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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


McIntosh, Keith, 0000-0002-7587-0516 January 2021 (has links)
The great economic forces that built American industrial cities also quickly left them abandoned. Scholars have written extensively on the social consequences of deindustrialization. Today, however, a new period of economic growth has again changed cities. A process of redevelopment, commonly referred to as gentrification, has changed the character of former industrial cities, producing an array of new civic tensions. The new people entering cities come for job opportunities in growing economic sectors (e.g., tech, finance, and creative industries) that tend to require higher levels of education. While these sectors grow, traditional working-class jobs continue to dwindle in number and pay. This creates a polarizing force inside cities. While social polarization is often discussed as an abstract macro-level phenomenon, even abstract forces must manifest in specific places. The gentrifying neighborhood is one such place. Inside gentrifying neighborhoods, residents must contend with new people amidst profound change. My research addresses this change. It seeks to better understand what holds modern communities together (or fails to) especially as the fates of residents diverge. Gentrification provides the social context for this research, but the focus is on a specific neighborhood-level institution: the local church. I use a religious institution as the primary mode for accessing the research site for several reasons. Religious institutions are uniquely positioned to directly address issues of community, identity, and morality. That is, at church, residents engage the issues I am exploring. They discuss how to treat outsiders, how to be a good neighborhood, and how to deal collectively with community problems. Moreover, few scholars have considered the role that churches play in neighborhood gentrification, despite the prominent role of churches in communities, and despite the overall attention that gentrification has received. In order to access the perspectives of both sets of residents—the long-term residents, and the gentrifying newcomers—this research examines two churches, each populated by a different neighborhood demographic. The first church is composed of younger residents who are gentrifying the neighborhood. The second church is composed of older residents who have spent most of their lives in the neighborhood. While the two churches are divided by age, the real divide is economic. That is, the younger residents belong to an educated and prosperous class that benefit from redevelopment. The older residents, in contrast, are working-class and mostly relegated to watch as their neighborhood transforms, sometimes making them feel like outsiders. The neighborhood that constitutes the research site is Fishtown, an “urban village” in Philadelphia, long known as a white working-class enclave with a reputation for insularity. This research explores how two churches, composed of separate sets of residents, sustain community and deal with conflict in a context of increasing polarization. I use thirty-two interviews, ethnographic observation, and analysis of documents (i.e., historical land use maps and newspapers) to understand the history of Fishtown, and the role of the two churches in affecting and contending with gentrification. The research shows the enduring power of race in attenuating class divisions within the neighborhood. Gentrification is often fraught with racial tension as the gentrifying class is often whiter and wealthier than the long-term residents of a neighborhood. In Fishtown, however, this dynamic is different. The long-term residents share the same predominantly white racial identity as the newcomers. I argue that the shared identity diffuses social tensions but raises difficult questions regarding the true nature of the growing cosmopolitanism of the former urban village. Ultimately, the division within the neighborhood partitions residents into two parallel communities. This partition includes the two churches, who remain divided, even as they engage their respective residents, marshal resources for the underprivileged, and participate in a shared faith tradition. I show how the laudable activities of each church are shaped by the economic currents that rapidly change the neighborhood. / Sociology

Södertälje, cykel, city : En undersöklning av Södertälje stadskärnas cykelparkering / Södertälje, cycle, city

