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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The articulatory practices of Islamism : a focus on space and subjectivity

Mura, Andrea January 2010 (has links)
This doctoral research, The Articulatory Practices of Islamism: A Focus on Space and Subjectivity, inquires into the role played by tradition, modernity and transmodernity qua symbolic reservoirs of Islamist discourses. By tackling Islamism from the theoretical and methodological perspective of discourse theory, my thesis will make a case for including within contemporary analyses of Islamism both a semiotic differentiation of Islamist articulatory practices (discourses) and a speculative assessment of their spatial representations and subjectivity formations. While the general framework of this study will be laid out in the Introduction (Chapter I), Part I of the thesis offers an examination of tradition, modernity and transmodernity in order to provide the reader with a conceptualisation of these key research categories. In addition to offering a reading of tradition and modernity crucial to a discourse-centred critique of Islamism, Chapter II will examine in detail the discourses of nationalism and pan-Islamism. Here the objective will be to uncover their deployment of two speculative paradigms in the construction of space and subjectivity; that is, dualism and universalism. Chapter III will then examine the emergence of key transmodern discourses such as globalism , universalism and virtualism tackling their relationship with globalisation. In Part II, I outline the main argument forwarded by my research. I will do so by examining the way three case studies engage with tradition, modernity and transmodernity. The discourse of three leading Islamist figures will be presented accompanied by textual examination and speculative analysis, the objective being to distinguish different discursive trajectories. I will strive to differentiate between a territorial trajectory of Islamism (Hasan al-Banna) in chapter IV; a transitional trajectory (Sayyid Qutb) in chapter V; and a transterritorial trajectory (Osama bin Laden) in chapter VI. Such an endeavour will help me to develop my main line of argument through an assessment of the role of symbolic reservoirs in the differentiation of Islamist discourses and in their construction of space and subjectivity. My conviction is that, while enlarging the space of academic debate on Islamism, such a theoretical approach could bring a new perspective to analytic inquiries into other discursive formations (liberalism, communism, anarchism etc), so helping analysts to differentiate between distinct trajectories within their respective discursive universe.
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Le projet transmoderne dans les itinérances récréatives : un processus créatif intégratif de construction identitaire / The transmodern project in recreative wayfarings : an identity-building process involving integrative creativity

Kirschner, Chiara 28 June 2017 (has links)
Ce travail s’intéresse à la transmodernité des pratiques récréatives. Pour cela, il propose une analyse de la conduite de projet de l'itinérance. Il s'agit d'une pratique récréative dont l'itinéraire n'est pas complètement figée à l'avance, pouvant durer quelques heures ou quelques mois, dans un environnement partiellement ou exclusivement montagnard, à l'aide de moyens de progression non motorisés, sans le support d'une agence de voyages. L'approche par le projet mobilise, entre autres, la motivation personnelle du pratiquant, en relation avec son identité et son projet de vie. L'itinérance est considérée comme une pratique existentielle qui construit l'identité du pratiquant à travers la gestion de l'incertitude, l'invitant à la créativité. Le pratiquant n'est pas toujours seul dans cette tâche de gestion de l'incertitude, et peut décider d'entrer en relation avec les habitants des zones traversées. L'itinérance l'invite alors à adopter une éthique relationnelle. La créativité, notamment intégrative, et l'éthique relationnelle, peuvent être mises en relations avec le concept de transmodernité de Dussel (1994): l'intégration de la raison de l'Autre.La première partie de ce travail identifie les ressources conceptuelles et méthodologiques, dans le cadre d'un paradigme individuel et interprétatif. L'hypothèse d'une habitation créative intégrative qui serait au cœur de l'itinérance transmoderne émerge grâce à une déconstruction de l'approche moderne du projet (Boutinet, 2012), fondé sur la logique d'anticipation par rapport à la réalisation d'un objectif, et de l'approche postmoderne de celui-ci, fondée sur la fragmentation des objectifs et la perte de sens global. La démarche-projet transmoderne de l'itinérance serait une démarche créative d'intégration de l'altérité, et de redéfinition d'un objectif existentiel au fur et à mesure de l'avancement dans la réalisation du projet. Cette pratique s'avère une voie d'individuation (Martuccelli, 2005) qui s'appuie sur un maillage (Ingold, 2011a) avec tout l'environnement traversé : physique, matériel, humain, évènementiel. Ce maillage mobilise un corps écologique (Andrieu & Sirost, 2014) et créatif. Le paradigme individuel est ainsi élargi à une pluralité de ressources cognitives et comportementales. La seconde partie de la thèse restitue le travail de terrain auprès d'itinérants. Les données qualitatives ainsi recueillies sont organisées en deux grands mouvements. L'un concerne la dimension chronologique du projet d'itinérance, depuis la période avant de partir, l'émergence d'une première idée, la réalisation du projet jusqu'au retour. L'autre concerne la démarche-projet, fondée sur le rapport à l'imprévu, le rapport au corps et le rapport à l'environnement physique et humain. Le plan du projet d'itinérance apparaît comme une matrice socio-praxique qui facilite une démarche-projet créative intégrative de l'altérité corporelle, naturelle et relationnelle. Si la plupart des éléments de la matrice sont