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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manipulation of cold atoms using an optical one-way barrier

Li, Tao 09 1900 (has links)
xvi, 119 p. ; ill. (some col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / This dissertation describes the development of an apparatus that can accommodate many atom-optics experiments, as well as an experimental demonstration of an optical one-way barrier for neutral atoms. The first part of this dissertation describes in detail the design and implementation of our apparatus. The experiment setup consists of optical systems, vacuum systems, imaging systems, and the related electronics. It is designed to be versatile enough for many cold-atom experiments, including the demonstration of an optical one-way barrier for neutral atoms, quantum measurement on the single-atom level, and the study of quantum chaos using Bose-Einstein condensates. The second part of this thesis presents the experimental study of an optical one-way barrier for neutral atoms. We demonstrated an asymmetric optical potential barrier for ultracold 87 Rb atoms. The atoms are confined in a far-detuned dipole trap consisting of a single focused Gaussian beam from a fiber laser. The optical one-way barrier consists of two focused laser beams oriented nearly normal to the dipole-trap axis and tuned near the 87 Rb D 2 transition. The first beam (main barrier beam) is tuned to work as either a potential well or barrier, depending on the state of the incident atoms. The second beam (repumping barrier beam) pumps the atoms to the barrier state on the reflecting side. We investigated the transmission and reflection dynamics of the atoms in the presence of the one-way barrier, and we verified its capability for increasing the phase-space density of a sample of neutral atoms using the one-way barrier. Our experiment is a realization of Maxwell's demon and has important implications for cooling atoms and molecules not susceptible to the standard laser-cooling techniques. / Adviser: Daniel A. Steck

Exploring student integration patterns in two-way immersion schools

Martinez, Martha I. 03 1900 (has links)
xviii, 278 p. : ill. (some col.) / Two-way immersion (TWI) programs teach English Learners (ELs) and native English speakers in the same classroom using both languages in an immersion approach. Studies suggest that TWI programs result in greater student integration, thus providing a promising alternative for Spanish speaking ELs, who are frequently concentrated in high poverty, majority-minority schools. This study used a mixed methods research design to examine student integration issues in two elementary schools. Enrollment data from 1999-2009 were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Grounded theory was used to analyze data from interviews, focus groups, observations, and archival documents. The demographic analyses revealed trends that are consistent with demographic changes nationally: an increasing Latino population and a decreasing White population. In terms of instructional integration patterns, the following findings were consistent for both schools. Prior to the introduction of TWI, students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) were evenly distributed among 4th/5th grade classrooms. After TWI, significantly more students with IEPs were in the English only than in TWI classes. In addition, after TWI, significantly more English speakers who qualified for free/reduced meals were found in the English only classes. However, Spanish speakers, who were almost exclusively located in TWI, had significantly higher free/reduced meals rates than English speakers in either TWI or English only classes. The central theme to emerge in the grounded theory study was "Negotiating the Value of Spanish," a process that occurred over many years as both schools grappled with a growing Latino population. Using Bourdieu's concept of cultural capital, I suggest that the introduction of TWI commodified Spanish within the mainstream educational program, providing cultural capital gains for Spanish speakers as a result. TWI provided the justification and resources for hiring more bilingual staff, for purchasing Spanish curriculum materials, for providing professional development in Spanish and about Spanish literacy, for increasing outreach to Spanish speaking families, and for prioritizing Spanish speakers' access to the program. Spanish speakers and their families thus gained greater access to the curriculum and the life of the school, and staff began to see Spanish speakers differently. / Committee in charge: Joseph Stevens, Chairperson; Gerald Rosiek, Member; Edward Olivos, Member; Leanne Ketterlin, Geller Member; Lynn Stephen, Outside Member

Administração e política : que relação é esta?

