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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Speech Act Deixis / A situated dynamic account for observational and experimental insights into spoken German

Buch, Friederike Linde 24 May 2024 (has links)
Diese Dissertation führt den Beweis, dass Sprechaktbezug nicht anaphorischer, sondern deiktischer Natur ist, und stellt ein formales Modell für denselben vor. Korpusdaten in gesprochenem Deutsch und Daten aus Fernseh-Talkshows zeigen, dass man sich nur mit demonstrativen Ausdrücken auf Sprechakte beziehen kann. Zusätzlich unterstützen zwei Experimente die Beobachtung, dass Sprechaktbezüge nicht mit Personalpronomen getätigt werden. Nur selten lassen Muttersprachler des Deutschen ein gegebenes Personalpronomen auf einen Sprechakt referieren, und nur selten wählen sie das Personalpronomen, um sich auf einen gegebenen Sprechaktreferenten zu beziehen. Die klare Präferenz liegt beim Demonstrativum. Um auf Entitäten außerhalb des Diskurses zu referieren, nutzt man im Deutschen Demonstrativ-, nicht aber Personalpronomen. Dementsprechend sollten Sprechakte als Ereignisse im Äußerungskontext und nicht als Teil von sprachlicher Form und Bedeutung aufgefasst werden. Bestehenden Diskurstheorien mangelt es an einer Unterscheidung zwischen Anaphern und Deixis, während umgekehrt Theorien über sprachliche Bezüge sich nicht mit Sprechakten beschäftigen. Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT) integriert nicht-sprachliche Objekte als Diskursreferenten in die Diskursstruktur, was auch für Sprechakte gilt. Dieser Umstand erlaubt allerdings Anaphern auf Sprechakte. Da sich schwach referentielle Ausdrücke wie Personalpronomen nicht auf Sprechakte beziehen können, muss die Ontologie von Sprechakten in SDRT überdacht werden. Hier wird eine SDRT-Variante vorgestellt, die als Diskursmodell zwei Informationsquellen umfasst, nämlich a) semantische Äußerungsinhalte und b) die physische Umgebung der Gesprächsteilnehmer (d.h. ihre "joint attention"), dargestellt als zwei DRSen. Das Modell unterscheidet systematisch zwischen anaphorischem und deiktischem Bezug und dadurch auch zwischen Bezug auf sprachlichen Inhalt und auf sprachliche "Behältnisse": Sprechakte. / This dissertation provides evidence that reference to speech acts is deictic, not anaphoric, and furthermore introduces a formal model of speech act reference. Corpus data from spoken German as well as observed data from German TV talk shows demonstrates that speech acts are exclusively referred to by demonstrative expressions. Additionally, new experimental evidence supports this observation and shows that speech acts are not referred to by personal pronouns. German native speakers rarely make given personal pronouns refer to a speech act, nor do they decide for a personal pronoun to refer to a given speech act referent when forced to choose between personal and demonstrative pronouns. Demonstratives are strongly preferred. In German, demonstrative pronouns rather than personal pronouns are used to refer to objects external to the discourse. Consequently, speech acts should be modeled as events in the utterance context rather than as parts of linguistic form and meaning. Existing theories of discourse structure lack a distinction between anaphora and deixis, while theories of reference do not integrate the concept of a speech act. Segmented Discourse Representation Theory (SDRT) introduces non-linguistic entities in discourse structure. This includes speech acts, which are introduced as discourse referents, which in return predicts anaphoric reference to speech acts. Since reference to speech acts with weak expressions like personal pronouns does not occur, the status of speech acts in SDRT must be redefined. As variant of SDRT, I propose a discourse model that comprises the two information sources of a) semantic content of utterances and b) immediate physical environment of the interlocutors (i.e. their joint attention), which are represented as a pair of DRSs. This model systematically distinguishes between anaphora and deixis, and therefore between reference to linguistic content and reference to linguistic containers: speech acts.

