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The Complexities of Female Sexuality: Narratives of Women who Have Experienced Both Heterosexual and Same-Sex MarriagesButland, Krista Anne 01 January 2015 (has links)
Due to social stigma, millions of sexual minorities have concealed their true sexual identities by entering into heterosexual relationships and marriages. Eventually, some transition to same-sex relationships and are able to live authentic lives. This latter group had identified as genuinely heterosexual, never questioning their sexuality until a particular time in their lives when same-sex desires spontaneously appeared. The experiences of transitioning from heterosexual to same-sex partners are not well known, particularly for women who have been legally married to both men and women. Diamond's dynamical systems theory for same-sex sexuality and McCarn and Fassinger's lesbian identity formation model provided the theoretical framework for this qualitative narrative study investigating the life stories of 15 female participants recruited from social media, who had experienced a transition from heterosexual marriage to same-sex marriage. Face-to-face interviews were conducted and data were coded and analyzed to identify emergent categories. The findings revealed that the women experienced shifts in private and public sexual identities over time. Despite external obstacles and personal concerns in transitioning from heterosexual to same-sex relationships, all the women had more positive experiences in their same-sex marriages than they did in their heterosexual marriages. Understanding these women's life stories will allow mental health professionals to better understand and address the needs of this population in more clinical and applied settings. This study will also help educate the general public about women who experience shifts in the desired gender of their relationship.
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The Effects of Buddhist Psychological Practices on the Mental Health and Social Attitudes of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual PeopleFritzges, Jessica Lynn 01 January 2015 (has links)
This non-experimental, quantitative study explored the effects of the Buddhist-derived practices of mindfulness and loving-kindness meditations on the wellness of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) people. LGB people are at higher risk of mental illness and increased social isolation due to minority stress; Buddhist-derived mindfulness practices mediate these effects in other groups. Lazarus and Folkman's transactional model of stress and coping was the theoretical model explaining how positive cognitive appraisal induced by meditation can mediate effects of stress. This study examined whether mental health scores on the Emotional Symptoms Checklist (ESC), social attitudes measured on the Unjust World Views Scale, and self-perception measured by the Remoralization Scale improved individually and collectively after LGB participants engaged in 1 of 3 meditation conditions: mindfulness practice, loving-kindness practice, or a relaxation control group. ANOVA analyses revealed no significant improvements in participants' scores on the 3 measures as a result of either one of the meditation conditions or the control group. An unexpected finding emerged between participants who reported a history of depression and those who did not; ESC scores among those with depression significantly improved after the meditation or relaxation interlude regardless of group assignment, possibly due to disruption of ruminative thought processes. Future studies could build upon this study by training participants to meditate using more interactive means than online videos used here. The mental health needs of LGB people remain urgent, and further explorations of promising techniques such as mindfulness are the foundation of future social change.
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HIV Biomedical Prevention Science and the Business of Gender and Sexual DiversityPerez-Brumer, Amaya Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation examines the political economy of HIV biomedical prevention research—largely designed in the global North but conducted in the global South—and its implications for people of diverse genders and sexualities. As a recognized global leader in HIV biomedical prevention research among people categorized as men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women, Peru offers a key site in which to explore the increasing focus on gender and sexual identity as a strategic area for extractive research practices. This phenomenon has become particularly visible in the epidemic’s 4th decade, which has emphasized the pursuit of biomedical prevention strategies. Building on nine years of previous experience working inside HIV biomedical prevention studies, this project involved 24 months of ethnographic research, including participant observation; 110 interviews with scientists, study staff, and research subjects; 10 focus groups; and analyses of relevant scientific publications.
This study presents four key findings. First, US and Peruvian researchers’ historical and continued entanglement primed Peru to become a hotbed of HIV biomedical prevention research. In this context, population categories imported from the global North have served as powerful tools to sustain a booming local research market, which produces data that aligns with the global demands of the HIV industry. Second, on the ground, research begets more research rather than institutionalized HIV prevention technologies, creating a sustained enterprise in which issues of compensation, value, and labor shape the science. The commodification of gender and sexually diverse identities operates here in two ways: as a mechanism to access particular kinds of bodies and associated HIV risk data, and as a mechanism by which to claim expertise in the HIV prevention research industry for both researchers and community members. Third, Peruvians classified as MSM and transgender women are afforded only temporary access to cutting-edge strategies to prevent HIV, limited to study participation. The result is a sustained pool of people in need of HIV care primed to support the HIV biomedical research economy. Finally, this project illuminates a key paradox within the industry’s contemporary focus on gender and sexual diversity in HIV prevention science. This focus creates the impression that progressive health politics marked the field, while obscuring and absolving ongoing forms of exploitation and unequal gains embedded within it.
