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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programmering som en problemlösningsmetod i ämnet matematik inom gymnasieskolan / Programming as a Problem Solving Method in Mathematics in Upper Secondary School

Angelöv Petersson, Elina January 2018 (has links)
Skolverket införde år 2017 ett nytt kursmoment inom ämnet matematik, som var att programmering ska användas som metod för problemlösning. Lärarkåren har delade meningar om implementeringen av programmering, eftersom en del lärare anser att det redan har varit svårt att hinna med det centrala innehållet, och nu med det nya kursmoment, blir lärarna oroliga för att det finns en risk att det nya kursmomentet kommer leda till tidsbrist i undervisningen.Studiens syfte är att sammanställa forskningsresultat om hur programmering som problemlösningsmetod påverkar elevers problemlösning i matematik. Frågeställningen är ”Hur påverkar elevers problemlösningsförmåga av att programmering används som problemlösningsmetod i ämnet matematik i gymnasieskolan?”.Metoden är en allmän litteraturstudie, där nio stycken vetenskapliga artiklar ingår i urvalet.Enligt skollagen ska undervisning baseras på vetenskaplig forskning och beprövade erfarenheter. Litteraturstudien visar att forskningslitteraturen dokumenterar positiva effekter på problemlösningsförmågan av att använda programmering som problemlösningsmetod. / In 2017, the Swedish National Agency of Education introduced a new subject in the mathematics courses: Programming as a method of problem solving. Teachers have different opinions about the implementation of programming, because some teachers find it already difficult to catch up with the central content in the available time and fear that the introduction of this new subject will worsen the situation.The purpose of the study is to compile results from research literature on how programming as a problem solving method affects students’ ability to solve problems. The research question is ”How is the problem solving ability of students affected by the use of programming as a problem solving method in mathematics in upper secondary school?”.The method is a general literature study, where nine scientific articles are included in the sample.Teaching shall according to law be based on scientific research and proven experience. The literature study shows that research literature documents positive effects on problem solving ability programming as a problem solving method.

Mathematics in the Swedish Upper Secondary School Electricity Program : A study of teacher knowledge

