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Enabling exploratory learning through virtual fieldworkGetchell, Kristoffer M. January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation presents a framework which supports a group-based exploratory approach to learning and integrates 3D gaming methods and technologies with an institutional learning environment. This provides learners with anytime-anywhere access to interactive learning materials, thereby supporting a self paced and personalised approach to learning. A simulation environment based on real world data has been developed, with a computer games methodology adopted as the means by which users are able to progress through the system. Within a virtual setting users, or groups of users, are faced with a series of dynamic challenges with which they engage until such time as they have shown a certain level of competence. Once a series of domain specific objectives have been met, users are able to progress forward to the next level of the simulation. Through the use of Internet and 3D visualisation technologies, an excavation simulator has been developed which provides the opportunity for students to engage in a virtual excavation project, applying their knowledge and reflecting on the outcomes of their decisions. The excavation simulator enhances the student learning experience by providing opportunities for students to engage with the archaeological excavation process in a customisable, virtual environment. Not only does this provide students with an opportunity to put some of the theories they are familiar with into practice, but it also allows for archaeology courses to place a greater emphasis on the practical application of knowledge that occurs during the excavation process. Laconia Acropolis Virtual Archaeology (LAVA) is a co-operative exploratory learning environment that addresses the need for students to engage with archaeological excavation scenarios. By leveraging the immersive nature of gaming technologies and 3D multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs), LAVA facilitates the adoption of exploratory learning practices in environments which have previously been inaccessible due to barriers of space, time or cost.
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La loi applicable aux transferts de biens virtuelsCarré, Dobah 09 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'université Paris1-Sorbonne / Les mondes virtuels multi-joueurs sont des jeux à trois dimensions. Leurs utilisateurs s’adonnent depuis plusieurs années à plusieurs activités en se transférant des objets virtuels créés ou achetés dans les mondes virtuels dont ils revendiquent la propriété. Ces objets appelés « biens virtuels » n’ont d’existence qu’en ligne et peuvent prendre n’importe quelle forme (avatars, vaisseaux spatiaux, etc.).
Bien que le marché des transactions de biens virtuels représente un important impact économique, social et juridique sur l’ensemble de la consommation, ces « biens » ne sont pourtant pas juridiquement reconnus, ni protégés par la loi ou par la jurisprudence en Amérique du Nord et en Europe, seuls les contrats de licence rédigés par les développeurs régissent leurs utilisations. Or, les conflits dans ce domaine peuvent devenir très complexes, car les rencontres virtuelles donnent lieu à une grande variété d’activités et sont créatrices de liens de droit entre des internautes qui peuvent se trouver physiquement à l’autre bout de la planète pour se rencontrer virtuellement dans l’environnement du cyberespace. Ainsi, les effets dommageables de ces activités vont se manifester en dehors du réseau. Puisque dans ces cas, l’espace virtuel et l'espace matériel sont interconnectés, on se pose la question suivante : quelle est la loi applicable aux transferts de « biens virtuels »?
Pour traiter d’une question litigieuse en droit international privé, il faut passer par l’étape préalable de la qualification juridique de l’objet du litige, ici les biens virtuels, afin d’être en mesure de le rattacher à un régime juridique et à la règle de conflit applicable selon ce régime. Les biens virtuels, immatériels par essence, n’existent pas réellement. Techniquement parlant ce sont des représentations graphiques de codes sources enregistrés dans le logiciel du monde virtuel. Ainsi, l’existence juridique de l’objet virtuel en tant que « bien » est controversée en droit civil, car elle dépend de la conception stricte (traditionnelle) ou élargie (moderne) que l’on adopte du droit de propriété. En admettant que les biens virtuels soient reconnus en droit des biens, les règles de conflits de lois applicables à cette matière portent beaucoup d’importance sur la situation matérielle du bien pour la localisation du rapport de droits, ce qui rend très difficile la recherche de solution des conflits de lois dans notre matière. Ainsi, l’application du principe de l’autonomie tend à s’élargir aux questions de droits réels, mais cette solution n’est pas satisfaisante pour les tiers.
