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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projektų vadovų komunikacinės kompetencijos: tarptautinių projektų atvejis / Communicative competence of project managers: international project case

Meškytė, Rita 27 June 2014 (has links)
Vis labiau Lietuvoje populiarėjant tarptautiniams projektams, kyla poreikis analizuoti projektų vadovų gebėjimą jiems vadovauti. Kadangi tarptautinių projektų vadovas didžiąją laiko dalį praleidžia komunikuodamas, jis turi turėti gebėjimų tai daryti. Taigi, jis turi turėti komunikacinės kompetencijos. Šio darbo objektas – projektų vadovas. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti komunikacines kompetencijas, reikalingas projektų vadovams. Darbo tikslui pasiekti keliami šie uždaviniai: išnagrinėti projektų vadovų funkcijas, vykdant projektus; išanalizuoti tarptautines projektų vadovų sertifikavimo schemas; išnagrinėti projektų vadovų komunikacines kompetencijas; atlikti tarptautinių projektų vadovų komunikacinių kompetencijų tyrimą. Darbe buvo naudojami teoriniai ir empiriniai darbo metodai. Tiriamojoje magistro darbo dalyje aprašomas empirinis tyrimas. Tyrimas atliktas Klaipėdos miesto bendrojo lavinimo pagrindinėse, vidurinėse mokyklose bei gimnazijose. Apklausoje dalyvavo 235 pedagogai, kurie atsakė į anoniminės anketos klausimus. Tyrimu buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti, ar tarptautinių projektų vadovai turi komunikacine kompetencijos. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog dauguma tarptautinių projektų vadovų geba laisvai komunikuoti, lengvai reikšti mintis, viešai kalbėti, tai yra, jie turi komunikacinės kompetencijos. / As the projects become increasingly popular in Lithuania, there is a need to analyse ability of project managers to lead them. The managers of international projects spends the major part of this time communicating so he must be able to do this. Therefore, he must have communicative competence. The subject of this work is a project manager. The aim this work is to analyse competence that a project manager needs to have. To achieve this goal the following problems are raised: to analyse the functions of project managers who are carrying out the project; to analyse international project managers certification schemes; to analyse their communication competence. Carry out the research of their communicative competence. Both theoretical and empiric methods were used in this work. The empiric analysis is described in the master‘s research. The research was fulfiled in basic and secondary schools of Klaipeda. 235 teachers who answered anonymous questionnaire took part in his research was to analyse whether managers of international projects have communicative competence. The results showed that the majority of them are able to communicate easily, express their thoughts, speak in public, that means they have communicative competence.

Socialinio pedagogo ir bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos administracijos santykiai / Die Beziehungen von Socialpadagogen und Administration der Mittelschule

Romaškevičiūtė, Elena 09 June 2004 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Nach der Analyse von Literaturquellen wurde solche Hypothese erhoben: die Beziehungen von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Mittelschule im System "Leiter - Untergeordnete" sind problematisch. Forschungsgegenstand – die in den Mittelschulen arbeitenden Sozialpädagogen. Arbeitsziel - die Beziehungen von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Mittelschule zu analysieren. Für die Arbeit gestellte Aufgaben: 1) Kommunikationsniveau von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Schule zu analysieren; 2) Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Schule im Kontext der von ihnen erfüllbaren Berufsfunktionen zu untersuchen; 3) gegenseitige Kommunikation von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Schule zu analysieren. Arbeitsmethoden: 1) Analyse von wissenschaftlicher Literatur; 2) Analyse von Dokumenten; 3) Umfrage mittels eines Fragebogens; 4) statistische Datenanalyse. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden die Voraussetzungen für eine feste Anstellung des Sozialpädagogen in den Mittelschulen, seine Kompetenz, Adaptation überblickt. In dem zweiten Teil wurden die Gesichtspunkte verschiedener Autoren für die Schule als eine spezifisch organisierte Gemeinschaft, für die Leitung einer zeitgenössischen Schule, Begriff und Funktionen der Administration, Veränderung des Gesichtspunkts für Leiter der Schule untersucht. Die Beziehungen von Sozialpädagogen und Leitern der Mittelschule im System "Leiter - Untergeordnete" wurden besprochen. Im... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinės įstaigos vadovo mentorystės veikla / Pre – school institution leader‘s mentoring

Bružienė, Alma 27 June 2006 (has links)
The importance of the topic. The main thing in teacher‘s preparation reform is a competence of learning how to learn. While doing his work in pre-school institution mentor expands practical competence‘s regulation, which stimulate to help young teachers. In different education press there is not enough information about pre-school institution leader‘s mentoring as activity. There was researched a problem, if leader‘s activity has any details of mentoring and how does leader help young teacher while using his mentoring activity. There is no clear opinion of pre-school institutions leaders and teachers about mentoring as a form of help to young teacher and mentoring perfect opportunities in pre-school institution. Hypothesis: because of that, that there is no caring system young teacher in pre-school institution, the leaders of institutions make a part of mentor’s functions and because of that gets necessary competences. The object of research: pre-school institution leader’s activity. The aim of research: to research pre-school institution leader’s mentoring activity details. Tasks: to estimate leader’s as mentor’s activities ways: the style and roles of learning; to research what social, personal and competence’s facilities are essential; to treat leader’s and teacher’s opinion about mentoring, to provide leader’s mentoring opportunities. The methods of tje research: Theoretical: the analysis and conclusions of scientific literature. Empirical: the questionnaire for... [to full text]