Dialogen i socialt arbete : en studie av socialbyråsamtal i ljuset av modern dialogteori / On the Nature of Dialogue in Social Work : A study or verbal encounters at the social welfare office in the light of modern dialogue theory

Fredin, Erik January 1993 (has links)
This dissertation concerns the dialogical encounters that take place between social workcr and client within the social services. The empirical material consists of 21 dialogues, 19 of which wcre recorded at two social welfare offices, one located in the center of Stockholm and the other in a suburb, and two which were recorded at the youth counseling office. In all, the material comprises 5150 individual utterances. In the literature, the type of dialogical cncounters studicd is called "institutional discourse". The theoretical approach in the analysis is based on an interactionist perspective, particularly with respect to dialogical analysis of verbal encounters. The aim of thc study is to analyse the dialogue between social worker and client from three points of de parture: participallt structure, topic, and inherent perspectives. In studying the discourse, the ini tiative-response (IR-) method of analysis was applied. The IR-method focuses on the dynamics of the dialogue, its pattern of dominance and its coherence. The results show that the social worker was interactively dominant in about two-thirds of the dialogues studied, but this dominance was most forcefully evident with respect to soliciting inititatives. With respect to content, the study concerns how the topical structure of the dialogue is constructed, i.e. which topics are taken up in the discourse and which of the parties steers the transition between topics. In the case of transitions to a topic defined as the main issue of the dialogue, it was the social worker who, in four-fifths of the cases, strategically steered the course of the dialogue. The perspective analysis undertaken in the study is concerned with investigating how different topics are treated in the dialogues, i.e. which of the parties "establishes" the perspectives and which "submits" to them . This analysis, made on a selection of seven of the 21 dialogical encounters, shows that it was the social worker who, in about two-thirds of thc cases, established by means of various interactive moves a bureaucratic or social welfare perspective on thc main topic sequences. Lastly, discursive dominance and power are discussed in the light of the prececling analyses.

Effets de la croissance des capacités respiratoires sur la longueur des énoncés et sur la diversité lexicale

Lalonde, Brigitte 08 1900 (has links)
Brown (1973) a proposé la « longueur moyenne des énoncés » (LME) comme indice standard du développement langagier. La LME se calcule selon le nombre moyen de morphèmes dans 100 énoncés de parole spontanée. L’hypothèse sous-jacente à cet indice est que la complexité syntaxique croît avec le nombre de morphèmes dans les énoncés. Selon Brown, l’indice permet d’estimer le développement d’une « compétence grammaticale » jusqu’à environ quatre morphèmes. Certains auteurs ont toutefois critiqué le manque de fiabilité de la LME et la limite de quatre morphèmes. Des rapports démontrent des variations de la LME avec l’âge, ce qui suggère que des facteurs comme la croissance des capacités respiratoires peuvent influencer l’indice de Brown. La présente étude fait état de ces problèmes et examine comment la LME et certaines mesures de diversité lexicale varient selon le développement des capacités respiratoires. On a calculé la LME et la diversité lexicale dans la parole spontanée de 50 locuteurs mâles âgés de 5 à 27 ans. On a également mesuré, au moyen d’un pneumotachographe, la capacité vitale (CV) des locuteurs. Les résultats démontrent que la LME et des mesures de diversité lexicale corrèlent fortement avec la croissance de la CV. Ainsi, la croissance des fonctions respiratoires contraint le développement morphosyntaxique et lexical. Notre discussion fait valoir la nécessité de réévaluer l’indice de la LME et la conception « linguistique » du développement langagier comme une compétence mentale qui émerge séparément de la croissance des structures de performance. / Brown (1973) proposed the « mean length of utterance » (MLU) as a standard index of language development. MLU is calculated by counting the mean number of morphemes in 100 utterances of spontaneous speech. The underlying hypothesis of this index is that syntactic complexity rises with the number of morphemes in utterances. According to Brown, MLU indexes the development of a « grammatical competence » up to about four morphemes. However, authors have criticized the lack of reliability of the MLU and the limit of four morphemes. Reported variations in MLU with age also suggest that factors such as the growth of respiratory capacities can influence Brown’s index. The present study reviews those problems and examines how the MLU and certain measures of lexical diversity vary according to the development of respiratory capacities. We calculated the MLU and the lexical diversity in the spontaneous speech of 50 male speakers aged 5 to 27 years. We also measured, with a pneumotachograph, the vital capacity (VC) of the speakers. The results show that MLU and measures of lexical diversity strongly correlate with the growth of VC. Thus, the growth of respiratory functions constrains morphosyntactic and lexical development. Our discussion focuses on the necessity to revaluate the MLU index and a « linguistic » conception of language development as a mental competence emerging separately from the growth of performance structures.