Filippin, Marcelo January 2017 (has links)
Este estudo é sobre a relação entre administração e política. Trata-se de uma tese teórica que, além de compilar o debate no cenário internacional e nacional, pretende avançar nas discussões a respeito. Apoia-se, principalmente, no referencial teórico da administração pública e da ciência política, desenvolvido a partir da contribuição decisiva dos textos clássicos de Woodrow Wilson (The Study of Administration), Frank Goodnow (Politics and Administration: a study in government) e Max Weber (Parlamento e Governo na Alemanha Reordenada: crítica política do funcionalismo e da natureza dos partidos e, Política como Vocação). Apoia-se também em estudos contemporâneos que, a partir dos referidos clássicos, seguiram o debate percorrendo três caminhos distintos. O primeiro pela via da dicotomia política-administração que retrata política e administração como fenômenos distintos e separados. O segundo pela via da complementaridade que propõe uma visão integradora entre política e administração, considerando que as práticas administrativas são fundamentalmente fenômenos políticos. O terceiro pela via da afirmação direta de que administração é política. Na esteira desse terceiro caminho, esta tese é uma afirmativa de que a administração é política, mas assim o é em seu próprio “espaço existencial”. Então, a partir das especulações sobre “modos de vida”, a administração é situada naquele modo de vida que lhe é próprio, qual seja, o modo de vida prática ou modo de vida produtiva. É neste “espaço existencial” que a administração é política, portanto, a referida relação deve ser pensada considerando a preservação não apenas deste espaço, mas daquele que é próprio da política “por excelência”. Para assim pensar a natureza política da administração, recupera-se a ideia de “bom governo” de Hannah Arendt, cuja abordagem permite compreender o lugar da administração na vida política. / This study is about the relationship between administration and politics. It is a theoretical thesis that, in addition to compiling the debate on the international and national scene, intends to advance in the discussions about it. It is based mainly on the theoretical reference of public administration and political science, developed from the decisive contribution of the classic texts of Woodrow Wilson (The Study of Administration), Frank Goodnow (Politics and Administration: a study in government) and Max Weber (Parliament and Government in Reordered Germany: political critique of functionalism and the nature of parties and, Politics as Vocation). It is also supported by contemporary studies that, following these classic authors, continued the debate in three different roads. The first is via the politicsadministration dichotomy that portrays politics and administration as distinct and separate phenomena. The second, through complementarity, proposes an integrative vision between politics and administration, considering that administrative practices are fundamentally political phenomena. The third is by way of direct assertion that administration is politics. Following this third road, this thesis assert that the administration is politics, but so it is in its own “existential space”. Thus, from the speculations on “ways of life”, the administration is situated in that way of life that is its own, that is, the practical way of life or productive way of life. It is in this “existential space” that administration is politics, therefore, the said relation must be thought considering the preservation not only of this space, but of that which is proper to politics “par excellence”. To think about the political nature of the administration, the idea of “good government” of Hannah Arendt is recovered, whose approach allows the understanding of the place of the administration in the political life.

A proposta de educação para o empreendedorismo do instituto empreender Endeavor : um estudo sobre parceria público-privada

