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Sponsring inom kultursektorn : Konsten att identifiera & attrahera sponsorerIsling, Daniel, Stoltz, Paulina January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie fokuserar på sponsring inom kultursektorn utifrån den sponsrade partens perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att analysera hur aktörer inom kultursektorn går tillväga för att identifiera och attrahera potentiella sponsorer till sina verksamheter. Studien är avgränsad till sponsring inom kultursektorn i Sverige och de aktörer som undersöks är Bonniers Konsthall, Riksteatern, Skansen och Way out West. Undersökningen bygger på en flerfallstudie där intervjuer har genomförts med representanter för varje aktör. Studiens övergripande teoretiska referensram är hämtad från Managerial Theory och de koncept som används är marknadsföringskonceptet och marknadsföringsmixen. Dessa koncept kompletteras med A-ERIK modellen som används för att analysera sponsring genom att dela in detta fenomen i fyra ej ömsesidigt uteslutande variabler; association, exponering, relationer samt integrerad kommunikation.De slutsatser som kan dras utifrån studien är att kulturaktörerna identifierar potentiella sponsorer utifrån sina möjligheter att erbjuda association, relationer, exponering och integrerad kommunikation. Till viss del identifierar kulturaktörerna även sponsorer utifrån sina egna behov, med motiven att sponsorer ska ge ett mervärde till kulturaktörernas verksamhet och att kulturaktörerna vill nå ut till sponsorns intressenter. Aktörerna identifierar branscher, inte specifika företag, och de branscher som anses som mest attraktiva är sådana vars kärnvärden ligger nära kulturaktörernas. För att attrahera sponsorer använder aktörerna främst association och relationer. Sponsorer tillåts associera sig med aktörernas varumärken och specifika teman i föreställningar eller utställningar och aktörerna erbjuder sponsorer en möjlighet att stärka relationen till sina egna intressenter samt att skapa nya relationer till aktörernas intressenter. / This study focuses on sponsorship in the cultural sector from the sponsored party’s perspective. The issues being examined is how organizations in the cultural sector approach to identify, contact and attract potential sponsors to their activities. The study is limited to sponsorship in the cultural sector in Sweden and the organizations surveyed are Bonniers Konsthall, Riksteatern, Skansen and Way out West. The investigation of these organizations is based on multiple case study interviews conducted with representatives of each organization. The study's overall theoretical frame of reference is taken from the Managerial Theory and the concepts used are the marketing concept and the marketing mix. These concepts are supplemented with the A-ERIK model which is used to analyze the sponsorship by dividing it in four not mutually exclusively variables; association, exposure, relationships and integrated communications.The conclusions drawn from this study is that the organizations identify potential sponsors based on their ability to offer the sponsor association, exposure, relationships and integrated communications. To some extent, the organizations also identify sponsors based on their own needs, with the rationale that the sponsor will add value to the cultural activities and to reach out to the sponsor's stakeholders. The organizations identify sectors, not specific companies, and the sectors that are being considered as most attractive are those whose core values are close to the organizations. In order to attract sponsors the organizations use in particular association and relationships. The sponsor is allowed to associate with the organizations brand and specific themes in shows or exhibitions and the organizations offers the sponsor the opportunity to strengthen the relationship with their stakeholders and to create new relationships with the organizations stakeholders.
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Partybeheerde kommunikasie in die Noordwesprovinsie tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse algemene verkiesing van 1999 / Lynnette Mitzi FourieFourie, Lynnette Mitzi January 2003 (has links)
This study examines the party-controlled communication of the five most important political
parties in the North West Province of South Africa during the 1999 general elections.
The main assumption is that political parties in developing democracies have a normative
obligation to do more than canvas for votes during an election campaign. Political parties
should also be instrumental through their communication in fostering a democratic political
culture. Central to this argument is the notion that a typical marketing approach is not suitable
for an election campaign in a developing democracy. In accordance with the participatory
approach to development, it is thus proposed that the two-way symmetrical model for public
relations (as proposed by James Grunig) is a more appropriate approach to election
campaigns. Especially relevant for this study is the two-way symmetrical model's emphasis
on interaction and the establishment of long tern relationships with target publics.
Through an extensive qualitative analysis of all relevant material (party manifests, newspaper
advertisements, radio advertisements, pamphlets, posters and web pages), it was found that
South African political parties placed much less emphasis on the "image" of the party or its
leader compared to their American counterparts. However, that did not imply that the
substance of the message was emphasised adequately. On the contrary, the political parties
participating in the elections in the North-West province generally failed the normative
criteria of informing voters and identifying democratic values adequately.
