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Europeizace politiky urbánního rozvoje. Komparativní případová studie: Velká Británie a Německo / Europeanisation of urban development policy: Comparative case study : UK and GermanyZoubková, Věra Thea January 2016 (has links)
Věra Thea Zoubková Europeanization of Urban Development Policy Comparative Case Study: UK and Germany Diploma Thesis Abstract This thesis deals with the vertical (top-down, bottom up) and horizontal Europeanization of urban development policy. Involvement in EU-sponsored programmes has provided urban institutions with unprecedented access to new sources of information, legitimacy, and financial support. This thesis seeks to evaluate whether European working has provoked shifts in the institutionalised norms and values at the national and city level, focusing on the experience of Great Britain and Germany. The legacy of the Bristol Accord and the Leipzig Charter, two examples of the uploading of national policy, is then examined. It can be argued that by drawing closely on domestic policy agenda, as well as wide ranging-nature of the agenda, little has resulted from the UK's contribution to the emerging EU urban agenda. This contrasts with the more sustained legacy of the Leipzig Charter. And third, the involvement of British and German cities, as well as impact of their participation in European urban cooperation programs is examined and evaluated. It is argued that previous experiences with the programs facilitate joining in other EU projects of city cooperation.
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The Role of Smart City Concept in Sustainable Urban Planning from Policy Perspective- Case Study of MalmöAlavibelmana, Maryam, Fazekas, Robert January 2018 (has links)
Smart city as a concept or term is the contemporary buzzword which is referred as a means to deliver urban sustainability. In recent years, different smart city initiatives have emerged worldwide, which are advocated increasingly by the private and public sectors. However, there has been a considerable amount of critiques by social and urban scholars who question the current understanding and practice of the smart city, raising doubt if the current smart city is sustainable. The most frequently mentioned critiques indicate that the current smart city which does not have a common definition and theoretical foundation is intensively dominated by technical perspective and the role of private sector. This thesis aims to find out how this current understanding and application of smart city concept affect the urban planning practices and urban policy-making. By taking Malmö as a case study and conducting policy analyses, the research shows that this trend leads to the project-based practices which in the absence of strategic and holistic vision toward the smart city as a concept might not fulfil sustainability criteria, cannot be a beneficiary means for sustainable urban planning, and is a poor concept for social sustainability. It shows that although private sector is an integral part of smart city practices, public sector -municipality -needs to take a leadership position in defining smart city based on the real city’s demand and integrate it into the urban planning strategies.
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Autonomous shuttle buses : A multiple-case study evaluating to what extent autonomous shuttle buses contribute to achieve sustainable mobility in Lindholmen and BarkarbystadenNjie, Haddyjatou January 2023 (has links)
Travelling and moving within urban areas in a sustainable way acquires a transition toward sustainable commuting modes. An approach to reaching the transition is recognised as sustainable mobility. According to smart mobility research, autonomous shuttle buses could contribute to achieve sustainable mobility in urban areas. This study therefore aims to evaluate to what extent autonomous shuttle buses are contributing to achieve sustainable mobility in Lindholmen and Barkarbystaden, by analysing the enabling and challenging factors of integrating autonomous shuttle buses from a spatial planning perspective. Based on a thematic analysis, three themes: integration into transport networks, urban policy integration, and spatial planning and urban design integration, emerged from a multiple-case study and an in-depth interview study. It is revealed that the buses are bringing forth a multi-modal transportation network with an extension of sustainable travel opportunities beyond the privately owned car. Nonetheless, it is evident that the autonomous shuttle buses are not eligible to cover the first-last mile accessibility gap in Lindholmen nor Barkarbystaden. Practitioners should therefore consider evaluating what autonomous shuttle buses should be used for, how and where before they decide to go any further with the integration of autonomous shuttle buses in other urban areas.