Hertzén, Isak January 2022 (has links)
Transportsektorns utsläpp av växthusgaser står för ungefär en tredjedel av de totala utsläppen i Sverige. Till 2030 ska dessa minska med 70% jämfört med 2010 års nivåer. Utöver växthusgaser ger biltransporter upphov till trängsel och utsläpp av partiklar och gaser som påverkar hälsa och miljö negativt, särskilt i tät i stadsmiljö. På global, såväl som nationell nivå finns mål som strävar efter att förbättra miljön och inte sällan lyfts kollektivtrafik, gång och cykel fram som hållbara transportslag för stadsmiljö.  Studien Södertälje, cykel, city har sitt ursprung i Södertälje kommuns ambition att bli en bättre stad för cyklister. Idag konstateras att andelen resor som sker med cykel är låg trots stadens goda förutsättningar för cyklism. Ett mål i den kommunala cykelplanen är att understödja fler cykelresor med hjälp av förbättrad cykelinfrastruktur. Cykelinfrastrukturen innefattar flera delar och den här studien fokuserar på cykelparkering då brist på säker cykelparkering är en vanlig orsak till att södertäljebor avstår från att cykla. Med kartläggning av nuvarande cykelparkeringssituationen syftar denna studie till att producera kunskap till hjälp i planeringen av stadens framtida cykelparkering.  Med hjälp av litteratur på området, insamlad empirisk data och GIS-teknik visualiseras och analyseras hur stadskärnans cyklister parkerar och utformningen av stadskärnans cykelparkeringar. Av studiens resultat framgår att ungefär hälften av cyklarna inom undersökningsområdet parkeras utanför anordnad parkering och att det generellt sett inte råder någon kapacitetsbrist på cykelparkeringarna. Av de cyklar som parkerats utanför ställ återfinns 65% längre bort än 25 meter ifrån anordnade parkering. En av studiens slutsatser är att närhet till cykelparkering inom undersökningsområdet är bristfällig och att andra typer av cykelinfrastruktur är mer adekvat för att nå uppsatta mål om fler resor på cykel. / The transport sector's emissions of greenhouse gases account for about a third of the total emissions in Sweden, by the year 2030 these shall decrease by 70% compared to 2010 levels. In addition to greenhouse gases, car transport contributes to congestion and emissions of particles and gases that negatively affect health and the environment, especially in dense urban environments. At global, national and local levels there are goals in order to improve the environment which often highlight public transport, walking and cycling as sustainable modes of transport in the urban environment. The study Södertälje, cycle, city has its origins in the municipality of Södertälje’s ambition to become a better city for cyclists. Today, the municipality considers the proportion of trips made by bicycle is low even though the city has good conditions to incubate cycling. A designated tool in the municipal cycle plan is to support more cycle journeys with the use of an improved bicycling infrastructure. Organised bicycle parking is part of the bicycle infrastructure that can provide users a number of benefits. At the same time there is an inherent advantage of the bicycle which is its flexibility in terms of parking. Due to that, this study maps and analyses the bicycle parking situation in a central Södertälje. This in order to create greater knowledge and understanding of cyclists' needs but also to support the planning of the city's future bicycle parking. With the help of literature in the field, collected empirical data and GIS technology, how the city centre cyclists park and the design of the city centre bicycle parking is visualized and analysed. The results of the study show that approximately half of the bicycles in the study area are parked outside organized parking and that there is no generall lack of capacity in the organised bicycle parking. Of the bicycles parked outside racks, 90% are found far further than 25 meters from an organized car park. One of the study's conclusions is that proximity to bicycle parking within the study area is deficient and that other types of bicycle infrastructure are more adequate to achieve set goals for more trips by bicycle.