activés, l'itinérant adopte une démarche-projet intégrative, et finit par réaliser un objectif existentiel en ayant aligné les différentes dimensions de son existence : matérielle, affective, géographique professionnelle.... Cet objectif est ensuite traduit en un nouveau bien commun : action politique, humanitaire, œuvre artistique, ... Les éléments de la matrice concernent l'habitation de l'itinérance, dans sa dimension ordinaire de résolution des contraintes et problèmes du quotidien (que l'on laisse et que l'on reconstruit pendant le voyage), ainsi que dans sa dimension de progression d'une étape à l'autre, jusqu'à la réintégration du milieu de vie habituel. Les conclusions proposent d'envisager l'itinérance comme un laboratoire sociorécréatif en puissance. Dans le milieu récréatif de l'itinérance, le pratiquant peut apprendre l'éthique relationnelle, véritable capabilité (Flipo, 2005) de l'itinérance, et, au retour, il peut apporter une contribution singulière à son milieu de vie. / This work focuses on the transmodernity of recreational practices. For this, it offers an analysis of the project of wayfaring. It is a recreational practice, where the itinerary is not completely fixed in advance, lasting a few hours or a few months, in an exclusively or partially mountain environment, by means of non-motorized progression, without the support of a travel agency. Among other things, the project approach involves personal motivation of the practitioner, in connection with his identity and his life project. Wayfaring is thus considered as an existential practice that built the identity of the practitioner through the management of uncertainty, inviting him to creativity. The practitioner is not always alone in this task of management of uncertainty, and may decide to enter into a relationship with the inhabitants. Wayfaring then invites him to adopt a relational ethics. Creativity, namely integrative, and relational ethics, can be put in relation with the concept of transmodernity by Dussel (1994): the integration of the reason of the Other.The first part of this work identifies conceptual and methodological resources. And, this, in the context of an individual and interpretative paradigm. The hypothesis of an integrative creative habitation that would be at the heart of the transmodern wayfaring emerges through a deconstruction of the modern approach of project (Boutinet, 2012), based on the logic of anticipation from the achievement of a goal, and the postmodern approach, based on the fragmentation of the goals and the loss of overall sense. The transmodern project of wayfaring would be based on a creative process, integrating otherness, and redefining an existential purpose while implementing the project. This practice is a process of individuation (Martuccelli, 2005), based on a mesh (Ingold, 2011a) with the environment as a whole: physical, material, human, all the events. This mesh involves an ecological body (Andrieu & Sirost, 2014) and a creative body. The individual paradigm is thus expanded to a plurality of cognitive and behavioral resources. The second part of the thesis exposes the fieldwork on wayfarers. One concerns the chronological dimension of the project of wayfaring, since the period before leaving, the emergence of a first idea of travel, the realization of the project and the coming back. The other part concerns the process, based on the approach of the unexpected, the body and the physical and human environment. The plan of the wayfaring project appears as a socio-praxic matrix that facilitates a creative process which is integrative of physical, natural and relational otherness. If most of the elements of the matrix are activated, the itinerant adopted a creative integrative process, and eventually achieves an existential purpose aligning the various dimensions of its existence: physical, emotional, geographical, professional... This purpose is then translated into a new common good: political, humanitarian action, artistic work, ... The elements of the matrix are about the habitation during wayfaring, in its ordinary dimension of resolution of problems and constraints of everyday life (distanced and then rebuilt during the trip), as well as in its dimension of progression in the itinerary, until the reintegration of the usual living environment. The findings offer to consider wayfaring as a potential socio-recreative laboratory. In the recreational environment of wayfaring, the practitioner can learn relational ethics, an actual capability (Flipo, 2005) of wayfaring, and, when back, he or she can make a unique contribution to their living environment.
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Literature at the cosmopolitan crossroads : Anis Shivani

Eizerik, Silvia January 2015 (has links)
O momento histórico em que vivemos nos convida a discutir questões sobre o fim das grandes meta-narrativas da modernidade, a economia de mercado e os direitos humanos. Vários autores, no campo literário, têm contribuído para a intensificação desses debates de forma aberta e comprometida. Entre eles está Anis Shivani, escritor paquistanês/estadunidense que atua como poeta lírico, romancista, contista, ensaísta e crítico literário. Avesso a rotulações, ele é um cidadão do mundo com opiniões contundentes sobre as formas de distribuição de poder em nossa época. O corpus de aplicação desta dissertação é seu livro de contos Anatolia e Outras Histórias (2009), onde encontramos um elenco de protagonistas representativos do que Frantz Fanon classifica como "os miseráveis do mundo", pessoas marginalizadas devido a suas crenças, ou à cor de suas peles, os pobres, os imigrantes, trabalhadores ilegais, refugiados, anarquistas, povos indígenas. O objetivo do trabalho é alimentar a discussão sobre este assunto. A dissertação se articula em três capítulos. Os dois primeiros apresentam uma visão panorâmica da problemática social e política ligada ao questionamento acerca da legitimidade do mainstream. O Capítulo Um trata sobre colonialismo, discurso pós-colonial, resistência