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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O olhar estrangeiro em São Paulo até meados dos oitocentos: relatos de viajantes ingleses e norte-americanos / The foreign look in são Paulo until mid 1800\'s: reports of english travelers and noth americans

Tathiane Gerbovic 20 January 2010 (has links)
Ao longo do século XIX a Capitania e a Província de São Paulo foram visitadas por alguns viajantes ingleses e norte-americanos. O britânico John Mawe esteve nessas paragens entre o final de 1807 e início de 1808, em busca de minérios e de contratos comerciais. Seu conterrâneo, o comerciante Edmund Pink deixou o Rio de Janeiro durante alguns meses no ano de 1823 para percorrer a região açucareira paulista. O pastor metodista norte-americano Daniel Parish Kidder, como missionário, desembarcou na Província em 1839 para propalar os ensinamentos evangélicos e distribuir exemplares da Bíblia. Alguns anos depois, o missionário James Cooley Fletcher, seu compatriota, esteve em São Paulo, entre junho e julho de 1855, com os mesmos fins, e para aproximar comercial e culturalmente os Estados Unidos e o Brasil. Movido por outros objetivos, J.J. Aubertin, superintendente da Estrada de Ferro de São Paulo, durante 1865 viajou na companhia de um grupo de norte-americanos pelas regiões algodoeiras paulistas a fim de analisar o patamar de desenvolvimento desta lavoura, tendo permanecido na Província entre 1861 e 1868. Diferentes fins impulsionaram a vinda destes viajantes para São Paulo. Apesar das disparidades, através do estudo dos relatos nota-se haver uma ótica econômica e utilitarista em comum, que agrega valores monetários e de uso aos elementos das regiões nas quais estiveram. Eles vieram munidos de um arcabouço cultural fundamentado na valorização do trabalho disciplinado, no uso racional do tempo, na maximização da produção para o aumento do lucro e na exaltação das inovações técnicas. Os viajantes descreveram as diferentes formas de relação com o trabalho e o tempo sob o ponto de vista utilitarista, e consideraram o comportamento geral dos escravos e homens livres pobres diverso do que eles consideravam adequado, como um padrão de ociosidade. Nossa análise está centrada na compreensão deste olhar nos escritos de viagem. / Throughout the nineteenth century, the Captaincy and Province of São Paulo were visited by English and American travelers. English traveler John Mawe visited the area from the end of 1807 to the beginning of 1808, searching for ores and commercial contacts. On the other hand, English merchant Edmund Pink left Rio de Janeiro for some months in 1823 in order to visit the sugar-producing area of São Paulo. American Methodist Episcopal theologian and writer arrived at the Province as a missionary in 1839 in order to preach and distribute copies of the Bible. Another American missionary, James Cooley Fletcher, was in São Paulo from June to July 1855, not only to preach, but also to bring United States and Brazil closer both commercially and culturally. On the other hand, J.J. Aubertin, superintendent of the São Paulo Railway, travelled together with a group of Americans in 1865 to the cotton-producing areas of São Paulo in order to analyze the development of this crop. He remained in the Province from 1861 to 1868. Different purposes motivated the journey of these travelers to São Paulo. In spite of their many differences, the study of their travel narratives reveals a common economic and utilitarian perspective on São Paulo, which includes monetary values and possible uses of the visited areas. Said travelers had a cultural background based on the importance of disciplined work, rational use of time, production maximization in order to increase profits and interest in technical innovations. The aforementioned travelers described the different forms of relationship with labor and time from the utilitarian perspective, thereby considering the general behavior of the slaves and poor free men different from what they deemed adequate. Such behavior was regarded as idleness. This study focuses on the understanding of this perspective in the travelers journals.

