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N-terminal isoforms of the p53 tumour suppressor protein : effects on p53 transcriptional activity and expression in cutaneous melanoma / Isoformes du domaine N-terminal du suppresseur de tumeur p53 : sur l’activité transcriptionnelle de p53 et expression dans les mélanomes cutanésHafsi, Hind 20 December 2012 (has links)
La protéine suppresseur de tumeur p53 est soumise à de complexes régulations transcriptionnelles et posttraductionnelles. La découverte d’isoformes de p53 a introduit un degré de complexité supplémentaire auxmécanismes de régulation des fonctions de p53. On dénombre à ce jour douze isoformes qui diffèrent de p53dans leurs domaines N- et C-terminal. Cependant, les modes d’expression et de fonction de ces isoformes restentà être clarifiés.Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux deux isoformes Δ40p53 et Δ133p53, en analysant leurinteraction avec p53 et en mesurant leur expression dans les mélanomes, un type de cancer où p53 est trèsrarement mutée. Nous montrons que Δ40p53 peut moduler l’activité de p53 avec un effet bi-phasique, tantôtactivateur ou répresseur du niveau d’expression et des fonctions de p53. Δ133p53 est produite par un promoteurP2 localisé dans le gène TP53. Nous avons montré qu’en réponse à un stress génotoxique, l’expression de Δ133p53 est régulée par p53, qui se lie au promoteur P2. Ceci suggère une boucle d’auto-régulation par p53, quiest capable de contrôler l’expression d’une isoforme inhibant ses propres fonctions. Enfin, les isoformes Δ40p53 et Δ133p53 sont surexprimées dans les tumeurs métastatiques de mélanomes comparées aux tumeurs noninvasives,suggérant à ces isoformes un rôle dans l’inactivation de p53 dans les cancers.Ainsi, Δ40p53 et Δ133p53 interagissent avec p53 de façon complexe, avec des effets plus contrastés que lasimple inhibition de l’activité suppressive de p53. Les isoformes de p53 jouent ainsi un rôle majeur dans lesactivités basales de p53, ainsi que dans l’inactivation fonctionnelle de p53 dans les cancers. / The p53 tumour suppressor protein has a highly complex pattern of regulation at transcriptional and posttranslationallevels. The discovery of p53 isoforms has added another layer of complexity to the mechanisms thatregulate p53 functions. Indeed, p53 is expressed as 12 isoforms that differ in their N- and C-terminus due toalternative splicing, promoter or codon initiation usage. So far, there is limited understanding of the patterns ofexpression and of the functions of each of these isoforms.In this Thesis, we have focused on the two major p53 N-terminal isoforms, Δ40p53 and Δ133p53. We haveanalysed their patterns of interactions with the full-length p53 and we have investigated whether their expressioncould be deregulated in melanoma, a cancer type in which TP53 mutations are rare. Our results show that Δ40p53 can modulate p53 function with a bi-phasic effect, acting as a repressor or activator of p53 to control itslevels and activity. Moreover, we demonstrate that the internal P2 promoter produces Δ133p53 and is regulatedby p53 in response to genotoxic stress, identifying a novel auto-regulatory loop by which p53 may control theexpression of an isoform acting as an inhibitor of p53 activities. Finally, we show that mRNAs encoding Nterminalisoforms are often over-expressed in highly metastatic melanoma when compared to non-invasiveforms, suggesting that N-terminal isoforms contribute to functionally inactivate p53. Thus, we propose that Δ40p53 and Δ133p53 modulate p53 functions within dynamic fluctuations of aprotein network. Hence, p53 isoforms may have a major role in basal p53 activities as well as in the functionalinactivation of p53 in cancer cells.
