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Aspectos teóricos da violência estrutural urbanaSantos Junior, Eduardo Honório dos 26 February 2014 (has links)
The urban study is related to the notion of continuity of the different threatening conditions to physical, biological and socio wellness of the built space. The occupational dimension was observed with advanced techniques in Geographic Information System (GIS) and evaluated from the degree of accessibility and mobility directly guided by the patterns and processes of constructed space in which mobile and immobile elements are ordered. Both the environment people live in a state of continuous and profound environmental changes and the dynamic urban conditions. The urban space continues with a negative balance in the set of network that has been modernized in the current metropolitan system, the dynamics of urban structure is compromised by mobility circularity and municipal boundaries that the road network and its vectored patterns are actively oriented to the ecological conditions of the current state of the critical socio-organization. The city of Aracaju and its metropolitan area are the main determinants as complementary arrangements of roads and require a reorganization to improve their access and mobility implying its broadest extension. A solution to the urbanized space can be suggested starting from necessary and urgent reform of the metropolitan road network aiming fluidity and distribution of space and movement. / O estudo urbano está relacionado à continuidade das diferentes condições ameaçadoras ao bem estar físico, biológico e socioambiental do espaço construído. Neste sentido, a dimensão ocupacional foi observada com técnica avançada em Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), avaliada a partir do grau de acessibilidade e mobilidade pautada nos padrões e processos do espaço construído, no qual elementos moveis e imóveis estão ordenados. O espaço urbano continua com um saldo negativo no conjunto de rede que foi modernizado no atual sistema metropolitano, em que a dinâmica da estruturação urbana está comprometida na mobilidade, circularidade e principalmente pelos limites municipais que desempenham um papel ativamente linear pela complexidade da expansão urbana a partir do litoral. Conclui-se que a rede viária e seus padrões vetorizados são continuamente orientados para as condições ecológicas da atual organização socioestrutural. A cidade de Aracaju e sua Região Metropolitana são complementares em principais condicionantes do arranjo das vias urbanas e necessitam de uma (re) organização para o melhoramento do seu acesso e mobilidade implicando na sua extensão mais abrangente. Sugerem-se algumas soluções para o espaço urbanizado a partir de reformas necessárias e urgentes da rede viária metropolitana, visando fluidez e (re) distribuição de espaço e circulação.
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Um mergulho nas águas do Velho Chico : territorialização, desterritorialização e reterritorialização dos pescadores artesanais de Saramém, Brejo Grande-SESilva, Edilson Carneiro da 25 February 2014 (has links)
Due to intense environmental changes in recent decades, the territories of artisanal fishing (seas, rivers, estuaries, lakes, ponds) have suffered deep changes (pollution, reduction of fish stock, loss of biodiversity, predatory tourism, large public works, coastal erosion), which directly affects the lives of many communities of fishers. Some of these environmental changes have led those who depend on fishing for susbsistence to leave, with their families, their traditional places of work and residence. The general objective of this study is to understand the socio-cultural and economic processes of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization (TDR) experienced by artisanal fishermen,particularly when they were forced to leave their hometown, Cabeço thorp , due to the coastal erosion, in order to live in Saramém, in Brejo Grande, Sergipe. Saramém is located on the shore of the mouth of São Francisco river, as so was Cabeço. In order to understand these processes, the methodology used was the ethnography, which was built based on direct and participant observation, semistructured interviews about the life history of artisanal fishermen, photographic records and the use of a diary. In this sense, the ethnoknowledge of the fishermen was taken into consideration. The survey lasted from September 2012 to June 2013, and about 30 fishermen were interviewed. As a result, we obtained an understanding that the processes of territorialization, deterritorialization and reterritorialization caused material and immaterial damage, like the loss of traditional fishing places and changes in the spaces of common use (fishing territories. Moreover, neighborhood relations were changed and symbolic links with the territory were lost and (re)signified. As for the scientific and social relevance of the research, it is doubly important, both for public policies (to the understanding of the environmental impacts from the fishermen way of living), and for academic studies, especially for the notions of culturally defined spaces by the artisanal fishermen territoriality. Therefore, the importance of the ethnoknowledge as the approach of this dissertation. / Em decorrência de intensas mudanças socioambientais ocorridas nas últimas décadas, os territórios da pesca artesanal (mares, rios, estuários, lagos, lagoas, etc.) vêm sofrendo profundas transformações (poluição, diminuição dos estoques de pescados, perda da biodiversidade, turismo predatório, grandes obras públicas, erosão costeira), o que afeta diretamente o modo de vida de muitas comunidades de pescadores(as) no país. Algumas dessas transformações socioambientais têm levado diversos homens e mulheres, que vivem diretamente da pesca, a abandonar, com seus familiares, seus tradicionais lugares de trabalho e morada. O presente estudo possui como objetivo compreender os processos socioculturais e econômicos de territorialização, desterritorialização e reterritorialização (TDR) vividos pelos pescadores artesanais de Saramém, Brejo Grande-Sergipe, particularmente quando estes foram obrigados, devido ao avanço do mar, a ir morar nesta localidade, advindos do Povoado do Cabeço. Saramém localiza-se na margem da foz do Rio São Francisco, assim como era o Cabeço. Em busca da compreensão desses processos, a metodologia utilizada foi a etnografia, que se construiu com base na observação direta e participante, em entrevistas semiestruturadas sobre a história de vida dos pescadores artesanais, registros fotográficos e uso de um diário de campo. Nesse sentido, o etnoconhecimento dos pescadores também foi valorizado. A pesquisa durou de setembro de 2012 a junho de 2013, foram entrevistados trinta pescadores. Como resultado, obteve-se a compreensão de que os processos de territorialização, desterritorialização e reterritorialização provocaram danos materiais e imateriais, a exemplo das perdas dos lugares tradicionais de pesca, alterações nos espaços de uso comum (territórios de pesca), enquanto fruto de impactos negativos sobre os recursos naturais que se deram na foz do Rio São Francisco. Ademais, relações de vizinhança foram alteradas e elos simbólicos com o território perdidos e (re)significados. Quanto à relevância científica e social da pesquisa, entende-se que a mesma é duplamente importante, seja para as políticas públicas (compreensão dos impactos ambientais a partir do modo de vida dos pescadores), seja para os estudos acadêmicos, especialmente para as noções de espaços culturalmente definidos pelas territorialidades dos pescadores artesanais. Por isso, a importância do etnoconhecimento enquanto abordagem desta dissertação.
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Rural communities in transition: a study of the socio-economic and agricultural implications of agricultural betterment and development / Development Studies Working Paper, no. 16De Wet, C J, McAllister, P A January 1983 (has links)
This comparative study, undertaken in the anthropological tradition of long-term field research, highlights the impact of agricultural "betterment" schemes in two rural communities - Chatha in Keiskammahoek district, Ciskei and Shixini in Willowvale district, Transkei. The authors provide a wealth of historical, sociological and ecological detail to describe and assess the implications of the continuation of the present official "betterment" strategy. This is done by comparing conditions in Chatha, where the strategy was implemented in the 1960s, with those in Shixini, where it was being implemented during fieldwork. / Digitised by Rhodes University Library on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER)
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Le vivrier marchand dans la lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages en milieu rural : le cas du département de la Mvila dans le sud du Cameroun / Food-producing trade in the struggle against poverty of the households in rural areas : the case of the Mvila department in south of CameroonEbela, Amélie Philomène 29 June 2017 (has links)
Ce travail aborde l’enjeu du vivrier marchand dans la lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages dans l’espace rural du département de la Mvila. L’agriculture vivrière est encore pratiquée par plus de 80% de la population active dans les villages de la Mvila. Pendant longtemps, les cultures vivrières sont exclusivement autoconsommées dans la cellule familiale. Aujourd’hui, s’il est vrai qu’une grande partie de leur production est encore destinée à cette fin, quelques ménages font progressivement du vivrier marchand une réelle ressource économique. L’augmentation de la commercialisation vivrière est souvent une réponse à la baisse du pouvoir d’achat de nombreux ménages agricoles ou à la croissance de la population urbaine non agricole. Cependant, indépendamment des motivations qui guident le choix du vivrier marchand, il semble souvent une opportunité financière qui peut contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie dans les villages. Depuis 1960, l’État multiplie des tentatives visant à réduire les stéréotypes qui associent exclusivement l’agriculture vivrière à l’autoconsommation. Après la crise agricole de la fin des années 1980, la relance de la promotion du vivrier marchand s’intensifie. Pour atteindre cet objectif, il s’ensuit la légalisation des GIC et le financement de divers programmes de subventionnement et d’accompagnement des producteurs. Pourtant, dans les villages du département de la Mvila, la commercialisation vivrière évolue timidement. Et pour beaucoup de ménages, le vivrier marchand reste une source de revenus accessoire. Par conséquent, de façon générale, la contribution de cette activité à la réduction de la pauvreté rurale est encore insuffisante. De nombreuses raisons permettent de comprendre l’insuffisance des résultats de cette stratégie gouvernementale de lutte contre la pauvreté rurale. Il s’agit