Le Rhin suisse dans la littérature de voyage européenne du XVe au XIXe siècle / The Swiss Rhine in the European Travel literature from the 15th to the 19th century

Marinot-Marchand, Delphine 09 December 2011 (has links)
Au coeur de la culture et de l’histoire européennes depuis plus de deux mille ans, le Rhin faitl’objet d’une abondante littérature. La fascination qu’il exerce s’accompagne généralementd’une focalisation sur certains secteurs de son cours dont la Suisse semble exclue, alors que lefleuve prend sa source dans ce pays et qu’il le traverse ou le longe sur environ 250 kilomètres.La Suisse étant, surtout depuis le milieu du XVIIIe siècle, une destination de voyage trèsprisée, l’objectif de notre recherche a été de savoir si l’intérêt apparemment limité pour leRhin helvétique valait également dans le domaine de la littérature de voyage. Basé surl’analyse de guides, d’ouvrages descriptifs et iconographiques et de récits de voyage, leprésent travail a pour objet de mettre en lumière les représentations du fleuve depuis sessources jusqu’à Bâle telles qu’elles ont été véhiculées par la littérature viatique européenne duXVe au XIXe siècle. Notre corpus ne se limitant pas à la sphère germanophone, nous abordonsl’image du Rhin suisse sous un angle comparatiste et proposons un panorama européen desreprésentations en question. Par ailleurs, notre enquête s’inscrit dans l’évolution de laperception du paysage, tant dans ses manifestations naturelles que culturelles, et s’efforce defaire ressortir l’influence de notions comme le sublime et le pittoresque sur les écrits que nosauteurs ont consacrés au tronçon helvétique du fleuve. / The Rhine, which has been in the heart of European culture and history for twothousand years, is the subject of a rich literature. The fascination it exerts goes generallytogether with a focus on some parts of its course of which Switzerland seems to be excluded,although the river springs up in this country and runs across it or along it for 250 km. AsSwitzerland has been a prized destination, particularly since the middle of the 18th century, thepurpose of this study was to know if the apparently limited interest for the Swiss Rhine alsoapplies to Travel literature. Based on the analysis of guide books, descriptive andiconographical books and travel accounts, the present work intends to bring out therepresentations of the river from its spring to Basel, and to show the way European Travelliterature from the 15th to the 19th century conveyed them. As our corpus is not limited to theGerman speaking area, we take up the Swiss Rhine with a comparative point of view andpropose a European panorama of the representations in question. Furthermore, ourinvestigations lie in the evolution of the perception of the landscape in its natural as much asin its cultural expressions, and try to show how notions such as the sublime and thepicturesque influenced the writings our authors consecrated to the Swiss part of the river.

Sin perder el cable a tierra : la identidad del viajero y su interacción en el mundo virtual

Núñez-Melgar-Molinari, Clarisa-María January 2016 (has links)
Núñez-Melgar-Molinari, C. (2016).Sin perder el cable a tierra : la identidad del viajero y su interacción en el mundo virtual (trabajo de investigación para optar la Licenciatura en Comunicación). Universidad de Lima. / Trabajos de investigación

A estética e o ensino de Biologia: nas trilhas de Saint-Hilare / Aesthetics and Biology teaching: on the trails of Saint-Hilare

Gabriela Cristina Sganzerla Iglesias 07 April 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, inserida na linha de pesquisa Historia, Filosofia e Ensino de Evolucao e Ecologia, trata sobre a Estetica, procurando verificar as possiveis contribuicoes desse referencial teorico para o estudo do meio em Biologia, nomeadamente para aulas de campo voltadas para o Ensino Superior em cursos de Ciencias Biologicas. A Estetica descrita por Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), nao limita-se somente ao entendimento da Estetica como uma ciencia do belo. A Estetica peirceana possui um carater mais abrangente, que reside na essencia de qualquer objeto apreendido pela experiencia; o admiravel que desperta a atencao, seja o objeto considerado belo ou nao pelas convencoes. Nas ideias de Aldo Leopold (1887-1948), que tratam de uma Estetica voltada para a conservacao dos seres vivos, verifica-se um dialogo com a Teoria de Peirce por meio das cinco categorias da Estetica da Conservacao: os trofeus, o isolamento na natureza, ar livre e mudanca de panorama, percepcao e sentido da administracao cuidadosa. Considerando essas categorias, foi proposta uma sequencia didatica tendo a trilha realizada pelo naturalista Auguste de Saint-Hilaire (1779-1853) na Serra da Canastra (MG) como eixo norteador. A proposta com abordagem interdisciplinar favorece o desenvolvimento das aulas de campo a partir de elementos filosoficos e historicos, permitindo que os alunos revisitem os ambientes descritos por Saint-Hilaire de maneira mais motivadora e contextualizada / This proposal is inserted in the research line \"History, Theory and Teaching of Comparative Biology\" and will work with Aesthetics seeking to verify the possible contributions of this theoretical reference for the study of the environment in Biology, particularly in field classes focused on Higher Education in Biology Graduation. The Aesthetics, described by Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914), is not limited to a science of the beautiful. Aesthetics has a more comprehensive character and resides in the essence of any object apprehended in our experience that arouses our attention, be it considered beautiful or not by the conventions. It it something that we consider \"admirable\". We found in the ideas of Aldo Leopold (1887-1948), that deals with an Aesthetics focused on the conservation of living beings, a dialogue with Peirce\'s Theory. Leopold (1949) proposes five categories of Conservation Aesthetics: trophy, isolation, change of scene, perception and husbandry. Based on these categories it was proposed a Didactic Sequence having the trail made by the naturalist Auguste de Saint- Hilaire (1779-1853) in Serra da Canastra as a background. We chose to adopt an interdisciplinary approach, and while the students revisit the points visited by Saint- Hilaire, field classes are developed with the aim of investigating the environment as the naturalist himself did