Furthermore it was found that the cognitive and emotional campaign messages were not fully
integrated. While the focus was on typical election issues (emotional message), these issues
were not explained and contextualised within a developing democracy to the full extend
(cognitive message). Therefore the emotional message was not utilised to focus the voter's
attention on policy issues and democratic values.
In conclusion it is argued that political parties should do much more than merely canvas for
votes. They should also empower voters by informing them on their policy issues and
highlighting democratic values in society. Only then the new South African democracy will
be sustainable. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.
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Food, friends and foes: estrogens and social behaviour in mice.Clipperton Allen, Amy Elizabeth 13 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates estrogens' modulation of three aspects of social cognition (aggression and agonistic behaviour, social learning, and social recognition). Sex-typical agonistic behaviour (males: overt attacks, females: more subtle dominance behaviours) was increased in gonadectomized mice by estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) agonist 1,3,5-tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4-propyl-1H-pyrazole (PPT), while non-overt agonistic behaviour was increased in male and female gonadally intact mice by ERβ agonist 7-Bromo-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,3-benzoxazol-5-ol (WAY-200070). Estrogens also affected the social transmission of food preferences (STFP). Acute estrogen and ERβ agonists WAY-200070 and 2,3-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionitrile (DPN) prolonged the preference for the demonstrated food when administered pre-acquisition, likely by affecting motivation or the nature of the social interaction, while acute PPT blocked the STFP. All mice receiving any of the three treatments chronically showed a prolonged demonstrated food preference, suggesting a loss of ER specificity. Individual differences in social recognition may relate to increased oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVP) mRNA, and ERα and ERβ gene activation, in the medial preoptic area, and decreased mRNA for ERs, OT receptor (OTR), AVP and AVP receptors 1a and 1b in the lateral amygdala. Additionally, dorsolateral septum ERs, progesterone receptor, and OTR may relate to social interest without affecting social recognition. Our and others' results suggest that estrogens, OT and AVP are all involved in social behaviours and mediate social recognition, social learning, social interactions, and aggression. ERs differently modulate the two types of social learning investigated here: ERα is critical for social recognition, but impairs social learning, while ERβ is less important in social recognition, and prolongs the demonstrated food preference in the STFP. This may be due to differences in receptor brain distributions or in downstream neurochemical systems that mediate these behaviours. The results of this thesis suggest that estrogens, through the various systems they modulate, have a key role to play in social behaviour. Further investigations of how estrogens effect change in these systems at the molecular and cellular level, as well as the critical brain areas and downstream effectors involved in these complex behaviours, are needed, and could contribute to therapeutic interventions in socially-based, sexually dimorphic disorders, like the autism spectrum disorders, and women receiving hormone replacement therapy for negative peri- or post-menopausal symptoms. / National Science and Engineering Research Council (PGS-D, CGS-M)
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Error-Resilient Tile Sets for DNA Self-AssemblyMENG, YA 25 August 2009 (has links)
Experiments have demonstrated that DNA molecules can compute like a machine to
solve mathematical problems, which is significant because of their parallel computation ability. However, due to the nature of biochemical reactions, DNA computation suffers from errors, which are its main limitation. The abstract and kinetic Tile Assembly Models are now commonly used to simulate real DNA computing experiments, and to look for new methods to advance the accuracy of DNA-based computation. One means of controlling errors is through proofreading tile sets. Several such tile sets have been proposed in the literature, such as Chen and Goel’s snaked proofreading tile sets, the 2-way and 3-way overlay tile sets of Reif et al., and Rothemund and Cook’s n-way overlay tile sets.
In the first part of this thesis, we analyze the performance of the Rothemund-Cook
n-way overlay tile sets. We prove that the n-way overlay tile set contains n^2+3n+4
rule tiles. Simulation results show that these tile sets clearly perform better than
tile sets without any error-control mechanism, and the performance improves as n
increases. It is also proved that the error rates in assemblies formed by the 1-way and
2-way tile sets are O(epsilon^2), where epsilon is the error rate in assemblies without any error correction.