Pro šťastný a spokojený život? Mezinárodní den žen, první den školního roku a Závody míru v období normalizace jako příklady ideologické praxe. / For a happy and quiet life? International Women's Day, first Day of a Schoolyear, and Peace Race in Czechoslovakia in the 1970s and 1980s

Koláčková, Terezie January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is analysis of the International Women's Day, Peace Race and first day of a school year as normalization rituals. The aim of these rituals was to mediate and consolidate the official state ideology and transform the whole society. Each of these events is analysed in three steps - in the first step is described the ideological content, in the second step is probed the way of projecting this ideology into the rituals and in the third step are analysed the actors themselves. If they adopted the ideological practise and what were their motivation to participate in these rituals.

O beber alcoolizado: uma análise semântico-histórica de comerciais de bebidas alcoólicas / The alcoholic drinks: a semantic-historical analisis of the advertising discourse about alcohol

Cortopassi, Leonardo Luiz Figueira 28 March 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca analisar processos de produção de sentidos sobre bebidas alcoólicas, utilizando os princípios da Semântica Histórica da Enunciação e da Análise de Discurso. Os usos da língua e os sentidos relacionados às bebidas alcoólicas são socialmente relevantes porque a produção e o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas constituem um setor significativo da economia, além de seus aspectos culturais, ou seja, o consumo tradicional de bebidas alcoólicas em certas ocasiões sociais, a polêmica sobre saúde e álcool e o simbolismo de algumas bebidas como bebidas nacionais. Para realizar nosso objetivo, selecionamos e analisamos um corpus de comerciais brasileiros e britânicos de bebidas alcoólicas para TV. Notando que os comerciais constituem sentidos evidentemente positivos para as bebidas, também incluímos um corpus de textos jurídicos brasileiros e britânicos, cujos sentidos tendem a apresentar as bebidas alcoólicas como perigosas. Para a Semântica Histórica da Enunciação, o sentido é constituído numa interação social que é historicamente determinada. Assim, os conceitos de designação (o sentido de um nome como relação histórico-lingüística) e enunciação (o acontecimento constituído pelo uso da língua), são importantes para esta análise. Apoiamo-nos, também, no diálogo estabelecido entre a Semântica Histórica com a Análise de Discurso, que busca (entre outras conexões) explicar a constituição do sujeito como um posicionamento do sujeito no interdiscurso ou memória discursiva. Este é um estudo contrastivo. Há uma comparação do funcionamento semânticodiscursivo de comerciais de TV que são produzidos e assistidos em duas sociedades diferentes. Portanto, os efeitos de sentido são muito diversos em alguns casos e semelhantes em outros. No caso dos textos jurídicos sobre álcool, também há algumas diferenças. No contraste entre os comerciais brasileiros e britânicos, observamos variações claras no modo de constituição de algumas posições de sujeito. Por exemplo, as posições de sujeito para homem e mulher. A posição de sujeito do consumidor de bebida alcoólica também está presente nos comerciais. Ambos os corpora tendem a sugerir um consumo intenso, mas o fazem de modos distintos. Os comerciais brasileiros apresentam o ato de beber principalmente como parte de celebrações coletivas. Os britânicos enfatizam mais um beber individual e utilizam efeitos especiais com mais freqüência. Analisamos outros aspectos dos comerciais com a inclusão dos códigos de auto-regulamentação publicitária na análise. O discurso jurídico funciona como uma espécie