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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Železobetonová nosná konstrukce administrativní budovy / Reinforced concrete structure of a administrative building

Čačaný, Matej January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on design and assessment selected parts of the reinforced concrete structure supporting six storey office building with regard to the ultimate and serviceability limit state.This thesis contains a static calculation and technical drawings of concrete slab above first floor, staircase and two columns. For calculation of internal forces was created a 3D structural model in Scia Engineer 16. Assessment of all designed parts of the structure is done according to Eurocode 2 (ČSN EN 1992-1-1).

Mateřská škola Domino / Kindergarten Domino

Remeš, Dominik January 2017 (has links)
This final thesis "Kindergarten Domino" was made as a project documentation for a building construction. The kindergarten is designed for 24 children. Kindergarden is designed as a detached building consists of two above-ground floors. Behind the building, there is a large garden, which is a part of the property. Building is situated on a sloping terrain in a walking distance from a residential area of Šlapanice. There are two operating units: technical part (managemant part) and activity unit. Kindergarten is planed as a masonry building, based on strip foundations.

Listen Up! : A study of how teachers in SLA approach the listening skill within upper secondary schools in Sweden

Andersson, Julia, Lagerström, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Listening comprehension and listening strategies plays a crucial role in the process of acquiring a language. This study aims to investigate to what extent the listening skill is practised in upper secondary schools in the south of Sweden. Research studies within the field of listening are few which indicates that the listening skill is not considered as essential in second language teaching as the other three skills: reading, writing and speaking. Previous studies indicate that teachers should educate students metacognitive awareness when teaching listening. The results summarize the teachers’ answers, reflections and attitudes conducted from semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the results focuses on the four categories distinguished from the teachers’ answers: Teaching Approaches, National Exams, The Individual Student and Metacognitive Awareness. Some of the teachers do not possess the knowledge of how to teach listening that develops students' listening proficiency. As a conclusion, the study shows that a hierarchy exists among the four skills to which teachers adjust to, and this may be detrimental in achieving educational aims.

Simulation of Unsteady Gas-Particle Flows including Two-way and Four-way Coupling on a MIMD Computer Architectur

Pachler, Klaus, Frank, Thomas, Bernert, Klaus 17 April 2002 (has links)
The transport or the separation of solid particles or droplets suspended in a fluid flow is a common task in mechanical and process engineering. To improve machinery and physical processes (e.g. for coal combustion, reduction of NO_x and soot) an optimization of complex phenomena by simulation applying the fundamental conservation equations is required. Fluid-particle flows are characterized by the ratio of density of the two phases gamma=rho_P/rho_F, by the Stokes number St=tau_P/tau_F and by the loading in terms of void and mass fraction. Those numbers (Stokes number, gamma) define the flow regime and which relevant forces are acting on the particle. Dependent on the geometrical configuration the particle-wall interaction might have a heavy impact on the mean flow structure. The occurrence of particle-particle collisions becomes also more and more important with the increase of the local void fraction of the particulate phase. With increase of the particle loading the interaction with the fluid phase can not been neglected and 2-way or even 4-way coupling between the continous and disperse phases has to be taken into account. For dilute to moderate dense particle flows the Euler-Lagrange method is capable to resolve the main flow mechanism. An accurate computation needs unfortunately a high number of numerical particles (1,...,10^7) to get the reliable statistics for the underlying modelling correlations. Due to the fact that a Lagrangian algorithm cannot be vectorized for complex meshes the only way to finish those simulations in a reasonable time is the parallization applying the message passing paradigma. Frank et al. describes the basic ideas for a parallel Eulererian-Lagrangian solver, which uses multigrid for acceleration of the flow equations. The performance figures are quite good, though only steady problems are tackled. The presented paper is aimed to the numerical prediction of time-dependend fluid-particle flows using the simultanous particle tracking approach based on the Eulerian-Lagrangian and the particle-source-in-cell (PSI-Cell) approach. It is shown in the paper that for the unsteady flow prediction efficiency and load balancing of the parallel numerical simulation is an even more pronounced problem in comparison with the steady flow calculations, because the time steps for the time integration along one particle trajectory are very small per one time step of fluid flow integration and so the floating point workload on a single processor node is usualy rather low. Much time is spent for communication and waiting time of the processors, because for cold flow particle convection not very extensive calculations are necessary. One remedy might be a highspeed switch like Myrinet or Dolphin PCI/SCI (500 MByte/s), which could balance the relative high floating point performance of INTEL PIII processors and the weak capacity of the Fast-Ethernet communication network (100 Mbit/s) of the Chemnitz Linux Cluster (CLIC) used for the presented calculations. Corresponding to the discussed examples calculation times and parallel performance will be presented. Another point is the communication of many small packages, which should be summed up to bigger messages, because each message requires a startup time independently of its size. Summarising the potential of such a parallel algorithm, it will be shown that a Beowulf-type cluster computer is a highly competitve alternative to the classical main frame computer for the investigated Eulerian-Lagrangian simultanous particle tracking approach.

