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Daily pattern recognition of dynamic origin-destination matrices using clustering and kernel principal component analysis / Daglig mönsterigenkänning av dynamiska Origin-Destination-matriser med hjälp av clustering och kernel principal component analysisDong, Zhiwu January 2021 (has links)
Origin-Destination (OD) matrix plays an important role in traffic management and urban planning. However, the OD estimation demands large data collection which has been done in past mostly by surveys with numerous limitations. With the development of communication technology and artificial intelligence technology, the transportation industry experiences new opportunities and challenges. Sensors bring big data characterized by 4V (Volume, Variety, Velocity, Value) to the transportation domain. This allows traffic practitioners to receive data covering large-scale areas and long time periods, even several years of data. At the same time, the introduction of artificial intelligence technology provides new opportunities and challenges in processing massive data. Advances from computer science have also brought revolutionary advancements in the field of transportation. All these new advances and technologies enable large data collection that can be used for extracting and estimating dynamic OD matrices for small time intervals and long time periods.Using Stockholm as the focus of the case study, this thesis estimates dynamic OD matrices covering data collected from the tolls located around Stockholm municipality. These dynamic OD matrices are used to analyze the day-to-day characteristics of the traffic flow that goes through Stockholm. In other words, the typical day-types of traffic through the city center are identified and studied in this work. This study analyzes the data collected by 58 sensors around Stockholm containing nearly 100 million vehicle observations (12GB).Furthermore, we consider and study the effects of dimensionality reduction on the revealing of most common day-types by clustering. The considered dimensionality reduction techniques are Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and its variant Kernel PCA (KPCA). The results reveal that dimensionality reduction significantly drops computational costs while resulting in reasonable day-types. Day-type clusters reveal expected as unexpected patterns and thus could have potential in traffic management, urban planning, and designing the strategy for congestion tax. / Origin-Destination (OD) -matrisen spelar en viktig roll i trafikledning och stadsplanering. Emellertid kräver OD-uppskattningen stor datainsamling, vilket har gjorts tidigare mest genom enkäter med många begränsningar. Med utvecklingen av kommunikationsteknik och artificiell intelligens upplever transportindustrin nya möjligheter och utmaningar. Sensorer ger stor data som kännetecknas av 4V (på engelska, volym, variation, hastighet, värde) till transportdomänen. Detta gör det möjligt för trafikutövare att ta emot data som täcker storskaliga områden och långa tidsperioder, till och med flera års data. Samtidigt ger introduktionen av artificiell intelligens teknik nya möjligheter och utmaningar i behandlingen av massiva data. Datavetenskapens framsteg har också lett till revolutionära framsteg inom transportområdet. Alla dessa nya framsteg och tekniker möjliggör stor datainsamling som kan användas för att extrahera och uppskatta dynamiska OD-matriser under små tidsintervall och långa tidsperioder.Genom att använda Stockholm som fokus för fallstudien uppskattar denna avhandling dynamiska OD-matriser som täcker data som samlats in från vägtullarna runt Stockholms kommun. Dessa dynamiska OD-matriser används för att analysera de dagliga egenskaperna hos trafikflödet i Stockholm genom stadens centrum. Med andra ord känns igen och studeras de typiska dagtyperna av trafik genom stadens centrum i detta arbete. Denna studie analyserar data som samlats in av 58 sensorer runt Stockholm som innehåller nästan 100 miljoner fordonsobservationer (12 GB)Dessutom överväger och studerar vi effekterna av dimensioneringsreduktion på avslöjandet av de vanligaste dagtyperna genom kluster. De betraktade dimensioneringsreduktionsteknikerna är Principal Component Analysis (PCA) och dess variant Kernel PCA (KPCA). Resultaten avslöjar att dimensioneringsreduktion avsevärt minskar beräkningskostnaderna, samtidigt som det ger rimliga dagtyper. Dagstyp kluster avslöjar förväntade som oväntade mönster och därmed kan ha potential i trafikledning, stadsplanering och utformning av strategin för trängselskatt.