Dès lors, il convient de se rallier à la doctrine contemporaine qui critique la référence générale à la règle de rattachement localisatrice dans des situations nouvelles et spécifiques empreintes de difficultés de localisation afin d’appliquer préférablement le régime de propriété intellectuelle, adoptée spécifiquement pour les biens immatériels. L’application de la loi sur les droits d’auteur est plus adaptée aux biens virtuels en tant qu’œuvre de l’esprit, parce que les droits ne se trouvent pas limités par l’inexistence de cet objet et parce que les règles de conflits propres au droit d’auteur d’origine conventionnelle permettent une protection internationale du droit d’auteur. / Multi-player virtual worlds are three-dimensional games. Over the past few years, players have been engaging in various activities involving the transfer of virtual objects that they have themselves created or purchased in these virtual worlds and over which they claim ownership. The objects, called “virtual goods”, exist only in the online world and may take any number of forms (e.g. avatars, space ships, etc.).
Although the market for virtual property has important economic, social and legal impacts on consumption, these “goods” are neither recognized by the law, nor protected by North American or European legislation or jurisprudence; only the licensing contracts drafted by the developers regulate their uses. However, conflicts that arise in this domain may grow very complex since virtual interactions give rise to a great variety of activities and create legal relationships between the cybernauts who meet in the virtual environment of cyberspace although they may be physically located on either ends of the planet. Thus, the adverse effects of these activities may manifest themselves outside of the cyber environment. Since the virtual world and the physical world are interconnected in these cases, we have to ask the following question: what law should apply to the transfer of the “virtual goods”?
In order to answer contentious questions that arise under private international law, one must first go through the initial step of juridically qualifying the objects in question, here the virtual goods, in order to be able to assign them to a specific legal regime and to the specific conflict of laws rules that apply under that regime. Virtual goods – inherently immaterial – do not really exist: they are graphic representations of source code embedded in the software of the virtual world. Thus, the legal characterization of the virtual objects as “property” is controversial under civil law because it depends on whether one adopts a strict (traditional) concept of property law or a more expansive (modern) concept. Even if virtual goods were to be recognized under property law, since the conflict of laws rules applicable to property law place a lot of importance on the physical location of the property in order to determine the legal attachment, this renders the search for a solution to the conflict of laws in this area very difficult. Application of the principle of contractual autonomy therefore provides greater scope in determining property rights, but this solution may not be satisfactory to third parties.
Thus, it is useful to turn to the contemporary doctrine that criticizes the general application of the rule of physical attachment to particular and novel contexts that present difficulties in determining the location of the property and instead applies the intellectual property regime which is specifically designed to deal with incorporeal goods. Copyright law is better suited to virtual goods as creations of the mind since its application is not hampered by the non-existence of the goods and because the conflict of laws rules applicable to traditional copyright law provide international protection for copyrights.
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La construction de la relation pédagogique à distance : Étude d'un dispositif de télécollaboration au sein d'un monde virtuel pour la formation des enseignants de FLE / The construction of the distance learning relationshipBayle, Aurélie 05 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le contexte de la formation initiale des enseignants de français langue étrangère et s'intéresse à l'introduction des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans les pratiques pédagogiques. Notre travail s'interroge sur les apports d'un dispositif de télécollaboration (SLIC – Second Life Interculturel) mettant en relation de futurs enseignants de Master FLE de l'université Blaise Pascal avec des apprenants de FLE de Carnegie Mellon University à Pittsburgh (États-Unis) autour de la réalisation de tâches collaboratives à visée interculturelle au sein du monde virtuel Second Life. Ce projet s'appuie sur deux dimensions de la formation des enseignants : la mise en situation et la réflexivité. L'objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre comment se construit la relation pédagogique entre futurs enseignants et apprenants de français langue étrangère lorsqu'ils sont amenés à travailler ensemble dans le cadre d'un dispositif de télécollaboration au sein d'un monde virtuel et que les étudiants français ont un rôle d'animateur. Cette recherche a deux visées : d'une part une visée descriptive en analysant les tâches, les interactions des participants et leurs verbalisations en vue de comprendre leurs comportements et les relations qu'ils tissent. D'autre part, cette recherche a une visée plus praxéologique dans le sens où les résultats nous permettent d'identifier des éléments de réflexion permettant d'améliorer la formation des enseignants de FLE aux TICE. Notre cadre théorique se situe dans le domaine de l'apprentissage des langues médiatisé par les technologies. Il relève de l'analyse des interactions et de la sociologie goffmanienne, et s'appuie essentiellement sur le modèle interactionniste de la relation interpersonnelle qui l'envisage selon deux dimensions : une dimension verticale qui concerne le système de places (hiérarchie vs. égalité) et une dimension horizontale (distance vs. proximité). Nous avons adopté une approche ethnographique. Les données recueillies ont été structurées sous forme de corpus d'apprentissage afin de les analyser en contexte. Dans une perspective inductive et émique, nous croisons différents types de données pour leur donner du sens et répondre à nos questions de recherche. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié le contexte du point de vue des caractéristiques des participants, de leurs attentes, du scénario pédagogique et de la manière dont les participants occupent l'espace interactionnel durant les séances dans le monde virtuel. Nous avons ensuite analysé le positionnement réciproque des participants dans leur manière de se présenter et avons croisé leurs différentes perceptions des rôles endossés par chacun. Enfin, nous avons examiné les décalages entre la prescription, la perception et la réalisation de deux tâches collaboratives. Notre recherche a permis de mettre en lumière la complexité de la construction de la relation pédagogique entre futurs enseignants et apprenants à travers l'étude de quelques observables permettant de reconstruire l'émergence et le développement de cette relation. Nous avons montré que les étudiants français tendent à créer un rapport hiérarchique avec les étudiants américains tout en essayant de développer une relation de proximité. Les apprenants américains acceptent la dimension hiérarchique mais tiennent à garder leurs distances. Ainsi, nous avons pu observer l'établissement d'un contrat didactique, proche de celui que l'on rencontre dans un contexte institutionnel où les rôles d'enseignant et d'apprenant sont fortement marqués. / This research focuses on the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the initial training of teachers of French as a Foreign Language and on pedagogical communication. Our work examines the contribution of a telecollaborative project (SLIC: Second Life Interculturel). This project involved students from Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand, France) enrolled in a Master's program in French language teaching using ICT and advanced-level undergraduate students of French from Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, United States). For all SLIC participants, the main objective was the development of intercultural communicative skills through collaborative tasks in the virtual world Second Life. This project was designed to take two important aspects of teacher training into consideration: active and reflexive learning.The aim of this thesis is to understand how students manage to develop pedagogical relationships online when involved in a telecollaborative project using a virtual world and how the teachers in training adopt the role of discussion leader. This study has two goals: firstly, a descriptive one, analyzing tasks and online interactions in order to better understand the actions of participants, as well as the relationships they build. Secondly, this thesis has a praxeological aim since the results allow us to identify some elements for reflection concerning the improvement of ICT integration in teacher training.The Computer-Assisted Language Learning domain provides the theoretical background for this thesis. The latter draws on theoretical foundations in interaction analysis and sociology. We use the interactionnist model of the interpersonal relationship considering two dimensions: a vertical dimension which concerns the rank system (hierarchy vs. equality) and a horizontal dimension (distance vs. closeness).We adopted an ethnographic approach. We collected and structured data into a LEarning and TEaching Corpus (LETEC) in order to analyze them in context. We crossed-analyzed different data types from the perspectives of the participants, adopting a "data first" procedure. First, we studied the context, looking at the students' characteristics, their expectations, the learning design and the way they occupied the interactional space during their working sessions in Second Life. Then, we analyzed their mutual positioning by examining the way in which the participants present themselves and the mutual perceptions they had of the role(s) played by each member of the group. Finally, we studied the gaps between prescription, perception and the realization of two collaborative tasks.Our research allowed us to highlight the complexity of the development of online pedagogical relationships between teachers in training and learners of French. We showed that the teachers in training tended to create a hierarchical relationship while trying to develop some closeness. The learners of French accepted the hierarchical dimension but kept their distances. Hence, we were able to identify the construction of a learning contract very close to what is usually observed in an institutional context in which the roles of the teacher and the student are heavily marked.
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An evaluation of user support strategies for managed learning in a multi user virtual environmentPerera, Galhenage Indika Udaya Shantha January 2013 (has links)
The management of online learning environments so that they are effective and efficient presents a significant challenge for institutions and lecturers due to the complexity of requirements in the learning and teaching domain. The use of 3D Multi User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) for education introduces a novel set of management challenges. MUVEs were designed to cater for entertainment and commercial needs and as such do not intrinsically support managed learning. When MUVEs are used for educational purposes, forming 3D Multi User Learning Environments (MULEs), user support for learning management becomes an important factor. This thesis highlights the importance of managed learning in MULEs. It proposes a coordinated approach which accommodates the existing education institutional infrastructure. The research has focused on two very widely used and closely compatible MUVEs, Second Life (SL) and OpenSim. The thesis presents system and user studies that have been carried out on these selected MUVEs. The findings reveal the challenges that academics and students can experience if they do not have sufficient knowhow to manage learning activities in SL/OpenSim. User guidance and training tools were then developed for supporting learning management strategies in the context of SL/OpenSim and demonstrated in exemplar use-case scenarios. The user support models and tools which were developed have been extensively evaluated for their usability and educational value using diverse participant groups. The results validate the efficacy of these contributions, defending the research thesis. These contributions can be used in future research on managing MUVE supported education.