The feasibility of establishing a ministry of tourism in the United Arab Emirates

Neyadi, Suhail Al 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to identify the various events that would attract tourists, and develop strategies that would reach the target market to increase tourism in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), formerly known as the Trucial States prior to 1971.

Stationsnära stadsutveckling : Planeringsunderlag för Gävle Västra

Eriksson, Malou, Östman, Frida January 2020 (has links)
Som ett steg på vägen mot ett hållbart samhälle planerar Trafikverket att bygga ut järnvägsnätet i nordlig och västlig riktning med utgångspunkt i Gävle. Satsningen kommer även innebära att en ny tågstation byggs i Tolvfors, just norr om Gävle Sjukhus. Stationen kommer att få namnet Gävle Västra. I samband med detta vill Gävle kommun utveckla området runt omkring den planerade stationen för att stärka stationens förbindelse med resten av Gävle. Kommunens mål är att skapa ett funktionellt och socialt hållbart område där blandade funktioner och goda kommunikationer ska bidra till ett förenklat och ökat kollektivt resande. Målet med denna studie var att framställa ett kunskapsunderlag som delvis kommer att ligga till grund för projektets planprogram. Syftet med studien var att identifiera troliga målgrupper för stationsområdet och undersöka vilka behov de olika målgrupperna har gällande funktioner i stationsområdet. Dessa jämfördes därefter med planeringsteorin Transit- Oriented Developments (TOD) planeringsideal för levande stationsområden för att ge antydningar om hur välanpassade planeringsteorin är till de behov som uppstår vid kollektivt resande. Genom att granska litteratur kunde ett antal målgrupper pekas ut som viktiga för stationsområdets dagliga aktivitet. Den metod som sedan användes i studien var en webbaserad enkätundersökning där de utpekade målgruppernas behov i stationsområdet undersöktes. De målgrupper som studien kunde peka ut som områdets huvudsakliga användare var boende i de närliggande områdena Sätra, Hagaström och Tolvfors/Lexe samt personal, studerande och besökare på Gävle Sjukhus, Teknikparken/Region Gävleborg och Högskolan i Gävle. Av enkäten framkom att de olika målgrupperna var av störst behov av parkeringar, handelsverksamheter och serveringar, medan skolfunktioner, hotell och rekreation var av mindre intresse. Detta jämfördes sedan med TOD-teorins idéer om levande stationsområden där handel och besöksnäringar pekas ut som viktiga funktioner för stationsnära områden. Resultatet visade att de behov som uppstår i stationsområden i relativt hög grad kan tillgodoses av TOD- teorins planeringsmodell, men att vissa skillnader finns mellan behov och teori och att detta är något som bör tas i beaktning vid stationsnära stadsutveckling. / As a step towards a sustainable society, the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) is planning to expand the railway network to the north and west, starting in Gävle. The investment will also include the establishment of a new regional railway station, Gävle Västra, which will be placed in Tolvfors just north of Gävle Hospital. To enhance the connection between the railway station and the rest of the city, the municipality of Gävle are planning to develop the surrounding area as well. The goal is to create a functional and vibrant urban area with a mix of uses and activities and easy connections to the surrounding city, with the hope of increasing the use of public transit. The aim of this study is to produce an informative document that will partly form the basis of the planning program that will be used in the project. The purpose of this study was to identify the main target groups for the new area and investigate their needs referring to uses and activities in the area. These needs were then compared to the ideas of the planning theory Transit- Oriented Development to get an indication of how well the theory is adapted to the needs that occur during travelling with public transportation. After going through some literature, a few target groups could be identified as important for the daily activity in the station area. The method then used was an online survey where the needs of the target groups were examined. Eight target groups were identified as the main users of the transit area, including people living in the close by neighborhoods and people working at, studying at or regularly visiting the Gävle Hospital, the University of Gävle or Teknikparken/Region Gävleborg. The survey showed that the most common needs of the target groups were parking space, commercial businesses like food markets and places to eat. This was compared to the ideas of the TOD theory where commercial businesses and social activities were the most important features in a transit node area. The results showed that the needs of the travelers and visitors of the transit area can be accommodated by the planning model of the TOD theory to a relatively large extent. The study also showed that there are a few distinctions between the needs of the travelers and the TOD theory, and that this is something to take into consideration when planning new station areas.