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Remaking "Public" Space: Neoliberal Spatial Management and the Criminalization of Homelessness in San Francisco's Union SquareNewman, Sophie 19 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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District of Columbia Policy Decisions and the Redevelopment of the Columbia Heights NeighborhoodRodrigues, John W. 14 July 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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The Ideological Packaging Process of Stockholm Royal Seaport : A critical discourse analysis of Stockholm’s uncritical approach to sustainable urban planning / Den Ideologiska Paketeringsprocessen av Norra Djurgårdstaden : En kritisk diskursanalys av Stockholms okritiska förhållningssätt till hållbar stadsplaneringHasselberg, Vendela January 2022 (has links)
This thesis applies a historical approach to critical planning research to deepen the understanding of the ways in which the planning process of Stockholm Royal Seaport can be viewed as ideological. The Seaport is understood as a case study, in which sustainability is understood as a bearer of neoliberal ideology and a depoliticised concept. This study concludes more research is needed, and not the least more critical planning research which applies a historical lens to compare this case with other similar seaport projects to broaden the understanding of how planning processes and the ideology within them take shape over time. / Denna uppsats applicerar ett historiskt perspektiv till kritisk urbanforskning i syfte att fördjupa kunskapen om på vilka sätt planeringsprocessen av Norra Djurgårdsstaden kan förstås som ideologisk. Norra Djurgårdsstaden är använd som en fallstudie, där hållbarhet tolkas som en bärare av neoliberal ideologi och därmed ett depolitiserat koncept. Den här studien konstaterar att mer forskning behövs, inte minst kritisk urbanforskning som applicerar en historisk lins för att jämföra denna fallstudie med liknande sjöstäder för att öka förståelsen av hur planeringsprocesser och dess underliggande ideologi tar form över tid.
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Incremental Vernacular Planning: Resident Repurposing of the Apartheid Built Environment in a Former South African ‘Bantustan’Chavez-Norgaard, Stefan Peter January 2024 (has links)
Studying resident repurposing permits an understanding of urban planning that foregrounds the power of residents to shape the production of space. This dissertation is an extended case study of resident-initiated planning alternatives in the former ‘Bantustan’ capital city of Mmabatho (present-day Mahikeng), today a South African secondary city. Apartheid officials planned Mahikeng through racial-modernist principles of ‘separate development’ as a receiving site of forced relocation and racialized dispossession of Black South Africans. Historical and archival research, semi-structured interviews, and personal communications with planners, public officials, activists, and residents uncover the historical roots of repurposing in apartheid-era contestation to planning marked by elite profit and graft.
Through in situ analyses of 80+ built sites, 60+ of which have been repurposed, I propose specific types of repurposing in Mahikeng: official and unofficial land-use changes; symbolic and aesthetic innovations; ephemeral or pop-up activations; and institutional reformulations of former ‘Bantustan’ buildings. Case studies of select built sites—and case studies of select local neighborhoods and their experiences of political-geographic change—enable me to propose that repurposing has proceeded in a dynamic cycle that includes contestation, destruction, and (re)invention. Various “key ingredients” enable repurposings to be successful, including actors, tactics, and institutional arrangements. To explain why residents repurpose, I consider actors’ motivations and find that repurposing is driven by wide-ranging and varied autonomous interests, including economic survival, human dignity, and meaning-making.
The consequences of repurposing are profound: it helps meet residents’ basic needs and gestures toward an alternative planning imaginary in the city, one marked by an incremental vernacular approach to planning. This study raises critical questions broadly relevant to planning and urban policy, including: how do afterlives of racial domination affect the production of space, viewed through residents’ repurposing? How do repurposing and vernacular planning unfold in different local geographic and sociopolitical contexts? How should urban policy account for residents’ self-initiated city-making? And what roles should self-initiated city-makers (repurposers) play in shaping planning and urban policy? While the conceptual label of repurposing may echo globally, distinctive to Mahikeng is how contemporary repurposing is historically and institutionally grounded in solidarity: contestation to apartheid planning.
