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Der Stromausfall in MünchenSchubert, Daniel Kurt Josef, Meyer, Thomas, von Selasinsky, Alexander, Schmidt, Adriane, Thuß, Sebastian, Erdmann, Niels, Erndt, Mark 13 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Mit dem Forschungsprojekt wurde das Ziel verfolgt, den Einfluss des Münchner Stromausfalls im Winter 2012 auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für Versorgungssicherheit sowie auf die Akzeptanz für Erneuerbare Energien zu untersuchen. Das Ausfallereignis in München bot sich in besonderer Weise für eine Untersuchung an, da etwa die Hälfte des Stadtgebiets betroffen war, sodass eine Trennung nach beeinträchtigten und nicht-beeinträchtigen Haushalten aus einer nahezu homogenen Stichprobe ermöglicht wurde.
Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht eine repräsentative Bevölkerungsumfrage, die zwei Monate nach dem Ausfallereignis durchgeführt wurde. Dazu wurden über das Telefonlabor der Technischen Universität Dresden 526 Personen aus Münchner Privathaushalten befragt.
Nach unseren Befunden beeinflusst eine kleine Versorgungsunterbrechung, wie in München, die Einstellung hinsichtlich der Erneuerbaren Energien nur unwesentlich. Allerdings können wir mit Hilfe der kontingenten Bewertungsmethode einen signifikanten Einfluss des Ausfalls auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für eine sichere Versorgung nachweisen.
Darüber ergeben sich aus unserer Studie Erkenntnisse für die Umsetzung der Energiewende: Beispielsweise wurde der Wert für die letzte gelieferte Kilowattstunde Strom (Value of Lost Load), das Last-Abschaltpotenzial von Haushalten sowie die Akzeptanz der Höhe der EEG-Umlage ermittelt.
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Impact of Mortgage Characteristics on Retail Mortgage Transaction Completion TimeTannous, Kareem Atalla 01 January 2018 (has links)
In the mortgage industry, many mortgage lenders cannot manage mortgage workflow systems while meeting and exceeding organizational objectives. Organizations with an above-industry average turnaround time (ATT) to complete a retail mortgage transaction (RMT) from origination to funding experience revenue losses. Grounded in the proposition that mortgage loan purpose (MLP), mortgage loan type (MLT), and subject property type (SPT) impact ATT to complete an RMT, the purpose of this causal-comparative study was to assess the impact of MLP, MLT, and SPT on ATT to complete an RMT. Using archival data records (N = 146) from a selected mortgage institution in the state of Florida, the results of the 2 x 2 x 2 factorial ANOVA showed that there were no main or interaction effects F(5,140) = 0.42, p = .83. Implications for social change include the possibility for mortgage lenders to implement improved workflow processes to reduce costs and improve efficiency metrics and intrinsic value, thereby benefitting organizational stakeholders such as employees and consumers.
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The Lived Experience of Teachers Choosing an Arts-Rich Approach in Turnaround SchoolsMoctezuma, Jennie A 20 December 2017 (has links)
Increased metacognition, social-emotional growth, and career viability are all researched benefits of including the arts as part of core content instruction, with even greater impact for struggling students, English Language Learners, and students with special needs. Some turnaround schools that are federally funded School Improvement Grant (SIG) schools are beginning to implement an arts-rich method of school reform by teaching core content both through and in the arts. This approach is most often presented as a choice in the high-stakes testing environment of turnaround schools. Since teachers have the most direct impact on students, yet a relatively low amount of authorship in the way school reform is approached, their voice and experience is highlighted in this phenomenological study.
The participants are from three public turnaround schools in the South. The researcher used traditional research methods layered with an arts-based research approach mirroring the techniques used in an arts-rich classroom. The researcher found that participants experienced their work as a vocational calling, used methods of engaged pedagogy, and experienced a number of roadblocks to their work. They swiftly moved through these roadblocks to create pathways leveraging the arts to change their curriculum and classroom contexts, applied the arts as an access point for content areas, and then experienced the use of an art-rich classroom as a contagious practice. Potential implications for this study include a scalable model for turnaround schools, investment in engaged pedagogical practice for turnaround schools, and increased agility for teachers to become curriculum bricoleurs.
