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Readiness or resistance? : Newly arrived adult migrants' experiences, meaning making, and learning in SwedenAbdulla, Afrah January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is about newly arrived adult migrants’ meaning making and learning in Swedish society during the two years’ introduction period, after they have received the residence permit. I have specifically studied Arabic speaking adults’ meaning making and learning, by carrying out observations and individual in-depth interviews with 12 migrants. The introduction period consists mainly of three so called introduction measures; the civic orientation course, Swedish for immigrants (SFI), and different work related activities, such as internship at different work places. The results show that etablering is about shaping the newly arrived adult migrants into ”good” citizens, through the introduction measures, among other things in the civic orientation course, which is regulated through the policy documents, and which so to say provides meaning to the newly arrived. The “good” citizen has some specific characteristics, which, roughly, are that he or she is independent (and advocates individuality), free, equality thinking, secularized, law-abiding (which includes being honest), responsible, and a “good” parent. These characteristics are expressed in different ways in the civic orientation course, for instance through the course material. The Swedish society is described as something desirable, and different from what is implied to be ”Arabic” values and ways of thinking. The idea of the “good” citizen appears to aim at constructing the adult migrants’ (and their families’) identity, something which many of the study’s respondents make a resistance to. As concerns the migrant’s new experiences, it is, for example, those which the migrant get through the contact with the Swedish Public Employment Service (SPES) that affect the meaning making in the new society. The meaning which most of the respondents have made of the SPES’s measures for them is that this authority only offers “prepackaged” solutions, and does not provide the help or support that they need. Also the experiences which the migrant has in the civic orientation course, and the meaning which ”old” migrants give to him or her, play a role when he or she makes meaning of Sweden and Swedes, and of his or her new life situation. Further, it has been shown that it is those experiences that the adult individual has been socialized through, and those which he or she has gained through work or education in his or her country of origin, which affect his or her meaning making in Sweden. It is mostly values which concern child upbringing and religion that lead to a certain understanding and construction of one’s new life. These values, when related to the values which are included in the ”good” citizen idea, also lead to either a resistance or a readiness towards the meaning giving that is embedded in the ”good” citizen notion. / Denna studie handlar om nyanlända vuxna migranters meningsskapande och lärande i det svenska samhället under deras tvååriga introduktionsperiod, efter att de har fått uppehållstillstånd. Jag har specifikt studerat arabisktalande vuxnas meningsskapande och lärande, genom observationer och enskilda djupintervjuer med 12 nyanlända. Introduktionsperioden består främst av tre s.k. etableringsinsatser; kursen i samhällsorientering, svenska för invandrare (SFI) samt olika arbetsrelaterade och arbetsfrämjande insatser, såsom praktik på olika arbetsplatser. Resultatet visar att etablering handlar om att forma de vuxna nyanlända till ”goda” medborgare, genom etableringsinsatserna, bl.a. i samhällsorienteringskursen, som regleras genom policydokumenten, och som s.a.s. tillhandahåller mening för de nyanlända. Den ”goda” medborgaren har vissa specifika kännetecken, vilka, i grova drag, är att han eller hon är självständig (och förespråkar individualitet), fri, jämlikhetstänkande, sekulariserad, laglydig (vilket inkluderar ärlig), ansvarsfull, och en ”god” förälder. Dessa karaktärsdrag kommer på olika sätt till uttryck i samhällsorienteringskursen, exempelvis genom kursmaterialet. Det svenska samhället framställs då också som något eftersträvansvärt, och skilt från det som antyds vara ”arabiska” värderingar och tänkesätt. Föreställningen om den ”goda” medborgaren verka syfta till att konstruera den vuxna nyanländas (och dennas familjs) identitet, något som många av studiens respondenter gör motstånd mot. Vad gäller migrantens nya erfarenheter, är det exempelvis de som migranten har fått genom kontakt med Arbetsförmedlingen som påverkar meningsskapandet i det nya samhället. Den mening som de flesta av respondenterna har gjort om Arbetsförmedlingens insatser för dem är att denna myndighet enbart erbjuder dem ”förpaketerade” lösningar, och inte tillhandahåller den hjälp eller det stöd som de behöver. Även erfarenheter som migranten gör i samhällsorienteringskursen, samt den mening som ”gamla” migranter förmedlar till honom eller henne, spelar roll för hur vederbörande skapar mening om Sverige och svenskar, och om sin nya livssituation. Dessutom har det visat sig att det är de erfarenheter som den vuxna har blivit socialiserad genom, samt de som han eller hon har fått genom utbildning eller arbete i ursprungslandet, som påverkar migrantens meningsskapande i Sverige. Det är främst värderingar som är knutna till barnuppfostran och religion som leder till en viss förståelse och konstruktion av ens nya liv. Dessa värderingar leder också, när de stöts mot de värderingar som ingår i föreställningen om den ”goda” medborgaren, antingen till ett motstånd mot eller en beredvillighet inför det meningsgivande som ingår i den ”goda” medborgaren.
