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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor som är utsatta för mäns våld i nära relationer : - En litteraturstudie / Nurses' experiences of encountering women who are exposed to men's violence in intimate partner relationships : - A literature studyAndersson Crnkic, Johanna, Wolf, Isabella January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enligt Världshälsoorganisationen har var tredje kvinna världen över någon gång under sin livstid varit utsatt för fysiskt och/eller sexuellt våld i nära relationer eller sexuellt våld av en icke känd förövare. Globalt sett är mäns våld mot kvinnor en av de största kränkningarna av de mänskliga rättigheterna. Konsekvenserna av våldet ökar risken för social isoleringen, psykiskt lidande, depression och självmord. Hälso- och sjukvården har en nyckelroll i att identifiera dessa kvinnor för att kunna ge dem individanpassat stöd. Syftet: var att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor som är utsatta för mäns våld i nära relationer Metod: En litteraturstudie där åtta kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar ingår. Databaserna CINAHL och PsycINFO användes till litteratursökningen. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre kategorier. Sjuksköterskan förskjuter ansvaret till andra som innebär att frågan om våld inte anses ingå i professionen, Brister i verksamheten som innebär brist på kunskap om våld, brist på utrymmen och tid. Förtvivlan och hjälplöshet innebär sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av maktlöshet, rädsla samt skam och skuld. Slutsats: Hinder framkom som påverkade sjuksköterskornas arbete beträffande att ställa frågan om våldsutsatthet. Bland dessa framträdde tidsbrist, kunskapsbrist, brister i arbetsmiljön samt känslomässiga hinder. Sjuksköterskor behöver mer kunskap och fortbildning om våldsutsatta kvinnor varför en undersökning av svenska sjuksköterskors kunskaper inom ämnesområdet skulle vara intressant att ta del av. / Background: According to the World Health Organization, every third woman worldwide has been subjected to physical and/or sexual violence in intimate partner relationships or sexual violence by a non-partner during their lifetime. Globally, men's violence against women is one of the biggest violations of human rights. The consequences of violence increase the risk of social isolation, mental suffering, depression and can lead to suicide. Healthcare has a key role, not only in identifying these women but also in being able to provide them with individualized support. Aim: Nurses' experiences of encountering women who are exposed to men's violence in intimate partner relationships. Method: A literature study with eight qualitative scientific articles was conducted. The databases PsycINFO and CINAHL were used for the literature study. Results: The result emerged in three categories. The nurse shifts responsibility to others, which means that the issue of violence is not considered a part of the profession. Shortcomings in clinical practice, which means that a lack of knowledge about violence exists together with a lack of space and time. Despair and helplessness means that the nurses' experience powerlessness, fear and also shame and guilt. Conclusion: Several obstacles affected the nurses' work regarding the question of exposure to violence. Among these, lack of time, lack of knowledge, deficiencies in the work environment and emotional barriers were highlighted. Nurses need more knowledge and training about women exposed to violence, which is why a survey of Swedish nurses' knowledge in the subject area would be interesting to take part in.
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“Tänk, om fruarna började slå sina män!” : Om hur nyhetsartiklar återspeglar samhällets föreställningar och orsaksförklaringar till mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relation / What if, the wives started to abuse their husbands! : How news articles reflect society's conception and causal explanations for men's violence against women in close relationshipsChristensen, Elin, Westholm, Anna January 2022 (has links)
This thesis has been carried out as there has been a need to expand research in men's violence against women in close relationships. This by a historical comparison to discover causal explanation and conceptions with a focus on change and continuity over time. Men's violence against women needs more research, although new interventions such as laws have been put into place, the problem still remains in society. The thesis will focus on finding change and continuity over time. Analyzing the area through a historical perspective can further contribute to a greater insight into the problem today, to reduce the risk of repetition of the past, regarding conceptions on gender and violence and not make the problem invisible. The material that has been used in the thesis is based on news articles from Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, based on four selected time periods during the 1900–2020s. The analysis focus on the public's perceptions and causal explanations of men's violence against women in close relationships. The result of the analysis concluded, among other things, that research and news articles do not always correspond and that society's perceptions and causal explanations have both altered and continued. A finding in the thesis is that jealousy and men's feelings are two relatively unexplored areas.