In the second part of this thesis, we focus on a different error mechanism, namely,errors caused by imperfect or malformed tiles. We propose a model of malformed tiles, and consider the performance of various proofreading tile sets in the presence of malformed tiles. Our simulation results show that the Reif et al. 3-way overlay tile sets are able to best deal with malformed tiles. During the simulations, we observed that snaked proofreading tile sets always have trouble completing whole patterns when malformed tiles are present. We instead propose two modified snaked proofreading constructions, and verify through both simulations and analysis that the two modified constructions have much better performances. / Thesis (Master, Mathematics & Statistics) -- Queen's University, 2009-08-25 11:10:39.142
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Investigation of star forming regions in Cepheus / Cefėjo žvaigždėdaros rajonų tyrimasMaskoliūnas, Marius 03 February 2014 (has links)
The interstellar matter in the Galaxy is concentrated in a thin layer close to the galactic plane, mostly in spiral arms. Most of the interstellar matter is in a form of atomic and molecular gas and only 1% of its mass is in a form of small (0.01 – 0.1 µm) dust grains which absorb and scatter the light of stars and cause the interstellar extinction. A part of interstellar gas and dust are in a diffuse form and fill the space with density which exponentially decreases with the distance from the galactic plane. However, in the spiral arms gigantic molecular clouds are present which play an outstanding role in the evolution of the Galaxy, since in them star forming processes take place. Molecular and dust clouds, young star clusters and associations and other star forming regions are concentrated in the Milky Way plane.
However, due to gravitational and radiation interactions between the molecular clouds and the young massive stars, some fragments of spiral arms deviate from the galactic plane. One of such deviating branches from the Local (Orion) spiral arm is a huge elongated system of molecular and dust clouds located in the Cepheus constellation which is known as the Cepheus Flare. Most of the objects investigated in this dissertation belong to this branch of the Local spiral arm.
The objects selected for the investigation are star forming regions in the vicinity of the reflection nebula NGC 7023, a group of dark clouds TGU 619, the young open cluster NGC 7129 and the... [to full text] / Paukščių tako Galaktikoje didžioji dalis tarpžvaigždinės medžiagos yra susitelkusi į ploną sluoksnį Galaktikos plokštumoje, daugiausiai spiralinėse vijose. Didžiąją dalį tarpžvaigždinės medžiagos sudaro atominės ir molekulinės dujos ir tik maždaug 1% masės yra mažos (0.01 – 0.1 µm) dydžio dulkelės, kurios sugeria ir išsklaido šviesą ir sukelia tarpžvaigždinės ekstinkcijos reiškinį. Spiralinėse vijose esantys molekuliniai debesys yra svarbūs Galaktikos evoliucijos procese, nes juose vyksta aktyvūs žvaigždžių formavimosi procesai. Molekuliniai ir dulkių debesys, jaunų žvaigždžių spiečiai ir asociacijos bei kitos žvaigždžių susidarymo sritys dažniausiai yra Galaktikos plokštumoje.
Tačiau dėl gravitacinės ir radiacinės sąveikos tarp jaunų didelės masės žvaigždžių ir molekulinių debesų kai kuriose Paukščių Tako srityse žvaigždėdaros rajonai nukrypsta nuo Galaktikos plokštumos. Viename iš tokių rajonų Cefėjo žvaigždyno kryptimi dalis tarpžvaigždinių debesų ir žvaigždėdaros rajonų yra nukrypę nuo Galaktikos plokštumos link šiaurinio dangaus poliaus ir sudaro Paukščių Tako atšaką, literatūroje žinomą kaip Cepheus Flare. Dauguma šioje disertacijoje tyrinėjamų objektų priklauso šiai Cefėjo atšakai.
Šio darbo tikslas yra Cefėjo žvaigždėdaros rajonų, žinomų kaip atspindžio ūkas NGC 7023, tamsiųjų debesų kompleksas TGU 619 ir jaunas spiečius NGC 7129 fotometrinis tyrimas, siekiant nustatyti šių objektų nuotolį ir tarpžvaigždinę ekstinkciją, jauno spiečiaus NGC 7129 ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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Cefėjo žvaigždėdaros rajonų tyrimas / Investigation of star forming regions in CepheusMaskoliūnas, Marius 03 February 2014 (has links)
Paukščių Tako Galaktikoje didžioji dalis tarpžvaigždinės medžiagos yra susitelkusi į ploną sluoksnį Galaktikos plokštumoje, daugiausiai spiralinėse vijose. Didžiąją dalį tarpžvaigždinės medžiagos sudaro atominės ir molekulinės dujos ir tik maždaug 1% masės yra mažos (0.01 – 0.1 µm) dydžio dulkelės, kurios sugeria ir išsklaido šviesą ir sukelia tarpžvaigždinės ekstinkcijos reiškinį. Spiralinėse vijose esantys molekuliniai debesys yra svarbūs Galaktikos evoliucijos procese, nes juose vyksta aktyvūs žvaigždžių formavimosi procesai. Molekuliniai ir dulkių debesys, jaunų žvaigždžių spiečiai ir asociacijos bei kitos žvaigždžių susidarymo sritys dažniausiai yra Galaktikos plokštumoje.