Návrh nosné železobetonové konstrukce rodinného domu / Design of a load-bearing reinforced concrete structure of a family house

Bartoška, Ondřej January 2022 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the construction of a two-storey, partly basement, family reinforced concrete house. The ARCHICAD 22 program was used to design this object, the SCIA 21.0 program was used for the model and the subsequent calculation of internal forces. In addition to the static calculation, the work includes reinforcement drawings and drawings of the shape of selected monolithic parts made in AutoCAD 2021. Reinforced concrete elements are assessed in accordance with ČSN EN 1992-1-1.

Feature selection in short-term load forecasting / Val av attribut vid kortvarig lastprognos för energiförbrukning

Söderberg, Max Joel, Meurling, Axel January 2019 (has links)
This paper investigates correlation between energy consumption 24 hours ahead and features used for predicting energy consumption. The features originate from three categories: weather, time and previous energy. The correlations are calculated using Pearson correlation and mutual information. This resulted in the highest correlated features being those representing previous energy consumption, followed by temperature and month. Two identical feature sets containing all attributes1 were obtained by ranking the features according to correlation. Three feature sets were created manually. The first set contained seven attributes representing previous energy consumption over the course of seven days prior to the day of prediction. The second set consisted of weather and time attributes. The third set consisted of all attributes from the first and second set. These sets were then compared on different machine learning models. It was found the set containing all attributes and the set containing previous energy attributes yielded the best performance for each machine learning model. 1In this report, the words ”attribute” and ”feature” are used interchangeably. / I denna rapport undersöks korrelation och betydelsen av olika attribut för att förutspå energiförbrukning 24 timmar framåt. Attributen härstammar från tre kategorier: väder, tid och tidigare energiförbrukning. Korrelationerna tas fram genom att utföra Pearson Correlation och Mutual Information. Detta resulterade i att de högst korrelerade attributen var de som representerar tidigare energiförbrukning, följt av temperatur och månad. Två identiska attributmängder erhölls genom att ranka attributen över korrelation. Tre attributmängder skapades manuellt. Den första mängden innehåll sju attribut som representerade tidigare energiförbrukning, en för varje dag, sju dagar innan datumet för prognosen av energiförbrukning. Den andra mängden bestod av väderoch tidsattribut. Den tredje mängden bestod av alla attribut från den första och andra mängden. Dessa mängder jämfördes sedan med hjälp av olika maskininlärningsmodeller. Resultaten visade att mängden med alla attribut och den med tidigare energiförbrukning gav bäst resultat för samtliga modeller.

Coding and decoding for multiuser communication systems / 多端子通信システムにおける符号化および復号の研究 / タタンシ ツウシン システム ニオケル フゴウカ オヨビ フクゴウ ノ ケンキュウ

路 姍, Shan Lu 22 March 2014 (has links)
本論文は、多端子通信路に対するマルチユーザ符号化および復号の研究成果をまとめたものである。多重接続加算通信路による情報伝送において、複数ユーザの稼働状態を識別するための誤り訂正可能なシグネチャ符号の構成を論ず,全伝送率の高いシグネチャ符号の一般的な構成法を解明する.双方向中継通信路では、2ユーザターボ符号に対する復号の演算量を低減させる復号法を提案する。加法性白色ガウス雑音環境下では復号性能を劣化することなく、レイリーフェージング環境下では僅かな劣化にとどめながら、復号の演算量を約半分程度に低減することができる. / Coding and decoding for multiuser communication systems are investigated. For MAAC, we propose a coding scheme of (k + 1)-ary error-correcting signature codes. We give binary and non-binary signature codes. They are the best error-correcting signature codes for MAAC, in the sense that they have highest sum rates known. For TWRC, we propose a low-complexity two-user turbo decoding scheme when turbo codes are applied in two users. The approximate decoding algorithm preserves low decoding complexity over the Gaussian TWRC, without much performance degradation. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Inverkan av placering av spännkablar pågenomstansningskapacitet hos armeradebetongplattor / Influence of Post-Tensioned Reinforcement Distribution on Punching Shear Capacity of RC Slabs