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Online teaching practices : Sociomaterial matters in higher education settings / Undervisningspraktiker online : Ett sociomateriellt perspektiv på högre utbildningBolldén, Karin January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe and analyse online teaching practices in the Swedish higher education context. The study had an online ethnographic approach and was based on empirical data on the teaching in two university courses. The study rested primarily on observational data but interviews and available documents also formed the basis for analysis. Empirical data were analysed with a perspective of practice theory – a perspective within a sociomaterial account. The results showed that online teaching was characterised by an embodied sociomaterial practice. The teacher’s body could be understood as both multiple and closely interwoven with technology. Furthermore, the teacher’s body was used in the teaching situation to reduce technological complexity but also, along with other forms of materiality, to prefigure what kind of teaching would take place. Teacher interventions in online environments could furthermore be understood as relational to both technology (that is the virtual material arrangement) and teachers’ doings and sayings (that is the teaching practice). Teacher interventions were aimed at making the arrangement intelligible for the students. The study showed that teacher interventions arranged both students and information and communication technology (ICT) in order to make them work as a teaching practice. The teaching practice that emerged was characterised as an interplay between virtual materiality and social practice, where asymmetricrelations between teachers and the ICT prevailed. / Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva och analysera undervisningspraktiker online i svensk högre utbildningskontext. Studien har en onlineetnografisk ansats och baseras på empiriska data av undervisningen i två kurser på universitetsnivå. Studien stödjer sig främst på observationsdata men även intervjuer och dokumentstudier ligger som grund för analysen. Empiriska data har analyserats med ett praktikteoretiskt perspektiv – ett perspektiv inom sociomateriell teoribildning. Resultatet visar att undervisning online kännetecknas av en förkroppsligad sociomateriell praktik. Lärarkroppen kan förstås som både multipel och tätt sammanvävd med teknologi. Vidare används lärarkroppen i undervisningssituationen för att reducera komplexitet men även för att, tillsammans med annan materialitet, prefigurera vad det är för typ av undervisning som kommer att utspela sig. Vidare kan lärarinterventioner i onlinemiljöer förstås som relationella till både tekniken (det vill säga det virtuellt materiella arrangemanget) och lärares göranden och säganden (det vill säga undervisningspraktiken). Lärarinterventioner syftar till att göra arrangemanget begripligt för studenterna. Studien visar att lärarinterventionerna arrangerar både studenter och informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (IKT) i syfte att få dem att fungera som en undervisningspraktik. Den undervisningspraktik som uppstår är inte given på förhand utan emergent. Den karaktäriseras av ett samspel mellan virtuell materialitet och social praktik där asymmetriska relationer mellan lärare och IKT råder.
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Fluidez nos mundos virtuais: a participação nas comunidades virtuais do Second Life como forma de potencializar a experiência de consumoAbramides, Vinicius Casella 01 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Oliveira (cristiane.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2011-06-02T14:01:27Z
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68080200034.pdf: 714568 bytes, checksum: 57fa608cba1a8511bea3834c6b143ce4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia(suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2011-06-02T15:01:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-01 / To increase the knowledge of what effectively contributes towards the occurrence of successful interactions between websites and online consumers, more specifically in the growing market of virtual worlds, is a relevant issue for researchers and business administration professionals. We are living in a new consumption culture era, where consumption experience gains relevance. Online games, played in virtual worlds, are very appropriate illustrations to represent the emergence of Experience Marketing, characteristic of this era. Virtual Worlds, like Second Life, can be classified as 'experience worlds', and one of their main characteristics is the existence of virtual communities. Interaction among users and social relationships are elementary for the consumption experience enrichment in virtual worlds. The flow theory is one of the most utilized constructs to understand the consumer’s behavior in the Internet, and one way to define the nature of consumption experiences in the Internet. This model (witch has been utilized and improved during the last 14 years) can be used in order to define and measure the consumption experience in the Internet. Participating in virtual communities may be one of the factors that enrich the consumption experience in virtual worlds, perceived by flow. The objective of this dissertation is to understand if the participation in virtual communities enhances the consumption