Santos, Maurício Ivan dos January 2017 (has links)
A dissertação “A proposta de Educação para o Empreendedorismo do Instituto Empreender Endeavor: um estudo sobre parceria público-privada apresenta como temática central a relação público-privada na educação e tem como objetivo geral analisar o conteúdo da proposta de educação que fundamenta os cursos de empreendedorismo do Instituto Empreender Endeavor, promovidos em parceria com instituições públicas de educação no Brasil. Quanto à metodologia utilizada para realizar a pesquisa, o materialismo histórico representa o referencial teóricometodológico, sendo a análise documental a principal ferramenta, a partir do trabalho com fontes primárias e secundárias. O marco teórico da presente pesquisa parte das crises do capitalismo de 1970 e 2008 e o decorrente processo de reestruturação do sistema, o qual apresenta o Neoliberalismo, a Reestruturação Produtiva, a Globalização e a Terceira Via como estratégias para superação deste quadro. No plano políticoideológico, tanto o Neoliberalismo quanto a Terceira Via apresentam a reforma do Estado baseada na lógica mercantil como padrão de qualidade, o que tem possibilitado o crescimento da influência dos setores privados na direção e execução das políticas públicas, em especial no campo social, como a educação, que é o foco deste estudo. Contudo, a proposta neoliberal consiste no amplo processo de privatização, já a Terceira Via privilegia como elemento central a atuação das organizações ligadas ao Terceiro Setor. Constituintes deste processo, a Reestruturação Produtiva legitimou formas de organização do trabalho que atendessem aos interesses do capital em crise, com destaque para o Empreendedorismo, e a Globalização potencializou a expansão do capitalismo reestruturado através das Redes. Desta forma, a redefinição das fronteiras entre o público e o privado tem influenciado no conteúdo da educação pública, pois as Redes de Empreendedores Sociais ligadas ao Terceiro Setor, como é o caso do Instituto Empreender Endeavor, que estabelecem parcerias com instituições públicas de educação, definem o conteúdo educacional ofertado à população. A influência exercida por estas instituições privadas junto ao campo público da educação constitui-se como o problema deste estudo, o que sugere o seguinte questionamento: poderá o conteúdo da educação proposto pelo Instituto Empreender Endeavor, através de cursos de empreendedorismo oferecidos em parceria com instituições públicas de educação, ter implicações para a Democratização da Educação? No desenvolvimento da pesquisa verificou-se que o empreendedorismo dialoga com todas as estratégias características do processo de reestruturação do capitalismo, contribuindo para assegurar a hegemonia e conseqüente reprodução do sistema. Isto é, sua proposta articula, ao mesmo tempo, o apassivamento dos sujeitos que, diante do contexto de crise econômica e social, passam a buscar individualmente as competências demandadas pelo mercado e assumem os riscos de empreender seu próprio negócio para garantir a sobrevivência. Nesse sentido, conclui-se que os cursos de empreendedorismo do Instituto Empreender Endeavor promovidos em parceria com instituições públicas da educação brasileira contribuem para a deteriorização dos princípios de uma educação democrática, proporcionando um único caminho, a adaptação dos sujeitos às demandas do mercado capitalista, através da incorporação de competências socioemocionais para empreender seu próprio negócio, uma realidade que, para a maioria dos empreendedores brasileiros, significa precarização das condições de vida. / The dissertation "The Entrepreneurial Education Project of the Empreender Endeavor Institute: a study on public-private partnership presents as central theme the publicprivate relationship in education and its general objective is to analyze the content of the education proposal that bases the courses of entrepreneurship of Instituto Empreender Endeavor, promoted in partnership with public education institutions in Brazil. As for the methodology used to carry out the research, historical materialism represents the theoretical-methodological reference, and documentary analysis is the main tool, based on the work with primary and secondary sources. The theoretical framework of the present research starts from the crises of capitalism of 1970 and 2008 and the resulting process of restructuring the system, which presents Neoliberalism, Productive Restructuring, Globalization and the Third Way as strategies to overcome this framework. At the political-ideological level, both Neoliberalism and the Third Way present the reform of the State based on the mercantile logic as a quality standard, which has allowed the growth of the influence of the private sectors in the direction and execution of public policies, especially in the field social, such as education, which is the focus of this study. However, the neoliberal proposal consists of the broad process of privatization, since the Third Way privileges as a central element the performance of organizations related to the Third Sector. Constituents of this process, Productive Restructuring legitimized forms of work organization that served the interests of capital in crisis, with emphasis on Entrepreneurship, and Globalization enhanced the expansion of restructured capitalism through Networks. In this way, the redefinition of publicprivate boundaries has influenced the content of public education, since the Network of Social Entrepreneurs linked to the Third Sector, such as Instituto Empreender Endeavor, which establishes partnerships with public institutions of education, define the educational content offered to the population. The influence exerted by these private institutions in the public field of education constitutes the problem of this study, which suggests the following question: can the content of the education proposed by the Instituto Empreender Endeavor, through entrepreneurship courses offered in partnership with institutions education, have implications for the democratization of education? In the development of the research it was verified that entrepreneurship dialogues with all the characteristic strategies of the process of capitalist restructuring, contributing to ensure hegemony and consequent reproduction of the system. That is to say, its proposal articulates, at the same time, the apassivamento of the individuals who, faced with the context of economic and social crisis, begin to individually seek the competences demanded by the market and assume the risks of starting their own business to guarantee their survival. In this sense, it is concluded that the entrepreneurship courses of the Instituto Empreender Endeavor promoted in partnership with public institutions of Brazilian education contribute to the deterioration of the principles of a democratic education, providing a single path, the adaptation of the subjects to the demands of the capitalist market, through the incorporation of socio-emotional competences to undertake their own business, a reality that, for most Brazilian entrepreneurs, means the precariousness of living conditions.