Tačiau dėl gravitacinės ir radiacinės sąveikos tarp jaunų didelės masės žvaigždžių ir molekulinių debesų kai kuriose Paukščių Tako srityse žvaigždėdaros rajonai nukrypsta nuo Galaktikos plokštumos. Viename iš tokių rajonų Cefėjo žvaigždyno kryptimi dalis tarpžvaigždinių debesų ir žvaigždėdaros rajonų yra nukrypę nuo Galaktikos plokštumos link šiaurinio dangaus poliaus ir sudaro Paukščių Tako atšaką, literatūroje žinomą kaip Cepheus Flare. Dauguma šioje disertacijoje tyrinėjamų objektų priklauso šiai Cefėjo atšakai.
Šio darbo tikslas yra Cefėjo žvaigždėdaros rajonų, žinomų kaip atspindžio ūkas NGC 7023, tamsiųjų debesų kompleksas TGU 619 ir jaunas spiečius NGC 7129 fotometrinis tyrimas, siekiant nustatyti šių objektų nuotolį ir tarpžvaigždinę ekstinkciją, jauno spiečiaus NGC 7129 ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The interstellar matter in the Galaxy is concentrated in a thin layer close to the galactic plane, mostly in spiral arms. Most of the interstellar matter is in a form of atomic and molecular gas and only 1% of its mass is in a form of small (0.01 – 0.1 µm) dust grains which absorb and scatter the light of stars and cause the interstellar extinction. A part of interstellar gas and dust are in a diffuse form and fill the space with density which exponentially decreases with the distance from the galactic plane. However, in the spiral arms gigantic molecular clouds are present which play an outstanding role in the evolution of the Galaxy, since in them star forming processes take place. Molecular and dust clouds, young star clusters and associations and other star forming regions are concentrated in the Milky Way plane.
However, due to gravitational and radiation interactions between the molecular clouds and the young massive stars, some fragments of spiral arms deviate from the galactic plane. One of such deviating branches from the Local (Orion) spiral arm is a huge elongated system of molecular and dust clouds located in the Cepheus constellation which is known as the Cepheus Flare. Most of the objects investigated in this dissertation belong to this branch of the Local spiral arm.
The objects selected for the investigation are star forming regions in the vicinity of the reflection nebula NGC 7023, a group of dark clouds TGU 619, the young open cluster NGC 7129 and the... [to full text]
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NiTi is the most commonly used shape memory alloy (SMA) and has been widely used for bio-medical, electrical and mechanical applications. Nickel rich NiTi shape memory alloys are coming into prominence due to their distinct superelasticity and shape memory properties as compared to near equi-atomic NiTi shape memory alloys. Besides, their lower density and higher work output than steels makes these alloys an excellent candidate for aerospace and automotive industry. Shape memory properties and phase transformation behavior of high Ni-rich Ni54Ti46 (at.%) polycrystals and Ni-rich Ni51Ti49 (at.%) single-crystals are determined. Their properties are sensitive to heat treatments that affect the phase transformation behavior of these alloys.
Phase transformation properties and microstructure were investigated in aged Ni54Ti46 alloys with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to reveal the precipitation characteristics and R-phase formation. It was found that Ni54Ti46 has the ability to exhibit perfect superelasticity under high stress levels (~2 GPa) with 4% total strain after 550°C-3h aging. Stress independent R-phase transformation was found to be responsible for the change in shape memory behavior with stress.
The shape memory responses of [001], [011] and [111] oriented Ni51Ti49 single-crystals alloy were reported under compression to reveal the orientation dependence of their shape memory behavior. It has been found that transformation strain, temperatures and hysteresis, Classius-Clapeyron slopes, critical stress for plastic deformation are highly orientation dependent.
The effects of precipitation formation and compressive loading at selected temperatures on the two-way shape memory effect (TWSME) properties of a [111]-oriented Ni51Ti49 shape memory alloy were revealed. Additionally, aligned Ni4Ti3 precipitates were formed in a single crystal of Ni51Ti49 alloy by aging under applied compression stress along the [111] direction. Formation of a single family of Ni4Ti3 precipitates were exhibited significant TWSME without any training or deformation. When the homogenized and aged specimens were loaded in martensite, positive TWSME was observed. After loading at high temperature in austenite, the homogenized specimen did not show TWSME while the aged specimen revealed negative TWSME.
