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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influencing attitude change toward people living with HIV and AIDS

Pollard, Denise Eileen 01 January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
This study was conducted to assess what type of intervention is most effective for enhancing attitudes in college students toward people living with HIV and AIDS. The assigned groups consisted of either a live presentation or a video presentation emphasizing content that was either emotional or factual. A male HIV-positive speaker made a presentation to participants in the four experimental conditions. The AIDS Compassion and Empathy Scale (ACE) developed by Pollard (1997) to measure attitudes of college students toward people living with HIV and AIDS, was administered. The AIDS Phobia Scale developed by Pleck (1998) was used as the second measure. ANOVAs were performed to determine any significant differences between groups. It was hypothesized that a live presentation would enhance attitudes more than a video presentation and that emotional content would enhance attitudes more than factual content. It was also hypothesized that a live presentation with an emotional theme would be more effective (the ACE and AIDS Phobia Scale scores being significantly higher) for attitude enhancement than the other three groups. Results of the study showed that a live presentation was most effective for improving attitudes toward individuals living with HIV and AIDS versus a video presentation. Contrary to what was predicted, emotional versus factual presentation had no significant effect.

Attitudes toward innovative mental health treatment approaches in Germany: E-mental health and home treatment

Lincke, Lena, Ulbrich, Lisa, Reis, Olaf, Wandinger, Elisa, Brähler, Elmar, Dück, Alexander, Kölch, Michael 16 October 2023 (has links)
E-mental health and home treatment are treatment approaches that have proven to be effective, but are only slowly implemented in the German health care system. This paper explores the attitudes toward these innovative treatment approaches. Data was collected in two large, non-clinical samples representative of the German population in spring 2020 (N = 2,503) and winter 2020/2021 (N = 2,519). Statistical associations between variables were examined using two-tailed tests. Binary and multinomial logistic regressions were performed to predict attitudes toward online-based treatment concepts and home treatment approaches. Only few (<20%) people preferred online-based treatment approaches, while a larger proportion (~50%) could imagine being treated at home. Overall, younger subjects were more open to online-therapy approaches, while people with lower education preferred more often a traditional therapy setting. Acceptance of online-therapy did not raise significantly during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic. When different online-based treatment options were available, the probability of accepting home treatment significantly increased with increasing levels of therapeutic support. Further promotion of acceptance for online-therapy and home treatment seems to be necessary. In the future, more information on innovative treatment approaches should be actively provided.

Large-scale Attitude Changes toward Immigrants and Refugees: The Roles of Cohort Affiliation and Threat Perceptions

