1001 |
Inverkan av placering av spännkablar pågenomstansningskapacitet hos armeradebetongplattor / Influence of Post-Tensioned Reinforcement Distribution on Punching Shear Capacity of RC SlabsTran, David, Correa, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
På grund av bostadsbristen de senaste åren har byggbranschen varit tvungen att möta den höga efterfrågan på bostäder. Ett sätt att underlätta det tryck som skapats på grund av den höga efterfrågan är att rekonstruera byggnader avsedda för annan användning än bostäder till bostadshus. Ett problem som har uppstått vid ombyggnation av till exempel ett kontorshus som består av spännarmerade pelardäck, är känsligheten för nya hål som krävs för nya installationer som går igenom de efterspända bjälklagen (bestående av betongplattor). Problematiken består av att håltagningar som vanligtvis är lokaliserade nära pelarna måste göras på ett större avstånd från pelaren på grund av de spännkablar som går över och nära plattans pelaranslutning. Efterspända kablar är normalt sett belägna över plattans pelaranslutning enligt dagens dimensioneringsnormer för att bidra till plattornas genomstansningskapacitet.I detta examensarbete undersöktes det om det finns vetenskapligt stöd för att flytta kablarna till en längre distans från pelaren (än vad normerna rekommenderar) med hänsyn till genomstansningskapaciteten, och därmed förenkla vid en potentiell ombyggnation.Huvudsyftet med arbetet var att med hjälp av en litteraturstudie samt beräkningar jämföra ett experiment som utförts av Ghassem Hassanzadeh och Håkan Sundquist vid KTH 1997- 1998 (som visade att kablar på ett längre avstånd från pelaren ger ett visst bidrag till betongplattans genomstansningskapacitet) med dagens normer samt nyare studier. Dagens dimensioneringsnormer inkluderar inte bidraget till kapaciteten när spännkablarna placeras utanför det så kallade grundkontrollsnittet (området som undersöks vid dimensionering enligt normerna).Ett annat syfte med detta examensarbete var att studera och uppdatera de beräknade resultaten (enligt dåtidens normer) från studien. Denna rapport uppdaterar studien genom att undersöka rådande normernas beräknade resultat samt jämföra med liknande tester från andra forskare. Dimensioneringsnormerna som undersöktes var Eurokod 2, ACI 318 och MC2010Som del av litteraturstudien redovisas även en liknande försökserie från Portugal av A. Pinho Ramos, Valter J.G. Lúcio & Duarte M.V Faria samt en sammanställning av olika försök som genomfördes i Schweiz av Clément T, Ramos A.P, Fernández Ruiz M, Muttoni A. Sammanställning i Schweiz beräknade genomstansningskapaciteten för 74 olika plattor där plattorna från försöket vid KTH finns med. Den här studien tyder på att dagens dimensioneringsnormer har en säkerhetsmarginal vid approximationer (vid både normalfall och vid flytt av kablar), men att det fortfarande saknas tillräckliga belägg för att rättfärdiga en flytt av spännkablar.Rapporten är skriven för CBI Betonginstitutet där G. Hassanzadeh har varit handledare.