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Adhesion of the rapeseed pathogen Verticillium longisporum to its host Brassica napus: Uncovering adhesion genes and the evolutionary origin of the fungus / Die Adhäsion der Raps Erreger Verticillium longisporum seinen Wirt Brassica napus: Aufdeckung Adhäsion Genen und der evolutionären Ursprung des PilzesTran, Van Tuan 02 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Origin and evolution of ureilite vein metal - Fe, Ni, Co and Ni-isotope systematics of ureilite vein metal and ureilite silicatesGabriel, Aron David 30 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Numerical Simulations of the Gravitational Geodynamo and its Time Spectrum / Numerische Simulationen des gravitationsgetriebenen Dynamos und sein zeitliches SpektrumTanriverdi, Vedat 28 June 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchung von Feldumkehrungen an einem numerischen Modell des Geodynamos / Field reversals in a numerical model of the geodynamoKutzner, Carsten 27 March 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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The Planck Constant and the Origin of Mass due to a Higher Order Casimir EffectBaumgärtel, C., Tajmar, Martin 10 July 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The Planck constant is one of the most important constants in nature, as it describes the world governed by quantum mechanics. However, it cannot be derived from other natural constants. We present a model from which it is possible to derive this constant without any free parameters. This is done utilizing the force between two oscillating electric dipoles described by an extension of Weber electrodynamics, based on a gravitational model by Assis. This leads not only to gravitational forces between the particles but also to a newly found Casimir-type attraction. We can use these forces to calculate the maximum point mass of this model which is equal to the Planck mass and derive the quantum of action. The result hints to a connection of quantum effects like the Casimir force and the Planck constant with gravitational ones and the origin of mass itself.
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Ursprungsmächte bei Cheikh Anta Diop und NietzscheBoa, Thiémélé Léon January 2001 (has links)
Zwischen Nietzsche und Cheikh Anta Diop gibt es wenige Verbindungen. Nietzsche gilt inzwischen unbezweifelbar als Philosoph, während bei Cheikh Anta Diop diese Anerkennung noch aussteht. Der eine ist ein in Deutschland geborener Europäer (1844-1900), der andere ein im Senegal geborener Afrikaner (1923-1986). Beide waren der Antike zugewandt und fanden darin Kraft für ihre Hoffnungen. Der eine stützte sich auf das antike Griechenland und der andere auf das antike Ägypten, beide forderten damit die Wissenschaftlergemeinschaft ihrer Zeit heraus und erschütterten die Wissensordnung ihrer Zeit. Absichtlich provokativ haben sie auf eine unsichere Zukunft gesetzt. Beide haben sie Grenzen des Wissens und Grenzen der Politik überschritten. Im folgenden sollen die Ähnlichkeiten der unzeitgemäßen Denkformen beider Denker im Vordergrund stehen. Für Cheikh Anta Diop und Nietzsche steht fest, dass wir unserer Existenz durch den historischen Sinn einen Wert geben. Der eine lädt uns ein, in der Erforschung der pharaonischen Ursprünge die Zielrichtung einer Konstruktion der afrikanischen Zukunft zu finden, was der Haltung von Nietzsche ähnelt, der das dekadente Europa seiner Zeit dazu aufrief, sich aus der griechischen Seele als seinem eigentlichen Sein zu erneuern. Beide Denker haben die Macht der Erinnerung thematisiert, Ursprünge und große Anfänge herausgehoben.
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The Planck Constant and the Origin of Mass due to a Higher Order Casimir EffectBaumgärtel, C., Tajmar, Martin 10 July 2018 (has links)
The Planck constant is one of the most important constants in nature, as it describes the world governed by quantum mechanics. However, it cannot be derived from other natural constants. We present a model from which it is possible to derive this constant without any free parameters. This is done utilizing the force between two oscillating electric dipoles described by an extension of Weber electrodynamics, based on a gravitational model by Assis. This leads not only to gravitational forces between the particles but also to a newly found Casimir-type attraction. We can use these forces to calculate the maximum point mass of this model which is equal to the Planck mass and derive the quantum of action. The result hints to a connection of quantum effects like the Casimir force and the Planck constant with gravitational ones and the origin of mass itself.