Schmidt, Katja 21 November 2022 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht die Determinanten für Veränderungen in der öffentlichen Meinung zu Zugewanderten und Geflüchteten. Im Mittelpunkt steht die ungeplante Zuwanderung Geflüchteter in den Jahren 2015/16. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf Deutschland, erforscht aber auch den breiteren europäischen Kontext. Erkenntnisse aus Mehrebenenanalysen, Längsschnittdaten und exklusiv erhobenen Geodaten tragen zur bisherigen Forschung bei und helfen, Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen, wie Zuwanderung in Aufnahmegesellschaften besser gesteuert werden kann. Das erste empirische Kapitel zeigt, dass der Prozess der Generationenablösung in Deutschland nicht zu einem stetig toleranteren und offeneren Meinungsklima gegenüber Zugewanderten führt. Vielmehr ist ein Generationenverlauf zu beobachten, der nicht linear verläuft, sondern schwankend. Außerdem führen die gegenwärtigen Veränderungen der makroökonomischen Bedingungen zu keinen wesentlichen Veränderungen in den Einstellungen einer Generation. Ein Anstieg an Schutzsuchenden in Deutschland führt jedoch zu einer etwas restriktiveren Haltung zu Zugewanderten. Das zweite empirische Kapitel zeigt, dass die Zunahme der Zuwanderung aus verschiedenen Herkunftsländern unterschiedliche Reaktionen in den westlichen EU-Gesellschaften hervorruft. Während der Anstieg der Einwanderungsraten von EU-Bürgern keine signifikante Rolle bei der Veränderung der Einstellung der Einheimischen spielt, erweist sich die zunehmende Einwanderung aus Ländern des globalen Südens und von Geflüchteten als stabiler Prädiktor für eine ablehnendere Haltung der Kohorten. Das dritte empirische Kapitel liefert kaum Belege dafür, dass eine Geflüchtetenunterkunft in unmittelbarer Nähe mit den Einstellungen oder Verhaltensweisen der Einheimischen verbunden ist. Weder aktuelle Bedrohungswahrnehmungen noch erhöhte Kontaktmöglichkeiten durch die Anwesenheit einer Unterkunft in der Nähe haben einen nachhaltigen Effekt auf die Einstellungen der lokalen Bevölkerung. / This dissertation offers comprehensive study on the determinants for changes in public opinion toward immigrants and refugees. Centered around the unplanned immigration of large numbers of refugees in 2015/16, it focuses on Germany but additionally examines the broader context of Europe. Insights from multilevel analysis, longitudinal data and exclusively collected geo-data contribute to previous research and help to find conclusions on how to moderate and manage immigration in host societies. The first empirical chapter concludes that the process of generational replacement in Germany will not lead to a steadily more tolerant and open climate of opinion toward immigrants. Youngest cohorts in east Germany feel equally, and in west Germany increasingly threatened by immigration in comparison to their immediate predecessors. Moreover, current changes in macro-economic conditions do not lead to substantial changes in a generation’s attitudes. An increase in the number of people seeking protection in Germany, however, leads to somewhat more restrictive attitudes toward immigrants. The second empirical chapter shows that increases in immigration from different origin-backgrounds evoke dissimilar reactions within western EU host societies. While increases in immigration rates of EU citizens do not play a significant role in changing natives’ sentiments, rising immigration from countries in the Global South and refugees proves to be a stable predictor of cohorts’ attitudes to become more disapproving. The third empirical chapter finally provides little evidence that the presence of a refugee accommodation in close proximity is associated with locals’ attitudes or behavioral patterns toward refugees in Germany. Neither current threat-perceptions nor increased contact opportunities due to the presence of a refugee accommodation nearby have a lasting effect on locals’ attitudes. Sociotropic concerns at the societal level seem to outweigh actual affectedness at the local level.

A Plurinational State: The Impact Of The Mas On The Status Of Indigenous People In Bolivia

Medina, Pamela 01 January 2010 (has links)
In 2005 the largely indigenous country of Bolivia elected its first indigenous president, Evo Morales of the Movement toward Socialism (MAS) Party. Morales ran on a promise of re-distributing wealth, to aid in the development of one of Latin America's poorest countries. Morales' first term in office marked a historical achievement for the indigenous movement in Bolivia, and sparked social change in the country. The government also experienced a momentous achievement through the re-writing of the Bolivian constitution, acknowledging the country's multi-ethnic and pluri-national character. Although his social, domestic and foreign policies have been controversial, particularly in the United States, Morales was re-elected to serve a second term in 2009. This research analyzes the outcomes of Morales' policy changes during his first term in office, from 2006-2009 to examine how the election of the MAS has impacted the marginalized status of indigenous people in Bolivia.

Incarcerated Mothers' Communication While Separated

Romano, Alicia Faith 15 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Divine Struggles: Parents' Contributions and Attachment to God as a Mediator

Homolka, Steffany J. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.


Alduwairej, Monerah Abdulrahman 03 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of Depression and Employment Status on Maternal Use of Spanking

Klinger, Meghan Shapiro 14 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Teacher attitudes and Beliefs about Successfully Integrating Technology in their Classroom During a 1:1 Technology Initiative and the Factors that Lead to Adaptations in their Instructional Practice and Possible Influence on Standardized Test Achievement

Perry, Nicholas D., Perry 30 March 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Sex, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status on Attitudes Toward Women As Managers and Perceived Career Impediment: A Study of Young Adults In Malaysia

Voon, Li Teng 21 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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