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Approche génomique pour l’étude de la polydactylie dépendante de Hoxa11C. Fugulin, Mariane 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Regulação gênica dos processos iniciais do desenvolvimento de embriões haploides e diploides de Apis mellifera / Gene regulation of early developmental processes of haploid and diploid embryos of Apis melliferaPires, Camilla Valente 29 April 2014 (has links)
O desenvolvimento embrionário é o resultado de uma sequência controlada de eventos modulados por sinais ambientais e mecanismos intracelulares. Em Hymenoptera, esse processo tem um caráter especial devido ao sistema de determinação do sexo (Haplodiploide). Neste sistema, os ovos fecundados se desenvolvem em fêmeas (diploides) e os ovos não fecundados em machos (haploides). Assim, eventos importantes, como a ativação do ovo e transição materno-zigótica, eventos iniciais da embriogênese, são elementos-chave para compreender o desenvolvimento de ambos os tipos de embriões. Ativação do ovo é um evento complexo acionado em resposta a estímulos externos, necessários para o início da embriogênese. Em abelhas a ativação ovo ocorre independentemente da fecundação e parece ser desencadeado durante a passagem pelo trato reprodutivo da mãe. Além disso, se o ovócito não for fecundado ele irá se desenvolver em um organismo haploide. No entanto, se o ovo recebe o espermatozóide até 30 minutos depois da ativação, o ovo se desenvolve em um organismo diploide. Em Drosophila, a ativação do ovo é também idependente da fecundação. O estímulo inicial que desencadeia o desenvolvimento é devido tensões mecânicas sofridas pelo ovócito durante a ovulação pela passagem através do trato reprodutivo. Neste modelo, o primeiro sinal de ativação inclui a ativação da via dependente de cálcio. Moléculas maternas que são incorporados no ovócito durante ovogênese, atuam durante a ativação do ovo, bem como no início da embriogênese. Os eventos iniciais da embriogênese também são caracterizados pela ausência de altos níveis de transcrição zigótica. As moléculas depositadas atuam na ativação do ovo, quebrando a dormência da divisão celular permitindo a ocorrência do início do desenvolvimento embrionário. Mas, o embrião em desenvolvimento gradualmente degrada e substitui essas moléculas herdadas da mãe, em um processo conhecido como transição materno-zigótica. Nosso principal objetivo foi o entendimento da comunicação entre as moléculas herdadas e as recém produzidas durante os primeiros passos do desenvolvimento de Apis mellifera. Para alcançar nosso objetivo, 16 bibliotecas de RNAseq (mRNA e miRNA) foram construídas utilizando amostras de RNA total de embriões diploides e haploides de diferentes idades e ovócitos maduros. A análise do transcriptoma mostrou que existem genes diferencialmente expressos entre os dois tipos de embriões já em 1 h de desenvolvimento. Além disso, nossa análise permitiu a identificação de mRNAs e miRNAs maternos e zigóticos, além de processos com que estas moléculas se relacionam. As análises mostraram também que um mesmo miRNA pode atingir diferentes mRNAs em cada tipo de embrião, na mesma fase de desenvolvimento. Além disso, um mesmo gene pode ser diferentemente regulado nos dois tipos de embriões. Por exemplo, broad/GB48272, que é classificado como materno em embriões dipoides é regulado por quatro miRNAs diferentes e em embriões haploides é classificado como zigótico, regulado por apenas um miRNA. Análise das bibliotecas de RNAseq e hibridação in situ mostrou o padrão de expressão de zelda em embriões jovens de abelhas. Zelda é um ativador chave do genoma zigótico em Drosophila e regula eventos importantes na embriogênese se ligando a um motivo conservado, TAGteam. Em A. mellifera, encontramos um motivo TAGteam putativo que tem sido relacionado à transcrição zigótica precoce. Além disso, a hibridização in situ e PCR mostraram três primiRNAs (ame-mir-375-3p, ame-mir-34-5p e ame-mir-263b-5p) que se expressam durante a clivagem. A presença de pri-miRNAs evidenciou a início da transcrição zigótica durante a clivagem. Em suma, podemos dizer que este é o primeiro trabalho em Apis mellifera a descrever os eventos de iniciais do desenvolvimento embrionário comparando embriões haploides e diploides usando os recentes protocolos de bioinformática e os avanços da biologia molecular. / Embryonic development is the result of a precisely controlled sequence of events modulated by environmental signals and intracellular mechanisms. In Hymenoptera, this process takes a special character due the sex-determination system (haplodiploidy). In this system, fertilized eggs develop in females (diploid) and unfertilized eggs in males (haploid). Thus, important events such as egg activation and