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Barnets rätt till sina föräldrar : En kritisk rättsdogmatisk analys av rättsligt föräldraskap i relation till Barnkonventionen / The child’s right to his/her parents : A legal dogmatic analysis of legal parenthood in relation to the convention on the rights of the childJeppson, Veronica January 2019 (has links)
The Convention on the rights of the child (CRC) stipulates a set of rights for all children and declares that all national legislation should be in compliance with the convention. The CRC states that the best interests of the child shall be of primary consideration in all actions concerning children; that every child has the right to protection of their family relations as well as the right to know about its parents. The purpose of this study is to investigate how well does the Swedish regulation of establishing legal parenthood comply with the child’s family oriented rights stipulated by the CRC. The study uses a critical legal dogmatic method and is analysed from a theory of the best interests of the child principle. The result shows that the Swedish law strongly protects the child’s right to know about his/her genetic origin. However, the findings illustrate that the mentioned right is often seen as synonymous for what is best for the child, and therefore leaves no space for questioning other aspects that may affect the child’s well-being. Furthermore the results demonstrate that the Swedish family law mainly protects hetero normative families where none of the parents has changed their legal gender. The further away from this norm that the child’s family is, the more complicated it is to establish legal parenthood and therefor harder to protect the child’s right to its family relations. The paper argues that the Swedish family law hence leaves little space for what could be seen as the best interest of a specific child in a specific context, and by doing so diverges from the CRC which advocates contextually when analysing what is best for the child. The paper concludes that a more flexible law where the best interests of the child can be taken into account in greater extent could secure the rights of the child more effectively.
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Framväxt och utveckling av radikala högerpopulistiska partier i norden : En jämförelse mellan Sverigedemokraterna och Sannfinländarna / Rise and Growth of Radical Right Populist Parties in the Nordic Countries : A Comparison Between the Sweden Democrats and the True FinnsLinnefell, William January 2012 (has links)
Populism has been an integral part of the Finnish political system since the late 1950's. At that time the Agrarian Populist Party, better known as The Rural Party, emerged and thrived for decades until the party financially broke down in the 1990's. Reemerging on the political scene as the True Finns, the party is more radical and more influential than ever, gaining enough support to be the third largest party of the 2011 parliamentary election. Sweden, Finland’s neighbor, in contrast has a history with very little populist presence or radical right populist parties (RRP-parties). However, during the 2010 parliamentary election the Sweden Democrats attained seats in the parliament for the first time in history. In this thesis, these cases, with their different historical backgrounds, are analyzed to explain the rise and growth of RRP-parties. Many political scientists have tried to answer this question before, focusing on system-oriented and contextual factors, but often neglecting factors that incorporate the political actors themselves. What this thesis adds to the previous research is a perspective on the rise and growth of RRP-parties based on the dynamism between system-oriented factors and actor-oriented factors. The theoretical discussion indicates that some system-oriented and contextual factors are significant when explaining the rise and growth of RRP-parties. At the same time, actor oriented factors such as the legacy of the RRP-party and the mainstream party strategies prove to be influential on the electoral strength of the RRP-party. These theoretical approaches are then used and combined in a comparative analysis, which imply two important things. First, the legitimacy of the RRP-party itself is an aspect that does explain the rise and growth of RRP-parties. Second, in the case of Sweden, the system-oriented and contextual factors alone were not able to explain the rise and growth of the Sweden Democrats. Together these findings stress that the dynamic perspective between system-oriented and actor-oriented factors truly is meaningful when trying to explain rise and growth of RRP-parties.
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