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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ryšių su visuomene etika: konkurencinis pranašumas / Public relations ettics: a competetive advangetage

Šalčiūtė, Irmina 24 November 2010 (has links)
Ryšiai su visuomene (RSV) neretai suvokiami kaip strategija įtikinti visuomenę tuo, kas naudinga atstovaujamam klientui. Ši veikla visuomenei gali pasirodyti realia grėsme tapti manipuliacijos auka. Visuomenės, o dėl jos ir kliento požiūris į RSV ilgainiui gali daryti įtaką pačios RSV veiklos efektyvumui. Elgdamasis etiškai RSV praktikas elgtųsi teisingai visuomenės požiūriu. Etikos sritis dažnai paliekama kiekvieno subjektyviam apsisprendimui, nors etika gali suteikti pridėtinę vertę RSV veiklai. Magistro darbo objektas – etikos raiška. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti RSV etikos kaip veiklos kokybės priedėtinės vertės raišką RSV. Darbu siekiama patikrinti prielaidą, ar etika gali būti konkurenciniu pranašumu šiandieninėje RSV veikloje. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai – aptarti reikalavimus šiandieninei RSV rinkai; išanalizuoti privalumus, kuriuos etiška RSV veikla gali suteikti klientui bei RSV specialistui; aptarti galimas specialisto etiško elgesio sampratas ir tinkamiausią praktikoje; išanalizuoti etiško elgesio principus; aptarti etikos kodeksų ir kitų etišką elgesį užtikrinančių priemonių reikšmę RSV veiklai; išsiaiškinti RSV specialistų požiūrį į etišką elgesį Lietuvos RSV rinkoje. Naudojantis lyginamuoju, analizės, sisteminiu, loginiu, dedukciniu bei kitais metodais: šaltinių analize, sinteze prieita prie išvados, kad RSV etika teikia pridėtinę vertę kokybiškiems RSV ir gali tapti konkurenciniu pranašumu. Etiškas RSV specialisto elgesys galėtų būti konkurenciniu pranašumu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Public Relations (PR) more are often recognized as a strategy to convince community with something which is useful to the client. Society may find itself being manipulated by such activity. The attitude of society (and client, as a result), towards PR in length of time can influence effectiveness of PR service itself. Ethics is conceived as every individual’s subjective judgement, although ethics can give some additional objective value to PR activity. The object of this master thesis is the manifestation of ethics. The aim of this work is to analyse the manifestation of PR ethics as an additional value of the quality of activity. By this work we have sought to check the hypothesis whether ethics can be a competitive advantage in modern PR service. The main tasks of this work are the following: to discuss requirements to modern PR market; to analyse advantages which ethics can give to a client and PR professional; to discuss existing different specialists’ understanding of ethical conduct as well as to determine the most appropriate one; to analyse principles of ethical conduct as regulated by various codes of ethics; to discuss the importance of codes of ethics and other means ensuring ethical conduct; and finally, to identify the attitude of PR specialists towards ethical conduct in Lithuanian PR market. The use of the selected methods (comparative, analytical, systemical, logical, deductive, the method of synthesys, mathematical - statystical, quantitative survey... [to full text]

Žmonių, turinčių sunkių, ilgalaikių psichinių sutrikimų, kasdieninės veiklos tyrimas / Research of daily activity with people, who have nasty, long-term psychical disorders