Är pendeltågens stopp för långa : - En studie av Stockholms pendeltågs uppehållstider . / Are the Stops in Stockholm’s Commuter Train System too Long : – A Survey of the Dwell Times of the Commuter Trains in Stockholm

KENNERÖ, JONAS January 2023 (has links)
An important aspect during the planning of commuter trains is how long they will be waiting at the platform. All travelers must be able to board and get off the train in time while the process cannot take too long. The train’s waiting time is called its dwell time, and this is a study of how the dwell time of the commuter trains in Stockholm behaves with a focus on the larger station Stockholm Odenplan and the smaller station Årstaberg. The duration of the dwell time compared to the stations planned dwell time was analyzed with manual measurements on the stations. The dwell time was analyzed both during and after rush hours. Possible reasons for the dwell time’s length were also analyzed and a potential factor that was in focus was the impact of the removal of train conductors. Train conductors in Stockholm’s rail system are responsible for monitoring the boarding and closing the train’s doors after it is finished. They began to dismantle from the trains Mars 2023 due to efficiency reasons. Half of the trains will run with a train conductor until autumn 2023, where they will disappear entirely. The train drivers will afterwards monitor the travelers with cameras instead. The commuter trains in Stockholm have three routes between Bålsta and Nynäshamn, Uppsala/Märsta and Södertälje and Södertälje and Gnesta. Factors considered when planning their timetables are the system’s capacity, how long the train should wait at a station and how long it takes to drive between stations. 94 % of the trains run on time in the system according to the operator MTR. The analyzed stations Stockholm Odenplan and Årstaberg are in Stockholm and have their separate conditions. Stockholm Odenplan is the second to largest station in the system and is in a central part of the city. The station is underground, and the rails are separated from the platform with platform doors. The doors are shown to cause delays for the dwell time as they are slow. Årstaberg has considerably fewer travelers than Stockholm Odenplan and is in the south parts of the city. The station is over the ground and has no platform doors. There are many theories about the causes behind a train’s dwell time based on the behavior of the passengers. They vary from where they are waiting on the platform, how they are queueing during boarding and the behavior during the boarding. The study shows that the dwell time in Årstaberg stays under its planned 42 seconds, but it is six seconds too long from its planned 60 seconds in Stockholm Odenplan. The dwell time increases during rush hour in Årstaberg and decreases outside of it, while Stockholm Odenplan seems to be largely unaffected by rush hours. Trains with train conductors seem to have a lower dwell time than those without them. The boarding has a shorter duration with train conductors, which shows that they are more efficient than the train drivers using cameras to monitor the boarding. However, it does take a little longer for the train to depart after the boarding is finished when they have a train conductor. Factors causing the dwell time are believed to be related to the flow of passengers and the design of the stations. The platform doors are believed to increase the dwell time in Stockholm Odenplan. Meanwhile, the protection from the weather and the location of the entrance in Årstaberg might impact its dwell time. When the number of passengers increases will the boarding take longer. The boarding will also be concentrated on a few doors in Årstaberg depending on the weather or if the trains are short. The dwell time should be analyzed further for a longer period and during more hours of the day. More stations in Stockholm’s rail system should be analyzed too.