de contraponto ao discurso publicitário sobre a bebida alcoólica. O conflito das leis com os comerciais é sugerido, pois as leis brasileiras e britânicas punem certos casos de consumo e venda de bebidas alcoólicas, embora as infrações a essas leis no Reino Unido pareçam ter conseqüências ligeiramente diferentes no Brasil. A produção de sentidos nos corpora que analisamos é variável. A constituição de sentidos depende (entre outras razões) das relações interdiscursivas que se estabelecem. Destarte, os papéis e relações entre os discursos que analisamos podem ser interpretados de outras formas. / This dissertation aims at analysing the production of meaning about alcoholic drinks relying on the principles of Historical Semantics of the Utterance as well as those of Discourse Analysis. Language uses and meanings related to alcoholic drinks are socially relevant, as the production and consumption of alcoholic drinks are part of a significant sector of the economy, besides other aspects, i. e., the traditionally established consumption of alcohol on certain social occasions, the controversy over health and alcohol and the symbolic positioning of some alcoholic beverages as national drinks. To fulfill our purpose we selected and analysed a corpus of Brazilian and British alcoholic drink TV ads. Upon realization that the ads attached overwhelmingly positive meanings to the drinks, we also included a corpus of Brazilian and British legal texts whose meanings about alcoholic drinks tend to present them as dangerous. For Historical Semantics of the Utterance, meaning is constituted out of social interaction which is historically determined. Thus, the concepts of designation (meaning of a name as a linguistic, historical relation) and utterance production (the \"happening\" constituted by the use of language) are important for this analysis. This historical semantics establishes a dialog with Discourse Analysis as it (among other connections) seeks to account for the constitution of the subject as the occupation of a position in the interdiscourse or discursive memory. This study is contrastive in nature. It compares the semantic and discursive functioning of TV ads that are produced and viewed in two different societies. Therefore the meaning effects are sometimes similar and sometimes greatly different. In the case of legal texts about alcohol there are also some differences. In the contrast between Brazilian and British TV ads, we could observe clear variation in the way some subject positions are constituted, for instance, the subject positions for man and woman. The subject position of alcohol consumer is also at stake in the ads. Both TV ad corpora tend to suggestively stimulate intense consumption, but they do so in different ways. The Brazilian ads present the act of drinking, mainly as part of collective celebrations, whereas the British ads place more emphasis on individual drinking and use visual effects more frequently. Some other features of the ads are heeded as the Brazilian and British advertising self-regulated codes are included in the analysis. The laws function as a kind of counter-discourse to the advertising discourse about alcohol. The conflict of the laws with the ads is suggested as Brazilian and British laws punish certain instances of alcohol consumption and sale, although the consequences of breaching these laws in the UK seem slightly different in Brazil. The meaning production about alcoholic drinks in the corpora that we analysed are variable as meaning in general depends on the interdiscursive relations which are established, so that the roles and relations between the discourses that we analysed can be interpreted in other ways.

Sujeito engraçado: a produção de comicidade pela instância de enunciação em Arrested Development