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Leadership, Organizational Turnarounds, and Gil Hodges's 1969 New York MetsRebecchi, John 01 January 2018 (has links)
The impact of the 2008 global financial crisis, shifting market demands, and prolonged underperformance has forced organizations to devise and implement turnaround strategies or risk business failure. Researchers have pointed to the importance of leadership in the turnaround process, yet there are a limited number of research studies identifying characteristics of successful turnaround leaders. Using the full range leadership model, the purpose of this nonexperimental, ex post facto study was to examine the leadership style of Gil Hodges, manager during the 1969 New York Mets successful turnaround season and explore the organization's culture and climate. Data were collected using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Denison Organizational Culture Survey, and Organizational Climate Measure. A small response rate of 7 yielded low statistical power which led to treating the findings as exploratory. The findings suggest that Hodges's leadership showed strong transformational and transactional characteristics, and that the players perceived an agile organizational culture and a climate in which leaders stressed high levels of performance. Results from multiple linear regression analysis and Spearman correlations showed a strong positive relationship between transactional leadership and the consistency culture trait, yet no association between leadership and organizational climate. Findings also showed the adaptability culture trait had a strong positive influence on the pressure-to-produce climate dimension and a significant negative correlation with the effort dimension. The findings from this study may affect positive social change by providing insights into successful turnaround leadership styles and organizational strategies to support such efforts.
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台灣電腦系統廠之轉型策略–以智慧型手機為例 / Turnaround strategies of Taiwanese PC companies:A transformation to smartphone楊娟娟, Yang, Chuan Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以國內系統領導廠商轉型為主要研究議題。使用個案研究法,探討其跨入智慧型手機產業之可行性。藉由文獻探討及產業領域知識(domain knowledge)等資訊來源,降低人為主觀偏見,選擇客觀的研究變項定義,發展研究架構,並進行個案公司訪談,彙整分析轉型策略及成功關鍵因素,期為企業進行轉型之參考依據。由研究結果顯示,影響台灣電腦系統廠轉型的關鍵因素,綜述如下:(一)企業轉型之購併策略,若忽略組織文化磨合期,反增加學習成本;(二)企業轉型之品牌策略鴻溝,其解決之道在於「創新」與「品質」;(三)企業轉型之採購策略制定,應配合企業整體目標,並視為企業競爭力之發展重點;(四)企業轉型之目標設定,為跨足新領域時,不能冀望過去成功模式可全然複製於新產業價值鏈,否則將影響決策擬定及業務執行之方向;(五)企業轉型之資源配置,應審思運用於企業核心能力之培育,並配合政府產業政策,以取得更多輔助資源,降低企業資源投入成本及創造利潤之壓力。
關鍵字:智慧型手機、企業轉型、產業價值鏈、資源基礎理論 / In this study, we apply the method of “case study” for the transformation of computer companies into smart phone industry in Taiwan. Using literature review and domain knowledge to reduce the individual bias, the study variables are defined, and the research framework is also proposed. Through interviewing with those companies, the strategy of transformation and critical success factor are analyzed in order to provide the references of business transformation in the future. As the result of study, the critical success factors are concluded as following:(1) It will increase the cost of learning curve if to ignore the integration between organizations during the transformation and merger. (2) “Innovation” and “quality” are the critical strength to fix chasm for brand strategy in the turnaround. (3) To formulate the strategy of procurement, it should be tied in corporation goal and regard it as the core competence. (4) A corporation abandons itself to former successful model during transformation into new industry, which will affect the frame of strategic direction and its business execution. (5) For the placement of organizational resource for turnaround, corporation should deeply consider for the cultivation of core competence in corporation. Besides, to obtain more assistant resource inputs from government to reduce the organizational pressure of return of investment.
Keywords: Smartphone, Corporation Transformation, Turnaround and resource-based Theory.