anticolonial e descolonização; o Capítulo Dois apresenta os pensadores que teorizam sobre essas questões. Como se trata de um estudo com raízes na área de Letras, eu considerei pertinente abrir também um breve espaço para apresentar ideias sobre uma pedagogia cosmopolita. No Capítulo Três faço a crítica aplicada, com foco voltado para Anatólia e Outras Histórias. Após uma apresentação e comentários sobre a estrutura e o âmbito do livro, ofereço minha leitura de três contos, a saber, “Dubai”, “Repatriação” e “Anatólia”. Trata-se de um trabalho politicamente engajado, pois acredito na função social da literatura e no poder que ela tem para modificar o mundo. Encaro a obra de Shivani como única e transgressora, com suas personagens provenientes de culturas distintas e de diferentes épocas, compondo histórias de vida que ilustram a tendência contemporânea de busca por uma literatura mundial, que se pretende cosmopolita, onde percebemos inovações estilísticas como a mistura livre entre inglês e outros idiomas, reversões de narrativa, o uso inteligente de metáforas e a apresentação de pontos de vista aparentemente conflitantes. A pesquisa se volta para o estudo da dissidência, da transgressão, do não conformismo, convidando para o diálogo global. Ela investiga os temas que permeiam as narrativas, como a alienação, os sentimentos sobre estar em um entre-lugar, ou de falta de pertencimento, ou de não se enquadrar, a sensação de estar sendo perseguido, sentida pela maioria das personagens, cuja expectativa é serem aceitos e se sentirem integrados ao ambiente em que residem. Ao término desta pesquisa, espero haver demonstrado o valor da contribuição do universo ficcional criado por Anis Shivani como sendo um pleito cultural caleidoscópico e humano em favor da necessidade de alcançarmos formas mais eficientes de entendimento entre os países e as civilizações de nossa época. Acredito que se existe alguma força capaz de realizar tal façanha, ela vem a partir do canal aberto pela troca de ideias que a Literatura proporciona. / The historical moment we are living in invites us to discuss issues such as the end of the grand meta-narratives of modernity, market economy, and human rights. There are a number of authors, in the literary realm, who trigger this debate in an intense and committed way. One of them is Anis Shivani, a Pakistani-American author who is a lyrical poet, novel and short-story writer, essayist and literary critic. Shivani shuns labels, yet he is a citizen of the world with strong positions about the distribution of power in our time. The corpus of this thesis is Shivani’s short story book Anatolia and Other Stories (2009), in which we meet a cast of protagonists that are representative of what Frantz Fanon calls the “wretched of the earth”, people who do not fit because of their sets of beliefs, or the color of their skins: poor people, immigrants, undocumented workers, refugees, anarchists, indigenous people. The thesis aims at discussing such topics. For that reason, the first two chapters offer a panoramic view of the social and political processes that challenge the legitimacy of the mainstream. Chapter One comments on the issues of Colonialism; Post-Colonial discourse, Anti-Colonial resistance and Decolonialization. Chapter Two presents the thinkers who theorize upon such questions. As this thesis is written from within the realm of a Letters graduate course, I considered it important to open a space, in Chapter Two, for the discussion of a Cosmopolitan pedagogy. Chapter Three, the second section of the work, closes the focus of the research on Anatolia and Other Stories. After the presentation of the author and a comment on the structure and scope of the book, I offer my analysis of three of the short-stories, namely “Dubai”, “Repatriation” and “Anatolia.” This reading is politically committed, because I believe in the social role of literature and in its power to change the world. I see Shivani’s as a unique and transgressive kind of literature. Anatolia and Other Stories introduces characters coming from a variety of cultures and time periods, whose life stories emphasize the contemporary trend towards a world literature, which intends to be cosmopolitan, through the use of stylistic innovations, such as the free mixture between English and other languages, narrative reversals, a clever use of metaphors and apparently opposing points of view. This thesis focuses on the elements of dissent, transgression, and non-conformism, which call for the globalization of dialogue. It investigates the discussion of themes that permeate the narratives, such as alienation, the sense of in-betweenness, of belonging, of outsiderness, the reality of persecution experienced by most of the characters, who long for integration. At the end of the work, I hope to have substantiated the importance of Anis Shivani’s contribution in providing a kaleidoscopic, humanistic, cultural and artistic plea for the urgency and necessity of a better understanding among countries and civilizations.I believe in the power of Art to fulfill such a delicate task.
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Literature at the cosmopolitan crossroads : Anis Shivani

Eizerik, Silvia January 2015 (has links)
