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有序分類下三維列聯表之關係模型探討 / On Association Models for Three-Way Contingency Tables with Ordinal Categories劉佳鑫, Benny Liu, Chia-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是在探討三個變數所構成之三維列聯表中,兩兩有序類別變數間的關係,而衡量的標準,我們則採用「兩兩變數所構成之二維列聯表中,相鄰兩列與相鄰兩行所求計出的相對成敗比(local odds ratios)」。在三維列聯表的資料架構下,我們可分別就固定某一變數水準之下兩個有序變數彼此間的「條件關係」,以及三個有序類別變數彼此兩兩間的「部分關係」,建構其各自的三維關係模型,並進行參數估計。此外,我們也提供必要的電腦程式,並舉出實例,加以說明。 / In analyzing a three-way contingency table with three ordinal variables, we can use association models suggested in Goodman (1979) to study the association between each pair of ordinal variables. The association was measured in terms of the local odds ratios formed from adjacent rows and adjacent columns of the cross-classification. This article investigates in great details the conditional association models and the partial association models for three-way cross-classifications. In addition, issues on estimating the para-meters in these two kinds of association models are discussed, and computer programs are provided. Some of the applications are illustrated.
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選民與種民:基督宗教宗徒教父作品與早期天師道經典之比較研究 / The Elected People: A Comparative Religious Study on the Apostolic Fathers’ Writings and the Early Scriptures of the Way of the Celestial Masters張毅民, CHANG, Iee-Ming Paulus Unknown Date (has links)
本論文針對基督宗教宗徒教父作品之《十二宗徒訓誨錄》、《克來孟致格林多人前書》、《依那爵主教七封書信》,與早期天師道之經書《老子想爾注》、《大道家令戒》、《陽平治》中的蒙選思想,進行經典分析與比較研究。研究方法除了縱向的經典分析之外,亦採橫向主題討論與比較。在個案分析方面,本論文指出︰《十二宗徒訓誨錄》的蒙選思想特點是「遵守規範與誡命以確保選民身分」、「呈現出猶太基督徒的信仰跳躍」;《克來孟致格林多人前書》特點是︰「蒙選標準的改變︰義人vs.惡人」、「蒙選者的神祕數字」、「教會︰集體式的蒙選思想」;《依那爵七封書信》特點是︰「殉道與磨難是基督徒蒙選的記號」、「基督徒是天主之愛的果實」、「基督是唯一的天父之門」;《老子想爾注》特點是︰「道是有意志的至高神,祂的旨意是創造與救援」、「蒙選之人與偽技」、「恪遵道誡就是守約」;《大道家令戒》與《陽平治》特點是︰「天人盟約︰正一盟威之道」、「種民︰道教式的『選民』」、「種民︰與男女合氣或黃赤之術無關」。在橫向主題式的比較方面︰一、「盟約與蒙選」指出盟約是神(或道)的旨意與人的意願二合一的結果,這個觀點不僅見於三件宗徒教父作品中,也同見本研究分析之早期天師道經書中,同時,均明確強調「至誠之心」的重要性,而盟約也是祝福、並且神(道)與人雙方自願受束縛的表示。二、「罪與蒙選」指出宗徒教父時期延續以色列信仰傳統中創造、犯罪、盟約、蒙選的思想,但是「克來孟」或依那爵均高舉耶穌基督之血建立的新約的重要性。「種民」則是在罪惡世界中因奉法有功且積極行善,蒙老君揀選獲救的道民,儘管了不可得,但「道」並沒有放棄救援的意願。三、「蒙祝福的種嗣」方面,基督徒的「選民」具有濃厚的「種嗣」思想,而「種民」辭彙中亦有「罪惡世界中蒙祝福的種嗣」的意思,在天人符應過程中,是使天地再度出現太平氣的關鍵角色。 / This research focuses on the ideas of ‘the divine election’ in the following documents: the Didache, 1 Clement, 7 Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, Lao-Zi Xiang’er Zhu(The Xiang’er commentary of the Dao-de Jin,老子想爾注), Dao-dao Jialing Jie (The Rules Governing the Family of the Dao,大道家令戒), Yiang-ping zhi ( The Diocese of Yangping, 陽平治). Both scriptural analysis and thematic comparative analysis are applied as the method of the research. The findings are as followed. In the scriptures, ideas of the ‘divine election’ are expressed with different distinguishing features: in the Didache, they are:’ keeping commandments for ensuring the chosen identity,’ ‘the leap-of-faith of the Jewish Christians;’ in 1 Clement they are: ‘righteousness vs. wickedness as the boundary of the election,’ ‘mysterious number of the elected,’ and ‘ecclesia: a collective idea of the divine election;’ in the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch, they are: ‘persecution as a sign of the divine election,’ ‘Christian as a fruit of God’s Love,’ and ‘Christ, the door of the Father.’ In the Xiang’er Zhu, they are: ‘Dao, the supreme God, who’s will is to create and to save,’ ‘the elected people and the false skills,’ and ‘compliance to Dao’s precepts is to keep the Covenant;’ in the Jialing Jie and Yiang-ping zhi, they are: ‘ “Zhengyi mengwei zhi dao(正一盟威之道)” is the Covenant,’ ‘Zhong-min(種民), a Daoist expression of “the elected people”,’ and ‘zhong-min, a dignified and extraordinary identity and status unrelated to sexual rites.’ In the thematic analysis: 1. Covenant and the Election: (1) covenant as a union of wills of God and of man; highly emphasizes on whole-heartedness and sincerity; covenant as a divine blessing as well as an expression of the both sides’ willingness of being constrained. 2. Sin and the Election: (1) although clear inheritance of Israel’s faith tradition can be found in the Apostolic Fathers’ writings, 1 Clement and Epistles of Ignatius highly emphasis on the Blood of Christ and Jesus’ New Covenant. Whereas zhong-mins are the divine elected in the sinful world; though they are extremely rare, the Dao does not give up searching them for the purpose of saving the world out of the depths. 3. The Blessed Seeds: Christians’ ‘the elected people’ densely connotes ‘the seed people;’ both ‘zhong-min’ and ‘the elected’ connote ‘the blessed seed in the sinful world.’ Zhong-mins not only can survive eschatological catastrophe, but also function as the ones inducing Tai-pin Chi (太平氣) in the post-catastrophe world. They are the ones through which the Dao bestow the divine blessings upon the world.
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An intergrated crisis communication framework for strategic crisis communication with the media : a case study on a financial services providerSwart, Yolandi 03 1900 (has links)
For organisations to survive in an ever-changing milieu, as evident from the current business
environment, sufficient crisis communication and management practices need to be in place to ensure
organisational survival. Despite the latter, organisational crises are often inefficiently managed which
could be ascribed to the lack of managing crises strategically (Kash & Darling 1998:180). This study
explores the lack of strategic crisis communication processes within the financial industry specifically,
to ensure effective crisis communication with the media as stakeholder group, through the proposition
of an integrated crisis communication framework, which focuses on:
· Combining integrated communication (IC) literature with Grunig’s theory of communication
excellence to build sustainable media relationships through two-way communication; and
· Implementing a crisis communication process that has proactive, reactive and post-evaluative crisis
communication stages, thereby moving away from crisis communication as a predominant reactive function. / Communication Sciences / M.A. (Communication)
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A strategic sequential, integrated, sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (SISOSR) model for building stakeholder partnerships : a corporate communication perspectiveSlabbert, Yolandi 11 1900 (has links)
A dominant focus on organisational stakeholders is currently evident in both the literature and in practice since it is argued that the success of organisations is predominantly dependent on stakeholders’ perception of the organisation. This stakeholder emphasis is evident in the inclusion of a chapter on governing stakeholder relations in the King III report and the development of various stakeholder standards in South Africa, including corporate social investment, corporate governance, corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability and the triple bottom line. Despite the recognition of the importance and necessity of building and maintaining stakeholder relations in the literature, there is a dearth of research on how to actually build these relationships. The aim of this study was to address this shortcoming by proposing