Racionalidades e modos de vida no processo de apropriação das políticas públicas pelos agricultores familiares tradicionais

Machado, Dayana Cristina Mezzonato January 2017 (has links)
O tema desta dissertação é o estudo das interações entre os sujeitos sociais e as políticas públicas, tendo como referência empírica os agricultores familiares tradicionais e sua apropriação do Plano Brasil Sem Miséria (PBSM). O principal objetivo foi compreender a relação entre as distintas racionalidades e os modos de vida ou experiências de agricultores tradicionais e o Plano Brasil Sem Miséria – Projeto Fomento. Para tanto foram investigadas a formação histórica dos agricultores tradicionais no Brasil e no Rio Grande do Sul e a trajetória das políticas públicas e sociais brasileiras a partir da década de 1990. Optou-se pelo método qualitativo e os instrumentos de coleta de dados primários foram entrevistas semi-estruturadas, individuais e coletivas e como fontes secundárias, documentos e obras publicadas sobre os municípios pesquisados. A pesquisa foi realizada nos municípios de Dom Feliciano, Itati e Lajeado do Bugre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. As entrevistas foram realizadas com famílias beneficiárias do Plano Brasil Sem Miséria e técnicos da Emater/RS. Para o desenvolvimento deste estudo mobilizou-se os conceitos de racionalidade e modos de vida. Observou-se que produção para o autoconsumo ocupa lugar privilegiado na racionalidade dos agricultores tradicionais. A política pública foi adaptada pelos agricultores readequando-a a suas expectativas e demandas imediatas, não necessariamente geradoras de transformação de seu modo de vida e da sociedade em que vivem. Os agricultores elaboram estratégias de apropriação da política orientados pela racionalidade do risco mínimo, tendo como objetivo o fortalecimento do seu modo de vida. Os resultados indicam que as condutas e os comportamentos dos agricultores podem estar associados a opção por um modo vida com características mais próximas às tradicionais. / The theme of this dissertation is the study of the interactions between social subjects and public policies, having as an empirical reference the traditional family farmers and their appropriation of the Brazil Without Poverty Plan (PBSM). The main objective was to understand the relationship between the different rationalities and the ways of life or experiences of traditional family farmers and the Brazil Without Poverty Plan – Fomento Project. For this, has been investigated the historical formation of traditional farmers in Brazil and Rio Grande do Sul and the trajectory of Brazilian public and social policies from the 1990s. The qualitative method was chosen and the primary data collection instruments were interviews semi-structured, individual and collective, and as secondary dataset, documents and published works about the municipalities surveyed. The research was carried out in the municipalities of Dom Feliciano, Itati and Lajeado do Bugre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The interviews were carried out with beneficiary families of the Brazil Without Poverty Plan and Emater/RS technicians. For the development of this study the concepts of rationality and ways of life were mobilized. It was observed that production for self-consumption occupies a privileged place in the rationality of traditional farmers. Public policy has been adapted by farmers by adapting it to their expectations and immediate demands, not necessarily generating a transformation of their way of life and the society in which they live. Farmers develop strategies of policy appropriation guided by the rationality of minimum risk, with the aim of strengthening their way of life. The results indicate that farmers' behaviors and behaviors may be associated with the option of a life mode with characteristics closer to traditional ones.

Vlastní jména v českých publikacích o Svatojakubské cestě. / Proper names in Czech literature about Saint James´ Way.

JANDÍKOVÁ, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the phenomenon of proper names in a specific area of written Czech literature about the Spanish pilgrimage route called Saint James´ Way (Svatojakubská cesta in Czech). The theoretical part first describes definition, different types of classification and correct orthography of proper names in Czech and Spanish. Then it deals with the Galician language as the cooficial language of the Galician autonomous Spanish region where the pilgrimage route ends. The Galician toponymy and basic rules of national Spanish press related to the use of cooficial languages such as Catalan, Galician and Basque in comparison to Spanish are also covered. The last chapter focuses on general problems associated with the translation of proper names into other foreign languages. The main task of the practical part of this thesis is to analyse two specific books written in different genres. Some problems connected to this process are explained in the beginning, and afterwards they are evaluated and contrasted with the results of various classifications that had been made within the proper names in both publications. One chapter is dedicated to Galician proper names and finally comes the discussion of the correctness of orthography employed by the authors. The conclusion sums up the result of the whole analysis.

Vliv alternativních způsobů podávání výživy na kojení nedonošených novorozenců narozených ve 30.-35. týdnu gestace. / Influence of alternative feeding methods on the breastfeeding of premature neonates born in 30-35. week of gestation.

ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the onset of full breastfeeding in preterm infants and with the possible influence of alternative feeding methods on breastfeeding in immature newborns. Based on the study of literature, research questions were identified to find out in which gestation week full breastfeeding is taking place in premature babies and to what extent alternative feeding methods affect the onset of full breastfeeding in premature babies. They also had to find out whether feeding the infant bottles actually leads to unsuccessful breastfeeding. Three objectives were set for the diploma thesis. The first was to find out in which gestational week full breastfeeding is taking place in premature babies, provided the mother has enough breast milk. The second goal investigated the extent to which alternative feeding methods affect early pregnancy, provided the mother has enough breast milk. The third objective was to find out whether feeding a baby bottle actually leads to unsuccessful breastfeeding. To achieve the objectives of my thesis, I chose qualitative research, which was done in two groups of respondents, namely preterm newborns and their mothers. For each group of respondents, I chose different research techniques. For research on premature newborns, I chose structured observation. In a research survey among mothers of preterm babies, I chose a semi-standardized interview.

Uppfattning av ledarskap : Skillnader och likheter mellan män och kvinnor i ledarpositioner / Perception of leadership : Differences and similarities between men and women in leadership positions

Al-Najafi, Noor, Malhi, Navdeep January 2018 (has links)
Today organizations need different strategies and models that can help them to lead and being led to success. Throughout the years there have been discussions about what leadership should be enforced within organizations to increase efficiency. People have different views about what an efficient leadership should look like and who it should be conducted by. Perceptions about who should lead has contributed to that men gained support in achieving leader positions, but has on the other hand led to difficulties for women to reach leader positions. Today it can be perceived strange and unfamiliar for both men and women to see a woman in a leading position. This study takes a qualitative approach. We have interviewed eight leaders in the security business and have thereby been able to apprehend which abilities, practice and style of leadership the study participants are applying in their leading. The analysis of the interviews has shown both similarities and differences in between the male and the female participants. We can also conclude that women face greater resistance in their leadership, while men don’t experience the resistance, which aggravates women to climb higher in leading positions. / Idag är organisationer i behov av olika strategier och modeller som kan hjälpa dem att leda och ledas mot framgång. En kompetent ledning och ett effektivt ledarskap kan lyfta organisationer mot framgång och därför är organisationer i behov av ledare som använder sig av ett arbetssätt som lämpar sig för organisationens arbetsuppgifter och mål. Genom åren har det diskuterats vilket ledarskap som bör tillämpas inom organisationer för att öka effektiviteten. Människor har bestämda uppfattningar om hur ett effektivt ledarskap ska se ut och vem det ska utövas av. Utifrån människornas uppfattningar har även yrken, arbetsplatser och branscher kategoriserats efter huruvida de är manliga eller kvinnliga. Uppfattningar om vem som ska leda har bidragit till att män fått stöd i att uppnå ledarpositioner, men uppfattningarna har å andra sidan satt hinder för kvinnor. Idag kan det upplevas som underligt och främmande för både kvinnor och män att ledas av en kvinna eller se en kvinna i ledning. Syftet med studien är undersöka om det finns skillnader och likheter i uppfattning om ett effektivt och bra ledarskap mellan kvinnor i män i ledarroller. Undersökningen är baserad på en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod där vi har intervjuat åtta ledare inom säkerhets- och bevakningsbranschen och har därigenom kunnat bilda en uppfattning om vilka egenskaper, ledarstilar, beteenden och arbetssätt som undersökningsdeltagarna använder sig av i sitt ledarskap. I och med att ledarskap anses vara manligt och att den branschen vi utför vår undersökning på är mansdominerad, kommer vi att fokusera på att framföra både männens och kvinnornas uppfattning om ledarskap. Undersökningsresultatet har resulterat i både likheter och skillnader mellan våra manliga och kvinnliga undersökningsdeltagare. Utifrån resultatet kan vi konstatera att ledaregenskaperna bland våra respondenter är likvärdiga. När det kommer till respondenternas arbetssätt har vi kunnat dra slutsatsen att undersökningens manliga och kvinnliga ledare i största mån använder sig av ett relationsorienterat och transformativt ledarskap. Ledarna fokuserar på att tillfredsställa medarbetarna behov, skapa en bra relation, öka gemenskap och engagemang i arbetet. Majoriteten av respondenterna anser att det råder en ojämn könsfördelning mellan män och kvinnor i ledarroller och respondenterna anger olika anledningar till den ojämna könsfördelningen. Vi kan också dra slutsatsen att kvinnor möter motstånd i sitt ledarskap, ett motstånd som männen varken möter eller upplever i sitt ledarskap, vilket försvårar för kvinnorna att klättra sig upp eller uppnå ledarpositioner.

