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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Case Study on Science Teacher Leadership to Address Diversity and Equity Through Professional Development

Doraiswamy, Nithya January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Undergraduate Identity Exploration Through the Arts: Increasing Self-Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity

Goodyear, Kathleen McMichael 18 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Adolescents' Self-Described Transformations and Their Alignment with Transformative Learning Theory

Larson, Katie Titus 02 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Transformative Learning within the Online Learning Environment: The Impact of Learners' Gender, Epistemological and Self-Efficacy Beliefs on Generation of Knowledge in Online Discussion Forums

Ongito, Ongoro J. 11 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Significance of Access: Students with Mobility Impairments Constructing Geoscience Knowledge Through Field-Based Learning Experiences

Atchison, Christopher Lawrence 22 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Universitetslärares upplevelse av att använda Canvas : En kvalitativ studie om att använda och lära sig använda en lärplattform / Higher education teachers’ experience of using Canvas : A qualitative study about the use and learning of a LMS

Lindkvist, Holly January 2021 (has links)
Den digitala lärplattformen Canvas introducerades på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan(KTH) 2016. De flesta lärare började använda plattformen 2017, men övergången till ett nytt system har sina svårigheter. Den här studien har undersökt vad som påverkar lärarnas användande av Canvas, samt hur lärarna har gått tillväga för att lära sig att använda verktyget. Målet med studien har varit att undersöka hur KTH kan utveckla stödet för lärarna och hur Canvas kan förbättras för att underlätta användandet. I studien har sju matematiklärare intervjuats om sina upplevelser. Urvalet gjordes målinriktat i syftet att belysa problemområden som kan upplevas av lärare, vilket därför speglas i resultaten. Samtliga intervjuer genomfördes strax innan KTH övergick till digitalundervisning i samband med covid-19-pandemin. Studien visar att att lärarna framförallt använder funktioner för att dela information och kommunicera med studenterna. Funktioner som är mer pedagogiska och integrerande används i mindre utsträckning. Fyra övergripande teman har identifierats som förklaringar för varför lärarnas användande ser ut som det gör: Inställning, Behov, Struktur och Tekniska svårigheter. Lärarnasinställning och behov gör att lärarna är mindre motiverade till att utöka sitt användande och lära sig mer om Canvas. Systemets struktur och tekniska svårigheter utgjorde ytterligare hinder som gav lärarna en negativ upplevelse, bland annat hade de svårt att navigera och komma igång med att använda plattformen. Lärarna lärde sig framförallt att använda systemet genom att testa sig fram, och många av de hjälpfunktioner som finns var sparsamt använda. Detta berodde till viss del på att lärarna inte kände till vissa hjälpfunktioner, men även på att lärarna inte var motiverade att lära sig mer än det nödvändigaste. Utifrån studien rekommenderas att KTH minskar tröskeln för att börja använda Canvas genom att exempelvis utveckla mallar som lärarna får tillgång till och kan använda. Om det är önskvärt att lärarna använder fler av Canvas funktionalitet rekommenderas även att man jobbar med lärarnas motivation och drivkrafter så att de blir villiga att utveckla sitt arbete och lära sig mer. Att införa utbildningar kan vara ett sätt, men då måste de vara utformade efter lärarnas behov. Slutligen rekommenderas att utföra användartester för att undersöka vad som gör att vissa lärare upplever att verktyget är svårt att använda. / The learning management system Canvas was introduced at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in 2016. Most teachers began using the platform in 2017, however the transition to a new system has its difficulties. This study has examined what influences teachers’ use of Canvas and which method they used to learn how to use the tool. The aim of the study has been to investigate how KTH can develop support for teachers and how Canvas usability can be improved. Seven teachers in mathematics were interviewed about their experiences. The interviewees were selected to highlight problem areas that can be experienced by teachers, which is therefore reflected in the results. All interviews were conducted shortly before KTH switched to digital education inconnection with the covid-19 pandemic. The study shows that teachers primarily use functions to share information and communicate with students. Functions that are more educational and interactive were less used. Four themes have been identified as explanations: Attitude, Needs, Structure and Technical Difficulties. Teachers’ attitudes and needs influence the teachers' motivation to expand their use and learn more about Canvas. The system’s structure and technical difficulties constituted additional obstacles that gave the teachers a negative experience. Among other things, the teachers had difficulty navigating and getting started with the platform. The teachers mostly learned how to use the system by trial and error, and many of the help functions were not used. This was partly because several of the teachers were oblivious to the existence of some of the help functions, but also because the teachers were not motivated to learn more than necessary. Based on the study, it is recommended that KTH reduces the threshold for starting to use Canvas. They could, for example, develop accessible templates that teachers can use in the beginning. If it is desirable to make teachers use more of Canvas functionality, it is also recommended that KTH work with the teachers’ motivation and drive so that they are willing to develop their work and increase learning. Formal education could be a way, however it must be designed according to the needs of the teachers. Finally, it is recommended to perform user tests to explore how the usability can be improved.