a generic, integrated approach to sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (OSR) building with strategic stakeholders whereby strategic stakeholder identification, OSR development and OSR maintenance, which are often studied independently, would be integrated in order to constitute a new unified model. This model will promote a sustainable OSR-building process for organisation-stakeholder partnership (OSP) development.The following three building blocks for such a model were proposed: a strategic communication foundation that promotes the integration of specific corporate communication functions that is practised from a two-way symmetrical communication perspective as the basis for effective OSR building; a theoretical foundation, which is an integration of Freeman’s stakeholder concept (1984) from a normative, relational viewpoint, Ferguson’s relational paradigm for public relations (1984) and Ledingham’s (2003) theory of relationship management, encapsulated by Grunig’s (1984) excellence theory, of which the proposed OSR-building model would be a pragmatic representation; and a conceptualisation of the OSR-building model where the actual phases of the OSR-building process would be proposed to provide step-by-step guidance for OSR building. This model promotes a partnership approach with strategic stakeholders, which is based on the proposition of an OSR development continuum, which implies that an OSR could grow in intensity over time, from a foundational OSR, mutually-beneficial OSR, sustainable OSR, to ultimate organisational-stakeholder partnerships (OSPs).
This model was built from a corporate communication perspective, and subsequently highlighted the contribution of corporate communication in the organisation as an OSR-building function to ensure organisational effectiveness. This study provided an exploratory literature review to constitute a conceptual framework for OSR-building of which the principles of the framework would be further explored and measured in leading listed South African organisations, by means of a quantitative web-based survey and qualitative one-on-one interviews to compose an OSR-building model that provides guidance on the process of OSR building on the basis of insights from theory and practice. / Ingevolge die argument dat die sukses van organisasies hoofsaaklik afhanklik is van die persepsies wat belangegroepe oor organisasies het, word ‘n dominante fokus tans op organisatoriese belangegroepe in die literatuur en praktyk geplaas. Die fokus op belangegroepe is sigbaar in die insluiting van ‘n hoofstuk oor die bou van belangegroepverhoudings in die King III verslag asook die ontwikkeling van verskeie belangegroepstandaarde in Suid Afrika, wat korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid, korporatiewe burgerskap, korporatiewe volhoubaarheid en drievoudige eindresultaat insluit. Ten spyte daarvan dat die belangrikheid en noodsaaklikheid van die bou en behoud van belangegroepverhoudings erken word in die literatuur, is daar ‘n tekort aan navorsing oor hoe om die verhoudings te bou. Die studie poog om dié tekortkoming aan te spreek deur middel van ‘n generiese, geϊntegreerde benadering vir volhoubare organisatoriese-belangegroepvershoudings (OBV) met strategiese belangegroepe voor te stel, waar strategiese belangegroep identifikasie, OBV ontwikkeling en OBV instandhouding, aspekte wat dikwels afsonderlik bestudeer word, geintegreer word in ‘n nuwe, verenigde model. Hierdie model sal ’n volhoubare OBV verbouiingsproses voorstel vir die ontwikkeling van organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskappe.