Север глазами женщин: современный западный травелог об Арктике (на материале книг Гретель Эрлих «In the Empire of Ice» и Сары Уилер «The Magnetic North») : магистерская диссертация / The North through the eyes of women: a modern western travelogue about the Arctic (based on the books by Gretel Ehrlich "In the Empire of Ice" and Sarah Wheeler "The Magnetic North")

Ахметшина, А. Н., Akhmetshina, A. N. January 2021 (has links)
Работа посвящена изучению особенностей ведения травелогов, посвящённых путешествию женщин писательниц по Арктическому региону. Материалом для работы послужили произведения Гретель Эрлих ‘In the Empire of Ice: Encounters in a Changing Landscape’ (2010) и Сары Уилер ‘The Magnetic North: Travels in the Arctic’ (2009). В первой части работы раскрываются вопросы, связанные с трактовкой понятия «травелог», предоставляется детальное описание его жанровых, а также языковых характеристик. Рассматриваются также основные направления в изучении понятия «нарративная стратегия» и «нарративная персона», изучается сложившийся в трудах различных учёных и путешественников образ Арктики. Во второй части работы изучаются особенности ведения травелогов авторства Гретель Эрлих и Сары Уилер, что включает в себя анализ проблем и тематик, которые были озвучены самими писательницами в тексте. После этого рассматривается каждая из представленных в произведениях проблем подробнее. Выявление специфических особенностей написания произведения в жанре литературное путешествие, охватывающее аспекты поездки автора-путешественника в Арктический регион, является тем основанием, на котором строились ключевые аспекты исследования. Результаты работы могут использоваться в других исследованиях в области литературы путешествий и образа Арктики, для разработки курсов по литературоведению и современной западной литературе. / The work is devoted to the study of the features of conducting travelogues dedicated to the journey of women writers in the Arctic region. The material for the thesis was the works of Gretel Ehrlich ‘In the Empire of Ice: Encounters in a Changing Landscape’ (2010) and Sarah Wheeler ‘The Magnetic North: Travels in the Arctic’ (2009). The first chapter reviews questions related to the interpretation of the concept of "travelogue", and a detailed description of its genre and language characteristics is provided. The main directions in the study of the concept of "narrative strategy" and "narrative persona" are also considered, the image of the Arctic that has developed in the works of various scientists and travelers is studied. The second chapter of the work examines the features of travelogues authored by Gretel Ehrlich and Sarah Wheeler, which includes an analysis of the problems and topics that were voiced by the writers themselves in the text. After that, each of the problems presented in the works is considered in more detail. The identification of specific features of writing a work in the genre of literary travel, covering aspects of the author's trip to the Arctic region, is the basis on which the key aspects of the study were built. The results of the work can be used in other studies in the field of travel literature and the image of the Arctic, for the development of courses in literary studies and modern Western literature.