Transformer les pratiques professionnelles vis-à-vis des personnes prestataires de l’aide sociale : développement participatif et évaluation d’une formation continue en cabinet dentaire

Lévesque, Martine C. 01 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente thèse est de générer des connaissances sur les contributions possibles d’une formation continue à l’évolution des perspectives et pratiques des professionnels de la santé buccodentaire. Prônant une approche centrée sur le patient, la formation vise à sensibiliser les professionnels à la pauvreté et à encourager des pratiques qui se veulent inclusives et qui tiennent compte du contexte social des patients. L’évaluation de la formation s’inscrit dans le contexte d’une recherche-action participative de développement d’outils éducatifs et de transfert des connaissances sur la pauvreté. Cette recherche-action aspire à contribuer à la lutte contre les iniquités sociales de santé et d’accès aux soins au Québec; elle reflète une préoccupation pour une plus grande justice sociale ainsi qu’une prise de position pour une santé publique critique fondée sur une « science des solutions » (Potvin, 2013). Quatre articles scientifiques, ancrés dans une philosophie constructiviste et dans les concepts et principes de l’apprentissage transformationnel (Mezirow, 1991), constituent le cœur de cette thèse. Le premier article présente une revue critique de la littérature portant sur l’enseignement de l’approche de soins centrés sur le patient. Prenant appui sur le concept d’une « épistémologie partagée », des principes éducatifs porteurs d’une transformation de perspective à l’égard de la relation professionnel-patient ont été identifiés et analysés. Le deuxième article de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du développement participatif d’outils de formation sur la pauvreté et illustre le processus de co-construction d’un scénario de court-métrage social réaliste portant sur la pauvreté et l’accès aux soins. L’article décrit et apporte une réflexion, notamment sur la dimension de co-formation entre les différents acteurs des milieux académique, professionnel et citoyen qui ont constitué le collectif À l’écoute les uns des autres. Nous y découvrons la force du croisement des savoirs pour générer des prises de conscience sur soi et sur ses préjugés. Les outils développés par le collectif ont été intégrés à une formation continue axée sur la réflexion critique et l’apprentissage transformationnel, et conçue pour être livrée en cabinet dentaire privé. Les deux derniers articles de thèse présentent les résultats d’une étude de cas instrumentale évaluative centrée sur cette formation continue et visant donc à répondre à l’objectif premier de cette thèse. Le premier consiste en une analyse des transformations de perspectives et d’action au sein d’une équipe de 15 professionnels dentaires ayant participé à la formation continue sur une période de trois mois. L’article décrit, entre autres, une plus grande ouverture, chez certains participants, sur les causes structurelles de la pauvreté et une plus grande sensibilité au vécu au quotidien des personnes prestataires de l’aide sociale. L’article comprend également une exploration des effets paradoxaux dans l’apprentissage, notamment le renforcement, chez certains, de perceptions négatives à l’égard des personnes prestataires de l’aide sociale. Le quatrième article fait état de barrières idéologiques contraignant la transformation des pratiques professionnelles : 1) l’identification à l’idéologie du marché privé comme véhicule d’organisation des soins; 2) l’attachement au concept d’égalité dans les pratiques, au détriment de l’équité; 3) la prédominance du modèle biomédical, contraignant l’adoption de pratiques centrées sur la personne et 4) la catégorisation sociale des personnes prestataires de l’aide sociale. L’analyse des perceptions, mais aussi de l’expérience vécue de ces barrières démontre comment des facteurs systémiques et sociaux influent sur le rapport entre professionnel dentaire et personne prestataire de l’aide sociale. Les conséquences pour la recherche, l’éducation dentaire, le transfert des connaissances, ainsi que pour la régulation professionnelle et les politiques de santé buccodentaire, sont examinées à partir de cette perspective. / This thesis aims to generate knowledge on how a continuing education course might contribute to the evolution of oral health professionals’ perspectives and practices. Promoting patient centered care, the course aims to sensitize professionals to poverty issues and to encourage socially inclusive practices that take into account the social context of patients. The course evaluation is nested within a participatory action research project aimed at developing educational and knowledge transfer tools to sensitize oral health professionals to poverty issues and Our research strives to contribute to the fight against social inequities in health and in access to care in Québec; it is grounded in our intent for greater social justice and reflects our belief in the importance of a critical public health founded on a « science of solutions » (Potvin, 2013). Four scientific articles, grounded in constructivism and in the concepts and principles of transformative learning theory (Mezirow, 1991), constitute the heart of this thesis. The first presents a critical review of the literature on health professional education for patient-centered care. We focus on the concept of shared epistemology as a foundation for patient-centered care and determine and analyse the educational principles allowing for its development in students and practitioners. Our second article, located within the participatory developmental process, delves into the co-construction of a social realist screenplay portraying poverty and issues of access to dental care. The article examines and reflects on the participatory processes, in particular the co-learning that took place among the partners involved in writing the screenplay and in producing the educational tools on poverty. We discover the potency of shared knowledge among professionals, citizens, educators and academics for enhancing reflection on bias and perspective taking. The educational tools developed have been integrated into an onsite credited continuing education course on poverty and oral health, privileging critical reflection, founded on transformative learning theory, and integrating dimensions of person-centered care. The results of an instrumental case study among the 15 members of a dental team having participated in the course constitute the last two articles of the thesis. The first describes and analyzes the new meanings and actions among course participants, emphasizing shifts in thinking about the causes of poverty, about life on welfare, about certain patient behaviors and about the participants themselves. New actions refer to changes made in verbal and non-verbal communication and appointment giving policy. The article also examines unanticipated and paradoxical effects of learning, such as the reinforcement of certain beliefs. The final thesis article presents the case study results in terms of the participants’ experience of their workplace ideologies and how these constitute obstacles or objections to learning or to making practice or policy changes. These ideologies include 1) identification with a for-profit and private market oral health care system; 2) “equal treatment”, a belief constraining concern for equity and the recognition of discriminatory practices; 3) a predominantly biomedical orientation to care; and 4) stereotypical categorization of publically insured patients into « deserving » vs. « non-deserving » poor. This knowledge contributes to our understanding of systemic influences on professionals’ practices and interactions with patients living on welfare. We discuss implications for research, dental education and knowledge translation, as well as in terms of oral health policy and oral health professional regulation.