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Incorporação imobiliária e intermediação de interesses em São Paulo / Real Estate Development and Interest Intermediation in São PauloHoyler, Telma 03 December 2014 (has links)
Existe um padrão institucionalizado de relação público-privado na política de uso e ocupação do solo que explica as vitórias do lado do setor imobiliário? Para oferecer uma resposta a essa questão, este trabalho investiga a intermediação de interesses entre burocracias estatais e os incorporadores imobiliários na aprovação de empreendimentos imobiliários em período recente no município de São Paulo e apresenta uma contribuição à questão sobre como as cidades são governadas. Verificou-se a ocorrência de um poder fragmentado e heterogeneamente disperso compondo um padrão de governança no qual nem sempre o mercado imobiliário ganha tudo, dependendo de processos de intermediação de interesses específicos, levados adiante caso a caso. Tais processos ocorrem não apenas no momento da definição da legislação, mas também na conformação das estruturas que vão regular a política e no momento de implementação da própria política de aprovação de empreendimentos. Foram identificados três tipos de interação que servem de canal para a intermediação de interesses: uma interação conjuntural, dada pela atuação dos incorporadores na estruturação da burocracia de aprovação de empreendimentos; uma interação ordinária, cuja agência por parte do poder público ocorre por meio dos burocratas de nível de rua; e uma interação participativa a partir da Câmara Técnica de Legislação Urbanística. Em todas as situações, as vitórias dependem dos encaixes que ocorrem entre os interesses estatais e os dos agentes privados. O interesse do Estado em realizar o encaixe, no caso analisado, veio da necessidade de construção de capacidade estatal para fazer frente a um choque externo. Isso evidencia que a construção de capacidades pode significar melhor encaixe entre setor público e privado e não necessariamente implicar maior controle estatal. / Is there an institutionalized pattern of public-private relationship regarding policies of land use, which explains the victories achieved by the real estate industry? To provide an answer to this question, this work investigates the interest intermediation between state bureaucracies and real estate developers when it comes to the approval of building projects in São Paulo and contributes to the understanding of how cities are governed. A system of fragmented and heterogeneously scattered power was identified composing a governance pattern in which, depending on the interest intermediation process brought forward in each case, the real estate market does not always take it all. Such proceedings occur not only during the definition of the legislation, but also while shaping which structures will regulate the policy and throughout the implementation of the policy itself. Three types of interaction which channel interest intermediation were identified: a situational interaction, set by the developers actions in the building of the bureaucracy of development approval; an ordinary interaction, in which government action is set by street level bureaucrats; and a participatory interaction within the Technical Chamber of Urban Legislation. In all cases, triumph depends on the process of fitting that can occur between state and private actors interests. The state\'s interest in performing the fit in the analyzed city was triggered by the need to build up state capacity to face an external shock, revealing that capacity building can promote better engagement between the public and private sector without necessarily implying greater state control.
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Projeto de habitação em favelas: especificidades e parâmetros de qualidade / Housing project to slums: specificities and quality parametersSamora, Patricia Rodrigues 01 February 2010 (has links)
Esta tese propõe um método de projeto para o desenvolvimento de tipologias habitacionais em favelas objeto de programas de urbanização, visando qualificar o ambiente construído nessas áreas. Parte do conhecimento da dinâmica habitacional da cidade de São Paulo que levou ao surgimento de favelas, uma das principais alternativas de moradia para a população de baixa renda hoje. O método proposto distingue a habitação a partir de dois modelos habitacionais presentes nessas áreas: a moradia auto-construída pelo morador, que será consolidada a partir da intervenção de urbanização e regularização fundiária, e a nova unidade habitacional, construída durante a urbanização da favela para abrigar parte ou totalidade dos moradores removidos. O conceito de qualidade habitacional subjacente foi o de que o objeto construído deve ser adequado às necessidades dos ocupantes quanto ao uso a que se destina e às especificidades do sítio urbano onde estará inserido. Para a primeira situação habitacional definida - a moradia auto-construída - o trabalho fornece um conjunto de indicadores mínimos de habitabilidade que conduzam a intervenções pontuais nas edificações e auxiliem na tomada de decisão quanto à escolha daquelas que devem ser objeto de remoção. Já para a segunda situação habitacional - a nova unidade habitacional - e objeto central do trabalho, foi proposto um conjunto de requisitos de desempenho para as categorias de Habitabilidade, Dimensionais e de Identidade e Flexibilidade, organizados de acordo com as quatro escalas do habitar utilizadas que são os Ambientes ou Compartimentos, a Unidade Habitacional completa, o Edifício e a Unidade de Vizinhança. Os requisitos foram elaborados para serem aplicados na fase de projeto, definidos a partir das seguintes referências principais: elementos de inadequação da produção habitacional de interesse social brasileira; elementos arquitetônicos e urbanísticos de projetos habitacionais de reconhecida qualidade; especificidades e características das favelas da RMSP; métodos de projeto habitacional semelhantes, entre outras fontes. O método foi consolidado após sua aplicação em tipologias dos projetos de urbanização das favelas Vila Nova