Personalo darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijos sąryšiai: apskrities valstybinės mokesčių inspekcijos pavyzdžiu / The relationships between the stress a staff suffers at work and the manager’s leadership orientation: an example of a county tax inspectorate

Kerienė, Regina 26 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas – naudojant standartizuotus testus, diagnozuoti apskrities valstybinės mokesčių inspekcijos personalo darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijos sąryšių ypatumus. Darbe analizuojami įvairių Lietuvių ir užsienio autorių darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijos teoriniai aspektai. Tyrimui atlikti buvo panaudoti du standartizuoti klausimynai: darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijos. Darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės testo pagalba anonimiškai buvo apklausti 82 respondentai iš 12 AVMI skyrių. Duomenys apdoroti panaudojant SPSS programą. Tyrimo metu iš dalies pasitvirtino autorės suformuluota hipotezė, kad AVMI susiklostęs personalo darbinis stresas ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijos sąryšiai nėra palankūs, todėl rekomenduotina vadybinė intervencija. Tai patvirtina rasti patikimi ir sistemingi statistiniai ryšiai tarp darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijos. / The main goal of this postgraduate study is to find out the characteristics of relationships between the stress a county tax inspectorate staff suffers at work and the manager’s leadership orientation by using standard questionings. Various Lithuanian and foreign scientists’ theoretical aspects of stress suffered at work and manager’s leadership orientation are analyzed in this study. Two standard questionings were used in the research: the questioning about the stress suffered at work and about the manager’s leadership orientation. 82 respondents from 12 county tax inspectorate departments were anonymously questioned using stress suffered at work questioning and the manager’s leadership orientation questioning. The results summarized using SPSS program. The researcher’s hypothesis that the relationships of the stress a county tax inspectorate staff suffers at work and the manager’s leadership orientation are not favorable and a management intervention is strongly recommended. This conclusion is confirmed by trustworthy and methodical statistical relations between the stress staff suffers at work and the manager’s leadership orientation.

Vadovų - lyderių raiškos galimybės šiuolaikinėje besimokančioje organizacijoje / Expression opportunities of principle – leaders in contemporary learning organization

Rimdžius, Tomas 12 June 2006 (has links)
Relevance of the subject. A learning organization is one of learning society cells, therefore the diagnostics of learning organization features expression in organizations is of different a types (including development institution) is an important factor while developing concrete organization towards learning organization model and influencing creation and development processes of the learning society. It is obvious that in such organizations heads take the main role. In the contemporary learning society attitude to head is changing cardinally, as the leaders of theses organizations should be obvious team leaders, taking a decisive role, ensuring work efficiency of all organization; and new attitude to leadership in educational institutions is based on more subtle and more important tasks. Applying leadership as one of the most efficient leadership ways, organization becomes more harmonious, inter-relationships are created among the workers, which encourages improving of learning. Consequently, in this context a scientific problem raises: what are heads-leader’s expression opportunities in contemporary school, as a learning organization? The object of the work: leader’s expression opportunities in contemporary learning organization. The aim of work: to analyze and evaluate leaders’ expression opportunities in contemporary organization. The objectives: 1. To ground theoretically heads-leaders’ expression opportunities in contemporary learning organization. 2. To research... [to full text]

Vadovo vaidmuo organizuojant dorinį ugdymą mokykloje / The role of the head teacher in organization of moral education in school

Mikulienė, Jūratė 16 June 2006 (has links)
Creation of open democratic Lithuanian society and modern worldwide tendencies results in changing of understanding of moral education. The aim of education is versatility. This also encompasses moral education. In order to get purposeful moral education, pupils choose either ethics or religion each year, both of which are available in school. Moral education is complicated because ethics has neither a single material sphere of expression nor a single area of education; ethics can be educated in all the areas of both life and education revealing human values and valuable relations. The problem of the research: an insufficient role of the head teacher in organization of moral education in school. The object of the research: organization of moral education. The aim of the research: revealing a role of the heads of educational institutions in organization of moral education in school. The research aims at pointing out an outlook of the head teachers and teachers of moral education towards moral education and a role of the head teacher in organization of moral education in school. An experiment of such kind means the subjects of the research are: o A conception of moral education; o An importance of moral education in school; o The help of the head teacher in organization of moral education; o A search of presumptions of service improvement of educational institutions’ supply of moral education. 60 head teachers of Kaišiadorys town and region, Kaunas and Vilnius and 110... [to full text]

Vadovavimo stilių ir organizacijos kultūros sąsajos / The manager’s working style influences the organization’s culture

Dubakaitė, Renata 03 July 2006 (has links)
The manager’s working style influences the organization’s culture, the mood of the organization, worker’s satisfaction with job, the fulfilment of daily activity tasks, the quality of work. So the aim of this work is to research the influence of the manager’s working style on the activity of the organization. This work aims at revealing advantages and shortcomings of the manager’s working style. In order to achieve this aim there was conducted scientific research. The metods of analysis, comparison, questionnaire are used in this research. At the end of the workthere are given conclusions and proposals for the improvement of manager’s working style.