O momento histórico em que vivemos nos convida a discutir questões sobre o fim das grandes meta-narrativas da modernidade, a economia de mercado e os direitos humanos. Vários autores, no campo literário, têm contribuído para a intensificação desses debates de forma aberta e comprometida. Entre eles está Anis Shivani, escritor paquistanês/estadunidense que atua como poeta lírico, romancista, contista, ensaísta e crítico literário. Avesso a rotulações, ele é um cidadão do mundo com opiniões contundentes sobre as formas de distribuição de poder em nossa época. O corpus de aplicação desta dissertação é seu livro de contos Anatolia e Outras Histórias (2009), onde encontramos um elenco de protagonistas representativos do que Frantz Fanon classifica como "os miseráveis do mundo", pessoas marginalizadas devido a suas crenças, ou à cor de suas peles, os pobres, os imigrantes, trabalhadores ilegais, refugiados, anarquistas, povos indígenas. O objetivo do trabalho é alimentar a discussão sobre este assunto. A dissertação se articula em três capítulos. Os dois primeiros apresentam uma visão panorâmica da problemática social e política ligada ao questionamento acerca da legitimidade do mainstream. O Capítulo Um trata sobre colonialismo, discurso pós-colonial, resistência anticolonial e descolonização; o Capítulo Dois apresenta os pensadores que teorizam sobre essas questões. Como se trata de um estudo com raízes na área de Letras, eu considerei pertinente abrir também um breve espaço para apresentar ideias sobre uma pedagogia cosmopolita. No Capítulo Três faço a crítica aplicada, com foco voltado para Anatólia e Outras Histórias. Após uma apresentação e comentários sobre a estrutura e o âmbito do livro, ofereço minha leitura de três contos, a saber, “Dubai”, “Repatriação” e “Anatólia”. Trata-se de um trabalho politicamente engajado, pois acredito na função social da literatura e no poder que ela tem para modificar o mundo. Encaro a obra de Shivani como única e transgressora, com suas personagens provenientes de culturas distintas e de diferentes épocas, compondo histórias de vida que ilustram a tendência contemporânea de busca por uma literatura mundial, que se pretende cosmopolita, onde percebemos inovações estilísticas como a mistura livre entre inglês e outros idiomas, reversões de narrativa, o uso inteligente de metáforas e a apresentação de pontos de vista aparentemente conflitantes. A pesquisa se volta para o estudo da dissidência, da transgressão, do não conformismo, convidando para o diálogo global. Ela investiga os temas que permeiam as narrativas, como a alienação, os sentimentos sobre estar em um entre-lugar, ou de falta de pertencimento, ou de não se enquadrar, a sensação de estar sendo perseguido, sentida pela maioria das personagens, cuja expectativa é serem aceitos e se sentirem integrados ao ambiente em que residem. Ao término desta pesquisa, espero haver demonstrado o valor da contribuição do universo ficcional criado por Anis Shivani como sendo um pleito cultural caleidoscópico e humano em favor da necessidade de alcançarmos formas mais eficientes de entendimento entre os países e as civilizações de nossa época. Acredito que se existe alguma força capaz de realizar tal façanha, ela vem a partir do canal aberto pela troca de ideias que a Literatura proporciona. / The historical moment we are living in invites us to discuss issues such as the end of the grand meta-narratives of modernity, market economy, and human rights. There are a number of authors, in the literary realm, who trigger this debate in an intense and committed way. One of them is Anis Shivani, a Pakistani-American author who is a lyrical poet, novel and short-story writer, essayist and literary critic. Shivani shuns labels, yet he is a citizen of the world with strong positions about the distribution of power in our time. The corpus of this thesis is Shivani’s short story book Anatolia and Other Stories (2009), in which we meet a cast of protagonists that are representative of what Frantz Fanon calls the “wretched of the earth”, people who do not fit because of their sets of beliefs, or the color of their skins: poor people, immigrants, undocumented workers, refugees, anarchists, indigenous people. The thesis aims at discussing such topics. For that reason, the first two chapters offer a panoramic view of the social and political processes that challenge the legitimacy of the mainstream. Chapter One comments on the issues of Colonialism; Post-Colonial discourse, Anti-Colonial resistance and Decolonialization. Chapter Two presents the thinkers who theorize upon such questions. As this thesis is written from within the realm of a Letters graduate course, I considered it important to open a space, in Chapter Two, for the discussion of a Cosmopolitan pedagogy. Chapter Three, the second section of the work, closes the focus of the research on Anatolia and Other Stories. After the presentation of the author and a comment on the structure and scope of the book, I offer my analysis of three of the short-stories, namely “Dubai”, “Repatriation” and “Anatolia.” This reading is politically committed, because I believe in the social role of literature and in its power to change the world. I see Shivani’s as a unique and transgressive kind of literature. Anatolia and Other Stories introduces characters coming from a variety of cultures and time periods, whose life stories emphasize the contemporary trend towards a world literature, which intends to be cosmopolitan, through the use of stylistic innovations, such as the free mixture between English and other languages, narrative reversals, a clever use of metaphors and apparently opposing points of view. This thesis focuses on the elements of dissent, transgression, and non-conformism, which call for the globalization of dialogue. It investigates the discussion of themes that permeate the narratives, such as alienation, the sense of in-betweenness, of belonging, of outsiderness, the reality of persecution experienced by most of the characters, who long for integration. At the end of the work, I hope to have substantiated the importance of Anis Shivani’s contribution in providing a kaleidoscopic, humanistic, cultural and artistic plea for the urgency and necessity of a better understanding among countries and civilizations.I believe in the power of Art to fulfill such a delicate task.
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Literature at the cosmopolitan crossroads : Anis Shivani

Eizerik, Silvia January 2015 (has links)