experience in social virtual worlds, especially in the Second Life, based on the flow concept. The study object was the Second Life virtual communities, during the research period that occurred between the end of July and the beginning of November 2010. In order to perform the field research, empiric and exploratory, the netnography (virtual ethnography) methodology was utilized, descriptive by definition, as a way to reach the proposed objective. Netnography is a strict and systematic adaptation of ethnography specifically modified for the behavior contingencies and the online interaction, that is, to the study of virtual communities. Research activities were undertaken with participative observation, which is with the participation, by the researcher, in the dayby-day Second Life virtual world that he, as a newcomer, fully experienced the consumption experience itself. The present dissertation is the result of the researcher’s engagement in an immersion in the Second Life virtual communities. The conclusion was that the consumption experience in virtual worlds is enriched by the participation in virtual communities. Flow – noted by the telepresence (immersion), loss of time notion, involvement, pleasure, and entertainment – is a sensation that can be considered as typical and frequent in virtual worlds, and enhanced by the participation in virtual communities. Participation in virtual communities enables the users to fully experience a rich experience that is active, responsive, interactive, and participative, which enhances the consumption experience in virtual communities. / Incrementar o conhecimento sobre o que contribui efetivamente para que ocorram interações bem sucedidas entre websites e os consumidores online, mais especificamente no mercado crescente dos mundos virtuais, é um assunto relevante para os pesquisadores e profissionais de administração de empresas. Vivemos em uma nova etapa da cultura do consumo, onde a experiência de consumo ganha relevância. Os jogos online, ambientados em mundos virtuais, são ilustrações muito apropriadas para representar a emergência do Marketing de Experiência, característico desta etapa. Os mundos virtuais, como o Second Life, podem ser classificados como 'mundos de experiência', e uma das suas principais características é a existência de comunidades virtuais. A interação entre usuários e o relacionamento social é fundamental para o enriquecimento da experiência de consumo nos mundos virtuais. A teoria da fluidez é um dos constructos mais utilizados para entender o comportamento do consumidor na internet e uma das formas de definir a natureza de experiências de consumo na internet. A utilização deste modelo (que vem sendo utilizado e aprimorado nos últimos 14 anos) é aconselhada para definir e medir a experiência de consumo na internet. A participação em comunidades virtuais pode ser um dos fatores que enriquecem a experiência de consumo nos mundos virtuais, percebida pela fluidez. O objetivo desta dissertação é entender se a participação em comunidades virtuais potencializa a experiência de consumo em mundos virtuais sociais, em especial no Second Life, tomando como base o conceito da fluidez. O objeto de estudo foram as comunidades virtuais do Second Life, durante o período da pesquisa que ocorreu entre o final de julho e o início de novembro de 2010. Para fazer a pesquisa de campo, empírica e exploratória, foi utilizada a metodologia da netnografia (etnografia virtual), descritiva por definição, como forma de atingir o objetivo proposto. Netnografia é a rigorosa e sistemática adaptação da etnografia especificamente alterada para as contingências do comportamento e interação online, isto é, ao estudo das comunidades virtuais. As atividades de pesquisa foram realizadas com observação participativa, isto é, com a participação, pelo pesquisador, no cotidiano do mundo virtual Second Life, que vivenciou, como um novato, a experiência de consumo em si. A dissertação aqui apresentada é o resultado do engajamento do pesquisador em uma imersão nas comunidades virtuais do Second Life. Foi concluído que experiência de consumo nos mundos virtuais é enriquecida pela participação em comunidades virtuais. A fluidez – percebida pela telepresença (imersão), perda de noção de tempo, envolvimento, prazer e diversão – é uma sensação que pode ser considerada típica e freqüente dos mundos virtuais e potencializada pela participação em comunidades virtuais. A participação em comunidades virtuais permite que os usuários vivenciem uma experiência rica, que seja ativa, responsiva, interativa e participativa, o que potencializa a experiência de consumo nos mundos virtuais.
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An investigation of Internet usage among a group of professionals in South Africa : a uses and gratifications approachGilbert, Juliet Francis 07 1900 (has links)
New mass media impact on the nature of public communication and the use and gratification
of existing mass media because each new medium is used and experienced differently. As a
new mass medium, the Internet offers different forms of communication, such as Internet
Relay Chat, Multi-User Dungeons and chatrooms. It has also combined traditional mass
media, namely print, radio and television, into a single powerful medium. Due to the fact that
the Internet is still an emerging medium, its long-term effects on the nature of public
communication and traditional mass media warrants ongoing investigation.