Mokyklos vadovų požiūris į sveikatingumo ugdymo veiklą / Attitude of Principals Towards Health Education Activities

Virbickaitė, Vanda 16 August 2007 (has links)
Atskleidus kiek sveikatinimo veikla susijusi su mokyklos vadovų požiūriu, galima numatyti vienos aktualiausių nūdienos ugdymo sričių - sveikatos ugdymo - veiklos efektyvumo didinimo galimybes. / Topic of the Master’s Paper is “Attitude of Principals Towards Health Education Activities”. Importance of the Paper: Having revealed how much health activities are related to opinion of principals its is possible to suppose increasing of opportunities of effectiveness of activities of health education, which meantime is one of the most relevant education fields. Investigation problem: Health education program is implemented in Lithuanian general education schools since 1992, but schoolchildren health and way of life does not change positively.

Ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui vadybinių kompetencijų sistemos raiška ir turinys / EXPRESSION AND CONTENT OF DEPUTY MANAGEMENT COMPETENCES IN PRE- SCHOOL INSTITUTIONS

Baltutytė, Vitalija 25 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuva įžengė į itin sparčios kaitos ir naujų iššūkių amžių, kuris kelia naujus reikalavimus ir asmeniui, ir visuomenei, ir švietimo sistemai. Kadangi švietimo kokybė tiesiogiai priklauso nuo švietimo įstaigose dirbančių vadovų bei pedagogų kompetencijų, svarbu išryškinti ir apibrėžti ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui vadybinių kompetencijų turinį, jų kryptingumą bei raiškos tendencijas. Tyrimo objektas – ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui vadybinės kompetencijos. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui vadybinių kompetencijų sistemos turinį bei nustatyti jų raiškos tendencijas realybėje ir parengti rekomendacijas jų plėtotei. Magistro darbe naudojamas kiekybinis (ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogų bei direktoriaus pavaduotojų ugdymui) tyrimas. Tyrimo empirinę bazę sudaro 208 respondentai (192 - ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogai,16 - ikimokyklinių įstaigų direktoriaus pavaduotojai ugdymui). Magistro darbe pabrėžiama kompetencijos koncepcijos problematika, pateikiamos vadybinių kompetencijų apibrėžtys, nagrinėjami vadybinės kompetencijos modeliai, apibūdinami jų pagrindiniai skirtumai bei išryškinamos ypatybės; analizuojamas Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo dokumentuose pateiktų vadovo vadybinių kompetencijų turinys. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogai bei direktoriaus pavaduotojai ugdymui sudarant vadybinių kompetencijų sistemos turinį esminėmis įvardija ugdymo proceso valdymo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lithuania walked in the age of change and new challenge which makes great demands of person, society and Education system of Lithuania. Education quality assurance has a direct reference to heads of educational institutions. It is very importan to present and define the management competences content of deputy in Pre – school institutions. The Object of the research is managing preparation of Pre – school deputy. The purpose is to analyse expression and content of deputy management competences in Pre – school institutions. Methodology of the research: Theoretical research of the problem raised is based on the scientific literature by foreign and Lithuanian authors, scientific publications. Quantitative method was used in collecting empiric data. Data analysis was performed by using Excel computer program and the method of mathematic statistic. The research was done in Pre – school institutions of Siauliai town. There were 208 respondents in the research (192 – educators, 16 – deputies of Pre – school institutions). Problems of competence conception, definitions of management competences, kinds and classification of competences, models of management competences, their differences and peculiarities are prsented in this winal work. Results: Having summarized analysis of scientific literature sources and the results of empiric research showed the essential management competences of deputy: - Competences of communication. - Strategy making. - Human resources. - The development... [to full text]

Vadovavimo tobulinimas UAB Novartis / Development of management in JSC Novartis

Šiaučiulytė, Donata 02 December 2008 (has links)
Magistrinis darbas yra skirtas įvertinti vadovavimo probleminėms sritis UAB Novartis, jas įvertinti ir pateikti projektinius sprendimus. Tyrimui atliktas anketavimo metodas, kuris yra paprastas, greitas ir pateikiantis tikslius atsakymus. Darbe lyginama pavaldinių ir vadomų nuomonmė apie vadovavimą. / This work was made to evaluate management problems in Novartis company, to find ways to solve thies problems. In this work was evaluated different wiew of management between management and employes.

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