Implementering av grön infrastruktur i fem tätorter

Wallheden, Nils January 2022 (has links)
Grön infrastruktur påstås ha möjligheten att minska mängden dagvatten längs hårdgjorda ytor i stadsmiljöer och därigenom höja städernas motståndskraft mot ökade nedbördsmängder. Denna undersökning har undersökt hur grön infrastruktur kan höja fem stadsmiljöers resiliens mot översvämningar och hur stadsmiljöerna kan få större inslag av ekologi. Undersökningen har visat att det förvisso är en möjlighet att den gröna infrastrukturen kan längs med gator, parker och hustak minska mängden dagvatten längs hårdgjorda ytor i stadsmiljöer. Satsningen på grön infrastruktur kan bli otroligt dyr i en större stad om hela stadens dagvatten ska tas om hand om och det gick inte att ta fram en mall för grön infrastruktur som enkelt kan kopieras från en stad till en annan. Det krävs även uträkningar av flödesemängder för att säkerställa hur stor del av staden som skyddas mot ökade nederbördsmängder. / It is claimed that green infrastructure has the ability to reduce the amount of storm water in urban areas and by extension increasing the resilience of urban areas. This study has investigated how the resilience against flooding can be strengthened and at the same time how an increase in ecological wildlife within five urban areas can be increased with greeni nfrastructure given the limitations of an urban area with preexisting buildings. The study concluded that it is possible to implement green infrastructure alongside roads, parks and rooftops with the desired effects of increased resilience and ecological wildlife in urban areas. The issues found were several. One of the issues was the lack of generalized city patterns which lead to that no generalized model for implementing green infrastructure could be concluded. Another issue was the issue of cost, it is not easy nor a cheap undertaking to remodel the road network of a preexisting city. Furthermore, it is required that every contribution of green infrastructure has its potential of storm water consumption calculated to match the local demand.

Är Stockholm anpassad för synskadade? / How adapted is Stockholm for the visually impaired?

Celep, Helin, Remmel, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
There is a lot of talk about the necessity of creating accessibility within cities, but is it created for everyone? A multitude of different disabilities exists and this study focuses on the accessibility for the visually impaired in Stockholm. Persons with visually impairment have it more difficult to participate in the physical and social environment on the same terms as a person with full vision, and it is therefore important to create an environment where they can participate. The group of visually impaired is highly diverse with many kinds of impairments and their own needs, which makes it difficult to create only one solution. In Sweden there are laws and regulations regarding accessibility. The municipality of Stockholm uses the laws as a foundation for their guidelines and work with accessibility adjustments.  The purpose with this thesis is to give an insight to the problems in the urban environment that the visually impaired experience and how they can be solved, and to raise awareness of the deficiencies in the urban environment. To fulfil the purpose a literature study and a case study have been conducted. The case study is composed of observations of the urban environment and its adjustments in design and interviews with four persons with different kinds of visually impairments. The focus during the interviews has been on the everyday experiences and struggles created by the design and what kind of aids they use. An interview with the Traffic Administration Office (Trafikkontoret) regarding their work with accessibility, have been done to complement the case study. The results are showing that the probing cane, guide dog, an accompanying person, GPS and apps are the most commonly used aid tools. The tools are typically used in combination with each other, but are not sufficient enough to let the visually impaired independently move around in new environments. Digital aid which is not dependent on adjustments in the urban environment are being tested, however adjustments in the physical environment will still remain important. The biggest problems in the city are obstacles blocking the walking path and large open spaces. Open spaces can be improved by distinctive guide paths. Contrasts in colour and structure have been a huge aid to discover obstacles and elements such as crossovers and bus stops in the environment. / Det pratas mycket om vikten av att skapa tillgänglighet i städer, men blir det anpassat för alla? Det finns många olika funktionsnedsättningar och den här studien har valt att undersöka hur tillgängligheten är för synskadade i Region Stockholm. Personer med synskador har svårare att delta i den fysiska och sociala miljön på samma villkor som personer med fullt seende och det är därför viktigt att skapa förutsättningar för att de ska kunna delta. Gruppen synskadade är en väldigt heterogen grupp med många olika typer av synnedsättningar som har olika behov och det blir därför svårt att skapa en lösning som fungerar bra för alla. Sverige har olika lagar som sätter en grund för hur tillgänglighet ska arbetas med. Stockholms stad följer dessa och har de som grund till sina riktlinjer för tillgänglighetsanpassningar och arbetet kring det.  Syftet med detta arbete är att få en inblick i vilka problem synskadade personer kan uppleva när de rör sig i stadsmiljön och hur de skulle kunna lösas, och med det öka kunskapen om vilka brister det finns. För att kunna uppfylla syftet har en litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie gjorts. Fallstudien består av platsobservationer för att studera hur stadsmiljön är anpassad för synskadade, och intervjuer med fyra individer med olika synskador. Intervjuerna innehåller framförallt deras vardagliga problem och hinder de möter i utformningen av stadsmiljön, vilka hjälpmedel de använder samt deras önskemål om förbättringar. Fallstudien har även kompletterats med en intervju med Trafikkontoret för att få en inblick i hur de jobbar.  Resultatet visar att de hjälpmedel som finns att användas idag huvudsakligen är teknikkäpp, ledarhund, ledsagare, GPS och appar. Dessa kombineras vanligtvis med varandra, men ingen av de är tillräckligt bra för att en synskadad person ska ta sig fram på egen hand i nya miljöer. Digitala hjälpmedel som inte är beroende av fysiska anpassningar testas och är under utveckling, men anpassningar i stadsmiljön kommer fortsatt vara viktigt. De största problemen i stadsmiljön är att ta sig runt hinder som blockerar vägen och stora öppna ytor. Öppna ytor kan förbättras genom tydliga ledstråk. Kontraster i både färg och struktur är till stor hjälp för att upptäcka hinder och andra inslag i stadsmiljön som övergångsställen och busshållplatser.