Pelegrini, Christian Hugo 27 March 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa se volta para os mecanismos de enunciação nos sitcoms de câmera única e a produção de comicidade por parte do sujeito enunciador que emerge do texto audiovisual. O trabalho inicia com uma abordagem do gênero sitcom, considerando-o como uma categoria cultural, analisando, em seguida, como o sitcom se constituiu, ao longo das décadas de sua história, em uma variedade de temas e formas que negam qualquer tentativa de abordagem definicional do gênero.Propomos, então, uma análise da oposição entre os modos de produção recorrentes no gênero, o multicâmera e o câmera única. Nestes, observam-se procedimentos de encenação, cinegrafia e edição que produzem material audiovisual com características bem distintas, opondo formas textuais diferentes no interior de um mesmo gênero. Tais modos de produção (e tais formas textuais) vão se articular com as teorias da subjetividade audiovisual na identificação de uma instância mediadora dos diferentes sitcoms. Para tal, buscamos compreender o processo de enunciação audiovisual, perscrutando as formulações oriundas da linguística e revisando o arcabouço teórico das teorias da enunciação na literatura e, especialmente, no cinema. Buscamos também o arcabouço teórico que instrumentaliza a pesquisa para identificar os mecanismos de levam ao riso, revisando as principais formulações teóricas que explicam o fenômeno (a Teoria da Superioridade, a Teoria da Incongruência e a Teoria do Alívio). A partir de tais formulações, propomos uma taxonomia dos sintagmas cômicos que nos permita isolar os ocorrências de gags, eventos cômicos e mordacidade. É neste ponto que isolamos o sujeito da enunciação no contexto do sitcom, observando suas diferenças no sitcom de multicâmera e no sitcom de câmera única. Tomado este último, identificamos a pluralidade de estilos que resulta de mudanças na estética televisual americana ao longo das décadas de 1980 e 1990, em fenômenos conhecidos como televisualidade e continuidade intensificada, para chegar aos single camera sitcoms do começo do século XXI. Desta leva de programas, tomamos nosso objeto de análise, o sitcom Arrested Development, para analisar de que forma o seu sujeito enunciador vai além de sua função de mediador, ultrapassando-a em favor de uma atitude incisiva como comentador da diegese, francamente fazendo rir pelo modo como mostra personagens e situações. / The research turns to the utterance mechanisms of single camera sitcoms and the making of comic by the utterance subject that comes from the audiovisual text. This work starts with an approach of sitcom genre, taking it as an cultural category, analyzing, then, how the sitcom constituted itself through the decades of its history, in a variety of themes and forms that denies any trying of definitional approach of the gender. Then, we propose an analysis of the opposition between the more usual modes of production of this gender, the multicam and the single camera. On these modes of production, we observe proceedings on staging, cinematography and edition that produces audiovisual material with very distinct characteristics, opposing textual forms in the same television gender. Such modes of production (and such textual forms) articulates with the audiovisual subjectivity theories identifying an utterance instance on different sitcoms. For such, we search understand the process of audiovisual utterance, searching on theories formulations arising from linguistics and reviewing the theory body from utterance on literature and, specially, cinema. We search also the theories that instrumentalizes this research for to identify the mechanisms that takes us to laugh, reviewing the main theoretical formulations that explains the phenomenon of laughing (the Superiority Theory, the Incongruence Theory and the Relief Theory). From such formulations, we propose a taxonomy of comic sintagms that allows us to isolate the occurrence of gags, comic events and wit. It is on this point that we isolate the subject of utterance in the sitcom context, looking for the differences between the multicam sitcom and the single camera sitcom. Taking the last one, we identify the plurality of styles that comes from the esthetical changes on American television by the decades of 1980 and 1990, known as televisuality and intensified continuity, to get to the single camera sitcoms of the beginning of XXI. From this wave of shows, we take the sitcom Arrested Development, to analyze the way its utterance subject goes beyond the mediation role, acting incisively as a diegesys commentator, frankly making us laugh by the way it shows characters and situations.