The first part (Part A) of this dissertation situates the Internet chronologically within the
development of traditional mass media and their impact on public communication. Part B
investigates Internet use among a group of professionals in South Africa. The objective is to
identify how they use the Internet and the gratification they derive from it. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Teaching technical themes in the area of Computer Networks involves difficult concepts
to be understood in the traditional educational way, i.e. statically. At the same time, technological
advances have created many opportunities in education, requiring the development of
new pedagogical practices that contribute to the process of teaching and learning. The creation
of immersive virtual environments and the addressing of issues related to context-aware computing
can support this process. For that, in this dissertation it was developed an immersive
virtual environment for teaching Computer Networks that uses learner context information -e.g.
technology, cognitive style, and quality of context-, while providing a significant learning from
the integration and interaction between users and technology. To achieve the objectives of this
study, an exploratory research with a case study was performed in order to verify whether the
use of an immersive virtual environment can facilitate and/or improve the process of learning
the discipline of Computer Networks. The construction of this environment, named TCN5, has
as basis four main elements, these being,WampServer, OpenSimulator, Sloodle and UVLEQoC
Moodle, which adds features from modules like U-SEA 2.0 and SEDECA 2.0, in addition to
Bootstrap theme, applying QoC parameters and metrics about the information collected in the
environment, aiming to ensure the suitability of the connection for the preferences and needs
of the students. In order to verify the practical feasibility of the work and the usage of the
environment through mobile devices, a case study was conducted, which showed that despite
mobile technologies allow the realization of most of the proposed activities, there are still some
technological limitations that make difficult the usage of such devices in the educational context.
At the same time, a comparative analysis between different viewers for virtual worlds
was performed, pointing out advantages and disadvantages by considering aspects of available
resources for processing and supported file types. Finally, a non-experimental study was conducted,
using a Pedagogical Architecture, which served as the basis for the use and evaluation
of the environment by a group of 25 students from the Computer Networks discipline of Computer
Science program at the Federal University of Santa Maria. The results obtained during the
evaluation with students accomplished the desired expectations, achieving a rating of "Excellent"
on the scale of the SUS usability test and a considerable increase in the average obtained
in the elaboration of the conceptual maps after using TCN5, an indication that the environment
helped, at least in part, to the construction of knowledge of this group, despite the limitations
and difficulties encountered during its development. / O ensino de temas técnicos na área de Redes de Computadores envolve conceitos difíceis
de serem entendidos na forma pedagógica tradicional, ou seja, de forma estática. Ao
mesmo tempo, os avanços tecnológicos criaram diversas possibilidades na educação, exigindo
o desenvolvimento de novas práticas pedagógicas que contribuam para o processo de ensino
e aprendizagem. A criação de ambientes virtuais imersivos e o tratamento de questões relacionadas
com a computação sensível ao contexto podem auxiliar nesse processo. Para isso,
foi desenvolvido nesta dissertação um ambiente virtual imersivo para o ensino de Redes de
Computadores que trata informações de contexto do aluno (e.g., tecnologia, estilo cognitivo e
qualidade do contexto), proporcionando ao mesmo uma aprendizagem significativa, a partir da
integração e interação entre usuários e tecnologia. Para atingir os objetivos deste trabalho foi
realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com estudo de caso, a fim de verificar se a utilização de
um ambiente virtual imersivo pode facilitar e/ou melhorar o processo de aprendizagem da disciplina
de Redes de Computadores. A construção desse ambiente, denominado TCN5, teve como
base quatro elementos principais, sendo esses, o WampServer, o OpenSimulator, o Sloodle e
o Moodle UVLEQoC, que agrega as características tanto dos módulos U-SEA 2.0 e SEDECA
2.0 como do Tema Bootstrap, aplicando parâmetros e métricas de QoC sobre as informações
coletadas no ambiente, com o objetivo de garantir que o contexto formulado esteja adequado às
preferências e necessidades dos alunos. Para verificar a viabilidade prática do trabalho quanto à
utilização do ambiente por meio do uso de dispositivos móveis foi realizado um estudo de caso,
que demonstrou que apesar das tecnologias móveis permitirem a realização da maioria das atividades
propostas, existem ainda algumas limitações tecnológicas que dificultam a utilização
desses dispositivos no contexto educacional. Ao mesmo tempo, foi realizada uma análise comparativa
entre os diversos visualizadores de mundos virtuais disponíveis, apontando vantagens
e desvantagens, considerando aspectos de processamento, recursos disponibilizados e tipos de
arquivos suportados. Por fim, foi realizado um estudo Não-Experimental utilizando uma Arquitetura
Pedagógica, que serviu como base para a utilização e avaliação do ambiente por uma
turma de 25 alunos da disciplina de Redes de Computadores do Curso de Ciência da Computação
da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Os resultados obtidos durante a avaliação com os
alunos atenderam as expectativas, alcançando uma classificação Excelente na escala do teste
de usabilidade SUS, bem como um aumento considerável na média obtida na elaboração dos
mapas conceituais após a utilização do TCN5, um indício de que o ambiente auxiliou, pelo menos
em parte, na construção do conhecimento dessa turma, apesar das limitações e dificuldades
encontradas durante o seu desenvolvimento.