maternal-zygotic transition, events of the early embryogenesis are key elements to understand the development of both types of embryos. Egg activation is a complex event triggered in response to external stimuli and necessary for the onset of embryogenesis. In honeybees egg activation occurs independently of fertilization and seems to be triggered during the passage through mother\'s reproductive tract. Furthermore, if the egg is not fertilized it will develop into haploid organism. However, if the egg receives the sperm up to 30min after activation, this egg develops into a diploid organism. In Drosophila, the egg activation is also fertilization independent. Initial stimulus that triggers the development is due mechanical stresses suffered by the egg during ovulation and passage through the reproductive tract. In this model, the first activation signal includes activation of calciumdependent pathway. Maternal molecules that are incorporated into the oocyte during ovogenesis, act during egg activation, as well as in early embryogenesis. Early embryogenesis events are also characterized by absence of high levels of zygotic transcription. The deposited molecules drive egg activation, breaking cell division dormancy permitting the beginning of embryonic development. But, the developing embryo gradually degrades and substitutes these mother-inherited molecules, in a process known as mother-to-zygote transition. Our main objective was the understanding of the deep crosstalk among the inherited molecules and the newly ones produced during the first steps of Apis mellifera embryogenesis. To achieve our objective 16 deep sequenced RNA (mRNA, miRNA) libraries were constructed using different age diploid and haploid embryos, and mature oocytes. Genome-wide transcriptome analysis was performed and interactive regulatory networks were constructed. Our analysis permitted the identification of maternal and zygotic mRNAs and miRNAs and related processes. Based on expression profiles of mRNAs and miRNAs in mature oocytes and haploid and diploid embryos of 2, 6 and 18-24 h of development, we constructed integrative regulatory networks (miRNA:mRNA) showing that the same miRNA could target different mRNAs in each type of embryo, in the same phase of development. As example we cite broad/GB48272, which is classified as maternal in diploid embryos and regulated by four different miRNAs. However, in haploid embryos it is zygotic and regulated by only one miRNA. Analysis of RNAseq and in situ hybridization showed the expression pattern of zelda in early honeybee embryos. Zelda is a key activator of Drosophila early zygotic genome and regulates important events in early embryogenesis binding to TAGteam motif. In A. mellifera, we found a putative TAGteam motif that has been implicated in early zygotic transcription. Moreover, in situ hybridization and PCR assay showed three pri-miRNAs (ame-mir-375-3p, ame-mir-34-5p and ame-mir-263b-5p) expressed during cleavage. The presence of pri-miRNAs is the first evidence of early zygotic transcription during cleavage. In short, we could say that this is the first work on Apis mellifera describing the early embryonic developmental events comparing haploid and diploid embryos using modern bioinformatics tools and advanced molecular analysis.
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Levantamento de proteínas candidatas a ativadoras do splicing do éxon 12 do gene FMR1 / Screening for candidate proteins to activate FMR1 exon 12 splicingCampos, Marcelo Valpeteris de 20 May 2014 (has links)
O gene do Retardo Mental do X Frágil (FMR1) possui 17 éxons e seu transcrito primário pode sofrer splicing alternativo, havendo, entre outros eventos, possibilidade de exclusão ou inclusão do éxon 12. O produto da expressão do FMR1, a proteína do retardo mental do X frágil (FMRP), possui papéis importantes no sistema nervoso central, atuando como repressora da tradução de RNAm em espinhas dendríticas e controlando a síntese de proteínas envolvidas na função sináptica. Entre dois domínios centrais do tipo KH presentes na FMRP, o segundo (KH-2) é responsável pela interação da proteína aos polissomos. O domínio KH-2 é codificado pelos éxons 9 a 13 do FMR1 e possui a alça variável mais longa já observada entre proteínas humanas, que é codificada pelos éxons 11 e 12. A inclusão do éxon 12 no RNAm do FMR1 causa uma extensão em fase dessa alça variável do KH-2 da FMRP. Estas isoformas apresentam expressão significativa em neurônios cortico-cerebrais e cerebelares do rato, no primeiro mês pós-natal. Este trabalho baseia-se em resultados prévios do grupo de pesquisa, em que se identificaram sequências curtas no íntron 12 do FMR1, com potencial para agir como acentuadores de splicing. Baseando-nos na hipótese de que essas