Developmental patterns of Spanish grammatical morphemes and mean length of utterance in bilingual children

Lovgren-Uribe, Samantha Doline 22 November 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this analysis was to define norms for grammatical morpheme development in Spanish for Spanish-English bilingual children ages 4;0-7;6. This study uses secondary data analysis based on two existing datasets. Participants included 334 Spanish-English bilingual children that were recruited from school districts in Texas, Utah, and Pennsylvania. Grammatical morpheme accuracy was determined by performance on the BESA (Bilingual English Spanish Assessment) (Peña, Gutiérrez-Clellen et al., in preparation). Mean length of utterance in words (MLUw) data was collected from language samples. The average percent accuracy of grammatical morphemes was calculated and analyzed as a function of MLUw in Spanish. Results show that the percentage of accurately produced morphemes has a general upward trend as MLUw increases. Clinical and research implications are discussed. / text

Effets de la croissance des capacités respiratoires sur la longueur des énoncés et sur la diversité lexicale

Lalonde, Brigitte 08 1900 (has links)
Brown (1973) a proposé la « longueur moyenne des énoncés » (LME) comme indice standard du développement langagier. La LME se calcule selon le nombre moyen de morphèmes dans 100 énoncés de parole spontanée. L’hypothèse sous-jacente à cet indice est que la complexité syntaxique croît avec le nombre de morphèmes dans les énoncés. Selon Brown, l’indice permet d’estimer le développement d’une « compétence grammaticale » jusqu’à environ quatre morphèmes. Certains auteurs ont toutefois critiqué le manque de fiabilité de la LME et la limite de quatre morphèmes. Des rapports démontrent des variations de la LME avec l’âge, ce qui suggère que des facteurs comme la croissance des capacités respiratoires peuvent influencer l’indice de Brown. La présente étude fait état de ces problèmes et examine comment la LME et certaines mesures de diversité lexicale varient selon le développement des capacités respiratoires. On a calculé la LME et la diversité lexicale dans la parole spontanée de 50 locuteurs mâles âgés de 5 à 27 ans. On a également mesuré, au moyen d’un pneumotachographe, la capacité vitale (CV) des locuteurs. Les résultats démontrent que la LME et des mesures de diversité lexicale corrèlent fortement avec la croissance de la CV. Ainsi, la croissance des fonctions respiratoires contraint le développement morphosyntaxique et lexical. Notre discussion fait valoir la nécessité de réévaluer l’indice de la LME et la conception « linguistique » du développement langagier comme une compétence mentale qui émerge séparément de la croissance des structures de performance. / Brown (1973) proposed the « mean length of utterance » (MLU) as a standard index of language development. MLU is calculated by counting the mean number of morphemes in 100 utterances of spontaneous speech. The underlying hypothesis of this index is that syntactic complexity rises with the number of morphemes in utterances. According to Brown, MLU indexes the development of a « grammatical competence » up to about four morphemes. However, authors have criticized the lack of reliability of the MLU and the limit of four morphemes. Reported variations in MLU with age also suggest that factors such as the growth of respiratory capacities can influence Brown’s index. The present study reviews those problems and examines how the MLU and certain measures of lexical diversity vary according to the development of respiratory capacities. We calculated the MLU and the lexical diversity in the spontaneous speech of 50 male speakers aged 5 to 27 years. We also measured, with a pneumotachograph, the vital capacity (VC) of the speakers. The results show that MLU and measures of lexical diversity strongly correlate with the growth of VC. Thus, the growth of respiratory functions constrains morphosyntactic and lexical development. Our discussion focuses on the necessity to revaluate the MLU index and a « linguistic » conception of language development as a mental competence emerging separately from the growth of performance structures.

IL RUOLO DELLE TECNOLOGIE MOBILI NEL PROCESSO DI COSTRUZIONE DI UN CONTESTO INTERSOGGETTIVO NEI PICCOLI GRUPPI. DUE STUDI SUL CAMPO / The role of mobile technologies in the construction of an intersubjective context within small groups. Two field studies