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”I heard that’s the thing here…” : En doxisk topikanalys av samtalet mellan sydkoreanska Lee Young Ji och danska Christopher på YouTube-showen My Alcohol Diary.Söderlund, Tova January 2024 (has links)
Sydkoreansk populärkultur konsumeras i dag i hela världen. Globaliseringen har lett till att internationella fans av sydkoreansk populärkultur blir fler och att internationella stjärnor får fler möjligheter att visa upp sig i Sydkorea. Eftersom interaktionerna mellan Sydkorea och omvärlden ökar bör vi undersöka hur sådana interkulturella möten fungerar. Med andra ord, vi måste studera hur människor interagerar via olika doxiska förutsättningar. En växande ”variety”-genre inom nya sydkoreanska ”ontact”-eran är underhållningsprogram på YouTube där koreanska underhållningspersonligheter eller artister intervjuar andra stjärnor samt ofta konsumerar alkohol. Inom ”ontact”-genren blev YouTube-showen My Alcohol Diary, ledd av Lee Young Ji, snabbt populär. Denna uppsats studerar ett avsnitt ur My Alcohol Diary där den danska sångaren Christopher är gäst. Uppsatsen undersöker med hjälp av en topikanalys hur Lees och Christophers doxiska förutsättningar ser ut och uttrycks. Uttolkningen av videon kompletteras av fyra kommenterande texter om avsnittet, vilka bidrar med ytterligare ett internationellt åskådarperspektiv. Detta görs med hjälp av Ruth Amossys förståelse av doxa och LuMing Maos idé "rhetorical way-making". Uppsatsen kommer fram till att Lee och Christopher inom tre funna topiska kategorier - språk, ålder och hierarki, och relationer - konverserar via olika personor som syftar att skapa sig en etoshöjande personlighet. Samtalet ger upphov till doxiska gränser dem emellan, vilket syns tydligast i topikkategorin relationer. I konversationen, och i de kommenterande texternas, skapas en asymmetrisk maktrelation mellan de två genom de roller de tilldelsas och tar. Problematiken av olikhet leder till att Lee och Christopher sätts i ett binärt system för att skilja dem från varandra även när de försöker förstå varandra. / South Korean popular culture has grown increasingly popular in the last few years. A rather unexplored genre within the newly defined south Korean genre “ontact” is the growing number of ”variety”-esque shows on YouTube. With the help of a doxic topoi analysis, this thesis explores the implications of the intercultural meeting between Lee Young Ji and Danish singer Christopher Lund Nissen on the show My Alcohol Diary. Four articles about the episode is also object of the study. This thesis uses Ruth Amossy's understanding of doxa and LuMing Mao's concept "rhetorical way-making". In the topic categories of language, age and hierarchy, and relationships, this thesis concludes that Christopher and Lee are made to represent their cultures even though their representation is hinged on the situation and their different backgrounds. The differences are played through personas which adds a layer of self-representation to the conversation. The relationship between the two is asymmetric in their cultural doxas.
1003 |
Feeding and Feedback in the Circumgalactic Medium(CGM) of Low-redshift Spiral Galaxies: a gastronomical talein X-ray, 21-cm, and Sunyaev-Zel’dovich EffectDas, Sanskriti 08 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
1004 |
Inlandskommunens digitala klyfta : En kvalitativ studie om hur Vilhelmina kommun kan nå alla invånare / A small municipality’s digital divide : A qualitative study of how Vilhelmina municipality can reach all residents.Liljekvist, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
This surveys hypothesis is based on the notion that all citizens have the right to access information of the municipality they live in. The aim of the study is to examine how residents of Vilhelmina municipality take note of the current information, and also how they would proceed to access information in the future. In order to conceptualise the results these following theories were used: digital divide, digital immigrants, digital native, uses and gratification theory, social capital, communications strategies and two-way communication. The survey is conducted with four focus group interviews and one separate interview with a person working at the municipal office. The focus groups were divided into age categories in order to see the similarities and differences between the groups' media habits and preferences of future communications. The study material consists of the transcribed texts from the abovementioned interviews. The results of this research demonstrate that there is significant difference between age groups. According to the early theory of digital divide the gap in information between groups exists only due to the individual’s ability to access the Internet, which not match this study’s results. More current updates of the theory of digital divide declare that motivation may be a cause to the gap. During the course of this research the issue of motivation emerged and a few of the interview participants stated motivation to find information as a key point. With the help of the participants requests communications strategies were presented for future communication based on the target groups' media choices. / Undersökningens utgångspunkt är att alla medborgare har rätt att ta del av information av kommunen de bor i. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur invånare i Vilhelmina kommun tar del av information nu och hur de skulle vilja gå tillväga i framtiden. För att synliggöra och begripliggöra resultatet användes teorierna digital divide, digital immigrant, digital natives, uses and gratification theory, socialt kapital, inifrån- och utifrånstrategier samt tvåvägskommunikation. Undersökningen genomfördes med fyra fokusgruppsintervjuer samt en informantintervju med en insatt person från Vilhelmina kommuns kommunkontor. Fokusgrupperna var indelade i ålderskategorier för att kunna se likheter och skillnader mellan gruppernas medievanor och önskemål på framtida kommunikation. Studiens material bestod av de transkriberade texterna från de tidigare nämnda intervjuerna. Resultatet påvisade att det finns stora skillnader mellan åldersgrupperna, dock inte så stora gap som den tidiga teorin om digital divide, utan att skillnaderna mellan åldersgrupperna låg i vilka medier de använde som huvudkälla. Samt var skillnaderna mellan grupperna hur motiverade de var att sätta sig in i kommunal information. Med hjälp av deltagarnas önskemål samt kommunikationsstrategier gavs förslag på framtida kommunikation baserat på målgruppernas medieval.