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Jag vet var du bor : En kvalitativ studie om hot och våld mot socialarbetare inom myndighetsutövningSjö, Johanna, Roozbayani, Helin January 2022 (has links)
Hot och våld mot socialarbetare har i Sverige mellan åren 2018 och 2020 ökat från en tredjedel utsatta till hälften. Under 2021 rapporterades nästan häften av yrkesverksamma inom socialt arbete under senaste året ha utsatts för någon form av hot eller våld. Tre av tio känner sig missnöjda med stödet från arbetsgivare efter en hot- eller våldsincident. Syftet för denna uppsats blev att undersöka upplevelser hos socialarbetare av hot och våld från klienter. Frågeställningarna var: Hur ser socialarbetares erfarenhet ut av hot och våld från klienter? och Hur upplever socialarbetare att deras arbetsplatser arbetar med frågan om hot och våld från klienter? En kvalitativ metod användes och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes, vilka analyserades med hjälp av dataanalys. Tematiseringen blev våldets former och förekomst, orsaker, påverkan och hantering av våldet. Resultatet analyserades och diskuterades utifrån tidigare forskning samt sociala konstruktioner och organisationsteori. Resultatet visar en upplevelse av hotfulla incidenter på arbetsplatsen. Våldet upplevs orsakas av olika uppfattningar hos klienter och socialtjänst, brist på anmälande av incidenter, samt samhällsförändringar. Våldet påverkar det sociala arbetet i form av att det bidrar till stress och att arbetets kvalitet kan försämras. Ett missnöje finns gällande arbetsplatsernas förebyggande arbete mot hot och våld från klienter. / In Sweden threats and violence against social workers have increased between 2018 and 2020 from one third of social workers being exposed to the half. In 2021 almost half of the social workers were reported to have been exposed to threat or violence. Three of ten feel dissatisfied with the support from employers after an incident. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate experiences among social workers of being exposed to threats and violence from clients. The questions of the study were: What experience do social workers have of being exposed to threats and violence from clients? and How do social workers perceive their workplaces management with client violence? A qualitative method was used and five semi-structured interviews were conducted, which were analyzed by using data analysis. The result was divided in following themes: Type of violence and occurrence, causes, impact and handling. The results were analyzed and discussed based on previous research together with social constructions and organizational theory. The results show an experience of threatening incidents in the workplace. The violence can be caused by clients having another perception than the social services, lack of reporting incidents, and changes in society. Client violence causes stress among social workers and in their working environment, and can lead to poorer quality of the work done by the social worker. There is dissatisfaction with the workplace’s preventive work against threats and violence from clients.
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The Receptacle: Cultivating safe space for women at Constitution Hill Precinct, JohannesburgCronje, Jana Roda January 2020 (has links)
Recent statistics have shown that Violence Against Women (VAW) affects one in three women worldwide. Not only is the issue prevalent at a global scale, it is embedded in the societal fabric of South Africa. Women and girls disproportionately experience public and private environments as unsafe due to the fear or threat of violence against them. Thus, limiting their movement, use and occupation of space. In essence, such instances of violence infringe upon a women’s human rights. In 1996, two years after South Africa became a democracy, it was necessary to manifest physically through architecture the symbolic significance of South Africa’s Constitution. An opportunity for architectural intervention is identified at the Constitution Hill Precinct. The aim is to make more visible and practical advocacy of women’s rights through establishing an association of the Precinct as a safe space for women. The study, through mixed qualitative methods, explores the feminist notion of safe space to understand safety, as both a practical and social construct, is integral to reflect the lived experiences of women. Design principles to guide the architectural intervention are subsequently synthetized from primarily theoretical informants, followed by conceptual, contextual and programmatic informants. The result is the translation of safe space into an architecture of lived experience; where the threat of fear or violence does not intimidate nor limit the occupation and use of space by women; but fosters spaces of empowerment, healing and upliftment. By programming underutilized in-between spaces along the East-West thoroughfare of the Precinct, through a transformative approach towards heritage, the advocacy for women’s rights is made visible and attains an association as a place where women are received and celebrated. Focus is placed on the Western edge of the Precinct to explore social and public programmes in support of women and the community at large. The existing parking lot structures, identified as lost space, are adapted to reflect an architectural intent of safe space and become spaces of meaning and contribution towards the Precinct. Finally, technical resolution of the project stems from the conceptual intentions of the design intervention; expressing a transformative approach between old and new. / Mini Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Architecture / MArch (Prof) / Unrestricted
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Centro de apoyo integral para la mujer víctima de violencia / Integral Support Center for Woman Victim of ViolenceGarcía Mavila, Liliana Carolina 25 April 2021 (has links)
La violencia hacia las mujeres en el Perú se ha convertido en una problemática social de atención prioritaria. Según la ENDES (Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar), del año 2010 al año 2018, los casos de violencia física en mujeres se han reducido solo en un 6%, un porcentaje muy bajo para un periodo largo de tiempo.