Urban Atmospheres : Multisensory Perception as the Linkage between Urban Environment and Social Interaction in Main Streets / Urbana atmosfärer : Multisensoriska upplevelser som en länk mellan stadsmiljön och sociala interaktioner på huvudgator

Hierl, Melanie January 2019 (has links)
Within the discipline of urban planning and design, this thesis introduces urban atmos-pheres as a theoretical concept, interlinking the urban dweller’s perception of the urban environment with the disposition of social interaction. The aim is to research how urban environments, such as main streets, are being perceived through different senses and which urban atmospheres are disposing social interaction. Framed by the literature within the discipline, the conducted case study within this thesis is revealing the multisensory perception of streets as well as a vision-dominance. Observations and interviews in Barer Strasse in Munich suggest that the interplay of multiple sensory stimuli as well as small businesses on ground floors are creating a lively atmosphere, thereby enhancing social interaction. Despite the vision dominating the perception, this thesis argues for a multi-sensorial approach, including smelling, feeling and hearing within the urban planning and design discipline to create lively cities by strengthening the social function of streets through creating atmospheres that enhance social interaction.

Urban grön infrastruktur - identifiering av implementeringsmekanismer och hur dessa kan främjas : En fallstudie i Ronneby / Urban green infrastructure - recognizing and facilitating implementation mechanisms : A case study in Ronneby, Sweden

Jakobsson, Rasmus, Sandberg, Anders January 2022 (has links)
Urbanisering och förtätning i stadsmiljön medför miljörelaterade utmaningar som väntas förvärras av klimatförändringar. Urban grön infrastruktur är metoder för att hantera dessa utmaningar, men det implementeras inte i den utsträckning som krävs. Undersökningens syfte var att genom en fallstudie i en nyutvecklad stadsdel i Ronneby kommun där grön infrastruktur implementerats, bidra med kunskap om de mekanismer som är viktiga för implementeringen av grön infrastruktur, samt hur förutsättningarna för dessa kan främjas. Vi applicerade transition management med syfte att förstå dessa mekanismer i ett bredare perspektiv, samt green inside activism för att förklara agensen bakom implementeringen. Genom en kombination av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med tjänstepersoner och privata aktörer involverade i stadsdelsprojektet och en analys av offentliga dokument kom vi fram till att sex mekanismer är av vikt för implementeringen; ett långsiktigt tänkande; ett fokus på flexibilitet; ett gränsöverskridande samarbete; att skapa utrymme för praktisk tillämpning; involvering av allmänheten; samt ett fokus på multifunktionalitet. För att främja förutsättningarna för dessa mekanismer att ta plats visar resultatet att det är av vikt att mobilisera kring en brett förankrad gemensam ambition. Vidare betonar vi betydelsen av miljöengagerade tjänstepersoner för att uppnå en sådan bred förankring, men också att yttre faktorer kan ha betydelse för processen. / Urbanization, densification, and climate change cause multiple challenges to the urban environment. To address these challenges, green infrastructure are recognized measures, however not implemented to the extent required. The aim of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the mechanisms important for the implementation of green infrastructure and how these mechanisms can be promoted. Therefore, we conducted a case study of a newly developed urban area in Ronneby, Sweden, where green infrastructure has been implemented. We applied transition management with the aim of understanding these mechanisms in a broader perspective, as well as green inside activism to add an element of agency for the implementation process. We combined qualitative semi structured interviews with public officials and private actors involved, as well as a content analysis of official documents related to the development of the investigated area. We found that six mechanisms are important for the implementation; long term thinking; a focus on flexibility; interdisciplinary collaboration; creating space for practical application; public involvement; and a focus on multifunctionality. To promote these mechanisms, the results show an importance in the mobilization of a widely shared ambition. Further, in order to achieve such a broad ambition, we emphasize that public officials with an environmental engagement can play an important role, however, external factors may also impact the process.