sequências constituem elementos transcritos que se ligam a fatores proteicos do núcleo celular, potencialmente reguladores do splicing do pré-RNAm do FMR1, realizamos ensaios de precipitação por afinidade com extratos nucleares de córtex cerebral de rato e transcritos do loco, biotinilados. Análises por espectrometria de massas revelaram enriquecimento de proteínas nucleares, contendo domínios de ligação a RNA, principalmente aquelas relacionadas à regulação e processamento de pré-RNAm, sobretudo o splicing / Fragile X Mental Retardation 1 gene (FMR1) comprises 17 exons. Its primary transcript is subject to alternative splicing, allowing for the possibility of exon 12 inclusion or skipping, among other events. The product of FMR1 gene expression, fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP), has important roles in the central nervous system, acting as a translational repressor in dendritic spines, thus controlling the synthesis of proteins involved in synaptic function. FMRP has two central KH domains. One of them (KH-2) is responsible for its interaction with polysomes. The KH-2 domain is encoded by FMR1 exons 9 to 13. It contains the longest variable loop ever observed among human KH-containing proteins, which is encoded by FMR1 exons 11 and 12. Exon-12 inclusion in FMR1 mRNA causes an in-frame extension of FMRP KH-2 domain variable loop. These isoforms appear significantly expressed in cortico-cerebral and cerebellar neurons of the rat in the first month after birth. We have previously identified short sequences within FMR1 intron 12 that may potentially act as splicing enhancers. Our study is based on the hypothesis that those sequences when transcribed should bind to nuclear protein factors that may function as FMR1 exon 12 pre-mRNA splicing regulators. To initiate an experimental approach to test that hypothesis, we conducted affinity precipitation assays with rat cerebral cortex nuclear extracts and biotinylated transcripts. Mass spectrometry analyses disclosed proteins that have been described to be enriched in the cell nucleus, contain RNA-binding domains, and be functionally related to pre-mRNA processing, notably splicing
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Etude des mécanismes moléculaires des protéines de liaison à l’ARNm PUMILIO 1 et 2 dans la régulation des cellules souches/progénitrices hématopoïétiques normales et pathologiquesHattabi, Aurore 16 November 2015 (has links)
Les protéines de liaison à l’ARN PUMILIO 1 et 2 (PUM1/2) exercent un rôle central dans le maintien des cellules souches chez les Invertébrés en se fixant, en association avec des partenaires protéiques, sur la région 3’ UTR de certains ARNm, régulant ainsi leur devenir. A ce jour, le rôle de PUM1/2 dans les cellules souches/progénitrices hématopoïétiques (CSPHs) a été peu étudié. La perte de la coordination entre auto-renouvellement et différenciation des CSPHs peut aboutir à des hémopathies chez l'Homme, d’où la nécessité de comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents. Notre équipe a mis en évidence, par une approche de shARN, que l’invalidation des protéines PUM1/2 dans les CSHs humaines et murines conduit à une réduction de leur expansion, associée à une apoptose accrue et un arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase G0/G1, et aussi à une perte du potentiel clonogénique in vitro et du potentiel de reconstitution in vivo. L’objectif de notre travail a consisté à : a/ évaluer les effets de la surexpression de PUM1/2 dans les CSPHs, b/ déterminer l’implication de PUM1/2 dans les processus leucémiques, c/ étudier les mécanismes moléculaires responsables de l’activité de PUM1/2 en identifiant les cibles et les partenaires protéiques par une approche de protéomique globale. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’une surexpression modérée de PUM1 (2/3 fois) dans les cellules CD34+ limite la perte du potentiel clonogénique alors qu’une expression plus élevée (5/10 fois et plus) est toxique. L’analyse de l’expression de PUM1/2 par RT-qPCR dans les échantillons de Leucémies Aigue Myeloïdes (LAM) (GOELAMSthèque) montre une augmentation significative dans les échantillons les plus immatures (LAM0-2) comparés aux contrôles sains. La perte de PUM1/2 par shARN dans les cellules primaires de leucémies ainsi que dans des lignées issues de différents processus leucémiques réduit fortement leur survie. La recherche des partenaires associés à PUM par spectrométrie de masse a permis de découvrir Argonaute2 et MOV10 (tous les 2 impliqués dans la machinerie des miRNA), ainsi que des protéines de liaison aux ARNs, ELAV1 déjà connue pour son implication dans le maintien des CSH murines et IMP3, impliqué dans de nombreux cancers et dans la régulation du cycle cellulaire. L’invalidation