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The interplay between non-verbal and verbal interaction in synthetic worlds which supports verbal participation and production in a foreign language. / Le rapport entre le verbal et le non verbal dans des mondes synthétiques et son rôle de soutien pour la production et la participation verbales en langue étrangère.Wigham, Ciara 16 November 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à analyser la communication pédagogique multimodale dans des mondes synthétiques (virtuels). L'étude se focalise sur le rapport entre le verbal et le non verbal et son rôle de soutien pour la production et la participation verbales en langue étrangère. Celui-ci est analysé dans une perspective socio-sémiotique de la multimodalité, dans le contexte d'une formation conduite dans le monde synthétique Second Life selon une approche Enseignement d'une Matière Intégré à une Langue Étrangère (Emile). La formation, 'Building Fragile Spaces' menée dans le cadre du projet européen ARCHI21 a été conçue pour des étudiants d'architecture dont la langue étrangère était soit le français soit l'anglais.Le rapport entre le verbal et le non verbal est examiné selon trois angles différents. Premièrement, le rôle du non verbal pendant une activité de construction collaborative est analysé au vu des opportunités offertes par des mondes synthétiques pour la co-création de l'environnement et pour la collaboration. A travers cette étude, nous nous demandons si l'utilisation du mode non verbal a un impact sur la participation des étudiants dans le mode verbal et si le rapport entre ces deux modes a une influence sur la production verbale. Deuxièmement, l'utilisation du non verbal pour la construction des identités est abordée et est considérée en rapport avec l'interaction et la participation verbale des étudiants dans la langue étrangère. Finalement, la recherche se concentre sur le rapport entre les modalités audio et clavardage dans le mode verbal. Plus particulièrement, l'étude s'intéresse au rôle du clavardage dans l'interaction puisqu'il est en compétition non seulement avec l'audio mais également avec plusieurs modalités non verbales. La possibilité d'utiliser le clavardage pour la rétroaction est également abordée.Cette thèse cherche à contribuer aux considérations méthodologiques exigées pour que la recherche concernant la communication pédagogique multimodale dans des mondes synthétiques puisse aller au-delà des exemples spéculatifs et anecdotiques. Une typologie de modalités verbales et non verbales est proposée. Elle sert à étendre une méthodologie proposée pour la transcription des interactions multimodales aux interactions possibles dans les mondes synthétiques. En vue de la problématique plus générale, dans les domaines des Sciences Humaines et des Sciences du Langage, il s'agit de rendre visibles et accessibles publiquement les données utilisées pour les analyses. En effet, cette étude se réfère à un corpus d'apprentissage dans son approche méthodologique. La construction d'un corpus structuré permet d'effectuer des analyses contextualisées des données recueillies lors de la formation 'Building Fragile Spaces'.Cette recherche propose quelques éléments de réponse concernant l'augmentation de la participation verbale en rapport avec l'organisation proxémique des étudiants, la customisation de l'apparence des avatars des étudiants et l'utilisation importante des actes non verbaux. Concernant la production verbale, l'étude décrit comment, dans le mode non verbal, le mouvement de l'avatar est employé en tant que stratégie pour surmonter des difficultés de communication dans le mode verbal. Ces difficultés concernent, en particulier, l'expression de la direction et de l'orientation. L'étude montre également l'intérêt d'utiliser le clavardage pour offrir de la rétroaction concernant la forme linguistique dans le but de soutenir la production verbale des apprenants dans la modalité audio. Au vu des résultats, l'étude propose quelques considérations concernant la conception des activités pédagogiques pour l'apprentissage des langues dans des mondes synthétiques. / This research focuses on multimodal pedagogical communication in synthetic (virtual) worlds. The study investigates the interplay between verbal and nonverbal interaction which supports verbal participation and production in a foreign language. This is analysed from a socio-semiotic perspective of multimodality within the context of a course held in the synthetic world Second Life, which adopted a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach. The course, entitled 'Building Fragile Spaces', formed part of the European project ARCHI21. It was designed for higher education students of Architecture whose foreign language was either French or English.The interplay between verbal and nonverbal interaction is examined from three different angles. Firstly, considering the opportunities synthetic worlds offer for the co-creation of the environment through building activities and for collaboration, the role played by the nonverbal mode during a collaborative building activity is investigated. The study questions whether the use of the nonverbal mode impacts on the participation of students in the verbal mode, and whether any interplay exists between these two