Смарт-технологии и умные общественные пространства в России и за рубежом, концепция умного общественного пространства в г. Златоуст : магистерская диссертация / Smart technologies and smart public spaces in Russia and abroad, the concept of smart public space in Zlatoust

Рафикова, Е. И., Rafikova, E. I. January 2024 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена исследованию концепции умных общественных пространств с акцентом на применение смарт-технологий в городах России и за рубежом, с конкретным примером города Златоуст. Основной целью исследования является разработка инновационного подхода к созданию общественных пространств, обеспечивающих высокий уровень комфорта и безопасности для жителей. Работа включает историко-социологический анализ развития общественных пространств, анализ нормативной документации, исследование инженерно-технического оснащения, а также градостроительный анализ города Златоуст. На основе полученных данных была предложена концепция открытого общественного пространства в городе Златоуст с использованием передовых смарт-технологий. Научная новизна работы заключается в систематизации отечественного и зарубежного опыта применения смарт-технологий в общественных пространствах и разработке уникальной концепции для конкретного города. Практическая значимость исследования состоит в возможности использования предложенной концепции для проектирования и реализации умных общественных пространств в других российских городах, что способствует повышению качества городской среды и уровня жизни населения. / The final qualifying work is devoted to the study of the concept of smart public spaces with an emphasis on the use of smart technologies in Russian cities and abroad, with a specific example of the city of Zlatoust. The main purpose of the research is to develop an innovative approach to creating public spaces that provide a high level of comfort and safety for residents. The work includes a historical and sociological analysis of the development of public spaces, an analysis of regulatory documentation, a study of engineering and technical equipment, as well as an urban planning analysis of the city of Zlatoust. Based on the data obtained, the concept of an open public space in the city of Zlatoust using advanced smart technologies was proposed. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the systematization of domestic and foreign experience in the application of smart technologies in public spaces and the development of a unique concept for a particular city. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the proposed concept for the design and implementation of smart public spaces in other Russian cities, which contributes to improving the quality of the urban environment and the standard of living of the population.

The provision of environmental education towards sustainability with reference to the Inner City Enviro Centre in Tshwane

Goodwin, Cary Leigh 11 1900 (has links)
The provision of environmental education towards sustainability with reference to the Inner City Enviro Centre in Tshwane is a comprehensive research project that describes the establishment and development of the Inner City Environmental Centre over a six-year period. This research focuses on the informal education sector and the methods used by centres, both locally and internationally to provide environmental education and / or education for sustainability. The Inner City Enviro Centre is used as a case study. The development of the ICEC is investigated in terms of the objectives it was to fulfil. The achievements and difficulties that the ICEC experienced are examined. This was done using document analysis and by interviewing those involved. This information was then assimilated and helped the researcher to make informed, objective judgements concerning the ICEC. Educators working on a project with the ICEC were given questionnaires which asked questions relating to environmental education and excursions. The data collected from findings is used to provide guidelines for future development of the ICEC and for others who might want to embark on similar projects. / Further Teacher Education / M.Ed. (Environmental Education)