Kalvelis, Andrius 19 June 2008 (has links)
Šio tyrimo tikslas yra ištirti žmonių, turinčių sunkių, ilgalaikių psichikos sutrikimų, kasdieninę veiklą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti, kaip skiriasi sveikųjų ir sergančiųjų ilgalaikėmis ir sunkiomis ligomis veikla per parą. 2. Nustatyti sveikiems ir sergantiems ilgalaikėmis ir sunkiomis ligomis svarbiausias veiklas. 3. Nustatyti sergantiesiems iškylančias problemas kasdieninėje veikloje. 4. Ištirti sergantiems ilgalaikėmis ir sunkiomis ligomis patinkančias ir nepatinkančias veiklas. Tyrimui buvo naudojamas kasdieninės veiklos vertinimo klausimynas, sukurtas pagal žmogaus užimtumo modelį (Kielhofner 1988). Klausimynas susideda iš kasdieninio tvarkaraščio blokų kas valandą, kuriuos reikia pildyti, norint parodyti kasdieninį užimtumą. Pacientas vertina tokias veiklas kaip: darbas, kasdieninė ruoša, laisvalaikis, poilsis. Pacientas taip pat prašomas įvertinti kiekvieną veiklą balais, atsakant į klausimus: kaip gerai jo manymu atlieka veiklą, kiek svarbi ir kaip patinka jam vertinama veikla. Tiriamieji apklausti anoniminiu anketavimo būdu, paaiškinus jiems apklausos tikslą ir gavus sutikimą naudoti gautą informaciją. Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė 121 žmogus: 61 turintys ilgalaikius, sunkius psichikos sutrikimus (šizofrenija ir depresija) ir 60 žmonių neturinčių psichikos sutrikimų, kurie sudarė kontrolinę grupę. Tyrimo metu išaiškėjo, kad sveikų ir sergančių psichinėmis ligomis veikla skiriasi. Psichiniai ligoniai gyvena nesubalansuotai. Labiausiai išryškėja skirtumai miego... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this research is to investigate daily activity of people with long-lasting psychical disorders. The following are the objectives of the research: 1. To examine how different the activity of the healthy and those suffering from long-lasting and serious diseases is during the day. 2. To determine the most important activities for the healthy and those suffering from long-lasting and serious diseases. 3. To determine the problems which arise for the sick in their daily activity. 4. To analyze the activities admired and disliked by the sick. For the research the questionnaire of assessment of daily activity has been employed which has been created according to the man’s occupation model. (Kielhofner 1988). The questionnaire is comprised of blocks of daily hourly timetable, which should be filled in so that daily employment was shown. The patient assesses such activities as work, everyday preparation, leisure time, rest. The patient is also asked to assess each activity by scores answering the questions: how well the activity is performed in his opinion, how important it is and how he likes the activity assessed. The respondents have been interviewed by anonymous questionnaire survey method explaining them the aim of the survey and getting their agreement to use the information obtained. The contingent of the patients under examination has been comprised of 121 people: 61 persons who have long-lasting, serious psychical disorders (schizophrenia and depression) and 60... [to full text]

Inovacijų diegimas Lietuvos įmonėse: proceso plėtra bei ekonominis vertinimas / Establishment of innovations in Lithuanian companies: process development and economical estimation

Palijanskas, Marius 29 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama Lietuvos įmonių inovacinė veikla, inovacijų išlaidų dinamika, palyginami inovatyvių įmonių produktyvumo ir darbo našumo duomenys, bei aptariamos inovacijų finansavimo šaltinių tendencijos. Siekiant įvertinti inovacijų diegimo Lietuvose įmonėse proceso plėtrą bei ekonominį jo aspektą, pateikiama statistinių skaičiavimų bei teorinių prielaidų, nusakančių netiesioginį inovacijų poveikį šalies ekonomikos konkurencingumui, bendram šalies inovatyvumo potencialui. Siekiama pateikti situacijos analizę ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir palyginti Lietuvą Europos Sąjungos šalių kontekste. Tam tikrų rodiklių (apyvartos, darbo našumo, finansavimo šaltinių ir pan.) išskyrimas įgalina plačiau įžvelgti priežastis bei veiksnius įtakojančius šalies įmonių inovatyvumo laipsnį. Magistro baigiamasis darbas susideda iš trijų dalių. Teorinėje darbo dalyje yra nagrinėjami inovacijų sąvokų ir inovacinės veiklos teoriniai aspektai, galimos inovacijų rizikos, konkurencingumo didinimo prielaidos, palankių inovatyviam verslui sąlygų sukūrimas. Tiriamojoje darbo dalyje yra atliktas Lietuvos įmonių inovacinės veiklos bei plėtros galimybių vertinimas, nustatyta inovacijų įtaka atskiriems rodikliams, jų dydis bei svarba, taip pat santykinai palyginami Lietuvos atskiri inovatyvumo indeksai su ES šalimis. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje pateikiamas Lietuvos inovacinės veiklos modelis ES šalių pavyzdžiu, kuriame nurodomas naujas modifikuotas Inovatyvumo indeksas. / The aim of the master thesis is analysis of Lithuanian companies innovative activities, dynamics of innovation costs, comparing innovative companies‘ and labour productivity, also discussing about finance support tendencies of innovations. To rate process development and establishment of innovations in Lithuanian companies, likewise economical it aspect, it is shown by using statistical methods and theoretical tendencies analysis, which proves indirect innovations impact into country‘s competitiveness, also overal innovations potential in the country. Furthermore, it is done with a showing situation context not only in Lithuania, but also compares it with Europe Union countries. Certain indicators exclusion (like turnover, labour productivity, sources of finance support) helps to enlarge a view of the reasons, likewise enabling factors for innovation degree of country companies. Master Final Work consists of three parts. In theoretic part there is researching of innovation concept and innovative activity theoretical aspects, possible risks for innovations, suggestions for competitiveness improving. In practise part of the work, there are established estimation of innovative Lithuanian companies’ activities and development opportunities, determined innovation influence over certain indicators, their sizes and interests, either comparison of distinct innovative indexes of Lithuania and Europe Union countries. On the third part of the work there is composed Lithuanian... [to full text]