UNSETTLED embodying transformative learning and intersectionality in higher education: popular theatre as research with international graduate students

Etmanski, Catherine 14 September 2007 (has links)
This dissertation documents an action-oriented, arts-based doctoral study that used popular theatre to investigate graduate students’ experiences at the University of Victoria (UVic) in Canada. The research question asks, what are the contradictions between the welcoming multicultural discourses of Canada and the experiences of international graduate students? This question is explored with a total of twenty-four graduate students, representing fourteen countries, including Canada, and ten departments across campus. These students participated in pilot work, interviews, focus groups, in-depth theatre workshops, and a public performance entitled, UNSETTLED. The process of creating interactive forum theatre with six graduate students and one student’s infant is outlined in depth, as is performance at UVic on November 8, 2006. The community impact of UNSETTLED and the researcher and actors’ learning-healing experiences are highlighted. The key contributions of this research are practical, theoretical, and methodological. Practically, this research contributes to the ongoing dialogue and concrete efforts around already identified challenges of internationalization. The outcome is an entirely student-driven effort that is unique both in content (due to the graduate student perspective represented) and in form (theatre). Theoretically, this research contributes to the areas of transformative learning and intersectionality. These theoretical insights reposition the ‘international student’ from being a person solely in need of services, to being one of many potential agents of change. An intersectional analysis points to a need to simultaneously address the diverse struggles of other graduate students, staff, administrators, and faculty in increasingly globalized universities and communities. Methodologically, this study expresses the catalytic and dialogical power of the intersection of research with art, education, community development, and activism, contributing to the fields of both arts-based research and action-oriented, participatory research and the places where these overlap.