Aretorn, Lena January 2012 (has links)
Mathematical knowledge is often a prerequisite for students at Swedish upper secondary vocational programs to be able to study vocational courses, for example electricity courses in the Electricity Program. Electricity Program students study mathematics in their electricity courses as well as in their mathematics course. The mathematics in those two settings has a different character. A goal of this thesis is to investigate what constitutes that character. In this study three mathematics and five electricity teachers have been interviewed about how they would explain three mathematical electricity tasks to students on the Electricity Program. Teacher knowledge in both electricity and mathematics has been used in the analyses and has been compared between the different teacher groups. In addition to providing an overview analysis of all the teachers’ explanations, detailed analyses have been carried out, comparing pairs of teachers’ explanations. The teachers’ choices of explanations and their use of specific and general mathematical knowledge have been studied. Mathematics contains a wide range of subject areas but also a wide range of representations and methods that highlight different aspects of mathematics. This study shows that different teachers emphasize different aspects of mathematics in their explanations of the same tasks, even though intended to the same students, both in the their choices of explanation and in their use of mathematics. The electricity teachers drew upon their practical electrical knowledge when they connected their explanations of mathematics to vocational work. The electrical knowledge they used not only grounded the tasks in a, for them, well-known real-world environment. The electrical knowledge actually helped them to solve the tasks, albeit in a more concrete/specific way than the mathematics teachers. The electricity teachers drew upon more specific mathematical knowledge in their explanations of the interview tasks, whereas the mathematics teachers drew upon more general mathematical knowledge in their explanations.  The different explanations of mathematics from the two kinds of teachers are markedly different, depending on whether they have a more practical/vocational or a more general/algebraic approach. The solutions to the interview tasks turned out to be the same but the character of the solutions paths are substantially different. This raises questions regarding the students’ abilities to reconcile the different approaches. / Kunskap i matematik är ofta en förutsättning för att studenter på gymnasiets yrkesprogram ska klara av sina yrkeskurser, till exempel i ellärakurser på elprogrammet. Studenterna på elprogrammet möter matematik i både sina ellärakurser och i sin matematikkurs. Matematiken i de här två sammanhangen har olika karaktär. Ett mål med den här licentiatavhandlingen är att undersöka hur dessa karaktärer ser ut. I denna studie har tre matematik- och fem el-lärare intervjuats om hur de skulle förklara tre matematiska eluppgifter för studenter på elprogrammet. Lärarkunskaper i både matematik och ellära har använts i analyserna och jämförts mellan de båda lärargrupperna. Utöver översiktliga analyser av alla lärarnas förklaringar av varje uppgift, har dessutom detaljanalyser gjorts, med jämförelser av par av lärares förklaringar av matematik. Lärarnas val av förklaringar och användande av specifik och generell kunskap i matematik har studerats. Matematik innehåller ett flertal delområden och dessutom ett flertal representationer och metoder som belyser olika aspekter av matematiken. Denna studie visar att olika lärare betonar olika aspekter av matematik i sina förklaringar av samma slags uppgifter, trots att de är ämnade för samma slags elever. Lärarnas val av förklaringar och lärarnas användande av matematik visade sig vara olika. Ellärarna använde sig av praktisk elkunskap när de kopplade sina förklaringar av matematik till yrkeskunskaper inom elområdet. Den elkunskap de använde inte bara situerade uppgiften i för dem, en välkänd, verklig miljö. Dessutom hjälpte elkunskapen dem att lösa uppgifterna, om än på ett mer konkret/specifik sätt än matematiklärarna. Ellärarna använde mera specifika matematik-kunskaper i sina förklaringar av dessa intervjuuppgifter, medan matematiklärarna använde sig av generella matematikkunskaper i sina förklaringar av generell matematik. Matematiken i de två olika lärargruppernas förklaringar visade sig vara markant olika, beroende på om de har en mer praktisk/yrkesmässig eller en mer generell/algebraisk ansats. Lösningarna av intervjuuppgifterna var desamma, men karaktären av lösningarnas var markant olika. Detta leder till frågor om det är rimligt att förvänta sig att studenter ska förstå likheten i de olika ansatserna. / <p>This licentiate thesis is included in the serie: Studies in Science and Technology Education (FontD<em>) </em>The Swedish National Graduate School in Science and Technology Education, FontD, http://www.isv.liu.se/fontd, is hosted by the Department of Social and Welfare Studies and the Faculty of Educational Sciences (OSU) at Linköping University in collaboration with the Universities of Umeå, Stockholm, Karlstad, Mälardalen, Linköping (host), the Linneus University, and the University of Colleges of Malmö and Kristianstad. In addition, there are three associated Universities and University Colleges in the FontD network: the University Colleges of Halmstad and Gävle and the Mid Sweden University. FontD publishes the series Studies in Science and Technology Education.</p>

Historieämnets ut-veckling 1965–2011 : En analys av ämnesplanerna i ämnet historia satt i relation till nationellt fostrande, mångfald och demokrati.

Gustafsson, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This paper is a discourse analysis of four Swedish upper secondary school curriculums and more specifically the part of them that deal with the subject history. With a span stretching from 1965 to 2011 the study aims to show how the curriculums in the subject history relate to certain discourses such as diversity and nationalist education and how this may be perceived through a perspective of Biesta’s version of democracy. The paper evolves around the identification and reflection concerning these disucourses and how the curriculums show focus around national-ism, the separation of cultures and geographical locations. The study has then lead to the con-clusion that even though history as a subject has evolved and the curriculums in Sweden have gone through several large changes based on development of didactics and pedagogy the subject is still connected to the idea of a nationalist historiography and this creates problems for the idea of diversity.

Upplevelsen av tron på den egna förmågan i relation till studier hos gymnasieelever

Halwachi, Jirra January 2018 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie har gjorts på åtta sistaårs gymnasieelever i södra Sverige. Studiens syfte var att undersöka self-efficacy bland eleverna. Två forskningsfrågor undersöktes: Vad upplever sistaårs gymnasieelever påverkar deras akademiska self-efficacy i samband med studier? Hur upplever sistaårs gymnasieelever att deras akademiska self-efficacy påverkar dem på deras fritid? Resultatet av en tematisk innehållsanalysvisade att positiv respons från tidigare erfarenhet hade ett positivt inflytande på elevernasself-efficacy och deras akademiska prestationer. Andras erfarenheter hade ofta en negativ inverkan på elevernas self-efficacy, deras fysiologiska och emotionella tillstånd påverkade dem olika. De som gjorde någon fysisk aktivitet underveckan kände sig mer lättad och fokuserade bättre på studierna jämfört med dem som inte gjorde någon form av fysisk aktivitet, dessa studenter kände ofta frustration eller stress påsin fritid och i deras akademiska prestation. Studien hoppas bidra till en större bild på målgruppen och ge en allmän bild på gymnasieelevers akademiska self-efficacy.