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Simulation and analysis of port bottlenecks: the case of Male'Adam, Shammoon January 2009 (has links)
Maldives is an island nation that consists of around 1190 islands located in the Indian Ocean, southwest of Sri Lanka. The country virtually imports everything it consumes. Male’ Commercial Harbour handles all international sea cargo for the country. The land area assigned for the port is small; and there are frequent bottlenecks and congestion in the port. By using computer simulation techniques, this research investigates the situation of Male’ Commercial Harbour and identifies logistic bottlenecks that exist at the port. Accordingly, a field research was conducted at Male’ Commercial Harbour to collect required data. Both, qualitative and quantitative data were collected using focus group, interviews, on-site observations, and time and motion measures. The simulation models presented in this thesis were carried out with Arena software (Academic Version of Arena 10.0). The models were used to analyse the vessel turnaround time, berth capacity, yard capacity, container dwell time, queue values, utilisation of ship cranes and other container handling equipment. The results show that berth capacity seems to be the major bottleneck that creates longer queues and ship delays at Male’ Commercial Harbour. Several scenarios were tested to identify the best scenario regarding ship waiting time at berth. Based on the best scenario, a project was proposed focusing on the development of an extended alongside berth at Male’ Commercial Harbour. A cost benefit analysis was performed to see whether the project is financially feasible.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 17-20, 1994 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / The Aircraft Research and Development Unit (ARDU) of the Royal Australian Air
Force (RAAF) is the only agency in Australia that performs the full spectrum of
military flight testing and is the new custodian of the instrumented weapons range at
Woomera. Receiving early attention will be the upgrade and integration of ARDU's
telemetry systems with the meteorological and tracking data acquisition capabilities at
Woomera to minimize overhead and data turnaround time.
To achieve these goals, maximum modularity, extensibility, and product
interoperability is being sought in the proposed architecture of all the systems that will
need to cooperate on the forecast test programmes. These goals are also driven by the
need to be responsive to a wide variety of tasks which presently include structural
flight testing of fighter and training aircraft, weapons systems performance evaluation
on a variety of combatant aircraft, and a host of other tasks associated with all fixed
and rotary wing aircraft in the Army and Air Force inventory.
Of all these tasks however, ARDU sees that responsiveness to future testing of
F-111Cs fitted with unique Digital Flight Control Systems along with USAF standard
F-111Gs may place the most significant demands on data handling —particularly in
regard to providing an avionics bus diagnostic capability when performing
Operational Flight Programme (OFP) changes to the mission computers.
With the timely assistance and advice of Loral Test & Information Systems, who has
long-term experience in supporting USAF F-111 test programmes, ARDU is confident
of making wise design decisions that will provide the desired flexibility and, at the
same time, minimize life-cycle costs by ensuring compliance with the appropriate
telemetry and open systems standards. As well, via cooperative agreements with the
USAF, the potential exists to acquire proven software products without needing to
fund the development costs already absorbed by the USAF.
This paper presents ARDU's perception of future needs, a view by LTIS of how best
to meet those needs, and, based on ARDU data, a view of how LTIS' proposal will
satisfy the requirement to provide maximum extensibility with minimum life-cycle
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Der Stromausfall in MünchenSchubert, Daniel Kurt Josef, Meyer, Thomas, von Selasinsky, Alexander, Schmidt, Adriane, Thuß, Sebastian, Erdmann, Niels, Erndt, Mark 01 October 2013 (has links)
Mit dem Forschungsprojekt wurde das Ziel verfolgt, den Einfluss des Münchner Stromausfalls im Winter 2012 auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für Versorgungssicherheit sowie auf die Akzeptanz für Erneuerbare Energien zu untersuchen. Das Ausfallereignis in München bot sich in besonderer Weise für eine Untersuchung an, da etwa die Hälfte des Stadtgebiets betroffen war, sodass eine Trennung nach beeinträchtigten und nicht-beeinträchtigen Haushalten aus einer nahezu homogenen Stichprobe ermöglicht wurde.
Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht eine repräsentative Bevölkerungsumfrage, die zwei Monate nach dem Ausfallereignis durchgeführt wurde. Dazu wurden über das Telefonlabor der Technischen Universität Dresden 526 Personen aus Münchner Privathaushalten befragt.