par exemple de la dépendance paysanne à la cacaoculture ou de la baisse des dynamiques des ménages ruraux autour de la commercialisation vivrière. Cette situation est aussi entretenue par l’absence de modernisation des appareils productifs et commerciaux des cultures vivrières. Un environnement qui entraîne une baisse des volumes, augmente les risques et diminue la rentabilité économique de cette activité. Et, malgré l’évidence de quelques dynamiques des organisations paysannes, l’ampleur des défis actuels restreint beaucoup la faisabilité des initiatives de lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages ruraux avec le vivrier marchand. / This research examines the role of food-producing trade in fighting against poverty in the rural households of Mvila division in Cameroon. Subsistence agriculture appears to be the principal production activity in the target villages 80% of the active population interviewed is involved in such activities. For a long time, self-consumption has been the main orientation of crop production. However, food-producing trade has gained a lot of economic importance these last years. By so doing farmers find alternative income source after cocoa price has dropped while the urban population, not involved in agriculture, has significantly increased. Regardless of the motivations behind the choice of farmers, food-producing trade leads to income diversification and financial power aiming at improving the living conditions of rural people. Since 1960, the central government of Cameroon has been trying to change believes that restrict food crop production to self-consumption in the households. The crucial economic crisis associated with agricultural export products led to Food-producing trade intensification. This objective has been accompanied by Common Group Initiative (CGI) encouragement and other financing subsidy bodies in the rural areas. It is however worthy noticing that, the villages of Mvila division are far to emerge in income generating activities as many households are still timid in adopting food-producing trade. Therefore, the contribution of such activities to poverty reduction is still insufficient. This kind of contradiction can be justified by several factors, including farmer dependence on cocoa farming or farmer fatigue on agriculture and marketing in general. This situation is also sustained by the lack of modernization of the productive and commercial food crop equipments. That global environment leads to decrease of agricultural production volumes and economic return while the risks increase in rural areas. Although some farmer organizations obtain good results, the scale of the current challenges greatly restricts the feasibility of rural households' poverty alleviation initiatives.
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The ace model for facilitation of mastery of SOS mother's autonomy through empowerment as part of promoting their mental health.Modungwa, Nonceba Maithian 15 August 2012 (has links)
D.Cur. / The occupation of the SOS mother, which involves long-term care for orphaned and abandoned children under the SOS Children's Villages organisation, is unique and peculiar in many respects. She is expected to play a dual role of being a foster parent and a childcare professional, at the same time. The latter presents challenges of its own because the professional status is only recognised internally by the organisation. In one way or another, most of the children for which the SOS mother is responsible, have been exposed to some form of trauma. The problems of caring and parenting such children are well documented in the literature. These include learning and behaviour problems. For this reason, the mental health of the SOS mother, who is the focus of this study, should be of special interest to mental health practitioner. The motivation for this study arises out of a change that the organisation is trying to enforce in the work of the SOS mother. This change comes with the release of the new quality standards to guide village work. One of these standards, the SOS mother's autonomy, requires the SOS mother, like any mother in the community to take full responsibility for her SOS family, including the development of the children under her care. When she needs help, she seeks expert advice from village co-workers and from the community. In addition, the career of the SOS mother has to be developed so that she functions like a childcare professional and that her training is recognised by the government and other training institutions. This represents a big change from how most SOS villages have been operating. Up to this point, village co-workers made important decisions about the SOS family and the children while the SOS mother did the caring part. The change is expected to affect the interactions between SOS mothers and their co-workers and consequently, their mental health. For this reason, it was felt that there was a need to facilitate the implementation of the SOS mother's autonomy standard, which would also promote the mental health of the SOS mothers. The purpose of this research was, therefore, to develop and describe a model that would serve as a framework for the advanced psychiatric nurse practitioner to promote the mental health of SOS mothers by facilitating the implementation of the SOS mother's autonomy within SOS Children's Villages of Southern Africa Region 11. The research also focused on developing guidelines for the implementation of the model in practice.