El Centro de Apoyo Integral para la Mujer Víctima de Violencia, se plantea con el fin de ayudar a disminuir la problemática que atraviesa el distrito de Comas en la actualidad, además de la precaria infraestructura de los establecimientos ubicados en este distrito que ofrecen ayuda a las mujeres e hijos que sufren de violencia.
En este proyecto se busca que las mujeres y sus hijos, quienes hayan sufrido de algún tipo de violencia, puedan recibir el apoyo que necesiten tales como asistencia psicológica, asistencia legal, asistencia médica, capacitación y albergue con el fin de aportar a su autonomía y a una vida digna y libre de violencia. / Violence against women in Peru has become a social problem of priority attention. According to the ENDES (Demographic and Family Health Survey), from 2010 to 2018, cases of physical violence in women have decreased by only 6%, a very low percentage for a long period of time.
The Integral Support Center for Women Victims of Violence, is proposed in order to help reduce the problems that the district of Comas is currently experiencing, in addition to the precarious infrastructure of the establishments located in this district that offer help to women and children who suffer from violence.
This project seeks that women and their children, who have suffered some type of violence, can receive the support they need such as psychological assistance, legal assistance, medical assistance, training and shelter in order to contribute to their autonomy and a life with dignity and free from violence. / Tesis
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Interventions: How Peace Enforcement Affects Violence Against CiviliansSchabus, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
United Nations Peacekeeping has proven to be remarkably effective at reducing violence against civilians - without using compellent force. A recent turn towards peace enforcement raises the questions: Does the use of force within a peace enforcement mandate affect the use of violence against civilians by an armed group? If this is the case, by what mechanism does this effect occur? This thesis provides two novel explanations on how the use of force by peacekeepers could affect violence against civilians by the targeted armed group. One predicts decreased- and the other one increased levels of violence. These explanations are tested on the Force Intervention Brigade, which was deployed to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2013. A most similar comparison between the three most powerful armed groups in North Kivu at the time is drawn and examined with the method of structured focussed comparison. The most similar comparison does not reveal a clear correlation. Yet, temporal order as well as anecdotal evidence give tentative support for the main argument of the thesis. It suggests that compellent force against an armed group leads to strengthened deterrence and physical separation, which ultimately results in fewer civilian targeting.
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Domácí násilí na ženách a informovanost o něm mezi potenciálními oběťmi / Domestic violence against women and awareness about it among potencial victimsVyhnalová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The following thesis examines domestic violence against women, and information relating to it, for potential victims. It is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part includes seven main chapters, which gives answers to basic questions about the problems. It is aimed at a general description of domestic violence and those involved in it including the offenders, victims and children affected by it, who often get caught in between the offender and victim parents. Also covered are proposals of how to help these women and the institutions which offer help. Rudimentary legislation is examined, and its current implementation in the Czech republic, using data from recent research and statistics. The practical part seeks to establish the depth of awareness about domestic violence against women among potential victims, and to distinguish the differences experienced by women living in the countryside as compared to women living in city. To this end, there has been research carried out, the results of which, include valuable and new advice on how to improve awareness about domestic violence against women.