modes that influences verbal production. Secondly, use of the nonverbal mode by students in inworld identity construction is addressed and considered with reference to their verbal interaction, and participation, in the foreign language. Thirdly, the research concentrates upon interplay between the audio and textchat modalities in the verbal mode. More specifically, the focus is on whether the textchat plays a role during interaction, considering it is in competition not only with the audio modality but also with several nonverbal modalities; and on whether the textchat modality can serve for feedback provision on language form.This thesis seeks to contribute to the methodological considerations to allow research to move beyond speculative and anecdotal examples of multimodal pedagogical communication in synthetic worlds. A typology of nonverbal and verbal modalities is proposed, and then drawn upon, to extend a previous methodology suggested for multimodal transcription to interactions in synthetic worlds. Considering, within the fields of Social Sciences and Language Sciences, the more general research problem to render research data used for analyses visible and publically accessible, the study adopts a LEarning and TEaching Corpus (LETEC) methodological approach. Constituting a structured corpus allows for contextual analyses of the data collected during the 'Building Fragile Spaces' course.This research offers insights into how verbal participation increases with reference to the proxemic organisation of students, the customization of students' avatar appearance and an increased use of nonverbal acts. Concerning verbal production, the study shows how avatar movement in the nonverbal mode was used as a strategy to overcome verbal miscommunication when expressing direction and orientation and also the benefits of using the textchat modality for feedback on language form in order to support learners’ productions in the audio modality. In light of these results, the study suggests some considerations concerning the design of pedagogical activities for language learning within synthetic worlds.
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Well-being Technologies: Meditation Using Virtual WorldsDowney, Laura 01 January 2015 (has links)
In a technologically overloaded world, is it possible to use technology to support well-being activities and enhance human flourishing? Proponents of positive technology and positive computing are striving to answer yes to that question. However, the impact of technology on well-being remains unresolved. Positive technology combines technology and positive psychology. Positive psychology focuses on well-being and the science of human flourishing. Positive computing includes an emphasis on designing with well-being in mind as a way to support human potential. User experience (UX) is critical to positive technology and positive computing. UX researchers and practitioners are advocating for experience-driven design and third wave human-computer interaction (HCI) that focuses on multi-dimensional, interpretive, situated, and phenomenological aspects. Third-wave HCI goes beyond cognition to include emotions, values, culture, and experience. This research investigated technology-supported meditation in a three-dimensional (3D) virtual world from a positive technology perspective to examine how technology can support engagement, self-empowerment, and well-being. Designing and evaluating technology for well-being support is complex and challenging. Further, although virtual worlds have been used in positive technology applications, little research exists that illuminates the experience of user engagement in virtual worlds. In this formative exploratory study, experienced meditators (N = 12) interacted with a virtual meditation world titled Sanctuarium that was developed for this research. Using a third wave HCI approach, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected to understand the nature of engagement with a virtual world and the experiential aspects of technology-supported meditation. Results supported using virtual worlds to produce restorative natural environments. Participants overwhelmingly reacted positively to the islandscape including both visual and sound elements. Findings indicated that Sanctuarium facilitated the meditation experience, similar to guided meditation – although participants remarked on the uniqueness of the experience. Aspects of facilitation centered on the concepts of non-distraction, focus, and simplicity of design and instructions. Participants also identified Sanctuarium as a good tool for helping those new to meditation. Meditators described positive effects of their meditation experience during interviews and also rated their experience as positive using the scale titled Effects of Meditation During Meditation. Phenomenological analysis provided a rich description of the nature of engagement while meditating with Sanctuarium. Meditators also rated engagement as high via an adapted User Engagement Scale. This interdisciplinary work drew from multiple fields and contributes to the HCI domain, virtual worlds’ literature, information systems research, and the nascent areas of positive technology and positive computing.
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