O momento histórico em que vivemos nos convida a discutir questões sobre o fim das grandes meta-narrativas da modernidade, a economia de mercado e os direitos humanos. Vários autores, no campo literário, têm contribuído para a intensificação desses debates de forma aberta e comprometida. Entre eles está Anis Shivani, escritor paquistanês/estadunidense que atua como poeta lírico, romancista, contista, ensaísta e crítico literário. Avesso a rotulações, ele é um cidadão do mundo com opiniões contundentes sobre as formas de distribuição de poder em nossa época. O corpus de aplicação desta dissertação é seu livro de contos Anatolia e Outras Histórias (2009), onde encontramos um elenco de protagonistas representativos do que Frantz Fanon classifica como "os miseráveis do mundo", pessoas marginalizadas devido a suas crenças, ou à cor de suas peles, os pobres, os imigrantes, trabalhadores ilegais, refugiados, anarquistas, povos indígenas. O objetivo do trabalho é alimentar a discussão sobre este assunto. A dissertação se articula em três capítulos. Os dois primeiros apresentam uma visão panorâmica da problemática social e política ligada ao questionamento acerca da legitimidade do mainstream. O Capítulo Um trata sobre colonialismo, discurso pós-colonial, resistência anticolonial e descolonização; o Capítulo Dois apresenta os pensadores que teorizam sobre essas questões. Como se trata de um estudo com raízes na área de Letras, eu considerei pertinente abrir também um breve espaço para apresentar ideias sobre uma pedagogia cosmopolita. No Capítulo Três faço a crítica aplicada, com foco voltado para Anatólia e Outras Histórias. Após uma apresentação e comentários sobre a estrutura e o âmbito do livro, ofereço minha leitura de três contos, a saber, “Dubai”, “Repatriação” e “Anatólia”. Trata-se de um trabalho politicamente engajado, pois acredito na função social da literatura e no poder que ela tem para modificar o mundo. Encaro a obra de Shivani como única e transgressora, com suas personagens provenientes de culturas distintas e de diferentes épocas, compondo histórias de vida que ilustram a tendência contemporânea de busca por uma literatura mundial, que se pretende cosmopolita, onde percebemos inovações estilísticas como a mistura livre entre inglês e outros idiomas, reversões de narrativa, o uso inteligente de metáforas e a apresentação de pontos de vista aparentemente conflitantes. A pesquisa se volta para o estudo da dissidência, da transgressão, do não conformismo, convidando para o diálogo global. Ela investiga os temas que permeiam as narrativas, como a alienação, os sentimentos sobre estar em um entre-lugar, ou de falta de pertencimento, ou de não se enquadrar, a sensação de estar sendo perseguido, sentida pela maioria das personagens, cuja expectativa é serem aceitos e se sentirem integrados ao ambiente em que residem. Ao término desta pesquisa, espero haver demonstrado o valor da contribuição do universo ficcional criado por Anis Shivani como sendo um pleito cultural caleidoscópico e humano em favor da necessidade de alcançarmos formas mais eficientes de entendimento entre os países e as civilizações de nossa época. Acredito que se existe alguma força capaz de realizar tal façanha, ela vem a partir do canal aberto pela troca de ideias que a Literatura proporciona. / The historical moment we are living in invites us to discuss issues such as the end of the grand meta-narratives of modernity, market economy, and human rights. There are a number of authors, in the literary realm, who trigger this debate in an intense and committed way. One of them is Anis Shivani, a Pakistani-American author who is a lyrical poet, novel and short-story writer, essayist and literary critic. Shivani shuns labels, yet he is a citizen of the world with strong positions about the distribution of power in our time. The corpus of this thesis is Shivani’s short story book Anatolia and Other Stories (2009), in which we meet a cast of protagonists that are representative of what Frantz Fanon calls the “wretched of the earth”, people who do not fit because of their sets of beliefs, or the color of their skins: poor people, immigrants, undocumented workers, refugees, anarchists, indigenous people. The thesis aims at discussing such topics. For that reason, the first two chapters offer a panoramic view of the social and political processes that challenge the legitimacy of the mainstream. Chapter One comments on the issues of Colonialism; Post-Colonial discourse, Anti-Colonial resistance and Decolonialization. Chapter Two presents the thinkers who theorize upon such questions. As this thesis is written from within the realm of a Letters graduate course, I considered it important to open a space, in Chapter Two, for the discussion of a Cosmopolitan pedagogy. Chapter Three, the second section of the work, closes the focus of the research on Anatolia and Other Stories. After the presentation of the author and a comment on the structure and scope of the book, I offer my analysis of three of the short-stories, namely “Dubai”, “Repatriation” and “Anatolia.” This reading is politically committed, because I believe in the social role of literature and in its power to change the world. I see Shivani’s as a unique and transgressive kind of literature. Anatolia and Other Stories introduces characters coming from a variety of cultures and time periods, whose life stories emphasize the contemporary trend towards a world literature, which intends to be cosmopolitan, through the use of stylistic innovations, such as the free mixture between English and other languages, narrative reversals, a clever use of metaphors and apparently opposing points of view. This thesis focuses on the elements of dissent, transgression, and non-conformism, which call for the globalization of dialogue. It investigates the discussion of themes that permeate the narratives, such as alienation, the sense of in-betweenness, of belonging, of outsiderness, the reality of persecution experienced by most of the characters, who long for integration. At the end of the work, I hope to have substantiated the importance of Anis Shivani’s contribution in providing a kaleidoscopic, humanistic, cultural and artistic plea for the urgency and necessity of a better understanding among countries and civilizations.I believe in the power of Art to fulfill such a delicate task.