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From Xwelítem ways towards practices of ethical being in Stó:lō Téméxw: a narrative approach to transforming intergenerational white settler subjectivitiesHeaslip, Robyn 02 January 2018 (has links)
What must we transform in ourselves as white settlers to become open to the possibility of ethical, respectful, authentic relationships with Indigenous peoples and Indigenous lands? Situating this research in Stó:lō Téméxw (Stó:lō lands/world) and in relationships with Stó:lō people, this question has become an effort to understand what it means to be xwelítem and how white settlers might transform xwelítem ways of being towards more ethical ways of being. Xwelítem is a Halq’eméylem concept used by Stó:lō people which translates as the hungry, starving ones, and is often used to refer to ways of being many Stó:lō associate with white settler colonial society, past and present. Drawing on insights and wisdom of Stó:lō and settler mentors I consider three aspects of xwelítem ways of being. First, to be xwelítem is to erase Stó:lō presence, culture and nationhood, colonial history and contemporary colonial realities of Indigenous oppression and dispossession, and settler privilege. Second, being xwelítem means attempting to dominate, control, and repress those who are painted as “inferior” in dominant cultural narratives, it means plugging into racist colonial narratives and stereotypes. Third, being xwelítem is to be hungry and greedy, driven by consumption and lacking respect, reverence and reciprocity for the land. Guided by Indigenous and decolonizing methodologies, critical place inquiry, narrative therapy, and autoethnography, I shape three narratives that speak to each aspect of being xwelítem, looking back towards its roots and forward towards pathways of transformation. I draw on interviews and experiences with Stó:lō and settler mentors, personal narratives, family history, and literature from critical Indigenous studies, anti-colonial theory, settler colonial studies, analytic psychology, and critical race theory.
