma semana de washout. O hálito foi mensurado antes (00), imediatamente após (0) e após 1, 2 e 3 horas do procedimento. Os produtos e os tempos foram comparados entre si pelo teste de Friedman (p<0,05) e, havendo diferenças significantes, foram analisados aos pares pelo teste de Wilcoxon, com ajuste de Bonferroni. Imediatamente após o uso dos produtos, somente o higienizador lingual acoplado à escova foi capaz de reduzir significantemente o hálito (p=0.0031) e seu efeito perdurou por até 2 horas. A clorexidina reduziu o hálito somente no final da segunda hora (p=0.004) e durou até três horas, enquanto que a higienização bucal com escova e dentifrício foi eficaz em reduzir o hálito já na primeira hora (p=0.002), perdurando por até 3 horas. Conclui-se que a higiene mecânica da língua foi capaz de reduzir imediatamente o hálito, porém com duração relativamente curta de seu efeito, enquanto que a clorexidina e a higienização da boca conseguiram reduzir o hálito por períodos maiores do que os observados na literatura que trabalha com halitose persistente. / The aim of this study was to compare the chemical effect of antimicrobial agents in mouthrinses and mechanical effect of tongue scrapers along with toothbrushing and dentifrice for conventional oral hygiene, measured by a handheld sulphide monitor BreathAlert&trade;. Twenty healthy volunteers, from 18 to 50 years-old (the mean age was 35,9 years-old), of either gender, were randomly allocated into a five period cross-over trial. They were tested a conventional tongue scraper (Kolbe®), a tongue scraper coupled at the back of a toothbrushs head (Johnson&prime;s Professional Extreme®), two mouthwashes: 0,05% cetylpyridinium chloride (Oral-B®) and 0,12% chlorhexidine digluconate (PerioTherapy®); and a soft-bristle toothbrush (Johnson&prime;s Professional Extreme®) with fluoride toothpaste (Contente®) as a positive control. All the volunteers were asked to refrain from any kind of oral hygiene for a 20-hours period for baseline scores. Each product was used at once, followed by a one-week washout period. The breath was measured before (00), immediately after (0) and after 1, 2 and 3 hours after the procedure. A Friedman&prime;s test (p <0.05) was used to compare the products and the times and, when significant differences were detected, a Wilcoxon&prime;s test with Bonferroni correction was used (group to group). Immediately after the products use, only the toothbrush&prime;s tongue scraper was able to significantly reduce the breath (p=0.0031) and its effect lasted for up to two hours. Chlorhexidine reduced the breath only at the final of the second hour (p=0.004) and lasted for three hours, while oral hygiene with toothbrush and toothpaste was effective in reducing the breath at the first hour (p=0.002) and lasted for up to three hours. It can be concluded that the mechanical cleaning of the tongue was able to immediately reduce the breath, but with relatively short duration of its effect, while chlorhexidine and the association of mechanical with chemical agents in oral hygiene can reduce the breath for longer periods than those observed in the literature which deals with chronic halitosis.

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