de IMP3 ou ELAV1 dans les CSPHs conduisent, in vitro, aux mêmes effets observés avec la perte du PUM 1/2, une diminution de l’expansion avec une augmentation de l’apoptose, et la perte du potentiel clonogénique. Enfin, nous avons identifié FoxP1 (Forkhead box P1) comme nouvelle cible directe de PUM1/2, dont le rôle est encore très peu décrit dans l’hématopoïèse. L’étude fonctionnelle de FoxP1 sur les CSPHs par shARN mime les effets observés avec les facteurs PUM1/2. De plus, la surexpression de FoxP1 restaure partiellement les activités antiprolifératives et pro-apoptotiques générées par les shPUM1/2. Enfin, le profil d’expression de FoxP1 dans les LAM corrèle avec le profil d’expression de PUM1/2. Nos résultats confirment le rôle majeur joué par les protéines PUM1/2 en partie via la régulation positive de FoxP1 qui contribue au maintien les CSPHs normales et pathologiques. / Pumilio 1 and 2 (PUM1/2) RNA-binding proteins exert a central role in stem cell maintenance among Invertebrates by binding the 3'UTR of mRNA targets in association with protein partners, thus regulating mRNA stability/translation. Nothing is known regarding normal and pathologic hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). Loss of coordination between self-renewal and differentiation of HSPCs can lead to leukemia in humans, hence the need to understand the mechanisms. Our team has highlighted the fundamental role played by the post-transcriptional regulators Pumilio (PUM) 1/2 on normal HSPC properties. By a shRNA approach, PUM 1/2 knockdown in human and murine HSPCs leads to: a/ a reduced expansion associated with an increased apoptosis and a cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase, b/ the loss of their clonogenic capacity and their in vivo reconstitution potential. The objective of our work is to: a/ evaluate the effects of PUM 1/2 overexpression in HSPC, b/ determine PUM1/2 involvement in leukemic processes; c/ investigate the molecular mechanisms responsible of PUM activity in HSPC by identifying protein targets and partners. Our results showed that a moderate overexpression of PUM1 (2 to 3 fold) in normal CD34+ HSPCs limits the loss of their clonogenic potential, while a higher expression (5 to 10 fold or more) is toxic. The expression analysis of PUM1/2 transcripts in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (GOELAMSthèque) showed a significant increase in the most immature samples (AML0-2) as compared to healthy controls. PUM1/2 knockdown by shRNA in AML cells significantly reduced their survival. The same effect was observed in cell lines from several leukemic processes. We identified various PUM-associated partners by mass spectrometry, Argonaute2 and MOV10 (involved in the miRNA machinery), and the RNA-binding proteins IMP3 (involved in several cancer and in cell cycle regulation) and HuR/ELAV1 (already known to be involved in murine HSPCs maintenance). IMP3 or ELAV1 knockdown in HSPCs in vitro lead to the same effect of a PUM1/2 invalidation, a decreased expansion with an increased apoptosis and the loss of clonogenic potential. Finally, we identify the forkhead box P1 (FOXP1) transcription factor as a new direct target up-regulated by PUM1 and PUM2. Functional study of FoxP1 knockdown by shRNA in HSPCs mimic PUM1/2 activities. Moreover, FOXP1 overexpression partially rescued shPUM antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects. Also, the PUM1/2 and FOXP1 expression levels in leukemic primary cells were measured by RT-qPCR and revealed a positive correlation. Our results reveal that PUM1/2 are direct positive regulators of FOXP1 which contributes to the maintenance of normal and leukemic HSPCs.
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Gene supressor de tumor RECK: clonagem e caracterização do promotor e regulação de sua expressão / Gene suppressor tumor RECK: cloning and characterization of the promoter and regulation of its expressionSasahara, Regina Maki 10 January 2000 (has links)
A expressão do gene RECK é ubíqua em tecidos normais e não detectável nas linhagens celulares tumorais testadas e em fibroblastos transformados por diversos oncogenes. Inicialmente isolado como um gene indutor da reversão fenotípica tumoral→normal em fibroblastos transformados por v-Ki-ras, o gene RECK codifica uma glicoproteína de membrana que suprime a invasão tumoral e metástase através da regulação da metaloprotease de matriz-9. Para entender os mecanismos de inibição da expressão do gene RECK, mediada por oncogenes, isolou-se e caracterizou-se a região 5\'- flanqueadora do gene RECK de camundongo (mRECK). Ensaios de atividade promotora utilizando mutantes de deleção da região 5\' - flanqueadora e o gene repórter luciferase, revelaram que a sequência de 52 pb, imediatamente \"upstream\" ao