I aim to share what I have learned from rather than about Stó:lō culture, stories, teachings, and practices as these have been shared in relationships and as they have pushed me towards seeing anew myself and my family, communities, histories, and cultures. I have also walked this path as I have become a mom, and the co-alignment of these journeys has meant a focus on my role as a parent in recognizing and intervening with becoming/being xwelítem as it influences my daughter. I specifically center the space of intergenerational parent-child relationships and intimate family experiences as a deep influence on developing white settler subjectivities, and therefore also a relational space of profound transformative potential. I end with a call for settlers to offer our gifts towards the wellbeing of the land and Indigenous peoples through cycles of reciprocity as a basis for ethical relationships. Transforming white settler subjectivities is situated within the broader vision of participating in co-resistance, reparations and restitution, of bringing about justice and harmony, which inherently involves supporting the self-determination and resurgence of Indigenous peoples. / Graduate
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Planning and governance for blended pedagogies and engagement of knowledge economy for South Africa's national development agendaRamoroka, Tlou Millicent January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. (Administration)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / The thesis drew from a combination of phenomenology, interactionism and critical theories because South Africa in itself consists of a polity with national dynamics, within the matrices of globality in which connectivity plays a determining role, especially in terms of the capacity to competitively participate in the global knowledge economy. Guided by reading collectively and critically from the economic, physical development, policy analysis, interpretative as well as collaboration planning approaches, among others, and the mono-centric, multilevel and adaptive models of governance, the thesis constructed a conceptual argument that the primate enablers for modernized infrastructure, skills and culture attached to the preconditions for blended pedagogies, are modernized planning and governance. However, the attainment of planning, governance, infrastructure and skills is in itself inadequate to inculcate the culture necessary for the integration of elearning with conventional didactics. This observation is confirmed through international experiences that involve the developed countries that are in the very high and high Human Development Index (HDI) categories such as Australia, Poland and Korea as well as Thailand, Brazil and Algeria, respectively, where the presence of planning, governance, infrastructure and skills has not automatically precipitated a culture required for blended pedagogies. This evidence does not seek to underplay the significance of planning, governance, infrastructure and skills in the integration of e-learning with conventional didactics, but the thesis has established that the existence of modernized planning, governance, infrastructure and skills are a necessary, rather than a sufficient, condition.
From the literature review, the thesis deduces that e-culture is a virtually sufficient condition for the establishment of blended pedagogies. Hence, variables such as GDP per Capita, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Average Annual Growth of General Government Final Consumption Expenditure, Research and Development Expenditure and Public Expenditure on Education, that demonstrate the level of human development of a country, do not necessarily reflect capacity to enable the establishment of blended pedagogies. Such conditions do not always coexist with pre-eminence of communication using Internet and/or Mobile Phones, characteristic of the “Net Generation Culture”. The
latter, as a specific form of e-culture, is heavily dependent on infrastructure and skills which are, among others things, reflected in Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Employment to Population Ratio, Labour Force Participation Rate, Labour Force with Tertiary Education, Total Electrification Rate as well as Employment to Population Ratio. The observation made above is corroborated by the experiences of developing countries such as Vietnam, Zambia and Kenya, which are in the medium and low HDI categories, wherein the absence of appropriate and adequate infrastructure, skills and e-culture together with planning and governance imperil the evolution of the national culture into that of the “Net Natives”.
From an empirical perspective, consistent with the hybridization of philosophy, the thesis conveniently selected a target population that consisted of a total of 15 countries, wherein 14 of these observations provide a backdrop against which South Africa’s relative readiness and appropriateness of planning, governance, infrastructure, culture and skills for blended pedagogies are determined. A combination of purposive and quota sampling procedures was adopted to select the 15 countries across the four HDI categories. The 15 countries are classified in terms of the 2015 United Nations Development Programme HDI conceptions, which produced four levels of “very high”, “high”, “medium” and “low”. A total of 28 variables were selected for Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The thesis used secondary data sources for textual and empirical data, where the latter was largely drawn from the United Nations Development Programme Reports. The textual data were analysed qualitatively through thorough descriptions, classification and drawing of connections, the statistical data were organized into a 15 (observations) by 28 (variables) raw data matrix and analysed through the PCA. Verbal tools were used to provide thick descriptions of contexts regarding historical, social, demographic and economic backgrounds in order to situate the motive underlying the planning and governance of blending e-learning pedagogies with conventional didactics in South Africa. From a quantitative perspective, PCA was used for statistical modelling that standardized the data and produced a variety of useful statistical summaries such as Principal Components, Eigenvalues, Communalities, Correlation Matrix, Component Loadings, Component Scores and Scattergrams.