Jaguaré e Jardim Olinda, urbanizadas pelo programa Bairro Legal da Prefeitura de São Paulo. Conclui-se, deste exercício, que é possível propor diretrizes baseadas em parâmetros de qualidade e requisitos de desempenho que garantam a elaboração de projetos habitacionais e urbanísticos adequados às especificidades das favelas e às características sócio-econômicas e culturais de seus moradores, ainda que as edificações projetadas se situem em áreas com alta taxa e de ocupação, situação das favelas paulistanas estudadas. É preciso, contudo, que o projeto de urbanização integre uma política habitacional mais ampla, capaz de fornecer outras alternativas habitacionais que, justapostas, auxiliem o desadensamento das favelas urbanizadas, garantindo, assim, melhores condições urbanísticas. / This thesis proposes a method for the development of housing units addressed to slums upgrading programs, aiming to improve the built environment in these areas. It was composed based on the housing dynamics of Sao Paulo that led to the emergence of slums, one of the main housing alternatives for low-income people in this city. The proposed method considers the two housing models found in those areas: self-built houses that will be consolidated by the upgrading and land regularization, and the new housing units built during the intervention to house part or all of the residents removed. The underlying concept of housing quality in this work is that the object constructed must be suitable to the needs of the households as well as to the specificities of the settlement where it will be inserted. For the first set of housing situation - the self-built houses - the work provides three housing indicators to qualify the interventions in those buildings and assist in decision making regarding the selection of those that should be removed. As for the second housing situation - the new housing units -, performance requirements were established for the categories of \"Habitability\", \"Dimension\" and \"Identity and Flexibility\", organized according to four housing scales: \"compartments\", \"housing unit\", \"building\" and \"block\". Those requirements were conceived to be applied during the design phase and were defined according to the following parameters: the elements of social housing programs in Brazil that frequently lead to inadequacy of the built environment; the elements of architectural and urban housing projects to be used as a reference; the characteristics of the slums in the metropolitan region of São Paulo; other similar methods to support housing projects, among other sources. The method was consolidated after its application over four housing types developed within the slum upgrading projects of Vila Nova Jaguaré and Jardim Olinda, which were part of the Bairro Legal slum upgrading interventions at São Paulo Municipality. This exercise allowed the proposition of project guidelines based on quality parameters and performance requirements to ensure the development of housing and urbanistic projects suited to the specificities of the slums and to the socio-economic and cultural characteristics of their residents. Those guidelines were conceived for settlements with high occupancy rates that distinguish the studied favelas of Sao Paulo. However, its important that the upgrading project and its new housing units are part of a wider housing policy, able to provide other housing solutions that, together, could help decrease the dense occupation rates of slum areas, thus ensuring better urban environments.
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O filé e a sobra: as favelas no caminho do capital imobiliário / The steak and the leftover: the favelas in the way of the real estate capitalFerreira, Paulo Emilio Buarque 27 April 2017 (has links)
Esta tese defende que o \'planejamento da exceção\' depende da eliminação dos territórios da pobreza para a criação de localizações que atendam os interesses do mercado imobiliário, enquanto, nas franjas da cidade, em áreas sem perspectiva de valorização fundiária, o Estado assume uma política de urbanização de favelas ambígua: regularização com fixação de moradores em territórios precários, precarização de instalação de infraestruturas, e reassentamentos em grandes conjuntos, associados a obras civis de grande porte. Partindo de uma perspectiva histórica, de uma análise da forma como o Estado tem trabalhado a questão das favelas em dois contextos específicos - São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro - demonstra-se que muitas das ações recentes têm, apesar de roupagem nova, similaridades com práticas antigas, como a manutenção da cultura do remocionismo, que tem caracterizado as ações urbanas mais conservadoras há mais de um século. O caso das remoções de favelas na Operação Urbana Consorciada Água Espraiada é analisado em paralelo com as políticas de consolidação das ocupações precárias nas franjas da cidade. / This thesis argues that the \"planning of exception\" relies on the elimination of poverty stricken regions for the creation of locations that meet the interests of the real estate market, while, on the fringes of the city, in areas which have no prospect of land valorization, the Government takes on an ambiguous policy of slum upgrading: land regularization fixing residents in precarious regions, uncertainty in the provision of infrastructure and resettlements in large housing projects, associated with large civil construction works. Starting from a historic perspective, from an analysis of the way that the Government has been working the slum equation in two different contexts - São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro - it demonstrates that even though many recent actions have a new guise, they hold many similarities to old practices, like the maintenance of the culture of removal, that has characterized the most conservative urban actions for more than a century. The case of the slum removals in the Joint Urban Operation Água Espraiada is analyzed in parallel with the policies for consolidating precarious settlements in the city\'s outskirts.
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