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Computational Study of the Injection Process in Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) EnginesMartínez García, María 02 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] La creciente preocupación por los problemas medioambientales, la disponibilidad de combustibles fósiles unido a la gran demanda de vehículos, han llevado a los gobiernos a regular las emisiones emitidas a la atmósfera. Existen propuestas de adoptar fuentes de energía renovables. Sin embargo, la sustitución de los combustibles derivados del petróleo no será fácil, rápida o rentable, y el transporte propulsado por motores de combustión interna (ICE) seguirá destacando en los próximos años. La eficiencia de la combustión y el rendimiento del motor están influenciados por el complejo proceso de inyección. La inyección directa de gasolina (GDI) aumenta el ahorro de combustible y cumple los requisitos de emisiones contaminantes, aunque queda potencial por descubrir. Por ello, ha sido objeto de estudio en los últimos años y, en consecuencia, de la presente Tesis.
Este trabajo tiene como motivación mejorar el entendimiento en el campo del GDI. La compleja naturaleza transitoria del proceso de inyección hace que el estudio experimental sea un desafío. La Mecánica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) surge como una potente alternativa a los experimentos y ha sido adoptada para esta investigación. Bajo este contexto, el objetivo de la presente Tesis es desarrollar una metodología predictiva para la caracterización hidráulica del inyector, capaz de ser aplicada a las actuales y futuras generaciones de inyectores GDI, independientemente de las características del inyector y del software de estudio. Una vez validada, el objetivo posterior es utilizar los resultados para analizar el comportamiento del chorro. Este enfoque busca seguir los pasos de la comunidad científica sustituyendo la práctica experimental.
La validación de la metodología se lleva a cabo mediante su aplicación en dos inyectores GDI solenoides multi-orificio diferentes. Además, se han utilizado dos códigos CFD comerciales: CONVERGE y StarCCM+. La metodología predictiva se centra en el estudio del flujo interno y el campo cercano para caracterizar hidráulicamente el inyector. El problema a tratar se define como un sistema multifásico en un marco Euleriano y considerando un único fluido. El tratamiento del flujo multifásico se realiza mediante el enfoque Volume-of-Fluid (VOF). Además, se emplea el Homogeneous Relaxation Model (HRM) para considerar el intercambio de masa entre las fases líquida y vapor debido a cavitación y flash boiling. La turbulencia se ha tratado a partir de los enfoques Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) y Large Eddy Simulations (LES). Por otro lado, en cuanto al estudio del flujo externo, se ha adoptado el Discrete Droplet Model (DDM). La atomización y el chorro están influenciados por la geometría de la tobera, por lo que la estrategia de acoplamiento del flujo interno y externo complementa los análisis. Se han adoptado enfoques de acoplamiento unidireccional y mapeado, utilizando como parámetros de entrada los datos de flujo interno de la validada metodología.