Given that the raw data consisted of 15 observations by 28 variables, a 28 by 28 variables correlation matrix was generated. Of the 378 correlations that the thesis discovered, 183 are direct and 195 are indirect. However, 276 of the 378 relationships are negligible; only 102 correlations were strong and significant enough to deserve closer examination. Principal Component Analysis extracted a total of 15 Principal Components; and, the first seven according to the thesis, accounted for the cumulative percentage of 92% in the interrelationships. Furthermore, it is evident that Principal Component 1 consists of the characteristics of Modernized, Planning, Governance, Infrastructure, Skills and Culture, which are diametrically different from the Frustrated Development, Unsustainable State Intervention and Societal Inequalities, Limiting e-infrastructure, e-skills Constraint, Muted Development Potential and the Non-existent e-culture that are associated with the rest. Given the significance and strength of the eigenvalue and component loadings on Principal Component (PC) 1, it should signify the presence of enabling environments for e-infrastructure, e-governance, e-culture and e-skills consistent with modernized planning and governance of blended pedagogies. Therefore, a country that scores negatively on PC 1 and positively on PC 2 would represent a society that is far less prepared for blended pedagogies where an unrelenting state investment for e-infrastructure, e-governance, eskills and e-culture would translate into a replacement behaviour rather than integration of conventional didactics with digital technologies. This infers that the status of governance, infrastructure, skills and culture would remain less optimal for the adoption of blended pedagogies. For such countries, investing heavily in blended pedagogies without first creating the requisite conditions for engagement in the global knowledge economy would imply that they would have sought to exploit non-existent capacity in governance, infrastructure, skills and culture.
South Africa's component score on PC 1 is -0.58, which would in terms of the analysis mean that this country lacks the character of modernized planning, governance, infrastructure, skills and culture that are necessary for engendering blended pedagogies. Countries such as Norway, Australia, Poland, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and Sri Lanka that have variably trotted the blended pedagogies score positively on PC 1. Besides,
some of these countries have not been successful in blended pedagogies, notwithstanding their apparent enabling environments. Conversely, South Africa's component score on PC 2 is extraordinarily higher than all of the 14 countries; and, it is 2.15 points higher than the nearest score. It is important to recognize that South Africa's score on PC 2 is an extreme case and a virtual outlier that has no connection to the rest of the fourteen countries, especially those in the Medium and Low HDI. Overall, South Africa's component scores highlight the relative dearth of appropriate planning, governance, infrastructure, skills and culture, that are necessary for the adoption of blended pedagogies. Whereas the thesis finds that there is no direct correlation between the level of human development and adoption of blended pedagogies, the latter appears to be a result of convoluted processes that involve the creation of enablers for e-culture largely through planning, governance, infrastructure, skills and culture. These qualities are embedded with societal equality, equity of access to services, capital formation, employment, education as well as Internet infrastructure. The thesis therefore, concludes that South Africa's potential for human development is derailed through endless planning that has become an end in itself. Planning for its own sake, which defines South Africa's democratic history, means that modernized governance, skills and e-culture that are necessary for blended pedagogies have remained substandard.
The thesis establishes that South Africa’s national as well as Information and Communication Technology (ICT) planning demonstrates ambition and interest, which is however pursued in the absence of effective governance of implementation and adoption of appropriate educational technologies. Evidently, South Africa is yet to attain modernized planning, governance, skills and culture appropriate for the implementation of blended pedagogies, notwithstanding the infrastructure provided in some of the schools for teaching and learning. Instead, South Africa’s pedagogic digital transformation is characterized by replacement of conventional didactics with e-learning rather than integration for blended pedagogies. Therefore, this evidence suggests that, although South Africa’s educational ICT infrastructure seems to be relatively modernized, the absence of appropriate and adequate planning, governance, skills and e-culture impairs the successful implementation of blended learning. The thesis, therefore, recommends
that adoption of blended pedagogies should be supported through the creation of eculture in households, underwritten by modernized planning, governance, infrastructure and skills for competitive participation in the global knowledge economy.