Tran, David, Correa, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
På grund av bostadsbristen de senaste åren har byggbranschen varit tvungen att möta den höga efterfrågan på bostäder. Ett sätt att underlätta det tryck som skapats på grund av den höga efterfrågan är att rekonstruera byggnader avsedda för annan användning än bostäder till bostadshus. Ett problem som har uppstått vid ombyggnation av till exempel ett kontorshus som består av spännarmerade pelardäck, är känsligheten för nya hål som krävs för nya installationer som går igenom de efterspända bjälklagen (bestående av betongplattor). Problematiken består av att håltagningar som vanligtvis är lokaliserade nära pelarna måste göras på ett större avstånd från pelaren på grund av de spännkablar som går över och nära plattans pelaranslutning. Efterspända kablar är normalt sett belägna över plattans pelaranslutning enligt dagens dimensioneringsnormer för att bidra till plattornas genomstansningskapacitet.I detta examensarbete undersöktes det om det finns vetenskapligt stöd för att flytta kablarna till en längre distans från pelaren (än vad normerna rekommenderar) med hänsyn till genomstansningskapaciteten, och därmed förenkla vid en potentiell ombyggnation.Huvudsyftet med arbetet var att med hjälp av en litteraturstudie samt beräkningar jämföra ett experiment som utförts av Ghassem Hassanzadeh och Håkan Sundquist vid KTH 1997- 1998 (som visade att kablar på ett längre avstånd från pelaren ger ett visst bidrag till betongplattans genomstansningskapacitet) med dagens normer samt nyare studier. Dagens dimensioneringsnormer inkluderar inte bidraget till kapaciteten när spännkablarna placeras utanför det så kallade grundkontrollsnittet (området som undersöks vid dimensionering enligt normerna).Ett annat syfte med detta examensarbete var att studera och uppdatera de beräknade resultaten (enligt dåtidens normer) från studien. Denna rapport uppdaterar studien genom att undersöka rådande normernas beräknade resultat samt jämföra med liknande tester från andra forskare. Dimensioneringsnormerna som undersöktes var Eurokod 2, ACI 318 och MC2010Som del av litteraturstudien redovisas även en liknande försökserie från Portugal av A. Pinho Ramos, Valter J.G. Lúcio & Duarte M.V Faria samt en sammanställning av olika försök som genomfördes i Schweiz av Clément T, Ramos A.P, Fernández Ruiz M, Muttoni A. Sammanställning i Schweiz beräknade genomstansningskapaciteten för 74 olika plattor där plattorna från försöket vid KTH finns med. Den här studien tyder på att dagens dimensioneringsnormer har en säkerhetsmarginal vid approximationer (vid både normalfall och vid flytt av kablar), men att det fortfarande saknas tillräckliga belägg för att rättfärdiga en flytt av spännkablar.Rapporten är skriven för CBI Betonginstitutet där G. Hassanzadeh har varit handledare.

Inlandskommunens digitala klyfta : En kvalitativ studie om hur Vilhelmina kommun kan nå alla invånare / A small municipality’s digital divide : A qualitative study of how Vilhelmina municipality can reach all residents.

Liljekvist, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
This surveys hypothesis is based on the notion that all citizens have the right to access information of the municipality they live in. The aim of the study is to examine how residents of Vilhelmina municipality take note of the current information, and also how they would proceed to access information in the future. In order to conceptualise the results these following theories were used: digital divide, digital immigrants, digital native, uses and gratification theory, social capital, communications strategies and two-way communication. The survey is conducted with four focus group interviews and one separate interview with a person working at the municipal office. The focus groups were divided into age categories in order to see the similarities and differences between the groups' media habits and preferences of future communications. The study material consists of the transcribed texts from the abovementioned interviews. The results of this research demonstrate that there is significant difference between age groups. According to the early theory of digital divide the gap in information between groups exists only due to the individual’s ability to access the Internet, which not match this study’s results. More current updates of the theory of digital divide declare that motivation may be a cause to the gap.  During the course of this research the issue of motivation emerged and a few of the interview participants stated motivation to find information as a key point. With the help of the participants requests communications strategies were presented for future communication based on the target groups' media choices. / Undersökningens utgångspunkt är att alla medborgare har rätt att ta del av information av kommunen de bor i. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur invånare i Vilhelmina kommun tar del av information nu och hur de skulle vilja gå tillväga i framtiden. För att synliggöra och begripliggöra resultatet användes teorierna digital divide, digital immigrant, digital natives, uses and gratification theory, socialt kapital, inifrån- och utifrånstrategier samt tvåvägskommunikation. Undersökningen genomfördes med fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer samt en informantintervju med en insatt person från Vilhelmina kommuns kommunkontor. Fokusgrupperna var indelade i ålderskategorier för att kunna se likheter och skillnader mellan gruppernas medievanor och önskemål på framtida kommunikation. Studiens material bestod av de transkriberade texterna från de tidigare nämnda intervjuerna. Resultatet påvisade att det finns stora skillnader mellan åldersgrupperna, dock inte så stora gap som den tidiga teorin om digital divide, utan att skillnaderna mellan åldersgrupperna låg i vilka medier de använde som huvudkälla. Samt var skillnaderna mellan grupperna hur motiverade de var att sätta sig in i kommunal information. Med hjälp av deltagarnas önskemål samt kommunikationsstrategier gavs förslag på framtida kommunikation baserat på målgruppernas medieval.

An intergrated crisis communication framework for strategic crisis communication with the media : a case study on a financial services provider

Swart, Yolandi 03 1900 (has links)
For organisations to survive in an ever-changing milieu, as evident from the current business environment, sufficient crisis communication and management practices need to be in place to ensure organisational survival. Despite the latter, organisational crises are often inefficiently managed which could be ascribed to the lack of managing crises strategically (Kash & Darling 1998:180). This study explores the lack of strategic crisis communication processes within the financial industry specifically, to ensure effective crisis communication with the media as stakeholder group, through the proposition of an integrated crisis communication framework, which focuses on: · Combining integrated communication (IC) literature with Grunig’s theory of communication excellence to build sustainable media relationships through two-way communication; and · Implementing a crisis communication process that has proactive, reactive and post-evaluative crisis communication stages, thereby moving away from crisis communication as a predominant reactive function. / Communication Sciences / M.A. (Communication)

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