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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Research of soil shear strength in triaxial tests and probabilistic assessment of results / Grunto stipruminių ir deformacinių savybių tyrimas triašio slėgio aparate bei jų tikimybinis vertinimas

Dirgėlienė, Neringa 07 February 2008 (has links)
Necessary information about soil properties, which is needed for designers and constructors, is obtained in each construction site while examining physical and mechanical properties of soils. Soil strength parameters and using them determined soil bearing resistance usually are defined with some errors. If we know the reasons of errors, disadvantages of testing equipment could be eliminated, methodology of data evaluation could be developed, soil parameters could be determined more precisely and foundation designed more economically. At present triaxial and direct shear tests are the most common tests for determination of soil shear strength parameters in laboratories. Different values of soil shear strength parameters are determined using laboratory equipment of various types. Triaxial test is the most widely used method for determination of soil shear strength parameters. This is one of the most reliable methods to model stress-strain state of ground. It is assumed that soil sample deforms uniformly during the triaxial test. But it is not often the case that a sample in triaxial apparatus deforms uniformly. Questions arise, what is stress-strain distribution in soil sample, when a load is transmitted in a prescribed way? What influence does a non-uniformity have on the soil strength parameters and on foundation size calculated using determined soil strength parameters? Why sandy soil strength parameters obtained from triaxial test are bigger than the one’s, obtained... [to full text] / Projektuojant ir statant įvairius pramoninius ir civilinius pastatus, visada reikalingi duomenys, kurie apibūdintų gruntų, sudarančių pastatų pagrindus, fizines ir mechanines savybes. Tokia projektuotojams ir statybos specialistams būtina informacija gaunama tiriant gruntų fizines, mechanines savybes kiekvienoje statybų aikštelėje. Šių savybių rodikliai ir pagal juos apskaičiuotas pagrindo stiprumas nustatomi su tam tikromis paklaidomis. Atskleidus tų paklaidų priežastis, šalinami tyrimo prietaisų trūkumai, tobulinami tyrimo duomenų apdorojimo metodai, tiksliau nustatomi grunto stiprumo rodikliai, ekonomiškiau projektuojami pamatai. Šiuo metu grunto kerpamojo stiprumo rodikliai dažniausiai nustatomi laboratorijose triašio slėgio ir tiesioginio kirpimo aparatais. Šių savybių rodikliai nustatyti įvairių konstrukcijų prietaisais gaunami skirtingi. Įtempimų ir deformacijų būvis grunto pagrinde geriau modeliuojamas triašio slėgio aparatu nei tiesioginio kirpimo aparatu, todėl triašio slėgio aparatas šiuo metu yra plačiai naudojamas pasaulyje nustatant grunto kerpamojo stiprumo savybių rodiklius. Daroma prielaida, kad bandinys bandymo metu deformuojasi vienodai. Šis teiginys yra pagrindinė triašio bandymo idėja. Tačiau dažniausiai bandinys deformuojasi nevienodai dėl grunto bandinio viršaus ir apačios horizontalių poslinkių suvaržymo, bandinio aukščio, nepakankamo drenavimo, guminės membranos poveikio, jo savojo svorio ir kt. Baigtinių elementų metodo analizė taip pat rodo, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Assessment of building service systems process integration applying exergy critrerion / Pastato inžinerinių sistemų procesų integravimo vertinimas taikant eksetrgijos kriterijų