Integrity monitoring applied to the reception of GNSS signals in urban environments / Contrôle d’intégrité appliqué à la réception des signaux GNSS en environnement urbain

Salós Andrés, Carlos Daniel 03 July 2012 (has links)
L’intégrité des signaux GNSS est définie comme la mesure de la confiance qui peut être placée dans l’exactitude des informations fournies par le système de navigation. Bien que le concept d’intégrité GNSS a été initialement développé dans le cadre de l’aviation civile comme une des exigences standardisées par l’Organisation de l’Aviation Civile Internationale (OACI) pour l’utilisation du GNSS dans les systèmes de Communication, Navigation, et Surveillance / Contrôle du Trafic Aérien (CNS/ATM), un large éventail d’applications non aéronautiques ont également besoin de navigation par satellite fiable avec un niveau d’intégrité garanti. Beaucoup de ces applications se situent en environnement urbain. Le contrôle d’intégrité GNSS est un élément clé des applications de sécurité de la vie (SoL), telle que l’aviation, et des applications exigeant une fiabilité critique comme le télépéage basé sur l’utilisation du GNSS, pour lesquels des erreurs de positionnement peuvent avoir des conséquences juridiques ou économiques. Chacune de ces applications a ses propres exigences et contraintes, de sorte que la technique de contrôle d’intégrité la plus appropriée varie d’une application à l’autre. Cette thèse traite des systèmes de télépéage utilisant GNSS en environnement urbain. Les systèmes de navigation par satellite sont l’une des technologies que l’UE recommande pour le Service Européen de Télépéage Electronique (EETS). Ils sont déjà en cours d’adoption: des systèmes de télépéage pour le transport poids lourd utilisant GPS comme technologie principale sont opérationnels en Allemagne et en Slovaquie, et un système similaire est envisagé en France à partir de 2013. À l’heure actuelle, le contrôle d’intégrité GPS s’appuie sur des systèmes d´augmentation (GBAS, SBAS, ABAS) conçus pour répondre aux exigences de l’OACI pour les opérations aviation civile. C´est la raison pour laquelle cette thèse débute par une présentation du concept d’intégrité en aviation civile afin de comprendre les performances et contraintes des systèmes hérités. La thèse se poursuit par une analyse approfondie des systèmes de télépéage et de navigation GNSS en milieu urbain qui permets de dériver les techniques de contrôle d’intégrité GNSS les plus adaptées. Les algorithmes autonomes de type RAIM ont été choisis en raison de leur souplesse et leur capacité d´adaptabilité aux environnements urbains. Par la suite, le modèle de mesure de pseudodistances est élaboré. Ce modèle traduit les imprécisions des modèles de correction des erreurs d’horloge et d’ephemeride, des retards ionosphériques et troposphériques, ainsi que le bruit thermique récepteur et les erreurs dues aux multitrajets. Les exigences d’intégrité GNSS pour l’application télépéage sont ensuite dérivées à partir de la relation entre les erreurs de positionnement et leur effets dans la facturation finale. Deux algorithmes RAIM sont alors proposés pour l’application péage routier. Le premier est l’algorithme basé sur les résidus de la solution des moindres carrés pondérés (RAIM WLSR), largement utilisé dans l’aviation civile. Seulement, un des principaux défis de l’utilisation des algorithmes RAIM classiques en milieux urbains est un taux élevé d’indisponibilité causé par la mauvaise géométrie entre le récepteur et les satellites. C’est pour cela que un nouvel algorithme RAIM est proposé. Cet algorithme, basé sur le RAIM WLSR, est conçu de sorte à maximiser l’occurrence de fournir un positionnement intègre dans un contexte télépéage. Les performances des deux algorithmes RAIM proposés et des systèmes de télépéage associés sont analysés par simulation dans différents environnements ruraux et urbains. Dans tous les cas, la disponibilité du nouvel RAIM est supérieure à celle du RAIM WLSR. / Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) integrity