Esta Tesis aporta una nueva y valiosa metodología predictiva con una elevada precisión a la hora de caracterizar el proceso de inyección en comparativa con datos experimentales. Por otro lado, es directamente trasferible a distintos códigos de cálculo así como aplicable a inyectores con características dispares sin perjudicar las exigencias del modelo. La correcta caracterización del flujo interno ha permitido emplear los datos obtenidos para analizar el comportamiento del chorro eliminando la necesidad de usar datos experimentales. Los resultados obtenidos capturan el comportamiento macroscópico del chorro con una precisión comparable a los experimentos. Aunque todavía hay muchos retos que afrontar, la presente Tesis supone un gran avance en el campo del GDI. El remarcable progreso se debe al desarrollo y uso de una metodología totalmente predictiva, que permite prescindir de la mayoría de los experimentos para contribuir a una mayor y más amplia visión de la física del proceso de inyección. / [CA] La creixent preocupació pels problemes ambientals, la limitada disponibilitat de combustibles fòssils, acompanyat a la gran demanda de vehicles, ha portat el govern a regular els nivells d'emissions emesos a l'atmosfera. Existeixen propostes d'adoptar fonts d'energia renovables. Tanmateix, la substitució dels combustibles líquids derivats del petroli no es durà a terme de forma fàcil, ràpida o rentable, i el transport propulsat per motors de combustió interna (ICE) continuarà destacant en els pròxims anys. L'eficiència de la combustió i el rendiment del motor són fortament influenciats pel complex procés d'injecció. La injecció directa de gasolina (GDI) augmenta l'estalvi de combustible i complix amb els requisits d'emissions, encara que queda molt potencial per descobrir. Per això, aquest ha sigut objecte d'investigació en els últims anys i, com a conseqüència, d'aquesta Tesi.
Aquest treball té com a motivació millorar l'enteniment en el camp del GDI. La complexa natura transitòria de la injecció fa que l'estudi experimental siga força complex. La Mecànica de Fluids Computacional (CFD) sorgeix com una potent alternativa als experiments, i ha sigut adoptada per aquesta investigació. Baix aquest mateix context, es proposa com a objectiu principal d'aquesta Tesi el desenvolupament d'una metodologia predictiva per a la caracterització hidràulica de l'injector, capaç de ser aplicada a les actuals i futures generacions d'injectors GDI (independentment de les característiques de l'injector i del software d'estudi). Una vegada validada, el posterior objectiu és analitzar el comportament de l'esprai. Aquest enfocament busca seguir els passos de la comunitat científica substituint la pràctica experimental.
La validació de la metodologia ha sigut duta a terme mitjançant la seva aplicació en dos injectors GDI solenoides multi-orifici. A més, s'han utilitzat dos software CFD comercials: CONVERGE i StarCCM+. La metodologia predictiva se centra en l'estudi del flux intern i el camp proper per tal de caracteritzar hidràulicament l'injector. El problema a tractar es defineix en base a un sistema multi-fàsic en un marc Eulerià i considerant un únic fluid. El tractament del fluid multi-fàsic es realitza mitjançant l'aproximació Volume-of-Fluid (VOF). A més, s'utilitza el Homogeneous Relaxation Model (HRM) per tal de considerar l'intercambi de massa entre les fases líquida i vapor degut als fenòmens de cavitació i flash boiling. La turbulència s'ha tractac a través dels enfocaments Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) i Large Eddy Simulations (LES). Pel que fa a l'estudi del fluix extern, s'ha adoptat el Discrete Droplet Model (DDM). Sent conscients que el comportament l'atomització i l'esprai estan influenciats per la geometria de la tovera, l'estratègia d'acoblament del flux intern i extern complementa les anàlisis. S'han adoptat els enfocaments d'acoblament unidireccional i mapejat, utilitzant com a paràmetres d'entrada les dades del flux intern obtingudes amb la validada metodologia.