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Designing an online support community for novice computer usersCaswell, Thomas Hubbard 01 January 2004 (has links)
This project seeks to identify characteristics of successful online communities and apply them to designing and prototyping an online discussion forum where novice computer users can share computer questions and answers. Usability and sociability are identified as essential goals in the development of online communities. Appropriate and effective Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) software is evaluated and selected to run the discussion forum.
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Bezpečnostní inspekce a řešení bodových závad na komunikaci I/43 v úseku Milonice - Krhov / Road I/43 in stage Milonice - Krhov - Safety InspectionČechová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to solve vehicle traffic safety and technical conditions on road I/43, research specific dangerous parts, subsequent evaluationandprocessing of individualpoint defects. It´s a 10km long section between Milonice and Krhov, approximately25km north from Brno. In total I found 4 defect points, which should be solved before realization of new motorway project R/43, which will replace existing I/43. The first defect point is in close proximity of Milonice village, there is an inconvenient intersection of I/43 with III/31775. There is a huge traffic intensity on road I/43 and an absence of turning lane on the left side. Second defect point is in village Závist, where is unsuitable connection from MK to I/43 and behind village is big longitudinalinclination, which is not suitable for slow vehicles. Third defect point is concerning the area between Závist and Černá Hora villages. There are unsuitable directional, high-altitude solutions, longitudinal inclinations and a crosswise arranged road. The last defect point is the horizon on road I/43 near village Krhov, this part of the road is the most dangerous section. On the horizon is an unsuitably planned project with a combination of directional, high-altitude solutions and transverse arrangement of roads with non-standard finishes ascending road lanes. I tried to solved defect points in the best possible way and to depict suggested action.
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The contribution of social entrepreneurship in meeting the needs of orphans in the Mberengwa district, ZimbabweKatungu, Wisdom January 2013 (has links)
Since the turn of the millennium, Zimbabwe has witnessed a raft of socio-economic and political problems characterised by hyper-inflation; shortage of basic commodities; dwindling fiscal reserves; ballooning domestic and foreign debt; falling standard of living and high levels of migration. The devastating effects of the Aids pandemic have not helped the situation. With estimates indicating that there are more than million orphaned children, social security programmes have been overstretched resulting in the State failing to adequately provide for the needs of these orphans in the country. It is against this background that the study sought to explore the community level initiatives that communities are taking to meet the needs of orphans through community based programmes. The goal of the study was to explore the contribution of social entrepreneurship in meeting the needs of orphans in the Mberengwa district, Zimbabwe.
The study was conducted using a qualitative research approach. The study was exploratory and the type of research was applied. The collective case study design was utilised. A total of twenty participants took part in the study; including six children who were benefiting from the income generating projects, four key informants who work closely with the projects as well as ten villagers who were involved in the day to day running of the projects. The participants were selected from two villages that have the projects benefiting orphans. The participants were selected through purposive sampling. Data was collected from the children and key informants by way of interviews and from the villagers through focus group discussions.
The findings show that the government of Zimbabwe lacks capacity to meet the needs of orphans due to the socio-economic and political challenges and as a result, communities in Mberengwa district have taken the initiative to care for the orphans in their area through income generating projects. The income generating projects are social entrepreneurial ventures in that they aim at generating profits which are channelled towards meeting the needs of the orphans. Through the income generating projects, the orphans in Mberengwa district are able to access their needs which include food, education, clothing, shelter, birth registration and protection from abuse. Findings also indicated that in the Mberengwa district, orphan care is viewed as a community, rather than individual responsibility. Furthermore, the findings indicated that the communities in Mberengwa have inherent strengths which make it possible for them to work together in achieving common objectives. Consequently, their social ties and close social relations enable them to work together to deal with problems confronting them collectively. vi
projects benefiting orphans. The participants were selected through purposive sampling. Data was collected from the children and key informants by way of interviews and from the villagers through focus group discussions.
The findings show that the government of Zimbabwe lacks capacity to meet the needs of orphans due to the socio-economic and political challenges and as a result, communities in Mberengwa district have taken the initiative to care for the orphans in their area through income generating projects. The income generating projects are social entrepreneurial ventures in that they aim at generating profits which are channelled towards meeting the needs of the orphans. Through the income generating projects, the orphans in Mberengwa district are able to access their needs which include food, education, clothing, shelter, birth registration and protection from abuse. Findings also indicated that in the Mberengwa district, orphan care is viewed as a community, rather than individual responsibility. Furthermore, the findings indicated that the communities in Mberengwa have inherent strengths which make it possible for them to work together in achieving common objectives. Consequently, their social ties and close social relations enable them to work together to deal with problems confronting them collectively.