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Utveckling av förslag till en hållbarhetsutbildning för anställda vid ett pappersbruk / Proposal of a sustainability education for paper mill staffHörnlund, Ewa January 2019 (has links)
SCA, Sveriges Cellulosa AB, är Europas största privata skogsägare med flera verksamheter belägna i norra Sverige. Ortvikens pappersbruk är en av SCA:s verksamheter och är ett pappersbruk som tillverkar bestruket och obestruket tryckpapper från mekanisk massa. SCA och Ortvikens Pappersbruk arbetar kontinuerligt för en hållbar utveckling och har, likt all skogsindustri i Sverige, lyckats minskat sin belastning på miljön kraftigt sedan 60-talet. Företagets ledning anser att öka kunskap och medvetenhet hos personalen kan minska fabrikens belastning på miljön. Därför vill Ortvikens pappersbruk erbjuda personalen en hållbarhetsutbildning med miljöfokus för att höja kompetens och engagemang kring miljöfrågor. Detta går i linje med vad FN:s organisation för utbildning, vetenskap och kultur (UNESCO) framhäver, att utbildning som främjar hållbar utveckling krävs för att nå FN:s globala mål för hållbar utveckling. UNESCO har tagit fram mål för lärande för hållbar utveckling (LHU) med syftet att individer ska utveckla kompetenser som anses viktiga för att agera ansvarsfullt ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv.Arbetets syfte är att utforma ett underlag till en hållbarhetsutbildning med miljöfokus till Ortvikens Pappersbruk. Detta görs genom en undersökning som inkluderar intervjuer och enkäter, som besvarar de didaktiska frågorna för vem, hur och vad. Innan undersökningen genomfördes en förstudie som skapade en bild av fabrikens verksamhet och gav förutsättningar till undersökningen. Eftersom utbildningen riktas till vuxna och har som mål att öka hållbarhetskompetenser har vuxnas lärande och LHU varit en teoretiskt grund till arbetet.I undersökningen framkom det att utbildningen bör vara flexibel och gärna i form av en e-utbildning, men även att personalen lär sig bäst genom diskussion. Personalen har varierande erfarenhet av utbildning, då högsta avslutade utbildningsnivå varierar från grundskola till universitet. Personalen har även varierande förkunskaper när det kommer till hållbarhets- och miljöfrågor. Av den anledningen rekommenderas utbildningen börja med en introduktion till miljöproblem och hållbar utveckling. Några av de hållbarhetskompetenser UNESCO beskriver framkom i undersökningen, däribland systemtänkande kompetens, självreflekterande kompetens, förutseendekompetens samt samarbetskompetens. Dessa har på olika sätt inkluderats i utbildningen.Utbildningen föreslås vara uppdelad i 6 olika moment där de första 5 momenten är e-utbildning och det sista är ett avslutande diskussionstillfälle. Utbildningen behandlar: 1. Introduktion till miljöproblem och hållbar utveckling 2. SCA:s hållbarhetsmål och hållbarhetsarbete 3. Hur kemikalier och utsläpp påverkar vår natur 4. Sundsvalls och fabrikens historia ur ett miljöperspektiv 5. Ortviken som ett kretslopp 6. Avslutande diskussion och Workshop. / SCA is one of the biggest private forest owners in Europe and includes different mills in the north of Sweden, where Ortviken Paper mill, a pulp and paper factory, is one of these. Ortviken Paper mill produce publication paper from its own mechanical pulp and have both uncoated qualities and LWC-paper. SCA and Ortviken Paper mill works continuously towards a sustainable development and have lower their impact on the environment considerably over the last decades, just as all forestry in Sweden. The company’s management want to offer their staff a sustainability education with focus on environmental aspects to rise the staff’s competence in sustainability. Rise sustainability competencies is in line with what UNESCO (United Nation Education Science and Culture Organisation) highlights, education is crucial if we want to reach the global sustainable development goals. UNESCO have developed goals for ESD, education for sustainable development, with aim that individuals should develop competences which is considered important to act responsible in a sustainable manner in complex situations.The aim with this work is to design a sustainability education with an environmental focus to Ortviken Paper Mill. To do so, a pre-study and a survey have been done. The pre-study was an observation and created a picture of the mills activities and was a basis for the survey. The survey included interviews and a questionnaire which have been analysed thematically. Since the education is directed to adults and its goal is to rise the staff’s competence in environmental questions, adult education and ESD is chosen as a theoretical basis to the work.It was relieved in the survey that the education should be flexible, preferable designed as an e-learning and the staff learns best through discussion