Aquesta Tesi aporta una nova i valuosa metodologia predictiva amb una elevada precisió a l'hora de caracteritzar el procés d'injecció en comparativa amb dades experimentals. És directament transferible a diversos codis de càlcul així com aplicable a injectors amb característiques dispars sense perjudicar les exigències del model. La correcta caracterització del flux intern ha permès utilitzar les dades obtingudes per tal d'analitzar el comportament de l'esprai, eliminant la necessitat d'emprar dades experimentals. Els resultats obtinguts d'aquest estudi capturen el comportament macroscòpic de l'esprai amb una precisió comparable als experiments. Encara que queden molts reptes per afrontar, aquesta Tesi aporta un important avanç al camp del GDI. La ruptura prové del desenvolupament i ús d'una metodologia completament predictiva, que substitueix els experiments requerits i així contribueix a una millor i més ampla visió de la física del procés d'injecció. / [EN] Concerns about climate change, availability of fuel resources and the high demand for vehicles, have led governments to regulate the level of pollution emitted by engines into the atmosphere. There is a strong desire to adopt renewable and sustainable energy sources. However, the substitution of liquid fuels derived from petroleum will not emerge easily, quickly or economically, and Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) will continue to excel for the next few years. Combustion efficiency and engine performance are strongly influenced by the complex fuel injection process. Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) strategies increase fuel economy and meet emission requirements, although many challenges remain, which has therefore been one of the main research objectives in recent years and of this Thesis.
The present research aims to provide a better understanding in the field of GDI. The transient and complex nature of the injection process makes the experimental study of GDI quite challenging. Therefore, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) emerges as a powerful alternative adopted for this research. In this context, the main objective of the present Thesis is to develop a predictive methodology capable of being applied to current and future generations of GDI injectors, regardless of the injector features and the software employed, for the hydraulic characterization of the injector. Once validated, the subsequent goal is to employ the obtained results to analyze the behavior of the spray downstream of the injector. The approach attempts to follow the footsteps of the research community to avoid experimental practice.
The predictive methodology has been validated through its application to two multi-hole solenoid GDI injectors with different features. In addition, the mentioned methodology has been evaluated using diverse commercial software: CONVERGE and StarCCM+. The methodology focuses on the study of the internal and near-field flow to hydraulically characterize the injector. So the problem to be addressed is a multi-phase system, performed in an Eulerian framework, modeled through a single-fluid approach. The multi-phase flow is treated by means of the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) approach. Homogeneous Relaxation Model (HRM) is employed to consider the mass exchange between liquid and vapor fuel phases, due to cavitation and flash boiling. The turbulence treatment has been performed from both Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES) approaches. Regarding the external flow study, the Discrete Droplet Model (DDM) has been adopted. In addition, being aware that atomization and spray behavior is greatly influenced by the nozzle geometry, the coupling strategy of the internal and external flow complements the analyses. One-way coupling and mapping approaches have been adopted, using as input parameters the internal flow data obtained from the already validated methodology.
Accordingly, this Thesis provides a new and valuable predictive methodology, which has demonstrated a high accuracy in characterizing the flow behavior during the injection process through comparison with experimental data. It has also proven to be directly transferable to different CFD software and applicable to injectors with dissimilar characteristics without compromising the requirements of the model. The correct internal flow characterization has made it possible to employ the obtained data to analyze the spray patterns, which eliminates the need to consider experimental data. The outcomes of this study macroscopically capture the jet behavior with an accuracy comparable to experiments under different operating conditions. Although there are still many challenges to face, the present Thesis brings a breakthrough in the field of GDI. The quantum leap arises from the development and use of a fully predictive methodology, allowing to avoid most experiments to contribute to a greater and broader vision of the injection process physics. / María Martínez García has been founded through a grant from the Government of Generalitat Valenciana with reference ACIF/2018/118 and financial support from the European Union. These same institutions, Government of Generalitat Valenciana and the European Union, supported through a grant for pre-doctoral stays out of the Comunitat Valenciana with reference BEFPI/2020/057 the research carried out during the stay at Aerothermochemistry and Combustion Systems Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, Switzerland. Special gratitude from the author to both institutions, Government of Generalitat Valenciana and the European Union, for making this dream possible / Martínez García, M. (2022). Computational Study of the Injection Process in Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engines [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185180
1006 |
Service Honest and Faithful: The Thirty-Third Volunteer Infantry Regiment in the Philippine War, 1899-1901Andersen, Jack D. 12 1900 (has links)
This manuscript is a study of the Thirty-Third Infantry, United States Volunteers, a regiment that was recruited in Texas, the South, and the Midwest and was trained by officers experienced from the Indian Wars and the Spanish-American War. This regiment served as a front-line infantry unit and then as a constabulary force during the Philippine War from 1899 until 1901. While famous in the United States as a highly effective infantry regiment during the Philippine War, the unit's fame and the lessons that it offered American war planners faded in time and were overlooked in favor of conventional fighting. In addition, the experiences of the men of the regiment belie the argument that the Philippine War was a brutal and racist imperial conflict akin to later interventions such as the Vietnam War. An examination of the Thirty-Third Infantry thus provides valuable context into a war not often studied in the United States and serves as a successful example of a counterinsurgency.