Individanpassad matematikundervisning-hur funkar det? : En kvalitativ studie om matematiklärares handledning och tankar om begreppet individanpassning med fokus på området funktioner / Individualized teaching in mathematics-how does it work? : A qualitative study about teachers tutoring and thoughts about the concept individualized teaching focusing on functions.

Weimer, Sofia, Karlsson, Frida January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to study how teachers in mathematics in upper-secondary school think about the concept of individualized teaching and their way of tutoring students in a classroom environment. The study focuses on the area of functions. To answer the aim of the study two different qualitative methods are used, namely interview and observation. Three teachers have been interviewed and one lesson per teacher has been observed. The data has been divided into three categories to systematically present, analyse and discuss examples relevant to the aim of the study. Theoretically important concepts are used to analyse the material, for example zone of potential construction, scaffolding and the knowledge quartet. All of the teachers use some kind of conversation to be aware of what kind of individualized teaching their students need. They claim that most of the individualized teaching happens when they tutor the students one-to-one and they have a lot of different methods to do this. All teachers describe time as a factor preventing them from individualizing their teaching as much as they would like. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka matematiklärares tankar om individanpassningar och deras handledning av elever i gymnasieskolan. Studien fokuserar på området funktioner, specifikt linjära- och andragradsfunktioner. För att besvara studiens syfte används två olika kvalitativa metoder, intervju och observation. Urvalet består av tre lärare som har intervjuats och observerats. Materialet kategoriseras för att systematiskt presentera, analysera och diskutera relevanta exempel utifrån studiens syfte. Teoretiska begrepp används för att analysera resultatet, exempelvis används den potentiella konstruktionszonen, stöttning och kunskapskvartetten. Samtliga informanter använder någon form av samtal för att bli medvetna om elevers behov av individanpassningar. Lärarna menar att majoriteten av individanpassningen sker vid enskild handledning av elever och lärarna beskriver olika metoder för detta. Alla intervjuade lärare beskriver tid som ett hinder för att individanpassa deras undervisning i den utsträckning de önskar.

Mångkulturalitet En studie om elevers syn på det mångkulturella perspektivet i historie- undervisningen på gymnasiet

Welander, Julia January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the following essay is to study students with non-European backgrounds view of the multicultural perspective in history teaching at the upper secondary school in Sweden. To study this, student interviews have been made and the study has also answered how the students perceive the concept of multiculturalism and how they consider their teachers to take into account the students' ethnic backgrounds in the history teaching. The study results show that multiculturalism is a concept that can be defined in different ways, and that students believe that the history teaching has a European and Western perspective. Students want teachers to take more account of different ethnicities in teaching, and that history teaching not should be so generalizing as it is.

Postoje žáků středních škol ke geneticky modifikovaným organismům / Attitudes of high school students toward genetically modified organisms

Brousková, Mariana January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on investigating attitudes of czech high school students toward genetically modified organisms (= GMO). The main objectives of this thesis are to investigate students' attitudes toward, and knowledge of GMO, to find out any relation between attitudes toward, and knowledge of GMO. I found out if there is any relation between students' attitudes toward GMO and other factors like family environment (level and type of eduction of parents, religion), school environment (teachers who teach students, school) or place of residence. Data colletion was carried out by quantitative questionnaire survey among 185 Czech students of Prague's and out-of-town's grammar schools from 10 different classes. My findings show that the attitudes of Czech students toward GMO are positive and are not influenced by gender, parents' education, the students' attitudes toward biology, type of students' planned studies at university or the location of their school. However, at the same time, a statistically significant difference was found in the case of free-time activities, the teacher who teaches students and the purchase of organic food. In the case of the students' knowledge, a significant difference was found in the case of the type of the father's education, the type of the students' planned...

Delaktighet och inflytande- Vad kan det vara för några elever på gymnasiesärskolans nationella program?