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Expectations on the use of Facebook for employee engagement / Annerie ReynekeReyneke, Annerie January 2013 (has links)
In order to engage employees effectively, organisations need to practice two-way
communication within a symmetrical worldview. This will encourage employees to feel valued,
to participate in decision-making and contribute to obtaining organisational goals. Practising
two-way communication will help to build stronger relationships between employees and
managers, leading to increased employee engagement. Thus, the better the communication
between managers and employees, the more engaged employees will be. Furthermore, the
selection of communication channels can impact on the success of the message that is sent.
Research has shown that if the inappropriate communication channel is selected when
communicating with employees, the message might not be effectively received and
understood. New technology, specifically Facebook can be introduced to provide an open and
transparent channel for communication. Facebook can also facilitate two-way communication,
which can lead to increased employee engagement.
The literature study conducted informed the interview schedules that were developed and used
to conduct semi-structured interviews with managers and focus group interviews with
employees within two organisations in the South African financial sector. This was done in
order to understand their expectations regarding the use of Facebook as an internal
communication channel to enhance employee engagement.
In terms of the conclusions derived from the empirical research, it seems evident that
Facebook could be used as an additional internal communication channel to enhance
employee engagement. Trust remains a very important factor in that managers should trust
employees to use the channel in an ethical manner and employees should trust the
organisation and its managers that they may voice their opinion freely, without the fear of
victimisation. Facebook can be used to promote engagement on a social level to build
relationships inside the organisation.
However, managers and employees can together create a contract of understanding that will
form the outline for a policy that will govern the use of Facebook. The parties involved can then
negotiate the terms of this contract of understanding to ensure that all expectations regarding
the use Facebook are met. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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Expectations on the use of Facebook for employee engagement / Annerie ReynekeReyneke, Annerie January 2013 (has links)
In order to engage employees effectively, organisations need to practice two-way
communication within a symmetrical worldview. This will encourage employees to feel valued,
to participate in decision-making and contribute to obtaining organisational goals. Practising
two-way communication will help to build stronger relationships between employees and
managers, leading to increased employee engagement. Thus, the better the communication
between managers and employees, the more engaged employees will be. Furthermore, the
selection of communication channels can impact on the success of the message that is sent.
Research has shown that if the inappropriate communication channel is selected when
communicating with employees, the message might not be effectively received and
understood. New technology, specifically Facebook can be introduced to provide an open and
transparent channel for communication. Facebook can also facilitate two-way communication,
which can lead to increased employee engagement.
The literature study conducted informed the interview schedules that were developed and used
to conduct semi-structured interviews with managers and focus group interviews with
employees within two organisations in the South African financial sector. This was done in
order to understand their expectations regarding the use of Facebook as an internal
communication channel to enhance employee engagement.
In terms of the conclusions derived from the empirical research, it seems evident that
Facebook could be used as an additional internal communication channel to enhance
employee engagement. Trust remains a very important factor in that managers should trust
employees to use the channel in an ethical manner and employees should trust the
organisation and its managers that they may voice their opinion freely, without the fear of
victimisation. Facebook can be used to promote engagement on a social level to build
relationships inside the organisation.
However, managers and employees can together create a contract of understanding that will
form the outline for a policy that will govern the use of Facebook. The parties involved can then
negotiate the terms of this contract of understanding to ensure that all expectations regarding
the use Facebook are met. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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On Efficient Polynomial Multiplication and Its Impact on Curve based CryptosystemsAlrefai, Ahmad Salam 05 December 2013 (has links)
Secure communication is critical to many applications. To this end, various security goals can be achieved using elliptic/hyperelliptic curve and pairing based cryptography. Polynomial multiplication is used in the underlying operations of these protocols. Therefore, as part of this thesis different recursive algorithms are studied; these algorithms include Karatsuba, Toom, and Bernstein. In this thesis, we investigate algorithms and implementation techniques to improve the performance of the cryptographic protocols. Common factors present in explicit formulae in elliptic curves operations are utilized such that two multiplications are replaced by a single multiplication in a higher field. Moreover, we utilize the idea based on common factor used in elliptic curves and generate new explicit formulae for hyperelliptic curves and pairing. In the case of hyperelliptic curves, the common factor method is applied to the fastest known even characteristic hyperelliptic curve operations, i.e. divisor addition and divisor doubling. Similarly, in pairing we observe the presence of common factors inside the Miller loop of Eta pairing and the theoretical results show significant improvement when applying the idea based on common factor method. This has a great advantage for applications that require higher speed.
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