It was concluded that income generating projects based on social entrepreneurial principles are a critical poverty alleviation and social protection mechanism for orphans in the Mberengwa communities as they lead to meeting their needs and furthermore, alleviate social problems in the community. In order to respond to the gap created by the government’s lack of capacity to care for the orphans, social entrepreneurship through income generating projects can be utilised to achieve social protection and poverty alleviation goals more so in the country’s quest to meet the Millennium Development Goals.
Recommendations include the need to review the legal and policy framework governing the care and protection of orphans in the country to include community-based programmes. Furthermore, it is recommended to strengthen traditional orphan care structures in facilitating income generating projects based on social entrepreneurial principles as they have the propensity to help meet the needs of orphans at the community level. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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A comparative evaluation of rural development programmes in the Thulamela Municipality : a case study of Sidou and Malavuwe VillagesMusiwalo, Takalani Enos January 2013 (has links)
Department of Geography and Geo-Information Sciences / MENVSC / The focus of the study is on the comparative assessment of Rural Development Programmes between Sidou and Malavuwe Village within Ward 22 of the Thulamela Municipality. The study aims to investigate the gap that exists between effective programme implementation and less effective programme implementation in rural areas. To achieve this, the study uses Malavuwe Village as a control village and Sidou Village as an experiment village. The study found that there was a discrepancy in service delivery between the two villages; more services were delivered effectively at Malavuwe than at Sidou Village. The study further investigates the causes of this discrepancy in service delivery between the two villages and also suggests feasible approaches that can be employed by the Thulamela Municipality to enhance programme implementation and service delivery within the study area.
The study found that Sidou Village lacked community services such as clinics, high schools, community halls, sporting facilities and income generating community projects. On the contrary, Malavuwe Village had most community services. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that the Thulamela Municipality should ensure thorough provision of services and encourage community participation through consultation and partnership at Sidou Village. Such an approach will be bottom-up and will encourage community members at Sidou Village to be actively involved in the prioritisation and implementation of vital services, thus raising the socioeconomic conditions and infrastructure development in the village
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Neoindigenismo en la obra cinematográfica de Oscar Catacora: Una revisión de la ópera prima Wiñaypacha como pieza Neoindigenista / Neoindigenism in the cinematographic work of Oscar Catacora: A review of Wiñaypacha's debut film as a Neoindigenist pieceQuiñones Beltrán, Giancarlo 08 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación explora el entorno cultural peruano a través de la ópera prima de Oscar Catacora. El neoindigenismo en la historia de la cultura peruana será revisado y contrastado con obras más recientes que escapan a la literatura en cual se origina este movimiento a fin de evidenciar la presencia de este en la cinta Wiñaypacha del ya mencionado autor. Esto debido al gran aporte a la cultura que dejó el movimiento superando a lo intentado anteriormente por el indigenismo. El trabajo de autores de grandes novelas neoindigenista como Redoble por Rancas sirven de punto de partida para entender la esencia del movimiento. Asimismo, será posible encontrarlo en la cinta de Catacora, en sus expresiones más simbólicas. Por ello la pregunta de investigación que se plantea es ¿Qué aspectos del filme Wiñaypacha pueden ser considerados de la corriente artística Neoindigenista? De esta forma podemos indagar sobre si en la actualidad aún existe la lucha por la igualdad de los pueblos indígenas o pueblos originarios afectada por un posible olvido que lo entenderemos como de parte de la sociedad y el estado hacia estos pueblos. / The following research article explores the Peruvian cultural environment through Oscar Catacora's first feature. Neoindigenism in the history of Peruvian culture will be reviewed and contrasted with more recent works that escape the literature in which this movement originates to demonstrate its presence in the Wiñaypacha tape by the aforementioned author. This is due to the great contribution to culture that the movement left behind, surpassing what was previously attempted by indigenism. The work of authors of great neo-indigenous novels like Redoble por Rancas serve as a starting point to understand the essence of the movement. Also, it will be possible to find it in the Catacora film, in its most symbolic expressions. For this reason, the research question that arises is: What aspects of the film Wiñaypacha can be considered from the Neoindigenism artistic trend? In this way we can inquire about whether the struggle for equality of indigenous peoples or indigenous peoples still exists today, affected by a possible forgetfulness that we will understand as part of society and the state towards these peoples. / Trabajo de investigación
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