A via-crúcis das personagens na desconstrução e reconstrução do espaço e do tempo em Ensaio sobre a cegueira. / The way-crucis of the characters in the deconstruction and reconstruction of space and time in Blindness.

Lucia Maria de Souza 05 August 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo examinar e refletir a desconstrução e reconstrução dos elementos espaço-temporais em Ensaio sobre a cegueira. O embasamento teórico desse trabalho, dentre outros, será a concepção de cronotopo apresentada por Mikhail Bakhtin, ao lado de conceitos de não-lugares e lugares antropológicos de Marc-Augé. As pesquisas de Mircea Eliade serão utilizadas para a reflexão de espaços sagrados e profanos e para o exame dos rituais de passagem ou iniciáticos. Tendo em vista a peregrinação feita grupo das sete personagens que protagonizam a trama estabeleceremos um paralelo com a via-crúcis de Jesus apresentada no texto bíblico que trata de um caminho de sofrimento, dor e morte. O percurso da via-crúcis chega ao fim através da metamorfose ocorrida no interior das personagens e que se estende aos espaços projetando uma possível reconstrução espaço-temporal. / The present work has as objective to examine and to reflect the desconstruction and reconstruction of the space-secular elements in Ensaio sobre a cegueira. The theoretical basement of this work, amongst others, will be the conception of cronotopo presented by Mikhail Bakhtin, to the side of concepts of not-places and antropológicos places of Marc Augé. The research of Mircea Eliade will be used for the reflection of sacred and profane spaces and for the examination of the rituals of ticket or iniciáticos. In view of the done peregrination group of the seven personages who carry out the tram we will establish a parallel with the way-crucis of Jesus presented in the Biblical text that deals with a way of suffering, pain and death. The passage of the way-crucis arrives at the end through the occured metamorphosis in the interior of the personages and that a possible reconstruction is extended to the spaces projecting space-time.

Debulhando o campo de centeio : a invenção da teenage nos Estados Unidos do pós-segunda guerra mundial - uma análise a partir de The catcher in the rye

Seiffert, Andreya Susane 13 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:59:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 115572.pdf: 3610816 bytes, checksum: 21ad404555a9d8c7afc798339122a7de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work intends to discuss the emergence of a new category of adolescence invented in the United States of the post-war: the teenage. This new age of life is related to the context of economic prosperity that the country experiences during the 1940 and 1950 decades and is therefore directly connected to consumption. It differs from other youths previously existing or contemporary to it, and the teenage is broad itself. While a part of the teenagers reproduces the american way of life, another starts to question this lifestyle. One of the first teens to do that and gain a lot of visibility is Holden Caulfield, literary character created by J. D. Salinger in the novel The catcher in the rye, published in 1951. The story is set in New York, the city that starts to occupy a prominent place in the artistic, financial and cultural fields on the 20th century. The work discusses the relationships between the book and the city, the city and the teenage, and the relationships between text and context. / Este trabalho pretende discutir o surgimento de uma nova categoria de adolescência inventada nos Estados Unidos do pós Segunda Guerra: a teenage. A nova idade da vida está relacionada ao contexto de prosperidade econômica que o país vivencia nas décadas de 1940 e 1950 e portanto está diretamente ligada ao consumo. Ela se diferencia de outras juventudes existentes anteriormente ou contemporâneas a ela, e a própria teenage é bastante ampla. Enquanto uma parte dos teenagers reproduz o jeito americano de viver , outra passa a questionar esse sistema de vida. Um dos primeiros teens a fazer isso e ganhar bastante visibilidade é Holden Caulfield, personagem literário criado por J.D. Salinger no romance The catcher in the rye, publicado em 1951. A história é ambientada em Nova Iorque, cidade que passa a ocupar no século XX uma posição de destaque no campo artístico, financeiro e cultural. O trabalho discute a relação do livro com a cidade e dela com a teenage, e as relações entre texto e contexto.

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