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Voces de la periferia : Un estudio sobre la plurivocidad de la narrativa en la novela Cometierra de Dolores Reyes / Voices from the periphery : A study on the plurivocity of the narrative in the novel Cometierra by Dolores ReyesHessel, Frida January 2022 (has links)
En este trabajo hemos investigado cómo las múltiples voces en la novela Cometierra (2019), escrita por Dolores Reyes (Argentina, 1978), visibilizan situaciones de violencia y vulnerabilidad a las que están expuestas los habitantes en la periferia urbana latinoamericana, especialmente las mujeres. Entendemos por periferia urbana el espacio geográfico que rodea a una gran metrópolis, históricamente concebida como un lugar de marginalidad y miseria y cuyos habitantes suelen ser estigmatizados y juzgados en relatos mediáticos construidos por personas ajenas a ese mundo. Para analizar la pluralidad de voces, organizadas en torno a la voz de la protagonista, usamos los conceptos de “polifonía” y “dialogismo” de Bajtín (2005). Consideramos que la forma en la que se representa a los personajes femeninos, así como la profundidad y variadas perspectivas que aporta la plurivocidad al relato, contribuyen a la re-significación de la mujer en el espacio periférico, en tanto que se le otorga una voz para contar su propia historia. Sostenemos que la novela se aleja de la concepción reduccionista de la periferia entendida como un lugar de pobreza, para dotarla con una multiplicidad de sentidos y que contribuye a romper con estereotipos construidos en torno a sus habitantes.
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Sex(ism), Drugs and Rock ‘n’ Roll: Exploring Online Narratives of Gendered Violencewithin the Alternative Music SceneSapp, E. C. 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Acciones estratégicas para Prevenir y atender la violencia contra la mujer en el Plan Nacional Contra la Violencia de Género 2016-2021 durante la emergencia sanitaria declarada por el Covid-19Bustamante Barreto, Karmen Giulianna, Jaen Ramírez, Betsy Aracely, Urbina Flores, Shelley Jeraldi 30 September 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación se titula “Acciones estratégicas para Prevenir y Atender la Violencia contra la Mujer en el Plan Nacional Contra la Violencia de Género 2016-2021 durante la Emergencia Sanitaria Declarada por el Covid-19”, el cual tiene por objetivo identificar el nivel de implementación de los mecanismos y de la acción estratégica para prevenir y atender la violencia contra la mujer en el marco de la declaratoria de emergencia sanitaria originada por el Covid-19 en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, en Lima.
Con el propósito de alcanzar los objetivos propuestos de la presente tesis se elaboró una investigación con enfoque mixto, es decir cuantitativo y cualitativo, en base a la aplicación de cuestionarios y entrevistas aplicadas tanto a funcionarios relacionados a las políticas de violencia de género, como a los usuarios de los Centros de Emergencia Mujer (CEM) del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, así como, analizar e identificar el nivel alcanzado por parte de la ejecución de mecanismos y acciones estratégicas que se emplearon en función de los hechos registrados por casos de violencia familiar y de género durante la emergencia sanitaria.
Al respecto en base a este análisis, se presentará una propuesta y recomendaciones a fin de que el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables tome en consideración y a futuro se puedan implementar mejoras en la gestión, diseño de los planes y programas orientados al fortalecimiento institucional en favor de la igualdad de género y el bienestar de las mujeres de nuestro país en situaciones de emergencia. / This research work is titled "Strategic Actions to Prevent and Address Violence against Women in the National Plan Against Gender Violence 2016-2021 during the Health Emergency Declared by Covid-19", which aims to identify the level of implementation of the mechanisms and strategic action to prevent and address violence against women during the health emergency declared by Covid-19 in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, in Lima.
In order to achieve the proposed objectives of this thesis, an investigation was developed with a mixed approach, that is, quantitative and qualitative, based on the application of questionnaires and interviews applied both to officials related to gender violence policies, as well as to the users of the Women's Emergency Centers (CEM) of the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, as well as, analyze and identify the level reached by the implementation of mechanisms and strategic actions that were used in the framework of violence against women and gender during the health emergency declared by Covid-19.
In this regard, based on this analysis, a proposal and recommendations will be presented so that the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations take into consideration and in the future improvements can be implemented in the management and design of plans and programs oriented to the fight against violence against women and gender, in emergency situations. / Trabajo de investigación
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