is defined as a measure of the trust that can be placed in the correctness of the information supplied by the navigation system. Although the concept of GNSS integrity has been originally developed in the civil aviation framework as part of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requirements for using GNSS in the Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance / Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) system, a wide range of non-aviation applications need reliable GNSS navigation with integrity, many of them in urban environments. GNSS integrity monitoring is a key component in Safety of Life (SoL) applications such as aviation, and in the so-called liability critical applications like GNSS-based electronic toll collection, in which positioning errors may have negative legal or economic consequences. At present, GPS integrity monitoring relies on different augmentation systems (GBAS, SBAS, ABAS) that have been conceived to meet the ICAO requirements in civil aviation operations. For this reason, the use of integrity monitoring techniques and systems inherited from civil aviation in non-aviation applications needs to be analyzed, especially in urban environments, which are frequently more challenging than typical aviation environments. Each application has its own requirements and constraints, so the most suitable integrity monitoring technique varies from one application to another. This work focuses on Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) systems based on GNSS in urban environments. Satellite navigation is one of the technologies the directive 2004/52/EC recommends for the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS), and it is already being adopted: toll systems for freight transport that use GPS as primary technology are operational in Germany and Slovakia, and France envisages to establish a similar system from 2013. This dissertation begins presenting first the concept of integrity in civil aviation in order to understand the objectives and constraints of existing GNSS integrity monitoring systems. A thorough analysis of GNSS-based ETC systems and of GNSS navigation in urban environments is done afterwards with the aim of identifying the most suitable road toll schemes, GNSS receiver configurations and integrity monitoring mechanisms. Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) is chosen among other integrity monitoring systems due to its design flexibility and adaptability to urban environments. A nominal pseudorange measurement model suitable for integrity-driven applications in urban environments has been calculated dividing the total pseudorange error into five independent error sources which can be modelled independently: broadcasted satellite clock corrections and ephemeris errors, ionospheric delay, tropospheric delay, receiver thermal noise (plus interferences) and multipath. In this work the fault model that includes all non-nominal errors consists only of major service failures. Afterwards, the GNSS integrity requirements are derived from the relationship between positioning failures and toll charging errors. Two RAIM algorithms are studied. The first of them is the Weighted Least Squares Residual (WLSR) RAIM, widely used in civil aviation and usually set as the reference against which other RAIM techniques are compared. One of the main challenges of RAIM algorithms in urban environments is the high unavailability rate because of the bad user/satellite geometry. For this reason a new RAIM based on the WLSR is proposed, with the objective of providing a trade-off between the false alarm probability and the RAIM availability in order to maximize the probability that the RAIM declares valid a fault-free position. Finally, simulations have been carried out to study the performance of the different RAIM and ETC systems in rural and urban environments. In all cases, the availability obtained with the novel RAIM improve those of the standard WLSR RAIM.