1007 |
An intergrated crisis communication framework for strategic crisis communication with the media : a case study on a financial services providerSwart, Yolandi 03 1900 (has links)
For organisations to survive in an ever-changing milieu, as evident from the current business
environment, sufficient crisis communication and management practices need to be in place to ensure
organisational survival. Despite the latter, organisational crises are often inefficiently managed which
could be ascribed to the lack of managing crises strategically (Kash & Darling 1998:180). This study
explores the lack of strategic crisis communication processes within the financial industry specifically,
to ensure effective crisis communication with the media as stakeholder group, through the proposition
of an integrated crisis communication framework, which focuses on:
· Combining integrated communication (IC) literature with Grunig’s theory of communication
excellence to build sustainable media relationships through two-way communication; and
· Implementing a crisis communication process that has proactive, reactive and post-evaluative crisis
communication stages, thereby moving away from crisis communication as a predominant reactive function. / Communication Sciences / M.A. (Communication)
1008 |
A strategic sequential, integrated, sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (SISOSR) model for building stakeholder partnerships : a corporate communication perspectiveSlabbert, Yolandi 11 1900 (has links)
A dominant focus on organisational stakeholders is currently evident in both the literature and in practice since it is argued that the success of organisations is predominantly dependent on stakeholders’ perception of the organisation. This stakeholder emphasis is evident in the inclusion of a chapter on governing stakeholder relations in the King III report and the development of various stakeholder standards in South Africa, including corporate social investment, corporate governance, corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability and the triple bottom line. Despite the recognition of the importance and necessity of building and maintaining stakeholder relations in the literature, there is a dearth of research on how to actually build these relationships. The aim of this study was to address this shortcoming by proposing a generic, integrated approach to sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (OSR) building with strategic stakeholders whereby strategic stakeholder identification, OSR development and OSR maintenance, which are often studied independently, would be integrated in order to constitute a new unified model. This model will promote a sustainable OSR-building process for organisation-stakeholder partnership (OSP) development.The following three building blocks for such a model were proposed: a strategic communication foundation that promotes the integration of specific corporate communication functions that is practised from a two-way symmetrical communication perspective as the basis for effective OSR building; a theoretical foundation, which is an integration of Freeman’s stakeholder concept (1984) from a normative, relational viewpoint, Ferguson’s relational paradigm for public relations (1984) and Ledingham’s (2003) theory of relationship management, encapsulated by Grunig’s (1984) excellence theory, of which the proposed OSR-building model would be a pragmatic representation; and a conceptualisation of the OSR-building model where the actual phases of the OSR-building process would be proposed to provide step-by-step guidance for OSR building. This model promotes a partnership approach with strategic stakeholders, which is based on the proposition of an OSR development continuum, which implies that an OSR could grow in intensity over time, from a foundational OSR, mutually-beneficial OSR, sustainable OSR, to ultimate organisational-stakeholder partnerships (OSPs).