The long-term weight maintenance narratives of women following their participation in an integrative, transactional analysis, non-diet programme

Kark, Maureen 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / In order to address the paucity of knowledge in regard to the psychological and physiological processes associated with lifelong weight loss (>20 years), this study adopts a qualitative approach informed by phenomenology to explore the experience of lifelong weight loss and maintenance of women who participated in the ITAND Programme. The research questions guiding the exploration of the current research are: (i) Which strategies from the ITAND Programme do women perceive as assisting with initial weight loss? (ii) What are the processes mediating lifelong weight loss? (iii) What strategies and skills mediate the maintenance of lifelong weight loss? (iv) What feelings or beliefs motivate women to continue attempts to lose weight after experiencing multiple failures on diets? and (v) Which psychological, cognitive and behavioural processes are identified as mediating lifelong weight loss? Eight overweight and obese women were invited to write their narratives and engage in interviews in regard to exploring their relationships with food, their bodies and their weight, after a period of more than 20 years following their participation in an integrative, transactional analysis, anti-diet programme (the ITAND Programme). Narratives were used to explore their beliefs about constructs, processes and strategies mediating long-term weight loss maintenance. The participants’ narratives and interviews were analysed through applying narrative analysis and interpretive phenomenological analysis. In addition to a non-diet paradigm, four processes definingweight loss maintenance were identified, including the adult learning process of transformative learning, the psychological process of transactional analysis, the physiological process of intuitive eating and the cognitive-behavioural processes relating to weight loss maintenance. This study contributes an integrative, transactional analysis, non-diet treatment model (ITAND model) which is enabled by the processes of transformative learning, intuitive eating and cognitive-behaviour modification to the successful long- term treatment of overweight and obesity. This model may be applied in whole or in part in a primary health care or community context. The findings of this study may be used to inform future research into the development and implementation of non-diet weight loss maintenance interventions in the treatment of overweight andobesity. / Psychology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)

Disseminating Nature-based Thinking across Local and Global Networks : the case study of Turin (IT), CONEXUS (H2020, grant agreement n. 867564)

Pastorello, Mariangela January 2022 (has links)
Nature-based Solutions (NBS) are currently considered among the most effective tools available to city administrations and urban planners to tackle the negative effects of climate change.This umbrella concept comprises a large set of different low-impact technical solutions that are inspired/supported, or copied, from nature. NBS are particularly valued as they can help cities foster sustainability and enhance resilience, while providing social benefits and new economic opportunities. NBShave been selected as a priority by the European Commission.Existing literature does not provide a clear, unique definition of NBS nor sufficient empirical support to demonstrate long-term change in communities and affected territories, particularly for participatory actions, as these are often difficult to analyse, measure, and assess. Adapting NBS-based strategies to local contexts is always a challenge – not only in terms of physical interventions, but particularly in terms of creating common understanding and long-term impact. Yet, dissemination activities, exchanges and debates across local and global actors are often considered as ‘collateral’.Starting from these premises, the study investigates the role of communication across local and global networks in NBS projects to explore which elements favour or hinder collaboration and knowledge creation, looking for possible seeds of transformation that might go undetected due to their intangible, non-quantifiable nature.Through a case study and a set of qualitative interviews, the challenges of understanding and adopting NBS will be tackled among the local and the global, revealing the importance of transdisciplinarity and a set of enabling conditions to facilitate transformative learning, and the role of flexible, adaptable participatory approaches to enhance collaborative open innovation. Possible ways forward and challenges towards forms of participatory governance will also be included.The analysis is clustered per themes to investigate the dynamics of dissemination activities, living lab settings and collaboration among international partners, as well as the overall influence of the European dimension; it ends with challenges and opportunities for the future of living labs and collaboration after the closure of the project. Meaningful examples and best practices shared by the2interviewees will guide the analysis. Additional topics and concerns as expressed freely by the participants will be outlined.As outlined in the closing section, reiteration of concepts and multiple opportunities to learn, experience and exchange about NBS are needed at local and global level. To support such collaborative effort, it takes one or more skilled facilitators as well as project frameworks to enable cross-sectoral collaboration and spontaneous inputs, towards innovative, long-lasting strategies to contribute in the global battle against climate change in cities.In the conclusions, through experiences and suggestions from the participants, possible strategies and actions will be reported, inviting for further transdisciplinary research by highlighting how intangible and practical items contribute to nature-based thinking. As to say: “to be inspired by natural processes in all aspects of urban development to create more holistic approaches to sustainable cities'' (Randrup, et al., 2020, p. 2).

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