gene, possui uma atividade promotora que é suprimida pelo produto do oncogene Ha-ras (V12). Esta sequência contém dois sítios de ligação a Sp1 (SplA e SplB), um sítio de ligação a cEBPb e um CAAT box. EMSAs e ensaios de atividade promotora, utilizando mutantes pontuais nestes sítios, revelaram que as proteínas Spl e Sp3 se ligam a ambos os sítios Spl, e que a resposta a Ras é mediada apenas pelo sítio SplB. Análise por Southern blot utilizando uma enzima de restrição sensível à metilação e por Northern blot de mRNA extraído de células tratadas com um agente desmetilante, sugeriram que o mecanismo de metilação de DNA não está envolvido na regulação transcricional do gene RECK. O envolvimento de RECK em diversos sistemas de proliferação, invasão e reversão celular foi analisado através de Northern blot. Os resultados sugerem que a expressão de RECK é regulada por soro na linhagem A3l de fibroblastos normais de camundongo. / The RECK gene is ubiquitously expressed in normal human tissues, but is downregulated both in tumor cell lines and in oncogenically transformed fibroblasts. Initially isolated as a tumor→normal phenotypic reversioninducing gene in v-ki-ras-transformed fibroblast, RECK encodes a membrane-anchored glycoprotein that suppresses tumor invasion and metastasis by regulating the matrix metalloproteinase-9. In order to understand the mechanism of oncogene-mediated suppression of RECK gene expression, we have isolated and characterized the 5\'-flanking region of the mouse RECK gene (mRECK). Deletion mutants constructs of this 5\' -flanking region with the luciferase reporter gene, revealed that the 52 base pairs upstream displays promoter activity which is suppressed by the Ha-ras (V12) oncogene. This region contains two Spl-binding motifs (SplA and SplB), one cEBPb-binding motif, and one CAAT box. Gel shift analysis and reporter gene assays, in combination with site-directed point mutations in these elements, revealed that both Spl sites associate with Spl as well as Sp3 proteins, although Ras- responsiveness seems to be mediated only by the downstream Spl site (SplB). Southern blot analysis using a methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme and Northern blot analysis with mRNA extracted from cells treated with a demethylating agent, indicated that the mechanism of DNA methylation is not involved in the regulation of RECK gene transcription. The role of RECK in several systems of cell proliferation, invasion and reversion, analysed by Northern blot, suggested that RECK expression is cell cycle regulated by serum in normal A3l mouse fibroblast cell line.
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Identification d'ARN régulateurs bactériens : développement d’une méthode de détection et étude de la régulation post-transcriptionnelle chez la bactérie phytopathogène Dickeya dadantii / Identifying bacterial small RNAs : development of a detection method and post-transcriptional regulation in the plant pathogen Dickeya dadantiiLeonard, Simon 05 December 2018 (has links)
Les organismes bactériens sont en contact direct avec leur environnement et doivent donc constamment s’acclimater aux variations de celui-ci. Pour cela, plusieurs leviers de régulations peuvent être actionnés. Récemment, la régulation post-transcriptionnelle par les ARN régulateurs a été proposée comme un mécanisme de régulation rapide et peu coûteux pour la cellule. Chez le phytopathogène Dickeya dadantii, la régulation de la virulence a quasi exclusivement été étudiée au niveau transcriptionnel et l’implication des ARN régulateurs dans la virulence reste très peu connue. Pour cela, nous avons tout d’abord étudié le rôle des chaperons à ARN dans la pathogénie de D. dadantii et mis en évidence leur implication dans de nombreux facteurs de virulence comme la production d’enzyme de dégradation de la paroi végétale. Puis, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode d’identification d’ARN à partir de données RNA-seq. Cette méthode a été développée pour tirer profit des séquençages réalisés en paired-end, permettant de séquencer les deux extrémités d’un transcrit. Son évaluation dans sa capacité à détecter de manière précise des ARN connus a montré une performance supérieure aux méthodes de détection existantes. Enfin, cette nouvelle méthode a été appliquée sur des données de séquençage de petits transcrits. Cette analyse nous a permis d’identifier plus d’un millier d’ARN régulateurs potentiels, dont plusieurs pourraient être impliqués dans la régulation de la virulence. Ces travaux ont donc permis de mettre en lumière l’existence d’une régulation post-transcriptionnelle chez D. dadantii et de proposer des pistes concernant les acteurs et mécanismes concernés / Bacterial organisms are directly exposed to