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La pintura abstracta matérica en Puerto Rico 1950-2020

Cruz Corchado, Raymond 28 February 2022 (has links)
[ES] La pintura abstracta de tipo matérico se manifestó en Puerto Rico para la década de 1950 siguiendo en sus inicios los signos del arte estadounidense y europeos. Esta incorpora cantidades significativas de materiales pictóricos y/o extrapictóricos sobre el soporte. El estilo abstracto en Puerto Rico fue politizado por un grupo de artistas que entendieron que era un arte integrista de la cultura estadounidense y primaron la figuración como el estilo idóneo para afirmar la identidad cultural puertorriqueña. Este conflicto surgió en el contexto de la aprobación de la constitución del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico en 1952 como fórmula de gobierno bajo los poderes plenos del Congreso de los Estados Unidos. El arte abstracto proliferó al margen del gobierno que auspiciaba a través del arte y la cultura el desarrollo de proyectos que sirvieron para forjar la idiosincrasia cultural puertorriqueña. Por una parte, analizamos la construcción de varios símbolos identitarios bajo el concepto de imágenes ardientes de Didi-Huberman para intentar explicar cómo la imagen figurativa se podría fijar en la memoria colectiva. Por otra parte, proponemos un análisis del fenómeno opuesto a la imagen, la abstracción matérica tomando en consideración la Teoría de la proyección sentimental de Theodoro Lipps esbozada por Wilheim Worringer. Esta argumenta que una de las posibles razones para que surja el "afán por la abstracción" proviene de una "intensa inquietud" provocada por las condiciones de vida adversas. Según Worringer, lo abstrayente evade representar la realidad por medio de las imágenes. Tomando en cuenta que la abstracción de tipo matérico se fundamenta en la incorporación de cargas de material pictórico o extra-pictóricos sobre el soporte o fuera del mismo, a modo de "derrame" de instalación-ambiente, proponemos que esta no necesariamente elude la realidad, sino que, forma parte de ella por el tipo de relieve que le identifica más con la tridimensionalidad. Consideramos el concepto de la transmodernidad esbozado por el filósofo Enrique Dussel como un acercamiento de análisis descolonizador que fija la atención en el reconocimiento de la producción local frente a las influencias extranjeras y más allá de ellas. En ese contexto que toma en cuenta las influencias euro-estadounidense pero que busca identificar razones locales que expliquen la manifestación de la pintura abstracta, identificamos las obras de tipo matérico más significativas en las colecciones públicas del país a lo largo de las décadas de 1950 al 2020. Finalmente, investigamos dos casos de estudio: los artistas Ivelisse Jiménez y Ángel Otero por ser estos representantes actuales de este tipo de arte con trayectorias consistentes. El análisis de sus obras nos permitió descubrir cuáles son sus influencias, a qué aluden sus abstracciones, qué tipo de evasión y regreso a la realidad, según Worringer y otras escuelas, plantean sus producciones artísticas y cuál es la aportación de la pintura abstracta de tipo matérico al conocimiento del arte en Puerto Rico. / [CA] La pintura abstracta de tipus matèric es va manifestar a Puerto Rico en la dècada del 1950, tot seguint inicialment els signes de l'art estatunidenc i europeu. Aquest tipus de pintura incorpora damunt del suport quantitats significatives de materials pictòrics i/o extrapictòrics. L'estil abstracte el va polititzar a Puerto Rico un grup d'artistes que el considerava com una part integral de la cultura estatunidenca, i per tant primà la figuració, que veia com l'estil idoni per a afirmar la identitat cultural porto-riquenya. Aquest conflicte va sorgir en el context de l'aprovació de la constitució de l'Estat Lliure Associat de Puerto Rico l'any 1952, com a fórmula de govern sota els poders plens del Congrés dels Estats Units. L'art abstracte va proliferar al marge del govern, que afavoria a través de l'art i la cultura el desenvolupament de projectes que serviren per a forjar la idiosincràsia cultural porto-riquenya. D'una banda, analitzem la construcció de diversos símbols identitaris sota el concepte d'imatges ardents de Didi-Huberman, tot mirant d'explicar com la imatge figurativa es podria fixar en la memòria col·lectiva. D'altra banda, proposem una anàlisi del fenomen oposat a aquesta imatge: l'abstracció matèrica. I ho fem tot prenent en consideració la teoria de la projecció sentimental de Theodoro Lipps, esbossada per Wilheim Worringer, teoria que argumenta que una de les possibles raons perquè sorgisca l'"afany per l'abstracció" prové d'una "intensa inquietud" provocada per les condicions de vida adverses. Segons Worringer, l'abstraent evadeix representar la realitat per mitjà de les imatges. Tenint en compte que l'abstracció de tipus matèric es fonamenta en la incorporació de càrregues de material pictòric o extrapictòric damunt del suport -o bé fora del suport, a manera de vessament d'instal·lació ambient- proposem que aquesta abstracció no necessàriament eludeix la realitat, sinó que en forma part pel tipus de relleu, que la identifica més amb la tridimensionalitat. Considerem el concepte de la transmodernitat, esbossat pel filòsof Enrique Dussel com una aproximació d'anàlisi descolonitzadora que fixa l'atenció en el reconeixement de la producció local, enfront i més enllà de les influències estrangeres. En aquest context, que té en compte les influències europees i estatunidenques, però que cerca identificar raons locals que expliquen la manifestació de la pintura abstracta, identifiquem les obres de tipus matèric més significatives de les col·leccions públiques del país al llarg de les dècades que van del 1950 al 2020. Finalment, investiguem dos casos d'estudi: els artistes Ivelisse Jiménez i Ángel Otero, que són representants actuals d'aquest tipus d'art amb trajectòries consistents. L'anàlisi de les seues obres ens ha permès descobrir quines són les seues influències, a què al·ludeixen les seues abstraccions, quin tipus d'evasió i retorn a la realitat, segons Worringer i altres escoles, plantegen les seues produccions artístiques, i quina és l'aportació de la pintura abstracta de tipus matèric al coneixement de l'art a Puerto Rico. / [EN] Abstract matter painting surge in the 1950s, following in its beginnings the signs of American and European art. It incorporates significant amounts of pictorial and/or all kind of materials on the support. The abstract style in Puerto Rico was politicized by a group of artists who understood it to be representative of the American culture and realistic art prevailed as the ideal style to affirm the Puerto Rican cultural identity. This conflict arose in the context of the approval of the constitution of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in 1952 as a form of government under the full powers of the United States Congress. Abstract art proliferated outside the government that sponsored through art and culture the development of projects that served to forge the Puerto Rican cultural idiosyncrasy. On the one hand, we analyze the construction of various identity symbols under Didi-Huberman's concept of burning images; to try to explain how the figurative image could be fixed in the collective memory. On the other hand, we propose an analysis of the phenomenon opposed to the image, the material abstraction, taking into consideration Theodore Lipps' Theory of Sentimental Projection outlined by Wilheim Worringer. This argues that one of the possible reasons for the surge of the "desire for abstraction" comes from an "intense concern" caused by adverse living conditions. According to Worringer, the abstractions evades representing reality through images. Considering that abstract matter painting is based on the incorporation of loads of material on the support, or outside of it, as an installation-environment "spill", we propose that it does not necessarily elude reality, but is part of it due to the type of relief that identify more with tridimensionality. We consider the concept of transmodernity outlined by the philosopher Enrique Dussel as an approach to decolonizing analysis that focuses on the recognition of local production in the face of foreign influences and beyond. In this context that considers Euro-American influences but seeks to identify local reasons that explain the manifestation of abstract painting, we identify the most significant materic abstract paintings in the country's public collections throughout the 1950s to 2020. Finally, we investigate two case studies: the artists Ivelisse Jiménez and Ángel Otero for being these current representatives of this type of art with consistent trajectories. The analysis of his works allowed us to discover which are their influences, what they allude, what kind of evation and return to reality according to Worringer and other schools their work propose and what is the contribution of abstract matter painting to the knowledge of art in Puerto Rico. / Cruz Corchado, R. (2022). La pintura abstracta matérica en Puerto Rico 1950-2020 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181338
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Socio-territorial conflicts over the Gulf of Tribugá. Black collectivities and the socio ontological dispute over their territory

Bateman, Andres 25 October 2022 (has links)
Obwohl sozio-territoriale Konflikte sich in vielfältigen Kämpfen um Ressourcen, Raum und Umweltbedingungen manifestieren können, vertritt diese Forschung die These, dass sozio-territoriale Konflikte nicht auf diese Aspekte beschränkt sind, sondern eine ontologische Dimension beinhalten. In diesem Sinne geht es im Golf von Tribugá um die Existenzbedingungen und die Interaktionen zwischen den bestehenden Entitäten entsprechend ihrer Ontologie sowie um die Rolle, die jede Entität bei der Konstituierung des Territoriums als eine entstehende und sich ständig verändernde Kategorie spielt. Um diesen ontologischen Disput zu verstehen, kontrastiert diese Arbeit die Unterschiede und Überschneidungen zwischen Developmentalismus - der jüngsten Manifestation des Projekts der westlichen Moderne -, nachhaltigem Developmentalismus und lokalen Lebensweisen, Interaktionen und Praktiken am Golf von Tribugá. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Untersuchung einige Strategien auf, mit denen lokale Kollektive sich bestimmte abstrakte Universalismen der Moderne aneignen, sie durch die Brille ihrer eigenen Erfahrungen transformieren und so ein transmodernes und interkulturelles Territorium gestalten und verwirklichen. Transmodernität und Interkulturalität als wirtschaftlicher, sozialer und politischer Horizont impliziert die Überwindung einer Vielzahl von Konzepten, die mit der europäischen Erkenntnistheorie in Verbindung gebracht werden und die derzeit weltweit eine hegemoniale Position einnehmen. Somit beinhaltet der Kampf für einen transmodernen und interkulturellen Horizont die Infragestellung einiger der erkenntnistheoretischen und ontologischen Grundlagen dessen, was gemeinhin als "Modernität" definiert wird. / Although socio-territorial conflicts might materialise through multiple struggles over resources, space and environmental conditions, the main argument of this research is that, rather than being limited to such resources or environmental conditions, socio-territorial disputes have an ontological dimension. With this in mind, what is at stake in the Gulf of Tribugá are the conditions of existence and the interactions between existing entities according to their ontology, as well as the role each entity plays in the constitution of the territory as an emerging and constantly changing category. To understand this ontological dispute, this research contrasts the differences and partial connections between developmentalism – the most recent manifestation of the project of western modernity – and local forms of inhabiting, interacting with and enacting the Gulf of Tribugá. On top of that, the research highlights some strategies through which local collectivities, by appropriating specific abstract universalisms of modernity and concretising them through the lenses of their own experiences, propose and enact a transmodern and intercultural territory. Transmodernity and interculturality as an economic, social and political horizon implies breaking up with most of the notions mainly associated with European epistemology, which are currently hegemonic all over the globe. Struggling towards a transmodern and intercultural horizon entails questioning some of the epistemological and ontological fundaments of what is commonly defined as “modernity”.
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Cuba and the neobaroque: twentieth-century reformations of Cuban identity

Cruikshank, Stephen 27 June 2013 (has links)
This thesis project explores the connection between Cuban identity and the twentieth-century Neobaroque. The paper approaches the Neobaroque as a concept that reoriginates or "refracts" culture, implying a relationship between Baroque forms and post-colonial Latin America that creates a transformation of cultural expression. Furthermore, the Neobaroque is seen relating to questions of cultural identity, post-colonialism, transculturation, mestizaje, and Latin American modernity. The Neobaroque's relevancy with Cuba is stipulated in twentieth-century writings of three Cuban authors known as the Cuban triumvirate: José Lezama Lima, Alejo Carpentier, and Severo Sarduy. Similar themes of these writers concerning the Neobaroque's connection with the urban environment of Havana as well as connections to José Martí's writing Nuestra América are highlighted as key components connecting the Neobaroque with Cuban culture. / Graduate / 0336 / 0626 / scruiksh@uvic.ca

Da Potentia à Potestas: a constituição do poder político em Enrique Dussel / Potentia to Potestas: the constitution of political power in Enrique Dussel

Oliveira, Jéssica Fernanda Jacinto de 11 May 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:26:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jessica Fernanda Jacinto de Oliveira.pdf: 1034280 bytes, checksum: 40aede1fa465ebce2ce7224040a86628 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / According to the theory dusseliana, ethics and politics must go together. When this no occurs power is corrupted, fetishized. Ethics presents the ideal foundation for the political structure. The political structure, in turn, occurs in the tension between two basic concepts for the Philosophy of Liberation: Potentia and Potestas. Thus, this work aims to analyze these two concepts in order to understand how interconnected the fields of ethics, teaching and politic of a transmodern arquitetonic. Ethical principles, the formation of the man politician, democracy as an instrument of feasibility criteria, the possibilities of violence and consensus, the question of method, among others, chances are faced in order to clarify the constitution of power in Enrique Dussel. / De acordo com a teoria dusseliana, ética e política devem caminhar juntas. Quando isso não ocorre, o poder é corrompido, fetichizado. A ética apresenta os fundamentos ideais para a estrutura política. A estrutura política, por sua vez, ocorre na tensão entre dois conceitos basilares para a Filosofia da Libertação: a Potentia e a Potestas. Nesse sentido, este trabalho possui como objetivo analisar estes dois conceitos a fim de compreender de que maneira interligam os campos da ética, pedagógica e política de uma arquitetônica transmoderna. Os princípios éticos, a formação do homem político, a democracia enquanto instrumento do critério de factibilidade, as possibilidades de violência e de consenso, a questão do método, dentre outros, são hipóteses enfrentadas no intuito de esclarecer a constituição do poder em Enrique Dussel.