Biekša, Darius 05 June 2008 (has links)
A significant part of world energy consumption balance, approx. 40 %, is utilized in buildings. Maintenance of comfortable conditions and improvement in the living, working or recreational environment is a desire for every human. Therefore it is no surprise that there has been a sudden increase in scientific research in the field of building’ energy efficiency. Despite the relevance of the problem there is no sustaining methodology for evaluating building’ energy efficiency by applying sustainable energy development approach. The majority of the researchers don’t assess different potential of the analyzed energy flows nor systems operational regimes. The aim of the work is to evaluate the possibilities for applying exergetical process and system integration method in the design, operation and normalization of the office building service systems: to prepare design solutions that increase buildings’ service systems’ thermodynamical efficiency and covers individual processes and elements’ chain systems. The thesis is divided into the introduction and three main chapters, conclusions, a list of literature and a list of publications. In this work the building service systems’ analysis incorporates three interconnected methods: system analysis, life cycle and thermodynamical analysis. Application of system analyses enables an estimation of service system’s elements (subsystems) and their interconnections. Life cycle analysis allows estimation of total exergy demand through the... [to full text] / Ženklią dalį pasauliniame galutinės energijos vartojimo balanse, apie 40 %, užima energijos dalis, suvartojama pastatuose. Komfortinių sąlygų palaikymas ir gerinimas gyvenamojoje, darbo ar poilsio aplinkoje yra natūralus kiekvieno žmogaus poreikis. Pastaruoju metu stebimas ryškus mokslinių tyrimų suaktyvėjimas didininat energijos vartojimo pastatuose efektyvumą. Nepaisant aktualios problematikos, nuoseklios, darnia energetikos plėtra grindžiamos pastatų energetinio efektyvumo vertinimo metodikos iki šiol nėra. Daugelio tyrėjų naudojami metodai neįvertina skirtingų analizuojamų energijos srautų kokybinių potencialų, nekreipiamas dėmesys į skirtingus sistemų veikimo režimus jų eksploatavimo metu. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti galimybes taikyti procesų ir sistemų integracijos metodą viešųjų pastatų mikroklimato sistemų projektavime, naudojime bei normavime, sukuriant individualius procesus ir visą įrenginių sistemą aprėpiantį priemonių kompleksą, kurio dėka būtų padidintas energijos vartojimo pastate termodinaminis naudingumas. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, 3 skyriai, pagrindinės išvados, naudotos literatūros sąrašas. Disertaciniame darbe pastato inžinerinių sistemų tyrimui panaudoti trys metodai: sisteminė analizė, gyvavimo ciklo analizė ir termodinaminė (ekserginė) analizė. Sisteminės analizės naudojimas leidžia apibrėžti pastato inžinerinių sistemų elementus bei jų tarpusavio ryšius. Pasitelkus gyvavimo ciklo analizę nustatomi eksergijos poreikiai per visą sistemos gyvavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Specialiosios paskirties AB ,,Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Keleivių vežimo direkcijos veiklos vertinimo ypatumai / Peculiarities in asessment of activities of the Passenger transportation directorate of Lietuvos Geležinkeliai SP AB

Šlepetytė, Audra 25 June 2008 (has links)
Ne tik pasaulyje, bet ir Lietuvoje vertinti verslą tampa vis aktualiau. Anksčiau vadovams paprasčiausiai pakakdavo intuicijos, nuovokos ir logikos, vykdant strateginius sprendimus. Šiuo metu tai tampa neįmanoma dėl įvairių priežasčių. Pagrindinis baigiamojo magistro analitinės – metodinės dalies tikslas – pateikti susistemintą verslo vertinimo teisinę bei metodinę informaciją, esančią Europos Sąjungoje bei Lietuvoje, papildomai aprašyti įmonių finansinę analizę bei įvertinti jos svarbą. Eksperimentinėje – tiriamojoje dalyje, remiantis pirmojo skyriaus metodika, išanalizuota specialiosios paskirties AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Keleivių vežimo direkcija, išnagrinėti jos veiklos vertinimo ypatumai. Analizuojama, kodėl ne visais atvejais galima įvertinti verslą. Darbą sudaro 5 dalys: įvadas, verslo vertinimo teisinė bei metodinė informacija, specialiosios paskirties AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Keleivių vežimo direkcijos veiklos vertinimo ypatumai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. / Not only in whole world, but also in Lithuania business valuation is becoming more relevant. Earlier managers used to take important decisions using only their intuition, perception, and logic. Today this is almost impossible because of various reasons. The main purpose of the analytic-methodic part of this final master’s degree thesis is to represent structured methodical and juristic information existent in European Union and Lithuania; and additionally describe the financial analysis of the companies and valuate its importance. Using analytic-methodic part as a reference, in experimental-research part is analyzed passenger transportation directorate of “Lietuvos Geležinkeliai” SP JSC, as well as the peculiarities of its activity valuation and evaluation, and why it is not possible to valuate business in all cases. Thesis consists of 5 parts: preface, methodical and juristic information of business valuation, peculiarities of valuation the passenger transportation directorate of “Lietuvos Geležinkeliai” SP JSC, conclusion, and list of literature.

Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdybas banke / Trading portfolio risk management in banking

Dzikevičius, Audrius 04 April 2006 (has links)
Sparčiai kintant finansinių institucijų veiklos sąlygoms, didėjant finansinių rinkų nepastovumui bei veiklos mastams, atsirandant vis naujoms finansinėms priemonėms, o kartu su jomis ir naujoms finansinių institucijų rizikos rūšims, ypač išaugo prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymo poreikis. Tą įrodo ir tai, kad po eilės solidžių ir pakankamai konservatyvių finansinių institucijų, tokių kaip Baring, Daiwa, Sumitomo, Metallgesellschaft, Orange County, Long Term Capital Management, bankrotų ar milžiniškų nuostolių patyrimo praeito amžiaus paskutiniame dešimtmetyje didžiosios pasaulio finansinės institucijos bei šalių centriniai bankai ėmė iš esmės griežtinti rinkos rizikos valdymo procedūras. Kaip parodė vėlesnė minėtų kompanijų istorijos analiz�����, pagrindinė jų nuostolių ar bankrotų priežastis buvo nesugebėjimas tinkamai valdyti prekybinį portfelį įtakojančios rinkos rizikos. Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymas tampa vis aktualesnis ir Lietuvos finansinėms institucijoms, ypač investicinių bei pensijų fondų valdytojams, investuojantiems į užsienio vertybinius popierius, denominuotus kitomis valiutomis nei litas ar euras. / The scientific problem of the dissertation is search of adequacy of the trading portfolio risk management methods and models to the current economic, technological, and informational circumstances of financial institutions. The main features of science novelty characteristic to this research are the following: (i)the comparative study on Value at Risk estimation methods allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of Value at Risk estimation methods were suggested as well; (ii)the comparative study on performance of volatility forecasting models allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends on characteristics of the data under investigation and selected criteria for assessment of forecasting accuracy; in the context of risk management, the priority was given to operational rather than statistical accuracy assessment techniques in the context of risk management; (iii)the comparative study on risk adjustment measures allowed making important theoretic conclusion that selection of risk adjustment measures depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of risk adjustment measures were suggested as well.

Trading portfolio risk management in banking / Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymas banke

Dzikevičius, Audrius 04 April 2006 (has links)
The scientific problem of the dissertation is search of adequacy of the trading portfolio risk management methods and models to the current economic, technological, and informational circumstances of financial institutions. The main features of science novelty characteristic to this research are the following: (i)the comparative study on Value at Risk estimation methods allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of Value at Risk estimation methods were suggested as well; (ii) the comparative study on performance of volatility forecasting models allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends on characteristics of the data under investigation and selected criteria for assessment of forecasting accuracy; in the context of risk management, the priority was given to operational rather than statistical accuracy assessment techniques in the context of risk management; (iii)the comparative study on risk adjustment measures allowed making important theoretic conclusion that selection of risk adjustment measures depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of risk adjustment measures were suggested as well. / Sparčiai kintant finansinių institucijų veiklos sąlygoms, didėjant finansinių rinkų nepastovumui bei apimčiai, atsirandant vis naujoms finansinėms priemonėms, o kartu su jomis ir naujoms finansinių institucijų rizikos rūšims, ypač išaugo prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymo poreikis. Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymas tampa vis aktualesnis ir Lietuvos finansinėms institucijoms, ypač investicinių bei pensijų fondų valdytojams, investuojantiems į užsienio vertybinius popierius, denominuotus kitomis valiutomis nei litai ar eurai. Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymas yra labai aktuali tema ir atskirų šalių centriniams bankams bei tarptautinėms finansų sistemos priežiūros institucijoms.

Sportuojančių ir nesportuojančių paauglių savo kompetencijos suvokimo skirtingose srityse raiška ir sąsajos su bendru savęs vertinimu / The expression of perceived self – competence in different areas and its relation with global self- worth among physically active and non active adolescents

Jamantienė, Loreta 12 May 2006 (has links)
Many scholars are interested in the stage of adolescence. This period is marked by immense change in individual’s psychosocial, cognitive and physical development. Intensive psychophysical development suggests certain personality direction, changes in activeness and autonomy, which put adolescents into the contradictory situations, such as growing aspirations differing from reality, difficulties related with identity formation, inadequate self – value. Growing conflicts of adolescents’ and adults’ values, sense of identity, changing status in society make an individual perceive not only surrounding environment, but oneself as a part of it as well. The development of self – perception is the most intense at the stage of adolescence and it includes perception of self – concept, self – worth. Self – worth is one of the components of self – perception, reflecting individual’s view at oneself and depending upon one’s abilities, perceived competence. Adolescent, who is able to perceive oneself as being capable in many important areas, is tend to value oneself and be successful in socializing. Socialization program for children and youth (2004) states, that it is important to develop occupation of youths and improve its quality. Sport is one of the most acceptable activities for adolescents. Involvement in sport activity positively influences adolescents’ self – worth, withdraw them from various addictions, helps to integrate into society. The aim of the study was to evaluate the... [to full text]

Žemės ūkio konsultavimo paslaugų kokybės vertinimas / Agricultural consulting services quality evaluation

Mikulevičiūtė, Eglė 29 May 2006 (has links)
Integrated model for evaluation of consulting services quality have been created having analysed scientific literature. This model was tested practically by evaluating the quality of seminars.

