Spelling suggestions: "subject:"traineeprogram"" "subject:"traineeprogramm""
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Os profissionais de administração: entre as competências desenvolvidas nos cursos de graduação e as competências requeridas pelo mundo do trabalho / Business Professionals: between the competences developed in the undergraduate courses and the competences required for the world of workFabíola Maciel Sarubbi Marangoni 10 October 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou \'investigar a interação das competências desenvolvidas pelos cursos de administração em seus estudantes e a demanda do mercado de trabalho\'. Para alcançar este objetivo geral, foram estabelecidos os seguintes objetivos específicos: analisar os fatores que influenciam no desenvolvimento das competências dos estudantes nos cursos de administração; determinar quais competências os formandos de administração acreditam possuir; reconhecer o grau de cada competência que os estudantes acreditam que foram desenvolvidas durante a graduação de administração; reconhecer quais competências os programas de trainee exigem dos candidatos em seus processos seletivos; verificar quais as principais diferenças, em termos de competências, dos administradores e das demais formações universitárias que competem para uma mesma vaga nos programas de trainee; e comparar as competências exigidas pelas empresas que possuem programa de trainee com as competências que os formandos acreditam possuir. Para a condução da pesquisa, adotou-se a abordagem quali-quanti. Na abordagem quantitativa ocorreu a realização de survey com 377 estudantes formandos de cursos de administração de excelência e 25 empresas detentoras de programas de trainee, por meio de aplicação de questionários, analisados por meio do software SPSS. Já na abordagem qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 10 coordenadores de cursos de administração de excelência e analisadas as questões abertas presentes nos questionários dos estudantes e das empresas. As entrevistas foram gravadas e o conteúdo das falas foi transcrito na íntegra e submetido à análise temático-categorial proposta por Bardin. As categorias foram transformadas em variáveis e processadas pelo software NVivo10 ®. Os fatores que os coordenadores consideram importantes no desenvolvimento destas competências são: ética, empreendedorismo, características do curso, projeto pedagógico, currículo, competência, carreira, expectativa do mercado, perfil, teoria e prática, estágio, intercâmbio, interdisciplinaridade, professores, estudantes, importância dos coordenadores e autonomia dos estudantes. Em linhas gerais, os estudantes se auto avaliaram bem em todas as competências e foram identificados 3 clusters. Dentre as competências que as empresas relataram que os administradores se destacam está a visão sistêmica e houve consenso em três competências exigidas nos processos seletivos: \'possuir iniciativa\', \'trabalhar em equipe\' e \'construir relacionamento e colaboração\'. As empresas constituíram 3 clusters distintos, com exigências diferentes de competências para ingresso em seus programas de trainee. Competências identificadas na literatura como fundamentais ao administrador figuraram entre as menos valorizadas pelas empresas, como \'pensamento crítico\' e \'criatividade\', apontando que as competências que as empresas exigem devem ser estudadas, porém não devem, apenas elas, orientar a elaboração e consecução dos PPP\'s nos cursos de administração. / The present work sought to \"investigate the interaction between the competences developed in the students by the administration courses and the need of the market\". To reach this general objective, the following specific objectives have been established: to analyze the factors that influence the competence development in business administration students; to determine which of the competences the under-graduated administration students believe to have; to recognize the level of development of each competence the students believe to achieve during the graduation; to recognize which competences the trainee programs demand form their applicants in the selection processes; to verify, in terms of competences, the main differences between undergraduated students of administration and other majors that compete for the same job opening in the trainee programs; and to compare the competences demanded by the companies that have trainee programs and the competences the administration undergraduated students believe to have. To conduct this research, it was adopted the qualiquanti approach. In the quantitative approach, a survey was realized, through questionnaire application, with 377 under-graduating students from first class administration colleges and 25 companies that have a trainee program. In the qualitative approach, 10 first class administration colleges\' coordinators have been interviewed, and the open questions from the students and companies\' questionnaires have been analyzed. The interviews were recorded and the content was transcript and submitted to the thematic-categorical analysis proposed by Bardin. The categories were transformed into variables and processed by the software NVivo10TM. The factors that the coordinators consider important in the development of the competences are: ethics, entrepreneurship, courses characteristics, pedagogic project, curriculum, competence, career, market expectation, profile, theory and practice, internship, exchange studies, interdisciplinary, professors, students, coordinators importance and students autonomy.In general, the students self-evaluated themselves well in all competences and 3 clusters have been identified. Among the competences that the companies consider that the administrators have an outstanding performance, is systemic view. In the selection processes there were 3 competences that were consensus: \'to have initiative\', \'teamwork\' and \'to build relationship and collaboration\'. The companies were grouped in 3 different clusters, demanding different competences to their trainee program. Some competences that are listed in the literature as fundamental to the administrator, such as \'critical thinking\' and \'creativity\', were among the least valuable to the companies, suggesting that the competences that companies demand should be developed, but they should not be the only to guide the administration courses.