and communications with others. It also relieved that the staff’s experiences of education differ from elementary school to university, and that their knowledge about environmental issues and sustainable development varies. For the content in the education, it relieved in the survey that system thinking, chemicals and emissions impact on nature, and what individuals can do to lower the mills emissions as important or interesting. Since the staff’s knowledge varies and according to the chosen theory, an introduction about environmental issues and sustainable development is highly recommended. The education suggests being divided into six different parts, where the first five are designed as e-learning and the last part is a concluding discussion meeting. The parts in the education suggest focussing on: (i) Introduction to environmental issues and sustainable development (ii) SCA: s sustainability goals (iii) Chemicals and emissions impact on nature (iv) Sundsvall and the paper mills history from an environmental view (v) Ortviken as a cycle (vi) Concluding discussion and Workshop
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Researching Critical Incidents of TransformationScheele, Paul R. 26 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Evolving Learning: Educators’ Inner Experiences of Engaging in Service-Learning with UndergraduatesMeixner, Cara January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Automation and Autonomy : Developing and Evaluating Open Learning Material on IR Cameras in Automation Applications / Automation och AutonomiAhlberg, Victor, Frid, Julia January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis project was based on the development and evaluation of an open learning material in thermal imaging for automation applications. The outsourcer – FLIR Systems – wanted a three-day course covering all necessary topics for infrared cameras in automation applications. These topics include thermography, optics, detectors, networks, protocols, and more. The open learning material was designed to function as a three-day, self-paced, distance course, and it was based on theories of andragogy, self-directed learning and transformative learning. The master thesis process was essentially divided into two phases: the development phase and the evaluation phase. The method for the development phase was based on a literature study. The literature on creating open learning material included ways of compensating for the lack of social interaction in distance courses, such as a friendly, warm narrator using the pronoun “I”, encouraging phrases, and self-assessment questions (SAQs). An SAQ is a framing of question intended to guide the learner towards self-assessment of his or her learning and knowledge. The vital part of the SAQ is the response, where not only the correct answer is given, but feedback on the wrong choices too. The development of the open learning material was an iterative process where discussion with supervisors at FLIR Systems and KTH Royal Institute of Technology led to improvements of the material. The evaluation phase consisted of two tests with test subjects. The first test was conducted by sending a sample unit of the material to test subjects around the world along with a questionnaire. The main objective was to test the tone and style of the material. There were variations in the result, but the majority found the material friendly and readable. The second test was an in-house test with three participants. Three sample units of the material was used, and the main objective was to test the usability of the material and the test subjects’ perceived learning process. The usability of the material varied with the three test subjects and depended on their technological prerequisites and reading comprehension in English. All test subjects responded positively to their perceived learning outcome. The following conclusions were drawn: the open learning material has the potential to promote autonomous and self-directed learners and can be used as a basis for further development – such as web-based courses and teacher-led classes. The open learning material as a whole and the results and analysis from the tests are included as appendices. / Detta examensarbete baserades på utveckling och utvärdering av ett öppet läromedel i termografi för automationstillämpningar. Uppdragsgivaren – FLIR Systems – hade uttryckt ett behov av en tredagarskurs som täckte alla nödvändiga ämnen för infraröda kameror för automationstillämpningar. Dessa ämnen var bland annat termografi, optik, detektorer, nätverk, protokoll med flera. Det öppna läromedlet var designat för att fungera som en tredagars distanskurs och det var baserat på teorier om andragogik, självstyrt lärande och transformativt lärande. Examensarbetets process bestod i huvudsak av två faser: utvecklingsfasen och