Ūkinės veiklos apribojimų įtaka žemės ūkio veiklai Lietuvos saugomose teritorijose / The Impact of Restrictions on Farming in Preserved Areas in Lithuania

Klumbytė, Inga 17 May 2006 (has links)
During the research it was established that restrictions of economic activity in protected areas make negative influence on the amount of money got from economic activity in those areas and that it is essential to compensate losses of those restrictions in order to follow restrictions of economic activity in protected areas.

Taikomosios fizinės veiklos poveikis neįgaliųjų fizinės kompetencijos suvokimui / Influence of adapted physical activity on the disabled people’s perception about their physical competence

Kriščiokaitis, Mindaugas 08 June 2006 (has links)
Adapted physical activity has great influence on disabled people’s life quality. Participating in such activities the disabled become more integrated than those who don’t take part in such activities. Perception of physical competence of disabled people helps us improve social integration of those people. This survey should show the link between applied physical activity and the situation how disabled understands their physical competence. Definite and systematic physical activity has positive influence on the perception of the disabled physical competence. The aim of the survey is to define the influence of adapted physical activity on the disabled people’s perception about their physical competence. The objectives: 1. Define the real physical competence of the disabled; 2. Define the perception of physical competence; 3. Evaluate the influence of adapted physical activity on the perception of physical competence of the disabled. The survey was carried out from November, 2005 to April, 2006 in Siauliai Day Care and Activity Centre “Goda”. 30 clients from this institution took part in the experiment. In November, 2005 estimations according to the modified test for mentally handicapped individuals by Ulrich and Yun were carried out in order to define physical competence and how the mentally handicapped perceive it. During the survey the experimental group clients had some educational activity twice a week. The aim of the adapted physical activity was to increase... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų kūno kultūros mokytojų žinios apie neįgaliųjų fizinės veiklos ypatumus / Knowledge of comprehensive schools Physical Education teachers about the peculiarities of physical activity of the disabled

Krivickaitė, Viktorija 08 June 2006 (has links)
Nowadays integration is of great importance and is being widely analysed. Organization of education, training of teachers, pedagogic community, public point or view ant other aspects of this topic are very important. Most research papers analyse general features of education, views and regulations, readiness to educate the disabled. However, there is no literature about how Physical Education teachers should educate and train disabled students. It is known that sports and physical exercises are very important for better physical, emotional and social state of the disabled. As the disabled are being integrated into comprehensive schools, they should also be integrated into regular Physical Education lessons. Specialists, who teach movements, physical activity and sports, must know the needs, motivation and interests of the disabled and should be aware of the restrictions due to disability. Do comprehensive schools really grant all rights for the disabled take part in Physical Education lessons? Do Physical Education teachers appreciate the importance of social integration of the disabled? In order to find answers to these questions a survey has been carried out. The aim was to identify knowledge of comprehensive schools Physical Education teachers about the peculiarities of physical activity of the disabled. The objectives: 1) make the instrument for the survey – prepare a questionnaire for Physical Education teachers; 2) interview Physical Education teachers in written... [to full text]

Dailės veiklos galimybės tobulinant esmines kompetencijas ir ruošiant vaiką mokyklai / Possibilities of art activity in order to refine essential competences preparing child for school

Surdokienė, Gitana 09 August 2006 (has links)
Nowadays children’s intellectual education is in a rush, and education of feelings, culture, and willpower are forgotten. Parents and teachers hope, that child will go to school with elements of reading, writing and calculation. That held up research’s problem - “preparation” for school, the most parents and teachers understand it like possession of specific skills: reading, writing and calculation. Children’s individual exigency are depreciated, all are oriented to result, but not to process. If we can accept, that childhood’s artistic self-expression, drawing – that’s natural ways to recognize the world, children’s creation reflects various aspects of ripeness, the game, art develops self-image, drawing is one of the earlier communication’s forms, we can affirm, that children’s art can be analyzing as way of cognition, the spread of communicational and social skills, that is like education of essential competences. Object of research – education of preschoolers’ essential competences. Hypothesis of research – if we think, that education with art includes new forms of child’s activities, brings up new purposes, requirements, gives for child proper means to achieve these purposes, it is impossible, that in this way will be educated child’s essential competences. Purpose of research – to uncover possibilities of art activity in order to refine preschoolers’ essential competences (social, keeping health, communication, cognition, artistic). Problems of research: with help of... [to full text]