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Návrh podnikového trainee programu a jeho zavedení pomocí technik projektového managementu v organizaci / Corporate Trainee Program Design and Implementation into an Organization Using Project Management TechniquesDrápalíková, Jitka January 2021 (has links)
digitization, digital transformation, innovation, energy industry, HR, work with students, trainee program, trainee scheme, corporate culture, project management, onboarding, gen Z, generation Z
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Om man inte ens har begreppet, så är man bara annorlunda liksom : En studie av transsexuellas identitetsskapande i en heteronormativ skolaFrisén Vastesson, Leonor January 2010 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen har haft som syfte att undersöka hur fem unga transsexuella upplevt sin skoltid och hur detta har påverkat deras identitetsskapande. De tre frågeställningarna har varit: Hur har intervjupersonerna skapat sin könsöverskridande identitet i en skolkontext? Vilka är de praktiker och diskurser som de format och formar sina "jag" genom? Mot vilka diskurser, om några, gör de intervjuade personerna motstånd genom sitt identitetsskapande? Uppsatsen poängterar att forskning inom utbildningsvetenskap med koppling till sexualitets- och identitetspolitik är essentiellt för lärarutbildningens och läraryrkets utveckling. Det finns redan uttryckligen formulerat i styrdokumenten men verkligheten i verksamheten tycks se annorlunda ut. Skolan har ansvar för alla barn och unga som befinner sig i verksamheten. Man kan därför inte blunda för de rapporter om ohälsa och utsatthet som redovisats av statliga institutioner såsom Folkhälsoinstitutet och Ungdomsstyrelsen. / This thesis originates from an experienced lack of knowledge within the teacher trainee program. The lack consists of a close to non-existent information of the LGBT-group as a norm breaking group of students in our schools. This essay focuses in particular on the transgender group. The essay claims that this lack of knowledge within our schools leads to discrimination against students which can cause health problems. But most importantly it complicates the identity formation process of young transgender people.
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Návrh strategie na zlepšení systému nástupní praxe firmy / Strategy for Improvement of Training System of CompanyGazurová, Anna January 2007 (has links)
This thesis focuses on problems related with new graduates at the „Department of New Employees Training“ of TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY joint stock Company. The work evaluates to what extent the participants are satisfied with the training period, work of each mentor assigned to them and how they are involved in solving concreate tasks. Later suggestions are made on what measures should be taken to improve the program, for future participants to be satisfied.
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Saxony⁵: Trainee-Programm „Innovations-Nachwuchs für Sachsen”23 September 2019 (has links)
Die Schriftenreihe veröffentlicht Projektarbeiten, die im Rahmen des Saxony5-Trainee-Programmes von Teilnehmern entstanden sind. Dieses Programm fördert den Wissens-, Kompetenz- und Technologietransfer zwischen Hochschulen und Wirtschaft. Es richtet sich schwerpunktmäßig an Studierende und Absolventen sächsischer Hochschulen. Durch intensive Trainings und Arbeit mit Fallstudien werden innovative und Managementkompetenzen vermittelt, die den Berufseinstieg unterstützen. / The series publishes project works that has been written by participants in the Saxony5 trainee program. This program promotes knowledge, competence and technology transfer between universities and industry. It focuses on students and graduates of Saxon universities. Through intensive training and work with case studies innovative and management skills are trained, which support the career entry of the graduates.
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Nya chefers utveckling : en studie om hur nya chefer hanterar sina ledarroller / New managers’ development : A study about how new managers handle their leaderships rolesRydberg, William January 2022 (has links)
Förståelsen för effekter av lärandet och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön genom individen själv och omgivningen var av betydelse för nya chefers hantering av sina ledarroller. Syftet med studien var att bidra med kunskap om hur första linjens nya chefer hanterade sina ledarroller inom äldre- och funktionshinderomsorgen. Studiens tillvägagångssätt utgick från en fenomenologisk och kvalitativ fallstudie. Datainsamlingen bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analys av data genomfördes utifrån en tolkande fenomenologisk analysmetod. Slutsatsen visade att nya chefers utveckling kategoriserades som strategier och omständigheter. Strategier utgjorde nya chefers interna villkor som var att öva på att bli chef, inta ledarrollen och att växa i sin ledarroll. Omständigheter utgjorde nya chefers externa villkor som var att vara chef i första linjen och att klara av ledarrollen. Slutsatsen visade också att mängd arbete, användning av flertal datasystem, tiden, individen själv, relationer till andra, individens utveckling, arbetsinnehållet i första linjen och den komplexa organisationen påverkade nya chefers utveckling i sina ledarroller. / The understanding of the effects of learning and the psychosocial work environment through the individual herself and the environment was important to new manager´s management of their leadership roles. The purpose of this study was to contribute knowledge with how the first-lines’ new managers handled their leadership roles. The approach in this study was based on a phenomenological and qualitative case study. The data collection consisted of semi-structured interviews. Performance of analysis of data was based on an interpretive phenomenological analysis method. The conclusion showed that the development of new managers is categorized as strategies and circumstances. Strategies were new managers’ internal conditions and those are to becoming a manager, to take on the leadership role and to grow in the leadership role. The circumstances constituted new managers’ external conditions and those are to work as a manager in the first-line and to fulfill the leadership role. The conclusion also showed that the quantity of work, the use of several computer systems, time, individual herself, relationships at work, the individual’s development, content of work, and the complex organization affect new managers’ development in their leadership roles.
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