This model was built from a corporate communication perspective, and subsequently highlighted the contribution of corporate communication in the organisation as an OSR-building function to ensure organisational effectiveness. This study provided an exploratory literature review to constitute a conceptual framework for OSR-building of which the principles of the framework would be further explored and measured in leading listed South African organisations, by means of a quantitative web-based survey and qualitative one-on-one interviews to compose an OSR-building model that provides guidance on the process of OSR building on the basis of insights from theory and practice. / Ingevolge die argument dat die sukses van organisasies hoofsaaklik afhanklik is van die persepsies wat belangegroepe oor organisasies het, word ‘n dominante fokus tans op organisatoriese belangegroepe in die literatuur en praktyk geplaas. Die fokus op belangegroepe is sigbaar in die insluiting van ‘n hoofstuk oor die bou van belangegroepverhoudings in die King III verslag asook die ontwikkeling van verskeie belangegroepstandaarde in Suid Afrika, wat korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid, korporatiewe burgerskap, korporatiewe volhoubaarheid en drievoudige eindresultaat insluit. Ten spyte daarvan dat die belangrikheid en noodsaaklikheid van die bou en behoud van belangegroepverhoudings erken word in die literatuur, is daar ‘n tekort aan navorsing oor hoe om die verhoudings te bou. Die studie poog om dié tekortkoming aan te spreek deur middel van ‘n generiese, geϊntegreerde benadering vir volhoubare organisatoriese-belangegroepvershoudings (OBV) met strategiese belangegroepe voor te stel, waar strategiese belangegroep identifikasie, OBV ontwikkeling en OBV instandhouding, aspekte wat dikwels afsonderlik bestudeer word, geintegreer word in ‘n nuwe, verenigde model. Hierdie model sal ’n volhoubare OBV verbouiingsproses voorstel vir die ontwikkeling van organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskappe.
Drie boustene word vir die model voorgestel naamlik; ‘n strategiese kommunkasie fondasie wat die integrasie van spesifieke korporatiewe kommunikasie funksies vanuit ‘n twee-rigting simmetriese kommunikasie perspektief as basis vir die effektiewe bou van OBV insluit; ‘n teoretiese fondasie wat ‘n integrasie van Freeman (1984) se belangegroepkonsep van ‘n normatiewe, verhoudingsstandpunt, Ferguson (1984) se verhoudingsparadigma vir openbare skakelwerk en Ledingham (2003) se verhoudingsbestuursteorie insluit, omhul deur Grunig (1984) se uitnemendheidsteorie, waarvan die voorgestelde OBV model ‘n praktiese voorstelling sal wees; en ‘n konseptualisering van OBV-verbouing wat die fases van die OBV proses sal stipuleer om stap-vir-stap riglyne vir die bou van OBV voor te stel. ‘n Vennootskapsbenadering met strategiese belangegroepe word voorgestel deur die model, wat gebaseer is op die proposisie van ‘n OBV ontwikkelingskontinuum, wat impliseer dat ‘n OBV oor tyd in intensiteit kan groei van ‘n basiese OBV, wedersydse voordelige OBV, volhoubare OBV tot ‘n uiteindelike organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskap.