environmental conditions and have to respond to environmental stress. To do so, several regulation network are known. Recently, post transcriptional regulation with small RNAs was suggested to be a fast and cheap in energy regulation mechanism. In the phytopathogen Dickeya dadantii, investigations on pathogenic process mostly focused on its control by transcriptional regulators. Knowledge of post-transcriptional regulation of the virulence factors is still in its infancy.To this end, we first studied the impact of RNA chaperones in the virulence of D. dadantii and showed that they were involved in the regulation of several virulence factors, like production of cell wall degrading enzyme. Then, we developed a new method to detect sRNAs from paired-end bacterial RNA-seq data. This method take paired end sequencing into account, which allow the sequencing of the both ends of each fragment. A comparative assessment showed that this method outperforms all the existing methods in terms of sRNA detection and boundary precision. Finally, this method was applied to sequencing data. With this analysis, more than one thousand sRNAs has been detected, with the identification of several candidates potentially involved in virulence.Thereby, this work highlight the existence of post-transcriptionnal regulation in D. dadantii and suggest candidates and mechanisms involved in this regulation
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Étude de la régulation post-transcriptionnelle de l’expression des gènes par la protéine de liaison à l’ARN IMP-2 au cours de la myogenèse / Post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression by IMP-2 during myogenesis.Boudoukha, Selim 25 November 2011 (has links)
Les rhabdomyosarcomes embryonnaires et aléolaires (RMS) appartiennent aux tumeurs des tissus mous les plus fréquentes chez les enfants dont elles représentent 2/3 des cas. Plusieurs données suggèrent que la dérégulation des cellules progénitrices du muscle squelettique pourrait jouer un rôle dans l'émergence des cellules de RMS qui ont aussi bien perdu le contrôle de la régulation de la prolifération cellulaire que la capacité à se différencier.Néanmoins les mécanismes de développement des RMS restent à caractériser. La famille des IMPs et notamment IMP-2, protéines liant les ARN, sont à la fois fortement exprimées dans le muscle en régénération in vivo mais aussi dans les cellules de RMS.Au cours de ma thèse, j’ai pu mettre en évidence le rôle d’IMP-2 dans la motilité des cellules de RMS et dans les cellules musculaires ainsi que dans le contrôle de l’intégrité du cytosquelette de microtubules (MTs) et dans le remodelage des adhésions focales. En effet, IMP-2 est impliqué à la fois dans la régulation de l’expression de MuRF-3, une protéine lié àla stabilisation des MTs et de Pinch-2, un important médiateur de l’adhésion cellulaire. / The RNA-binding proteins IMPs (IGF-II mRNA binding protein) first discovered in rhabdomyosarcoma cells (RMS) are expressed during embryonic development but their expression is decreased in adult tissues.We showed that IMPs and particularly IMP-2 are strongly expressed in mouse myoblatsts, during early regeneration of skeletal muscle in vivo and in and RMS. IMP-2 loss of function experiments using siRNA have shown that IMP-2 is necessary for microtubules stability(MTs), cell motility and invasion of myoblasts and RMS.Expression of IMP-2 specifically increases MTs stability by an enrichment of detyrosinated tubulin Glu-tubulin. Detyrosination is indispensable for myogenic differentiation and plays substantial role in tumor growth. Additionaly, MTs stabilization play an important role in focal adhesion remodeling, in cytoskeleton integrity, cell adhesion and cell motility.To get new insight into molecular mechanism underlying the function of IMP-2 in MTs stability and cell motility, full ranscriptome analysis was performed between IMP-2 knockdown (KD) myoblasts and control myoblatsts. We have further shown that IMP-2 controls the mRNA levels of many important mediators of cell adhesion such as PINCH-2, as well as multiple cytoskeleton remodeling, such as MuRF-3.We have identified a number of functionally relevant protein partners of IMP-2.Moreover subsequent RNAi screens have revealed the importance of IMP-2 regulated transcripts involved in cell motility and cell adhesion In conclusion, we show that IMP-2 dependent regulation of mRNA such as MuRF3 and PINCH2 largely contributes to the motility –deficient in IMP-2 KD cells. Moreover these results indicate clearly, that further analysis of IMP2 protein partners and RNA targets regulated by IMP-2 will help to characterized the function of IMP-2 and to propose a model of IMP-2 transcriptional regulation of gene expression in myoblasts and RMS cells.