A Risk Based Approach to Intelligent Transportation Systems Security

Bakhsh Kelarestaghi, Kaveh 11 July 2019 (has links)
Security threats to cyber-physical systems are targeting institutions and infrastructure around the world, and the frequency and severity of attacks are on the rise. Healthcare manufacturing, financial services, education, government, and transportation are among the industries that are the most lucrative targets for adversaries. Hacking is not just about companies, organizations, or banks; it also includes critical infrastructure. Wireless Sensors Networks, Vehicle-to-everything communication (V2X), Dynamic Message Signs (DMS), and Traffic Signal Controllers are among major Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) infrastructure that has already been attacked or remain vulnerable to hacking. ITS has been deployed with a focus on increasing efficiency and safety in the face of dramatic increases in travel demand. Although many studies have been performed and many security primitives have been proposed, there are significant concerns about flawless performance in a dynamic environment. A holistic security approach, in which all infrastructure performs within the satisfactory level of security remains undiscovered. Previously, hacking of road infrastructure was a rare event, however, in recent years, field devices such as DMS are hacked with higher frequency. The primary reason that transportation assets are vulnerable to cyber-attacks is due to their location. A more dramatic scenario occurs when hackers attempt to convey tampered instructions to the public. Analyzing traveler behavior in response to the hacked messages sign on the basis of empirical data is a vital step toward operating a secure and reliable transportation system. There may be room for improvement by policymakers and program managers when considering critical infrastructure vulnerabilities. With cybersecurity issues escalating every day, road users' safety has been neglected. This dissertation overcomes these challenges and contributes to the nascent but growing literature of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) security impact-oriented risk assessment in threefold. • First, I employ a risk-based approach to conduct a threat assessment. This threat assessment performs a qualitative vulnerability-oriented threat analysis. The objective is to scrutinize safety, security, reliability, and operation issues that are prompted by a compromised Dynamic Message Signs (DMS). • Second, I examine the impact of drivers' attitudes and behaviors on compliance, route diversion behavior, and speed change behavior, under a compromised DMS. We aim to assess the determinants that are likely to contribute to drivers' compliance with forged information. To this extent, this dissertation evaluates drivers' behavior under different unauthentic messages to assess in-depth the impact of an adversarial attack on the transportation network. • Third, I evaluate distracted driving under different scenarios to assess the in-depth impact of an adversarial attack on the transportation network. To this extent, this dissertation examines factors that are contributing to the manual, visual, and cognitive distractions when drivers encountering fabricated advisory information at a compromised DMS. The results of this dissertation support the original hypothesis and indicate that with respect to the forged information drivers tend to (1) change their planned route, (2) become involved in distracting activities, and (3) change their choice speed at the presence of a compromised DMS. The main findings of this dissertation are outlined below: 1. The DMS security vulnerabilities and predisposing conditions allow adversaries to compromise ITS functionality. The risk-based approach of this study delivers the impact-likelihood matrix, which maps the adverse impacts of the threat events onto a meaningful, visual, matrix. DMS hacking adverse impacts can be categorized mainly as high-risk and medium-risk clusters. The safety, operational (i.e., monetary losses) and behavioral impacts are associated with a high-risk cluster. While the security, reliability, efficiency, and operational (i.e., congestion) impacts are associated with the medium-risk cluster. 2. Tech friendly drivers are more likely to change their route under a compromised DMS. At the same time, while they are acquiring new information, they need to lowering their speed to respond to the higher information load. Under realistic-fabricated information, about 65% of the subjects would depart from their current route. The results indicate that females and subjects with a higher driving experience are more likely to change their route. In addition, those subjects who are more sensitive to the DMS's traffic-related messages and those who use DMS under congested traffic condition are more likely to divert. Interestingly, individuals with lower education level, Asians, those who live in urban areas, and those with trouble finding their direction in new routes are less likely to pick another route rather the one they planned for. 3. Regardless of the DMS hacking scenarios, drivers would engage in at least one of the distractive activities. Among the distractive activities, cognitive distraction has the highest impact on the distracted driving likelihood. Meaning, there is a high chance that drivers think of something other than driving, look at surrounding traffic and scenery, or talk to other passengers regarding the forged information they saw on the DMS. Drivers who rely and trust in technology, and those who check traffic condition before starting their trips tend to become distracted. In addition, the result identified that at the presence of bogus information, drivers tend to slow down or stop in order to react to the DMS. That is, they would either (1) become involved in activities through the means of their phone, (2) they would mind wander, look around, and talk to a passenger about the sign, and (3) search for extra information by means of their vehicle's radio or internet. 4. Females, black individuals, subjects with a disability, older, and those with high trust in DMS are less likely to ignore the fabricated messages. In contrary, white, those who drive long hours, and those who see driving as a tedious task are more likely to ignore the bogus messages. Drivers who comply with traffic regulations and have a good driving record are likely to slow down under the tampered messages. Furthermore, female drivers and those who live in rural areas are more likely to slow down under fabricated advisory information. Furthermore, this dissertation identifies that planning for alternative route and involvement in distractive activities cause speed variation behaviors under the compromised DMS. This dissertation is the first to investigate the adverse impact of a compromised DMS on the road users and operators. I attempt to address the current gap in the literature by assessing and evaluating the impact of ITS security vulnerabilities. Broader impacts of this study include (1) to systematically raising awareness among policy-makers and engineers, (2) motivating further simulations and real-world experiments to investigate this matter further, (3) to systematically assessing the adverse impact of a security breach on transportation reliability and safety, and drivers' behavior, and (4) providing insights for system operators and decision-makers to prioritize the risk of a compromised DMS. Additionally, the outcome can be integrated with the nationwide connected vehicle and V2X implementations and security design. / Doctor of Philosophy / Security threats are targeting institutions and infrastructure around the world, and the frequency and severity of security attacks are on the rise. Healthcare manufacturing, financial services, education, government, and transportation are among the industries that are the most lucrative targets for adversaries. Hacking is not just about companies, organizations, or banks; it also includes critical infrastructure. Intelligent Transportation Systems have been deployed with a focus on increasing efficiency and safety in the face of dramatic increases in traffic volume. Although many studies have been performed and many security primitives have been proposed, there are significant concerns about flawless performance in a dynamic environment. A holistic security approach, in which all infrastructure performs within the satisfactory level of security remains undiscovered. Previously, hacking of road infrastructure was a rare event, however, in recent years, field devices, such as dynamic message signs, are hacked with higher frequency. The primary reason that transportation assets are vulnerable to cyber-attacks is that of their location in public. A more dramatic scenario occurs when hackers attempt to convey tampered instructions to the public. Analyzing traveler behavior in response to the hacked messages sign on the basis of empirical data is a vital step toward operating a secure and reliable transportation system. This study is the first to investigate the adversarial impact of a compromised message sign on the road users and operators. I attempt to address the current gap in the literature by assessing and evaluating the impact of ITS security vulnerabilities.