Drie boustene word vir die model voorgestel naamlik; ‘n strategiese kommunkasie fondasie wat die integrasie van spesifieke korporatiewe kommunikasie funksies vanuit ‘n twee-rigting simmetriese kommunikasie perspektief as basis vir die effektiewe bou van OBV insluit; ‘n teoretiese fondasie wat ‘n integrasie van Freeman (1984) se belangegroepkonsep van ‘n normatiewe, verhoudingsstandpunt, Ferguson (1984) se verhoudingsparadigma vir openbare skakelwerk en Ledingham (2003) se verhoudingsbestuursteorie insluit, omhul deur Grunig (1984) se uitnemendheidsteorie, waarvan die voorgestelde OBV model ‘n praktiese voorstelling sal wees; en ‘n konseptualisering van OBV-verbouing wat die fases van die OBV proses sal stipuleer om stap-vir-stap riglyne vir die bou van OBV voor te stel. ‘n Vennootskapsbenadering met strategiese belangegroepe word voorgestel deur die model, wat gebaseer is op die proposisie van ‘n OBV ontwikkelingskontinuum, wat impliseer dat ‘n OBV oor tyd in intensiteit kan groei van ‘n basiese OBV, wedersydse voordelige OBV, volhoubare OBV tot ‘n uiteindelike organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskap.
Die model is gebou uit ‘n korporatiewe kommunikasiestandpunt, wat gevolglik die bydrae van korporatiewe kommunikasie in die organisasie as ’n OBV-verbouingsfunksie om organisatoriese effektiwiteit te verseker, beklemtoon. Die studie bied ‘n verkennende literatuurstudie om ’n konseptuele raamwerk vir OBV-verbouing daar te stel, waarvan die beginsels van die raamwerk verder verken en gemeet is in gelysde Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies deur middel van ‘n kwantitatiewe web-gebaseerde opname en een-tot-een onderhoude om ’n OBV-verbouingsmodel te ontwikkel wat riglyne vir die proses van OBV-verbouing bied, gebaseer op beide teoretiese en praktiese insigte. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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Vliv stravovacích návyků na redukci tělesného tuku / Inflence of nutrition streotypes on body fat reductionLichnovský, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
Title: Influence of nutrition stereotypes on body fat reduction Objectives: The aim of this work is to achieve a reduction in body fat through appropriate eating habits. Acquired theoretical knowledge applied to practice for six women of different age and movement regime. Inform about the procedures of this intervention. Verify the validity of theoretical knowledge in practice. Achieve the desired results. Methods Basic dietary recommendations, peer-to-peer comparisons and time aspects of food intake. Furthermore, bioimpedance measurements on the In Body 230 instrument and physical body measurements by a tape method to determine the baseline status of the examined women and to subsequently monitor their running state at specified intervals. Developing a diet for each of these women and evaluating the on-going status. Results: The result of this diploma thesis is to make changes in eating habits that will lead to the reduction of body fat. Partial results are the protocols from the continuous measurement on the In Body 230 at the Lunacor s.r.o. In Kroměříž and fitness center Fit2b s.r.o. In Prague 8 - Bohnice.. Key words: Nutrition, way of living, lifestyle, obesity, BMI, dietary, basal metabolism, nutrition ratio, nutritional habits, reduction, body weight, body fat, muscle mass, body water,...
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Dynamická analýza koleje / Dynamic analysis of trackMojžíšek, Dominik January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with descriptions of vehicle - track dynamic interface. There are described basic analytical models of railway track. The numerical models are created by using finite element methods with moving load simulated axle of rail vehicle. The aim of thesis is to create the model which most accurately describes the dynamic phenomena in the track. The results from models are compared with data obtained by measuring in the track. Next aim of thesis is to determine dependency of rail cross-sectional characteristics on equivalent rail head wear and then on rail deflection.
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Řešení dopravy v centru Havlíčkova Brodu / Traffic situation in the city centre of Havlíčkův Brod and its solutionTobek, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the solution of the traffic situation in the city center of Havlíčkův Brod. Mainly the ground road number II/150 adjustment, which consist in the modification of the two-way traffic to one-way traffic organization in the streets Dolní, Žižkova and Na Ostrově by using the analogy of a roundabout layout, is solved within this thesis. All mentioned modifications simplify the traffic situation, improve the orientation and increase the security and the traffic flow mainly in relation to pedestrians and cyclists. Another part of this thesis is focused on revitalization of the public spaces in front of the community center called Ostrov and junction of existing cycle tracks situated on the both banks of the Sázava river. In relation to this topic the adjustment of rainwater sewerage system, low-voltage above ground network, public lighting, communication electric cables, fire brigade signal lights and low-pressure gas pipeline is also solved.