utvärderingsfasen. Metoden för utvecklingsfasen baserades på en litteraturstudie. Litteraturen i skapande av öppet läromedel inkluderade tillvägagångssätt för att kompensera för bristen av social interaktion i distanskurser, så som en vänlig och varm berättarröst som använder pronomenet ”jag”, uppmuntrande fraser och självbedömningsfrågor (SAQ, Self-Assessment Question). En självbedömningsfråga är en frågeställning menad att leda den lärande mot självbedömning av hens lärande och kunskap. Den viktiga delen av självbedömningsfrågan är responsen, där inte bara det rätta svaret är givet, utan också feedback på de felaktiga svaren. Utvecklingen av det öppna läromedlet var en iterativ process där diskussion med handledare på FLIR Systems och Kungliga Tekniska högskolan ledde till förbättringar i materialet. Utvärderingsfasen bestod av två test med försökspersoner. Det första testet utfördes genom att skicka en provenhet av materialet till försökspersoner över hela världen tillsammans med en enkät. Huvudsyftet med testet var att testa tonen och stilen på materialet. Resultatet var varierande, men majoriteten av testpersonerna fann materialet vänskapligt och läsligt. Det andra testet var ett internt test med tre deltagare. Tre provenheter från materialet användes och huvudsyftet var att testa användbarheten av materialet och försökspersonernas upplevda läroprocess. Användbarheten av materialet varierade hos de tre försökspersonerna och berodde på deras tekniska förutsättningar och läsförståelse i engelska. Alla försökspersoner gav positiv respons om deras upplevda läranderesultat. Följande slutsatser drogs: det öppna läromedlet har potential att främja autonomt och självstyrt lärande, samt kan användas som en bas för fortsatt utveckling så som webbaserade kurser och lärarledda kurser. Det öppna läromedlet i sin helhet och resultat och analys av testen är inkluderade som bilagor.
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Nature Experiences and Education for Sustainability in Physical Education and Teacher Education : Environmental Identities of PE Teachers in Sweden and SwitzerlandJacot, Valerie January 2023 (has links)
Sport, as a human activity, contributes to the changes happening in the natural environment, making the sport sector a responsible actor for sustainable development. Experiences in nature can raise awareness about our natural environment and possibly influence pro-environmental behaviour and our identities. Such nature experiences can be reached in schools with teachers as implementers and role models. Swedish schools for example, have a concept called friluftsliv, which introduces children to outdoor experiences as part of Physical Education (PE). In Switzerland, a similar country to Sweden in many aspects, such a concept is non-existent. Thus, this study aims to observe possible differences and similarities between environmental identities of PE teachers in Sweden and Switzerland, how those developed and manifest today. Primary and secondary school PE teachers from Switzerland and Sweden were asked to draw nature and were interviewed individually as well as in separate group discussions. The model of Education for Sustainability, Transformative Learning Theory, and Identity Theory serve as the theoretical framework of this work. The results show that there are many individual differences in how the PE teachers’ environmental identities manifest. Some see nature as a platform for activities, some deeply care for it, some seek interactions with it or even perceive themselves as a part of the natural world. When it comes to Swiss participants, main influences on their environmental identity were identified before Physical Education teacher education (PETE) through sport-related activities with their family, in associations or their leisure time, whereas the Swedish experiences were more sport-unrelated, connected to family experiences and as part of PETE. I conclude, according to the model of Education for Sustainability, that there were less transformative learning effects and therefore less behavioural change achieved in Swiss PETE than in Swedish PETE. The main difference was the amount of reflection about said nature experiences, which was more present in the Swedish context. Incorporating this reflective aspect into PE curricula could be an approach to increase this reflective aspect, in Switzerland as well as in Sweden.
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A Case Study on Science Teacher Leadership to Address Diversity and Equity Through Professional DevelopmentDoraiswamy, Nithya January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Undergraduate Identity Exploration Through the Arts: Increasing Self-Awareness and Cultural SensitivityGoodyear, Kathleen McMichael 18 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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