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Kroppslig längtan : en intervjustudie om hur icke-binära kön materialiserasAuran, Isak Kenshin January 2019 (has links)
Through the concept of longing, this study aims to explore non-binary embodiment and becoming, with a focus on examining how non-binary embodiment makes and is made possible. The study takes it departure in Karen Barads theories and concepts such as intra-action, and it is also from Barad the concept of longing is inspired. Longing is understood as the drive that is and makes possible life and the livable life. Longing is not reserved for humans but is rather tangent a posthuman understanding of matters agency, where matter is understood as an active agent in its own creation. The study is based on a combination of go-along interviews and semistructured interviews with six non-binary people.The study can be understood as an effort to make possible new or other ways to understand sex/gender, embodiment and becoming. Ways that is not based on a framework of understanding that in its foundational structure reduces the non-binary as something unintelligible. In the study longing is used as a means to create order and direction in the analysis of the participants stories. Longing has the benefit of being in constant movement and change, as such it contributes as a way of understanding that do not limit the participants stories of sex/gender, embodiment and becoming.
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The female-to-male transsexual voice: Physiology vs. performance in productionJanuary 2012 (has links)
Results of the three studies on the speech production of female-to-male transgender individuals (transmen) present phonetic evidence that speech produces the transmen by what I termed triple decoupling. Transmen successfully decouple gender from biological sex. The results of the longitudinal studies exemplified that speakers born and raised female do not necessarily need to have a female voicing source or filter function. Both qualitative changes can he achieved (to different degree) by bringing exogenous testosterone into the system that virilizes both source and filter over time. Moreover, the cross-sectional study showed that articulatory gestures can be modified to move the acoustic targets towards a gendered target one is striving to present. The acoustic manifestations of transmen with different partner attraction offers the next type of decoupling, that between sexual orientation and gender identity. The results of the cross-sectional study imply that female-born individuals attracted to men do not necessarily have to identify as women. They can opt out of this self-identification by selectively adopting features associated with the gay cismale speaking style. This is suggested by the fact that sexual orientation was found to have a significant effect on the durational and spectral quality of fricatives /s/ and /s/, formant values and sentential pitch range. Finally, the longitudinal studies provide evidence for the third type of decoupling, which comes in the form of gender breaking free from physiology. The recurring "reverse J-pattern" of both the transitioning source and filter, as well as the mean fundamental frequency raising above the pitch floor illustrate the fact that transmen do not feel obliged to sound as masculine (as low-pitched and "low-formanted") as testosterone enables them to. This final type of decoupling also serves to demonstrate that many transmen decidedly do not opt in to the binary system of sex / gender even though they are physiologically able to do so. Although LGB speaking styles have been investigated before, this dissertation is the first to discuss a number of acoustic descriptors specifically in transmen's speech and place them into the context of hormone treatment, sexual orientation and disclosure status.
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The Philosophy of Sex and the Morality of Homosexual ConductHansen, Kyle C. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Homosexuality is an important and controversial topic in political, philosophical, ethical and religious spheres. We are exposed to the debate of homosexuality in the media on a regular basis and issues related to homosexuality have been taken up by the Supreme Court, politicians and religious institutions. Needless to say, the debate surrounding homosexuality has captured the attention of almost everyone in society to some degree. It is my goal in this thesis to give a candid overview and analysis of the arguments surrounding homosexual sexual conduct. First, I will present an argument by John Corvino, who posits that homosexual conduct can realize the same concrete goods of love, happiness, and pleasure, among others, that heterosexual conduct can realize. Namely, if homosexual conduct can produce these goods, then there is no reason on the face of things to treat homosexual conduct as morally inferior to heterosexual conduct. I will then consider an objection by Michael Levin who asserts that even if this is true, there is a prudential reason to discourage homosexual conduct because it leads to unhappiness. This fact counts prudentially against homosexual conduct and undermines Corvino’s argument. I will then examine an argument by Alan Goldman, who presents a definition of sex which he believes best matches our common intuitions and judgments in regards to what sexual activity is and isn’t. Goldman argues against definitions of sexual activity which posit that the purpose of sexual activity is to fulfill some external goal or purpose to sex itself, such as reproduction or love. Rather, Goldman outlines that sex is essentially a physical desire for contact with another’s body. If Goldman’s definition is correct, then his definition entails that homosexual conduct is not immoral. Afterwards, I will give my own thoughts as to what moral conclusions we should draw about homosexual conduct based on the above arguments.