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Efeito da administração aguda de iodo na regulação da expressão do gene do co-transportador de sódio-iodeto (NIS) - estudo in vivo e in vitro. / Effect of acute iodine administration on the regulation of sodium-iodide symporter (NIS) gene expression in vivo and in vitro studies.Nascimento, Caroline Serrano do 19 November 2008 (has links)
O iodo em excesso promove o efeito Wolff-Chaikoff. Oligominerais já foram descritos como potenciais reguladores da expressão de proteínas. Tornou-se interessante avaliar se o iodo interferiria com a expressão do mRNA da NIS, em curtos períodos de tempo. Foram realizados, em ratos e células (de 30 min24h), estudos de expressão, comprimento de cauda poli-A e recrutamento para polissomos, do mRNA de NIS. Observou-se, in vivo e in vitro, que o excesso de iodo promoveu diminuição da expressão e do comprimento da cauda poli-A do mRNA de NIS, em todos os períodos estudados, além de promover menor recrutamento deste mRNA para os polissomos. A diminuição da cauda poli-A do mRNA de NIS pode ter aumentado sua instabilidade/degradação e também ter sido responsável por uma menor eficiência de tradução deste transcrito. Conclui-se que: (a) o iodo regula pós-transcricionalmente a expressão gênica da NIS, sendo fundamental nos processos que norteiam o efeito Wolff-Chaikoff e (b) oligoelementos têm relevância na regulação da expressão de proteínas relacionadas ao seu transporte. / Iodide in excess exerts the Wolff-Chaikoff effect. It is described that some minerals can regulate the expression of proteins. This study aimed to investigate if the iodide could modify the expression of NIS mRNA, in short periods of time. Rats and cells, divided in time-groups of 30 min up to 24h, were used in studies of expression, poly-A tale length and polysomal profile of NIS mRNA. Both in vivo and in vitro studies showed that the iodide treatment promoted a reduction in the expression and the poly-A length of NIS mRNA, in all time-groups, and decreased its recruitment to the polysomes. It is possible that the reduction of NIS mRNA poly-A tale length has increased the instability/degradation of this transcript, and impaired the translation efficiency of it. Concluding: a) the iodine exerts a post-transcriptional regulation of NIS mRNA expression, being essencial in the processes that guide the Wollf-Chaikoff effect; b) the oligoelements have an extremely important role in the expression regulation of proteins related to their transport.
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Étude de la régulation transcriptionnelle de Mlxipl par RFX6 et identification des gènes cibles dans les cellules bêta pancréatiques / Study of the transcriptional regulation of Mlxipl by RFX6 and identification of target genes in pancreatic beta cellsGrans, Julia 05 April 2019 (has links)
La fonction endocrine du pancréas est essentielle pour l'homéostasie du glucose parce que les îlots pancréatiques contiennent le seul type des cellules endocrines, nommées cellules bêta, qui sont capable de produire et sécréter de l’insuline. Le facteur de transcription RFX6, maintenu dans toutes les cellules endocrines matures, est essentiel pour le développement, l'identité et la fonction des cellules bêta. Chez l'homme, des mutations de RFX6 causent le syndrome de Mitchell-Riley, un trouble du développement caractérisé par un diabète néonatal et des malformations du système gastro-intestinal. La recherche des cibles de RFX6 dans les îlots murins a révélé que le facteur de transcription Mlxipl est directement régulé par RFX6. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié le mécanisme de la régulation transcriptionnelle de Mlxipl par RFX6 ainsi que les rôles de RFX6 et MLXIPL dans les cellules bêta adultes. Nous avons démontré que RFX6 se lie au premier intron de Mlxipl qui contient un motif de liaison (xbox) critique, et nous avons identifié les cofacteurs de ce processus. En comparant l’effet de la répression de Rfx6 et Mlxipl dans des milieux riches ou faibles en glucose dans la lignée cellulaire bêta Ins-1 832/13 sur le transcriptome, nous avons déterminé les programmes génétiques contrôlés par RFX6 et MLXIPL. / Pancreatic endocrine function is critical for glucose homeostasis because pancreatic islets contain the only cells of the body, the beta cells, capable of producing and secreting insulin. The transcription factor RFX6 is maintained in all mature islet cells and is as an essential regulator of beta cell development, identity and function. In humans, RFX6 mutations cause Mitchell-Riley syndrome, a developmental disorder characterized by neonatal diabetes and malformations of the digestive tract. The search for RFX6 targets in murine islets revealed that the transcription factor Mlxipl is directly regulated by RFX6. In this thesis, we investigated the mechanism of Mlxipl transcriptional regulation by RFX6, and the respective roles of RFX6 and its downstream target MLXIPL in adult beta cells. We demonstrated that RFX6 binds to the first intron of Mlxipl that contains a critical RFX binding motif (xbox), and we identified cofactors of this process. By comparing the changes in the transcriptomes linked to the loss of RFX6 or MLXIPL in the pancreatic beta cell line Ins-1 832/13 and the glucose level, we determined the genetic programs controlled by RFX6 and MLXIPL.
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