Landsbygdens behov, förutsättningar & möjligheter för ett landsbygdsavtal

Scherdin, Mikaela, Örnehag, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
En förutsättning för ett levande land är att alla delar av landet prioriteras. Trots olika behov, förutsättningar och möjligheter är det av viktigt att ge likvärdiga grundläggande förutsättningar i hela landet. Idag finns Stadsmiljöavtalet som främjar hållbar utveckling av stadsmiljöer, men det saknas liknande insatser mot utveckling av landsbygden. Landsbygden besitter både utmaningar och möjligheter för utveckling, därför är det viktigt att hitta lösningar som bidrar till en hållbar utveckling av landsbygden och framtidens Sverige. För att lyckas behöver det politiska styret ta steget från teori till praktik för att hela Sverige ska ges samma möjligheter att leva. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka de behov, förutsättningar och möjligheter som finns för ett möjligt landsbygdsavtal. Ett landsbygdavtal skulle skapa möjligheter för tillväxt, kompetensförsörjning och omställning till fossilfritt transportsystem samt bidra till en hållbar utveckling av landsbygden. Inblick i arbetet på kommunal, regional och statlig nivå har legat till grund för att se vad de anser behövas för att lyckas med landsbygdsutveckling samt tankar kring ett framtida landsbygdsavtal. Tillvägagångsättet i studien har inneburit två metoder, intervjuer och fallstudier. Fem intervjurespondenter gav inblick i kommunala, regionala och statliga verksamheter. Fallstudierna grundar sig i ett urval av fyra ansökningar till Trafikverkets stadsmiljöavtal. Slutligen granskades intervjuerna och fallstudierna för att sedan sammanställas och analyseras för att få fram ett resultat. Resultatet visar att det brister i satsningar på landsbygden trots stort intresse, men det finns en svårighet i att göra insatser på landsbygden eftersom dessa nyttjas av färre och det missgynnar landsbygdens utveckling. Tillgängligheten med god infrastruktur och digitalisering är en grundförutsättning för en levande landsbygd och för att bibehålla service. Studiens resultat visar att mindre kommuner inte besitter samma ekonomiska medel eller resurser som krävs för utveckling av deras landsbygd. Responsen om ett möjligt landsbygdsavtal har mottagits mycket positivt. För ett möjligt avtal bör definitionen av begreppet landsbygd tydliggöras för att skapa likvärdiga bedömningar. Framtidens landsbygd behöver nödvändigtvis inte se ut som idag, den behöver utvecklas i takt med resterande delar av landet men anpassat efter sina förutsättningar. Ett landsbygdsavtal kan vara en lösning för att lyckas med landsbygdsutveckling, men det förutsätter att det finns en sammanhållen politik som visar viljan till insatser på Sveriges landsbygder. / For a prosperous country it is required that all regions are prioritized, both urban and rural areas. It is important that everyone is given the same basic conditions for sustainable development. The Swedish Traffic Authority has the Urban Environment Agreement (Stadsmiljöavtalet) which promotes sustainable traffic solutions in urban areas, the is a lack of the same type of contribution for rural areas. There are both challenges and opportunities in the rural areas. It is therefore important to find solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas and the future of Sweden. To succeed the politics needs to take the step from theory to practice for the whole of Sweden to be given the same opportunities to prosper. This study aims to investigate the needs, conditions and opportunities that for a possible Rural Environment Agreement. A rural agreement would create opportunities for growth, supply of skills and conversion to fossil-free transport systems and contribute to sustainable development of rural areas. An insight of the work at municipal, regional and state level has been the base to see what they think is needed to succeed with rural development and thoughts about a future Rural Environment Agreement. The approach taken in this study has been two methods, interviews and case studies. Five interviewees provided insight into municipal, regional and state work. The case studies are based on a selection of four applications to the Swedish Transport Administration's Urban Environment Agreement. Finally, the interviewees and the case studies were analyzed to produce a result. The result has indicated that there are shortcomings in investments in rural areas even though there is an interest. There is a difficulty in making efforts in rural areas, as it is lived in by fewer people. Accessibility, such as infrastructure and digitizing, is necessary for a living rural area and for maintaining service. It has emerged that smaller municipalities do not have the same financial means or resources as are required for the development of rural areas. A Rural Environment Agreement is seen to have major positive effects where the municipality and the region cannot provide support. For a possible agreement, the definition of the concept of rural areas must be made clear in order to create equivalent assessments. The rural areas of the future do not necessarily have to look like they do today, it needs to be developed in step with the country, while adapted to its conditions. A Rural Environment Agreement can be a solution for rural development.

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