Die model is gebou uit ‘n korporatiewe kommunikasiestandpunt, wat gevolglik die bydrae van korporatiewe kommunikasie in die organisasie as ’n OBV-verbouingsfunksie om organisatoriese effektiwiteit te verseker, beklemtoon. Die studie bied ‘n verkennende literatuurstudie om ’n konseptuele raamwerk vir OBV-verbouing daar te stel, waarvan die beginsels van die raamwerk verder verken en gemeet is in gelysde Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies deur middel van ‘n kwantitatiewe web-gebaseerde opname en een-tot-een onderhoude om ’n OBV-verbouingsmodel te ontwikkel wat riglyne vir die proses van OBV-verbouing bied, gebaseer op beide teoretiese en praktiese insigte. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)
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Cooks, cooking, and food on the early modern stageTempleman, Sally Jane January 2013 (has links)
This project aims to take the investigation of food in early modern drama, in itself a relatively new field, in a new direction. It does this by shifting the critical focus from food-based metaphors to food-based properties and food-producing cook characters. This shift reveals exciting, unexpected, and hitherto unnoticed contexts. In The Taming of the Shrew and Titus Andronicus, which were written during William Shakespeare’s inn-yard playhouse period, the playwright exploits these exceptionally aromatic venues in order to trigger site-specific responses to food-based scenes in these plays. Ben Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair brings fair-appropriate gingerbread properties onstage. When we look beneath the surface of this food effect to its bread and wine ingredients, however, it reveals a subtext that satirizes the theory of transubstantiation. Jonson expands on this theme by using Ursula’s cooking fire (a property staged in Jonson’s representation of Smithfield’s Bartholomew Fair) to engage with the prison narrative of Anne Askew, who was burned to death in front of Bartholomew Priory on the historic Smithfield for denying the doctrine of transubstantiation. This thesis also investigates water, which, for early moderns, was a complex and quasi-mystical liquid: it was a primary element, it washed sin from the world during the Great Flood, it was a marker of status, it was a medicine, and it was a cookery ingredient. Christopher Marlowe not only uses dirty water to humiliate his doomed monarch in Edward II, but he also uses it to apportion blame to the king for his own downfall. In Timon of Athens, Shakespeare draws on the theory of the elements to cast Timon as a man of water, who, Jesus-like, breaks up and divides (or splashes around) his body at his “last” supper. Fully-fledged cook characters were a relative rarity on the early modern stage. This project looks at two exceptions: Furnace in Philip Massinger’s A New Way to Pay Old Debts and the unnamed master cook in John Fletcher’s The Tragedy of Rollo, Duke of Normandy. Both playwrights use their respective gastronomic geniuses to demonstrate the danger that lower-order expertise poses to the upper classes when society is in flux. Finally, this project demonstrates that a link existed between ornate domestic food effects and alchemy. It shows how Philip Massinger’s The Great Duke of Florence and Thomas Middleton’s Women, Beware Women use food properties associated with alchemy to satirize notions of perfection in their play-worlds.
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Náročnost profese sociální práce z pohledu sociálního pracovníka v Dětském centru Jihočeského kraje / The demand for social work from the point of view of a social worker in the children's center of the South Bohemian RegionTAUBROVÁ, Květa January 2019 (has links)
In the introduction of the diploma thesis there is discussed the question which every social worker knows: Could I have done something different? This is the question which is asked by almost everyone, especially a social worker. Further there is a brief outline of topics which are delineated in the diploma thesis. First chapter describes the institution Children´s Center JK Strakonice. Father there is a list of necessary knowledge which a social work should have for his or her occupation. Also the liabilities of the social worker to the clients are not left out. In this part there can be found also work with specific types of clients. For better understanding of the demands of social work in Children ´s Center JK Strakonice the thesis contains selected life stories of the women clients. These life stories should help to the reader to see the problems from different point of view and help to understand how much is important so that the clients decides himself or herself to solve his or her problems. In the second chapter there are described psychological and ethical dimensions of the profession, burnt out syndrome which is threat for everyone of us, especially for a social worker. In this chapter there are depicted causes of formation and manifestations of burnt out syndrome. The third chapter is also connected with the burnt out syndrome. The focus in this chapter is on prevention and protection. The attention is also paid to the personality of a social worker, his or her abilities to perceive the problem, but also experiences in moral decision-making and hierarchical position of values. The compliance of the principles of psycho hygiene and presence of supervision plays a very significant role. In the conclusion of the diploma thesis there is the summary of performance of a social worker in Children´s Center JK Strakonice. Every social worker should realise his or her responsibility not only to his or her clients, employer and colleagues but especially to himself or herself and his or her conscience. The interdependence of profession and conscience merges with the diploma thesis.
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