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Experimentální metody v energetickém hodnocení / Experimental Methods in energy assessmentPalík, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The final thesis is focused od the experimental metods in energy rating of building. In the first part is described history of energy rating from the eigtheens to the present and described is the current trend of energy rating in terms of energy performance certificates. In the second part is elaborated energy assessment for apartment building from bricks with six residential units. For the building is drawn a total of 6 measures, of which there are 3 structural and 3 for building equipment. The measures are assembled to variants and the resulting variant is recommended, including recommendation. In the last experimental part is described the influence of shading elements on the thermal load of the room and modeled the effect of insulating double glazing and triple the overall energy performance reference room.
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Statický návrh nosných konstrukcí bytového domu v Praze / Design of load-bearing structures of residential building in PragueCetkovský, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is aimed for design of load-bearing structures of residental building. The designed parts of building are reinforced concrete two way slab with lintels above 1th floor, reinforced concrete two way cantivelered slab above ground floor, reinforced concrete point-supported slab below ground floor, reinforced concrete columns in basement, reinforced concrete staircase in basement and static check of loadbearing walls in ground floor. The thesis contains static design, which is provided in calculated software RFEM Dlubal 5.07. The result of static design is drawing documentation of these calculated elements.
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La autorrealización en el Camino de Santiago : Un análisis diacrónico sobre la representación de la autorrealización y el camino como símbolo de la vida en la poesía sobre el Camino a Santiago de Compostela / Self-consciousness in the Way of Saint James : A diachronic analysis of the representation of self-consciousness and the way as a symbol of life in poetry about the Way to Santiago de Compostela.Holmgren Rylander, Linda January 2020 (has links)
En el presente estudio realizaré un análisis diacrónico de la representación de la autorrealización en cinco poemas seleccionados sobre el Camino de Santiago. Los poemas elegidos son los siguientes, en orden cronológico: “Don Gaiferos de Mormaltán” de un autor anónimo, “A Santiago” de Fray Luis de León, “Camino blanco, viejo camino” de Rosalía de Castro, “Peregrino” de Luis Cernuda y “El Camino de Santiago” de Francisco Vaquerizo. Los textos mencionados representan poemas que han sido escritos desde la Edad Media hasta la actualidad. El presente análisis se concentra en el tema de la autorrealización y cómo se representa en la poesía del Camino de Santiago, y, además, analizamos el camino como símbolo de la vida. El análisis se realiza en cinco secciones y cada una corresponde a un poema seleccionado. Cada sección se divide entre los dos temas esenciales: la representación de la autorrealización y el camino como símbolo de la vida. Por último, hacemos un breve análisis comparativo entre los poemas. El análisis se realiza a través de la teoría de isotopías de Greimas (1966) y unos conceptos poéticos de Bousoño (1962) y Lapesa (1962). Además, las reflexiones se basan en el análisis en los conceptos de Kurt Goldstein (1940) y Abraham Maslow (1943) sobre el concepto de la autorrealización. Por lo tanto, la teoría isotópica funciona como una herramienta retórica para buscar las palabras de cada poema que tiene el mismo sentido semántico en común. Los resultados del análisis muestran un fuerte deseo de seguir adelante, no volver atrás y tener una creencia firme religiosa o espiritual para continuar el camino. Además, es posible percibir el camino como un símbolo de la vida, dado que hay un movimiento con un comienzo y un fin en la mayoría de los textos. Los resultados igualmente indican que hay ciertos aspectos similares en relación con la autorrealización tanto el poema de la Edad Media como en el poema del siglo XXI.
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