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(R)Evolution Grrrl Style Now: Disidentification and Evolution within Riot Grrrl FeminismEstenson, Lilly 20 April 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the evolution of feminist praxis within the riot grrrl movement, focusing on two specific riot grrrl demographics - founding riot grrrls in the early 1990s and currently active riot grrrls in southern California. This thesis argues that riot grrrl activism is still thriving but in diverse, strategically modified ways. Using José Muñoz’s concept of “disidentification,” it analyzes how contemporary riot grrrls have appropriated and adapted the original movement’s tenets to allow for greater accessibility and diversity.
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"They Need Labels": Contemporary Institutional and Popular Frameworks for Gender VarianceBradley, Ophelia 21 April 2010 (has links)
This study addresses the complex issues of etiology and conceptualization of gender variance in the modern West. By analyzing medical, psychological, and popular approaches to gender variance, I demonstrate the highly political nature of each of these paradigms and how gender variant individuals engage with these discourses in the elaboration of their own gender identities. I focus on the role of institutional authority in shaping popular ideas about gender variance and the relationship of gender variant individuals who seek medical intervention towards the systems that regulate their care. Also relevant are the tensions between those who view gender variance as an expression of an essential cross-sex gender (as in traditional transsexual narrative) and those who believe that gender is socially constructed and non-binary. I finally argue that the standards of treatment for gender variant individuals pertains more to the medical legitimization of their identities than with necessarily improving outcomes.
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TRANSGENDER, TRANSITIONING & DSM : An analysis of discursive violence and violations of human rights in academic discourse and DSMvan der Hoek, Milou January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyses the violence perpetrated against transgender people. It scrutinizes the concept of transgender and the important role of transitioning. It looks at the essentialist and social constructionist debate and its relation to transgender. In this thesis, I will advocate a theory of violence in which violence is understood as structural. I will advocate bringing the lived experience of transgender people to the foreground in theorizing about embodiment. Hereby, I will especially focus on discursive violence and the violation of human rights. I will relate transgender and the importance of transitioning to DSM’s understanding of Gender Identity Disorder. Consequently, I will uncover DSM’s subtle misogyny and transphobia and argue that it perpetrates discursive violence against transgender people. In addition, I will scrutinize the direct and indirect ways it violates the human rights of transgender people. Finally, the thesis will discuss the suggestions the Hammarberg report has made in order to improve the human rights situation of transgender persons.
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Learning From Voices of Diverse Youth: School-based Practices to Promote Positive Psychosocial Functioning of LGBTQ High School StudentsLoker, Troy Nicholas 01 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify school-based practices that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth endorse as ways for high schools to provide social, emotional, and academic support to LGBTQ youth. A diverse sample of LGBTQ high school students (N = 18) from one large urban school district in a southeastern state participated in individual semi-structured interviews and/or small group brainstorming sessions. Eleven individual interviews were conducted to gather detailed accounts of a) supportive behaviors and policies that youth had experienced in their schools, as well as b) supportive behaviors and policies that were suggested as desired supports that had not actually been experienced. Participants' sentiments were coded based on the source of support (i.e., teachers, school mental health providers, administrators, policies, resources), nature of support (i.e., proactive, reactive), and social context of the support (i.e., impacting single students through one-on-one setting, impacting more than one student or groups of students). Three brainstorming sessions that included a total of 13 students were conducted to gather additional ideas from youth on ways for schools and school staff to provide support. Frequency counts of individual interview data indicated that teachers provided more experienced and desired supports than any other school-based source of support. Of the desired supports that participants had not actually experienced, Proactive Supports Impacting Groups were the most frequently described Support Type for teachers, school mental health providers, and administrators. Content Themes emerged within Support Types (e.g., Proactive Support Impacting Individuals, Reactive Support Impacting Groups) capture sentiments that were shared across multiple participants' responses. Data from interviews and brainstorming sessions were also analyzed together through a constant-comparative reduction process, resulting in 162 Specific Educator Behaviors/Policies corresponding to 8 Big Ideas of school-based supports for LGBTQ high school students: (1) Using Respectful Language and Interactions with Students; (2) Providing Comfort, Assistance, and Advice Matched to Student Needs; (3) Facilitating Connections with Community Supports; (4) Providing LGBTQ-Related Materials and Information; (5) Allowing and Supporting School-Based GSA and Pride Activities; (6) Addressing Professional Development, Human Resources, and School Culture Related Issues; (7) Implementing Policies that Address Bullying and Harassment of LGBTQ Students; and (8) Implementing Policies that Respectfully Account for Students' Diversity.) Pragmatic implications for teachers, school mental health providers, and administrators are discussed.
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