Mokinių sociokultūrinės integracijos prielaidos grojant kanklėmis muzikos mokykloje / Assumptions of student socio-cultural integration through playing the kankles in music school

Prakapavičienė, Violeta 09 August 2006 (has links)
This Master Thesis analyses the peculiarities of assumptions of student social integration through teaching to play the kankles. The objective of the research is to establish the assumptions of social integration through playing the kankles. The Thesis does not analyse the peculiarities of socio-cultural integration through teaching to play the kankles, as a pedagogical phenomenon, even though playing the kankles in our society is a familiar phenomenon and an assumption of preserving our ethnic culture. That is why the assumptions of student socio-cultural integration through playing the kankles in a music school are an important problem both from theoretical and practical aspect. Goals of Research: to reveal the opportunities of socialization through teaching to play the kankles during a music lesson; discuss the system of socio-cultural integration of the students playing the folk instruments in a music school; reveal the connections between the cultural values and national music and a person‘s socialization and opportunities of self-expression. Methods of Research: questionnaire answered in writing and observation. The Research was performed in Alytus Music School in 2005. Fifty one 6-18 year student studying the kankles speciality in the Music School and twenty seven graduates of the above speciality were questioned. The first section of the Thesis reviews the peculiarities, concept and assumptions of socio-cultural... [to full text]

Ansamblinio muzikavimo vaidmuo stiprinant vaikų mokymosi motyvaciją / The role of ensemble playing by consolidating children’s music learning motivation

Frendzelienė, Rita 29 August 2006 (has links)
The beginning of teaching, when you start to form the future musician, is very important time from which further luck and failure depends. Although there are various circumstances in which child needs more learning motivation. Work theme – the role of ensemble playing by consolidating children’s music learning motivation. The aim of the work – to cognize the role of ensemble playing by consolidating children’s music learning motivation. This aim is realized by doing the pedagogical and psychological analysis of ensemble playing features theory, evaluating the role of ensemble playing by consolidating children’s music learning motivation and learning results, summarizing the results of theoretical analysis and empirical research. This research helps pedagogues to solve hard educative problem of children motivation of learning to play with instrument individually. One of the main problems – how to strengthen children’s music learning motivation effectively making the most of ensemble playing features. Making empirical researches the qualitative ((essay writing, pedagogical observation, conversations with the members of an orchestra), questionnaire (children and teachers) methods were used. The aim of the questionnaire is to find out the children and teachers outlook on the collective playing, its importance to learning motivation and learning results. 91 school-children and 31 teachers from Alytus music school, Kaunas music school and Prienų art school were examined. The... [to full text]

Sunkias fizines negalias turinčių asmenų dalyvumo sporte prielaidos tarptautinės funkcionavimo ir neįgalumo klasifikacijos (ICF) kontekste / Preconditions of sport participation of physically disabled in the context of international classification of functioning and disability (ICF)

Krivičiūtė, Jurga 18 May 2005 (has links)
Background: The research was devoted for solving of one of the main disability problems–low participation of disabled persons in sport activities especially who have severe damaged motor functions. Aim and goals: To investigate positive preconditions and barriers for participation in sport activities of severe physically disabled analyzing the influence of the level of the impairment of motor functions, environmental and psychological factors of disabled. Methods: For investigation of biosocial functions of self – care and daily living activities we used the modified Kenny test. The original questionnaire was created according to the methodological recommendations of ICF for determination of environmental physical, economical and information factors, psychosocial factors as well as psychological attitudes toward their own health and sport participation of disabled. Results: The results of the study show that the age, family status, impaired motor functions and economical factors of disabled individuals have not any impact on disability sport participation. The level of education, integrated education, the adaptation of individual transport and living conditions of disabled as well as the higher level of information played the positive role and could be considered as preconditions for disabled to participate in sport activities. More negative, inadequate to the real situation of motor impairment, psychological self – evaluation of the own health, associated with the high... [to full text]

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