STRADA, CRISTINA 17 March 2014 (has links)
Il presente lavoro, articolato in due studi etnografici, intende contribuire allo sviluppo del Modello dell’Intersoggettività Enunciativa, considerando aspetti fino a questo momento esclusi dallo stesso. L’aspetto caratterizzante degli studi riguarda l’utilizzo di videoregistrazioni delle osservazioni etnografiche, utilizzate con obiettivi diversi. Nel primo caso sono prodotte in ottica di Etnografia Focalizzata, come supporto all’osservazione, mentre nel secondo sono utilizzate per effettuare ulteriori analisi a partire da quanto emerso dalla prima fase qualitativa. Il primo è stato uno studio di etnografia focalizzata su un progetto pilota di educazione digitale per users non nativi digitali, all’interno del quale si è riscontrato come il device risulti di ostacolo alla collaborazione tra gli individui, in quanto essi non possiedono le conoscenze e competenze necessarie a favorirla. Diversamente, nel secondo studio è stato utilizzata la Social Network Analysis, con l’obiettivo di comprendere le modalità di interazione costituite all’interno di gruppi di studenti che lavorano in presenza, ai fini di un obiettivo comune, con il supporto di device mobili. Dai risultati emerge come il dispositivo mobile funzioni ai fini della costruzione del mondo intersoggettivo condiviso solo se trasparente, evidenziando la necessità di considerare imprescindibile l’uso quotidiano e trasparente di tali tecnologie per tutte le fasce di popolazione. / This work, organized into two ethnographical studies, aims at contributing to the development of the Utterance Intersubjectivity model considering aspects not yet included in such model. The performed studies entail the use of videorecordings of ethnographic observations in multiple settings. In the first case, they are produced with a Focused Ethnography purpose in support to the observation, in the second case they are used after a preliminary qualitative step to perform an additional set of analyses. The first study is a focused ethnography on a pilot project considering digital training for non digital-native users. The main outcome is the insight that the device results to be an impairment to the individuals collaboration, since they do not possess the required minimum level of knowledge and competence. In the second study a Social Network Analysis approach is used, with the objective to understand the interaction modalities that emerge within groups of co-located students working towards a common objective with the support of mobile devices. Comparing the results of the studies emerges that mobile devices are effective in the construction of the shared intersubjective world only if they are transparent to the users, highlighting the need to promote and reinforce the everyday use of such technologies.

Objective-driven discriminative training and adaptation based on an MCE criterion for speech recognition and detection

Shin, Sung-Hwan 13 January 2014 (has links)
Acoustic modeling in state-of-the-art speech recognition systems is commonly based on discriminative criteria. Different from the paradigm of the conventional distribution estimation such as maximum a posteriori (MAP) and maximum likelihood (ML), the most popular discriminative criteria such as MCE and MPE aim at direct minimization of the empirical error rate. As recent ASR applications become diverse, it has been increasingly recognized that realistic applications often require a model that can be optimized for a task-specific goal or a particular scenario beyond the general purposes of the current discriminative criteria. These specific requirements cannot be directly handled by the current discriminative criteria since the objective of the criteria is to minimize the overall empirical error rate. In this thesis, we propose novel objective-driven discriminative training and adaptation frameworks, which are generalized from the minimum classification error (MCE) criterion, for various tasks and scenarios of speech recognition and detection. The proposed frameworks are constructed to formulate new discriminative criteria which satisfy various requirements of the recent ASR applications. In this thesis, each objective required by an application or a developer is directly embedded into the learning criterion. Then, the objective-driven discriminative criterion is used to optimize an acoustic model in order to achieve the required objective. Three task-specific requirements that the recent ASR applications often require in practice are mainly taken into account in developing the objective-driven discriminative criteria. First, an issue of individual error minimization of speech recognition is addressed and we propose a direct minimization algorithm for each error type of speech recognition. Second, a rapid adaptation scenario is embedded into formulating discriminative linear transforms under the MCE criterion. A regularized MCE criterion is proposed to efficiently improve the generalization capability of the MCE estimate in a rapid adaptation scenario. Finally, the particular operating scenario that requires a system model optimized at a given specific operating point is discussed over the conventional receiver operating characteristic (ROC) optimization. A constrained discriminative training algorithm which can directly optimize a system model for any particular operating need is proposed. For each of the developed algorithms, we provide an analytical solution and an appropriate optimization procedure.

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