Werner, Maria January 2018 (has links)
To gain knowledge about how students in upper secondary school`s national program describe participation and influence as well as how they describe how they can impact on those important things is a very important knowledge. This study has a student perspective where six students were interviewed each. In addition, observations of pupils scholl days were conducted, where the students were observed together in different classroom settings in different classes. Even so, when moving between breaks and lessons. The purpose of the study is to explore students participation an influence in upper secondary special schools national program. In the study, qualitative interviewing methods have been used with semistructured questions. The result of the study shows several important factors that are important for pupils particiaption, influence anad the ability to influence their schooling. The importance of the group appears to be imprtyant for the participation. Having friends in class, someone to join group work when different school tasks are to be done, and having friends to hang out with breaks. Another result is that you have the ability to self-determination and influence by influencing teaching, the content of the teaching and the different ways. The results of the study also show that students are involved in democaratic processes, and excercise self-determination and influence both for themselves and other students through classcouncils and schoolcouncils. Together theese results form an important part of how the school can meet students with intellectual impairment.

"Ja, du bör inte kanske ha läst den men..." : En studie av elevers uppfattningar om läsning av skönlitteratur inom svenskämnet i gymnasieskolan / "Yeah, you must maybe not have read it but..." : A study on students' thoughts on reading fiction within the subject of Swedish in the Swedish upper secondary school

Larsson, Per-Erik January 2018 (has links)
This study examines students’ thoughts on the purpose of reading fiction in the Swedish upper-secondary school within the subject Swedish. This is then compared to the curriculum for the part of the subject concerning literature. Interviews were conducted with groups of students at one Swedish school with students enrolled at various theoretical programs. The study found that the students mostly focused on abilities not specifically tied to fiction, but rather general abilities concerning reading and language such as vocabulary and speed of reading in the general sense. The students were also found to have some idea of the existence of a literary canon, even though such a canon does not exist within the curriculum. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker elevers uppfattningar om syftet med att läsa skönlitteratur i ämnet Svenska på gymnasieskolan. Detta jämförs sedan med läroplanen GY11:s motivering till litteraturundervisningen inom Svenskämnet. Gruppintervjuer utfördes med elever från en skola i Sverige som läste olika studieförberedande gymnasieprogram. Studien fann att eleverna mest verkade lägga fokus på färdigheter som inte är direkt kopplade till läsning av skönlitteratur utan mer kring färdigheter som är rent generella kring läsning och språket så som ordförråd och läshastighet i största allmänhet. Eleverna verkade ha någon form av uppfattning om existensen av en litteraturkanon, även om en sådan inte existerar i läroplanen.

Läsning, motivation och ljudböcker : En kvantitativ studie av elevers attityder till bruket av ljudböcker som motivationsfrämjande för läsning av skönlitteratur / Reading, motivation and audiobooks : A quantative study of pupils attitudes about the usage of audiobooks as a motivation promoter to reading fiction

Khan, Nadim January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie innefattar en enkätundersökning på en gymnasieskola i Västra Götaland kring elevers attityder till bruket av ljudböcker, vilket kopplas samman med motivation för läsning av skönlitteratur. Enkätundersökningen genomfördes i skolan, tillsammans med närvarande lärare och var anonym. Samtliga respondenter blev således informerade om anonymiteten. Studien lyfter vad en ljudbok är, vad motivation som begrepp innebär i sammanhanget, samt hur de tillfrågade elevernas attityder till ljudbokens plats i skolan är. I samband med detta lyfts även högläsningens tradition i skolan då lyssnandet till uppläst text är en tradition i den svenska skolan som sträcker sig långt tillbaka. Resultatet av enkäten uppvisar en generellt positiv inställning till bruket av ljudböcker, oavsett relativt låga erfarenheter av det sedan tidigare. Då majoriteten av respondenter indikerar att de vill öka intaget av ljudböcker i skolan, tillsammans med fysiska böcker indikerar det en möjlighet till införande av ljudböcker som metod för att nå motivation för läsning av skönlitteratur skolan. / This study reveals attitudes among pupils in upper secondary school about the usage of audiobooks and its connection with motivation about reading fiction. The data material is gathered through poll surveys that takes place in an upper secondary school in the Västra Götaland county. The poll survey participants were informed about that the survey was anonymous and were accompanied by a teacher while doing it. In the study the concept of motivation, and audiobooks are discussed. Further more the study discusses the Swedish tradition of listening to fiction read aloud. This has to do with the usage of audiobooks as it’s an extension of that, since it has to do with a recorded reading of a book. The result reveals patterns pointing out positive attitudes among the pupils. This is due to the majority of answers that points to a desire of increased usage of audiobooks in school. The connection of audio books and motivation is therefore revealed in the results as the majority of pupils answer that they wish for an increased usage of audiobooks together with physical books. This could be interpreted as that the usage of audiobooks could work as an incentive for pupils to read fiction.

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