Nach unseren Befunden beeinflusst eine kleine Versorgungsunterbrechung, wie in München, die Einstellung hinsichtlich der Erneuerbaren Energien nur unwesentlich. Allerdings können wir mit Hilfe der kontingenten Bewertungsmethode einen signifikanten Einfluss des Ausfalls auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft für eine sichere Versorgung nachweisen.
Darüber ergeben sich aus unserer Studie Erkenntnisse für die Umsetzung der Energiewende: Beispielsweise wurde der Wert für die letzte gelieferte Kilowattstunde Strom (Value of Lost Load), das Last-Abschaltpotenzial von Haushalten sowie die Akzeptanz der Höhe der EEG-Umlage ermittelt.
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Biogene und fossile Kraftstoffproduktion an norddeutschen Hafenstandorten: ein ökonomischer, ökologischer und energetischer Vergleich der Wertschöpfungsketten / Biogenic and Fossil Fuel Production at Northern German Seaports: An Economical, Ecological and Energetic Supply Chain ComparisonMüller, Harald 21 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Estresse financeiro e recuperação no ambiente corporativo: estudos de casos no setor de telecomunicações do Brasil após privatizaçãoOgawa, Eliza Harumi 24 January 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-01-24T00:00:00Z / O objetivo deste trabalho foi explorar o tema de estresse financeiro e recuperação no ambiente corporativo através de uma revisão bibliográfica e estudos de casos, fazendo um paralelo entre os conceitos e conclusões levantadas por autores que estudaram o tema e casos reais vivenciados por empresas do setor de telecomunicações no Brasil. Muitos autores apontaram os fatores externos (cenário macroeconômico, mudanças na estrutura da indústria, falta de liquidez no mercado financeiro, etc.) e os fatores internos (erro dos administradores) dentre as principais causas que levam uma empresa a apurar estresse financeiro, enfatizando que, os fatores internos são determinantes na maioria dos fracassos corporativos. Os autores também mencionaram importantes estratégias de sucesso a serem implementadas dentro de um processo de recuperação, destacando as estratégias voltadas para o aumento de eficiência (redução de custos e despesas, venda de ativos, etc.) e estratégias voltadas para o empreendorismo (re-posicionamento de mercado, entrada em novos produtos). O trabalho desenvolveu estudos de casos de empresas do setor de telecomunicações do Brasil no período após a privatização, que vivenciaram estresse financeiro e implementaram um processo de recuperação. Dentro deste critério, os casos de estresse financeiro da Embratel e da BCP foram os objetos de análise e contribuíram para interessantes conclusões sobre as causas que levaram as empresas de telecomunicações a enfrentarem estresse financeiro, as estratégias de recuperação implementadas, os aprendizados dos casos analisados e como os conceitos e conclusões descritos na revisão bibliográfica se aplicaram nos casos. / This dissertation aimed at analyzing the financial distress and turnaround situations within the corporate environment, through a bibliography revision on the subject and also through case studies. This study assessed the concepts and the conclusions drawn from authors, who have researched the theme, and compared to real cases of telecommunication companies in Brazil. Many authors mentioned several external reasons (macroeconomic scenario, industry structure changes, lack of liquidity in the financial markets, etc) and also internal reasons (bad management) among the main causes of corporate decline. They highlighted that, in most cases, the internal reasons are the key contributors for corporate failures. The researchers also described important set of prevalent strategies implemented in successful turnaround processes. Among those strategies, the authors mentioned the efficiency-oriented strategies (also known as “retrenchment activities” that include cost reductions, downsizing and downscoping) and the entrepreneurial strategies, including changes in market positioning and new market entrance actions. This dissertation also developed case studies on telecommunication companies in Brazil that experienced financial distress and turnaround process after the privatization event. Following these criteria, the financial distress and recovery process of Embratel and BCP contributed for interesting conclusions on the business failure causes, the turnaround strategies executed, the lessons-learned from the analyzed cases and also on how the concepts and conclusions brought by the researchers fit in the cases studied.
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