Vadovavimo n konsultacinei poliklinikai vertinimas darbuotojų požiūriu / Management of a consultative health care centre in regard to the assessment of the staff

Damalakaitė, Eglė 19 June 2006 (has links)
The object of the research is to reveal the management of a consultative health care centre in regard to the assessment of the staff working there. The main objectives are as follows: 1) to compare the differencKlaida! Nerastas sąrašas.es in the assessment in regard to the incumbency of those assessing the executive; 2) to frame the program of means to improve the management efficiency. Research methods. In one of the health care centres, a onetime anonymous opinion poll was performed in March, 2006 and staff of various incumbencies questioned, including doctors, nurses, administrative staff and many others. 18 doctors, 34 nurses, 3 people working in an administrative office and 22 employees of other incumbency were asked to fill in a questionnaire of 21 questions. The research data was processed through the program of SPSS data analysis. Results. The respondents were to score the influence that the head of the health care centre had on the results of their work. The average score was 3,6. Moderate impact of the executive person upon their work was the most common assessment: 4 points - 55% and 3 points – 27%; 1% scored their executive with lower points thus regarding them as low-powered institution whereas 8% of the respondents assessed the head of the centre as highly influential and scored them with 5 points. 18% of the doctors, 54% of the nurses and 50% of the others asserted that essential decisions regarding the functioning of the health care centre are made by the... [to full text]

Jaunesniojo mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ir jų motinų psichologinių ypatumų sąsajos lyties ir šeimos sudėties aspektu / Typical psychological relation between junior schoolchildren and their mothers on the bases of sex and family status

Gaigalienė, Irena 06 June 2005 (has links)
A family is the first educational institution where a child acquires his basic social standards. A family is also the most important institution for human socialization having a great influence on the development of a child‘s personality. Parents form the biggest part of a child‘s environment the development of a child‘s personality greatly depends on them. The aim of this work is to analyse the typical psychological relation between junior schoolchildren and their mothers on the bases of sex and family status. 400 people (200 children aged 9-11 and their 200 mothers) took part in a survey. 5 questionnaires were used for assessing children‘s psychological feelings, inside calmness, self - assessment, worries about school and motivation for learning. For assessing their mothers‘ psychological feelings, inside calmness and self – assessment 3 questionnaires were used. While carrying out a survey there were given 3 hypotheses which turned to be partly approved. A significant relation was defined between girls‘ inside calmness and their mothers‘ psychological feelings as well as between their self – assessment, whereas the same kind of relation between boys and their mothers was not confirmed. There was also defined a significant relation between boys‘ worries about school and their mothers‘ psychological feelings. A second hypotheses which states that in a two – parent family there is a closer relation between the children‘s inside calmness, psychological mood at school... [to full text]

Blogai mokyklą lankančių mokinių savęs vertinimo ir elgesio ypatumai / The peculiarities of behaviour and self-assessment of children having school attendancy problems

Brazauskienė, Rita 15 June 2005 (has links)
Nonattendance, behavior problems and social disjuncture of young people shows that pupils have problems: such as the feeling of low self-assessment, lack of self confidence. Economical, social conditions, lack of activities cause different kinds of addiction, breaches of the law, offences among the teenagers. Thus, seeking to see the peculiarities of behavior and self-assessment of pupils who don‘t attend school, it is necessary to perform the detailed objective study by ascertaining which actions define different solutions of problems. The study aim object - 5-10 grade secondary school children not attending school. The aim - to analyse the peculiarities of behaviour and self-assessment of children having school attendancy problems. The main goals: 1. To analyse the teenagers‘not attending school, behavior and self assessment problems, on the basis of scientific-pedagogical, psychological literature. 2. To analyse the attitude of teenagers having school attendancy problems towards themselves, relationship with teachers, parents and contemporaries. 3. To reveal the attitude of pupils, having school attendancy problems towards learning. 4. To prepare recommendations for school administrators and tearchers. Theoretical, empirical and mathematical statistic methods were used. Target group: 302 5-10 grade students’ pupils, having attendancy problems from cities, small towns and villages of Lithuania and 302 tutors. Conclusions: The study show, that: • a quarter of students... [to full text]

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