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The call to decolonise higher education : copyright law through an African lens

Sindane, Ntando 30 January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation reflects critically on the calls for the decolonisation of South Africa’s higher education sector by studying the historical development of legal pedagogy in South African law faculties. It focuses in particular on the intellectual property law curriculum broadly, and more specifically on the copyright law module. Africa’s colonisation by Western powers ravaged it in various ways. This is starkly illustrated in the areas of knowledge production and research. Against this background the dissertation teases out the prevailing extent, depth, and reach of colonialism in the copyright law curriculum with the aim of identifying possible ways to give practical effect to the calls for the curriculum to be decolonised. To achieve this, the dissertation examines leading South African intellectual property law textbooks through an African lens in an express attempt to assert the pluriversal, epistemicological traditions of the global South. In each chapter and with each theme the dissertation proposes how an envisaged decolonised copyright curriculum could look. The dissertation grapples with the various theories underpinning the decolonial discourse, laying groundwork for an academically sound basis on which to decolonise the copyright law curriculum. It provides an African critique of the Eurocentric intellectual property law ‘justifications debate’ and posits communal modes of property ownership in Africa to counter Western individualistic notions of property ownership which lend credence to the current justification debate. The dissertation analyses the nature of copyright in a work using the philosophy of Ubuntu as an alternative in teaching this theme within the curriculum. A decolonial analysis of the requirements for copyright is offered, and it is argued that the current sta-ndards and threshold used for the subsistence of copyright is colonial and furthers the onslaught on the Black Body, both in its practical application and in how it is taught. The dissertation concludes by studying copyright exceptions, critically urging the academy to apply a differentiated model of exceptions to different jurisdictions in light of their colonial history (and present). / Lomtlolo utjheja ihlangothi lokufuna bona kutjhugululwe iimfundo zemkhakheni wezefundo ephakamileko yangeSewula Afrika ngokufunda ngetuthuko yokufunda kanye nokufundisa ngemNyangweni wabajameli. Utjheja khulu umthetho wepahla wezefundo khudlwana kanye nomthetho welungelo lokukhuphela. Ukuthunjwa kweAfrika ngabamhlophe kone ngeendlela ezinengi. Lokhu kutjengiswa kumbi mikhakha ekhiqiza ilwazi kanye nerhubhululako. Ngalesi isendlalelo lomtlolo utjheja ngokudephileko ukobana ukuthunjwa kweAfrika ngabamhlophe kulethe muphi umuthelela ngehlangothini lomthetho welungelo lokukhuphela lezefundo ngomqopho wokufumana iindlela nofana iinzathu zokobana kutjhugululwe ifundo yangeemfundweni eziphakamileko. Ukuphumelelisa lokhu, lomtlolo uhlahluba iincwadi zobuhlakaniphi bomthetho wepahla ngokutjheja indlela yokwenza izinto ngeSewula. Isahluko esinye nesinye kanye nommongo omunye nomunye utjheja bona ifundo etjhugululweko ingaba njani. Lomtlolo utjheja amathiyori atlolweko kanye nekukhulunywa ngawo lawo akhe umkhanyo wokutjhugulula zefundo. Utjheja isiphoqo seAfrika ngobuhlakaniphi babamhlophe ngomthetho wepahla ‘ikulumopikiswano yesizathu sokwenza okuthileko’ begodu ibeka ngaphambili indlela yokwabelana ipahlo eAfrika ukulwisana nendlela yabamhlophe yokungabelani ipahlo ekubange ikulumopikiswano yesizathu sokwenza okuthileko. Lomtlolo uhlaziya isisusa sokukhuphela ngokutjheja ikolelo yegama elithi ‘Ubuntu’ njengegama elisetjenziswa lokha nakufundiswa lommongo eemfundweni. Indlela etjhugululweko yokuhlaziya iimfuneko sokukhuphela yindlela yabamhlophe begodu igandelela indlu enzima, ngendlela yokwenza kanye nangendlela efundiswa ngayo. Lomtlolo uphetha ngokufunda isiphambuki sokukhuphela, ngokubawa isikolo ukobana sisebenzise indlela ehlukileko kunaleyo ebegade isetjenziswa ngabamhlophe ekadeni kanye nesikhathini sanje. / Private Law / LL.M. (Intellectual Property Law)
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