Representations of landscape and gender in Lady Anne Barnard's "Journal of a month's tour into the interior of Africa"

Collins, Brenda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis will focus on Barnard’s representations of gender and landscape during her tour into the interior of the South of Africa. Barnard’s conscious representation of herself as a woman with many different social roles gives the reader insight into the developing gender roles at the time of an emerging feminism. On their tour, Barnard reports on four aspects of the interior, namely the state of cultivation of the land, the type of food and accommodation available in the interior, the possibilities for hunting and whether the colony will be a valuable acquisition for Britain. Barnard’s view of the landscape is representative of the eighteenth century’s preoccupation with control over and classification of nature. She values order and cleanliness in her vision of a domesticated landscape. She appropriates the land in wanting to make it useful and beautiful to the colonisers. However, her representations of the landscape, as well as its inhabitants, remain ambivalent in terms of the discourse of imperialism because she is unable to adopt an unequivocal colonial voice. Her complex interaction with the world of colonialism is illustrated by, on the one hand, her adherence to the desire to classify the inhabitants of the colony according to the eighteenth century’s fascination with classification and, on the other hand, her recognition of the humanity of the individuals with whom she interacts in a move away from the colonial stance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus op Barnard se voorstellings van gender en landskap gedurende haar toer in die binneland van die suide van Afrika. Barnard se bewuste voorstelling van haarself as ‘n vrou met vele sosiale rolle gee die leser insig in die ontwikkelende genderrolle gedurende ‘n tydperk van ontluikende feminisme. Gedurende haar toer doen Barnard verslag oor vier aspekte van die binneland, naamlik hoeveel van die grond reeds bewerk is, die tipe kos en akkommodasie wat beskikbaar is, die jagmoontlikhede, en of die kolonie ‘n waardevolle aanwins vir Brittanje sal wees. Barnard se beskouing van die landskap is verteenwoordigend van die agtiende-eeuse obsessie met beheer oor en klassifikasie van die natuur. Sy heg groot waarde aan orde en netheid in haar visie van ‘n getemde landskap. Sy lê beslag op die land deurdat sy dit bruikbaar en mooi wil maak vir die kolonialiste. Haar voorstellings van die landskap sowel as die inwoners weerspieël egter haar ambivalente posisie jeens die koloniale diskoers omdat sy sukkel om ‘n ondubbelsinnige koloniale stem te gebruik. Haar komplekse interaksie met die wêreld van kolonialisme word weerspieël deur, enersyds, haar navolging van die koloniale neiging om die inwoners van die land te kategoriseer in lyn met die agtiende-eeuse obsessie met klassifikasie en, andersyds, haar herkenning van die menslikheid van die individue met wie sy kontak maak in ‘n skuif weg van die koloniale standpunt.

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